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Trunks Making Edition

Previous Thread: >>8251108


Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Maintained fork (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge



NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070/controlnetxl-cnxl | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora/tree/main/test_controlnet2
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscaler models: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
List of useful A1111 extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

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Previous Thread Highlights
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no fuck off
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I'm glad that denjixmaki piece got in, it was berry gud
File deleted.
Let's kick this off with an Illustrious post
OP is too long. Could not put more new links. Sonething nreds to get deleted.
kill yourself
we made a new op 50 threads ago but spiteniggers prevented it from catching on
Put illustrious on the top and just remove base pony next thread.

Nice, made it with one image.
Oh no I didn't make it in
Nevermind I made it in
>i made it in
i won.
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I didn't make the highlight bros... I'll try better this thread...
Lovely work, what model+lora did you use?
Yes I helped jerk off highlight anon!
is it confirmed he cooms to these
Remove the >Related boards, nobody gives a fuck about them.
Remove A1111 and NAI.
Remove meme merges like reweik pony
2 of mine made it in, I feel blessed.
I shall aspire to try and make it in again
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Keep posting bangers like that and you will make it bro.
Yeah. That happened during the chaos of random post getting deleted, split-threads, entire threads getting purged and tons of trolliing. No wonder it did not catch on.

My bad.
I mean what else does "I liked your porn pic" mean. You think he is some sort of art critique lmao
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Hmm, whenever I generate Lucoa Quetzalcoatl or Amagi Yukiko it randomly pairs her up with tiny penises even though I have no penises in the prompt
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kill yourself.
If you can make anons hard with your gens then it is the greatest accomplishment.
We are generating fap material after all.
If nobody faps to our shit, can we really call it good?
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archer POV when
I'm trying NoobAI for base gen and then Illustrious Smooth SPO for upscale. I'd box it but my shit is fucked up and they just come up empty
Should really fix it or get stealth working
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These seem like a good pose to gens cunny without getting banned, I'll give it a try tomorrow. Thanks for the idea anons
That is the gayest way to look at this. Good job on making this weird
>That is the gayest way to look at this. Good job on making this weird
I have a vagina how is that gay
>mad because noise and chromatic shitteration riddled garbage didn't make it in
your axe wound will never be a vagina, ywnbaw
b- chama..........................
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I'm not trans
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uh oh we have a falsefag...
You're not a woman either, you're a man.
Oh right Rule 30
more chocolate waifus plz
make her create chocolate
>That is the gayest way to look at this. Good job on making this weird
You are sharing fap material you made to other fappers on a board devoted to fappers
That is as gay as you can get.
Unless you are sharing this content with women, you are intentionally trying to make other men's dicks hard, which is gay, nigga
If you can't handle that knowledge I suggest generating your hentai in a void where other men can't see it
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i have to come clean
i dont fap to the gens i post
Yay! more fun Makimasucc
>Illu finally in OP
Good job.
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>backhand her ass so hard she gets branded by your command seal
I have NAI finally but haven't generated anything yet, I don't wanna waste my stuff yet until I can prompt gold
you are describing /slop/ or /degen/ but the purpose of posting gens here is to share good mixes or concepts with others and hope that they do the same for you
literally nobody is fapping to the gens people post here
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>i have to come clean
>i dont fap to the gens i post
why would you do that to yourself? are you not turned on by your gens?
zac lora for illust when
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CivitAI's default Pony Prodigy settings seem to work fine for Illustrious
making a refined screencap sort of style lora
>civitai lora trainer
never post here again
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somewhat proud someone saved my gen
>literally nobody is fapping to the gens people post here
I'm literally using a vibrating massager on myself as I browse these threads so you're wrong about that
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I loved it, but the glans is pointing the wrong direction, been wanting to fix that but can't find the LoRa that was used. Amazed that this was done on AutismMix of all models
fuck off troon
it's literally a frontend for Kohya. You sound like one of those retards who trains Pony Loras locally at Batch Size 1 because they can't do anything else training-wise in a reasonable amount of time on their hardware, with retarded settings like AdamW at LR 0.0001 or whatever.

Civit trainer lets me make better Loras cause I can use settings nobody posting here could likely run while still getting the Lora back quickly.
You're gens are based even though you're still using pony. You should make the girls smaller tho
oh were you the one that mentioned that when i first posted it? yea i see what you're saying but i was tunnel visioning fixing other stuff. i can probably fix this tonight or tomorrow. do you want me to link the loras i used, i think its just 2 that helped me bake this
this is even more true for Flux BTW, you cannot train an actually good full resolution Flux Lora locally in any decen amount of time unless you have some seriously powerful above-consumer-grade hardware, it's just not happening
yea im using noob xl right now just to get a feel of it and its pretty fun to work with but kinda janky
no, you don't understand exactly how fucking terrible civitai's lora trainer is, which is why every time you see "trained on civitai" under a lora you can safely assume that it is worthless
kill yourself thirdie
>it's literally a frontend for Kohya
shit's locked down to absolute literal fuck and has absolute garbage for settings toggles. it's fucking worthless.
If you've ever posted a picture on here someone probably fapped to it, its a reality to have to accept about /h/. You need to get over your aversion to men tugging their dicks to AI smut.
This board is for interest in masturbation material, not Asexual Monocle Wearing High Art Musing. If you want that go to /g/ where hentai isn't allowed
Sure I'd love that.
cosplay wife
lol I'm a white Canadian dude. There is nothing you can say that's actually true at all to dispute the fact that CivitAI's trainer is literally Kohya with all of the necessary configuration options exposed in their UI.
>with all of the necessary configuration options exposed in their UI
this is complete horseshit, i don't know why you'd straight up make this up. like you're objectiveley wrong here, end of story lol
it can't even do adamW
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https://civitai.com/models/51525/illyasviel-von-einzbern-22-outfits-fate-22-lora at .8 -.9


https://civitai.com/models/386953?modelVersionId=441582 at .5

the pic attached has the prompts to help get you cooking
where do you retards even come from
i swear the thread's average iq gets lower every day
either articulate specifically the actual technical issue you have with their options or fuck off, retard, I highly doubt you've ever even released a single Lora
i tried anytest v4 am with illust xl and it didn't work. am i retarded?
This pic has an innocence to it that reminds me of my first relationship, I like it. The idea of her cute tongue wiggling on his tip until he leaks is very nostalgic
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Are you using the AM 256 version?
use merged not the animagine one
yep, CN-anytest_v4-marged_am_dim256
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The original AdamW isn't generally actively recommended by fucking anyone versus AdamW8Bit (which CivitAI does expose), or versus more commonly adaptive optimizers like Adafactor and Prodigy. Like tell me with a straight face what exactly you'd personally even use the original AdamW for, I dare you.
Someone on tumblr told me to stop calling it AI art because its stolen.
and she was right

You're clearly the sort of fucking moron who would train a complete dogshit Lora at an overly low batch size for not nearly enough steps if it meant you got to maintain the retarded sense of superiority of doing it locally you have.

I don't take you seriously, I don't give a shit about any of that stuff, I gen locally but I'm not gonna waste my time trying to fuck around training locally for no logical reason.
oh you're MAD
it's more like annoyed because I literally know I'm right and have released numerous Loras in the past
I really doubt that.
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chinese vampire sexoooooooo
you're obviously not a native english speaker btw
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Alright, I think I've figured out the recipe to the highest frequency of successful 'anal tail' gens so far, at least for the 'through wall' scenario, and on Noob. First, these tags and ONLY these tags related to anal tail are necessary:

>(anal tail:1.2), [what animal you want it to be with the exception of rabbit] tail

Do not insert other anal tail related tags like 'anal object insertion' or 'sex toy'. It makes sense why, but there's also the idea that the more tags you have that appear like they do on danbooru, maybe the AI will better reproduce the desired image. That actually IS how it works sometimes with Noob, and it actually does work that way for rabbit tails, but not for other kinds of tails. So if it's a rabbit tail, you can put those other tags and actually that will increase accuracy a bit in some cases interestingly. Maybe not all cases though, as I've only tested the 'through wall' pose.

Secondly, this is necessary in the negative:


It's necessary because in a sense, letting the AI draw a big anus means it is more likely to "take the easy route" and draw a butt plug there instead of a butt plug tail, since it already "drew" a tail for the girl above her ass, and an anus is closer to looking like a butt plug anyway. Basically if you don't have this tag in neg then it'll more often put a butt plug there instead of the tail which will be drawn normally.

Also, I put my tags in the order danbooru has, not sure if that makes a difference.
In the end the solution is easy, but it did take a lot of experimentation to gain this knowledge.
alright now add (small penis:1.3) to your prompt
works, thank you for correcting my retard ways
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>(which CivitAI does expose)
No it doesn't.
You can choose adafactor or prodigy. You get nothing else.
>The original AdamW isn't generally actively recommended by fucking anyone versus AdamW8Bit
You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.
AdamW is literally higher quality than AdamW8bit. The only reason to use adamw8bit is due to resource constraints. And if resources were a concern civit should actually implement and run with adam-mini, since not only is that even lower resources it's actually fucking better than adamw8bit.

But here. Let me break down some of the dumb shit of the civit trainer.
>locked step count
sure love not being able to control when or where the trains stop and hoping that civit got their shit right(they absolutely did not).
>locked to batch9, can't even toggle gradient accumulation
I train at batch4grad4. So they're already below my general use case.
>lora type: lora with no other options
lol. lmao.
>only offers classic noise offset and not pyramidial
baka fampai.
>only min snr gamma and no debiased estimation loss
>only offers adafactor and prodigy
like. for real, man.
>locked weight decay and also no extra arguments field
there's other shit but jesus fucking christ. This shit is unusable garbage.
Who the hell is Adam W
Doctor Optimizer's first son
my favorite part about the civitai lora trainer is that it resizes all your images so the longest side is 1024 pixels
although i haven't checked it recently so maybe they fixed it
Holy shit she's sucking him!
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lmao you're right
holy kino
Impressive. Very nice.
oh one correction, the step count isn't really locked I'm just dumb and didn't try and toggle epochs.
Either way it should be letting you end at specific step counts, not forcing to X epoch completions. Epochs are often arbitrary as fuck and don't really mean anything while total step count will be a better gauge of when something is actually "done."
I broke it
Damn, I can't believe anon's wife is dead.
dont let that one anon see this...
Pony could never
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delet this
this is art
lmao I literally made a FLUX Lora that interchangeably does monsters, demons, or aliens railing chicks, in a way that doesn't fuck with any of the Flux text support and isn't limited in terms of things like backgrounds or locations or anything. While everyone else at the time was crying about how it was "impossible" to teach Flux NSFW.

(warning, this link contains basically material you'd see moreso in the /b/ version of this thread):

Message that Civit user (me) if you really want and I'll reply that I told you to do so in a response to messae 8254046, as "proof" or whatever.
what the absolute fuck are you talking about lmao, if you honestly think that it's more likely you're the ESL in this situation.
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barely made it. cool
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batch size 4 with 4 gradient accumulation steps for fucking what use case?

Your comments about AdamW are "big number better" boomerisms that nobody at large generally agrees with, also.

The rest of what you mentioned are NOT settings that are likely if ever going to be found in the metadata of straightforward Lora vaguely relevant to this board, though yes they are technically settings that Kohya does have, sure.
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spent some buzz to make a lora
box me up pls
just fuck off already retard
I'll concede that I did forget AdamW8Bit was an option specifically for SD 1.5 based models (and Flux) but not SDXL ones, though. That said I've never seen a reason personally to opt for anything in the traditional Adam series for XL-based stuff regardless.
has meta, use stealthpng
>y-you can't just make a LoRA out of anything !!
Can you even link a single widely available anime-related Lora that uses any gradient accumulation step count above 1, at all, anywhere?
all me
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do you even know what gradient accumulation does?
if you're the same person and this is you linking said Lora than REALLY? nice 1000-image single-subject Lora trained at 512x512 and batch size 6 on an XL model.
>look guys, i made a garbage lora for a garbage model, therefore i am an expert in training loras
listen here mr dipshit, nobody will ever take you seriously and your lora has sub 1k downloads lol
yes, i've used them in the TensorArt trainer (which does expose them but is overall worse than Civit IMO for various other reasons) several times.
bro... your IQ?
need a discord screenshot lora
kill yourself
that'll be up to some other brave anon with 500 buzz to kill

I've made a bunch of other Loras and a couple checkpoints also (including one of the only SD 1.5 checkpoints that has any anime capabilites and is actually trained entirely on XL-equivalent resolution data).

That Flux Lora hasn't been out for long and it's not exactly a mainstream subject it covers, the point was I guarantee you I know what I'm fucking talking about.
Are you sure?
You don't sound like you have any fucking idea what gradient accumulation does.
But here. I'll give you the real, real simplified version of it.
It's very, very, very similar to batch size. Think of it as a batch size multiplier, even(though I guess calling it a batch "extender" instead would be a bit more apt but I'm not going to get into that). It's not quite the same but batch size 2 with a gradient accumulation of 4 is *very* similar to running flat batch size 8. And running batch size 3 gradient accumulation 12 would be similar to running batch size 26.
However, it has significantly lower vram requirements.

But even that super simplified version is probably all too far above your head, anyway. So why don't you just fuck off back to /g/ where you belong, retard.
Still waiting for you to link fucking anything you've actually released yourself, don't care what it is.
angry hours it seems
you may think you're "the shit" but you are just shit LMAO
i didn't come here to get into a fight frankly, this thread just has more hilariously self-absorbed contrarian know-it-all retards today than usual.
No... I AM the strongest baker
Erm.. your proof? Post 5 Loras you've made with 5000+ downloads each or you're just a larping nobake faggot
this is one of the dumbest insult attempts i've ever heard, sounds like something out of a sitcom from 20 years ago
>I know what I'm fucking talking about
Maybe just MAYBE when it comes to FLUX.
But are you so retarded as to not realize that nobody here is talking about FLUX?
What applies to one model does not necessarily apply to another.
Dunning kruger retard
For the record I linked my own account originally solely because the other guy lead in first saying he didn't believe I'd ever released anything, just to call his bluff.
now explain in 150 words or less why you haven't released a successful lora without sounding mad
I mean my stuff spans all of SD 1.5, XL, and Flux. Actually Kolors too, I did a combined anime / photographic facial cumshot lora for it just to kind of check out Kolors training in general a bit.
why does it always have to be without sounding mad?
what if I want to sound mad huh ??
I still don't see any "proof" that you're a good baker, mr dunning kruger
you have to beat the angry allegations
that sounded angry to me, tone it down a bit will ya?
my Loras are at least "successful" enough to give me a pretty steady buzz income via them getting used in the onsite generator, that's all I really care about. I wasn't making any claims of success in the manner you're getting at, anyways. Pyramidal Noise Guy also never proved he'd released anything at all after accusing me first so yeah.
i dunno man, sounds mad
I mean Pyramidal Noise Guy is the "Dunning Kruger" in this situation if anyone is, from my perspective.
>he's mad
we're hitting mad levels that shouldn't even be possible
take a shower
I normally would never rub to a gen posted in these threads but this got me acting wild, more plz
nah I just still think I'm right in the same way i did since the beginning of this convo lol (started by whoever it was that was apparently outraged at me using the Civit trainer).
>Xenos fucking women
You know what anon, I stand corrected, thank you for this, I rescind my previous comment
explain why you haven't killed yourself yet without sounding mad
I like the detail of the penis being redder post blowjob, since that normally occurs when girls suck extra hard and make the penis fill up more than usual. Little details like that are neat
she has sandpaper in her mouth, the penis is red from friction
Shower LoRa broke
>batch size 4 with 4 gradient accumulation steps for fucking what use case
Do you even know what larger batch sizes do for training? How it impacts regularization?
And the point is that it's effective batch16. Which is a bigger number than you can get from shitit and is significantly larger than your claim of someone else calling the shitit trainer garbage being some retard stuck training at batch1(which there are actual legitimate reasons to choose to train at, by the way).
>Your comments about AdamW are "big number better" boomerisms that nobody at large generally agrees with
I mean, here's a github thread from a year ago that disagrees(and also mentions that w8bit was fucking broken on kohya)
Also it's not about "big number better" it's that w8bit is just shit for precision vs 32bit and the resource/speed difference isn't worth shit(not to mention I had to stop using it in the first place because it refused to do anything but NaN).
>The rest of what you mentioned are NOT settings that are likely if ever going to be found in the metadata of straightforward Lora vaguely relevant to this board
What level of tourist do you have to be to make this sort of assumption?
And what the fuck kind of lora's do you even think are "relevant to this board?" Because about 99% of all lora's posted to these threads are style oriented.
Bigger number IS better though, retard-kun
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how to upscale gen good
resize in ffmpeg/imagemagick using nearest neighbour
just gen in target res bro
i resize you foreskin until tare if not tell correct
pls no, anything but the tare
Not telling because you're a rude nigger faggot
then tell benchood
call me when kohya sd scripts adds it otherwise don't care
kill yourself
who is benchood and what do i tell him?
Cefurkan gives good tutorials on reddit
i ask for advice not for nigger faggot baby cry cry
if you want advice, ask chatgpt
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goo goo gaga thread? goo goo gaga? that you. uwaa uwaaaaah
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>Is this Illu?
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Fuck yes, I love closeups
So I'm kind of new to Samplers and schedule types. I always used Euler A but don't know what the rest of them are for
irrelevant snake oil, just keep using euler a
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Kill yourself immediately
Just link one lora you've trained and released where any of the shit you're know-it-alling about is relevant or shut the fuck up, honestly. Nobody or at least virtually nobody is using Adam anything to train anime style Loras, I assure you.
Why don't you do the same, other than that flux shit nobody cares about which had only sub 1k downloads?
I've directly compared the results before with some Kolors and SD3 experimentation I was doing on TensorArt a while ago, they're usually essentially indistinguishable and certainly come nowhere close to justifying the extra memory + training time cost of regular Adam. Again I almost alway use adaptive optimizers anyways though.
>I have done x thing but I'm not going to show any proof
Meds now schizo
click from that Lora into my profile, retard
No, retard. Also nobody cares about your meme models that can't spell color right or Shit Diffusion 3
my primary point is I (like pretty much everyone else) would under almost no circumstance use either normal AdamW or AdamW8Bit for XL, I was looking at them in the context of those other models which had pretty different overall training behaviors.
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this is just a stupid fucking comment lmao, am I supposed to be offended by this
You very clearly are offended lol
>500 people downloaded this
No, not really, almost everything the people arguing with me have said was just incredibly stupid. I'm not the one shitting my pants and having an autistic tantrum about someone training on "shitit" as he not-so-cleverly put it.
you know what, fine, I don't give a fuck.
you won't find any metadata on anything posted to civit because I'm a fag and it's not my job to teach them how to make glora work. I also have barely anything posted there because there just isn't a point(also ignore the nai@home lora, it was trained incorrectly on purpose - as a joke).
everything on civit/mega is trained on pony, everything on mediafire is illustrious.

optimizers other than adamW are garbage. There's a reason why every paper released for every proposed optimizer STILL has to try and compare itself to adamW and present edge cases where it can totally be better sometimes.
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nice work, keep going
>everyone else is stupid and i'm the genius
You sure you haven't gotten it all mixed up? Are you sure you're not the retarded one here?
Well, I appreciate it. The thing that surprised me most about training that Lora really is nobody ever asking why I did interspecies sex before anyone had even done human sex lol.
Will do anon, tomorrow though gotta sleep. I'll try to fix the illya image in the morning too
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Ayyy its my ex in high school
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Nice, if true
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Nice try but I didn't say or imply I was a genius. In any case it's basically the one guy in here who seems to be legitimately perturbed by any concept of training that doesn't adhere to his preferred way of going about it so whatever, this is a pretty pointless discussion overall.
>one guy
anon you are being called a retard by not "one guy" but, in fact, several guys.
probably because you're a retarded fucking monkey who doesn't actually understand what any of the buttons, knobs or dials actually do or why they're important while pretending you know anything about anything.
What is this?
why is it so blurry
you forgot your glasses + it's pony
it's gookani
No, it's the one guy making it his life mission to champion AdamW in its original form, nobody else has really directly said anything substantial on that subject either way.
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why is it so
it's *nai
>anyone i disagree with is just 1 guy
You are very clearly retarded
>I didn't say or imply I was a genius
You think you're better than anyone who disagrees with you, same shit lol
it starts with one thing, i don't know why
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it doesn't even matter how hard i try
looks good, box?
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>8+ loads
what a fucking slut
Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme To explain in due time
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I count 10
so 8+
2 more weeks
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all I know...
I count 11.
Breast, pussy and 9 condoms filled. There is a very sneaky condom hiding on the right.
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how very astute of you anon.

last one from me for tonight, you may have your text thread back.
Is this anon still around to say which models they're based on?
Wtf this anon should be a private eye. Impressive
Captcha - XDJ0Y
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Good one to end on. Good night anon, sleep tight
You know that feel when pony goes schizo and gens a kino style you can't reproduce no matter the same prompt and settings? I remember reading ponydev figured out some way to pinpoint every possible style in the what's-it-called but might not share it with the public (out of fear of backlash from artists?). Honestly bums me out every time pony goes schizo and produces one-off kino styles, like I'm being blue balled.
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nsfw Illustrious is not bad, but it has a style kind of baked on.
crawling in my skin
this thread it will not heal
bait is how I fall
confusing what is real
discomfort, blacked gens endlessly have pulled themselves upon me
distracting, reacting
against my will I stand beside thread highlights
it's haunting
how I can't seem

to find good gens again
my lack of (You)s are closing in
(without a sense of confidence, I'm convinced)
(that there's just too much shitposts to take)
I've felt this way before
so insecure
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Same prompt with base illustrious. The original is simply better.
I told you guys, the thread will not recover for a long time after the og groidspammer raid and pony infestation, highliterfag being a fag doesn't help in the slightest
>cute euge genning lewds
I didn't know he had it in him
Oh hey, I'm the anon testing a new model based on illust. At this point, I think the model started to diverge significantly from base illustrious (I'm getting way less anatomy mistakes), so it might not give you the same thing, but here's the two prompts:

krystopher decker, onono imoko, (ishikei:0.7), masterpiece \(quality\), best quality, 1girl, drool, night, dark, black hair, slingshot swimsuit, covered nipples, twin tails, wet, kneeling, oral, fellatio, deep throat, irrumatio, 1boy, penis, testicles, from below, drool, swimming pool, indoor, dark, spotlight

krystopher decker, onono imoko, (ishikei:0.7), masterpiece \(quality\), best quality, 2girls, red hair, blue hair, short hair, long hair, dark skin, large breasts, nipples, symmetrical docking, cooperative fellatio, saliva, (paizuri), oral, licking, 1boy, penis, pov, from above, kneeling, on floor
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I kneel
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Only with AI can I give Rebecca a happy ending.
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NTA, but the prompt is more than enough.
maybe dont put the tag against glass from this point of view retardo
Shut the fuck up, troll.
I do what I want. Fuck you.
kill yourself bitch nigga
or what, retard?
I still don't know if all Ayakon's posting is just some sort of very elaborate satire or he's just genuinely very autistic. Is this what post-irony looks like?
>nogen complaining about highlights again
Gee I wonder who this could be
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This general needs correction
>x (formerly shitter) bird
>correct number of digits
This has to be a false flag.
I would put my dick in that
Is fugtrup the only real 3D CGI lora for pony? Haven't found any others
gulps me whole
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sexy! nice fat load sucked out
I don't know why but evil themed porn feels natural desu. It is a corrupting force after all, so giving your cum to glowing-eyed succubi is honest
Adding "inside spaceship" makes Illustrious hallucinate really, really hard.
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I like this one.
she is blushing, so cute
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The generation process looks fine and when the image is finished I get a fucked up picture like this:
How do I fix this?
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>Take the oldest prompt/image you have
>Run it through your current favorite checkpoint
>Post results

I assume you are using ComfyUI and you are setting the skip to something that isn't -2
I would be annoyed if I was getting Rin in my gen out of nowhere too, try to put her name in negative to avoid her showing up
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I'm using webui and clip skip is set to 2

she's kind and likable
Post the catbox so we can identify the issue. AI is good, but it doesn't give us clairvoiyance yet.
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Oh, that kinda works.
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Remember when we made prompts just like this one?
what a lovely butt hole
what loras do I use to get buttholes like that
Miqomix still the meta here?
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Kinda wish there was a clitoris/vagina lora available for illustrious.
>It is a corrupting force after all, so giving your cum to glowing-eyed succubi is honest
you get it
I was thinking about training one. How do you even do concept loras? Do you crop your samples around the desired concept or what?
>you get it
I think that's why Bible Black and Sins of the Flesh, along with succubus hentai or girls with glowing red eyes feel right in porn, it is hypnotizing me away from the women who I'm supposed to be spending my time with, and is a tool of the demons of lust
berry cute
I love this but aren't gens of this /aco/ style bannable? I got banned for posting girls who looked too similar to this style
I think its a meme, doesn't look like Miqomix
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Alright gents, eu hours now, let's show these savages the refined way of the inheritors of the holy roman empire
>artist_michael whelan
Pretty strong effect on v3, thought all LAION artists barely worked.
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need me more things like succubus prison or dieselmine succu games

yeah it's weird, there's quite a few artists like that from what i've tried and they have fairly strong or noticeable effects meanwhile when i tried them on arti and such they were super weak or didn't work at all. dunno how strong this kind of thing is on illustrious
holy fuck that dick is stretching her so much, hot af
I love the idea of Patchouli, the girl with almost no expressions, finally making one when a dick is pushed into her
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Boxes pleas
>full-face blush needed a lora on pony
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why does /h/ loves niggers so much?

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probably because it's an implicit exterior shot tag, you want to use "spaceship interior" or some shit
Buying any tier below Opus is useless for image gen, you could've just bought anlas directly. On the positive side, you can upgrade to Opus and only pay the difference, unless you cancelled, but use the 1k you have up first so you get 11k in total.
pretty funny, right?
illu even does a decent job of vibrator cords, it's like 15% success rate which is quite good for such a tiny object
You forgot to post image
Super nice, super lovely
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>big tits on bern
>skeleton thing instead of a goat
Funny and sad, yes. Lifeless pony expressions was probably even a bigger gripe than le sepia for me.
>big tits on bern
don't make me say it in read
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Yummy black cock!
do black people even exist in fire emblem
there was a giganigga in dmitri's house from the top of my head
mmm suck on it babe she can take that whole bbc
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NTA, but other optimizers are pretty much all memes.
i agree
Do we know for a fact that euge-tan is male? Maybe it's short for eugenia.
>yeah it's weird, there's quite a few artists like that from what i've tried and they have fairly strong or noticeable effects meanwhile when i tried them on arti and such they were super weak or didn't work at all.
It's knowledge embedded by CLIP. That's what you lose when you train the TE.
Got a link to a list of Illustrious XL supported artists?
In other words, it loses the sovl
Yeah, and which ones of those actually work, smartass? hit rate is like 1/10 I'm not gonna do that work myself
I actually don't want models to reach the perfect state
imagine if every single gen was actually good. It instantly loses its meaning
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euge-chan x b--chama is back on the menu boys... /u/ edition.
yeah, i've found pretty much any artist with 200+ pics works
this, I wish we just stayed on pony. having to put in work to achieve results will always filter lazy gooner retards
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>Bake up some loras from datasets I have lying around.
>Test it, works perfectly
>Out of curiously, generate the image without the lora
>Illust was already 85% of the way there on its own.
Well, the Lora still came out well, so I'm posting it. Decided I should probably just put everything into one continuously updated folder, so here you go.
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Still nice to see her back.

Bunnies Be Crazy
Pip van winkle?
Only lazy fuckers on /hdg/ would want a model that spits out a finished product without having to manually adjust it.
Ok Jordach
Holy moly!
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More lon the lines of islander/tribal types. The one >>8254550 mentions (Dedue) is of the Tribal type while the ones from Engage (picrel) of the Islander side .
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thank you!
>Pony is ugly
>Illu has trash anatomy
fuck this
i wish i had a gf so i could give her to the catbox deliverers
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Are there chink names like that?
why does her ear look like that
use correct vae retard
Piercing addiction.
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Controlling mole placements is kinda hard...
what's the difference between this and h100 sxm
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61 GB of VRAM and some flops
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Just... fucking add them yourself after the fact. It's a fucking dot, dude, you can manage a dot.
Well... I was surprised that default Lusty doesn't know that Brem has them and I had to promt for it...
extremely based
Elon Musk in shambles, builds his alleged 100k H100 farm and then this
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ok, just stick to /e/. gooknai trying to do penetration is embarrassing...
try chinknai it should be better at things like that
Requesting witches getting fucked by magical cocks
Pretty please
In the ass, forgot to add that
That's not me!!! But in the ass is good. Any hole goes
What did she mean by this offer?
You have to drink it, anon...
Well, if that's her cum....
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stop whining
how do I do post processing
it's mspaint
mystery nigga getting some choco
kek nice
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The food they were given had small bombs in it. which exploded from inside their stomachs. In other words, the crime is possible through trap X! The details of a bomb that they could swallow without noticing and that could blow open their stomachs is a Devil's Proof! I refuse to explain!!
needs some degrain and her boobs are bigger in canon
nai wins again
How do I tweak adetailer? There's still a visible colour shift at the edges...
Yup, which is why I stopped adding fingernails, moles, lipstick marks and freckles in my prompting and just do it in Photoshop/IBispaint
open the settings bro...
I tried to increase the blur/erode params and padding - the border is still there.
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I'm proompting jaggy lines and ms paint medium on purpose
much better
very nice
I like the crystal
show image and settings
You know how pony uses score_9, rating_explicit and other quality tags to make the pics better? What does NAI use?
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Share your favourite artstyle on Ilustrious! I like to use:
henriiku (ahemaru)
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There's one positive prompt preset and 3 negative prompt presets, all pre-made.
yd \(orange maru\), yd \(orange maru\), yd \(orange maru\)
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ive been too busy to test, i was remaking my dataset from scratch
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its img2img
remove jaggy lines, microsoft paint \(medium\), limited palette to get smooth look
Cute fuckdoll.
Why is Ilustrious so bad?
Why is Ilustrious so good?
Why is Ilustrious so good?
Mom! I made it
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How does Lusty handle FFM? When I first gave Pony a try at the beginning of the year, it could, with a fairly low degree of consistency, be tard wrangled into some pretty ambitious compositions that NAI couldn't do no matter what.
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because local only eats leftovers from saas
0.1 is bad, because it's really an early epoch
the rest of the epochs? not bat, not bat at all
Ilustrious will surpass Nai saaars.
carry on then with posting hottest anime girl of all time
What's the difference between comfy and non comfy samplers? looking into for Euler and all i got was

>"Comfy" suggests that this version of the Euler sampler is designed to be more user-friendly or smooth in how it handles image creation. It could mean that the process is optimized to feel more "natural,"
holy shit comfy added a tolerable ui to his noodle soup
physically not possible
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Fuck yeah, you have such perfect Rio gens
Also this, I didn't realize it was a separate page: https://docs.novelai.net/image/undesiredcontent.html
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>every attractive pussy ever generated is an innie
what does this mean?
show her butt
It's the same for real ones.
cleft of venus is the only thing that works ,literal cunny supremacy
what is this? is this a new update?
did he really just ape NAI's ui
idk, i just found this in the new settings
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does it work well? I like the idea of having a preview of the images you've genned in the same window
that's some fat ass
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i've noticed a few quirks already (the image chosen in that preview is always the first, not last), but nothing broke so far
EPIC moved from the artiwaifu trooncord to the noobxl one and watching him shit up the channels with other sub 50 IQs is both hilarious and scary. I wish I had QQ, I bet the Chinese team has enjoyable and productive conversations that don't consist of tards arguing over who understands the most irrelevant paper best. No wonder they quickly cited cultural differences when troon westoids tried to jump onboard. The dude leaving passive aggressive messages that L-A-X didn't accept his HF request is funny too, I think he's confusing noobxl gens for the HF repos latest epochs because there aren't that many people with access.
had any problems with any extensions?
it seems like it has a lot of qol added to it so I might just update
That's nice and all but you're kind of a loser for sharing this with us. Why not share your actual feelings in the server?
Are you jealous of the guy or something?
Based sincos enjoyer.
Why would I start drama in the server, it's better left here with you fags.
>Gimme a sec while I swallow this
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i don't use an awful lot of extensions, so i can't say anything about that
what style is this
Thank god the Chinese built a fortress and ignored all the dogshit advice
muririn, kobuichi
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I wish people would just tell him to shut the fuck up already. They probably don't want to offend him by banning outright or something but his misinformed advice and insights are starting to get really annoying.
I kek'd at that guy too
>lots of people testing it in the other discords i'm in, i'm the odd one out it seems :*)
press (X) to doubt, lax accepted all of 3.5 people
not even going to risk my sanity looking at the other dicksword tho
the great wall
Catbox or styles, please?
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Not him but you can probably just look at this catbox >>8248962
The reason I have this post handy is because I was browsing previous threads and just happened to see this post. Funny coincidence.
Shame Pony will save local again, wanted someone else to do it.
yep, that's my post
might exclude yuzusoft from prompt because it doesn't add that much
It's kind of funny when people challenge his tardtakes and he back pedals and shuts up for 5 seconds but it never lasts.
Inviting hole. Too bad about the split clit.
gotcha, thanks
it's illustrious
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just proompt it yourself its not that hard
Cunnychads stay winning
How did people get the new epochs of illustrious? Are they handing it out to testers on the discord or something
there aren't any
You're confused
They aren't.

illustrious 0.1 is irrelevant and a meme
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kek, it was trained on ai slop
Then wtf is Model: checkpoint-e3_s42000 suppose to be?
Pony you fucking retard
new epoch of noobxl
someones merge/finetune
Even that noob? I only know that one example of v0.2 testing.
If it's a meme then why is everyone drooling over it?
I want autism level hands back...
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Basically you have to be in the 'cord and you have to NOT be transgender to have access to those checkpoints. It's a rare occasion, so very few people have it.

Because they're coping over the fact local is dead and they have to worship Pony.
Noobxl's tests that will end up discontinued in favor of the real bake. Noobxl current release wasn't supposed to be released to public but some retard (EPIC probably) uploaded it to some AI site because he didn't have the compute to gen himself. So creators quickly released that to avoid losing credit of their creation. Now no new access is granted because retard (again, probably Epic) ruined their trust in westoids. Maybe 3-4 people were accepted to the test repo before this happened. It's seriously not worth it anyway, just wait for the public access
noob is shit compared to SPO, change my mind.
This is why it's never worth interacting with local jeets, keep everything in house.
you're correct
just add futanari (unironically, try this)
Thanks anons. I'll sit back and wait for the public release then.
how come so many i see so many gens in the thread with dark-skinned_(fe)male? is it some kind of raceplay thing or are people real jeets? really gets the mind boggling
it's like bestiality that we can post here
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This thread has always been filled with jeets
We love bbc around here
Fucking beautiful, also box please?
there are a lot of jeets that were attracted by the groidspam, sadly
its like the early days of /b/ when there were jokes about loli before the real pedos flooded in and werent joking
jeets don't prompt blackest african nogs and don't like anime
they gen PerfectWorld-tier madams on pony
fair enough. not really weird if people want to self insert. im sure some of it is raceplay which is fine too. was just curious
who the fuck do you think is paying for all the blacked Patreon ai slop, anon? they make group funds and share it
what's wrong with dark skinned females?
Shitjeetai would like a word, it seems you are mistaken...
nothing, you can be whatever color or gender you like
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sure, i'm just experimenting though. its mostly a mess in the prompts aside from the artist tags. trying to see if i can fit other outfits into other characters.

NTA but a lot of the jeets here post ACOslop tier niggresses, it's not like having hentai type dark skinned females
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The closest any female hentai gen should get to "black skin" is Fran from final fantasy. If they're more "black" than Fran in skin or features it's no longer hentai. Simple as
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bro just genned E.T. starting an only fans
Presuming the first two rows are fine, which of the bottom row would you consider okay/not okay?
I box'd it cos I'm a coward and I fear the janny
Can somebody explain why L-A-X's team has been training on a 32xh100 cluster for almost 3 months but has produced nothing of value besides an objectively inferior Illustrious finetune? It's almost impressive in a way.
Because they were training on Hunyuan up until very recently, retard-kun. We've told you this already

How do you make something worse than 0.1 illustrious ? Shits already worthless as is
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regular oneesan hug
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Bottom 3 to the left are not ok, rightmost passes under monster girl - dark elf which generally has a more grey or desaturated tone
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meds, quickly
/l/ used to exist, you know.
nigger sakaki-san is OFF LIMITS for lewds
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by being forced to release something in the early test stages that wasn't ready. most finetunes will recess to an extent before learning proceeds
made you reply to a low-effort bait, dumb cocksucker
go back to /b/
that was post pedo /b/, retard
Kiddy diddling pedophiles can have their /b/, just don't come here
very american post
bottom row has odd tones more than being too dark, for me the darkest character i find pretty is Naga from Nikke
Is that Mieruko-chan?
This. Pedos are the cess of all cess.
that was the intent, yes
illu doesn't seem to know her, or izumi's artstyle well. Had to add lashes manually

if u fap to my slop then thats your problem
>Naga from Nikke
I think the key here is are they obviously just very tanned Japs in anime?
If yes, pass
If no, trash
pretty good lookalike then. And new chapter too. Great.
We got a list of usable artist style on Illustrious yet?
holy kino
I only woke up an hour ago and this has already made my day
based kek
You seem to have forgotten the fucking like a snake Sakaki doujin.
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box this shit pls
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Should work fine with just downloading it I think, I'm using stealth metadata
kino, do you have a catbox for that?
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this is me btw
this is how I look like
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bejitabro btw
uh-oh janny's gonna FREAK

discord mod status?
Your right hand seems to be broken. Might want to get that checked.
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This used to be a nice general...
catbox pls
please box
until the gook nation attacked...

the blurring strength is real nice.
is catbox down again
I wish this general would only consist of moe anime gacha hags such as this
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she's to pretty to be a hag
decided to upload some shit i've been baking
>/aco/ and furry-ifies your anime model
it looks like pony "anime"
i don't care *shoves you*
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they're the best
Garnet, nice
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I still smile when I see best girl
built for large insertion and stomach punch
nns moment
I'm already overwhelmed with trying out new artists with Illustrious but now I get to try all the characters that Pony didn't recognize natively either, fun fun
Is there any way to make illustrious gens look less low quality?
Same bro, I'm having a lot of fun with it, can't wait for the full release
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>Listen to mousou express on youtube
>Switch to estonian vpn because catbox is acting up again
>suddenly get video not available notification on youtube
I feel for you, estoniabros...
Huh, is files.catbox down at the moment?
i will take this time during catbox's outage to shill stealth pnginfo
use litter
Is a full release coming? There is some shitposting about how we aren't getting it.
>boxed a pic then proceeded to post an even hotter pic
um...box again? please
holy based
one box, sir
use steath pnginfo and stop raping catbox servers
Give us Garnet climbing a ladder wearing a sundress with her fat ass in full view.
No, I don't think I will
Stop posting amazing pics like these if you want the catbox begging to stop
0.1 is a "finished" model and I wish Angel hadn't used that name since it's enabling these shitposters. Everything after the version we got are experiments with NLP captions/larger datasets including anime screenshots and other sources. 0.1 isn't a half baked checkpoint, it's a perfect base for building on.
mmm i think ill post metadataless pictures then lie about the metadata being there :3
Return to base SD1.5 from the pre-NAI1 days.
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d (o_o )
nta but how
Forgive my retarded phrasing but by full release I meant the new chinese bake
The only scenario in which we'd get further epochs of illustrious are if their saas fails and angel decides to leak the models, which he hinted at
Huh is there saas lusty?
Not yet afaik, I think the intention is for it to be a sfw webtoon thing for koreans
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>Update Forge
>Clipskip gone
>Some new settings

Does clipskip no matter for SDXL models?
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hags suck
my dick
Does (prompt:0.6) syntax even work on forge and new models? it felt so unreliable since the onset of xl models
>a sfw webtoon thing for koreans
Won't work, gooks have a ton of guides on arca for locals and how to train loras.
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i like how the sword doesn't give a fuck and renders at high resolution no problem
hanako virgin pussy...
jks are hags too, but cute
>Does clipskip no matter for SDXL models?
On forge it was always ignored for SDXL. On Comfy you can set it to something other than 2 and fuck up your gens.
be an AGP bro and box us up
kill yourself asap
what's actual webui and models right now? what's the difference between forge and reforge? i have missed about two months and feel kinda dumb
why are you posting early 2023 tier gens
>0.1 is a "finished" model and I wish Angel hadn't used that name since it's enabling these shitposters
the fuck are you talking about? angel wouldn't agree with your statements at all
>/aco/ shading and colors
I don't really care what that tranny thinks.
yeah right
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cant post non hags here though
Are the cfg++ sampler claims snakeoil or do we have x/ys proving that they reduce stuff melting together?
i'm new to this, it's fun
i don't care what you did 1 year ago
they are snakeoil same as smea. Just remember they're supposes to be used with 0-1 CFG if you do decide to use them.
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sdxl does not use clip skip
You either gen at lower res and upscale or use hacks like raunet/kohya blocking
i use them for upscaling
i can't tell the difference
that's because it's snakeoil
if you see anyone recommending cfg++, immediately disregard
CFG++ has more prominent colors
all schoolgirls are fine, i don't discriminate big titted ones
I can see that there are differences, but I can't tell which is better. Same with a lot of things with SD, at least for me, unfortunately. Thanks for sharing
>snakeoil same as smea
smea isn't snakeoil tho. we just don't have a proper implementation and most people don't understand the use case.
I'm not seeing it, oled-sama
For me, DPM++ 2S a comes out the best, but it's not as fast as Euler a. I hardly ever see anyone else use it though.
What are the CFG mappings between the regular samplers and CFG++? Is it just 0-1 and 0-10?
this general is lame
full of boring autists with shit taste
no fun

i wonder where the young blood is
i guess on /v/
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cfg++ is best at 1-2, not 0-1

So this is the power of Illustrious...
Is that beret glued to her head or something? How is it staying on?
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Never imagined it'd be so difficult getting a coherent ladder
NTA but are you new to anime or something kek
kill yourself zoomer
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That'll do. Thanks.
yeah, if i stay any longer i'll definitely wanna blow my brains out from boredom
holy I love that you see her tit through the top like that
stealth png btw
it's a ninpo
anachronism bad
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didnt relize it was so uncouth to have that on, noted.

Not that much has changed.
They have airships in FF9, I don't think it's too much outside the realm of possibilities that they have vibrators
i wouldn't have complained if they made some effort to make it look like the tech in ff9 but they did not
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last gen before jannies snipe me for not posting a hag.
>has (texts, dialogue, sound effects) inside negative for years
>take them out, add sound effects into my rape gen
>switch to NoobAI
>immediately coom
I think I've found the secret sauce. In the future we'll have something that generates dialogue boxes and SFX like the ones from Artist CGs.
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Yeah, hot af
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Can anyone give me a hand? No matter what style I put in the prompt or which artists, I get these messy images with bland coloring.

Using illustrious. Not sure if there's a detail I missed but the image should have metadata.
Hats on anime girls are actually parasites growing from their scalps. Removing them would be very painful.
With Euler A you want CFG scale to be around 5-7, try cranking that up
try plugging the PC in grandma
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They are big girls
Switch to the smooth model.
For you.
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I fucking love dicks touching breasts that doesn't involve paizuri, did you prompt for that specifically or was it RNG?
pure artistry
snapped his dick off
Is this pony or Illustrious?
why is the anatomy so terrible?
its gooknai
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RNG and pose I guess
It's not a model that is based on pony diffusion V6 XL
or naiv3
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I wouldnt mind getting my dick snapped off by her either desu
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this shit could be framed and hung up on a wall
What story is this piece telling us
I just checked with my own dick and I can confirm that your dick can pull that position off.
some kind of demon prince birthday party?
love these kannas
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so how do you even get a following to do the grifting thing?
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nice titties
make sure "dark-skinned male, huge penis" is in all your prompts
just post with your patreon name in the filename
>illustrious gens mario instead of some weird mario/shota amalgamation when i prompt mario character
pony is SO over
i dont know where to place a BREAK to stop mario from appearing....
show full image
cant, he is fucking luigi
catbox it
post FOTM gacha hags on twitter and pixiv
do undressing campaigns
after looking at some more comparisons it definitely seems like using multires noise will absolutely nuke background details, 27 here is with my usual settings of 10/0.4 and 28 is 0/0. not really sure why the anatomy and prompt comprehension is also fucked in no multires discount example though
i was gonna throw it away but here you go
tricked ya
>pick one of the top 10 popular anime shows of the season, grab the main girl
>train a lora for her if needed, or better yet grab some other jeet lora from civit
>make sure to use pony
>huge penis, interracial, dark-skinned male smegma
>mix a bunch of furry artists for some vomit-tier shit style
enjoy your internet fame
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underbaked first test on 13 videos for t2v finetune, the t2v were complete trash, but loading the lora onto i2v has shown an increase in performance, I tried a longer run last night but my checkpoints were causing an error. 1000 steps took about 3 hours. this is only my first run but results seem promising.
add more aco loras sar
If you really care about your artwork you should post it here and try and get it in the highlights, best way to advertise it
>absolutely nuke background details
Don't you use masks or something?
this still looks like trash
im still baking
good morning sirs please post box
you got me XD
its in the metadata sir please redeem
incase, fellatrix and cyancapsule is needful for this thread!
yeah did you not read the post? its called a test.
i'm considering making a fellatrix lora that excludes his unpalatable content to be honest
its cogvideox, not ad
highlighter-kun is the only reason i sometimes effortpost
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nvm then.
Hello sir where is the metadata
yeah, some of his drawings look definitely too anime
>ponysloppers calling fellatrix anime now
you /aco/ fags need to go
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dunno why you would want the slop metadata.

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i don't know if you're baiting me or if you really can't read the irony
nonetheless some of his shit actually looks pretty much anime https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/6982441?q=fellatrix+

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You are basically back to form at this point. Think you can do portals or a retake on pic related?
IA anon please stop stalking the thread and wait until its highlight time
Why is all the good stuff always for 1.5 and comfy?
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kill yourself IA retard
If I remember right this was a just a automated CN depth for hands. only really works on simple stuff.
The approach sounds pretty sensible
beautiful... box?
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Continuing the theme of stealth sex, it looks like someone got caught.
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son of bloody bitch
Please reboot machine sir
A reminder that steganography is disallowed on 4chan. This is what killed /cumg/, and there's no reason why it shouldn't apply to stealth pnginfo as well.
>This is what killed /cumg/
we got an oldfag ova here
for this dataset the only masked areas are where text was and around 0.1-5% of the outer edge of the image. there's no character masking
I miss the days when you could upload images with embedded zip files.
also while I agree with your point on principle, please to the understanding that hiroshimoot probably doesn't want to invest any amount of time or money into someone developing a way to detect and prevent anyone from uploading images with this sort of metadata attached(or a way to strip it from said images). Proof being that this shit has been a thing for a year and nothing has been done about it so far.
So would you recommend we just stop sharing boxes altogether?
I'll give it a shot on /e/
pretty sure it would be the opposite.
catboxes are fine. can't do anything about them and they're not hosted on 4chinz servers so there's nothing to care about.
embedding data into images being uploaded to 4chan, however, is a problem and is technically forbidden, since this places the risk of sharing illicit materials in hiroshimoot's hands.
This seems like a way to prevent NAI from being posted
Yes. Remember, you are not entitled to a catbox, and, frankly, you should NOT get one. Someone worked for this prompt and lora. You want it for free?
Show your attempts, post the results and maybe I will consider posting part of my prompt. Otherwise you should go elsewhere, this is not place for lazy gooners who just want to be spoonfed.
Nice, I use comfy so nobody wants my boxes anyway regardless
I'm like a retard leper
I always just want the styles, I will still ask you for a box and sit with a magnifying glass in front of my monitor as I unearth the various artists used from the giant ocean of words before me.
don't worry i convert to jpg before uploading here, imagine sharing prompts kek wtf is this cuck shit
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Based and jordachpilled
this. the entitlement some people show here is unreal. someone shared their piece not for you to steal the prompt but to enjoy it and be inspired.
Be the true chaotic neutral.
Upload catboxes and share prompts, but do all of your own training and refuse to upload any lora's or give information on what the lora is trained on.
>enjoy it and be inspired.
eeeyup. instead of stealing someone elses work, pave your own path and get YOUR rightful (You)'s
If Nintendo finds out they are going to fuck you with an even bigger schlong
Is this one?


Previous Thread: >>


WebUI-reForge: https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
AutismMix SDXL: https://civitai.com/models/288584
Loras: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Artist hashes: https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
NovelAI (Paid): https://novelai.net/


Training: https://civitai.com/models/257749 | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles/3105/essential-to-advanced-guide-to-training-a-lora | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer | https://github.com/picobyte/stable-diffusion-webui-wd14-tagger | https://github.com/toshiaki1729/stable-diffusion-webui-dataset-tag-editor
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info/
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://www.iopaint.com/install
Controlnet: https://civitai.com/models/136070/controlnetxl-cnxl
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate2/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

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I wont post the metadata for all the slop i made. not because i dont want to, but because im lazy.
yes, although we could probably update it a bit more
fair enough. I'm mostly interested in the styles cuz I suck at the artist tag alchemy
Chaotic evil. Modify the metadata so with a huge prompt with (((gpo, ces))) hidden in it somewhere with autismmix instead of whatever flavor of checkpoint you're using, so if they generate to see if it comes out anything like the image they downloaded they get tasty treat
i kneel
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True Neutral

I will never post an image therefore my metadata will never be asked for and never be shared.
This one fucking sucked and nuked important info, that's why nobody adopted it
his main ingredient is just this
>im a nogen and i will remain nogen
so many words just to tell us this?
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based illustrious actually knows neku_oneneko.
I know ces but what's that?
dont tell me you dont know zac either..
why he got grape jelly on his wiener
zac is based albeit
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Yes it does.
It was also right in the middle of everything: Split-threads, nuked threads (Thread #582 is not even on the archive) and so on. Paranoia was quite high.

Thanks for even considering it
still waiting on an illust lora for him
>euge succeeded with vpred
naikeks on suicide watch
considering his decisions for the dataset i don't think naikeks have anything to worry about unfortunately
Lovely work
actually super hot
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ponyfucker's onahole collection
bc hes black and hes using it for lube. but seriosuly i can fix it in a bit
any guides on getting animatediff working on reforge?
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>considering his decisions for the dataset
what decisions? am i missing something? just entered the cord yesterday
I'm not generally into abuse/ryona but I figured I'd check the lighter end of things to see how illustrious/noob does and it's, surprisingly, actually pretty okay at it(at least, the bruising/body cuts/blood part).
though it doesn't seem to want to do proper nns style stomach punching, at least with the amount of low effort I'm willing to put into it, anyway.
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What's better?
2499$ worth of anals, or a 5090?
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pretty much, but the other tags override it. dont want the style to overwhelm the other artist tags.
I can hear the Behelit in my head from seeing this pic
tastefully done
can anyone explain why the fuck anyone would ever pay 1500$ for a 5080 with less vram than a 3090 you can get 2nd hand for 500$
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and not get the latest RGU glowing GPU? you fool
loving Illu's comprehension over pony but the prompt bleed is crazy sometimes
>ireading artist tag
>sometimes makes the character hold a book
>staff room in my background wildcard
>gives the character a staff to hold
it's clip
pencil skirt makes them hold a pencil lmao
it's one of its biggest flaws
Architecture and Efficiency:
Newer GPUs (like the 5080) typically use a more advanced architecture compared to older models. The 5080 would likely be built on a newer process (such as Ada Lovelace or something more advanced), offering significantly better performance per watt, improved ray tracing, and higher efficiency. This means the 5080 could deliver superior real-world performance in both gaming and productivity tasks, even with less VRAM.

Performance Gains:
NVIDIA's generational improvements often result in major boosts in performance across the board, even with less VRAM. The 5080 could have significantly higher core counts, faster memory bandwidth, or other optimizations that allow it to outperform the 3090 in actual gaming and AI workloads. This includes improved DLSS, frame generation, and better handling of newer game engines.

The 5080 might offer better longevity in terms of new features, software support, and compatibility with future technologies (like faster PCIe standards or updated APIs). It would likely support more advanced AI-driven features, which could make a noticeable difference in future games and applications. In contrast, the 3090 might get outdated quicker despite its higher VRAM capacity.

Real-World VRAM Usage:
While the 3090 has 24 GB of VRAM, most games and consumer applications rarely use anywhere near that much. Even demanding AAA games at 4K often only use 10-12 GB of VRAM. In this case, the 16 GB of the 5080 could be sufficient for most tasks for years to come. The extra 8 GB of VRAM on the 3090 would mostly benefit specific professional workloads, like certain 3D rendering or large-scale AI models.

Resale Value and Support:
Newer GPUs tend to hold their value better over time, and you get longer driver support and software optimizations from NVIDIA on the latest models. The 3090 is already a generation behind, and the 5080 will likely remain relevant for longer.
Just wait for v1 broski
What if you want to do some AAAA+ gaymen? Need the biggest and baddest for that SMEA grafics gaming experience
anyone made a lora for the "cute and valid" black concord character?
This one? lmao
thanks, chat gpt
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spread em'
Now that would be true if we had any good games that aren't held back by console peasants
someone please combine these two loras and post results
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just ask /b/'s AI thread lmao, theyd probably get a kick out of it
Anime version of this when?
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here ya go sar https://litter.catbox.moe/7z1qc8.png
this isn't even an illust issue it's a CLIP issue, i'm pretty sure melon22 spawns melons even on NAI. you just gotta keep an eye on your CFG and neg things as needed
Yeah, but how many melons can erato count? huh? exactly...
didn't know that kneepits are this hot


what be this.
NTA but, is the nyalia LoRA the one on Civitai?
nice gen btw
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Refined screencap style for Illustrious came out pretty nice. Same seed comparison attached. Makes the background way more coherent and the overall image much less randomly pseudo-3D.

Positive: "1girl, standing, looking at viewer, outdoors, blonde hair, cleavage, leggings, crop top, absurdres, masterpiece, best quality, high quality, very aesthetic"

Negative: "worst quality, low quality, normal quality, lowres, sketch, censored, bad anatomy, bad proportions, bad composition, bad perspective"
looks like 1.5
. . .
wow looks like absolute fucking garbage
maybe you should've used adamW
fuck off
wrong board and thread, buddy...
Another W for ponyGODS.
it's a lora trained on some pixiv retard's AI gens
>image much less randomly pseudo-3D
>street is at completely different angles on both sides of character
many such cases
lol nice bait Captain Disingenous. It looks like exactly the middle-of-the-road sort of Animagine / AAM XL style I was going for, get fucked.

>ai generated on ai

I posted it because there might be at least one person in here who isn't a contrarian retard troll trying to pretend with a straight face that the original gen's background is somehow "better" in any way.

sar please lora i beg
It's Illustrious
why did you never reply to someone linking multiple repo's of lora's trained on adamw?
seemed pretty obviously superior to the watered down garbage you got from the civit trainer.
lora trained on slop
no, I gathered this slop and made two versions, can't decide which is better, smaller dataset copies slop better ofc, while the bigger one is better at making some tattoo
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we do a little partially submerging
You mean the autistic retard who was having an embarrassing spergy tantrum over how superior he thinks he thinks his methods of training incredibly simplistic 2D loras are? I was planning on actually downloading and testing some of his shit today in fact.
is the idea that she'll drown if she won't suck?
>Lora trained on NAI gens
>Lora trained another lora
KINO, this is cinema etc.
bathtime migu helps cleanse
all peril, express or implied, is coincidental

small seems to elongate the toroso
oxygen is stored in the balls
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She's saying that because it's implied I'm a shota... right?
erection ruined

box for my tiny?
prep a tiny condom for me, im going in
boy sure hope some leftover cum got lost in there for me to suck out

this was the base txt2img
it's different perspective, she's leaning forward, also humans don't have fucking square torsos like some anons insists
>Uses the word tiny instead of small
Sentence flow decimated, immersion ruined. Repent for your sins
I like squatting, facing away implied fellatio but it never works out
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wtf is wrong with you man
why did you put duck tape on her face
man really was like
>i'll just gen this one at below SD 1.5 baseline resolution
based newfag
>sad but cooperative
pliant girls are the best
Rape is my favorite kink
so she won't quack
it's fine, there's no blood and the bruises are just makeup. it's just consensual rape play.
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computer too laggy to do any gens while captioning video dataset
I just like the manga style
this place is even creepier than I thought holy shit
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v2 is better for cooming anyway https://litter.catbox.moe/1z4mz5.safetensors
be in the back right beatboxing sex noises
How fucking new are you, Jesus Christ. How do you faggots even end up on 4chan
Vanillaman, don't ever go to the /b/ general.
the one in civ is already nuked?
secretly she enjoys it
how you missed reddit invasion here after pony release
Can you try not to use the F word please?
you mean after gooknai's release? the reddit concentration here was never this high during the pony era.
first time here?
It's insane to me in this day and age there are people who say that unironically or try offended by the word retard. Zoomers got psyoped so hard into being utterly faggots, it's wild
leddit doesn't even know about the korean model though
Yeah but did you train using adamW?
Thanks for sharing anon
My favorite is you can't even say suicide anymore. You have to say unalive or something to not be offensive
i know this is another bait but this general became literally r*ddit and v/ faggot shithole with retarded zoomer takes and retarded zoomer trolling around march when pony truly took off; there was a huge v/ ai threads exodus as well apparently
it became slightly more tolerable with illu release but now hdg is back to being a shithole
yeah, in february all the mass reporting and aco spam was by returning oldfags
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>around march
nah m8. Reverse that by about 4 months. It was late october/early november that this place started becoming a cesspit.
I wonder what coincided with that timeframe, thoug.
t. came here from a trooncord 2 weeks ago
I'm a zoomer (99) and not very wholesome
Not even allowed to call people mentally ill anymore, we now have mental health
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doesn't seem so, just wanted to bake with different datasets
your welcome, nope, it's prodigy, in some ways, historical ancestor of this optimizer is adamw

kek https://litter.catbox.moe/pzxwku.png
Christ I thought that was to avoid filters on tiktok or whatever.. whatever faggot government group decided this direction of psyop needs to have their testicles cut off and the wound drug through salt. Though at this point they'd probably like that
>It was late october/early november that this place started becoming a cesspit.
october is obviously v3 release, it invited plenty of retards but the place was still tolerable and actually even fun to post at even. february-march were when hdg became absolutely unusable due to shitposting, spite and mass reports
my first ban for "lolicon" was november and I caught at least two more through december.
the schizo spam reports came from aids, not wherever else you think came to "invade" this place.
You must be 18 or older to post on this site, faggot.
vanillabro you'll get used to it in no time
let's be honest hdg was pretty dead for a while before v3 dropped
and weird lolicon bans happened before that
not surprising that you'd get more retard attention with general getting more activity
but it only reached truly absurd levels in spring
>can't even say suicide anymore
this is only to avoid getting demonetized or harm your algo pull on youtube or tiktok
My first ban for lolicon was in 2008. Let's not pretend this place was ever more accepting of pedophilia than it is now.

zoomer tier post
These days if you get reported by some schizo and your gen is anything other than a fat hag you'll get banned quickly. Happened to me recently.
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interesting shirt design
built for paizuri
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tips on getting into highlights?
make good gen
make bad gen
make slop with genetic 2.5d artstyle
This anon has very smooth innie pussy.
post more blacked IA with (simple background:1.5)
if your gen isnt BLEACHED then i dont wanna see it
He really likes PoV girl on top images, so do a couple of those and you have a really high chance of getting in
the /b/ thread is pretty tasteless. why is loli even banished to /b/ in current year when the site barely makes money from ads and you can only buy passes in crypto anyways?
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>mfw wildcards
some location prompts have become real problems lmao
if your gen isnt BLACKED then i dont wanna see it
coom court
do you gen /kdg/ stuff with that gpu
Why is Morrigan twerking in court and why is the man taking the stand nude and distraught about it.
this isn't one schizo, and they're targeting "border cases" specifically to cause butthurt, although it subsided recently
moderation just doesn't act on single reports even for shit like shotacon, so it's clear that there's a group of dedicated trannies threadshitters
Always funny to see pedos making up some grand conspiracy as to why their rule breaking gets punished.
Pedophile kiddy diddlers are low IQ nad stunted, what else is new?
yes, c-cup generic anime girls are for pedos, toddler sized shotacon is /h/
>break 4chan rules
>get punished
>8255419 >8255421 >8255424 very tryhard samefag! Hope it pays off with many (You)s, mr. sir!
Once again I am open to your artist lora suggestions, throw them my way.
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look guys, she's fine. I told you, it was consensual.
since when was it ever a secret that emotionally damaged girls get off to the idea of rape?
if you're talking about katawa shoujo, no.
Sorry, but prompting "medium breasts" won't be enough to save your tiananmen bingchilling, loli, child, size difference gen
seems to be working out for the oekaki shitter
A man can desire his fuwafuwa runrun happy smiling hagu hagu one day, then rape violently another. Because he can! It's the nature of power. An egg wouldn't understand...
An "egg"?
He gets hit often enough, judging by his whining on treech
she's fine bro >>8255428
Please don't talk to them, they are transphobic (and possibly racist). You are welcome here no matter how you identify.
Guy I watch talks about how shit the algo is in general for that
>can't say gun, he says "force multiplier"
>he literally can't say child or kid, so he says pre-adults
It's like some actual George Orwell shenanigans of wrong-think where you just lose your job and livelihood if you say the wrong thing.
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nigger how do you think I know about his kawaii posting
did she eat sensei??? is he inside of her???
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>is he inside of her???
he was not long ago
>child or kid
why even? some words are suppose to be bad for advertisers, but wtf is wrong with this
It flags the algo and puts the content on demonetized. Why that I don't know, so if it's like
>the kid committed suicide
>the pre-adult un-alived himself
>the guy had a gun
>the guy had a force multiplier
We live in a fever dream and I think it's too late to wake up at this point
so i guess in this case it's about the context
rather doubt that some content for parents is demonetized because of "child"
Luckily, trash like you doesn't get to decide what is "/h/" and what isn't.
good morning homosexual pedophile sir!
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Anons, what checkpoint or lora is this? I see similarity, but cant point finger on it
there is more pics here https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/109852047
It's nopy
Just pony?
it's 1.5
And rolas
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I should have inpainted way less here.
it's novelai, try https://civitai.com/models/811067/illustrious-xl-smoothft if you want a worse substitute for free
but don't know what artists he's using
no refunds NAIfag
nai, looking at the images the artistry is still a tad too high for local
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I have trouble understanding what is it exactly. Is local pony / 1.5 that good? This pics too high for novelai
>This pics too high for novelai
Ok now we know you are just baiting
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sad that illustrious still mostly stops at the tip
deepthroat is a tag, anon.
>6 fingers
yep, definitely nai
Nah. I'm just curios. Is this pony or novelai?
it's illustrious
it's nai. whoever genned it doesn't know about detailer and has upscaled poorly
1.5 mogs nai if you're not a promptlet
yeah no, i just say shit like that, i originally started browsing this site in like 2007 on unrestricted high school library PCs. TLDR you probably are not as good at "detecting newfags" as you think you are
this literally looks awful in every way, wtf are you talking about
Pyramidal Noise Guy will have your head for daring to use Prodigy, just you wait
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>deepthroat is a tag
This, and you can not prompt penis, causing the model to want to hide, and there's only one place where it can go.
lmao even
still less than an a6000
you seem rather upset.
whos that?
haah haah haah haah
take shotgun aspirin IA faggot
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i guess im retarded
nice. who are the artists there? Ishikei and who else?
just ishikei
>one thread up for 2+ days
>only 2/3rds filled
Guess instead of switching to Illust people rather gave up on AI altogether
this place got too autistic especially crying about pony gens given it's still a better supported model
nogens won
>no gen
this thread hasn't even been up for 24 hours and is more than 2/3rd's full?
nothing is happening on discord so 2/3rds of thread traffic has left
Bruh, this thread has only been up for 20 hours, what the fuck kind of disinformation campaign are you trying to run here??
Pony became dead to me as soon as I started trying illustrious and no longer had to cope with sepiaslop. 1.5 is ancient stuff now.
Kinda concerning that this retarded anti-illu trolling is catching on and getting (you)s.
I'm in the hyperbolic time chamber right now and this thread has been up for 76 years?? And still not image cap wtf???
Is it good as latest Pony? V6
do we know how much increase will 5090 will be over 4090 ?
1000 $
no pony mogs illustrious if you're not a promptlet
no pony mogs illustrious in feces and smegma
Does guy making pony, working on V7?
yes, and he's making sure you won't be able to prompt for any artist and character
but that's not a problem, just make a lora, bro
yeah v7 will release soon and everybody will forget about gooknai after that
At least 50% just from the memory bandwidth.
>and he's making sure you won't be able to prompt for any artist and character
Really? Has he gone mad?
nah, that anon is lying to you. v7 will know every important character and will be able to replicate every distinct art style on danbooru out of the box using SOTA clustering techniques.
quints, therefore it must be true. Checked.
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very nice gen (besides the hand).
It's ______
Which tag should I use to gen TV anime style images in Illustrious?
anime screenshot, anime colored, maybe?
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bwo your vanilla gen to even it out?
What's the best tagger for images?
vanilla spanking and pulling hair is the best
Will we ever get a model that is truly at NAIv3 level? Serious question
Ask again when the super chink model finish to bake but illust with loras (to just stabilize it) it's already like 70% NAI at home
probably not for a while. maybe ask again a year from now
>illust with loras (to just stabilize it) it's already like 70% NAI at home
holy copium
unfathomably based
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the last of the copium is being huffed. euge figured out vpred and lax has twice the amount of GPUs nai used. if local fails this, there are no more excuses. its a simple skill issue just like kurumuz said.
if you mean a traditional Booru tagger, all the good ones are literally made by the same dude, this is the best one he's ever made to date IMO:
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This is an excelent idea, thanks!
twice the amount of compute but they can only use it for half the time nai3 baked for, so it comes out to almost the same amount of compute as nai3 used. but your point stands: once this bake fails localsisters will have no more excuses
Do I just drop this model file into the extension folder?
extension folder of what exactly? If you're using something that loads his other models distributed in the same format than probably though yeah
personally I just use the WD Tagger node in Comfy. It has a JSON config file that basically grabs models from his huggingface page as needed when you choose them from the drop-down list in the actual node. IIRC that model wasn't in the JSON yet since it's newer than all his other ones but I was able to just add the URL to the list and it worked.
are you using the extension tagger on reforge? then you have to edit the utils.py file on the extension folder just follow this https://github.com/picobyte/stable-diffusion-webui-wd14-tagger/issues/100
yeah this is very similar to the sort of change I had to make in the Comfy node for the EVA model, so that's probably what they need to do if it's what they're using
how do you batch tag with the comfy node?
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this is when all this has started
ive been having endless connection errors trying to upload images for weeks. changing VPN outlets, turning VPN off, trying different browsers, etc all have the same problem. i can get maybe one image per 5 minutes to go through
so, aco destruction of hdg was animal fuckers plan all along
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oh wait I'm retarded and you meant the /c/ thread.
ごめん。please to the understanding, etc.
and, look, it's complicated. can you really say you appreciate cute things if you have no desire to corrupt them? Or maybe it's the other way around and you can't properly corrupt if you don't understand how or what makes things cute. It's a mystery, whatever.
also, believe it or not, she's the one in control.
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I have no idea if the generated text is even comprehensible
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See >>8254424

Here's prompt:
sakura no tomoru hi e, satsuki neko, nat the lich, masterpiece \(quality\), best quality, 1boy, 1girl, messy hair, denji \(chainsaw man\), power \(chainsaw man\), rolling eyes, orgasm, open mouth, drool, sitting, on lap, hand inside panties, reach around, topless, bra lift, small breasts, nipples, trembling, clothed male nude female, fingering, fingering another, kissing neck, groping, guided breast grab, grabbing another's breast, spread legs, pussy juice stain, bedroom, on bed
illu's japanese is always in that weird spot where it almost feels like it could be coherent at a glance but never is when you actually look at it (with some rare exceptions like certain sound effects and occasionally even correct hiragana, but the kanji are almost always nonsensical collections of radicals). people on 5ch are divided on whether this is hot or headache-inducing and i'm in the later camp so i always neg text and speech bubbles
it seems to be the result of having protective instincts and control urges mixed into a sex drive
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I think that kinda helped. I guess for less blurriness, that's where loras come in?

Sorry for being a bit schizo, it's just a big change from finetuned SDXL models that can come out looking very sharp to this. Which isn't bad, I don't think I could get an image like this as easily before, but it is kinda smudgy/blurry regardless of the artist I pick.

Will try, sorry for replying so late I was working.
it is kinda smudgy/blurry regardless of the artist I pick
it's illustrious
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So it's normal I take it
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Now that the dust has settled, why did Illustrious flop?
Don't respond to that subhuman trash. It's the local schizo, he's trying to drum up model wars.

But yes, it's normal. People have been switching to SPO or Noob, which are quick finetunes to make it sharper.
Cat schizo is just sad at this point. I won't lie that I kinda enjoyed his gens before but now I just want him to fuck off
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SwarmUI. 20 steps 7cfg. 1024x1536. DPM++ 2M SGM Uniform. NoobAI.

No hires fix. I've been experimenting with configs and found out that running in a single pass on a larger res is better and faster than upscaling a lower res like in the older days.
seethe, trannie
It'll be really rough when he's the only person left in the general using Pony. I assume he'll just migrate back to /aco/ at that point?
terrible anatomy, unable to do genitals, filled with artifacts, the colors don't pop
why would it be rough? and why would he post on /aco/ when his gens are /h/?
he'll just samefag for hours like he always does
i even feel sad for him sometimes
At least people are learning which is good
>download AI
>play with it a bit
>git gud
>make all the porn that I've always wanted
>fap to that porn forever
Hmm, it was really just that easy huh.
What is the best VAE for illustrious?
everybody who disagrees with you is the same person, true
Didn't even know, to be honest.
Learning what? Clearly it's not learning how to gen.
uh oh cattroonie dilating ;)
it's all me, noodleanon btw, but you knew this already, didn't you? :)
I just use the default sdxl vae but I've seen people say you can also go without one so up to you really
i didnt wanted a gf anyways, heh...
cattroonies our response?
I'll rape the anus of a cute little boy.
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I don't post for three days and people lose their minds. Well, it's okay now—I'm back.
Is it just the perspective or does she have kind of an h.r. giger alien head going on
stop spamming low effort slop
its illus
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cool gen
please only post pony cathags thank you
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This one is very good, box me please?
Wait I dumb, you have stealth. never mind
Is there a damn upscale that doesn't smooth out the image? I'm losing a lot of detail from the original image.
Latent at .57 of denoise
May be a dumb question but try lowering the denoise?
I've already done that, but there are still noticeable losses.
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you are using wrong sampler, out of all the upscaler I tried the biggest difference was speed and color variation, the difference between details fading away or being added was minimal
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I'm probably retarded, is there a better way to get male bondage besides just RNG

I'm using Euler A + AYS
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>is there a better way to get male bondage besides just RNG
doodle over it and then inpaint
controlnet, regional prompter, inpaint, train a lora
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22 days since the Illustrious-XL was launched, and until now no one has managed to solve the biggest problem with this model, it generates private parts, worse than SD 1.5 models
use noobxl
skill issue.
issue of skill.
I haven't gotten a single shoggoth pussy out of the korean model.
>it generates private parts, worse than SD 1.5 models
>t. never did 1.5 hentai slop
it can't be fixed. no matter what you do illustrious will always produce troon "vaginas"
Box please
It generates delicious cunny tho, just add the classic tags.
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skill issue
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Legend has it that males who venture into the caves leading to Menzoberranzan are never heard from or seen again.
i can make penises look fine but i'm having trouble with the vags honestly
where's the PUSSY lora (i am not kidding)
no way, illustrious and noobai both fucking suck at good looking penises
yes i'm straight
vags looks like shit no matter the model including pony
completely and absurdly wrong
millions of different pussies and penises in the danbooru database, and the model doesn't know how to do one well, now an unknown anime character from 1950 he managed to do it with all the details.
>implemented batch pretching
>train speed doubled
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holy 1 am
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Genuinely don't understand why kohya is so uninterested in optimizing his slop code and implementing cpu inference for TE. Clearly it's viable and even 5700g with meh memory can almost keep up with 3090. You can save around 3-4gb vram with this.
cleft of venus dont count
you can admit that you havent gotten the hang of this stuff yet it's okay
>anons finally realizing that hag pussy looks disgusting thanks to AI
seems like you dont either
why is it so blurry and why are the colors so washed out?
your turn, stupid
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anon you're not supposed to actually show anyone up, they never respond
mind = broken
... anyone can get good genitals if you inpaint enough
it was just controlnet of a selfie i took, no inpainting needed
its NOT pony
genitals are 99% a tiny portion of any given drawn hentai image of COURSE you need to inpaint them to look good
reminder that if you use adetailer, loras, controlnet, highresfix or inpainting you're cheating
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Fuck them pointy ears.
>Mask blur: 8, Inpaint area: Only masked, Masked area padding: 68
>read if gay
>he uses checkpoints
More like checkmate, bozo.
why are you using a finetune that angel itself said was trash?
holy fuck i am praying for euge to deliver the best local model available so all the blurry and sepia and washed out and genitals and whatever the fuck shitposters answer to actual gens itt gets the most powerful kick in the balls so they can finally shut the HELL up and die of fucking pain, writhing in the floor just like the pathetic worms they are

and from the bottom of my heart, kill yourself highlight retard
what else did angel say?
keep praying sir, because a miracle is the only thing that can save euge's model
go eat some ces
How do you anons inpaint for more detail? I'm not getting much of a quality increase at 0.49cfg 1024 x 1024 using Noob.

I know I'm retarded but I used to get significant detail (or abominations, to be frank) on images before. Especially with SD1.5 models.

There must be something, right?
I expect euge model to be shit and the one after too
im optimistic for whatever comes out in 2026 tho
what do you prompt for inpainting vagina? just vagina+penis+vaginal?
shitposters are going to shitpost no matter what
i wouldnt even alter the prompt, i would just select a small-medium area around the genitals and inpaint at maybe 0.35-0.4 denoise with masked-only on
then i'd take the best result and select a smaller area with a smaller denoise
her opinion is irrelevant
wait a minute, i didn't approve anything you can't sign off on that like this
/hdg/ approved? everybody knows that shitmix is worse than base illustrious
Quick question, If I train a style lora using censored hentai doujins and properly tag the datasets with censored/mosaic censoring etc, can the final result produce uncensored stuff if I use these negs during gennings? Or will the lora strength overpower it anyway? There's an artist I want to try but he doesn’t have a single uncen image..
yes but gooknai's uncensored genitals look like troon mutilations anyways
Find your favorite hentai penises and edit over all the censored dicks with food looking uncensored ones
Now show a picture where the its not mostly a penis
Dont do what this guy said or you will have hotdog dick
proper tagging should work, but you could manually uncensor a small set of pics (2-5) with img2img
include both the original and your edit making sure all captions are the same except for the "censored, mosaic" etc
>where the its
good morning sar
I too love having my gens look like facebook reposts
What's a good way to queue multiple prompts in reforge/auto? For example I want to generate a girl in bikini and then nude and then lying down, press generate and let it run for an hour.
sovlless vs sovl, and removing the artifacts is trivial
why are you such a fucking retard?
i trust cunnychad way more than some ponytroon
are these ponytroons in the room with us right now?
>{loli, aged down, child} on nai, along with size difference, height difference
>get nigger on 100% of gens
>put dark-skinned male on negs
>nothing changes
>put {{{dark-skinned, interracial}}} on negs
>still does niggers
so this is the power of 6.5m images and 75k h100 hours

i honestly want a refund.
strange bait
how is that a bait, retard-kun?
you really think its a bait? im not even kidding
either what you are saying only took place in your schizo imagination or you are the rare sub-80 iq individual too dumb to use nai
time to remove that {{{{{{nyantcha}}}}}} from prompt bro
Have you tried prompting 3 or 4 characters with noob? It's harder than base illus
Just use smoothSPO
Yeah whatever they did for the aesthetic thing really fucked up the dudes, it's really hard to get non dark dicks. I mean danbooru is probably at fault but it feels extra worse on there
pretty sure this advice is being posted in a bad faith
try this negative
idk works fine for me
can you post a real catbox for me, cunnysir chad?
what's the point of hiding your prompt when you only post 0 effort slop?
if you looked for the metadata that means you wanted it
cry more
these are really cool, how do you get outputs like these?
Maybe it was just skill issue from me but I did tested quite intensively some days ago https://files.catbox.moe/pcw66e.png
I'll just wait for euge next bake, I guess
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Good night. cute cunnies btw
was the loli artist lora for illu released? the dude said he'd do a v2 and release it about a week ago or smth.
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Is this NovelAI?
it's dogshit (pony)
we are so back
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people were joking about the penis and vag lora but im trying out a bake of one, just 20-something images and this is step 300/1000
the other same-seed image without the lora looks way different so this might just be something to inpaint with when i finish
need more veins
Why is it so dry?
because im not pruning tags so you dummies can customize your freakish dick yourself
dude this looks like shit
>won't reply back with their own gen
>just 20-something images
That's way too small of dataset
Box? Your embed is broken
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wrong picrel
Those text plots being mirrored around the X axis are such a waste of precision/space, it triggers me. It also makes it look like audio data.
could be true, I don't usually do more than 2 girls
here you go
Is this a raw gen or inpainting?
Also, box please
Has this gotten any easier to work with?
Last time I failed to promt gangbangs for a obscure anime character. It either got the details wrong or turned the guys into something lovecraftian.
>imagine replying with an image to a pony ceseater
You can just turn off the quality tags and default UC
Thread still has NAIggers trying to justify the 25$, kek
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Based anon mindbreaker
How can one man be this based?
What happened to b-chama? Is she alive?
I killed and raped her
Married Euge
Gonna need pics for proof
Find time within the day to kill yourself, please.
catbox died
>can't box

it hurts
She was supposed to marry me bros. Not like this...
seethe, chuddie ;)
Homunculus lora
Take your meds anon
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>get through 350 images
>all garbage
the absolute state of /hdg/
bwo nobody's posting good images here now, it's all ironic
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I love hugging my onee-san too https://litter.catbox.moe/3of6ze.png
damn...box please
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Seriously, even the images that I posted?
can you post the link to fellatrix_noobnai_v01 lora?
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I live for this shit, thank you for making this
>6 cocks
what an absolute slut, so hot.
>male with cute face
I love this. Her red eyes seal the deal, gives femrape vibes
where black makeup? still a hot OC tho
Oh fuck, those creepy eyes are awesome, how did you get them to appear?
This is what purpose Marin serves, great deepthroat
Miqo got me acting up
Useless Miwa?
based encouraging anon
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Dunking on local cope was absolutely justified and in the end motivated sane people to cook up something. I just wish we didn't get those pathetic furry handouts like EF and pony. Thread would be in a much better state if it was just NAI and local models like animagine/arti (and now illustrious/noob). Being able to prompt easy porn with disgusting smegma style attracted way too many jeets. I'll take a cute arti 1girl with some cum on her face over pony popping colors gangbang any fucking day .
>having fewer models is actually better!
local progress isn't happening here, I want as many models as possible
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Better scrub that thing well, anon.
Furry models repurposed for hentai are a blight that promote soulless, boring coomslop. No characters, no concepts, shit style, stunted expressions, just good at generating penis in vagina and promote boring shitty smegma OCs like that goth girl and miqo'te.
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I don't like pony as much as the next guy but that's the dumbest take ever. People had fun with Pony for a while but then (for good reason) got tired of the stiffness and jeet will jeet no matter what, or did you forget the millions of model stemmed from the NAI leak. Chill bro, we do this to have fun.
the as109 experience
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okay but i still like easyfluff + hll though
what pos/neg do i use to get barbell/nipple bar piercings
the default color tint which at least partially stemmed by the recommended cfg rescale number being way too fucking high was certainly unfortunate but could be mediated somewhat by using color theme tags or just genning girls in bakeries
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damn... box?
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trust hdg to recognize the artist by a shitty slop gen
does it know the neku oneneko "males" is the real question
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her toes look a bit weird but those are some really nice colors and artstyle
what is the artist combo?
https://rentry.org/hdgnew/raw slimmed down the OP some more, please use for next bake
marking reforge as a legacy fork is dumb. it's still being updated and is more stable then main forge.
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I see it.
Liked to the OP for easy access/discussion.
What else should I call it? It's a fork of a legacy version of forge
Maybe just call it an alternate version, as it stands it makes it sound like it's outdated instead of just different.
What dataset do you use?
I tried to make ishikei lora with booru pics and it was kinda meh. After some checks I found out that his early pics are very poorly tagged, like untagged scans (grainy and blurry), or pics with like ~10-15 tags.
Right now I'm cleaning tags for booru pics and collecting more highres/textless pics from his fanbox/fantia.
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Holy fuck...
fapping rn
Loras trained on Animagine XL works on Illustrious-XL?
I'd note that Illustrious is an early pre-alpha to set expectations straight.
completely different models, so no, but you can still try if it has any effect
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I'm done sharing with you niggas
you never post boxes when I ask for em
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>uploading the unfinished upscale
I need to pay more attention.

>what is the artist combo?
It's just nababa.
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with pony, how do I prompt a view from top?

like that: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7988063?q=sleeping+full_body+
from above?
"from above"
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Genitals are boring. Just do deepthroats, implied sex and deep penetration.
impressive see-through
I love her face in this one, especially the full body view where you can see her expression and the penetration
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that's some nice posing
I feel like there's something wrong with her right leg
Saw some isekai tier list video on yt yesterday where the guy ranked isekai meikyuu de harem o dead last because the powerdynamic gave him the ick, but then went on and put mushoku tensei in S tier
is that ma-kun?
might need to bend a little too much to the right to get in under his arm kek
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Your Oosuki stuff is so good
path of least resistance is a thing
and with furry porn models existing the path was to produce shitty-looking smut with literally who OCs
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the people with the ugliest gens talk the most shit
>literally who OCs
Of all this to complain about, why this? Is your brain so fucking fried you can't possibly fathom that people might NOT want to pervert existing characters from SFW works?
hands on hips with the back of the hand against the body and the finger curled inwards is the most cursed hand position
>all this
all things*
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getting there, thanks
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bread. fuck highlight anon

nah some amount of oc is good but most weebs want to lewd the waifus they see in anime/games/youtube. prompting literally whos because your model sucks at characters and is too fried to properly absorb loras is a cope. we get substantially more character gens with gooknai
holy based
I think she might be squeezing the blood out of that poor guy's cock
It looks dead
I only gen non-OC's in models for the first month or so. I tend to get bored and go to OCs pretty quickly, good character recognition is a plus but it's not something I personally need for a model to be good for me.
New Thread:

2 late betch
I just saw the other bake.
>creepy eyes
came from vibe transfer with this
Thread deleted tho the other baker forgot to note Illu as Pre-Alpha. Other than that nice to have an updated OP
>isekai meikyuu de harem o dead last because the powerdynamic gave him the ick
sounds based, should i watch it?
Using a lora that's trained on upscaled oekaki images. Go through all the standard motions of (normal) lowres t2i>upscale to increase detail but then manually downscale to similar resolutions of the original resolutions of images the lora was trained on, using nearest neighbor for downscale method.

Which yukimaru? There's million on danbooru
Bern has big tits in the original release sprites drawn by the Umineko creator himself, Ryukishi. It's only the ps3 version that removed them because they (Alchemist) are retards who think she's literally Rika. The most recent re-release of Umineko from a few years ago has Bern's tits intact.
This is completely correct.

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