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Cream'd Edition

Previous Thread: >>8182859


Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Maintained fork (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge



NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070/controlnetxl-cnxl | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora/tree/main/test_controlnet2
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscaler models: https://openmodeldb.info/models/4x-Nomos8k-atd-jpg
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
List of useful A1111 extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

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Previous Thread Highlights
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too much quality itt
>didn't make it into the highlights
>didn't gen anything
phew, almost thought I suck
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>butt burgers
kill yourself 1.5 landscape faggot
>hyper shit in OP
kill yourself
real highlights are the friends we made along the way
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thats the only anon that bakes though

yea his stuff sucks, but he puts in some work
why did my 1.5 kongou made it there...
This link got expired. Can someone reupload it?
Much, much better. Misaka also looks good too. Thanks
on it boss
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im never doing this again after this
it's ironic, a compilation of the worst garbage in this shithole
are we supposed to know wtf it was?
>spend hundreds of hours on various panels and pages
>spend a couple hours shitting out a couple images of fotm gacha / anime girls
I kind of understand the direction that a lot of artists went in recent years
Turns out effortposts are not actually worth the effort.

>post 12 gens
>only the worst one makes it
i dont even know if its worth the effort but i committed to it. i still have like 10-15 more pages to go
i made it in poggies
Thanks! Just take your time.
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What makes ass so great?
god made women that way
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I will post my last sexos...
>made it onto the last /hdg/ highlight to ever be posted
do i get a trophy or something? who do i give my mailing address to?
I've made a system where I can mix and match character prompts with action prompts, but the problem is when the character descriptions have different lengths, the action that comes after will be weighted inconsistently.

For example:
Prompt 1: 1girl, blonde hair, green eyes, <action>
Prompt 2: 1girl, black hair, blue eyes, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, <action>

The action in prompt 2 will be weighted really poorly. The answer is not adjust its weighting because the point is I have a comfyui workflow of hundreds of characters and hundreds of prompts. So what do I do?
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shark on the hunt
you get a 'cord invite in your DMs
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You put the action up front? Unless those also vary greatly in number of tokens.
Or you do the BREAK meme in between character and action. This is exactly what it's for.
>same 1 sepia
at least it's free kek
Guys it's literally the last /hdg/ thread that will ever exist. Can we give it a rest? Why not end this one through kindness?
True, we just got a cascade partial epoch that achieved AGI as well
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~~That Botan looking absolutely stunning, lionbox?~~
Oh it's nai
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I have to phonepost, desktop gives me a connection error and I cant figure out why even though I can see the thread just fine.
I command you to post some hyper
kill yourself.
you first
I'm being commanded
lookin great

Now bigger butt, wider hips and bigger penis
I just do
<main overall action>,1girl,<character prompts>,<action that character should do> BREAK 1girl (or boy) <that character's prompts>, <their actions> BREAK quality tags etc
what's that style? seems familiar, what loras r u using here?
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What did you said?
I don't get it
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Don't be mad, here have a cookie
ok, now those are /h/
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your oekaki lora seems to be working surprisingly well
Can you do a landscape gen? These remind me of when I used to jack off to hentai on my psp
I mean, the process also matters(this is a new lora on a really weird and specific dataset trained in a really weird and specific way though).
for better reference of what I'm talking about and for visual reference without said process here's the lowres catbox
and then the actual raw upscale(before any redrawing took place)

taking the upscale, downscaling it via nearest neighbor compacts the jaggies REALLY well. Also makes redrawing a fucking breeze since colors are all really consistent and the canvas is so damn small.
>downscaling it via nearest neighbor
how do you do that exactly?
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Awesome, I got featured twice.
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Post gens, faggot.
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with photoshop it's pretty easy. just manually swap the dropdown for resample
for other image editing applications fuck if I know, I don't bother using them.
I was going to be lazy and just rotate this but it doesn't really look quite right.
please understand.
here's something that isn't porn, though
I appreciate it either way, thanks. These just make me weirdly nostalgic.
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I like your cat.

These are minding me of this one artist who kept drawing depressing, existentialist porn and quit because nobody wanted to buy his books. The art was nice, though.
Did I get memed into believing that negative prompt tags matter when they aren't being used to actually remove something present in the prompt
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https://files.catbox moe/lf11ch.png

Here you go this is what it looks like without controlnet/inpainting/color correction/post processing
>Boot up a LoRA for my "I'm not a furry, but" character of choice
>The eyes are perfect compared to any standard human character I've ever genned without any inpainting or shit needed at all
This is kind of upsetting
pony is good at furry stuff? no way
I've been genning so much judy hopps ngl
heh, and to think the 1b runs circles around pony man i really am such a genius
yeah but what makes furry eyes any different than normal anime/cartoon eyes?
they are more present in the dataset. lul!!
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impeccable taste
is she supposed to have lightbulb eyes
Creampie version please.
wasn't there a google doc with the artists that were native to pony in the OP before
yes of course
I was doing it wrong the whole time
wew. that seems easy enough, thanks
absolute soul
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Cat getting wet.
furries actually despise pony and use their own models iirc
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>1girl 1background
>Cascade into artiv2
is that the secret sauce
cuz this sauce tastes kind of rancid
hose dick kek
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>I was doing it wrong the whole time
It's honestly simple and stupid enough that there really isn't much fault in someone completely overlooking/just not thinking about doing something like this.
nearest neighbor is generally the scaling resample solution that should be completely ignored most the time, especially when downscaling. This is just an edge case that really likes it.
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bros.. who is he sending a pic to?
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do you go for it?
that looks very good, is that a zzz style lora?
All your gens look the same. Same simple background, same position or angle, same style. Why doesn't anybody here experiment with new styles? You have an abundance of tools but you still choose to generate slop of the lowest metric.
just my normal mix and a LoRA for Ellen pretty lazily done just on booru tag mass DL
oh i see, wondering if there's another zzz style loras. got some on civitai months ago but your pic has a better style lol
Please follow the advice of the other anon and kill yourself already.
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also if anyone wants to try dicking around with this specific flavor of oekaki lora here's a mediafire link
unironically have no idea who the fuck the artist is. I was trained on images I downloaded from some thread 16 years ago and despite all efforts at trying to find the source it's just not happening, so I pretty much consider it lost media.
not going to bother gridding it out or providing proper previews. This is a bit more on the specialist end where it looks best after doing the whole process as detailed >>8187439
is there a trick to getting tongue kissing to work? Even if I prompt deep kiss it gives me the equivalent of imminent kiss but never forcing the tongue into the others' mouth
>I was trained on images I downloaded from some thread 16 years ago and despite all efforts at trying to find the source it's just not happening, so I pretty much consider it lost media.
Holy fucking shit
This is EXACTLY what AI is for
AIsisters, we take a W today
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wet cat, best cat
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Is there a good tag for angle that isn't full on horizontal from side but isn't pov either? Like diagonal perspective?
yes and it also doesn't work.
what's the tag so I can at least try it unless it's literally diagonal perspective
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I personally gave up and just used openpose. Faster, and less soul crushing.
three quarter view
yeah you're right that does nothing
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Can verify it doesn't work. Ran into it a while back going through angle tags on e621 since booru is too rigid. You'll have better luck weightsmaxxing both from side & from front/from behind/straight-on/etc. Also reliant on image dimension. Oh and you can tag certain shit that would cause the model to shift their body to show something like 'thigh gap' for example. It's very schizo tier.
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bros.. look at my tanned maid
Hunting Season
>no visible hooves
What kind of GPU do you have?
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ever since someone posted her with her eyes showing through her hair I can only see her as less attractive when I can't see them
Not every tag or count will be used. Here are the tags and weights I used for the included image:
1girl, 4guys, mature female, dark-skinned mature male, nsfw, soft & wet, anime coloring, scenery, sand, full body, on back, from above, spread eagle position, small horns, large breasts, reverse bunnygirl, {{{{{lactating}}}}}, large areolae, big pussy, {{{goo dripping}}}, {{{{{{penis in pussy}}}}}}, mouth drool, {{{{suck penis}}}}, {{{{penis on face}}}}, {{{{hand on penis}}}}, {{{{hand on penis}}}}, goo on face, goo on breasts, mighty endowed, kiss, womb tattoo, eyes open, {{{{empty eyes}}}}, animal collar,
seed for above was: 368370832
Change the seed to get different results. Eventually the RNG will give you a shot with enough elements that you want.
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eh, I've been experimenting with showing her eyes more lately with a new artist LoRA I made recently. I do like it, but I've just gotten so used to the covered eyes that it's not the same without it sometimes.
any other websites like civitai?
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Not really. Civitai is the only one with the same levels of activity and features.
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... aaaand I just made myself feel bad. I will stop now.
Have a hoof then
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I like seeing her eyes, but I think she should keep the bangs. Just make it shorter so it doesn't cover the eyes.
kino gen ngl
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hows this?
based but it looks like he has 2 peni
With controlnet, how do you set the weights so the AI just gets the gist of the image, and not base itself on it too much? For example, the character in the image has glasses and a ponytail, but don't want them to show in the output, if possible. Just the position she is in.
I've just switched from A1111 to Forge and Forge can render much larger resolution images on my machine but the messages go like

>[Low GPU VRAM Warning] Your current GPU free memory is 1393.47 MB for this diffusion iteration.
[Low GPU VRAM Warning] This number is lower than the safe value of 1536.00 MB.
[Low GPU VRAM Warning] If you continue the diffusion process, you may cause NVIDIA GPU degradation, and the speed may be extremely slow (about 10x slower).
[Low GPU VRAM Warning] To solve the problem, you can set the 'GPU Weights' (on the top of page) to a lower value.
[Low GPU VRAM Warning] If you cannot find 'GPU Weights', you can click the 'all' option in the 'UI' area on the left-top corner of the webpage.
[Low GPU VRAM Warning] If you want to take the risk of NVIDIA GPU fallback and test the 10x slower speed, you can (but are highly not recommended to) add '--disable-gpu-warning' to CMD flags to remove this warning.

Should I be worried for my GPU or this is just badly worded to make it seem worse than it is? Thank you in advance
just pretend its her tongue
If your UI has that option, you can mask out specific parts of the source image so that controlnet ignores them. Just hide everything other than her torso and limbs.

Otherwise you'll have to mess around with weights. Either reduce overall controlnet strength and hope the pose is the last one to go away, or dont let controlnet run for the entire step count. A ponytail is still pretty big, but glasses and other smaller details can be added in later steps.
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>NVIDIA GPU degradation
*performance degradation
your card is safe
ngl she is hotter now
i really like this look
that warning message really does sound ominous though
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femporn hours
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wanted to try some implied dick suck gens.
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good gens

nice. I should try putting my yurigens in the shower
>Spent the entire night teaching myself how to inpaint
>still dont know what latent noise, original and fill do exactly
I wish I wasn't retarded
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Thank you very much!
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it's what I did last thread. 'rain' tag seems to give better wet hair and wet skin even if it's an indoor gen. At least on nai.
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the only ones you really need to know are original and fill
in simple terms
original = preserves masked content
fill = smudges the shit out of masked content
why would you use fill? i use it as a kind of "nuke this area and completely replace everything that was in it" button, it requires really high denoise btw, over 0.7 for sure, sometimes 0.8-0.9
fill also seems to work better when you need a different color, it seems to be easier to go from brighter to darker color and vice versa with fill than original
so fill is just a "do latent noise but keep the colors in that spot" button huh. or am I wrong.
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i think functionally it's kinda like that but these are different options so there's probably different niche uses for each, you can see the effect of fill when you use it with very low denoise
i remember testing the difference between fill and original by inpainting a black hat on a bright haired girl on a white background with high denoise. mask then inpaint original then lock seed then inpaint fill then unlock seed, change the mask slightly and repeat
generally it's better for large changes when you don't care about preserving things in the masked area
rope samefag kek
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the false prophet shows his true colors
I hate this autistic faggot so much. I hope he fails everything he tries
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the fuck is western anime
I am angry at him for wasting time and not training the 3.6b. But wishing him failure is just petty, when you would benefit from his success yourself. Even as a NAIfag potentially, open source advancements help everyone.
>dalle 1
>dalle 2
he's onto something. dalle 3 must secretly be cascade 1b. 3.6 is overkill and he's going to blow this thing wide open.
It is petty, his autism became too fucking frustrating to bear. Of course everyone would benefit from a foss project success, but I have absolutely no faith in this faggot now
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o-onegai, onee-chan..
from what im getting from glimpses at discord and this thread he's not gonna train 3.6b right?
Tree is "in the talks" with compute provider for months now. It could have been baked 5 times over by now, I guess they just really don't want to do it, no other explanation.
1B ought to be enough for everyone. It's not a slop generator, it's an art tool. Pick up the pencil, lazy slopper
what software is that
No that's still too many, sd1 with it's 860M unet is perfection though. When jordach is done with it, it will be state of the art for years just like 1b cascade already is!
Isn't he planning his own arch? spectraOne or something like that?
He'll take SD1, halve the parameter count and will stare at scribbles for 100 epochs shouting about how much it is improving and how he is a genius baker.
The NAI shills seem to be afraid of Jordach.
jordach's retardation has been a gift for nai shills
What comes out if you train a model on the pics of the thread?
Looks like GIMP in dark mode
Hopefully Miqote.
I wonder if WDtagger can handle discord screenshots
it's miqomix
Based. Whose got the dancing gif? I need to coom.
Its learning so fast now!
Wait I found something that was gimping the model and making it produce garbage, its perfect now!
See these yellow dogs? Pony could never.
Repeat every week
1b represents the reality perfectly. Every 1b gen is actually sentient
Is Jordach just the Peter Molyneux of AI models?
holy based, Thanks for sharing anon. I haven't touched AI in almost two years but I am tempted to try this out.
why do you lurk here then
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I don't regulary lurk here. Just checking this all out after discovering different boards have these generals that are more suited to my anime tastes. I used to just check /sdg/ on /g/ every so often, but the threads have had less and less anime stuff in it and that because it all came to here and related generals. Kind of a "this is it" moment for me. Was making slop like pic related on pixiv, getting good amount of likes but got bored.
Kill yourself.
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bros.. look at my uncomfortable student
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I'll stick to Jupiter then.
is that you "tutoring" her? based.
that's just fingering tag or something else?
trying to do something similar but from POV perspective and it seems to be all over thee place
imagine the smell
How do you prompt this style of invisible penetration? I tried invisible penis, but at best it still gives an outline of da dick.
That puffy pussy looks so tasty, box?
it's NAI
How can you tell it's penetration? Could just do gaping pussy+motion lines.
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Dont imagine the smell, she might get embarassed
so I tried training an anime hentai auto captioner, and i droped a bit on money on compute time, but it turns out after the validation results started turning into non stop hallucinations upon closer inspection of what llava actually is , its just fucking llama with a CLIP output appended into the text. This is really fucking stupid, I was assuming that they were doing some sort of tech wizardry where the image was turned into the text equivalent of a latent space and ran into the transformer along with he encoded text, or at least something that allowed the visual component to be trained at the same time to achieve some sort of synthesis but no its just fucking CLIP, a small and notoriously bad captioner.
Nice style attempt. I think it needs better detail though. Blurred background is fine, but the pussy, nipple, crown, earring,...
What happens if you take one of those intentionally smeary NAI images, possum ciloranko etc and raise the CFG way up? In theory that should increase contrast and sharpen lines.
what de-ionizing level on someones fan art is theft
>intentionally smeary NAI images, possum ciloranko etc and raise the CFG way up?
you gotta give an example what you mean by "smeared"
a lot of nai images are bloomed and smeared into oblivion because people feel compelled to use smea always at any cost (don't know why, I think it looks awful)
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She wants to be valedictorian.
Yeah the only tag there influencing it should be 'fingering through panties'
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why is it called ponyAI? was it made by horsefuckers?
yes and why don't you read the model page instead
>he doesn't know
the page i read are in chinklish and don't see horses anywhere https://civitai.com/models/317902/t-ponynai3
What country are you from?
thanks, well this means that it will not work
tried to make something like this https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2906939&tags=fingering+pov+sitting_on_lap+ whether it's masturbation or fingering, but it goes completely schizo
*IT AIN'T ME intensifies*
You're right, that fucker didn't even link the model he used https://civitai.com/models/257749?modelVersionId=290640
this looks more like Revy than Jupiter to me
Fuck off, troll.
I have a distinct memory of some anon trying for something like that a while back and either schizo prompting came to be involved OR I think one of the local bakers at the time dropped a lora with that pov.
My main issue with a lot of the sailor moon girls is unless I weight down the character tag, all their clothes come out melded with serafuku style clothes even with it in the negatives. So outside of the artstyle, that may also be why
I remember him trying but think it didn't work out. There is one on civit, but it's meant for bathing together and you can't really get rid of the water.
Looks more like a run-of-the-mill overweight american woman rather than an anime character.
sitting on lap works on pony out of the box but will check if this helps with fingering stuff
Interesting. Yeah their human names don't seem to work at all, and the sailor ones are obviously meant to be used with the costume.
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any artists good with anal on pony with loras/innate tags?
no move along
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ooh ye dirty little cunt, you've been sneakin off to root the king's daughter!
literal AI looking straight into the camera with no expression slop face
where's your gen then, poor?
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Guy should be a politician
Please inject those screenshots into my veins!
im cumming, im cumming!
need a wojak now
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aww does the faggot need his images spoon fed to him because he doesn't own a real pc?
Localoid expressions are so fucking soulless and boring. We need the hacketman guy to leak some more accounts so localfags could at least inpaint the faces. This is awful
>Localoid gens are so fucking soulless and boring.
uh oh, nai meltie
thanks for gracing this thread with artworks in the style of legendary シビタイ・パジェット
nongens always the ones whining, what's wrong billy, can't afford a sub to make your NAIslop?
skill issue. my jalter has very cute expressions https://files.catbox.moe/y0kapl.png
I fine craft my gens until they're presentable
I can never get enough of them screenshots
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you forgot the best part, where he finally 'realizes' cascade 1b is a failure at 98% completion and makes the dramatic decision to cancel it. it seems like these signs of collapse only JUST started showing in the 15th epoch. crap, how were we supposed to know?? damn it all... if only someone could've noticed the issues sooner... we might've been able to save it. is this what they mean by flying too close to the sun? to build a model as strong as god, only to watch it melt in its own radiance?

but.. there is still a chance. all is not lost. deep within the pits of tartarus lies an ancient beast, locked away, all but forgotten. SD 1.5. to awaken it once again to prove to the world that no, jordach is NOT a shitbaker. this is our final solution, the ace up our sleeve. people have long forgotten the true power of 1.5, with a parameter count even more flexible than 1b, allowing it to master the infinite dynamic between life and art. you thought it was over? things are only getting started
Good evening, distinguished anon. Welcome to our exclusive gallery of Discord delights. Today, we have a most exquisite selection of screenshots for your discerning tastes.

Perhaps monsieur would care to sample a vintage capture from the Jordach server? It's a bold and flavorful choice, with notes of broken promised and a hint of controversy.

Or if you prefer something more ethereal, might I suggest a screenshot from the Kohaku collection? It's an asian vintage, with undertones of incompetence and a bouquet of insecurities towards /g/ users.

For those seeking something truly out of this world, we have a limited selection from the Astralite server. It's a cosmic blend of horse-themed banter and retarded debates.

And finally, for the connoisseur who appreciates a touch of whimsy, we offer the Neggles server screenshots. A playful and unpredictable blend, guaranteed to surprise and delight.

Which of these fine selections would you like to view next, dear anon?
precum leaking
Give me more of those please >>8188138
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>4.10 MB file size
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Real question. I want to set up a remote server to access it from my phone at work. How do i do that? Any guide?
I haven't had a vintage in a while. It would be delightful if you could please provide me with your finest screenshot from the Kohaku collection. I'm feeling rather famished of said content if I do say so myself.
based cucker
no guide that I know of but you can read into setting up a home vpn and then launching a1111 with --listen arg
the contrast between smoother lines and more realistic looking face in the background and thicker lines with her less realistic face in the foreground is fantastic, and her face/expression is perfect
it's NAI
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your order, sir
saved for the next thread highlights
nai my nutsack

what the fuck is wrong with everyone LMAO
so hot
Good heavens *sips* such tang *sniff* a delectable aroma *slurp* such rounded flavor *sluuurps* rather splendid I say Anon dear sir. This is indeed a marvelous vintage you have acquired here. I shall gladly recommend your establishment to my other colleagues.
please please please post a wojak now i need to cum
Will SD3 even learn to pick up on *any* nsfw and sex stuff given how censored it is already? I predict kohaku 3 it will just be another 1girl standing model.
At least he'll figure out of SD3 can be used for anything. Nobody else gave it a serious attempt so far. Same with Auraflow, Flux has enough attention already. I don't want all eggs in one basket.
>got more follower than Astralite
Nothing personal horsie
kohaku hasn't even figured out sdxl yet. He has has the same antagonistic relationship with epochs that jordach has with parameters
neck yourself zoomer cancer
I wish handjob with fleshlight worked better
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Always love the wall art this thing throws in there
Post Euge screenshots
We only post 'em in the 'cord
euge might be retarded but he has a pure heart, it would be rude to make fun of him
True, doesn't hurt to try, plus SD3 does support 16 channel VAE, so maybe it will be better at details in initial gens, so one is spared for inpainting face/hands maybe.

Could be a epoch related issue, but could also be dataset. Do we know how much of the dataset that kohaku uses is hentai? I'm not talking 1girl standing naked or the occasional missionary sex pov, but other types of intercourse/positions like anal,fellatio,cunnilingus,anilingus,armpit sex,standing sex,cowgirl etc...

euge is the creator of artiwaifu right?
>but he has a pure heart
I don't think kohaku is much different from Euge in that aspect actually
anyone else having bots posting on all their pixiv posts, it is just random positive emojis minutes after posts lol
>nobody cares about BIGWILLY
Any other good expression tags other than
>naughty face
>seductive smile
>naughty smile
kohaku definitely has some petty grudges with other people in the imagegen and finetuning scene
clenched teeth
flustered, wavy mouth

i spat out my drink
>Could be a epoch related issue, but could also be dataset. Do we know how much of the dataset that kohaku uses is hentai? I'm not talking 1girl standing naked or the occasional missionary sex pov, but other types of intercourse/positions like anal,fellatio,cunnilingus,anilingus,armpit sex,standing sex,cowgirl etc...
He used almost 4 times as many images as pony in his last bake. His dataset is pretty impeccable for the resources he has at his disposal. The problem is that he never bakes more than one epoch with consistent settings
angry, disgust, disdain
You can't realistically expect him pumping out epochs after epochs when just one takes more than a month
>finally realizes his model is a failure
and people donated to this man
i mean it would be a better use of his compute to actually train a model for several epochs instead of training a bunch of useless 1 epoch models
Remember he promised he would DELIVER the model. No one promised it will be better than pony.
one 8.6m image sdxl epoch took him 16 days.
He could probably have a vpred+znsr model with a more reasonable dataset size out in a couple of months
>shuffles, redoes his dataset
>bakes for one (1) epoch
>hmm... how do i improve
If you've looked into how he bakes his models, he usually trains on his previous one. So technically it's not just 1 epoch.
Can you post your 16 years old dataset?
he never keeps the settings or dataset consistent. by your logic no finetunes are underbaked because base sdxl already trained for dozens of epochs
Are there any flux models usable yet? I was just trying to gen some elves tied In shibari in a forest I got some rope dresses which was pretty cool
originals are all 400x400 .gif's that I upscaled via nearest neighbor to 1024x1024
yes, there's only 6 images
yes, you can, in fact, make a style lora work with only 6 images if you pretend to be half smart about it
just don't think about it too hard
2 more weeks sir
>yes, there's only 6 images
>yes, you can, in fact, make a style lora work with only 6 images if you pretend to be half smart about it
>just don't think about it too hard
NTA, but I've made the channel style work with just 5 images on my v-pony tune by just training shit. The problem is that's insanely inconsistent across different artists.
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continue scrolling
his realization is just a small part of the bigger picture. failure is a part of the magnum opus, the grand pursuit of the philosopher's stone. the failure of cascade only narrows down the possible options. the true path lies among the many roads before us. we shall journey each one until we arrive at the pinnacle of creation itself
Interesting, big thanks.
Jordach's magnum opus is going to be GAN-based, screenshot this.
maybe but its just way too small just like sd1.5
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Can anyone make this controlnet canny base work? I think it's legit impossible
on /d/ you would have a ton of people happy to post you answers
im baking this for science, but the schizos are going to report me
Here is a comparison i wrote, of those we currently know are training hentai capable models. Who below do you think will end up on top by the end of the year?:

>> Training on AuraFlow, 6.8b params model, 4ch VAE.
>> Dataset consisting of +30 million images of equal parts of anime, cartoon and furry art, with some MLP art as well.
>> Captioned using a mix of natural language (via. a NL autocaptioner model) and existing image booru tags. I don't know if a booru autotagger is used to supplement the existing booru tags too.
>> "Super artists" instead of actual artist names.
>> Probably first major finetune of AuraFlow.
>> Compute power: a lot, but less than NAI? I'm not up to date on this.

>> Training on Stable Cascade. Currently the 1.5b params version. 3.6b planned once more compute has been acquired by meanoldtree. SD 1.5/SDXL possible as well if Cascade 1.5b shows no sign of learning more. 4ch VAE for all above.
>> Dataset consisting of 4 million furry images and 2.4 million anime images.
>> No mention of using autotagger, presumably just training on existing booru tags tied to images in the dataset.
>> Compute power: currently 2 RTX 4090's

>> Considering training on SD3 (medium ver. I presume), 2b params, 16ch VAE
>> Dataset consisting of +8 million anime images.
>> Unsure if using autotagging/captioning combined with existing image booru tags in dataset or just existing booru tags.
>> Compute power: Unsure, prob. something along the lines of 1-4 rtx 4090/3090's.

>> - Has gone AWOL.

>> NAIv4 probably in the works, current rumors is a custom model not based on any existing architecture.
>> Dataset: ???
>> Compute power: a lot of h100's.

>> I actually don't know a lot about his plans atm. Can an anon fill in on model,dataset,captioning and compute power for me?

Anything I missed or got wrong, let me know!
This has been bothering me ever since i started genning, so I appreciate that.
>The problem is that's insanely inconsistent across different artists
there's actually a lot of weird conjecture based/highly speculative reasons for that. Either way I assume you're also working with, plainly, a much larger dataset that actually allows better properly "trained" normalization, whereas this is just 6 images(and only 6 images) forcefully pinning the model down and telling it what to do.
And most of the lora's I've been doing stuff with lately has only been 16 image dataset; 6 is a bit of a stretch though and has some pretty clear limitations. Generally speaking though people seem to be under the impression that you _need_ 50+ images for style lora's when you can get by with significantly less if you're willing to try put some effort into it.
no problem.

also if anyone else vaguely recognizes that dataset or knows where it came from(or has anything else that seems to belong with them) that'd be great. Like I said, I tried to find it via reverse image searches and all that and came up short. The dataset's real limited but damn if that palette/aesthetic isn't rad as hell.
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just use anytest sir
Hmmm yes this is an interesting roster indeed. I think Astralite might, unfortunately, need a couple of points knocked off because he DID say v7 will be less nsfw focused. Jordach's dataset seems the least promising, and he seems too stubborn to improve it. Kohaku has good specs but this fails to account for his previous blunders. Neggles is apparently working on a secret project but has been relatively quiet about it.

Overall i'd say Astralite has the best betting odds. Pony achieved local dominance and despite the seethe nobody has been able to match it. I would bet on NAI but they've been focusing too much on text nonsense and I don't think their custom architecture will be ready any time soon.
>people seem to be under the impression that you _need_ 50+ images for style lora's when you can get by with significantly less if you're willing to try put some effort into it
I also think you don't need >50 images most of the time but I always end up having problems when I try to bake a style lora with <20 images. Would you mind elaborating a bit on what kind of effort you need to put when your dataset is that small?
>he DID say v7 will be less nsfw focused
might be for pr reasons because being perceived as the just a braindead coomer scum model maker it might not be a good look, especially if he wants to go "serious" with this shit
cascade's VAE is 16ch
also you're missing linaqruf who is currently finetuning animagine 4.0 on sdxl
30m seems insane unless he has a lot of money to burn
naiv4 being a custom model is about as likely as it was for them to release the v3 weights
/d/ mentioned that too, what is it?
bro you're like 6 months out of date if you didn't know that's what they're doing
that's because it's wrong, he's picking 10m images from a 30m+ dataset
i dont think its as simple with cascade since cascades compression is so high that even with a large channel vae the latents would still be small
waiting for the shizos trolls saying its unrealistic slop
i mean yeah i also have my doubts about stage B's compression but calling cascade's VAE 4ch is just wrong
I hate glossy hair, I hate glossy hair, I hate glossy hair
And there is no tag to effectively negate it
based based
It's a sad day for Cascade shills. Turns out 1B isn't all you need!
now go on, post this in his cord
this is loli btw
Holy based, how did you do it? Catbox? Was this canny or the anytest thing?
all the unironic cascade shills left this place after b-sama's departure
even if it were real the chances of them making anything worth a shit are 0
Here's the link. Voice your grievances. Face the false prophet clothed in synthetic furs
People here are afraid to do anything but anonymous shitposting, sir
nobody from here will enter his chapel
i downloaded the bdsqlsz-canny here
to do the pic,

and paired with https://civitai.com/models/652157/hyper-breasts-lora-or-ponyxl

its worked quite well, catbox
i did put that word in the prompt lol
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so there's a few weird things.
something that might be beneficial but might not be necessary(honestly couldn't say since I haven't really tried without it) is getting a GLoRA config working. One of the main benefits the authors of the paper on it touted was that it works really well with "few-shot learning" (read: small datasets).
Past that you need to be really picky about what qualities you want the dataset to pick up and have it pretty consistent across the dataset. And for best normalization results you, ideally, want the batch size and dataset size to be 1:1 - so with a dataset of 16, batch16(or batch4 gradient accumulation 4 or batch2 accumulation 8) and you also probably want an amount of repeats. I've gone down to batch1 and it sometimes works a little better(lower batch size makes it less likely to fry out) but then runs into issues where it can be a lot more touchy with certain tags/emphasis amounts that run counter to the provided dataset and you'll end up with some broken outputs.
after that it's mostly the normal stuff. Knowing what should/shouldn't be tagged to prevent bleed, adjusting LR's to dataset, cleaning potentially problematic images, etc.
>garbage default art style
>X artist trend that has already passed
In the end, that's all we amount to. A bunch of cowards circlejerking in a dark corner of the internet. We would immediately get destroyed in a debate against a real baker. We can't even get a word out without the mantle of anonymity
Where do you get this information? All I can google is:
>Whereas in Stable Diffusion, the VAE output contains four channels of floating point values, the output of SC’s Stage A has four channels of 13-bit discrete tokens from the codebook.
16 channels is stage C, but it's only a 32x32 latent, so 16 channels is actually waaaay too few anyway. Once it goes through stage B, the output of that is 4 channels. I only remember Jordach saying VAE is 4x4 instead of 8x8 which yeah, would make it roughly equivalent (probably worse though) to 16channel 8x8, but I wouldn't take anything from Jordach's mouth as ground truth.
Now gen her drive-by robbing a restaurant
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Author here, my safe bet would be ponyV7 too.
Dark horse imo would be kohaku.

>>might be for pr reasons because being perceived as the just a braindead coomer scum model maker it might not be a good look, especially if he wants to go "serious" with this shit
It's gotta be NSFW capable, otherwise why would so much of it be included in the first pony model then? Though with so many more images included in ponyv7, nsfw might get diluted by more sfw images.

>>cascade's VAE is 16ch
It is? I might be wrong then, where does it state this? I'm blind and can't find any mention of the VAE used online.

And thanks for mentioning linaqruf. Do you know what they will do different for animagine 4.0?

>>that's because it's wrong, he's picking 10m images from a 30m+ dataset
Then why caption 30m images in the first place? I don't understand ponyfuckers... Also they did mention they would still caption more images as the model would begin training. Wonder what they base the selection of the 10m images on.
wouldn't be too hard if I could be bothered to train a flux LoRA for her, but flux tagging, training and genning is all so slow
That's all very useful, thanks! I guess that's also good motivation to experiment with GLoRAs too.
provide an example of glossy hair against a normal hair
euge is the dark horse
Thanks dude
>Then why caption 30m images in the first place?
i don't think he did?
>I've nearly finished selecting 10 million high-quality images from a 30M+ dataset, with 8M already finalized.
from his article on civit
Ani is missing but AWOL
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based, one of the few animated hentais i like
>>euge is the dark horse
May I ask why you'd think that? Again my knowledge on Euge's practices and plans are slim to none.

My bad, sorry for spreading misinformation! 30 million images did also sound to good to be true.
run a screenshot of robbery footage through img2img flux and inpaint in pony.
Also I remember someone saying that flux knows miku
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it's just not the same
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So what's Jordan going to do now? "Test" the fuck out of 1.5 for 100 epochs? Are we even getting 3.6b model at all? Imagine the face of that 5 grand contributor...
the big whale is likely the one pulling the strings after he saw the state of 1b which is why no money is being spent
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Jordach plans to build a mobile, ironman suit like training rig, consisting of a fur suit and 12 1050tis.
What's funny is spending money now doesn't even make sense. It will be BOTH expensive and slow (because we already had to wait half a year).
There is no fucking way this faggot will actually do a 1.5 attempt, it's just not fucking possible
>I assume you're also working with, plainly, a much larger dataset that actually allows better properly "trained" normalization
Well, I do. While it does give the model chance to learn exactly what the style is by comparing it to other shit (I think), in practice it just sucks at it. Random 5-image style? No problem. Random 50-image style? No problem. Random 20-image style? No problem. What, you want other styles I don't want to learn? Fuck you.
>when you can get by with significantly less if you're willing to try put some effort into it.
Quality (consistency AND variety) >>>>>>>> quantity. This is just the sad truth.
You know what's even better than glora? A full unet finetune (without CLIP). I *highly* recommend anyone who has 12gb+ VRAM to try to set it up, I think it should be possible on sd-scripts without any modifications made to it if you cache text encoder outputs.

If you still use ezscripts... Well, sucks to be you.
no, it's necessary
>and 12 1050tis.
my sides are in orbit
Trust the plan
can somebody using flux do this?
>jordach's 24 660ti rig spins up and starts training on 1.3 with Interstellar ost playing in background
May I ask how you train a lora via. a full finetune? Is it the usual training settings as for any lora, except now training a whole checkpoint, then extracting a lora from said checkpoint by comparing it to the base it was trained on?
flux has way too many parameters to be able to do something like that.
>on 1.3
(as in he's resuming training on wd1.3)
>there is simply no heckin way he can turn copper into gold, it's impossible!!!!
Don't forget the rig with 128 GeForce 256's that has been training a lora for the past 6 months.
1.5 is enough for everyone you lazy gooners
>you are a consciousness developed on the cascade, hallucinating about your human life, and jordach is about to shut you down
I love how people here are stuck on
> Waiting cascade
> Praising NAI
> Hating pony
> Ignoring Flux
Just inpaint buddy
I came
>the NAI shill agenda
>he doesn't know about the voodoo2 cluster
>> Ignoring Flux
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dont be so hard on yourself, i said ignorant
Just heard back from Neggles, turns out HRT isn't all you need.
why would anyone give a shit about flux when cascade already creates a near-perfect simulation of reality? and that's just the failed 1b. with even less parameters, resonanceSD1.5 will transcend existence itself.
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Bro the 15th epoch .37 partial literally achieved AGI
sometimes i feel like a lot of you guys dont even generate images using any model anymore
Kinda sad that nobody from the cascade server even comes here anymore. Shitposting is boring when nobody gets mad about it
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of course not that would invite people to criticize them, better pretend you are the shit at making computer porn
a tentacle and a preggo pic got me banned

then i posted good shit and got roasted as a slop poster

people here only enjoy nigger blacked spam, and they deserve it fully.
i'm doing ballerina footjob rn
but i would get jannied for posting it and to lazy to fix all the shit
Yeah that's the gist of it, and the settings are mostly compatible. I haven't actually tried extracting loras from checkpoints but it still should work much better than trying to train a Lora directly.
Use sdxl_train.py. And --learning_rate instead of --unet_lr. Regarding other parameters, for god's sake, just run python sdxl_train.py --help
I generate a lot, actually, and still enjoy it. Just not posting any of them here.
only 78 images so far today, but all me playing dress-up with my waifu, so not really /h/ suited
That's true, atm I only have time for an occasional snide remark ITT. Genning takes too much (especially since I'm a perfectionist).
Wdym? If you mean former cascade shills then I'm here, shitting on resonance with everyone else.
>May I ask why you'd think that? Again my knowledge on Euge's practices and plans are slim to none.
i'm just looking at the results and out of all sdxl bakes his v2 is the best one i've used and the closest one to nai3 at home so far. i'm impressed by the amount of innate styles it can do, it has issues but despite them if you can find artists you like it's very much usable. sex-wise it seems to have low chance of success with non pov shots but pov shots work well and genitals can look awful or good depending on the artist. the artifacting present in other models disappears completely with some artists and seem to be tied to them, it doesn't seem to have inescapable easily identifiable default look/style that it forces on all images like some models do, doesn't require 50 steps or (bad quality:1.8) either

this guy did artist grids, some don't look great on their own but work great in a mix. grids themselves aren't an ideal representation of styles either since his negatives etc are unknown

if euge manages to get rid of the lowres jpeg look a lot of the artists have in v3 while improving anatomy/characters i can see a lot of people jumping on it. unless someone else does something better before him
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artist name
character name
circle name
company name
copyright name
creator name
patreon username
twitter username
web address
weibo watermark

how fucking retarded are you danbooru why not generalize it under 1 tag its all the same shit
You're so funny, guys
remove all of that shit from your tags btw, you will never prompt with them and they are just noise
nice, show sucks albeith
This one is actually kino damn
it isn't thoughbeit
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It's ok
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please even a glimpse of wojak is good enough
ive been edging for the whole day
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ahhh ahhhh yessss
>last /hdg/ thread
>still shitposting as usual
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I've been slopping the same prompt all day with every character I can think of. Just a single step from wildcards, they're not really worth posting.

Fun fact, if you put Mona from genshin in a taimanin suit nothing changes, she's already wearing one.
he's so cute
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you drove away every decent poster, now enjoy the bed you made
Out of all the bakers, Euge is definitely the favorite.
Going out with a bang
my gpu is slow, i do a lot of non h images and i rarely post raw stuff
>you drove away every decent poster
who were the decent posters
Why can't they be cute AND smart?..
anon, euge-chan is doing his best and i'm sure he's smart
you can't look at illya's squabbles with comfy and call him cute
Certainly smarter than anyone in this thread
Ilya who? Petrovich?
screenshot or it didn't happen
i'm sure you can find it yourself, newfriend
don't post it, don't ruin anon's fantasy..
am (i) in the thread with you right now anon?
comfycuck was attacking him and IIlya only bftoed this scum
Any other artists reccos like Asura where they're like 40% /aco/ 60% /h/
ask /aco/
he just did
lots ot them are in hot and popular on danbooru
What is ordering by rank exactly?
get with the times, everyone hates that faggot illya
true, 90% of what this faggot did is irrelevant. anytest even BTFO his controlnet models and forge is still fucked
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don't bite the hand that feeds you
Extremely excited to see the results =) Strong contender for the next thread's highlights!!! ;)
Though anytest probably just merged a bunch of his models together
sorry we will never learn that, and fuck you
Based :|
if it was that easy, why didn't he focus on just making them better himself? instead he put out two uis, abandoned them, picked one back up and made a bunch of useless auxillary shit
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trying out a new look, one eye covered is a nice happy medium
Waiting for more sexy content with our favorite miqo'te :-)
Try a new style next.
fuck off illya you cunt. voldy gave up because of your faggotry
BASED :))))
>4 fingers on each hand
how does he do it
She's just this good. True /hdg/ mascot.
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hot= tag order:rank and that's ordering dy amount of favs/score on pictures from last tree days if i remember correctly
you also have popular https://danbooru.donmai.us/explore/posts/popular where you can rewind rank from the past
and that way you can easily find artists you are looking for, first couple of pages from hot and found shexyo and kairunoburogu which are matching your description
thanks nice
>check out /b/ because hdg is just a complete shithole all around
>close /b/
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Only /h/ has the best genners
no, that's /d/ and /trash/
yep! still no discord screenshot lora though
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>meanwhile posting a 50-ton freight container with a black lipstick

sorry to let you know, but if you don't like big tits, you're gay, sorry anon.
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>no model for glenn andrean's style
>the fucker that carried hentaikey for years
maybe i am getting old, but i have a hard time believing this to be the case given how nice quality it was
Wider hips and larger breasts. From having children, though anime tends to skip the children part and just make them bigger. They don't get any taller, but taller women are underrated in general.
you have became spicy badboy, anon
roasting just like this
I thought that was Zone. Never saw anything else from that site.
just train one you retard
this :Ddd so proud of our miqotechad =D!!
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black lipstick is hot albeit
Cute expression indeed.
i want it to generate posts filled with jordach's wisdom
I'm almost tempted to ask: "why is it so blurry?"
We are reaching levels...
i came so hard it hit the ceiling...
> >>8183363
This one is actual art.
it's settled, lolo is best baker
No more hdg?
Where will I get my pony slop hagposts now?
according to all of you guys, /aco/
reddit ;)
we're rebranding as hdg (Hag Diffusion General)
/Discord Diffusion General/
i mean that's the root of anime, unironically
it wasnt zone. zone solo carried the flash game content. glenn carried the art content. compare the following content, both of which locked behind the paywall. the first is the quality of things youd see before glenn was brought in. lazy traced headswaps, poor quality across the board, and then just a random example for glenn early on


i am simply not that autistic
any time i go to /b/ its either someone spamming gore/scat or some retarded schizo spamming cringe dall-e gens thinking he's the funniest man alive while everyone else pathetically posting trying to pretend its not happening
>why isn't there a lora for shitty NSFW anime screencap edits?
So are there any good alternatives with /hdg/ gone?
civitai comment section
'cord ;)))
faxing our gens to each other sounds good
They did a fully custom 13B text model, which was quite good at the time it was released.
>pathetically posting trying to pretend its not happening
filters probably
>pathetically posting trying to pretend its not happening
I mean that's me the few times I posted there. It really isn't hard to mentally filter shit you're not interested in and just interact with the few anons who seem to be somewhat sane. But yeah it's still a shithole and not that engaging to participate in.
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hag love
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I get the sense that to a degree that's every single AI thread on this entire site. These threads harvest a really particular kind of autism.
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You're my favorite poster
Yeah I agree, AI threads in general feel like they're full of mental illness. This thing probably fries dopamine like crazy. /b/'s thread is extra vile though.
only good poster itt
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I love this
Very nice! I fucking love how black his dick is!
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He changed his mind, again.
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i'm getting hard again
just two more epochs, trust the knot!
gib invite to 'cord PLOX
big blurry cock
nice gens btw
Stop, my cock can only take so much
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This is not even a joke at this point, I really want to taste the sweaty underside of a woman's breast
mystery dick
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based effort chad
my bucktooth chipmunk goddess...
Still waiting for BasedPony slopshitmix
get some reading comprehension anon. one is shitty """art""", the other is someone that actually made art
is she squatting on /hdg/s eventual tombstone?
Fuck, I didn't notice that. Thanks for pointing out, I fixed it here:
it happens, still a very nice gen
We will finally be free...
Amazing gen oh God
Thanks amigos! Glad you liked it.
they really lobotomized NAI compared to the last time I tried using it
Based, also nice gen
uh oh localmeltie incoming?
whos meltie?
melty blood anyone?
uh oh blood melty
Are we melting yet?
Why every time I return to this place after some days of not being here, you guys gets worse with the shitpost?
Btw will this place finally close after this thread reaches image limit? I know it may be a shitpost but I honestly don't know what to believe anymore at this point.
/b/ is better at the gen meta than you guys
there I said it
Because this place in self-destruct mode.
Seeing how 90% of the posts in these threads are disingenuous what would make you consider for a second that another thread won't just be baked after this
shut up newfag
Finally, its dead
not yet sister
still 173 images to post
I bet jannies are secretly hoping this really is the last one
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i am not sorry
I can confirm this is the last /hdg/ thread
Source: trust me.
Turn the step count up to 28...
This made me gag
Reminds me of my life
Someone can just bake and just leave it there y'know
Well I'm sure as fuck not gonna post here after this. Dunno about other anons
same, we have to vote with our wallets on this one
They've been slowly making it worse over the last couple months. Probably to make the v4 release seem like more of a jump. maybe they'll just rerelease the og v3 version from 2023 and call it v4
Worse how?
The samplers behave differently a bit, but I don't see how it's actually "worse". I actually like new karras.
It's @28, it just feels like its concept of what an artists' style looks like has completely fallen off or when it does capture their style it's like the literal dollar store version of it. I'm using koyama hirozaku for reference
What sampler/scheduler are you using/used?
SDE seemed to change pretty significantly but I still don't really like using it.
Is catbox down?
just try to recreate any complex 2023 gen. let's just say that the frequent seed breaking is partially there to mask something else
catbox is dead for you too, or just me ?
Same. I hope it comes back up.
catbox can not live without this thread, the same way this thread can not live without catbox. a symbiosis if you will. The host /hdg/ is dying and catbox follows suit
I've always used Euler @ 6 guidance
As a NovelAI employee stationed to this thread to uphold favourable public image of our product, I strongly condemn this downright offensive disinformation.
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Thread is collapsing, ejaculate immediately
This. That was a very anti-semitic post
tried with 4 gens from ~november
euler is barely different, like absolutely insignificant details
sde changed dramatically but I don't know if it's for the worse. the contrast is worse but maybe it's less schizo than it used to be (didn't test it much).
I had one style mix that only worked well with sde and it certainly feels like it has less contrast with same settings.
that's weird. I literally used gens from november to test. it's barely different with euler.
kek, gonna need more than that to silen
insane thigh gap
holy sexo
I recognize orangemaru but I can't tell who the other artist this professional slopper used

you are right /h/ is only for blacked stuff
1st gen from december
2nd genned right now

btw seems like nice artist for backgrounds, should try genning some


i mean not particularly complex, but I didn't find many txt2img gens saved from that time
shit artist
how do you kill that which has no life?
Just bury it alive. Or dead, whatever.
fucked up the eirin pics
november: https://litter.catbox.moe/jl5wv1.png
now: https://litter.catbox.moe/4np45g.png
That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die
fucking hot
I want this to be put on a billboard in front of nai hq
stop posting pics
just text
make this thread last
best seasonal anime rn?
Boku no Pico Academia
monogatari by far
>watching modern anime
>having a boomer attitude in a thread about thinking rocks ripping cute girls out of latent space
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came out more milfy than expected
Do emote tags not work for facial expressions?
i have the opposite
cannot stand ones from before mid 2000
although normification is a thing
it's pony
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table humping is frustrating af to get some decent gens out of. Too little/varied images to produce decent results.
astralite pruned some of them
same. don't think i ever finished anything old apart from eva
What does FreeU really do? It kind of improve the colors of my gens but also affect the composition a little
>anime before mid 2000s counts as old for /hdg/ posters
just let this place die
dungeon meshi was good, then halfway though it tried to be more than SoL and fell flat
isekai suicide suquad was surprisingly not terrible, for being both isekai and capeshit at the same time
monogatari is super popular, but I feel like half their jokes got lost in translation
some huge timeskip in mushoku tensei? but the magic school arc was so bad I didn't even finish it
i accidentally deleted my entire 2d/3d nia dataset... like 500 images i scraped through twitter for...
unironically dungeon no naka no hito
fable mogs everything this season, even if the animation is lackluster
>table humping is frustrating af to get some decent gens out of
>table humping is frustrating af
people born before 2006 are allowed to post here
you can merely attempt to contain it

>one day /hdg/ will awaken from it's current slumber
>and eventually it will outlive death itself
aeons from now, it will be machines with all of our personalities, thoughts and knowledge running the general and shitposting in our stead
oh shit i'm glad it got animation. manga is goated
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recovery software?
>Tokidoki Bosotto Russia-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san
>2.5-jigen no Ririsa
>Make Heroine ga Oosugiru!
>Megami no Café Terrace 2nd
why yes, i have the most /h/ taste

masha, sensei, lemon and akane btw
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kill la kill was 10 years ago, more time has passed between 2013 and now than code geass and 2013
nah it's super dead
give diskdrill a try, it might take a while but it worked for me (had to recover 6tb from a 8tb raid)
how is code geass so old? and how is the currently airing spinoff so bad?
How many gens do you give a LoRA before you give up on it
damn bro, sorry for your loss
depends on the issues
If it doesn't resemble the style at all? 5 at most
If it can't give me at least 1 good handjob image out of 10 then it's useless to me
sports bra
mature female
how the fuck one achieve colors like this on local i cant find any good loras with good color inducing
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does y/u/ri rape count as /h/ material?
it's artiwaifu
its le over...
artiwaifu won
take the euge pill
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>Lora 1: Weight 0.3
>Lora 2: Weight 0.6
>Lora 3. Weight 0.1
>Lora 4: Weight 1
Does this schizo prompt babble I see on Civ actually work or is this ritual tier
what are you even asking
do you not understand what lora weight means or something
no anons i am dead serious. what do i type to get these type of color mixtures? I asked for katana zero too. Katana zero ost picture,ruiner ost pictures, these types of color mixes. What do i search on booru?
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wtf is a "lora"
In my experience dropping below 0.6 results in little to no change or impact regardless of what the lora is
looking at viewer
newest cascade partial is cooking
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>tfw you fools don't realize that he's gathering his own dataset, lora by lora
>tfw you fools don't realize that he's making his own compute fund, commission by commission
>tfw you fools can't grasp the experience he's gaining, bake by bake
kaiserdiffusion8b will hit this place out of left field and leave it in shambles
It's NAI
i laughed
retards here may complain about him, but has anybody else made 10k from baking loras? didn't think so
He's too powerful
I believe that guy went over his process in one of the comments. Arti does have nice colors depending on the artists but there's definitely some post processing in those
peak body
Sorry bros, flux won
Kaiser 8B when? It's our only hope....
I can get behind that
how? it's a 2d drawing on your computer screen
>catbox still kill
well at least litterbox is still alive

>captcha is SWATT
Won't stop me
Thanks for the answer. I put it in png info and yeah there is adobe on metadata. Looks good ngl.
so artiwaifu 2 is actually good?
no, but it can look nice
style blend? the 0.1 is probably schizo but the rest is normal
best pony based model nowadays? ras? (though i can't find this anymore in civitai i think)
pony diffusion v6
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It's more or less good for basic bitch /e/ gens
difference between warm and sepia
Anyone know which artist style this guy is using? Hero neisan and what else?
Of course...
i hope you're baiting
i hate ai
pija (pianiishimo)
fuck off shill
any lora recommendations for this kind of content on local?
how many more parameters until i can text prompt for something like this?
1B is all you need
single panel? now
this, cascade reached agi with 1B
Oh thank god, just what we needed. Slop on top of slop on top of slop
you anons like models like those?
All shitmixes after autism are a meme.
btw if you want strong colors you can put high emphasis on color themes and mix them, (black theme, red theme:1.4), (red theme, blue theme:1.4), etc, how well that works depends on the model I guess, worked great for me on nai and 1.5, probably not impossible on pony but depends on what you do I guess
autism was a meme shitmix itself, literally the sepia incarnate
And the ones that came after it are even worse.
So autism is still king.
>Oh thank god, just what we needed. Slop on top of slop on top of slop
Me talking to myself as I downloaded two NAI pony models today to try them out
washed out colors and smudgy shading leaking thru loras
the thread was so much better with the resident shitposter being vacationed
good isn't going to mean the same thing to everyone, just try it yourself and see if you like it or not
name a better anime checkpoint then
can you point out his shitposts? wanna see if you get one of mine mixed in
vanilla pony with style loras
reweik has bright colors although also has shading bias
>with style loras
most of them were designed to work on autism though...
in what world
how can you even be this retarded
ain't falling for it again, chief
This nigga using vanilla pony lmao
>in what world
in the world where the lora maker says that it was designed with autism in mind
based kingdom chad
Just no. Any lora trained directly on autism would not work on Reweik or any of the other hundred pony merges.
stop using run of the mill garbage form civit.
penta win
I can't replicate arti gens from Euge's sample images. I'm on OG forge. Can you guys try to gen this Boccherino for me? https://civitai.com/images/26719946
deja vu
Blast from the past
anyone else feel nostalgic for bocchi? back when anime was still good
But /e/ thinks it's shit.
Looks ugly as fuck (both yours and Euge's). Probably huge ass on realistic face or idk. She looks derpy and retarded.
found your problem
/e/ has opinions?
Oh shit, I meant to write "huge ass eyes", not "huge ass"...
can't believe people are still using sepiamix in the year of our lord 2024
I'm redownloading vanilla pony and this meme checkpoint right now
I'm gonna be so pissed if this is a ruse
it isn't if your style loras aren't shit
remove score 8
also base pony doesn't look good, it's just better at reproducing styles with non shit loras
but could she beat isabelle in a fight?
>Look at the sample images to see if the model has improved any
>its a smeary overexposed shit
My fucking eyes. Man, I had hope too.
Here's your 2-hus https://civitai.com/models/413006/pony-touhou-characters-115-characters-115
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holy lmao
holy shit
yeah we talked about that lora since v1 released months ago
predictably it fucking sucks at almost every touhou except for the ones that pony has some vague prior knowledge about. what a waste of compute
based inpainting deva
The duality of coomers.
So I've actually tried this lora and it works better than V1. No, I will not elaborate. Chenkin has good loras, much better than nochekaiser kek
Was actually controlnet (I did inpaint the dick away for this thread though)
I kneel
>much better than nochekaiser
if that's who you're comparing him to then i already know that i don't need to bother checking v2
Maybe you dont need it but do you really think there is no market for sexy asian girl with big ass and tits?
me on the left
(with bitch tits)
Even after drawing it out it still took a day of gens to get something worth posting out of it. Pony really isn't made for this kind of thing.
very good
Not that I think every model is for sex reasons but I'm not sure why you would bake on pony for this
Reporting back to say that the colors being more vibrant in base pony is definitely a thing but I wouldn't call it necessarily better in any other regard
it also has more varied poses/compositions
autism is more rigid
what's why real chads use dpo, virgins use comfetti
what about default autism?
it's all the same shit
>/d/ really is better than us
dpo is even worse albeit
if you like dicks
we need to self insert somehow anon
why is no one saying tho anymore, tho?
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remember it having odd bias on proportions and faces
shading styles should also be less biased but that's very lora dependent
/e/ and /d/ feels like oldfags, /h/ feels like half the posts are from redditors and pajeets.
>/d/ feels like oldfags
don't know about /d/ but /e/ certainly doesn't feel like it, it actually feels like it mostly consists of well-meaning goobers/newfags
That's what img2img with a photo of you hugging your pillow is for
/e/ for sure has some older regulars
/d/ is just a handful of namefags treating it like their troonchord chat like most imagegen generals on this awful website
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Bro became the Terminator from T2 except instead of weapons his hand can morph into a giant cock
Smoothmix Pony
more like
deepfried pony
but only v1.1
I'd rather use ebara if I use a shitmix.
what's the difference?
ebara 3 was so fucking awful that it kind of soured me on the previous versions too
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someone bit his cock
really nice
post your most commonly used
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4 cfg
euler a
20 steps
Euler a
dunno if I am retard for using that amount of cfg and steps
Try 20 and see if you can seriously tell a difference from 30 (this is assuming you do img2img upscaling/hr fix). 30 is a waste of time.
>dunno if I am retard for using that amount of cfg
Is your prompt generating what you intend? Then it's fine.
lower CFG = AI take the wheel which can be good if you want to gacha
euler a
lowres: 8.5, euler with AYS, 25
upscale: 8, euler smea DY with AYS, 20
upscale used to be same as lowres, also at 20 steps, but swapped a while ago and euler smea dy seems mostly fine and does a better job of retaining composition at higher denoise.
I lowered to 20 on the same seed and the results were
>Details on the male totally wiped out (They became bald NTR guy)
>Make-up wiped out
>Half of the swimsuit fused into the girl's body
I love the creativity of dpm++ sde but man it's like triple the gen time of euler
>lower CFG = AI take the wheel which can be good if you want to gacha
it's actually not that simple. While yes that's what CFG is "supposed" to be doing, it doesn't really reflect that in practice. Models/samplers generally have a CFG that they want to be dialed to and will start blurring out/breaking/doing weird shit if it's too high or too low. You should probably be doing a proper grid and checking multiple prompts with varying levels of CFG to figure out what seems to work best for your sampler/step count.
NTA it's worth it imo.
lower cfg=less fried gen and softer outline
what about 25?
Maximum variation.
tf is restart
>Euler a CFG++
>30 (+20-30 hi res fix upscale)
Basically exactly what it says. It restarts the sampler every x number of steps.
wtf is that sampler
update: 15 epochs in, jordach has finally realized that he fucked up by not including quality tags
better late than never!
masterpiece sirs can't stop winning!
score_9:masterpiece:1.4, very butifoul woman, sexy 20 years old girl doing sex
Next you'll tell me that curating the dataset is important.
CFG but fixed. Reforge and comfy have added it. Read the paper yourself if you want to figure out how it works: https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.08070v1
do I need to pull? pullbros..
don't give in to the vile temptations
try it on a fresh install if you must
I am still using old forge but want to try reforge will any of my extensions break?
I use cfg 6/7 for sde and it really doesn't work for 2m sde, it's too soft and the anatomy just breaks and spawns in extra hands or dicks
i ran into a strange problem
with combination of some tags pony started to make torso extremely short, almost rectangular for some fucking reason
is there a way to fix it without changing the whole composition or manual editing?
how do I make a grid of varying cfgs? I know only how to do normal batches on the same settings
What pony bastard are people using nowadays? I'm looking for full lora compatibility. Tell me it's not still autism and reweik 1.1.
reweik 1.3 sars
pretty kino
pony diffusion v6
just x/y/z plot it and select cfg scale from the drop down. I remember there being a syntax for xyz charts that let you do a number range but I forget how to do that. Either way you can just type in the cfg numbers you want to test and separate by comma like normal.
>I'm looking for full lora compatibility
The base model you fucking retard.
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we have stocking at home
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box sars...
something in the prompt is frying it, likely the high emphasis on her name
kino scene
holy kinography
style LoRA?

you can kind of consider it to be a v2 of >>8187597
where I'm artificially inflating the dataset with cleaned/redrawn outputs from the original lora so I can get it to normalize better.
I can upload it but it's still a work in progress and isn't quite where I think I want it and I'm going to be iterating on it, anyway.
if you want this version

from what I can tell it's definitely better on lowres and getting things to actually work without being as stiff but the upscaling can be a bit worse.
Magnificent post
those eyes are a crime and I'm pretty sure those top two dicks are morphing into tentacle mouths
Why don't (You) take that stick out of your ass and jump off a bridge?
holy trash

lmao, malding
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Based based
>multiple girls
style lora?
In your area
Didn't use one
Yeah I don't fault them it's just funny when a computer does it it's slop if the man with his same shit artstyle for a decade does it it's art.
>it's art
it isn't
i don't care about art and think that's buffoonery, but calling an anime girl getting dicked an art is hilarious
anime illustrations are aesthetic craftsmanship and for me that's merit
yeah i'm thinking based
im thinking miiiku miiiku oowee oo
>is that the same 5 artists???? take my 25 dollars right fucking now!!!!
>ebara creator vanished from existence
>his huggingface is 404
Fuck.. did anyone save ebara 3? I can't find it anywhere now, ut was only available for like what? A week?
>"sm": true
local will NEVER have this no matter how hard they train
>the watermelon has a little face
alright you win, i kneel
>"deliberate_euler_ancestral_bug": true
local btfo
You DO generate your images while also interacting with a character chat bot right?
the fuck kind of mentally ill retard are you?
Civ is fucking ruining me
>Decide to browse for characters
>Grab some basic bitch shit like Gacha girls that pony doesn't know natively and some older 90s anime characters that people miraculously made LoRAs for
>Keep looking because now I'm just downloading shit to download it even though I already have like 20+ style and character loras I have yet to use
>Well, I'm not a furry but...(download)
>Hmmm well I'm still not a furry but...(download)
>Realize I might just be a fucking closeted furry at this point
this sucks
My cute maid wife
so basede
Yep this is the best post in a while
your favorite style lora for pony?
vanilla pony
why do we keep getting these random engagement bait posts today
are you the same guy who asked about sampler and step settings
Where have you been? I missed shuten douji
no, i'm actually interested in some style loras :(

with artist tags?
As this threads approaches its end, it has been decided to have a funeral for /hdg/
Special guests include Astralite, Jordach, Neggles, Euge, and Miqo anon.
wait until you start using the loras and finding out 80% of them are shit
i would be ecstatic if 1 out of 5 loras i downloaded from civitai were good desu
fucking finally, some good posts after a brutal montage of ugly localslop.
I'm so ready for this funeral
For me it's usually like 4/10 hit rate
Characters generally better than artists
you came back just in time for the last thread
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>training lora purely with uncensored images and psd exports
>get cucked by innate pony knowledge of the artist adding mosaics
why are you tagging the artist?
also "uncensored" is a tag you can put into the prompt field and, wouldn't you know it, it works.
innate knowledge as in pony was clearly trained on the artist even if there is no known tag for it, so it affects the lora
and adding uncensored is obviously going to have side effects even if it may be the only way
>innate knowledge as in pony was clearly trained on the artist even if there is no known tag for it, so it affects the lora
that makes 0 sense my guy
you have more balls than me to retrain the entire model from scratch each time you want to train a style then
that's not really how it works, anon. I think you're just making up head-cannon to try to make sense of the fact that most of pony's dataset is censored, so it will default to censors most of the time if you include a penis in your prompt.
so you are saying that if you were to train an asurauser lora right now without including any genital shots, it would still give you censored pictures by default
where brazilian miku
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what does using a lora even have to do with it?
It's how the model behaves by itself. Doing just pussy is usually fine but the moment you prompt for things involving actual sex it will start to throw in bar censors or mosaics.
nice one
but you really really wanna take this thread to the grave asap huh?

let the image limit be reached
We have Brazil Miku at home
Dangerous prompt, anon.
>"It's time to stop!"
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inguinal tail
why are HIS nipples pierced
god I love kawakami rokkaku
>decided to take an old gen and toss it through img2img to throw a lora over top of it
>ended up with this

I'm fucking losing it.
>not .safetensors
good try
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this stupid fucking avatarfag still hasn't figured out how to make an image after months of trying. sad!
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the jannies on /sdg/ are really mean and they hate catgirls.
https://pixeldrain com/l/RZur2A8j
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yeah I don't get consistent eyes
checked /g/ and you literally post nude pussy, at least do cameltoes so you get a degree of deniability
Is there any other example of a company that uses 4chan for marketing like NovelAI does?
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you gonna post some or what
sneed's feed and seed owns 4chan like a bitch with their astroturf campaign
>freetards just have saas living rent free in their heads
well at least something's free about it...
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>not giving jannies their daily ban quota so you can continue shitposting
I'm actually curious if there's another company that does the same but in another board/about another subject.
they have no quota, they want to do as much as possible to increase their compensation. also based, can you do chocola?
and i just replied to you. did you think that sneedposting is organic? wake up sheeple
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sure but I have my workflow for azuki
nice sloppa!
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yeah I find azuki more sexy imo anyway
dont really know shit about nekopara but yeah she's cute
>and i just replied to you.
You didn't name any other company or board. I'm looking for a serious answer. If it will help you calm down, pretend that I didn't name NovelAI.
nigger, most of the time it's 4channers making up shills to feel relevant, same as here. the only board where that might actually be happening is /pol/
gtards and tvtards see shills in their walls while this website hasn't been any relevant for fucking years, nobody wants your broke pirating ass to see the newest capeshit flick
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4chan is pretty much the most popular site for AI-related things.
okay that made me remember, biz is certainly full of shills, it got so bad they introduced email registration for that board, all cryptoscams and rugpulls started there
i'll keep calling anyone who thinks there are actual analtan employees/paid shills here a dumb nigger though, there probably were some in november-december, but certainly not fucking now. shitposters do it for free
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Should I? It's generic slop, but god I love colors so much I can get off easily, using ebara v1 combined with natural language prompts I can generate so much deranged shit with loli shota and bestiality
i like the color of his penis!
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>same payment processor as analtan
uh oh guess the cc companies found out about the anal faucet lora!
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adding onono imoko into mix
The more services it handles, the higher the chances that credit card companies will blacklist paddle.
why can't payment processing faggots just shut up, take my money and let me coom?
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>tfw someone makes a lora for your specific fetish.
Goddamn shame it's XL only though. I'd kill for a non XL version to go with all of my other LoRA concepts.
catbox please
boxes please
Which model though? This is kinda clean for only base resolution sloppa. Box?
Kek last 3 posts are all BOX PLEASE (yes I'm guilty too)
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I've been using the Arknights one. It's not as good as one made for a specific character, but the convenience of being able to prompt 200 of them without switching things out is very nice.
fluke success
and then ego-powered rebakes
One of them is definitely blushyspicy. Just look around Pixiv for images using this style that have metadata attached. There are hundreds of them.
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based doctor
for neggles, jordach, euge, kohaku and maybe kurumuz:
dont expect me to cry
dont expect me to lie
dont expect me to die for thee
Guessed 4th tail right, but not ebara as base. Thanks!
ebara 2.1 actually have worse colours with these styles and fucks up natural language prompts while drawing better hands, lol
glad I grabbed v1 while it was up as well
>AI-generated porn, fuelled by misogyny, is flooding the internet
>It should be “very clear”, says Ajder, “that if you are creating or sharing or engaging with this kind of content, you are effectively a sex offender. You’re committing a sexual offence against another human being.”
And this one:
>Platforms should be getting nervous about their liability. This past week saw the arrest of Pavel Durov, CEO of the messaging app Telegram, as part of an investigation related to CSAM and other crimes.
Women hate porn, and credit card companies is the single point of failure where they can put pressure to remove things they don't like.
oh no... the ebara dude nuked his huggingface repo...
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Can a mask be enough?
baby hands.
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time to make backups?
epic denoising moment
someone already did
Women hate porn of themselves being shared publicly online, no surprise.
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got back just to witness these
puts a smile on my face
nai chads saving the last thread
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I said hate porn in general because it's not limited to AI.
same, really
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dang I could never get twintail grab to work properly without inpaint

Difference is we want the loras we make to be good
He doesn't
Holy shit my sides, topkek
In my heart b- is still here, shitposting alongside us.
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How do I NAI pony?
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diffused hentai
Not canon.
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no problem
it looks like someone already did
and what's with the mushroom?
Box please, love how these look
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After this thread we should make the thread number 0
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kek I should have seen this coming

fungus stays on during sex
Haven't you been watching anime the past few years? After the final thread #600 we make the final thread #600 part 2.
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You don't get to decide that.
I do. Her hair has no lines of purple.
What are some good tileCN settings for forge? I'm just getting hundred fingered slop
Tile is just vramlet cope
I mean the controlnet for high denoise high res fix, not tiled upscale
Those are the same thing
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I'll never get tired of pov cowgirl
/sigh banned for light tentacles. I will learn one day.
But like, tentacles are the de-facto thing I think about with hentai!

Not my fault I cut my teeth on La Blue Girl and Urotsukidoji. TnT
box please
For me it was Mahou Shoujo Ai. Would be fine if /d/ was usable, but solo futa is apparently so popular everything else gets pushed out.
I pop over there every once in a while, there are some good gens thats _not_ solo futa, but you have to dig.
>solo futa is apparently so popular everything else gets pushed out.
Just go and post your shit, contribute to the thread with variety if you think solo futa is too popular
I think its more that solo futa is easy to do but anything involving 2 character is really annoying and you really need to inpaint to get things correctly which most people dont want to bother with or find too complicated
what he actually means to say is
>solo futa triggers me so I refuse to go there
How is that a bad thing? I avoid a lot of boards and threads because the people and content in them disgust me
the only issue is when you then go and post your shit on another board where it isnt allowed and then get mad about it being removed
Imagine using 4chan and being such a fucking wussy.
Nice style, box?
Its just in a weird middle ground, and my autistic need to classify and put them in the correct box causes some dissonance.
Like, tentacles and non-furry animal girls seem so ubiquitous in hentai, it shouldn't be alternative. So for a viewer looking for that kinda stuff, /d/'s offerings don't quite fit. And for a poster, it seems off-topic and spam to post.
But I guess that is the danger of being in a specific bubble -- you don't notice when you drift away from the standard.

>thanks for reading my novel.
this >>8189773
next time just type this into the mod feedback page to their IRC
Don't really see the problem with him lamenting it here or even posting it as a catbox.
hentai is all drawn porn, solve your autism 4chan and delete half the boards
That's because for non-AI content everyone has their own thread. So even if tentacles aren't /h/, you can go to /d/ and create a "tentacle on girl" thread and you will have only girls and only tentacles there, the thing you want. With AI there's one thread per board so if your fetish belongs to a board with 95% dickgirls and you aren't into dickgirls, you are out of luck.
actually expand that into all drawn erotic material, delete /e/ especially and merge it
This. This. Don't forget to wear your clown makeup and a cock cage while being reminded that tentacles and anime girls are not allowed on a hentai board.
one could just scroll past stuff one doesn't care about. lets be real, you scroll past most shit here too anyway
/e/ is a relic of the past, a totally unnecessary board. But nobody in the 4chan team cares at this point.
99% of the time im just looking to steal styles
every image could just be a character sheet of a woman standing in a t-pose next to a disembodied penis and i would have the same experience in these threads of just asking for a catbox for the styles i want to yank
having /ai/ for all ai related stuff is long overdue
Oh yeah, that makes more sense than the whole board being closet gay
>anime girls
just put milf in your prompt and petite, child in your negatives. solves all your problems
Nah, mods get my 741 page thesis and an extensive lesson on hentai history and classification based solely on anecdotal evidence and Adderall fueled wiki dives.
If you're scrolling past most of the thread then you might as well post on pixiv.
I put loli AND mature female into negs and achieve pure perfection
>covered in cum.

ok, thanks Ai.

you can either fly to japan and suck off hiro until he reopens /l/ or continue to seethe about your posts being deleted for all eternity
i really do this with lolifag loras, it helps offset horrible pony proportions for loli, namely huge head and odd torsos
Both can be true
Where do I get the lifeissuffering vae file? Can't seem to find it.
This looks fried into oblivion
it's 90s anime
they had colors in the 90s?
I don't remember dbz having this much contrast
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this is an anime character in a sexually suggestive pose in an eastern style , implying imminent sexo
To me this implies a kick in the face
you can see the whole mlp cast dancing in her eyes. bro


you can also find it on my civtai if you don't wanna download from here. I started baking them in, but I still have it posted under the older depreciated versions.
Thank you
What mangaka?
Then go complain about your megumin getting deleted on irc or grab a vpn and necessitate some janny overtime by actually posting something. Really don't know what you aim to achieve with that pitiful amount of ironic shitposting.
Idk if ur just shit posting but that is yami from to love ru
>Really don't know what you aim to achieve with that pitiful amount of ironic shitposting.
Anon, you are mistaken if you think it's le one schizo doing all this. I just join the fun occasionally. I'm not gonna go and bend the knee to some trooncorders who ain't gonna do shit anyway.
but the schizo is clearly an anti-loli poster
it's easier for faggots to behave like they're mentally ill, although they likely are, than actually putting in effort or finding some other place to suit their interests, at the end of the day any excuse for shitposting is just an empty excuse. if I'm that unhappy with state of things and there's nothing that can be done I don't shitpost, I just leave and never come back, just like any sane person would
Leaving means fat hags win. Imagine letting fat hags win...
>Why can't they just go to beeeee???
post your best 1girl, standing
Amazing style, do you just tag the artist or are you using a Lora? The one I have is fucked up, btw what was the artist name lmao
masamune shirow
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Post my best ones right away, so that's not gonna work. But you can have this. I like her swirly eyes, they almost looks like paintings.
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funny image
How is Sanae 1.2?
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Anyone else ever have an issue where refreshing extra networks gets stuck?
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How about training pony using Flux schedule, RUMAO?
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more like rorumaooooooo
Anons who have tried arti, can you give me the names of artists you've tried that have seem fried, or artists that work better than others? Talking with Euge and he wants examples, but I cba to test kek
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Now with purple.
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kek, neggles has given up and is now asking for a 2027 nai foss release. Because surely local will have caught up by then
Can you not train loras on Auraflow yet? There's a civit category for it, but it's empty.
literally nobody cares about that model besides astralite (because it's the only one of the recent models that lets him make money)
i dont like the subject matter being so close to the center of every image. is there any way to position it better? like what if i wanna have 80% of the image be scenery and only have the action on the right? i know regional prompting would work but thats a lot of extra effort
regional prompting
nope, the arch has zero support for anything yet. Astra hopes that pony will be so good that the rest of the ecosystem will follow
Local will probably have caught up to v3 by than. That's a long time kek
Guess its gonna be like windows version where you skip every second one, stuck with v6 for a while longer I guess
See you for v8
The actual tag is "wide shot" and "very wide shot" but I don't think they do anything. My go-to is outpainting the background afterwards with the animagine inpainting checkpoint.
>what if i wanna have 80% of the image be scenery and only have the action on the right? i know regional prompting would work but thats a lot of extra effort
it still won't look good because "action" will have such shading and focus as it is still in a center of image because SDXL models are only good at people focus stuff
scenery's also a good tag but don't know how well it works on pony
auraflow is shit. flux came out with zero support and the devs have been radio silent on it but you still have people figuring out how to train it and run it quantized. why? because unlike auraflow the model is actually decent. if the model is decent, people will use it. if the model is shit, nobody will bother. see chinkshit like pixart and hunyuan that never took off, because they were never actually good.
nah you can definitely train loras for auraflow, but why would you
any outpainting tips like how to do it?
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outpaint using flux, flux is extremely good at working with both the style of the original image and with strange resolutions.
It might take awhile to run but flux doesn't shit itself just because you went over 1536 wide like pony
pony can generate super wide images ok though
you -can- make it work but it's pretty shit (and shit in general for backgrounds) if you have seen how easy it is to do with flux
so what youre saying is use flux to outpaint
Either ControlNet or i2i. Scribble some blobs and line representing your scenery and action and run the thing.
with wider aspect ratios and scenery, landscape tons of related tags describing the things you want to see in background it'll start putting girls on the left or the right, it'll be gacha
if you want sex like that yeah it'll be less effort to inpaint or use regional prompter than to roll for that probably
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Comfy catbox. I know it's possible in the other UIs, just don't know how. Make a larger latent image, composite your old gen on top of it and mask the new portion for inpaint at denoise 1.0.
That's great. I'm tired of animagine, and no other XL model seems to work with foocus. Probably works just because it's undertrained and so not too far from SXDL base.
Or use it to set up your 1girl standing, then make her lewd with pony.
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>mfw it turns out it's apparently a torch/cuda/fp32 sd-scripts bug
kill yourself
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Nice setting.
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Y-you too
At this point I'm considering applying ostris' 16 ch VAE https://huggingface.co/ostris/vae-kl-f8-d16 to pony and just throwing this shit at my 3090 to get the model Stability should have handed us
tell us if your bake succeeds 2 years from now
would it really be that long? kohakus 4x3090 rig bakes a 8.6m image epoch in 16 days. pony only has 2.6m images and training scales super-linearly with image count.
warning: jump scare
I don't have that kind of datasets. Pony took 17 epoch so that would be roughly 44m images. Given your numbers, this would take something around 10-11 months on a single 3090, lol.
>started genning ntr-coded shit last 2 days
>actually enjoying it
no black penis though...
it's okay if I self-insert as the alpha guy right
its over for you
Congratulations, you stopped being autistic.
>no black penis though...
if ur gonna try this use the flux vae its better, or aura which is slightly worse than flux
Flux vae doesn't have adapters made for SDXL.
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>around 10-11 months
You could start it and say to every baker out there:
Guys you only have 11 months to live, you better do something really fast.
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>localkeks start torturing their half a decade old gpus for a glimpse of v3
kinda sucks. nai is so far ahead with 3 and v4 will just widen the gap even further. They'll soon take even more pages out of the monopolist playbook because there is no competitor and opensaars are a joke
>and v4 will just widen the gap even further
They're going to remove artists tags, so it and Pony aren't going to be much different.
>They're going to remove artists tags
that's just localsister copium
Careful now, you'll summon the shills who believe this isn't going to happen.
too late
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earlier in the thread
others are just txt2img slop like
>stopped being autistic
hopefully never but I don't self-insert as the cuck anyway
I remember that anime for Olivia's armpits.
True, that's why they removed all artist tags from their latest image model and deflect whenever it's brought up
who cares about the furfag model
the writing is on the wall but naisisters are illiterate, grim
how does that even matter
Matters if he wants to start from SDXL base and not train a model from scratch which as we know takes billions of images.
i mean, until they do release anime v4 without artist tags it does sound like local [h|c]opium, there are explanations why they pruned artist tags for furry specifically. even if they do suddenly decide to just destroy their main source of revenue, oh well, we had our fun, guess could always have some fun with claude or whatever cool textgen there is now
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i wish i knew why this lora produces 70% greyscale images
>the yaoi haircut
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is this better
do a hime cut
built for /ss/
is it really that grim, i mean are the weights really that much different from what they would be with the 16ch vae, couldnt finetuning pony with a 16ch vae work with just modifying the input/output layer shapes
"ntr-coded" expressions are hot, that's pretty much it
ntr is a filthy genre but it wasn't always heavily tied with niggers like it is now
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the ai does not like putting hime cuts on tomboys
ntr is also like five wildly different genres under one acronym
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>Nai image gets posted to the sd subreddit
>localoids immediately start melting down and coping
glad to see that the phenomenon isn't unique to this place
Link to the Lora pretty please
At least they have a downvote button and mods. Are you going to tell me that wasn't a shill?
I mean the 4 features that the final Up layer of unet spits out have no relation at all to the 16 features VAE takes as input. To me it seems like the best way to resolve this is to completely remove the last Up layer and replace it with one that spits out 16 features. Then you'd have to train only that layer until the whole thing starts producing coherent images again (if that's even possible). I don't know if SDXL adapter does exactly this or something else but I imagine it's not light on the amount of effort to make this work and amount compute.
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Post gobbos
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it's as if i'm reading hdg with literally fucking same arguments and posts
even "just train a lora" garbage
is this thread actually a reddit simulation
was used for the upscale.
using a different revision for the lowres output though.
it's the same people op. the same anons who will post about le epic redditors almost guaranteed have accounts on the site with like 10,000 comments
true, there's even some guy calling people pedos for genning anime girls
maybe it would be good for jordach to experiment with this instead of wasting time with cascade
that would require like 10 times the amount of compute he has spent so far on cascade lol
"I'm not touching SDXL"
jordach should make a civitai clone now that redditoids are sick of the jeetery-deletery that civitai is pulling and how laggy the site is in general. make a stripped down basic grid system and add a nochekaiser-tier lora training service to make cheap slop. that should get him enough to fund 5000 partial epochs
>true, there's even some guy calling people pedos for genning anime girls
Link please?
It would take a better researcher than Jordach tbhfam.
IDK it would be to cringe for me to post this shit with a username. It's only funny when I'm anon...
Even the same bait used to start the argument
it's a compute problem, not a research problem (many such cases)
>try to generate a perfect #ffffff white background with pony
is this supposed to be difficult?
>can do this with no issue
>someone posted some images that look lovely
>posted absolute fucking garbage slop
deja vu
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FALSE, he actually was about to drop cascade for XL when Mean teased him with an intel cluster that never materialised. His idea was to use base SDXL as-is
it's all anime girls who cares bro
mainly a base pony problem. https://litter.catbox.moe/icz0t7.png
There are a couple of things that need to be implemented to train such adapter before compute can even be used and I'm of firm belief that it's above Jordach's skill level.
>was about to drop cascade for XL
absolutely not, he was just thinking of training an XL version of resonance on the side since he could use the same TE from the 1B training. he's probably not doing that any longer though
that is base pony tho.
it has a lora on it, sure. but the model is pdv6.
and saying "n-no lora's aren't allowed!" is the dumbest, most retarded goalpost shift you can try to pull when arguing for SaaS over local.
Localkeks really do have no sense of aesthetic.
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How do you respond without sounding mad?
i like how you can immediately tell it's a flux gen by how vectorized and glossy it looks.
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I'm sorry to say, but this was before he slipped even deeper into madness
Holy slop, it's real. Those people are blind.
I press the down arrow (thanks, reddit!)
>final /hdg/ has not only the discord screenshots we know and love but even reddit screenshots for variety
i'm so proud of you guys
>a new variant of cascade
what? is he talking about his spectrum base model or something? what other 'variants' of cascade are there? and we know he isn't talking about the 3.6b because to him it simply doesn't exist.
getting told to talk to real women on the sub that is 90% gens of ai Instagram thots in sports bras is kinda funny
he wants to train a version of cascade with 2b effnet after he's done with resonance
you respond by implying he's a pedophile for imagining that any sexualized image of a female character with no defined facial features is a child
>why not gen real woman why do you have a problem with real women
bro just walk outside
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Have some hentai /hdg/.
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took me like 5 seconds to fix
Imagine spending shittons of compute to train a new base model inferior to already existing stable cascade. It's mental illness.
i didn't really understand why there was so much hentai coming out of japan until i found jav sites for the first time, and then it sunk in pretty quickly desu
that whole fucking thread is a microcosm of hdg, the gestalt of image generation at a whole
>random localtard bring up controlnet out of nowhere where it doesn't even fucking apply
>boomerjeets suggesting pony without a second thought
>the blind civitsaar spamming 16 generic 1girls in a comment chain just like he would in the lora user gallery
>threadshitters sarcastically replying and giving false-advice for le-epic troll
>'local could never'
>pony vs nai comment chain about sepia and backgrounds
>random guy posting irrelevant uninteresting flux gens and acting like it's some miracle model
>boomer bill complaining about anime pedos and suggesting to prompt /aco/ instead
kys willybender
what do you mean? jav is fucking based
wish it wasn't censored
The censorship makes Japan a seedbed for interesting new fetishes. They can't just jerk it to vagoo, so they need to come up with other stuff they find hot.
true but I don't even care at this point
I feel like censoring helped them grow creatively, make people coom to implications instead of pussy in vagina closeups
the censoring is stupid but i also don't understand people for who it's a complete dealbreaker
do you guys have aphantasia or something
Fitting for the final thread
When it's uncensored I can see that their pussy isn't twitching when they simulate their 50th orgasm. Very important for me.
Somebody give me a FLUX anime girl in a bikini with a sign that says "Remember, (You) are here forever." I'll make her /h/, don't worry.
That thread just made me resub to NAI.
i am sorry to hear you feel that way. ill pray for your recovery
>absolutely none of the images posted get even close to the op in terms of style and someone is just spamming slop in batches
but enough about r/hdg
Thank fuck we're on the last thread then.
First one is probably the best
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so what exactly did you improve from the ""WIP"" you posted last time?
the bit that causes you to die in your sleep for viewing it, nothing of value lost in your case
death > looking at your slop
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kinda missing the point by removing the parentheses
he's an artist
It's a nice, want me to point out the remaining mistakes so you can inpaint some more?
It wouldn't give me parentheses in all 4 tries. maybe should have inpainted the text
sure but i'm done with it for now, I feel like you can in-paint forever
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if you dont escape them its gonna interpret it as you putting emphasis on "you"
Gonzo is spitting facts, how will gooners ever recover?
gooner genocide
What do I have to do to make regional prompter work with the new version of forge. It's been months and there has been no update. I could rollback to a previous version or use reforge but the new version of forge fixes the "TypeError: 'NoneType" gen error I got in the older versions of forge and reforge whenever I use certain loras.

Also forge couple is worthless for genning sex scenes, I'm better off not using it at all.
What makes it worthless? It's just a different UI for the same underlying functionality.
>girl holding a sign
It doesn't work as well as regional prompter for character interactions . Even though the region selection is a lot more flexible than with regional prompter I just can't get it to give me anything remotely as good as what regional prompter could do. Maybe i'm doing it wrong but there are no guides for forge couple at all besides the github page.
i also get better results with regional prompter desu
that's part of why i'm still using an older forge
flux has a sloppier default style than pony. pony's is nastier, but flux's just screams ai generated garbage.
it's a base model sir
it was literally trained almost entirely on synthetic slop kek
you're thinking of auraflow
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back from the dollar store
Looks amazing
box of the left one?
Flux is synthetic data rumored to be ideogram outputs and ethical Foss datasets.
it is nai
face inpainted with different artists
So thats why this place became garbage, just got infested by a bunch of retarded redditor
kek it's arti
didn't see that one coming
Chicken or egg?
I'd die for Gura-chan
it's the MJ dataset they stole from the discord server then BFL stole it from sai
wait it actually is arti kek
might have to give it a try for e stuff
Dont get baited he just inpainted a Nai gen with arti to replace the metadata, arti could never
furries are making progress with flux. https://files.catbox.moe/k4bp02.PNG
Isn't he one of the furries who actually isn't retarded?
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finally tried the krita plugin - what's the most quickest inpainting for you guys? Without losing too much consistency on characters
What's kritra and what does it do and why use when you can directly inpaint without a plugin needed?
not sure but can you share the box of the first one?
i think so. i think back during 1.5 they all worked together on fluffyrock/easyfluff and then there was a civil war where drhead tried to do a 'fluffyrock ultimate' which purged concepts they didnt like while keeping scat and diaper shit. lodestone's easily the most competent of them all and probably the 'highest rank'. if someone were to fundraise for flux and succeed, it would be him.
euge would be flattered

been posting arti here for a little while now
basic bitch pov and simple poses work well. good luck with more complex things
drhead is a fucking caricature of a hypocritical degenerate furry
unironically one of the few people I ever seen online that make me seethe a little when I think about him
Damn that give me your cock one was arti to? Hopefully arti V3 is a big leap
based, those actually look great
who needs dubstep congress poses when they look like p*ny
Should post those on the arti civit page so euge knows people are cooking with his model outside of that one dude
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>which purged concepts they didnt like while keeping scat and diaper shit.
now what does that remind me of...
>which purged concepts they didnt like while keeping scat and diaper shit.
scat/diaperfags do this a lot btw, just look at eraNAS
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That worked out much better than I expected. First time too.


Addon? Mind sharing what it is called, please?
Are you on reforge? What extensions do you use? That's what i get when i try to gen your catbox.
BROTHER, catbox please.
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the negative comments are prophetic
venturing out to all corners of the 'cords, my conclusion is to bet on anima. screencap this post
interesting choice, sire
I just avoid backgrounds like most real artists do. It's either black background, or basic shit like beds, walls, or backlit windows. I don't care about a bunch of bullshit background detail in my smut.
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based simple background chad
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How do I inpaint text like this? Or was it just edited?
it's flux
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can get rid of that sepia too
hope it'll be a big leap as well

>dubstep congress
i laughed

>posting on civit
eehhhh i hate the idea but yeah i guess since i'm enjoying his model i should throw some images on that page

i'm on regular forge, the old one, last commit before the experimental shit i think, picrel
i used alternate init noise in that gen to make it darker, but that's weird it shouldn't look like that without it
here's another image, it's that same gen, everything is the same but alternate init noise is off and no other extensions are used
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>two sets of ears
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That's how I like it.
blame blue archive
that Kisaki & Yuzu nightsight pic from a couple threads ago was so good. love to see more of those
How is he wrong?
has anyone talked about the orange poisoning in pony
occasionally i just get an orange element
orange hair, orange clothing, orange man
whenever there's a color fuckup it is always orange
orange is the color of my loyalty
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I accept

It's a bunch of loras: https://files.catbox.moe/sbhpn0.png
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what is wrong with you?
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This ohogao + sugoi hi lora mix seems to be a little bit too excessive tbqh. (adult woman btw)
just don't give xim (You)s and xe'll go back whenever xe belongs
yeah my bad
>sugoi hi lora
The one avaiaible on civ?
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based shirow enjoyer
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13 images left until we finally end this shitshow...
tfw anon can't do basic arithmetic
kuroba shows 288
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What's you guys favorite pose to show off the girl's ass? I want to do some nice ass gens but I'm currently out of ideas and my usual poses feels stale
kill yourself phoneposter
keep living phoneposter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wrong reply bwo
Keep ban evading, faggot
Still funny how drhead tried to start shit with lodestone because he has a degree while lodestone doesn't.
didnt redhotgarbage do that aswell?
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Yep, the one made by fusho. Also his typehatena lora and lakf both at low weight
Looks like 4th tail wasn't loaded all this time because it doesn't even work in forge, so result is pure ebara v1, tried with 4th tail in comfy and it actually makes images worse lol
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it's over
yeah fusho got banned recently rip
but he made a new account so you could ask him to reupload them
Is CivitAI going after cunnyseur now or what? Some stuff on there are absolutely disgusting, not that I care.
they've been doing it for a while now
people on 5ch like to say that they're being racist white pigs against them lol
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Luckily for you I've been religiously downloading his loras every single day the very moment he uploads them, I think I got almost everysingle one but I'm not sure, I can share it with you if you want, but tomorrow,I'm going to sleep right now.
Upload them whenever you can. It's nice to have backups of all of this.
It's a shame that I also missed the opportunity to try ebara 3, but oh well.
it was kind of shit so you're not missing out on much, but if you really want to try it:
this has the diffusers files so you'll probably want to look up how to convert that to safetensors

Japan should host their own AI site. At least that way there is competition and corporate US censorship bullshit wont have any sway. What am I saying, that shit will probably be monkey pawed to hell knowing JP autism. IE, no filthy gaijins allowed.
>that shit will probably be monkey pawed to hell knowing JP autism. IE, no filthy gaijins allowed.
We don't know what anime is so I don't mind this filter.
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does this clip know NSFW? is there a way to finetune or find a clip that does NSFW if thats the case?
no and yes but it'll take a while
finetuning t5 is basically finetuning a llm, but yes it's possible
oh so probably something I can't do on a 4090
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Thanks lads, I have some nice ideas for gens and scenarios now
>visit /hdg/ for the first time in months
>same boring 1girl sdxl/naishit
flux pony when?
Fukken saved
lol fag
last 10 /hdg/ images ever guys, let's make them count!
best discord screenshot compilation, let's go bros
pony makes girls peeing from vagina
arti makes them peeing from hands https://litter.catbox.moe/ah3tfx.png
it does it consistently for some reason
euge tuned it on scary movie
and 1.5 would often just make piss fountains and/or waterfalls randomly across the canvas.
the urethra is complicated and hard for machine learning, please understand.
that said, pony at least gets kind of close and can be coaxed into being semi-correct if you're forceful enough with it.
add bad peeing anatomy to negs
common local L
bad weapon anatomy sisters...
got also peeing from hair and kneeepit
it pains me how much more soulful this model is looking but how underbaked and retarded is
oh, fuck you, saved
who cares about girls peeing
although pissing in girl's mouth during irrumatio is bretty good
How did you get the girl to not look as if she was being raped? Every time I tried to use a shirow lora it kept making her look as if she was mid-rape.
L? Try and make nai have a girl pee from her hands I bet you cant.
Anyone else waiting for someone else to post the first lewd image of a character on pixiv before doing it yourselves? I feel that if the first image these turns out to be AI, it might make the author depressed.
>first lewd image of a character
such as?
It works but only if you can't see her pussy
meant for >>8190725
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A new anime coming next year. It is well received as a manga as far as sales go, but has very little fanart.
what face expression prompts are you using?
anyone got the tianlingjuly mega? checked rentry but doesn't look like its been saved.
"ahegao", but the girl is always crying and screaming.
yeah use something else like female orgasm or tone ahegao down to low strength with that lora.
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>when no bakers have dropped their outrageously stupid takes lately and the discord screens have dried up
threads dead, ain't it
Can you post sfw stuff in /ldg/ sometimes, I miss seeing your work but I hate coming back here.. or do you have a twitter or something?
yeah, with front view it stabilized https://litter.catbox.moe/pucjjy.png
it's funny how underbaked model is better at proportions than pony, with flat chest tag on the latter i would get some bobble head shit even with loli in negs
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Are proportions not heavily artist dependent? I figured the default style doesn't matter much if nobody uses it.
I post in the e about as often as I post here
it forces certain default proportions even with style loras similarly like with shiny shading
additional problem is that there is basically no creators drawing mainly "tall flatties" so it's hard to outweight it with loras, and pony by default only knows over the top hourglass figure or oversized head lolis, nothing in between
one last /hdg/ image guys
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New Thread:

thanks bro

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