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Healthy Edition

Previous Thread: >>8256179

A1111: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge | Alternative version (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
Comfy: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

Pony: https://civitai.com/models/404802 | https://civitai.com/models/288584 | https://civitai.com/models/257749
Illustrious: https://civitai.com/models/795765 *PRE-ALPHA*

NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples | https://openart.ai/workflows/templates
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070 | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
Illustrious-related: https://rentry.org/illustrious_loras_n_stuff
Useful Nodes/Extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgnew/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

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Previous Thread Highlights
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Spooky Gens
Spooky Thread
Spooky Board
kill yourself.
Kiss yourself
Made it in!

Now I need to make the spooky highlights. I'll post my entry later on.
i wish the spammer didn't give up so fast
shit taste even though I got in
>my quick Illus gen didnt make it
Its over Illus bros... Pony won
kill yourself
Stale bread highlights:
>S Tier: My gens
>A Tier: Your gens
>F Tier: nogens
Good job /hdg/, you made it in
these are objectively better highlights than whatever shit that schizo is trying to enforce
Based, just wanted to add some F tier entry
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You make that sound like a bad thing.
finally, 1girlstanding-slop. we're so back
Yeah it is.
wait until other /e/ trannies will move here
you will have "/hdg/ awards", charts and other shit forced by crippled autists
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>you will have "/hdg/ awards", charts and other shit forced by crippled autists
Yeah I saw it the other day, what the fuck are those kek, they came out from nowhere
water is wet, the sky is blue
So NoobAI or SmoothFT SPO?
thanks doc
Somebody with shit takes like this is doing highlights...
The good thing is at least it's not possible to fall any lower.
Hard choice. noobai is only viable with sde samplers imo
Why is it so blurry?
it's muttnai
those are more like a joke
>/e/ is having it's own form of grannyposting
happens to anyone
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i'm rarely come there, but it seems to be new
but before they were spamming with those fucking twitter grid meme challenges
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>but before they were spamming with those fucking twitter grid meme challenges
to be fair those were fine for the most part when it was only 3 or 4 images long but they ruined it pretty quickly with more extended and retarded grids
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take it easy in the shadow realm
Above dress her legs are squatting, below dress they are standing straight...
Why are you still using base illu and haven't moved to smooth or noob yet?
can you do the reflection naked?
I'm still on Based67. Not changing no matter how much you faggots keep whining about shiny new thing.
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Yeahhh we may need those western artists just to get the dick position right you guys, no joke

smooth is the same that i'm doing with base illust and current noob version is a very early one that wasn't even supposed to come out, I will use noob on future releases of course
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cat witches are the best
fucked reflection but nice idea. take it easy, anon
why not 68/69 though
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File deleted.
>Tail pull
when i saw the seed i interpreted it as reimu being imprisoned in the distorted reflection and replaced by the yukkuri
File deleted.
>accidently posted the one with the messed up finger
the finger is still fucked up
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umm bro thats a child...
A very hot one I must say
this place really went masks off with illustrious now huh? unsettling
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you can always go to /e/, chuuuuuddie ;)

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how goes the sexy hentai sirs?
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Nice style.
>this place really went masks off
You mean with the good gens? Yeah, still not as often as I'd like, but it got better.
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This is what I get for genning 10ft away from my screen..
Best I got for now, my job is calling.
Pedos stopped their ironic /aco/ posting and went back to pedophilia. Only a slight improvement if anything
the hag-cunny pendelum. once we saw one too many obese hags, something had to change
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gonna be a long week at work
everybody knows that anime is for pedos, so what are you doing here? go to your wholesome and safe aco general
very nice
I like anime and girls older than 15. I'm on the right side of history
>got in 6 times
not posting catboxes still btw
>no stealth pnginfo
I'm going to KILL MYSELF. I've been experimenting with combos of the series tag, akio watanabe, and anime screenshot and have gotten nothing close to this clean.
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it's nai
And the linked posts this reply chain started from don't look 15+ to you?..
needs more harayutaka, sorry, all you get is slop
comfybro i am requesting a box
I like anime girls 6–17
Don't think any regulars expect catboxes even, they know better, they can work for prompts themselves. The only catbox beggars left are tourists who just come here to steal prompts for their patreons.
Make them work for it at least.
illustrious did irreparable damage to this thread
yeah it gave us more dipshit nogens like you
illustrious caused irreversible improvement to this thread
dangerously based
that actually did the trick, thanks
fucking kek, I remember how early 2023 all the ai pixiv fanboxes were ripping off from him. Glad it worked for ya
abigail and bottom right highlight sure don't. second marnie is borderline
Be, yourself, the change you want to see. Post the good stuff from pony and we will all see the way.
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Which artistic style is best for me to invest in images

This one
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>He doesn't enjoy both hag and uohh

You can just ask for a box, bro. I posted one last thread too. That one is my worst i think, but heres the original and a bonus
it's illustrious
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or this one?
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Man, this rocks, can't wait for the full release of this model
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this general collectively decided that pony is bad no matter what. so no it won't change anything. if i said this gen is illustrious I'd get the praise and catbox requests but if i say its pony its just trolling and bullying
>no armpit hair
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>You can just ask for a box
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Illust artist compilation

Artists I really like:

Hit or miss artists:
>I'm on the right side of history
no one who uses that is ever on the right side of history
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love me some saggers
Thank you for your hard work
no offense, bro, but manface. Also, do you come here for the praise and catbox requests? lol. You deserve to get fucked.
>He doesn't enjoy both hag and uohh
i do, if you consider JKs as hags
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good work king
it's not possible to pass a p*ny gen off as illu. the smegma is visible from orbit
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I dig the arena theming
t-thanks. I didn't ask for a box because I like trying to figure it out myself. I'm surprised some of this schizoprompting worked so well.
nice but left hand is kinda fucked
Anon, chill out. I can only get so erect. I'm in pain.
Just start stroking, bro?
Where do you see the smegma, retard? It's just cum.
ah sorry it was my monitor...
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sneed ponyslopper
more fun trying to copy your style than just getingt it from a box anyway desu
>thread full of cuties
>only one tanned penis and it's a pony slopper
almost thought i'd walked into /e/, saars please redeem the bbc
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>more hair than all the dudes combined
gooknai cannot into /h/ prease understando
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What is her expression supposed to convey?
it's (seductive smile:1.3) by pony
>dehya anon
the unholy trinity of sloppers
fluoride stare
it's pony
>bluvoll still spoken about despite leaving
>he thinks the buzzchaser left
bluvoll has baked more than wd
Both gook and roach nai tend to have good, relevant and hot expressions even without explicitly prompting for them when you do sex scenes. It really is only pony that is so fucking stunted you'd have to train a lora for the expressions. Garbage.
post metadata for one of the images
then try to replicate erotic expressions from AYAKON-sensei gens on gook
naisisters we are winning and owning this thread
danbooru has very good and comprehensive expression tagging but pony only scraped a fraction of danbooru and accidentally killed all the emoticon tags. coupled with deep frying the model, the few good expressions left get stuck with little variation between gens.
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It's not THAT schizo.. Just a bit left in from a gen I started with at some point. I believe all you really need is the first line and prompting a series character helps. Also try VOFAN who illustrates the novels for a different look.
absjob when
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too much oil
um bro why are you posting lolis
he's based
Clicked on the wrong board.
damnit, why aren't elves real?
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>he doesn't know
instead of dainty, long-eared beauties, we got hunched long-nosed goblins
only after the abs licking has concluded
Thanks bro, this is great
woah man. what did i ever do to you?
>immediately start curating through the artists to see which I can mix in to get better looking dicks without even realizing it
Oh I guess I'm just gay now.
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this model was made for cute and funny gens
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If it's pov, then you are simply visualizing your dick in it's ideal form, if it's not pov, then I'm afraid you are homosexual
What if it's pov but also dutch angle because I like to get spicy sometimes with the camera
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Love your gens, have tried doing Nadeko?, ever since I saw this image in the anime my dick has been cursed to love Nadeko forever
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So tail grab actually works with anal tails as well, neato.
NTA but I was trying to do kami-Nadeko early in Illustrious' release and getting upset at it fucking up the snake hair, need to train a LoRA to help with her. Can't post the good gens I got or I'll probably catch a 3 day.
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How does Illustrious handle character mixing/cosplay with an artist or two thrown in? NAI feels severely overfit as it takes an obscene amount of tardwrangling to get it: you miss the weights by 0.1 and it chimps the fuck out; and Pony without LoRAs... well... you know...
unfathomably based
how did you pick the artists for your tests?
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Just tried once with a rather simple prompt but it went really well
it's extremely good at it
OK but what are you gonna DO about it?
Discussion of the specific properties of models capable of (and mainly used for) porn is, indeed, /h/.
this is what i get for posting a league of legends image
>NAI feels severely overfit as it takes an obscene amount of tardwrangling to get it
>you miss the weights by 0.1 and it chimps the fuck out
tag order is much more important than tag weight for nai, surprised it even worked at all with how you prompt it
>actually taking requests
Where is the cuck one with Oosuki? I didnt see it last thread

looks like slop
I did one request from civ the other day and another guy requested some random ass manga character with 0 extra art and expected me to be able to get a full color lora out of a black and white manga panel.
can someone translate this for me?
Also its way of {{{{changing tag weights}}}} is retarded compared to just setting the (weight:1.2) with a number.
What's wrong with it? I always prompt
>quality sloppa (handled by NAI)
>inherent character traits
in this exact order. I vaguely remember that being the recommended order in the 1.5 days and I haven't bothered to check if stuff changed since then, besides, it's just good for readability and autism-driven standardization. Also from NAI docs:
>On another note, some tags are 'expected' to be placed in a specific order, at the start of the prompt.
>The expected pattern is:
>1boy, 1girl, characters, series, everything else in any order
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Image Theme:https://youtu.be/tVImEZA_4a0
I just got a txt with all tags from danbooru
deleted all non artists tags and artists with post count too low to affect the prompt.

then I manually deleted all artist that looked bad to me
those socks make my penis feel funny, sad that there is no tag for them
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For real
One of the main reasons I use the extension and not the website. The other, even bigger reason is that the website doesn't automatically save to disk.
anything new from our discord triends?
NAI users are the Mac users of imagegen. They just think different™.
Give it to me straight brehs, is AI genning even possible on my punked-ass old GTX 970, or am I fucked with any local models?
>install new ssd
>clear up space on main drive
>images sort immediately
I went from 300gb left to 600gb, didn't expect such a drastic change. I should probably use something else than file explorer to navigate/organize images anyways
it's going to be slow as fuck but sure its possible
20$ and save yourself some headache
SD1.5/2 maybe?
Or cpu gen, which is awfully slow.
Not bad, but might want to inpaint the extra fangs out, and her bangs aren't usually straight, unless thats what you wanted.
Assuming your talking about my recent Kissshots and such, based on this lazy test using my prompt she seems to come out alright. I already made a dangerous post this thread though and I don't want a vacation so here https://files.catbox.moe/5olsqk.png
buy a used 3090
>I should probably use something else than file explorer to navigate/organize images anyways
Try Directory Opus, there are cracked versions out there. Everything I ever wanted from a file manager and more.
Is it to pay to use some site's image gens or for a server to use your models on?
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I use hydrus for organising my pics and datasets.
it is but i just use webui extension most of the time. seeing shit like {{{{{{{{{huge ass}}}}}}}}} in prompts is pretty funny though
character tags (including cosplay tags) are much more stable at the start in my experience
that "{{{{{alternate costume, 2b (nier:automata) (cosplay)}}}}}" is just too far off in prompt to work well imo
>1boy, 1girl, characters, series, everything else in any order
yes that's how I usually prompt it, styles after characters. maybe one artist tag can go at start but I still avoid it
also autoquality sloppa is added to the end of the prompt, not start
>I should probably use something else than file explorer to navigate/organize images anyways
To add to that other anon's post, XnView is pretty cool as well, I should give Directory Opus a whirl
I've never seen anyone get a vacation for posting stuff like that, every place needs some YingYang, Wholesome Art and Coom Art
i tried hydrus and got filtered by shitty ass doomer ui
It does look like something straight from 80s, with some fucked up dialogues (settings especially). But the base UI is pretty simple.
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Thanks kind anon, bless your soul
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How much time should one spend on a single image? Sometimes it feels like perfection is impossible
>1girl, character, series, artists, character traits, clothes, pose
I'll try this order next time, thanks for the tip. I kind of assumed that the "characters" part also includes all the tags directly relating to them, i.e. their features and clothes.
>styles after characters. maybe one artist tag can go at start but I still avoid it
In my experience artists at the end either don't work or are barely discernible, but I haven't tried them in the middle since I didn't really have an idea where I'd put them. The series I usually omit entirely since it's rarely needed.
>also autoquality sloppa is added to the end of the prompt, not start
Yeah, right, it was and still is at the start for local so that's what I remembered. Not that it matters anyway since it's NAI that manages it, not me.
this does not look like something straight from 80s, this looks like it's been made by a mentally unstable autist, cumrag noodles are a joke compared to this
Forge/Reforge claim to be able to do SDXL on just 4 gigs, but lay back and brew some tea while waiting for images to gen. Alternatively shelve some money for an upgrade, 12 gig 3060 costs around 200-250 bucks now secondhand or from chink brands on ali.
how do you get light blue eyes? mine keep coming out deep blue
>sharts self over minimalist UI
you wouldn't have survived if you were born before the year 2000, zoomer-kun
aqua eyes
Now that I'm thinking, the comparison is apt. Local users are the same as Linux users with distro/DE wars (Forge vs Comfy, Pony vs Illust), NIH syndrome (Cascade/Wayland), bleeding edge and eternal tinkering. Windows users would just be DALL-E boomerprompters and jeets using civitai's onsite generator.
thank you anon
fei /maidoll/ and hella p don't work well on Illustrious, makes me sad.
>How much time should one spend on a single image?
Depends on how much you really care about it, are you (You) doing it for the (You)s or for (You)r own enjoyment?
You people still in your illustrious honeymoon period?
just ask yourself how one would manage to shit out a ui millions miles worse than comfy
774/nanashi also doesn't; I think he got everything of interest purged from Danbooru once he got mainstream with Nagatoro.
>hella p
So no contemporary gacha sluts for us?
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light_blue_eyes always just werks for me.
its because he isn't consistent with his style
Yeah, these socks are based.
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Monster girl october is in full swing
that's a weird cum projectile...
I don't know a thing about image generation. How do I go about to discover people or places (infrastructure) that already emulate this style: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=hara_%28harayutaka%29+aftersex

What I found:
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Indeed they are
Have you considered reading the OP?

you are the lowest brow consoomer who is the very reason slop like this gets perpetuated
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audible kek
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Ever since I got hit for posting sex with a slender JK I try my best not to be tempted, even if I think I should be fine.
No problem bro, looking forward to your snek gens
troonix = cumrag (endless "tinkering" read: waste of time for something that can be done in 2 clicks)
windows = auto-based/like (it just works)
Trying really hard to emulate that pijamix/miqomix shine. But you'll have to switch to the superior model if you want it done right.
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excessive cum really is excessive in illustrious.
All me btw.
He came to this thread and scrolled past all our gens to request more of his slop. Now what does that say about us? Art always needs a component that can inspire the masses, otherwise it is just elitist slop

uh excuse me SARS can u tell me how to generate SLOP? thank u sars
you must have taken your morning zinc pill

please stop typing like this saar
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>Model: zootlustriousAesthetic_v10
>highres,absurdres,masterpiece,best quality,beautifully detailed background
never share metadata again btw
>never share metadata again
kys nogen
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гoлyбыe глaзa
don't know why you triggered the subhumans but you're obviously right
cute beet red blush
Sometimes alya hides her metadata in russian
These threads need a little News section or something similar to keep up with coom related AI developments
>it actually works
i almost forgot about everything that isn't danbooru slop tags
we can hardly keep our op updated, you expect a news section now, too?
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Wtf she's peeing out of her urethra. Is that legal to generate with AI??
>accurate pissing
don't like piss but still based
>he made illust look like 1.5
imagine if someone was so mindbroken by 1.5 they couldn't cook to anything else
what about the stuff from the other hole, can illust do that
Yeah, "interracial, anal".
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here it is in regular illustrious as opposed to noob
Guaranteed spot on the spooky highlight for sure
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Do not chase the moments that pass you by, for the world is vast and endless. Contentment blooms in the heart that remains where it is, untouched by the fear of missing what was never meant to be.
its pony
best I can do for you, bud.
but no, if you want scat you'll have to do it yourself.
>swaps to illustrious
>generates aco
you gotta be kidding me, right?
definitely dont try it in smoothft
is aco in the room right now?
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I'm trying to get transparent penetration in illustrious but this is the best I can get. I just want the penis visible.
inpaint out the womb?
That might be the best option, but I was hoping for a magic spell combination.
man, redrawing/fixing snakes is rough
try generating a thousand seeds and sift through them one by one
really nice results though, my previous gens with her and leaving it to chance would result in a lot of spaghetti hair. shame we JUST got another arc with godeko and a deluge of fanart that would have made it a lot easier to prompt her
I wish danbooru let me search high post count artists while also letting me narrow it down by anyone who has posted xyz tag.
That or even just had maybe 3 thumbnail previews of their art before I click at least.
Sometimes you just want to find new artists who are more likely to specialize in something since it might help to throw them into a gen.
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make a pixiv account, go to an artist you like with prolific amount of works, follow, get the recommended artists pop up
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hidden blowjob.
something similar you might find useful

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colored cum is always a chore, couldn't get orange to work nicely even with tricks like using "honey/lava". Really need to train a concept lora for this.
I do that but I meant more so I am trying to look for pixel artists that might work on illust and also I've had similar issues with other tags that feel more artist dependent.
that guy is dead (lucky)
Oh wait this is actually exactly what I needed
>go in photoshop
>draw the color you want over the cum
>switch fusion mode to "colors"
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Here you go
Have you tried prompt mixing? That's what I did when I was doing cumming honey on bee girls. This one was ([pussy juices:honey:0.3]:1.2) and ([precum:honey:0.3]:1.2)
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I want to replicate this face so badly in my gens
I hate how my illustrious gens come out with shit hands but to yours come out perfect
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neat, enjoy anon!
sharkussy reins supreme
incredible as always AYAKON-sama...
survivor bias, i just dont post the mangled hands gens
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>he's comparing his gens to others top 5%
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Just a tips since it seems you started a few days ago but you can put censored in negs to avoid getting pixelated penis!
I like it, ignore the nogens
sir, no such thing is necessary. it isn't gooknai after all
is ayakon like an actual /h/ poster or is this some patreon lolcow that has their gens reposted here i still can't figure it out
I just thought it was the same guy who spam reposting miqo's gens from his civitai and now that miqo moved to illustrious he changed tactics and is now using this ayakon guy
>ignore the nogens
you... you want to be ignored?
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from the shit they've posted to leddit the guy is legitimately actually on the spectrum. To the point that I wouldn't doubt it's actually them spamming their shit here thinking it might somehow get them more views/attention.
ignoring that possibility you could also just blame cathag, since that's a >0% chance of being on the mark, anyway.
he is just a massive troll, they have a site that records all those posts getting as many redditors mad as possible
nah, it isn't me, haven't shitposted since then
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I really need to train a lora for that artist that does yuru camp lewds in a similar style
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I post here, that has made some people very angry because they only want flat color NAI posts.
I do zero shilling, said fans also make sure to loudly announce I have a patreon all the time, which only exists to steer people to when they ask me for free gens all the time so they can pay up instead and I have never posted here
why do i get better gens with illu compared to noob when i use print/graphite tags?
>i get better gens with illu compared to noob
fixed that for you
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AYAKON is you
>they only want flat color
Good shading would never raise complaints, retarded blind subhuman filth.
is this pony or that new model? my ellen pantyhose never gets the details this close
gooknai could never produce such precise details
It's pony, the one thing I will praise that poster for doing is good capturing of characters details not just full nudes
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watch her anime anons
Long torso bro.
I think you've got some room for improvement on your prompting and upscale game but I agree with the message.
shes floppy like a noddle lmao
i cant, you fried her
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Vocaloids are proof of existence of God
Anything else worthwhile this season? Dandadan is the only thing that comes to mind.
dangerously based, I'll watch her anime instead of stone ocean like I was originally thinking of in honor
catbox before vacation?
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Weird stuff.

But only one of those is a Vocaloid.
don't know if they picked that up from /b/ or from when I catboxed it here before but here
lora https://www.mediafire.com/file/lmabhe4j75p6a7q
nta but s4 thunderbolt fantasy, though that's kind of in limbo of no subs so you have to go hard nostalgia mode with piss yellow subs(crowdsourced from /a/) over hardcoded chinese subs.
otherwise I'm just watching NegaPosi Angler and meme:zero.
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Ancient gooning, dithering and PC98 style is recognized by Illustrious.

A good, proper threesome is really hard to get right. Well done.

Yay I made it.
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her anime is actually really fun and has barely anything to do with the IP it's spun off of
Back from a 1 week hiatus, what's the point of noobnai? Is it really an improvement?
yes but only if you prefer autismmix colors
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Nessa doesn't get any love.
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Nice aestehetic. Which artist did you use?
artists and some concepts/characters are generally a bit more developed and while the colors are generally a lot more even and there's less artifacting, the colors are also a good bit more drab(and using lora's trained on illustrious instead of noob will make them worse).
if you're good and fine with doing post process work to boost colors a bit noob is fine/probably better most of the time, otherwise just stick with illustrious proper.
Is there a controlnet aimed towards architecture and backgrounds?
anyone got a good nai prompt for murata yuusuke? just for tatsu
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I'll give her some love
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kinda can
why is it so fried and why does it look like a 1.5 gen?
I love this so much, catbox?
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Yeah, I tried multiple variations. It kinda works if you're only doing a tiny bit of cum, but if you want lots of colored cum it breaks down. Maybe I'll retry it again.
it's like a touch more vibrant I guess, don't see how it's fried though. As to looking like 1.5 i don't really know what you mean by that honestly
never change /h/

the male should be a typhlosion
please explain this twitter meme
typhlosion is based on a japanese monster that shapeshifts to seduce women. Some chad at gamefreak wrote fanfic/lore about it
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>test out going back to smooth
>images slightly less washed out
oh yeah you're right, noob does ohisashiburi better unfortunately. I should try piping a random float or linspace into vectorscope to see if that thing actually does anything with illus. I used to do color grading when I posted to pixiv anyways, so maybe I should go back to curating sets instead of just letting the slop churn


tdlr typlosion raped some kid and his dad killed it. in the past humans and pokemon fought and killed each other, also ate each other.
It's that time of the night again
jesus wtf
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/3vmxd0.png
plana better be giving a blowjob below
reminds me I needed to read jp momotalks
why are you doing such a big resolution just for it to be blurry as fuck? did you upscale it by taking the lower res and stretching it onto a bigger canvas?
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Why did they make arona and plana so breedable, just peak cunny
NTA, but why are you so concerned about the damn dick?
who is talking about the dick?
stop projecting kiddo
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I got plana, although why is her evil spirit like that
>extra hand wrapped
hate it when that happens, also it's probably the horror tag, demonic token leaking, and possessed vs mind control. you are a brave man for going wherever that takes you in the latent space
anyways thanks for the AI's AIs
It's fine, just imagine the extra hand is the evil spirit hand. Could be easily inpainted though.
>probably horror tag, demonic token leaking, and possessed
kek, yeah I'm going for horror so that's all expected. Just found it freaky the evil spirit was so unlike both of the characters, since usually it has similar character traits.
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gib catbox, please
I need more magical girls getting raped (not by typlohsions)
honestly, I probably could've left it uncatboxed considering the Llenn is still up.
I'm going to be honest, I considered killing myself before I got into AI art because my life was dull and pointless, even fap was bland af. Now? Now my life isn't much better, but I haven't thought about killing myself in a while.
llenn is just a really ラッキーガル。
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say less
happy for you man, it's only up from here
Thank you again for this, when I get home I shall do MinaRaiko stuff too
Sexy looking as fuck, great work
>Forge SD randomly breaks from a single word it decides it doesn't like
This is so frustrating. This time I put in "thin" cause it kept making the male fat for some reason and now it keeps breaking my regional prompter fork and ignoring a ton of tags.
Tbh same. My life has gotten marginally better since getting this hobby. AI smut fills the void that slutty hood-ass Vegas girls cant fill. 3d porn with american gold digging sluts turns me off. Stable Diffusion + NovelAI fills the void. I can write stories about waifus and generate images of them, which keeps my mind away from violent shit that /r9k/ and /pol/ try to bait me into doing. It's better to be a waifufag on /h/ and /trash/ than the next Brony shooter.
Is it a bad look to hide your Metadata and Paywall it behind a patreon? A lot of popular ai artists seem to be doing that and I wonder if I should join them.
>add plate_armor to prompt
>SD generates girls holding their tits up with plates
Maybe just one more for now
Is there an /hdg/ discord or any discords for sharing ai smut? i need community atm
fuck off back to /trash/ tourist retard
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That's gonna be a no from me, nogen
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What is her name? I'm very fond of her holes
kamisato ayaka
it's pretty retarded because anyone can recreate your shit in all likelihood with either wd-eva02-large-tagger-v3 or JoyCaption, or a combination of both.
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Do you have a script to load prompts from images?
I think it's dumb AF, anon we are copying actual artist left and right why would bullshit AI art be any different. If anything these are even easier to train on.
I love hand holding so much it makes me angry that the hands are always fucked up when I try to make these scenes
can't wait for v7 to make illustrious and euge's model obsolete
how much is he spending on pruning artist and character tags?
Most people aren't paying to get prompts, they are paying to get their niche porn made in a nice style. Can someone potentially steal your "style" and steal your base? Sure, but that requires effort from someone to just copycat your stuff.
If you wanna share and have your secret sauce too, you can always train your own loras/embeddings which you don't share.
What is this outfit? Ultra sexy
I love Galko and don't care if her creator had loli drawings
Wasn't it the actual stuff? Japan don't care about drawings
>train your own loras/embeddings which you don't share
almost nobody with an ai patreon uses local
kek she really does look like she fits in a yuzusoft game
No, from what I've learned it was the same thing with Ruroni Kenshin's creator. They omitted the fact that these creators didn't have actual CP and just had run of the mill 2d lolishit to make it sound more fucked up than it actually was.
source: the universe revealed it to me
Anon do you realize how many artist would be in jail if that were true in japan. Half of pixiv would be wiped out
If this anon is still here, how do you install pixelOE? I can't seem to get it to work.
It's not like Japan only in 2014 criminalized private possession of kiddy porn or anything, surely none of these artists were around before then.
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np, happy baking anon
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slapping NTSCqt on 90s gens is fucking kino
nta but did you actually read the instructions?
just install from url, make sure you download the three models from the github page and drop them into extensions\stable-diffusion-webui-pixelization\checkpoints
you access it from the 'extras' tab and tick the pixelize checkbox and make sure you drop "scale by" to 1.
a чё, sdxl cтaл пoнимaть пo-pyccки?
what you're describing is
rather than https://github.com/KohakuBlueleaf/PixelOE
which appears to do outlines better
nice, maybe I should add cuts/bleeding/ryona to my prompt. Got in the habit of keeping it light since pony tended to overdo it
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I honestly think it looks weird proportion wise but thanks

Bro has giant legs but I think it's passable
It honestly wasn't that hard with illust, the prompt was more or less the same I used with pony (I removed the unncesary tags), inpainting wasn't that hard either, and yes, no visible feet was intentional
catbox for the orignal upscale gen (t2i + hires)
and another catboxes for other base gens that came out more or less good with the same prompt
The tags guro, injury, ryona work best for me
>cumming his pants
nice, how'd you get that kind of pov?
oh, you're right.
though either way I got that installed perfectly fine, too.
just go the lazy route and install via pip with
pip install pixeloe
I'd also just make a nested directory intended to only use for it to launch cmd from. (so if you want to run their test command you'd do something like pixeloe\img and launch cmd from pixeloe directory and put images you want it to interact with in img)

actually using it though is a bitch and a half because it's commandline only, though.
yeah my python installs were kinda screwed up and i had to go into my system environments to get it to work, so now i'm trying to figure out how to actually run it. I think i installed it odd because it only works launching it from my user directory or something. Not really good with this stuff clearly lol
Something along the lines of
>male pov, monitor, through medium, through screen, window \(computing\)
through medium/screen is the tag for girl coming out of a "medium" sadako style. Pretty neat tag that might work for paintings, photographs and drawings too, but I haven't checked that yet.
File deleted.
So did anyone figure out how to best use illutrious as far as quality tags/upscaling/etc goes?
should I use another artists mix?
someone posted a artist compilation in the last thread
nvm was in this one
you should do whatever makes (You) happy
no because I don't like it
Anon, box? Or at least style tags? I think these are outstanding. Very cool looking.
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Kinda miss 1.5 sometimes.

Still use it, also sometimes.
I wanna do ryona as well, got recommendations?
>I wanna do ryona as well, got recommendations?
yes, stop being non-White
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It still looks better than anything after it.
This might be a dumb question
When we say a model was trained on Danbooru, does that include loli and shota? Devs can't access those without a gold account right? And gold accounts aren't really being sold
Guys, is it a bad idea to train Lora on Autismmix confetti instead of Autismmix pony? I always thought confetti was better at hands/fingers & anime characters?
Unless stated otherwise - yes.
Also they don't access danbooru directly, they use already existing dataset. And this dataset definitely has lolis and shotas in it.
>crying about "tanned penis" in hentai
yeah I'm thinking the aco slopper was you all along
literally kill yourself tourist
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There must be something affecting men's brains today. I've never prompted something violent and here I am all of a sudden, seeing all of you.
it was kinda good for backgrounds and 3d whores,
still won't help its consistently shitty hands and sex anatomy, and thankfully we have on demand x-rays and shit now
you first sameed
It's the /hdg/ effect
where is my gen ??
How do you guys get illustrious to not look like shit?
All my gens look underbaked and washed out.
upgrade to pony
Ryonafags fuck off to /d/ ryona is banned here
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Catbox, anon? What model? Looks cool. Last time I tried something like that it was a long time ago.
>washed out
do color correction in photoshop
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Dunno about best looking but there is something about how inpainting added so much detail. I can't replicate its texture or effect in anything else, and I don't know exactly how to word it.

Switching to reforge solved my issues. For some reason it doesn't look good on the main Forge branch.
Who is this? I feel like I have seen her before.
I would have stuck to 1.5 if the hands weren't fucked
I'm happy to fap to 1girl solo don't need anything more
shitdickfags fuck off to /d/ scat is banned here
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If anyone knows how to inpaint to add detail, onegai help me out.

Gluko from Mon Colle Knights
Can someone gen Nadeko in this outfit? I love how her brown uniform goes with her cute socks.
katsura masakazu, only.
1.5 "details" were nonsensical and ugly
I don't miss it one bit
1.5 looked so ugly I only picked AI art when pony was a thing
I'm not helpful but I just wanted to say cute pic, reminds me of the Hades game.
nice sarcasm
1.5 was ugly but impressive as tech for its moment while pony was just straight up ugly from its inception
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You think so? I think they mix well with a paint effect. Maybe using controlnet a ton lets me dodge some bullets but I also inpainted a lot for detail after, so...

I used that style in that image, good eye.
why don't use SD3?
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>some pedo doodle
>a warm color painting of a mature, beautiful female
was this supposed to be a stab at pony
so this is what irony poisoning looks like
not true
even saw one retard with a patreon using the civitai creator, people will eat any slop
I never trained loras but I want to try for Flux. Where do I start? Is it possible to do on reforge? Is 4090 enough or I will need clouds?
You don't. At least until there's an anime fine-tune.
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the act of a woman having sex is a surrendering of her body, strangling her and further taking away control is just the logical conclusion
Based. All Illu gens unironically look like generic moeshit. Even worse when people use it to replicate popular artists and characters. Zero creativity. LITERAL mass-produced AI slop with no soul.
you've really outdone your ironic shitpost
it isn't provocative or hilarious, it's just embarrassing
U mad white boi?
yeah I'm white, feels good to be white, you will never going to be one chuddy =)
Ryonafag this is your final warning.
I played with 1.5 AnyLora because someone here tricked me, they said floox used AnyLora instead of NAI and I tried to make that shit work for 2 months
Why do people say interracial is a Ponyfag thing if all the patreon pros use NAI to make blacked gens
really can't come up with anything original?
this is so surreal and retarded that I actually believe this isn't a bait
i feel a bit sorry for you anon
>still won't help its consistently shitty hands and sex anatomy
but enough about gooknai
considering ponyggers were defending the sepia as "warm pleasant colors" unironically back in the day no I really didn't
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schizomixing is fun
step1: cover marisa in oil
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the fuck is with the sepia meme
I dont get the reference
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why is it so fried?
I want more of the bottom one, that eyeshadow is fucking hot
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Illustrious is so hard to prompt for, I had to cheat and copy a prompt from civitai to figure out why my hands were never popping up correctly
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civitai never fails to disappoint
>2000 images
>80 epochs
>Doesn't say batch size, if TE was trained or not, etc.

Yep. Chances are it's shit, captain.
Does NAI list those hyperparameters on their website?
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They do list most of them on their report, yes. The issue is not that they were not listed, but that they were partially listed, as if the trainer was not aware that other things are important.

Also, what is listed looks really bad, ripe for overfitting.
>Also, what is listed looks really bad, ripe for overfitting.
if they're doing it on purpose that's incredibly based
I wish them good luck in their endeavors. I hope you get to make many good images with that model and post them here.
does anyone know what time the full version of NoobAI-XL will be released today?
Is a version coming out today?
there will be bloodshed, that's the only thing i know for real
If they trained TE on just 2k images for 80 epochs with any considerable batch size - it's pretty much fried
Not sure where you heard that but they're still experimenting with settings.

Expect a full version around the end of the year/start of January.
Kinda new to this.

What's a good model / lora for some onee-shota action ?
>Expect a full version around the end of the year/start of January.
are they going to release intermediate epochs? or the indian kid was a hero for leaking that ver?
Anybody know how I can stop noobai from giving everybody gloves? https://files.catbox.moe/sttra8.png
They release early access checkpoints on HF almost daily
to those who got the 'cord invite, yes
i mean public release like noob
The leaker was a fucking idiot because they had to take time away from experimenting to write up everything about NoobAI.

They release training checkpoints on HuggingFace though, honestly not worth using yet.
Not even in the 'cord. You have to be a literal chink with a QQ acc (requires chink ID to register).
Oh yeah, for sure. If they trained Unet with a low batch size (say they did not use gradient accumulation on a 4090 and trained on bs 1), then it's gonna be illustrious, mega blur edition.
>The stable test version can be downloaded from Civitai, with regular updates. The current release is the version that continues training for 55,000,000 steps. https://civitai.com/models/833294
>This is an early test version intended for internal use. However, we are considering allowing limited external testing.
Maybe we'll get some scraps before next year
I think I might make some hentai images today.
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Anybody know how I can get noobai to put gloves on everybody? https://files.catbox.moe/sttra8.png
*stop putting gloves
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Holy shit this is clean as fuck, and what's more, consistently good. Yeah, I think I'll be sticking to this in the future. Hope the order of inherent character traits then clothes then pose within the "everything else in any order" is correct or at least about right.
I wonder if it's the "white hands" in your negatives that's being interpreted as hands so it's trying to cover them with gloves
The only other thing I could think of is if one of your artists regularly draw military girls with gloves when saluting, not sure if you are seeing gloves even when not doing this pose
brother, you may need to take a break from proompting because that is overcooked af
it's NAI
It's not the white hands, but I'll look into the salute thing. Thanks anon
drop your entire negative and try again. If you don't see gloves, think about it.
you're walking on thin ice, anon
>Illustrious is more /aco/ than Pony
oh how the turn tables
IIDF in shambles
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oh no no no lustyxisters not like this... we were supposed to put an end to pony's /aco/ not be even more like it...
That retard got banned at least 3 times per week I don't think he cares desu
>put /aco/ artist in prompt
>get /aco/
How could this happen bros
NAI looks more cunning but the illu one aren't bad desu
you would think people would appreciate the possibility of prompting wildly different type of style instead of being mind broken by pony
I've noticed a lot of soft-shading style artists have a much stronger effect on Illustrious than NAI, possibly because their styles are less "beaten out" by aesthetic tuning? You have to be a bit more mindful of what you throw at it rather than just layering 7 different artists who look nice on their own. Still pretty good results for just slotting in an unedited prompt, though.
Imagine what the fuck we will have in 2-5 years.
imagine being alive in 2-5 years
Glad it worked out.
Anon is right though, your pic looks cooked, I'd recommend trying smea and/or rescale for this artist mix.
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>imagine being alive in 2-5 years
Has any interesting lora come out for Illustrious-XL,like ghibli style?
Nobody's making LoRAs for Illustrious, we all moved back to Pony.
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It's pretty random, some pics are fine, some are fried. That one's fry is on the lighter side. Also
>artist mix
It's just two artists wo nearly always draw together, hardly a mix.
who is 'we'? it's just you and ayakon left using pony bro lmao
it's me, ayakon
Sad fate of the /hdg/ pony user
I use miqomix
banned_artist, my favorite
Huh, does it actually work?
No. The tag doesn't actually exist.
We love pony here
fuck off back to /b/ /aco/ /d/
the Illustrious-XL community is weak, with more than 1 month of launch and they still haven't fixed anything and if it was the pony community it would have already been fixed on the first day
So true sisters
good morning falseflaggers saars
good morning saar, i'm still waiting for a good bbc lora...
sir, you have 5 minutes to explain why pony hasn't been fixed yet
Sisters our response...?
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New mix released, it's nice, try it anons
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What is NAI's intended equivalent to Hires. fix? I know you can gen at a higher base res with SMEA and shit but what if I want to enhance an image I got at a lower free res? Img2img is not really it: not only is it nowhere advertised as "the upscaler for low-res images" in the docs, it changes the image too much at high denoise and doesn't change it enough at low denoise, don't know how else to describe it compared to local Hires. fix (which on paper is just img2img), which works exactly as intended at 0.5 and hardly changes anything. I even logged in to the website for the first time in months to see what I'm working with and, just like in the extension, there wasn't an obvious solution.
There wasn't anything to "fix" with Pony besides the inherent style, which comes naturally with style LoRAs. Lusty's issues go far deeper than that and are far harder, in all likeliness impossible without the v1.0/2.0, to iron out.
>generic sameface AOM-like slop
hires fix is literally just img2img
we had this discussion 2 years ago fuck off. don't use smea as your upscaling sampler, it makes mustard gas. use euler/a or dpm++ samplers.
>There wasn't anything to "fix" with Pony besides the inherent style
it didn't know much. most concepts were tacked back on with loras.
for example upside-down, or laying on side from slightly above. the angle comprehension was completely lacking after 1girl standing.
illustrious has problems, noobai does too, but they're both leagues ahead conceptually (and style/character wise too).
if anything should be kept moving forward, it's not PDV6

>What is NAI's intended equivalent to Hires. fix?
What is NAI's intended equivalent to ControlNet? There's a lot lacking on NAI that is already available locally, hires fix is the least of my concerns.
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What the fuck?
since people clearly love /aco/ here, what's the actual reason pony mindbroke everyone?
>have to pay 1000 jeetbuzz or wait 2 week+ waiting period
>for some generic looking Pnoy model
what did they mean by this?
Astralite broke the general
it's a fucked up and broken model but it's all that we had for months to cope with the fact that the best /h/ model was SaaS. that's all there is to it.
>I know you can gen at a higher base res with SMEA and shit but what if I want to enhance an image I got at a lower free res? Img2img is not really it:
"Enhance", which is literally img2img. Hires fix is also automated img2img, it's only effectively different if you are using Latent upscale (which you generally shouldn't).
Euler A Karras at 0.35-0.45 denoise is optimal for upscales in my opinion. But without using Metachs plugin's inpaint the faces will still look cooked more often than not unless you do close-ups. They really should have added adetailer to their default interface, but alas.
Img2img tile upscale with metachs also works rather well unless you have lots of characters in pic and it doesn't cost anal point so you can reroll all you want.
And he is poised to do it again.
I don't think he's poised to do much of anything except meander. He's still captioning his dataset with NL captions and doesn't even have a definitive idea of what architecture he's going to train on.
Just you wait until 2031 and he's finished and drops the best AuraFlow model you've ever seen
You'll rue the day
I use animesharp upscaler locally, then send image back to nai's img2img. Otherwise the result is blurry at low denoise. Other than that it's exactly the same as hires fix.
how aesthetically blind do you have to be to find this trash appealing
it's not even about aco which I think can be conditionally appealing
this is just uncanny and ugly
Are you telling me you can't beat your meat while she stares into your soul with that piercing gaze?
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how many people use this thread, and what time will the rest of the Illustrious-XL users arrive?
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Reeeee when are we getting a controllable version of Illustrious reeeeee

the potential is incredible
I'm here but not going to post images just yet as it seems the bullies are here in full force and I don't want my image getting attacked.
It's over.
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It's not uncanny enough
Now this I can cum to *upzips dick*
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What's with all the lolis? Post some girls that are past puberty
pedo general
keyed general***
JCs are past puberty.
Here, and some extras of her
Thank you.
It's either /b/ or /aco/ content, true anime has been run out
SEA posting hours, the civilized world is just waking up
Define true anime. This is a screencap from a mainstream anime title: >>8258397
According to experts on lolicon in this thread though it's /b/ content.
>There wasn't anything to "fix" with Pony besides the inherent style, which comes naturally with style LoRAs.
>According to experts on lolicon in this thread though it's /b/ content.
It's all shitposting.
/b/ content here is actually anime tho, curious how all the /aco/ posts are hags too
>This is a screencap from a mainstream anime title: >>8258397
Looks like shit. The colors all blend together into a blob of grainy sepia and bloom. Also she has dread locks. How aesthetically blind do you have to be to like this?
It's shaft.
Pedo falseflaggers started the /aco/ hag posting and kept it up long enough for some actual retards to join because they thought they were in good company
nadeko cunny
Not my shaft.
Shaft my beloved... really should train that fate extra anime lora now that illu makes different styles possible
when is civitai going to add illustrious to the filter so it isnt such a pain in the ass to find loras
would it only happen if they had a 1.0 version?
I genuinely don't get why you hate this place so much that you are willing to come here every day and spend your time on bait instead of doing literally anything else in the world
Go watch anime, jerk off, gen, touch grass, get a job
Instead you come here to threadshit. Why?
Some people make their main hobby shitting up 4chan threads.
Are you some retard that believes in the only one schizo theory?
that was the most minor repost edit i've ever seen here
NOW i'm complaining
that second one is not aco tier and the first one is unironically a paste of the same prompt but in illustrious which gave kinda aco results but nowhere at the aco-and-sepia level of the hags that gets posted here, not at all
try again
Any doskoinpo inspired AI art?
Who is she though
>that face shape
>not /aco/
kys slopper
I've only been trolling since illustrious dropped. Lot of threadshitting sadly stopped then and I felt like I had to pick up the torch
if you frequent more than one of the local generals on 4chan you start to notice the same schizo baiter is in all of them, usually cross posting the same tired shit until one of the threads mistakenly gives him extra attention. you get the distinct impression this is literally all he has in life, like he has no sense of validation or dopamine reward outside of it. I've begun to study this phenomena like a nature documentary on abbos or something equally disgusting. I think he got his start in /sdg/ and spread out from there, but I'm not certain yet. it's kind of like watching a trainwreck, or the special Olympics.. except in the case of the latter the similarity ends at a concentrated amount of tard and lacks the talent. very fascinating in a way, a cautionary tale if ever there was one
>ackshually, I was just trolling
That's legit 12yo mentality
all hail the one (1) schizo of 4chan
i bet it's that guy
I unironically think it's the same guy everyone in /g/ calls Debo. I've noticed if you call him out for being Debo outside of /g/ he goes full melty, within /g/ he fucks off for a few moments. It's weird.
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I like this style but since it's on a lora of an uoooh artist it makes girls with excessively narrow waist. Even by putting narrow waist among the negatives it doesn't change anything, any tips to make them look less disproportionate?
this, he's making these threads basically unusable, it's a perfect case of "the world would unironically be a better place without him"
inpaint sketch more curve probably the only real answer
Narrow waist like this isn't uoooh. Uoh is a rectangle.
it's because I prompt large breasts, wide hips etc, so it increases those but the waist stays super tiny, I want her to be thick
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putting "mature" seems to make it better
whats the lora
Well you put wide hips so it makes hips wider than torso. If you want her thick then put (fat, obese:1.3) like a typical disgusting fat hag lover would.
oh sorry I didn't realize you were just shitposting like the retard you are, goodbye
lowering the height resolution might help some too, she seems weirdly long in her mid torso
plump doesn't work? on illu it generally behaves correctly for me, widening the torso and adding a little tummy
it's >>8258722

dunno what part of it is the name of the artist

I tried, it crops away part of the girl but keeps the same waist ratio, if I put "chubby" it keeps it narrow but adds belly rolls

plump makes her obese not with wider waist
okay thanks
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you could remove her entire midsection and she'd almost be proportionate.. fault of the artist probably
It's not ironic? You want a fat fuck, put fat in pos.
>plump makes her obese
add plump, and then obese in negative tags
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unironically works but inpainting makes the image dirtier with this artis, since it already generates visible brush strokes
v-pred is coming....
I felt like a little boy being lied to by his preacher, after learning we weren't going for a drive to the ice cream store
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actually, chubby gives her a few fat rolls, but plump doesn't even do anything
how, why and when
Trust the plan
Astralite converted v6 to vpred and finetuning on top of it to get more intricate shades of sepia. That's the plan for v7. Soon.
Did he put back the artist and character tags?
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>captcha: pay4v
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I'm not following our transhumanist bakers, but am I missing something? Why is he using such a small batch size? Is this a micro batch and he is actually using 8x 12?
he's using 4x4090 for test runs
Either he uses grad accumulation or just does basic fine-tune to test the shit out.
Ah, it's a test run. Alright, thanks for letting me know, anons.
Can't wait to see more schizo art out of vpred/zsnr, truly the richest of blacks
Huge Euge is large and in charge
pitch black cocks... imagine...
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He is the one baker we never hated, so cute...
It's unironically over for naikeks
I'll finally be able to use Noob to gen for Civitai and Patreon...
pitch black pussy...
How long until Astralite runs back to SDXL like everyone else?
is that meant to be nago fucking her
Oh, it's something that's completely absent from the extension and only appears in the website UI after you gen an image, which I literally never did before, no wonder I missed it. But yeah, having tried this Enhance stuff, it seems just as prone to changing the image as img2img. Guess it's something inherent to the model.
illustrious is so sovlful...
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clip you have fucked me for the last time
Huh? Why not just inpaint that section and not i2i the entire image?
A hearty kek
But anon, you said you wanted darkness!
The true darkness...
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>my ryona post got deleted
I don't want to kill them janny only maim them for some aftercare
At least you didn't become the ryona
cute snake
does it actually know the monogatari style?
this anon did a good prompt for it:
yeah, that one has meta here's a box anyways: https://files.catbox.moe/3b44ym.png

I adapted it from some kiss-shots an anon was posting yesterday which didn't tag akio, just promotional art and series tags and came out incredibly well
based anons, thanks
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nta and not a shitpost,but how do you use smea on nai?
it just makes everything looks blurry, what sampler/cfg should you use with it to produce good results?
normal vs karras vs sgm uniform vs ays for euler-based samplers, who wins or does it even matter? scheduler type genuinely feels like complete fucking gacha.
I don't understand how you can resist cunny
So far I'm finding that both of these versions of Illustrious have noticeably better hands and stuff than either Noob or SmoothSPO do overall:
kill yourself
Is your seed a prime number? Karras
Is your seed divisible by 9 or 41? AYS
Do the digits of your seed add up to less than 90? SGM Uniform
Otherwise, Normal.
I've found that scheduler just feels like extra RNG too. None of them are particularly better than the other and it's kind of just a pick your poison sort of thing
Just use normal unless you have a specific reason to use any of the other ones
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guro, injury, yd \(orange maru\), pov, NSFW, rape, missionary, sex, 1boy, penis, about to be raped, trying to escape, tomoe mami, ryona, 1girl, small breasts blood on face, blood on clothes, screaming, about to be raped, suffering, bruise. bruise on face, crying, injury, nosebleed, sweat, tears, bleeding, abuse
Just go back to autism if you don't like anime. No need to force yourself to use illu.
Do an XY plot and post it
I'm gonna be that guy, and ask what is the status on Jordach and his SDXL bake?
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Shrouded in mystery until someone asks him and filters the useful information from the ensuing unhinged rant
He doesn't post too much, and frankly it's likely because not many people are left to listen.
In short: it's cooking.
Thanks for the honest update! Much appreciated.
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Those previews look like garbage ngl, and that diffusion guy shits on anyone liking illus over pony so not sure how much you can trust his aesthetic sense kek
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this specific lora doesn't work well with inpainting and img2img
Why her cheeks swollen and flushed?
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did she just birth out his entire body or was it in her mouth and she barfed it up?
I like this one, it's pretty colorful and the rough lines hide the mushy details that are normally typical of ai
Ayo this Suwako looking kinda suwacky
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cute artstyle
Yeah thats why I like the rough lines aswell
I was also supposed to hide the fingers a bit but forgot
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cute hand holding
nice setup, people are really getting good in this general, compared to the other ones
>Pony and Illu smooth
we won
I love how dumb she looks, very cute
>he reverted illustrious back to AOM

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Found a mix that works really good with noobai and wanted to share it, because it's fun: masterpiece, best quality, (flat color:0.1), (suzushiro (suzushiro333):0.3), (shinmai (kyata):0.4), (henriiku (ahemaru):0.3), (boca:0.4)
Why are all the colors so faded ou-
>The proportion of Illustrious-XL SmoothFT model accounts for a quarter, so it should still be a Pony model.
how'd you get this style? i like how the colors pop.
That is some peak hag, thank you for sharing
That looks eerily like my own mom, even down to the glasses and necklace
Just try and see if it works desu.
Its intended use is for txt2img hires gens but considering it costs anals it barely sees any use for that.
For standard res it's mostly a matter of trying it out. Some styles work well with it, some get washed out and schizo. Without smea my usual cfg is 5 with Euler a native, with smea I go for 7 or 8 even (euler a karras).
Some styles work better with sde but I avoid using it as it's usually too erratic
Sometimes I do an img2img pass to make the smea gen look less washed out
Is your mom single?
if you want /h/ just go to the right boa-
oh wait... well, tough shit
immediately kills all colors and turns it into aomslop
but at least the hands are better
that's how you get yeast infections...
You've seen your mom's sagging_breast, large_areola, hairy_pussy, pussy_juice, cum_in_pussy?
Id eat it
Yeah, my dad ran off with some latina city whore and left us. She hasn't really tried dating again after that
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it's his cum
I shouldn't be looking at stuff like this
You have all the tools to gen her now anon
you know what you must do
good. more of anon's mom
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dumb anime girls are my weakness
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>She hasn't really tried dating again after that
I can change that
Yeah I have
What happened to all the sepia?
He is just gonna pull an angel, releases first model for hype and paywalls future models that aren't dogshit
based, same
what's the style prompt or lora? seems fun
im gonna goon to cunny
Its probably just the style im using
Don't tempt me, I said I'd quit cunny
based. ungrateful freetards deserve nothing
so fucking BASED
send box before you get vacation pls
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snek pussy...
illustrious, artist tag is suenari \(peace\)
I posted more artist styles here: >>8258314
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You're responsable to keep your mom happy anon
stealth pnginfo, it's just bakariso's antifreez3 lora
which style in that mix is adding that soft bloom? like how their hair almost looks like it's glowing
o okay thanks
euge doesn't work for a company so that's the least of our worries
>cunny revives /hdg/
hagtroons and /aco/fags on suicide watch

i mean, what did you expect? cunny comes with true anime style after all
its stealth pnginfo but whatever
well the only style i have in it is
and im using illustrious
now make anon and his mom in this pose https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=7555762
Thank you, both of you!
>stealth pnginfo
How can I read that? I'm a forgebabby
"that diffusion guy" here, absolutely no clue how you arrived at the conclusion that any of my opinions have anything to do with some kind of dumb tribalist "Pony vs Illustrious" war lol. I'm also the guy who spent a massive amount of time trying to fix the basically broken SD 1.5 release of Pony V6, for example, the results of which I also posted on Civit across a bunch of revisions. It's fine if you're not a fan of my Illustrious version though, to each their own.
install https://github.com/neggles/sd-webui-stealth-pnginfo
and you can view the prompt in browser by installing the catbox userscript from the OP
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ah gotcha
Is it bad that I find this hot? Fuck, she can never know about this
Thank you, king
Its normal but no one will admit it
You could also use https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api as it has the same functionality, even for images generated locally.
post your favorite cunny
you know how this must end
There is a name that pops up a lot on the thumbs downs on anyone praising illus over there, who could that be I wonder? There is literally comment that said "Thank you for opening a new avenue of possibilities" and your named popped up tf? You sure seem you like you care for tribalism bs.
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I also choose this anon's mom
I updated FORGE recently and it went from taking forever to start up but otherwise working fine, to starting up fairly quickly, but otherwise being really unstable and taking forever every time you switch a single LORA. Also I miss the scheduler extension.

I probably want to do a clean reinstall anyway, so what is everyone using nowadays?
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Anon, she needs a man, be there for her.
just shot the biggest load in weeks to anon's mom
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first ryona guro posts and now Anons getting hard with the anime representation of their mother.

is this a Hallowen Curse?
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Just think about her, every night, touching herself while thinking about you, ashamed of herself. Just tell her the truth, you'll both feel better
catbox for this one?
why are you making the baseline assumption that comments about Illustrious have anything whatsoever to do with Pony though? I did note in a few places that Pony isn't even an anime model at its core so the comparison itself doesn't make a whole lot of sense in the first place, and also that people were misquoting what the ARXIV paper actually says about Illustrious 0.1 versus 1.0+ captioning techniques.

None of that was an attempt to take any kind of side in a made up conflict that I don't think many people outside of this board care about lol.

I treat making loras and checkpoints with the same level of seriousness roughly as I do making Skyrim mods, to me they're basically equivalent sort of pastimes. I do my best to make stuff I release as good as I can but nothing surrounding it is "sacred" to me at all, which is probably part of why I tend to butt heads with people in here often I guess.
can this pony lover take the hint and fuck off forever
pony is here to stay retard
keep crying :)
Oh my fucking god this is fucked up
But still
If I'm already jerking off to porn of her
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realized I hadn't done a reimu gen on illust yet, as is tradition
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hello ayakon saar
>6 loads
Jesus Reimu is such a slut
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I love Konpaku Youmu
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Anon your mom looks pretty sexy at 12 g's of acceleration don't you think? Think of the adrenaline rush from the helplessness of being unable to get out of the situation- the forces squeezing her and weighing down her plump body further back into the soft seat...
Imagine her sitting on you bro
Have you done one of these but it's a pregnant woman with a cross-section shot of the baby in the womb also being impacted by the g's?
This is why I come to /hdg/. All the console wars, schizo posting, groidspamming, the constant disappointment... it's all worth it for posts like this
now we're reaching proper /d/ levels
doesn't seem like illustrious knows sazanami mio very well unfortunately
VERY sexy outfit
>effortlessly does sideless shirt and sarashi under shirt
I'm going to Die

she's barely sweating too, it's just a warmup for her...
stay hydrated!
Now THIS is a post.
Weird how this niche or fetish works. Condoms in hentai good, condoms in real life bad
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>tfw anons mom checks the laundry basket
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this is illustrious
please hand the box over
why do i always get gradient walls when I prompt a background in pony? like the walls don't have any color details, they all have this gradient design
How did anon luck out having such a sexy mom
I love this new anon's mom meme
im jealous...
While I think it's an...uh- interesting idea... there are issues.
First, from a physics perspective, the baby would not be impacted that much by G-forces because water (in this case the amniotic fluid in the womb) is very good at redistributing weight and forces. I think some scientists back in the day basically filled an entire cockpit on a centrifuge with water, where the subject stayed in said water. One could surprisingly withstand much higher G's than normal due to the water redistributing the weight and forces better.
https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19730006364/downloads/19730006364.pdf (page 178) (Up to 16 G's)
https://www.esa.int/gsp/ACT/doc/BNG/ACT-RPR-BNG-2007-09-SuperAstronaut-IAC.pdf (page 8) (up to 24 G's)

Second, consider the square-cube law. E.g the baby is smol, less mass, less to push around, less affected by increase in gravity compared to an adult.

Third, that is a fucked up idea, even by my standards. Sorry anon, I ain't genning that.
You honestly you only needed that third reason. This thread sometimes I swear
I lowkey want to suck her breasts as she jerks me off now
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Now this is some newage ryona right here.
Someone call Ponchi because we got a new archetype
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Wups, forgot to delete the old adetailer prompt.
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If we all jack off to the same anon's mom isn't that kind of gay?
Why am I turned on by the anons rping anons momcest adventure now wtf

>you'll never read a fic about how anons mom came home dead tired from a hard day of work supporting her family as a single mother, passing out, and anon deciding to "relieve some of her physical stress"
>you'll never hear it from the pov of anons mom coming to, realizing what's happening, feeling immense shame but pretending to still be sleeping, then ending up enjoying anon's dick so much she doesn't even care anymore

Why even live honestly
that's just a virtual gang bang
just ask claude or nai to write it
how long until someone prompts you know what and anon's mom
someone needs to get on this, stat
>this goes on for months, anon pumping his mom and his mom pretending to be asleep
>anon brags about it online to hdg, thinking he's been getting away with it and his mom's none the wiser
>hdg anons call him out saying she must know, he's full of shit
>he invites them over to prove them wrong
>hdg and anon gangbang his "sleeping" mom
>>hdg and anon gangbang his "sleeping" mom
holy shit KEK
>anon brings his friends home
>tells his mom they need help losing their virginities
>if don't mind an old lady like me...
>gangbang ensues
wtf did I start
A masterpiece..
And here I thought the general perception of hags in this general was a negative one
pony fat hags are disgusting
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pedos are a loud minority. they feel the need to loudly scream based and uooh to reassure each other
it's obviously one guy samefagging
all me btw
it's mainly because of retards like >8259680 stirring the pot, most cunnychads know that hag incest is S tier
Stay in denial pedofag, anon's mom is the best thing to happen to this general
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Remember this feeling anon, you will be partly responsible for the AI uprising
kys pedo
kek, relax anon, you might be autistic if you don't recognize that as a joke
you don't speak for cunnyseurs, dumbass. loving women past their reproductive peak is a mental illness
why is he a pedo for posting a picture of a university student?
15 to menopause is normal if you don't have low t, don't delude yourself
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ffs anon, you left your cum rag on the bed
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enjoy your children with genetic defects then
hags and cunny is fine and all, but can we not start posting scat?
why is it so blurry
Older women are amazing in bed, that's just a fact.
We're all just having fun here, nobody is fucking their mom except that one anon.
nothing amazing about desperation
that's a very clean style, can you catbox me up?
nice falseflag
By that logic your mother must have been in her sixties when she had you
it's nai
I am unreasonably hard from all these, i dont think i can look at her the same way again
i will never understand why would someone choose a ai hentai gooner thread as their target for constant trolling
Because only an ai gooner would stoop so low
shut up subhuman remember that the world would be better without you
what is it whining about now?
he's severely mentally ill, it's the type of people who do school shootings
Pedos are getting uppity again. Guess we'll have to get the discord crew back together, one last report wave.
is it /d/ if it's half human?
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Why would you care about the rules when this thread is filled with people that clearly don't?
both hags and cunny are good, this is a fact acknowledged by every coomer on this site who isn't a massive poseur virtue signalling like he's on fucking reddit
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Oyakodon is truly the patrician taste
based and canonpilled
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For me it's literally any female shaped being that gets me off.
In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win.

He's never beating the allegations
Are females even real?
Never saw one so dunno
Genshin girls are the best sluts
>the hdg gang bang
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You come home early and find her like this in your room, with the tissues you jerked off in, wdyd?
I also did some pokephillia tests on illust the other day
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>touch more vibrant I guess
overcooked and fried, yes
>don't really know what you mean by that
jokes write themselves
what if mom-anon is just pretending this character looks like his mom to get people to gen his oc
I love her face
wdym, it's this finetune https://civitai.com/models/852957/zootlustrious-aesthetic-illustrious-xl-refinement
Who would have known that we could get popping colors without vpred
Don't care, had fun
before the thread is done im sure you'll already have people saying its an avatarfag and how they are ruining the entire thread and how they killed hentai forever so it is what it is
zoot is super fried
for the love of god stop samefagging with your sick shit fetish and pretending like everyone here wants to fuck their own mother jesus christ
Nah that's just my placeholder milf, posted some of her in a previous thread too
Its creator doesn't seem to think so
can you niggers stop talking about fucking moms for a minute?
you faggots need to go back to /trash/
Do you have a sister, anon?
he must be blind then
it's been so long since i last saw a gen...
Always make sure to brush your sister's teeth!
>You come home early and find her like this in your room, with the tissues you jerked off in, wdyd?
Since she's never going to read this, probably let her have a sniff of the real thing, and maybe kiss her.
Probably touch her breasts.
Suck her breasts.
Maybe lead her to the bedroom and ...have some hand holding missionary sex. Probably without a condom. I know that's fucked up, but the idea of creaming inside her without a barrier and feeling her walls tighten around me as I cum is probably the most taboo rush ever. I'd so love to have her leglock me as I cum and push me deep into her, have her call me her "simplebug", her nickname for me when I was a kid.
>an anon had a sexual awakening for his own mom
kill yourself
it's a bit generous to call someone the "creator" of a model when they trained on the base with 2000 images for 80 epochs and merged two loras into it
Anon stop enjoying this ffs
I'm almost there...
this is not the original anon anymore btw
same https://litter.catbox.moe/4u1mky.jpg
i was unironically JUST going to suggest someone do this pairing so you both gave me what I wanted and a cute artist mix, based
>lolichads revived the thread
>hagtroons gets uppity and jealous so he posts what he loves most: incest pics and rp
>kills the thread
...ah yes, it's all pedofags fault...
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Tentacles are ok on /h/ right
Yup yup carry on
nope, those go to /d/
this fag seems very upset people are actually having fun itt kek
Anon what if you showed your mom this thread, then she leaves the room for a while - and to your surprise she comes back in lingerie? Maybe even calls you her baby boy? Then positions you between her breasts while she gives you the most intense handjob of your life?

Also glad I could give someone else my fetish of putting women into situations where extremely high acceleration and g-forces are present :)))))
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Beach time
shitposter finally found a fresh idea
Damn that's good
who are you quoting?
also it doesnt seems like people are having fun if gens stops being uploaded
Seriously though, hagbox, please
I dont upload catboxes, sorry
i think it's funny i just stop uploading gens because I'm genning non-H
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A true philosopher
It's /b/ crap
Why do nolife losers here consider rule-breaking to be "based"?
>4 days since the last noob test epoch
lax sama... are you okay??
I spent months shitting up the thread because I was mad over pony and over /b/ gens getting deleted. Now people are using a local model that I like and the jannies got tired of handing out vacations, so the thread can now be nice again, I allow it.
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I've been prompting with Euler A CFG+++ but what sampler do you guys use to inpaint in illustrious?

Anon-san... catbox?
Too late =)
i stopped using cfg++ samplers they just feel like snakeoil desubh. so i just use euler_a for everything, sometimes smea for the base gen if I want to pretend it does anything
>genning cunny while on college using nai on my phone
>i look around every 3 seconds to see if no one is looking
>if someone ever gets me it would be so unironically over for me
fuck my life
just don't be a retarded coomer
subscribed, keep the updates coming :3
I really don't like ancestral samplers for Illu. Use them for a high-res pass if you want the smooth look, but use converging samplers for the base gen
They never grew out of their rebellious teenage phase where they listened to black rappers telling them to fuck da po po.
don't worry, they'll just say "based" just like /hdg/
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>Anon what if you showed your mom this thread, then she leaves the room for a while - and to your surprise she comes back in lingerie? Maybe even calls you her baby boy? Then positions you between her breasts while she gives you the most intense handjob of your life?
I would hope she would wear this black set I found in her drawers that she never wears anymore. That would make me extremely hard. I have felt her hands before, they're very soft, nice feeling. The idea of them stroking my dick like that gives me goosebumps and shivers. It would be such a rush. I'm always the one who jerks myself off, and I kind of acclimated to it, but with her, it would be way different. When I cum I usually slow down and stop, because it feels to good, but with her she could keep going longer than I could. I'd never want it to end. I would kiss her so much and do every chore around the house forever if we could do that more often. I'd even eat her out whenever she asked.

>Also glad I could give someone else my fetish of putting women into situations where extremely high acceleration and g-forces are present :)))))
i cant cuz i am currently trying new artist combos while im on any boring class, that i try later on illust to see how it behaves when i come back home
but i guess this will end tomorrow cuz my sub ends, well, tomorrow
Trying, for the first time, to generate picture but sometime, even with keywords, Lora don't tricker in stability matrix interface. ANy idea why ?
majority enjoys hags and lolis both, they just don't feel the need to announce on a daily basis
This legit triggered my ptsd
1 get a better UI
2 stop using base pony
3 maybe the lora is just shit
yeah some LORA are just dogshit trained on like 22 images lmao
>majority enjoys hags and lolis both
holy delusions
Actual original anon here, lots of inpainting involved in that image, but catbox is here:

The checkpoint is one of the further trained versions of noobai. But you can probably get very close to the original picture with the noobai on civitai by adding "low contrast,muted color,pale color" in negatives.

Many curses upon you for imitating me and my innocence.

May your gens be filled with artifacts, poorly trained artists, sepia, mangled limbs and fused bodies.

May your gens be ever so slightly tainted by AI mistakes, such that your dick goes soft when proompting due to noticing all the mistakes first hand.

May the thermal paste in your GPU dry up quick and fast like water in the desert when genning. So in akin to Sisyphus pushing a boulder up a hill to only for it to roll down again, you too shall replace your thermal paste often and for nought - for all eternity.
make a strawpoll niba
i'd trust a lora trained on 22 images more than one trained on 200+ every time
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got bored of inpainting this so take this half baked piece of shit
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Anon-sama, that's hot. Teach me your style. Catbox onegai.
It's appreciated anon.
this anon is unimaginably based
what artist tag?
Most of those curses are unfortunately wasted on him as I'd be willing to bet he doesn't gen any images at all.
I like both if they have nice style, although my preference have always been JKs.
>oy vey, conduct unbiased research goym
>the curses
it's over... time to throw in the towel
How do I prompt for an partially opened jacket without getting a partially opened shirt underneath
>be me
>genning cute and funny images on phone
>mesgaki walks behind me and sees the screen
>says I have to do what she wants or she's reporting me
>makes me follow her into toilet
kys pedo
yadu nadu, menma \(enaic31\)
>nice style
that's the thing, hags can't be in nice style because the they would be just generic anime girl
hags are just straight equivalent of bara, both in style and anatomy
This but loli
can someone tell me why the fuck does it matter so much the prompt order in nai? every time i change the order of tags it actually changes so much the gens i don't get it
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If it's an actual wrinkly face crone then yeah I guess, but I do save some "hag" gens I like occasionally.
very nice
Total fat hag genocide. All they do is eat whole train car of food every week and then make pikachu face when men want to fuck somebody younger and prettier.
because they trained it that way :)
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Calm down son, it's a drawing
loli shit has mostly the same artstyles as regular anime girls, just bigger heads and eyes
hag artstyle exists only in some houswife ntr doujins
Honestly all the you's/praise to both my slightly less serious, serious gen of anon's mom and the funny curses is actually pretty uplifting. Glad I could make someone happy! Need to leave now, take care
Anon she never stood a chance
>thread was fun
>false flagging, same fagging and baiting ensues
I need this mentally ill faggot to leave these threads alone
there is a doujin exactly like that and the girl kinda look like her but I cant remember the name
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technically that's not an uohhh artist. They're, instead, an incredibly lanky type artist. They just also happen to work really, really well for lolitype because of tiny, tight butts.
artist for reference https://x.com/ao_6336/media
also if you're still using muji as an artist call in prompt, consider going away from that, since I was adding it to make girls even smaller/more petite tier.
>this specific lora doesn't work well with inpainting and img2img
"works on my machine"
or at least, works for my method of upscaling. I'm guessing you're just not giving it enough denoise.
image related just took >>8259337 resized/recropped it a bit and tossed into i2i upscale with controlnet tile(.45 weight .35 end step) and .8 denoise with an approximated prompt.
may your gens always come out exactly as you envisioned them
kill yourself "everybody i don't like is the same schizo" schizo
who are you quoting?
It's like telling davinci to only draw card board boxes for the rest of his life. A style can only flourish if the subject matter allows it. Luckily AI allows us to rescue pedo styles and apply them to curvy girls
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>playing into anon's larp about his mother was fun
Maybe in grade school it would be...
>NAI released a new 'tutorial' on how to prompt
>it's on v3
v4 stocks absolutely plummeting. if v4 was anywhere near close to release, why bother writing a tutorial and recording a video for v3? this isn't looking good...
reminder to ignore any "advice" from tile schizo
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Too powerful
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She kinda cute
consolewar faggots are insufferable go back to /v/
>NAI released a new 'tutorial' on how to prompt
>it's on v3
v4 stocks absolutely plummeting. if v4 was anywhere near close to release, why bother writing a tutorial and recording a video for v3? this isn't looking good....
>make slight change to a setting
>gen comes out slightly better
>conclude that this changed setting will now make all my gens better across prompts and seeds
Why yes I'm a scientificmethodchad
Why are you insulting geniuses who use local Euler-Smea-Dyn samplers like this? Very rude.
Had to switch to an AMD and now I have no clue how the fuck to upscale and inpaint well. I had to get SD.net since that's, as far as I can tell, the only good AMD UI. Please help me.
just get nvidia?
Ayakon, diffusionfanatic, cathag, miqofag... All tasteless jeets have one thing in common: they gen hags. Really makes you think
>highlights (1/2)
>highlights (2/2)
>highlights (spooky)
>highlights (anon's mom)
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don't forget the special awards!
Nice eyes under hair. And too cute for horror!
this isn't new, hag shit always had its own separate artstyle which is ugly on purpose
Stop making up names... and you forgot about bluvoll.
What makes you think that you have good taste?
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My wife (middle aged man (little girl (slut)))
saar at least read the thread saar. xhe's a confirmed threadshitter
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I love Tanya's Manga design, the anime design sadly gives me the creeps
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But anon, she's going to suck out your soul! Don't fall for her tricks!
It's weird to see Kujo Sara and she's not getting bullied.
Who said anything about good or bad taste? Birdfag had awful taste in my opinion, but at least he had a taste. You have nothing, you can't even grasp the concept of style. All you produce is shiny, (ai generated:1.3) slop.
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hoping for llenn doujins soon
>all the momfuckers
>nobody posts a gen of their own mom, only lusting after that one anon's mom
you sound mad
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Sleeping anons moms hdg gangbang hnng
she's ugly bro
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catbox plz? It looks really good.
These are kino Anon, thanks for the quality gens
imagine wasting GPU time on hags
Is it really a popular fetish?
My mom is objectively attractive and young-looking for her age but nothing obscene has ever crossed my mind regarding her unless someone brings this fetish up, it just almost feels... kinda evil to me despite being a degen coomer.
i hate to break it to you anon, but you're homosexual
I feel like most of my gens with noobai are way too bright, I wonder if that's something that will be fixed with the final version
based and true
>those curves
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i like my hags

box? that shinobu looks good


>sde no brown
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No problem, mate.
nice, box?
why retards call any female that isn't loli a hag?
real hag should look like bloated rotting corpse with slit eyes
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penis magic
it is actually UNBELIEVABLE how fucking bad pony is after seeing this new shit, like holy fuck. How did astralite ruin the model so badly? Literally a fucking retard.
What do you use now?
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Furry in their garage vs Weeb Korean ML researchers, the result is obvious
catbox please? I love Seras
I once again implore you to post the catbox.
Why change a proven sampler, no brown delivers.
Likewise. Luckily she just works.
Skill issue. Pony is certainly inferior to illu and nobody in their right mind should still use it, but it wasn't all bad. With the right loras and prompts you could always produce nice looking images. Pony was ok for its time
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>trying to understand zoomerology

youre fighting a losing battle.
kill yourself ponylover
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Why is /edg/ in such a sorry state?
Nice and cute.
Nah anon, it was fucking garbage. The goal for using this stuff is fun, and genning with this smegma-filled ugly shit was anything but. Changing hobby or paying 25 dollarinos were preferable to using that piece of ces.
holy skill issue
There is probably some early epoch of pony, that along with the full hashes, would be a good model.
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Now you are just shitposting bwo, I hate pony as anyone here but if you didn't get anything good out of it, it was in fact a skill issue
highlight schizo ruined the thread sadly
kill yourself threadshitter
Hope he leaves /hdg/ soon. Not like this place wasn't ruined before he started the highlights, but right now he's actively preventing the thread from becoming unruined
how do we send it and it's fuck buddy noodleschizo back?
I love how you can instantly tell this gen is pony
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it was the plain shading or the dogshit bed?
catbox? need more goth girl artist mixes
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Here you go.
nta,it looks washed, probably reweik judging from whiteish tint
for me it's the male's hairstyle, that generic shaggy look it gives to 100% of males if you don't describe their features in depth
>probably reweik judging from whiteish tint
correct, good job

interesting take, I didn't expect that

Glad we are free from it now
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Oops, linked wrong version.
I think the only pony gens I remember liking were from enmafag and that black backgrounds facesitting poster.
>if you didn't get anything good out of it
yeah it's like trying to mold a piece of turd. not fun.
Got any of nadeko?
enma schizo's trifusion gens were dogshit though
he has some kinda oversaturated samples but it's one of the better Illus if you keep things around 4.5 to 5 CFG imo, deals with the artifacting problem pretty well. Doesn't seem to like SDE samplers as much as other Illus also, works better with just Euler A I found
I caught up with kingdom. 800 chapters and they haven't conquered a single state yet. Author will probably die before he even makes it halfway through the story.
it only occurred to me now the spookposting is because of Halloween
maybe I've really masturbated so much I'm getting dumber
yeah the severe overfitting gave some koikatsu ass haircuts for certain hairstyle tags. it was a blessing for consistency but you can get both consistency and creativity on illust by just prompting in more detail since it has way more working tags.
this is a1111-only isn't it?
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Ougi is peak female form
Nah, there's a version in Forge/Reforge I use.
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smooth brain here, do I need a certain vae for Illustrious?
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maybe, who's asking?

not really, default sdxl vae is fine
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sar please box i must generate
You have 70k images of each of these bitches on danbooru. Stop generating even more you fucking 2hoefags
yes saar, please post more not-a-pedophile saar!
Keep genning toohoos
lora's: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/e9bd63vj786sf/slanted
are people still using stable diffusion?
Reimu and marisa are the ultimate normie waifus. You can pick any gachawhore as your waifu and it'll be a more respectable choice than caking these ran-through 2hoe sluts in even more cum.
As appose to.......?
>newfag threadshitter trying to shit on the king of the thread
Nah, we all moved to ponyflow.
I heard there was a new one but I was too lazy to look it up. I haven't touched AI stuff in over 8 months
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Touhou's are sacred, please never type those filthy words on your keyboard ever again
wasn't the ibukifag the king of kiddydiddlers? You pedos are quick to change allegiance
As far as /h/ is concerned, SDXL is all that matters. Come back after another 8 months and maybe the eastern chads will have a new architecture baked.
I hope your Ip gets bought and turned into a soulless gacha. Only mikufags are worse
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2hu already has a mobage tho
>he doesn't know
>That fucking ghost on the civit logo
Always makes me think there's some insect crawling on my screen
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thank you sar
outdated trash, we're all using MeissonicPony now
catbox? I have trouble generating abs that good
metadata was in the image already
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DAMM IT ANON!, Now I'm horny for a ghost, thanks...
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i can't believe that's JUST ssambatea and quasarcake wtf. feels like I've been prompting illust all wrong, it does best with simple and sweet artist mixes instead of throwing 10 at it like NAI
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that's unfortunate
but thanks for educational content
absolute kino
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based dunkin on the sloppers
whoa nice, box?
my cousins are conjoined at the cock, true story
hello saar
or daughter?
It's completely fried. You can't prompt anything without that retarded retro anime screencap style seeping through.
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he's alive at least
Her eye bulging over the shaft is honestly worse
Just got back after taking a break for a few months, why has the quality of this thread improved so much?
Pedos stopped holding the thread hostage
gotta try a little harder with your bait my guy
very impressive, pony could never
Just got back from the store after taking a break from the thread for an hour or two. Why are sour patch kids so damn good?
>Why are ... kids so damn good?
i think that sort of digital screencap style is specifically what he strengthened the generic positive quality tags with, like masterpiece and shit, i found i was able to get expectedly distinctive results by not using those and just using artists with it for positive prompt
Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.
Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.
American sweets all suck. You have to be raised on corn syrup to enjoy that stuff
average /hdg/ poster
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Ghostussy is the best

Full quality:
I tried that as well, but even with only negative quality tags artist fidelity took a massive hit. Can't even recognize yd compared to the base version
>It is le heckin Halloween so we have to make le heckin spooky gens
Wish reddit refugees would make their own site instead of shitting up this one
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what artists? see quasarcake, but something else?
box please?
ssambatea, quasarcake
collarbone is one of the most subtly useful tags
it's just strangely often tagged on booru, is it some kind of frequent fetish or something
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>the dark penis tag actually works on illustrious
a new golden age
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nice gen, catbox?
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It's really hard to make a girl with a deeper shade of black.
When is the right time to open a new thread?
after image cap gets hit or the thread hits page 11
it's not very complicated.
Is there an image cap? I thought that the only restriction was that after 1000 posts, it stops getting bumped
text post bump limit is 300 posts.
image cap is 301(which is the OP+300)
it's 300 iirc
Oh, so after 300 test posts, it stops getting bumped? Kinda amazing that it is only on page 5, with 1200 posts :O
where do you retards come from?
jesse pokemon, bent over, anon
Sorry bro, it got lost in her ass.
You can use dark skin and mess with the weights but yeah, it's not easy.
there's also very dark skin, dark-skinned female
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>dark-skinned female
I literally have the weight at 1.3. You get dudes as black as night without even prompting for it, but ofr girls you barely get a light tan most of the time.
can you make a version of that one with no sag in the breasts?
Whats the prompt for that kind of hair?
thank you so much!
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Remember to eat healthy
why head her blurry so
it's gooknai
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YD seems weak as fuck to begin with honestly, even on a prompt I just did designed to YDMaxx, none of the checkpoints I tested go into like weird image collapse mode with it even at 1.3 strength. Also dude has like a million different ways he draws stuff, any one of these could be YD at some point really

Positive: `1girl, standing, looking at viewer, maid outfit, fireworks, flowers, 2d, (yd \(orange maru\):1.3)`

Negative: `worst quality, low quality, normal quality, lowres, sketch, low res, unfinished, pixelated, jpeg artifacts, scan artifacts, simple background, bad anatomy, bad proportions, bad composition, (bad hands, missing finger, extra digits:1.1), blurry, (3d, cgi, realistic, photorealistic, photo \(medium\):1.2)`

Seed: 69420

all pretty similar, just Noob decided to buck the trend on hair color, and Smooth doesn't like flowers as much as the rest of them apparently lol
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I see the adetailer square lil bro
I like it too but I bet he won't share cause you guys will make fun of him cause it's blatantly obviously SD 1.5 lol
Can the catbox script anon have an option that extracts all the relevant A1111 metadata into a readable format from ComfyUI metadata?
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sometimes other artists at low weight can help "fix" a style but yea 1-3 main artists is ideal
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so it's a 2hu thread today?
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always is
Very nice, I love it. Do also have one of non-snake Nadeko?
Do you mean convert ComfyUI metadata into A1111 style metadata? I think I could but that tends to defeat the purpose of most workflows.
Nah like just add a button for it is what I mean. If we're using A1111 only anyway there's no need to have all the extra steps and values that Comfy has imo
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I decided to try, since you said you were having trouble. It was indeed quite hard
Yeah I follow. I'll look into if there's a consistent way to do that but it'll be low priority for me since I personally don't mind it and I switch between the webui and comfy myself anyway.
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kurumuz will never get a penny out of me
very good bocchis, catbox?
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touhou website
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Does sdxl IP-adapter even do anything or am I missing something.
highlightfag's gaggle of sloppers speedrunning the thread
oh whoops just noticed that some of kita's hair was melting into the boccher's. here's a version with a few other random fixes/changes
lora's: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/e9bd63vj786sf/slanted
also fun fact: every single lowres I did of this for pose rng had kita on the offensive with the appropriate expressions for each.
his pp is mutilated in the first one lol
Spoken like a true nogen cuckold.
it's impressive that you can even speak yourself with the highlight schizo's cock down your throat
>caking these ran-through 2hoe sluts in even more cum
No but really, how long until Illustrous v1?
I'm tired of Poney.
2 weeks
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With the pokemon leaks being as wild as they are, they reminded me of when fumihiko used to do Serena art so here's to the good old days
>controlnet_tile_proper [4d6257d3]
which one is this? something recent?
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correction in progress
just what I renamed it to since "diffusion_pytorch_model.safetensors" doesn't really quite roll off the tongue.
though I should probably rename it again to xinsir controlnet tile, I guess.
Oh boy I can't wait to make it on the highlights!
Looks like the pajeet is upset that his attempts at sabotaging the thread for months has been for naught.
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ah okay, I do have this already then, thanks though. felt like anytest worked better for this upscaling kind of workflow but maybe I'll try this out again just to see what results I get.
highlights are going to be all me btw
god bless anon
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any good artists for footjobs? not getting anything decent with my usual
I think highlighterfag should stay, but only if he does highlights for every general thread on /h/. Otherwise he is clearly a low effort troll with his sights set low.
hold up we can prompt terufuu to lewd pokegirls from the grave again, that dudes been dead (idk) for years
holy shit, box plase
chingchong dingdong fdy is a footfag artist
alternatively go on gelbooru and search "footjob sort:score" if you don't want loli
what's going on with that SMEA Dy scheduler? home cooked?
amazing! catbox?
oh yeah it only took a google search to find the github pull and diff, is it actually any good or just more voodoo?
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just gen'd this super quickly but laserflip seems good
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post moar toohoos
should be noted that for whatever reason, euler dy smea helps retain composition at higher denoise than other samplers. With regular euler I think I'd have to toggle it around .65-7~ while euler dy smea lets me crank to .8
also that with this method it might be important to develop an eye to know what is likely to happen to things during the upscale. for example this is the lowres for the bocchi
the hand on the left being a bit mangled didn't matter(it was complete enough and denoise would generally be fine), the eyes don't matter because they'll get significantly more developed by the upscale and otherwise the composition was sound so it got sent as is.
The whole process might create a number of smaller errors but I also manually fix all of that shit in photoshop since I can at least pretend to know how to draw well enough to redraw with a pen tablet in photoshop.
it's just the one that was updated into reforge a while back.
I wouldn't use it for lowres t2i(compositions become really static to prompt), but for upscaling after I ran a bunch of a/b/c testing it allowed the highest denoise values with controlnet tile and higher denoise=better model driven detail, for the most part.
>caring for other threads
that's cheating, anon
>emoji filenames
that's illegal.
>smea for upscaling
nigga what, the sampler is designed for t2i only and massacres stylistic details on i2i
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Very based, but can you please post SD metadata or your prompt? This one features only Adobe's

arrow boob squeeze is actually pretty based
NTA, but this is what I thought too. My impressions of SMEA was that it's good for T2I with large res without phantom limbs, with the downside that it makes the image somewhat blurry. Good for composition but bad for detail and style.
Need to play with it more to decide if it's worth using over Kohya deep dick
read the part where I'm using 80% denoise with composition being held together by (a light) controlnet tile with only .45 weight and an end step at .35
I don't care if it "makes sense" or not. It provably works. dy smea just works well at preventing massive composition deviation and since it's got such a high denoise the model has to fill in a bunch of detail.
lora's: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/e9bd63vj786sf/slanted
>provably works
>no proof
hmm, your example is actually the reason I switched to anytest, since it better retains the style of the base gen, in addition to the composition. not to say your upscale looks bad at all. if I'm not attached to the base gen style I probably wouldn't mind it. I've actually more recently been trying to use deepshrink but it's nice to have more things to mess around with. thanks for the insight.
nta but that makes sense. 80-99 is pretty much starting a new t2i gen just skipping the early steps with 100 being by definition throw it all out and start with a new empty latent. If later steps are directly conditional on early steps, I'd be inclined to try even higher denoise with later end step on controlnet. Guess I can just edit my comfy samplers files and try it myself
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why the fuck did highlight anon make the thread early again
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New Thread:

>why does the schizo hellbent on destroying the thread continue to try and control the threads?
really jogs your noggin
Blessings of Slaa-... cunny god to you!
Might post some of my slop later, been slacking as of recent. Also this show's soundtrack is a banger, while Keichi Sigsawa's obsession with firearms is a chef's kiss, fuck fantasy cringe
Takes a while to upload all the pics.
>the schizo hellbent on destroying the thread
The irony.
kill yourself
also to expand a little, same prompt/seed/settings but using standard euler
@.7 denoise https://files.catbox.moe/77fucv.png
@.8 denoise https://files.catbox.moe/n1kw8f.png
smea dy is probably doing what it's actually supposed to do and blowing everything the fuck up but thanks to controlnet tile and the prompt it has enough of an outline that it can reassemble it all(the model isn't completely stupid, it wants to assemble something that makes sense if it can). Though I will say that if you have an actual background, you'll need to lower denoise and up controlnet weights/end step because it's going to get nuked from orbit(and make sure you're prompting it in properly, too).
> If later steps are directly conditional on early steps
They (mostly) are, which is where this whole workflow came from back in 1.5 days. Enforce it with a light controlnet and then let the model build out the static the rest of the way that it thinks makes sense. It can still spaz out and go a completely different direction if you're trying to get it to do something it really doesn't want to do, though.
and higher denoise does actually work but you'll end up with stronger composition deviation; .8 is just where I found a fairly consistent middleground where it's a bit less detrimental.
Why is no one asking for the box
very nice

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