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Previous Thread: >>8271264

A1111: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge | Alternative version (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
Comfy: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

Pony: https://civitai.com/models/404802 | https://civitai.com/models/288584 | https://civitai.com/models/257749
Illustrious: https://civitai.com/models/795765
Noob: https://civitai.com/models/833294

NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples | https://openart.ai/workflows/templates
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070 | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
Illustrious-related: https://rentry.org/illustrious_loras_n_stuff
Useful Nodes/Extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgnew/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

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Previous Thread Highlights:



kill yourself
at least tell that to the shitposting highlight too instead of the genuine

mmmnyo, kill yourself
the ia schizo is far more malicious than any shitposter could be
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i dont get why, he doesnt even post them directly anymore, if its actually a shitposter then ignore him for 3 thread instead of giving him attention and he will stop out of boredom
you wouldn't be saying that if you saw how he murdered /edg/
that is the shitposter retardo
so nothing actually happened then and you're just seething you didnt make it on the highlights kek
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Is this kind of art acceptable here?
We need the superior cat lady
kill yourself newfag
testo testo
yes, keyed figma enjoyer
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i regret replying
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Unironically, we need more Tron Bonne images. Less toy like though
what's stopping you from genning them yourself?
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Phone posting from work
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Which figure LoRA is this?
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I have lots of Tron images
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kek https://files.catbox.moe/3co317.png https://files.catbox.moe/fdr03o.png
we're so back stability sisters
Made it in twice, nice
Nvm I also got into the spooky highlights, so three times
There was this version of Illustrious XL too, it was removed from civitai
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Speaking of that, has anyone gotten good results out of a base SD model for anything NSFW? I've always had to rely on other models for anything uncensored.
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Nice. Thanks anon

we're so back
>everybody already back to pony
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This one is really fucking good with the details, box?
crazy good stuff! really putting 8b parameters to use. its so over for sdxl!
>made the highlights again
to be fair not everyone has the catbox plugin, it doesn't turn green for NAI metadata, and that guy's using metachs so the filename isn't telling...

it's NAI
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Does adding "motion lines, motion blur" make images look more dynamic with the movement, or is it blurring too much and would look better without it?

Sure, it's at https://files.catbox.moe/05fo3d.png . I had to RMA my GPU though so I'm trying NAI for the month, so it's a NAI gen.
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One anon said it looked nice, I guess
It must be a stupid question, but wouldn't it be possible to somehow convert LORAS from pony to Illustrious-XL? I realized that some pony LORAS work in Illustrious!
retrain them unless you're retarded
we are so fucking back with these near-1.5 quantities of autistic shitmixes
no, but sdxl as a base was at least worth for train as we can see now, 8b-12b params is a joke that can't fit even for inference into 24gb gpus with encoders
it also have a distinct problems with upscale https://files.catbox.moe/mwuu1m.png
at least schizo prompt is working ig https://files.catbox.moe/ho1uke.png
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I'm also specifically trying to get good eyes, but it seems random with NAI's anime model. No eye tags like "clear eyes," "cute eyes," "detailed eyes," etc seem to do anything. Does anyone include anything particular in a prompt for better eyes?

Both PonyXL and Illustrious-XL are based on SDXL, so some knowledge in LORAs should be shared and they could maybe kind of work across models. However, if you wanted to get a good LORA it should really be re-trained for the other model.

When SDXL first came out there was a script that was supposed to convert SD1.5 embeddings/LORAs to SDXL, but it really didn't work well. I don't think anyone's come up with a way to convert an addition to a model like a LORA to another model without retraining.
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when sdxl came out people thought we wouldn't see usable full finetunes of it for ages because it was too big, so I always hold my tongue now when someone says something can't or won't happen.
retarded and who will have to train the same LORAS again, so that in a few months another model will come out, and repeat the same cycle again
we didnt see usable full finetunes of it for ages, and it was not because of it being too big it was just super hard to train because of sai garbage pretraining
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Thank you for experimenting with it and sharing what you find! I download the Large model and the Turbo model but can't use them until I get my 3090 back. They said there's supposed to be a Medium model released on Oct 29th, hopefully between that, the Turbo and the large there will be at least one that's both quality and trainable/usable on consumer cards.
>we wouldn't see usable full finetunes of it for ages because it was too big
and we haven't seen until ill dropped, pony was more of a overfit by all costs with porn knowledge
>put lora in oven
>out in 20 mins and works way better on le new FOTM
simply that easy
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imagine being this much of a retard
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That's impressive! That's got to be a bunch of different gens edited together, right? I've never seen a "comic page" prompt turn out that well.
i'd fuck that deer. just saying
I selected the best images and edited them into a single page
flux finetunes when saar???
are you discrediting NAI because it was a corpo project or did you actually somehow forget to mention it?
i'll gen your favorite gacha whote
No you wont
please gen image of bernice having sex please preferable with darker man
If your kind ever gains self awareness it must be a very humbling experience

>"mature female lying on grass, full body, dress, legs, fox ears, fox tail, anime style, studio ghibli, all fours from behind, her skirt is lifted by tail exposing lace panties"
Isn't there a better way to prompt that?
we need better cat girl xilonen
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Glad you like her! I put together a monstergirl wildcard file I've been using. Her row is:

fawn, deer girl, deer ears, deer antlers, deer tail, body fur, brown hair, medium hair, brown fur, green eyes, medium breasts,

That makes sense. Nice editing, I especially like how the center scene extends into the upper panels. Can I ask what your process is? Do you do like, one background layer for the page and borders then put each gen on its own layer and edit them from there? This is the kind of thing I'd want to do eventually but I have no editing skills.
friendly fire top right
which one? fuckall on danbooru under that name so i guess it doesnt matter
bernice from zzz please she has blonde hair and is very sexy
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Ha! Didn't even notice until you pointed it out
yeah thats good
you spelled her name wrong dipshit
no saar pleas gen bernice i like her song
I was taking into account only models with open weights, but yeah nai managed to properly train xl too
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Just randomly got another one of her, this time with a different artist/medium combination so she looks different.

Does anyone use different mediums in their prompts or just different artist mixes? For medium I mean things like watercolor, painting, anime screenshot, etc.
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gpo vibes
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It seems like mermaids and shark girls are strongly tied to underwater scenes in the NAI model, whenever either of them gets genned it always wants to put them either underwater or in the water.
it feels worse than flux at anatomy/composition, but basic anime style looks different, it's not dalle vibes from flux, more like 1.5. single 3090 wont be enough to fit large at fp16 with encoders so you should probably aim for fp8 or future quants, lora training probably will be only available with fp8 using 3090 too, medium should be fine tho
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NAI seems pose limited, it doesn't understand things like armpit sex for instance.

That's all good to know, thanks! I know Flux was trained on natural language and it's my understanding that was the intent for SD3 as well. Have you noticed any additional responsiveness for natural language, or knowledge or things like relative positions and such?
do you all tell your friends about this hobby or nah
I show them my gens from time to time but just a very few of them
we've all trained loras of ourselves so i just share the ones to each of them individually where i gen them fucking random girls
have you ever combined loras so youre fucking eachother that would be so funny haha
i just use artist "mixes" (i dont really fuck around with weights much). I tried getting a more graphite/drawn on paper effect for some gens, but it only really works if the artist tag you're using also has pictures drawn on paper. It doesn't really work for digital artists.
none of us are gay so no
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That's good to know! I feel like that's the much more common way of handling prompting styles than trying to mix in mediums and such. However, it does require knowing good artists or a lot of experimentation for mixes.

Can I ask if you know any good artist mixes?
lora training an alternate outfit for existing characters is kinda a pain in the ass, small details the model already knows from the base outfit bleed through into gens
>images with NAI metadata
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It's a struggle if you're trying to add in an outfit to an existing dataset. It works better if all the different outfits have a unique tag, and if the dataset has a similar amount of each outfit or other different ones for the character tag. Otherwise like you said there's tag bleed where the AI associates the outfit with the character tag.
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>found out half-closed eye tag actually works
my dick
well, is there any generous gentleman that could do the needful with this one?
Now to test it with rolling eyes
Uhhh fuck I accidentally nuked my wildcards when reinstalling comfy
Guess it was about time to renew them
Is this for a new model or something because that tag has been working for some time now
>Have you noticed any additional responsiveness for natural language, or knowledge or things like relative positions and such?
yes, it will be more responsive for that since t5 is there https://files.catbox.moe/168oxi.png
kek it still works https://files.catbox.moe/t9mv30.png
Someone post the noob cord invite, the one on civit expired
i haven't had any major issues with that and i've just been using the same captioning techniques as usual
no, you'll need to ask tony.
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What's the highest weight you've ever used on a tag while actually getting good results? Pic related is (:>=, sunken cheeks:1.5)
There's nothing there, it's worse than here
>guy posts good rhasta lora despite all of his previous pony ones being dogshit
>check his settings
>batch size 16
>GA steps 8
>38,000 individual training steps
maybe i should try training for 12 hours sometime
studiopokotan and mignon for realistic shading
tsunako and onono imoko for cutesy
what was his LR and optimizer
prodigy, so 1
Oh noes, the turbo jeet toilet. LOL
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Thank you kindly! I'll try those out.
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yeah this is good
bro i have bad news this character is too new for illu, i tried
same goes for this bitch, i guess the guy who said i won't was right

bro, your lora oven?
baking a gigachad lora for illustrious, wish me luck
loli feet
patiently awaiting the results (and lora)
How are you meant to tag character pics for training? The character name + any non-character-specific traits like a pose or an expression? Or do you just tag everything? I've just finished baking a lora that kinda sucked where I only tagged pic-specific things only, and it didn't seem to get the character at all, but I don't know if it was the tags to blame, or if it was me trying a new non-adaptive scheduler.
ive had better results tagging everything
ive got 100 images in dataset, trying 1 repeat 20 epochs, locon extract schizo technology config after having previous success with it
Good Luck.
at this point i'm fine with saying that anything besides tagging everything is a meme
Isn't LoCon just the normal lora? Or is locon extract something I haven't heard about before.
Starting to think that's true. The prev. loras I did had everything tagged and they just werked™ (and deformed the faces but that's probably because I was overtraining them to shit with ~1200 steps).
you bake a full finetune and extract a locon from the difference between the baked finetune and the base checkpoint
tag everything is better
>bake a full finetune
my poor little 8gb gpu...
good thing there's always loras
yeah im consuming >10GB on batch size 2 with my current config
what lr(s) do you use? i tried some of this and had some issues with fine details
im gonna stick with regular locon dora's that i can barely manage to fit in under 8gb
i do with these files in sd-scripts directory
https://files.catbox.moe/j86aw9.py (rename to __extractthis.py)
>training on noob directly
mildly concenring

>seed: 1337

you are also using both pyramid (multires) and normal noise offset which is a nono, pyramid is strictly better. i also heard some anon say it kinda cooked the outputs so worth testing again

otherwise that was the same lr i landed on after some testing so thanks for sharing settings

again i suggest a higher value for min snr gamma wuch as 10 but you do you
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please inpaint, reupscale, and try again
i refuse.
i thought this bake was successful with same settings, almost equal total steps. baking is a schizo tech sorcery that even i dunno how to interpret much.

ill produce both illustrious 0.1 base and noob versions, i gen with noob and saw a marginal benefit using a noob-specific version
Why wouldn't you train on noob if you only plan to use noob?
well yeah youll see a marginal benefit but it hurts other people who download the model from using it on other mixes
you're supposed to train on noob if you're going to use the lora on noob, don't listen to anybody who says otherwise
idk about illust but with pony I'd avoid tagging anything related to the character besides the name
>marginal benefit
kek, maybe on the 0.1 ver
this anon here. found out what was causing this, it was loss type being sent to huber instead of l2. huber seems to require a lot more training to get close to the desired style
which is why ill produce both, this config takes less than an hour to run on my machine
base or vpred/eps to train a lora?
> --optimizer_args scale_parameter=False relative_step=False warmup_init=False `
what do these do
right but illus loras work perfectly fine on noob so it's fine if he doesn't want to train only on noob
whatever you want to use, but I did find that my vpred loras worked just as well on eps for some reason
train on vpred with vpred enabled or illus
boxes please? nice gens
i don't understand what you're asking and you seem confused by the way you wrote "vpred/eps" but the current options are 1) base illustrious to use with base and various shitmixes 2) noob 0.5 to use with noob 0.5 3) noob vpred if you want to play a bit with the currently underbaked vpred checkpoint
depends on the artist but some of them end up significantly worse in my experience
idk, i got the script mostly complete from a rentry and someone gave a couple extra suggestions which worked out well
You have low standards. If the style looks only 90% like the artist it's garbage to me
i've unironically never seen a lora that i'd consider to be more than 80% of the artist in every situation
oh yeah you should also consider adding --bucket_reso_steps 32 which is the minimum px for buckets in sdxl, the default is way bigger i think, allows for more buckets which can help in my experience
post a lora you've trained anon. i'm curious what high standards means considering i'd say i have pretty high standards
if its not a direct super close-up of the face, facedetailer isn't detecting the eyes or doing anything. what settings do I have to change to fix it?
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Why should I? The point I'm making is that if you train on illust and use noob the style will be watered down. Post one you've made so I can use it on noob and call it trash afterwards
>no receipts
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Is that actually legible Japanese? I wouldn't be able to tell but I know that some models like Flux are up to the level of legible text.

Here's the box for that one: https://files.catbox.moe/t61btr.png

It is a NAI gen though, I'm having to do those because my GPU is being RMA'd . I bet the prompt would work more or less the same with any other anime-based model though.
>begging for lora so he can call it bad for an arbitrary reason
>doesn't post lora himself
try harder.
nta but i'm also curious of what somebody would consider to be 90%+ similar to some artist
It's just one of the many insufferable faggots that dwell here to instigate people. He doesn't train loras and is just baiting for replies. Ignore it
>failed the pyw
Opinion discarded.
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1st gen went fairly well
we should just train on the base SDXL model, that way it's compatible with all the anime models
nvm switched the model its fine
hey he's pretending to be someone else, look at that.
Forbidden love,
never put a sheep and a dragon in the same room
this is /h/ bro
im getting there
fags will say this belongs in /u/. gotta put a dick in there.
the 0.5 is the epsilon one right? For this one you don't need any specific option when training?
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Fags will say this belongs in the trash.
Guys will say they need a guy to do more than foreplay.
Should I keep inpaiting my dogshit gen or just post it like that?
keep inpainting and don't post it anyways
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>no (1boy, huge testicles, hairy male, veiny penis, muscular male, sexy male, hairy testicles, excessive pubic hair)
based, I do that more than often anyway
Gigabased. This is what peak highlights look like
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I like your character designs anon! The dragon's hair turned out nicely. Did you have to inpaint the color change?
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it gets the mixed media meme edits right
I need more miqomix in my life
that's just a neanderthal
Where should I add a male on this, also foreplay is way hotter than sex
fine fine I will do some males
Thank you anon,
>Did you have to inpaint the color change?
Not really, "green hair, inner colored hair, gradient hair" tends to do the trick everytime
but oh, i may have saved an epoch too early regardless due to config retardation. ill have to continue baking when i go to bed and test some more tomorrow
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I look like this
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It seems like some tags despite being recognized either don't do much or get overwhelmed, like missionary or colored pencil here:

nsfw, artist:studiopokotan, artist:mignon, cat girl, cat ears, cat tail, cat paws, pink hair, pink fur, pink eyes, t-shirt, pawprint, neck bell, fish hair ornament, fang, 1girl, 1boy, missionary, cum, cum overflow, orgasm, motion line, motion blur, , naughty face , library , side view , traditional media, colored pencil \(medium\) best quality, amazing quality, very aesthetic, absurdres, extremely detailed, year 2024, uncensored, colorful, high contrast, depth of field, dramatic lighting, shaded

That's good to know! I haven't tried gradients much because it seems like the kind of thing that would be impossible to keep consistent. If it's working that well for you though maybe I'll give it a shot.
fellas, v-pred test version, or the eps 0.5
eps 0.5 for now
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is this illu based? you don't use "artist:" that's NAIv3. mignon is extremely strong style as you probably noticed. you aren't getting as much style influence from colored pencil mostly because of mignon but also because it's randomly in the middle of the prompt instead of at the start...styles go at the start
welcome to the league of draven
if ur cum is gray ur either a robot or got a problem
not used to specifically prompting full body coitus for male and female subjects
He looks like what I imagine conquistadors looked like.
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As far as I can tell the Turbo version of SD 3.5 actually is (as someone suggested) better at 2d anime tiddies for reasons that seem to be related to just the overall impact of distillation on how the image resolves. Another one (background is a bit nonsense but oh well)

"2d, anime screencap, 1girl, thighighs, elbow gloves, green hair, choker, squatting, tongue out, smirk, topless, medium breasts, looking at viewer, on pier, nipples"

Euler SGM Uniform, 4 sampling steps, 4 hi res fix steps
anyways i think i accidentally stopped at epoch 19/20, will pick back up tomorrow
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>that right leg
how long did it take and what happens if you gen at a higher base res?
Should probably add this to OP.
What's a good config for prodigy for characters?
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>good config for prodigy
doesn't exist
there's an SD 3.5??
the base res was already 768x1152, I just did a 1.25x up to 960x1440.

It's very fast, doing the initial gen, upscale, and second denoise pass all together couldn't have been more than like 15 seconds.
stalk the threads and steal someone's config when posted. prodigy is a meme btw
they pulled a Black Forest Labs and just dropped two versions today yeah. SD3.5 Large and Large Turbo, both 8B parameters. An SD 3.5 Medium with 2.5B parameters is coming out on the 29th also apparently.
Everything is a meme.
how did you even did hires with that? it just brokes and starts artifacting when I try to upscale
issue (skill)
anon... yes of course with low denoise you're just gonna mostly see the gan upscaler
huh, what are the GPU requirements for the large model? and any forge/reforge support yet?
standard approach, send it to 4x FaceUp DAT, scale back down to wanted size with Lanczos, send that through a second denoise pass at 0.5 strength on the same seed for another 4 steps.
I approve of hyperrealistic gigachads/ugly bastards next to 2D full-bodied legal anime girls.
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also retraining gigachad lora with new tags for "the chad smile", "the stoic face", "the braced pose"
safetensors file is 16.5 GB on huggingface
Real and true. We need a better upscaling method than Hires. shitx and MultiCoping.
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Large and Large Turbo are the same number of params, Turbo is just faster with the distilled config and stuff like Flux whereas Large is a normal full model.

Comfy Org has an all-in-one FP8 file + workflow for the normal Large here:

You don't need the stuff in the text encoder folder there separately, just the one safetensors out in the top level.

I think it would work on like 8GB VRAM + 32GB RAM, or 12GB VRAM + 16GB RAM, for example. Can't say for sure though. Having 32GB system RAM in any case will definitely help a lot regardless of if you have a stronger or weaker GPU.
>Like, surely they didn't train on AOM pics, right?
it's Lykon
latent upscalers exist but i dont think this general is ready for that yet (not talking about nnlatent btw)
if you like these results >>8274241 here's the config (uses 10.5GB VRAM) >>8274232, except the PPK lora used 24 images, 5 repeats, 16 epochs
>"2d, anime screencap, 1girl, thighighs, elbow gloves, green hair, choker, squatting, tongue out, smirk, topless, medium breasts, looking at viewer, on pier, nipples"
Is it not weird to anyone else that prompt produces 2.5 AOM sloppa?
Like, surely they didn't train on AOM pics, right?
>(background is a bit nonsense but oh well)
she's also missing the thighhighs.
can you post a 3 or 4 (or more if you got a fat gpu) image grid of whatever your next hentai prompt is? preferably no hires steps.
you're fast.
look at the comment I just made, they get the whole shebang (like including all text encoders, not just the model) down to 14.9 GB.
>10.5GB VRAM
>at batch 2
eeeyup, it's over
it didn't worked out here at the first box >>8274066
can you box your flow?
I've never used AOM so I dunno anything about that but the default anime style of the model is very Lykonian I would say yeah, which would make sense. Seems to be quite a solid baseline anyways, it actually knows specific booru tags in a lot of cases as far as I can tell.

Gimme a good 1girl nude tag-based prompt and I'll try it lol.
More of the gigachad guy and less of the girl please
im baking v2 and going to bed
is there a point in training with absurdres images?
nope. stay up all night and bake for us
are you using the Turbo model or the non-Turbo? Non-Turbo may behave differently, like I said earlier the way Turbo resolves seems to make anime come out way cleaner than non-Turbo but is probably worse-looking for realistic gens (i.e. plasticy like Flux basically)
it's NOT a competent model and architecture
i think you can also offload text encoder training to CPU with a new patch, haven't seen it personally tho
it helps to avoid artifacting if your images are at least slightly larger than the actual output resolution they get "bucketed" at, at least
paid shill lykon did sd3.5 unsalvageable
1girl, bikini, blush, breasts, brown eyes, brown hair, cameltoe, curvy, hair ornament, half-closed eyes, large breasts, looking at viewer, looking down, navel, necklace, open mouth, pink bikini, solo, stomach, swimsuit, thighhighs, thong bikini, topless, white background, wide hips
copied off a web
chatgpt says
>"A curvy young woman with long, soft brown hair adorned with a delicate ornament stands before you, her large brown eyes half-closed as she gazes downward, a shy blush coloring her cheeks. She wears a pink bikini that accentuates her figure, with a tiny thong bottom and thigh-high stockings that emphasize her wide hips and toned legs. The soft fabric clings to her body, drawing attention to her navel and the gentle curve of her stomach. Around her neck, a small necklace glimmers. Her open mouth hints at a quiet, playful moment, all set against a clean white backdrop."
it might like that better. needs to be specified to be anime though obviously.
but can your model gen the official thread wife(s)?
what does "copied off a web" mean lol
hair over eyes, miqo'te, black lipstick
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No idea where the RGB came from
oh wait kek i thought it was another tag nevermind
means from "world wide web" as in the internet, not a web literally
I'm fried and forgot to go back and fix that part lmao.
just copied of a random danbooru image.
i liked base illust. it behaved well at natural language. but it seems now at noob 0.5 the nl understanding is just gone now.
it's not turbo, this workflow works with any other model, even flux. not even a quality issue there, it's just a bug or something else with the model, idk
Is there a Nyalia lora for noob?
Fine, here's a /h/ gen
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I put your prompt into an existing good anime model, and then I put the result of that into JoyCaption, and then I prompted 3.5 Large Turbo twice and 3.5 Large twice.

I think this kind of reveals what's going on with the booba, Turbo has a much more restrained sort of sanitary digital style that it tends to always hone in on, whereas the outputs of Large are way more stylistically varied, which I guess can make little details like the nipples less stable.
Those are her Atarashi Memories, anon.
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well turns out i cant sleep
LMAO. box?
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ill put this version of the lora on catbox, 1sec
let me guess, yd?
yes yd artist, gigachad lora
gigachad for noob 0.5, illustrious 0.1 version will come much later today after work
thanks, very funny gens
oh, worth mentioning the three added tags
"the chad smile"
"the stoic face"
"the braced pose"
should be self-evident what they refer to, dunno if they work very well yet
could u share an example negative
Anyone genning something?
I'm tagging a lora dataset
im figuring out examples for gigachad lora
I'm generating pedophilia.
I'm genning yuri
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Testing hirune_(imomonono) lora, added too many example images from a particular comic of his so dudes all have massive balls so I'm probably gonna rebake. Debating if I want to invest the effort in removing speech bubbles/text as well.
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Another kinda nice image. Will probably post the next iteration of the Lora later.
boxes please? nice gens.

on another note, whats the best illustrious based model right now?

ones i know off the top of my head are
Such a shame yuri is banned here, /u/ is a complete graveyard so it's not the same posting over there.
Just inpaint a guy into background lol
single drop of cum and a penis in the far corner and you're set
Any huge updates? or pony and illustrious are still the best? Where is the next nai? Where is v7?
> contributed 4 pics last thread
> they all made it in

bro??? your sd 3.5L?
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>those hands
Is it 1.5?
Anon, you can get banned for posting small peepees, I'm not joking
Didn't happen to me
but it didn't even had the small penis tag
Doesn't matter if it's bigger than janny's
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No, just got lazy.
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making progress figuring out the lora
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Huh, didn't test Б's tag on illu/noob... Or is this a lora?
Directed by John Carpenter
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Yeah it seems to work pretty nicely on Noob 0.5 out of the box
just make the dude fat and hairy
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k, ive learned in my gigachad lora that "the braced pose" conflicts with the "pose" tag generally and doesnt work as a result, so ill have to train a new version with different captioning. i had already thought of a few more edits to make anyways.
why would we link some weird 1.5 slop general that consists solely of 4 indian avatarfags
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any artists that draw cute milfs
emphasis on cute
why so dead
we active on the 'cord
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has she got a dildo or vibrator up there or what? where the h
She's just a kid, you sick fuck.
She's just a capybara, you sick fuck.
Reddit animal
She's an elf, she's probably older than my mother
The elf ears are props, you sick fuck.
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Penis too small, This is shota POV
artist? left one give asanagi vibes, kinda
artist stew on noob, no loras: naruko hanaharu,asanagi,(ikuyoan:0.65), (obj shep:0.75), (ohisashiburi:0.65), (ssambatea:0.65)
That's an interesting combination, thanks.
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I saw a Mikko doujin a couple of days ago and my world view changed. I went from not giving a shit about this character to not being able to get enough

We do a little inpainting
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And while we're on the topic of Mikko, how about some Miko?
was asanagi the real yd all along?
Was trying to get this guy's artstyle but it doesn't work on Noob
So I just went with Asanagi and said 'close enough'
I look like this
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was this inpainted? or do you just not use negative
prove it
nta but box for that? I love their faces
funny how it writes proper kanji and hiragana but it's all gibberish
look more like deadflow than asanagi
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akoi! ishite sanaishite! ba --- shinai kaa

so... dainani!! nandesuzo...goh....!!! mph!?
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Hmm maybe? Reading both his Mikko doujin and seeing his colored Mikko art on danbooru, there are some similarities in the lineart but the shading is different
clean as fuck box?
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Is it important to follow this order when prompting for noob, or does it not matter that much?
<1girl/1boy/1other/...>, <character>, <series>, <artists>, <special tags>, <general tags>
IIRC it mattered in the past due to how tokens worked, doesn't really matter nowadays
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It uses this: https://civitai.com/models/868840/illustrious-v01anime-poster-style-loralora
I usually avoid anime style loras like this, but it actually does what it says for once
> <1girl/1boy/1other/...>
Can help, but it won't be as effective at stopping clones and doppelgangers as solo/solo focus. Also gens with 3 or more girls/boys will just be super gacha regardless of whether or not you include the tag.

> <character>

> <series>
Can help the model lock tf in and get your character right sometimes, but sometimes it's a waste of token space

> <artists>
I usually have this first for a greater effect

> <special tags> <general tags>
What in the fuck is a special tag? But probably yes I guess.
copypasted from civitai, assuming special is shit like quality tags and modern etc
Quality tags are usually at the end since they more or less do their function regardless of where you put them if you're using an artist tag. Don't take it as gospel though, I don't always do this because sometimes I can't be bothered cutting/pasting them back at the end (because it makes the tag autocomplete extension way more finnicky).
no idea about what the fuck special tags are then, but thanks regardless!
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great style
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box please...?
(Did a little bit of inpainting to fix the broken condom just a bit)
Thanks a lot
anyone has that mega link with boxes of a LOT of artists on illustrious?
Funny how all that just kinda looks like Trylsc.
newfag here, how do i make my webui read stealth png metadata? i can't find an extension for it.
>turbo just looks like a 1.5 sloptune
oh god please no
the days of incestuous training of new models on older AI outputs are upon us
Just drop the pic into pnginfo tab
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Speaking of which, does noob/illu know his style?
it doesn't read the metadata of pictures with stealth meta, only the catboxed ones, reforge if that matters
I think it does I just remade my lora for him anyway
>I just remade my lora for him anyway
Mind sharing it? I was going to try to do one on his fanbox rewards.
how do I prompt edit on comfy
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Take that stealth_pnginfo.py script and throw it in your sd.webui\webui\scripts folder maybe?
Lora is a finetune, finetuning is training a model further, no one trims tags from dataset for learning a model.
oh i'm retarded, thanks, that did it
I kneel
to put your head in that ass?
give me your best style
you cant handle my best style
When are we getting the full noob models? Are they still experimenting?
ratatatat74, terasu_mc, (nyantcha:1.5), mamimi_(mamamimi)
style mixer, I tell you i'm gooning and i want only your best styles
Fuck man, that sweater is amazing
my styles would kill you gooner, you can't handle my styles
It was a random one, but you can usually get stuff like that by just using the "starry print" tag.
>"starry sky print" tag
I mean
Yeah, prints work oddly with illu but manageable with a bit of iterating. Thanks!
no inpaint and no negatives

the faces look most like 92m
much appreciated
Man, what do you do about style bleed from tags? Like prompting cow ears, cow horns and then doing the same seed but with goat ears, curled horns and it absolutely obliterates the style mix I've developed
use a stable model
this particular way of placing the tattoo is highly unstable so i can't advise you do it
There are no stable models
Yeah it's incredibly annoying when that happens. It can happen with loras, but model artist tags feel more susceptible to this. I remember having massive style shifts with NAI from just one tag.
Playing around with weights or using loras might help but not always.
Yeah. Like what? pony?
bro your pony???
best we have until the full release
I am unironically super excited for the finished vpred model
I think the reason this happens is due to lack of diversity in images from a lot of artists who draw 1girls on twitter. When you try to put them with a bunch of captions not normally associated with them the style weakens.
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any artist shitmix ideas for getting close to this style?
that's literally raita
what raita
Fuck i need to keep practicing but can't stop tapping to my gens
the artist
what about the v0.2 vpred finetune of the v0.3 finetune of the v0.1 with wrong settings?
can you be more specific, there are many raitas on danbooru
that doesnt look like raita beside the fact that he designed the character
the one
understandable, have a great day
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I don't look like that
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nice, boxo?
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Hello hdg, migrating into these threads, seems more technical and friendly than the degen ones.
I am in need of horror gen ideas
>people here give advice about using a small amount of steps to train character loras
>three attempts so far and every time the LoRA barely has any effect and clearly hasn't learned the character
I'm really wondering what I should change at this point. Maybe it's an issue with vpred? I might just say fuck it and go back to my old large step count training.
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You train for long, you use lr scheduler, you checkpoint regularly, you log training metrics.
After the training, you check the logs for the best checkpoints and test them.
Works for both chars and styles for me.
>and friendly
Post for a couple of days and your tune may change
Kagami anon is back at last...
>use regional prompter
>forget to check use common prompt
>spend 10 minutes messy shit
it uses a tape project lora that i've been working on; not satisfied enough to release it yet though
>and friendly
holy kek
Any illust/noob distillates for smaller steps, like hyper/lightning xl?
I'll try to train for twice or three times as long and see the results.
>log training metrics
I have no clue how to read the logs.
>use regional prompter
>forget to disable deepshrink
>wonder why it won't gen for 10 minutes
Just pick checkpoints from local minima
we are friendly if you aren't a pedo or /aco/ slopper
thanks bro
Use prodigy, LR = 1
Don't use repeats on dataset if you only have one folder, use 1_dataset
Train for at least 60-80 epochs.
Save every 5-10 epochs.
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well this is 4chan after all.

Let's see if you guys can help me also.

I've been trying to create a lora of a real person since SD 1.5 (currently attempting Pony) and no matter how I do it it never goes well, the body gets learnt perfectly but the face is always off, always feel like either undert rained and over trained.

I've attempted to train with cropped images where only the person is there, full images, dooru like captions, sentencing captioning, and I don't know how many combinations of models , schedulers optimizers and network dimensions and alkphas variations.
I always see the epoc/loss graph decreasing meaning the learning gets done but... hoinestly I'm kind oif lost here.

>create a lora of a real person
Then train on a realistic base model, you can't expect an anime/art base model to learn from real photographs nearly as well as a realistic base model.
At the VERY least you should get it working on a realistic model before you even think about trying to "adapt" it to an art model.
m8. this is a thread by and for chinese cartoons.
we don't give a fuck about anything else. fuck off.
>lora of a real person
There's a thread for that on /aco/, they're pretty knowledgeable about this sort of stuff
REAL anime girls made this thread? Sugoi...
no, but i'm a real ugly bastard
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>prodigy for 80 epochs

Welp that might be it, I've trained a max of 20 with prodigy and my tests seemed that nothign was being learnt by the network, and with Adam 2+ always overbakes.

Any recomnedation for net dim? my best resutls are usually with 128 but I feel that's way too high from what I read in guides.

I've atempted on many many models,realistic and art but no dice yet

>no loli/shota


Oh, will check the thread there as well, thanks, but I like anime more than co.

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you're welcome bwo
Yes, IAfag is an anime girl, actually :3
box (permanent) please
what do you use for upscale?
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I feel like I am almost where I want to be style-wise. However, I dislike how big and loli-like the eyes are. Anybody know any good artists or loras I could use to combat this? https://files.catbox.moe/y5l9ye.png
I just use hires fix with remacri during txt2img and mess with the denoise depending on the artist mix I'm using.
bwo the file already has its metadata embedded
I love the expression and the bush! mind share a box?
hagfags are the biggest acosloppers doe
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Be aware of capturing witches

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the artist that made the art for summer clover. no clue how he's called
Have you tried any eye tags like tsurime or sanpaku? Could also just do half-closed eyes as that always looks good on hags
>I dislike how big and loli-like the eyes are.
why are you using anime style then?
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Sorry you don't like my gens, I'm still looking for a style

>anime only has huge uguu kawaii eyes
There are artists who do amazing milfs in anime styles, not everything has to be chibi lolis
Rent free. Just go back to pony, it does what you need perfectly.
Have you guys there even heard of artist tags? It's like 2023 all over again.
>uguu kawaii eyes
i'm sure that little boys will have those on his gens
who are you talking about, bro?
what are some good styles to animate? like, without too much clutter
every hag poster
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I'm testing mixing checkpoints, looking for loras that I like etc, I don't want to use an artist tag.

Ditch pony and download this https://civitai.com/models/833294/noobai-xl-nai-xl if you wan't to make anime. Then prompt for tiananmen bing chilling, opossumachine, ciloranko to make all the pedos happy
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>I'm testing mixing checkpoints
Don't do that lmao, do what this anon said >>8274760
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Are these little boys in the room with us right now anon?
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you're an actual retard
just fuck off already. trash is perfectly on par for you.
Speaking of eyes, what are some artists that draw nice eyes that you can throw into your mix at a low weight just for better eyes?
>I don't want to use an artist tag.
Any particular reason for that?
The face gets creepier the more you zoom in
>throw into your mix at a low weight just for better eyes?
Would that even work? I think you would be better off making a separate prompt just for the eyes in adetailer
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looking for my own vibe I guess?

Currently usign snow pony and bolero mix for anime, that model is still under developmetn from what I can see.
It's regura, that's expectable
you are terminally retarded
go back to /b/ or whatever shithole you crawled out from
>looking for my own vibe I guess?
Just mix artist tags?
>that model is still under developmetn from what I can see.
nice high effort trolling
Illust feeling as bad as pony rn
Hm true


I guess I could do that, but for now I want to get a hold of the technicalities.
>Currently usign snow pony and bolero mix for anime
A bit too obvious, made me chuckle tho
hyatsu but you'll need a lora for him
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yeah not for that picture obviously
>add clothing wildcard to gens
>all i want to do now is make cute pinups
what's happening to me
NTA but never even considered that option, thanks for the idea
reject seggs, return to 1girl, standing
>but for now I want to get a hold of the technicalities
Then train artist loras and mix them
lurk the fuck more and learn more about the culture of the thread you're trying to participate in or fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from.
it's not very complicated.
I guess people are giving him the crash course in the threads "friendliness" lol
why is it so (ai generated:1.8)?
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To upscale with multidiffusion is the recommendation is to keep the sgm uniform sampler and the same steps?
It's pony
It's NAI
Why is she so fat?
It's brimstone
i prefer to keep it the same
can i have box btw
it's america
I used (plump,fat,fat rolls) XD
Based architect
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yeah, when I manage to train a succesfull lora I will get into that probably

I might have been in 4chan longer than some anons posting age, it's not like that's going to face me honestly.

calm down mate
Is that takeda hiromitsu?
I am trying to download the 10k artist folder from mega but it ends up as Frozen every time it hits 100%
nyo :3
>it's not like that's going to face me honestly.
what did he mean by this?
Retarded nyoposter
XD is based and pure
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do people fap to this or it's some sort of elaborate joke
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>all i want to do now is make cute pinups
You are finally seeing the light
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I'd say so, yes
sometimes, a slampig is just what you need
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Yes plus some inate artist of noob
what do you mean? don't you see how feminine she is?
First day on the internet? Fatties are some basic shit
I do
Does Kohya have zSNR?
that boob wrap is superb
>/sdg/ has turned so cancerous it is now spilling bloat here
Holy kek
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Shit already feeling bland
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Illustrious/ noob mogs pony for pubes and expressions.
damn, box for that one?
why is it so fucking blurry???
sir your face????
if you've been on the actual structured parts of 4chinz for any length of time you'd realize what you're doing is blatant threadshitting behavior.
Do you see anyone else spamming low quality outputs of the same exact prompt on a different seed? Do you notice how not every single post has an image attached? How about the fact that the garbage you're posting belongs more in /aco/ than here?
These aren't hard things to notice, retard.
Fuck off.
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Nai5 fucking when
It's the pinnacle. We used to like it, spurned it, rejected it and mocked it and yet we always come crawling back
Two more weeks
What's the argument for it?
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The same, it's literally the same sd-scripts under the hood
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rip the dick...
Yes, trust the plan
you can find most of the args like that in train_util.py
Thanks a lot man. I didn't know about this file.
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based, finally a normal hentai after being terrorized by minors obsessed creeps for too long
why is it fried
It's coal
its not fried, its digiorno's

What Artist mix do you think this guy uses?
>he isn't turned on by those deliciously fat tits
are you homosexual perchance?
the cock ring was still in the mail
Don't know and don't care.
absolutely shameless
very nice
He's of cute and funny persuasion probably
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ok last one bye
the ciloranko mix
now post her getting her teeth brushed
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scorned the 1girl standing when we needed it most
usa has done irreparable damage to this world
yeah that's just generic ciloranko, bing chilling, yd, w(s)lop mix
cute, you should post this in /e/.
finally, good posts
she cute
what artists for eyes like that?
Fuck off threadshitter
it's actually a peak content
cropped from one of my schizo multiple view wildcards: https://files.catbox.moe/am0bgt.png
i think it was mostly pulling the eyes from the Jun lora, which should be in the repo
really based, love some aco 2hoes, some Miku would be nice too
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Finding comfort is always important.
its so over
it's not over yet
there's a reason why most twitter artists' outputs are just 1girl, standing pinups. cute girls make the brain happy.
so much this, we are bestest and truest anime lovers, that's why my favorite characters are hakurei reimu and hatsune miku
i am a unique individual
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i lied
This shitposting feels extremely organic
u guys posting the same two styles over and over again I can`t handle it anymore
NAi5 will save us
>no gen
based fellow 2hoe and vocaloid hater
I will always wonder how it would feel to have boobs in my face
who invited the zoomer newfags to the thread? don't you have a minecraft parkour video to watch?
i already watched parkour civilization
don't be sad, anon. If you save for long enough, you can buy this type of service from a professional.
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Would this get me banned?
>Jun lora, which should be in the repo
This one?
Not on /b/.
yeah that's it
The 1st and 4th ones are probably safe, but all the others look too much like /ss/ yeah
not in my country I can't
I'd have to save up extra for a vacation
which ones
why is she so large?
I like tall big titted big assed woman
Ah yeah. That will cost you more.
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since you were nice
just stage a lucky skebe moment on the train or camel-drawn carriage or whatever your country has
samefagging today are we
godspeed anon
seeing niche characters in unique style is always a breath of fresh air
oh my goderino is that migu xd so based
What's this?
>trying to ironically shit on reimu and miku of all things
stick to just shitposting about the local avatarfags, this just makes you look ridiculous
>nooooo don't insult my normie taste
Not le heckin reimurino!
They decided to stop being retarded and just auto-upload intermediate epochs instead of being all secretive about them.
I see. Thanks
There is nothing more basic than liking fucking Reimu and Miku of all things. It's Funko pop tier of cringe.
noooo, my blank token charas are the heart and soul of the otaku culture!
astra did a lot for the character diversity of the thread by hashing touhous, if nothing else
you need to be at least 18 to post on this website zoomie
and under 60, so no touhous
how would you guys generate/prompt this face expression (without the hand)?

I tried open mouth, tongue out, and :o but it doesn't gen it with the o-shaped lips.
A twohue just flew over my house
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forgot the image lmfao
big if true
Puckered lips maybe?
oral invitation
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nai had trouble inpainting this, I reached a number of iterations that sorta trended towards AOM2 style somehow
local is having an easier time of it
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did someone mention raymoo?
I don't care about touhou
ummm you arent allowed to like this character, i saw it on reddit
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sadly didn't work oof. her expression just ends up like this.
Reimu, Miku and Asuka foursome would be peak
stop using noobslop
Very nice, I love blacked lolis.
stop using ponyslop
both asukas have a comparatively pitiful amount of artwork. Almost all characters with more than 20k entries are 2hus
so wholesome
god knows we needed more pics of this whore because 200k danbooru pics is not enough
try licking and afterimage
still 14k, don't know which anime character has more
i usually save a lot of checkpoints and plot them, seems more reliable than relying on loss or whatever metric the computer gives you. though when using cosine with retards 3 restarts like 95% of the time the best epochs are the ones immediately after either the second or third restart
that's surprising desu, never seen that much obsessing over this character despite the image count
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we live in a world where this takes a whole 10ish minutes to complete.
>god knows we needed more pics of this
I absolutely agree.
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>3 restarts
Yeah, you can get pretty good results after the first restart.
But you can get even better results with more epochs and restarts
>cosine with retards
are they doing dataset prep for you?
there was a lot in the early '10s
I can't remove yd_(orange_maru) from my shitmix, it just doesn't look the same. He's too powerful, I kneel.
maybe remove everything but yd. why would you need other artists anyway?
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despite my ironic "request", very nice picture unironically
was watching shortly after release but it must have flown over my head, from boorus mostly remember touhou, kancolle, vocaloids and bit of girls und panzer
Wait, are we allowed to post lolis here now?
Yes, start posting
i tried a few things, but any more than 3 restarts has a tendency to forget things you actually want. i haven't ever tried way more restarts though, like twice as many? so it's worth a shot i suppose
what schedule is that?
only when they're not looking
looks like CAWR to me
>i tried a few things, but any more than 3 restarts has a tendency to forget things you actually want
yeah that's what warm restarts are for, that gives a warmup period every restart in order to hopefully mitigate catastrophic forgetting like that
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I usually train for 16 epochs (1 epoch at least 500 iters at batch=1, padded with repeats). I use rex with 8 repeats (1 repeat every 2 epoch) and 0.1 warmup. For me the best one is around 12-14 epoch
that's a lot of repeats
For me it works better than 4 repeats.
it shouldn't really be a huge deal with a schedule like that compared to something like cosine with restarts where each restart resets to the maximum LR
Just fucking release Illustrious/Noob v1.0 already, I'm running out of space for Pony LoRAs and want to nuke all 700 gigs of them but can't do so when my only other options are unfinished alphas.
autism. just do it, it'll set you free
>Illustrious 1.0
worse than 0.1 because of shit NL captions
>Noob v1.0
will only keep getting worse than 0.5 from now on because of the e621 dataset
just stick to pony desu
raw illu with no loras is already 10 times better than anything you can do with p*ny, what are you doing nigga?
Not a fan of artifacts and bad anatomy, sorry. There's a reason it's a "v0.1".
1.0 doesn't use NL captions, it's just 0.1 but trained on the higher res. 1.5 and 2.0 the ones that use NL captions.
They really aren't sending their best huh? How can you even compare this fried piece of crap to pony? Illus anatomy is extremely bad.
Should've been Haruka instead to represent the 御三家
uh oh, smegma lover melty!
but noob is better at smegma?
>anatomy is extremely bad
Skill issue
and yet you use a model whose only advantage over base illustrious is improved smegma, curious!
endless falseflagging until the end of time huh
>Skill issue
cope, only pony can produce the sexy feminine hyper bbw proportions
it's always been bad but I will still spit on the moderation for removing the IP counter, it made pointing out samefagging way worse even if they do cycle VPNs
>specifically talk about illu
>lol u use pony-lite!
hmm no try again
take the noob pill
>better anatomy
>better character and style knowledge
>vast concept knowledge
>not made by troons
>incredibly recent dataset
>good nipples and genitals
Suffice to say that everyone advocating for different models at this point is either a retard or a troll.
i have no qualm with base illu chads but noob users are perhaps the most retarded group of people to ever post itt
yeah it's just yapping for drama
skill issue moment
stop using noobslop and use Illu smooth
Nah, the counter just made everyone think everything was samefagging if it wasn't your first post in the thread. With long threads like these that was beyond retarded. Ip counter never did anything but add to shitposts, anyone claiming otherwise has rose tinted glasses
>better character and style knowledge
but half of them are worse than on base illustrious?
>constant shitposting about NAI and how it is superior
>no NAI images ever posted in the threads anymore
>illustrious comes out
>constant shitposting about Pony and how it is superior
>no Pony images ever posted in the threads anymore
This seems really odd!
Uh oh he's nooooticing quick whip out the groid spam
who cares about all this crap when uou have all the loras baked for pony already, are you fucking stunted?
nah fuck off
now make a smooth gen that has no issues without getting mad
I have no problems with training loras
>when uou have all the loras baked for pony already,
They're in the trash
by that logic pony was already superior to nai since naiposters left the thread months ago
he'll just img2img a pony gen. some of them fucked up and posted their workflow with base being autismmix kek
You can't get that stench of pony shit out of your gens no matter how many loras you use lmao
kill yourself kekposter
skill issue
post an example
kek issue
right after you, ponykek
I see ponyggers are getting uppity again
at least V4 will bring in new shitposts for like a week
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Where's the cheek marks?
half of the local sissies might finally do it after v4 releases
I love OCs with black lipstick, they are the sexiest
With nai shitposting there at least was some substance to it, but most people don't really want to pay for AI coom. With pony it's just hilariously obvious that it's shitposting and nothing else with rare exceptions like Ayakon-sensei.
two more weeks, sir
Is NAI teasing a new thing?
it's been a thing for the last 2 years newsir
nai is dead in two weeks
praise the knot
yeah, ayakon doesn't even shitpost he just posts shit and that's it
Pretty much, kek.
including e621 data is good actually
Sometimes, he post some retarded shit, too.
if you're a faggot who should be posting on /d/ sure
this. how can you use a model if it can't do horse cock reverse handstand gangbang congress?
Guys, do you have a list of the best adetailer models (face, eyes, genitals) etc? There are several in the civitai and I don't know which one to choose.
perhaps it would be best to ask your friends on the civitai
I have no friends...
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can I be your friend?
they are not my friends
give up on adetailer and inpaint those parts yourself
adetailer is basically just auto inpaint that crops the region, enlarges it, inpaints it, and shrinks it again
those models just detect the region to crop and inpaint
which version should I use? e3-s178000? which is the one in civitai btw?
None of those are new models, it's just the HF page where they posted epochs leading up to the current civit release.
when training a lora on noob vpred, do i have to train it with snr, or it isn't needed?
>jannie warns me for posting something not in the "eastern style"
did you forget you are on /h/?
>made it on the miqolist
uh based
So in my own experiments noob quality tags are completely worthless just like pony quality tags. if I use the recommended tags it eats away at the artist style every time without improvement to anything like hands or background.
Anyone have a different experience?
the fuck is going on on that ganyuu pic?
gegegegegege, /aco/sloppas forever btfo
it's pony
They don't train with quality tags. Any quality tag functionality is a remnant from the illu base
I only use
>masterpiece, best quality, newest
>worst quality, bad quality, average quality, lowres
because those were included in the Illustrious paper
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So I followed what >>8273759 said but I'm getting these clear divisions between the tiles. I increased tile overlap here to 96.

Also, when using multidifussion, what denoising strength do you guys use?
Catbox please?
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the illustrious HF actually has a mile long schizo negative string.
I just tried without a schizo negative and the quality degradation was obvious.
I just tried with and without masterpiece, best quality and the differences are there but I'm not sure it's not just from noise.
Right has masterpiece, best quality, left doesn't. left has better eyes. right has better shading.
going to continue testing. appreciate any more thoughts on the matter.
Based janny
why are you posting pedophilia here?
something between .25 and .4. .25 has minimal effect on the image. .3 or .33 has moderate effect on the image. .4 has large effect on the image. when you try .4 or higher, you might make errors that you have to go back and fix.
I've never changed any settings for MoD besides resolution. There's a civitai article made by someone from here that's good but I don't have it open anymore.

> abstract background, 1boy, 1girl, assertive female, bdsm, black hair, blue eyes, blue hair, blush, bondage, boots, bound, boxers, brown eyes, erection, female pervert, femdom, hair ornament, hairclip, hand under clothes, handjob, hetero, kneehighs, long hair, male underwear, navel, no headwear, open mouth, penis, pervert, pink footwear, short hair, sitting, skirt, socks, underwear, wariza
using masterpiece on a style that would not be classified as such in the dataset will obviously yield bad results.
yeah while left looks more consistent right does look stylistically more interesting
why is it so blurry
don't respond to bait
>1boy, 1girl
do i need to spell it out for you..?
Retarded bait
it's danbooru
remember when /edg/ got ruined by ia schizo... such a shame...
thanks god you didn't prompt for shota, all right then
Those always seemed weird to me too.
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Is (...:0.65) like the best weight for mixing artists or something? I keep adding more and more artists just weighting them to 0.65 and it just mixes so well
>he posts 3 sets of highlights there
>nobody tells him to kys
>someone even thanks him for including his gens
rip /edg/
I like .5 and .7 with my wildcards
Yeah, that's because the general is effectively braindead and not fighting against bullshit anymore. There was plenty of objections to the crap he highlights before edg became this slophole.
Remember to switch the method to mixture of diffusers instead of multidiffusion, you shouldn't be getting visible tiles that way. .4 denoise generally works for me, but that's on the high end so go lower if you're seeing a lot of issues.
have you ever read the /h/ specific rules
I've been going back and worth between 0.65 and 0.75, and I've found 0.75 is too strong
Maybe I should try 0.7 too
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After a bit more testing I'm abandoning positive quality tags in noob unless someone comes up with some combination or weighting that has a positive effect.
The negative string from illustrious HF
>worst quality, comic, multiple views, bad quality, low quality, lowres, displeasing, very displeasing, bad anatomy, bad hands, scan artifacts, monochrome, greyscale, signature, twitter username, jpeg artifacts, 2koma, 4koma, guro, extra digits, fewer digits
seems to have a large positive impact.
That's not how that works even a little bit. Would be like saying you couldn't use an artist style of something they didn't make. Also means the schizo negative string wouldn't be so powerful.
reminds me of valtor
New here
Where can I find "suruga_IllustriousXL_v1.0" and "takedaXLillokrV53P1" ?
There's any lora repository?
It's absolutely how that works. You're essentially prompting for conflicting concepts
are you one of the indian prompting "sexy 21 years old woman doing the sex" on civitai?
I will only give a fuck if it can make anime and porn, thats all.
its fucking over for local kek
I have no problems with 30 euler steps, thanks
I wish my paralysis demons would do this for me
you don't understand how imagegen works
same back at you
Think about what you're saying. You're talking about a model with no inherent style bias. You MUST use artist tags to repeat a style. If the quality tags interfered with styles, there would have been zero point in attempting to introduce them in the first place.
If what you're saying was true, the negative string wouldn't improve anything either because it would either be a part of that style or it wouldn't.
>There's any lora repository?
Yes in the OP
wake me up when it can do silly cats on the moon
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I'm having an issue with image grabber. I searched around in the archives and it seems like these generals are the best places to ask, even if it's not directly about generating images.

I tried using Grabber to browse exhentai and it can get the first 25 gallery matches, however when I click on any gallery, none of the pages show up. Weirdly, e-hentai doesn't have this particular issue: if I click on a gallery I get another tab that has all the pages. There's one other problem with both image sources but I want to ask around if anyone knows about this issue first.

I tried searching on the github discussion page too, there were several people reporting this issue but they were unanswerd or the answer was too vague for me to understand.
The negative string eliminates outliers on both ends. You could post your grandmas apple pie recipe in there and it would yield the same result
You need cookies to brows ex
>no idea how image gen works
>no idea how the model was trained
>can't follow his own train of thought to it's logical conclusion
>MUST share his opinion.
I'm not the one trying to mix completely different concepts.
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How do I get the cookies to work with grabber? I already logged in for site options, and I can log in on my firefox browser. Is there an additional step?
According to this it just doesn't work at all and you're shit out of luck unless someone fixes it. https://github.com/Bionus/imgbrd-grabber/issues/3011
Most here use gallery-dl instead.
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Sorry I'm not posting as much; I'm having fun playing video games again. Here's some hentai.
I'd prefer you to not post at all...
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Tried it on noob, all images look noticeably (save for 1 and 3 maybe) different, though wouldn't say that any one is particularly shit
still the only effortposter left itt
What vidya are you playing?
Space Age
No quality tags and only negative ones don't look like yd
damn, at least I can use it for browsing boorus
1 and 2 definitely look better to me, but I think it would be worth testing quality tags on multiple seeds with different artists

Ah Factorio
I've never managed to get into it and yet I love the spaghetti in Comfy
I like 1 and 3
I don't know the artist so I don't know which one is most accurate but I immediately notice the second image has the best hands despite not having any quality in the positive.
Try the negative schizo string from illustrious HF. Seems far more impactful than the suggested noob bad/worst quality.
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Let me know if you use any artists that would fit this style, I'm trying to improve
>implying NAI will get to it within our lifetimes
the niggers can't even make a custom diffusion model after TWO FUCKING YEARS
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Proves my argument. But anons can continue to gen their oekaki artists with masterpiece and absurdres and wonder why they come out not looking faithful.
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May I suggest the Related Tags search function
I've found it to be really useful when trying to find artists that do a specific thing I'm looking for
That's dope, thanks anon
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where did that anon mention nai? mindbroken
This grid proves you unequivocally wrong. 4 should be the best due to no tags by your logic yet it's undeniable 2 significantly improved the output.
So you just didn't understand my argument?
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I don't have the energy to play whack a mole with you kike. You said you can't mismatch quality with style without degrading the image.
You can apply quality to the negatives to immediately improve any image. Therefor you are wrong. I will not waste my time further with you.
Do we have another hentai imagen SAAS with their own models distinct from local ones?
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That did the trick, no more seams.

Also, to be clear, when the guy said to img2img at the original picture's resolution, he meant the first generation yeah?
why play factorio when satis exist
negative quality tags work completely differently from positive ones. It's just not a valid argument
can you share the box of the 1st image?
Woah bro, ease up on the slurs. This is 4chan and that kind of language isn't tolerated off of /b/
Set the tile width and height according to the base gen, yeah
I wish, finished the game and was bored all the way through
Kek, I just noticed I fucked up that prompt, anyway here
np, thanks anon
install a "cookie quick manager" extension and copy igneous and other cookies to the "cookies" tab inside grabber
Am I the only one annoyed that those model are build on a early prototype?
Every time I do anything I cant help but wonder how much better it would be if it was based on a complete version
Just train the complete version by yourself, it's that easy.
zoom out. same can be said about training on shitty sdxl in the first place. something is better than nothing, it's not like there are many other options
Diffusion models have no complete version. The longer you train the better the model. At some point you'll get diminishing returns tho
where's the cookies tab?
Literally on you screencap
the e621 dataset is amazing but trying to filter out e621 nonsense when exporting is murder.
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Another one, no shitmixes this time, artist is yd_(orange maru). Pretty similar to the previous gen - 1 is the best looking one, 2 is noticeably different from 1, 3 is worse 1, 4 is shit.
I think this requires more extensive testing however, 8 images on effectively the same artist is nothing.
i did hours and hours of testing and now i use only (negpip required):

+ [artists go here], (lowres worst quality:-1.0), [prompt goes here]

- lowres worst quality, claws animal hands, simple background

there are other tags that have effect but they have the usual issues of quality embeds and i'd rather not
Hm. Does anyone know when Noob stopped training? It doesn't seem to recognize Masoq as an artist
Check artist aliases. Danbooru loves renaming artists for some fucking reason.
https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/23/technology/characterai-lawsuit-teen-suicide.html kek
>open page
>2 popups regarding cookies
>asked to register just to read news article
Fuck out of here faggot
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Man I love that through my universal income (handed down to me by the technocracy based government) I am able to afford a META-branded housekeeper bot in the year 2035, where it certainly won't collect any personal data about me whatsoever (it knows my fetishes down to the smallest details through extensive data collection)
post a non cucked link if you want me to read it
Have zoomers forgotten that adblock is a thing?
>He lost interest in the things that used to excite him, like Formula 1 racing or playing Fortnite with his friends
what are the first principles behind quality tags?
uBlock Origin user here, it does not block cookies popups on websites by default, nor does it get rid of the requirement of registering just to read some text
If I had an anal sexbot, I don't think I'd be using my xbox gamertag. I'd rather it just call me my first name.
Accessed it from firefox with the same adblock and only got one cookie notification
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I tried using cookie quick manager to get the exhentai cookie, that's top left.
The "Cookies" tab looks like bottom left, you can only input variable name and value. There's no reference to nw in the top left cookie string so I'm not sure if it's in the right format.
There's also a text file in the AppData\Local\Bionus\Grabber\sites\E-Hentai\exhentai.org, which is on bottom right. It's also not in the same format. I tried replacing this file with the top right, but no this cause no visible changes. I still can't view any pages of any galleries.
>Sewell was diagnosed with mild Asperger’s syndrome as a child
>anxiety and disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
i'm just glad the nature cleans itself
One is still too many and you still have the issue of needing to register/log in, just to read some TEXT
>register/log in
Didn't need to do that. Might be a region thing
>hurr durr zoomers
Learn how to archive links instead, zoomer
>The mother of a 14-year-old Florida boy says he became obsessed with a chatbot on Character.AI before his death.
I would say based, but being obsessed with C.AI post lobotomy is kinda cringe
You're probably already logged in to every service on the internet lol
Based archive poster
It's name=value in your txt file
I don't even have a google account. Probably based eu laws giving me a smooth internet experience
Retarded parents
more like mentally ill retard and strawman article
I'm in EU lol.
>Daenero: I think about killing myself sometimes
>Daenerys Targaryen: My eyes narrow. My face hardens. My voice is a dangerous whisper. And why the hell would you do something like that?
>Daenero: So I can be free
>Daenerys Targaryen: … free from what?
>Daenero: From the world. From myself
>Daenerys Targaryen: Don’t talk like that. I won’t let you hurt yourself, or leave me. I would die if I lost you.
>Daenero: I smile Then maybe we can die together and be free together
What the actual fuck. Imagine being named Daenero and then talking to AI Daenerys Targaryen. Also it reads like a complete schizo conversation.
I'm kinda envious, used to run a lot of shit starting from Llama 70b, to Mythomax, to now Ngreedia's models, and they simply didn't do the trick for me with all the instruction prompts, degenerate scenarios and detailed character bios. While this guy fell for the most plain, dull, and preaching shit out there.
when you're 14 yo everything in the world is magic
gen alpha is cooked frfr
I think it takes a special kind of person to kill himself because of a fucking chatbot. Also this >>8275312, kids are fucking retarded.
Join the 14 year old and kys right now zoomer.
lil bro should have gone skibidi on a glizzy with some baby gronk rizz no cap ong fr fr
Having now read the article it just sounds like your usual angsty teenager that feels out of place because they haven't found a belonging.
The mom is filing a lawsuit against C.AI wont solve anything, the chatbot was merely a symtom. It's sad, not because of him getting attached to a chatbot but because no one around him could provide what he needed
It's entirely the mother's fault for not noticing things sooner and doing something about his mental health
This is just an anti AI article using a boy's suicide as a weapon
wow, this is going to be so good for uh... polluting google search results with even more AI stock images!
i aint fanum taxing off his rizz, lil bro.
hear me out
>gen at base resolution with NAI
>img2img with Noob
>don't have to deal with Pony's /aco/, Noob's terrible anatomy or NAI's paypig limits that force you to stick to low base res
you get the best of ALL worlds (except Pony's selection of LoRAs, but the need for that diminishes greatly when the artist tags are intact in models you're working with)
I don't even know how you could grow attachment to something that forgets you after 512 tokens kek
people were killing themself because of the fucking book about a dude wanting to score a teenage girl over 200 years ago
nothing new
why would you ever use any other model if you're already paying for nai
people grow attached to dogs and shit and those don't even talk
But then the company behind the bot would know your real name. Imagine the data they could collect about you.
why would nais terrible anatomy improve noobs terrible anatomy?
>NAI's paypig limits that force you to stick to low base res
But you still have to pay to use NAI at all lol
You can only gen for free without limits at under 1024x1024/1216x832/832x1216, which often sacrifices details and hands.
And course, no gen, as always
text thread, nice
Dogs can remember their owner for over a decade though and while they don't talk, they communicate in other ways and you can physically touch them.
that's no reason for polluting nai gens with noob
10k anals is more than enough for upscaling unless you're genning 24 hours a day
catbox pls?
I'm rangebanned for posting pics, guess some faggot on my IP range is getting uppity again, wouldn't be the first time.
Base NAI:
Noob img2img by 1.5 times at 0.5 denoise:
lmao i couldn't have picked a worse example if i tried
Are saas roleplay llms really that bad? Can't they implement some sort of database that stores rudimentary information about the user and gets automatically attached to every prompt?
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I set the values in the cookie.txt file to be identical to the ipb_member_id, ipb_pass_hash, sk, and igneous values to the ones in cookie quick manager (only igneous was different). Then I went to the cookies tab and added new lines for all 4 values and added their values in there. I still get the same result: can only return first 25 gallery matches, no gallery images if I click on a gallery.
hello EPIC
why do people act like they're stacking anals until the end of time
they refill, retards, you might as well use them
>Noob img2img by 1.5 times at 0.5 denoise
You didn't fix eyes or hands, you are using local to avoid NAI limits yet you upscale at the same resolution NAI does? bro??
>Can't they implement some sort of database that stores rudimentary information about the user and gets automatically attached to every prompt?
that's your frontend's job retard it works in exactly the same way as local
>can addictive behavior lead someone to suicide
no shit???
its not even that, it's "let's link this random ass coping mechanism to his condition with no regard for causation". they fucking cite logs of the bot telling him NOT to kill himself!
I do the very same in games, save up consumables because "what if" I need it later on in the game, but then I end up getting to the end of the game, maybe use 1% of what I saved up for last boss, when it could have made me progress 2x faster.
Do the latest models still require that bullshit tokens of "best_quality" or "score_9"?
they never did
In what cases do I need to use "best_quality" and in which one "score_X"? Im confused about that
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it depends on the model
do all of them just in case and don't check the model cards or example prompts
is this about elden ring
Score is for pony and it's mixes only https://civitai.com/articles/4248/what-is-score9-and-how-to-use-it-in-pony-diffusion the other quality tags might be useful in any model really.
has anyone here actually managed to shoot a fountain of cum like that
why is the anatomy so awful?
i look like this
you would get a "based" if not the last panel
i didn't put much effort in to it
I do if I stop fapping for 3+ days.
based truth teller
Yeah, goon for 8 hours and see what happens
based sequencemakie...
It's about basically any game with consumables. Elden Ring, Sekiro, Dark Souls, Cyberpunk, Terraria and many more.
I know what you mean now, sorry imposing earlier, you were 100% right.
very good rio
could I get a box?
Once or twice, after a particularly good erp scene
so are there any quantitative stats around training that actually predict model quality, or is there only proompt and A/B and XY and feel it out?
validation loss
sounds like a horrible cleanup
>any quantitative stats
Number of shitposts in /hdg/
not really, besides obvious shit like if the loss drops insanely low or insanely high it's gonna be bad
fellas, how much VRAM do I need to comfortably run an XL model like Illustrious? last time I tried to run one with my meager 1060 6gb it always failed due to lack of memory
What the fuck is wrong with this tony retard?
with forge 6 are enough
what's that range? this bake just now some epochs ended at ~0.04xx and the last one was 0.0609
What do you mean by "comfortably"? I run it without issues on a shitty laptop 3050 with 4gbs of vram. No loras tho.
6 should work. 8 would be "fine." 12 is a good sweetspot for current tech but things will likely require more soon.
download forge or reforge. should be no problem.
any UI but vanilla a1111 should be fine (forge/reforge/swarm/comfy)
Did someone test the newer noob epochs? Any improvement compared to v0.5?
I guess I'll have to try again, thanks anons

>What do you mean by "comfortably"?
doesn't need to be incredibly fast 2 second generations, but also has to actually generate something, since I kept getting errors due to what I just said
any non-fucked way to make a grid in shitstain ui?
10-series gpus weren't exactly made with that shit in mind, that might be your problem. Does it work with 1.5 models?
why are you using invoke in the first place?
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I love the new mcdonald girl so much bros

I gen / test on my 1060 6Gb while I train on the 3060Ti using forge, it should work for you as well.
In my circumstances I usually know it's coming so I can prepare ahead of time so it's not that awful
yeah, old SD models used to run fine (not top of the line of course, but they still ran fine)
idk it kinda depends but 0.06-0.09?
based, I was gonna train this too
There are no newer epochs posted, that HF page retards linked is literally the page they were using to post epochs leading up to the current civit release.
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cheesy leg, also, source? haven't seen any marketing on this
>the new mcdonald girl
noob_sdxl_beta/noob_hercules4/fp16 is from 3 days ago. Just a reupload?
There is a version they uploaded 3 days ago though
I have

>set COMMANDLINE_ARGS=--xformers --no-half-vae --cuda-malloc --theme=dark

in my webui-user.bat for the 1060 if that helps.
Here is the catbox anon, but in return, could you please tell me your favourite waifu? It's for something very important.

Panels 27 and 36 are basically what I was thinking, but instead of reading porn mags, it reads your browser history instead. Somehow I still feel bad for the guy in the end though, long term lifestyle like his probably won't be good mentally :I
low iq
Make sure you use all optimizations possible (refer to >>8275447) and obviously don't do batch sizes above 1/resolution above 1024x1024, if I can run it with 4GB you should be able to
How do you prepare for a fountain like that? cover the entire area in tissues?
So after some personal work I can tell that local and noob are generally more robust then NAI. However it just so happens that it's very easy for me to get the exact kind of muscle girl I want on NAI, and even with tampering with varying levels of emphasis or weakening on artist tags I can't quite get exactly the same style and line work as I can over on NAI. Though obviously I'll need to double check when the full release hits
Does using "realistic" tag make me /aco/?
I miss groid
I'll check that out, thanks for your help anons
>I can't quite get exactly the same style
>on a different model
like your girl probably knows, water is wet
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I can't believe you haven't seen this fellow cunnybros



double cheese is a weird fucking name but I cant read japanese so I'm not sure if its correct.
she'll always be McCunny in my heart anyway
Is your trigger supposed to be mccnny or mccunny
oh i was wrong, the good rhasta style uploaded to civit is actually batch size 128 for 797 steps, not 300, so that's actually closer to around 100,000 individual training steps. i've been doing most of my loras at just 2.5k at batch size 3 so maybe the actual secret is to just train them for 30,000 steps instead
Pull away from the desk at the last second so it doesn't get anything and then just wipe up?
I'm debating on whether or not to upload this to civitai but any cunny/loli related terms are banned so I just misnames it on purpose

also I'm a dumbass the reason shes called double cheese is because thats what shes advertising
NAI is heavily aesthetic tuned so you aren't going to get anywhere near 100% accuracy on a local model that's a less refined booru finetune, even if they largely have the same data.
not unless it adds non-anime stuff like nostrils on 2020s style girls, just use your eyes
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Ah okay, that makes sense. I'm just projecting my retardation as I misspell stuff all the time, so I was just curious.
>only 17 results on booru
sorry, i'm not following twitter, thanks for the alert cunnybro
orcs don't exist in ER and also your artstyle is abhorrent
Worked perfectly, cheers.
there aren't even orks in the setting retard the closest analogue would be an omen
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>Orcs aren't lore accura-
>official cunny
They absolutely know what they are doing. Fucking kek. Based Japanese marketing department.
>debating on whether or not to upload this to civitai
Someone already beat you to it. Unless you really want clout you should be uploading it elsewhere instead to begin with.
now we need wendy molesting her
this looks like absolute garbage
because all of the artists are aco
Just had to come back form my vacation, because so many things could be much better in this picture anon. I will explain and give constructive criticism!
The nose on the orc has three nostrils - I don't think they are supposed to have three nostrils, but this is a simple inpaint job, which I wonder why you haven't done! The same applies to the following:
>Tattoo on her crotch - it's very blurry.
>Crotch in general lacks detail - barely any sign of penetration.
>4 fingers on orc hand.
>The chains on the right are deformed.
>Do orcs have navels? If so, he is missing one.
Also the nose is unfortunately getting your image into /aco/ territory - most anime characters noses are either completely absent or drawn as a short triangle that protudes from the face and curves upward, with no nostrils.

You get a D+ - I think you're new to this, and if so, please do not hesitate to ask me for help in the future or if you want constructive critism for any of your images!
oh damn I didn't notice that, and of course it was a japenis bro. His seems to work fine so theres no need to upload mine and i'm not in it for the clout at all
if you wanna be like mr cefurkan and annoy kohya to merge it
Does the "jeremy clarkson" token still improve image quality on new models? I was just reminded as I looked at an old gen.
>Does the "jeremy clarkson" token still improve image quality on new models? I was just reminded as I looked at an old gen.
you wot mate
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has metadata
>not unless it adds non-anime stuff like nostrils on 2020s style girls
did a weasel type this?
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did a blind man type this?
it's nai
I want an extension that gives me a "purge artist from wildcard" button next to a finished gen
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i am growing stronger
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zankuro + tponynai3 is GOD
>clothed male
>nude female
Very good taste you have there, anon.
based lmao
metadata here
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free range
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>shills xis pixiv
oh good, we need more schizos
Perfection. Utter perfection.
we need roleplayers and requestors so we can catch up with the slop threads on /trash/
Holy fuck this is incredible, I love these gens
Perfect gen style
What model?
Sexy Gyaru slut
What do I gotta do if my character LoRA makes colours too dark?
What cfg?
weird problem, can you elaborate
3.5, and the higher I go the darker it gets.
That's really weird, it's opposite for me, 7 is uncomfortably bright for example
It just makes everything too dark. Drains the colours. Like it's all in a dark room, even with something like "light, colorful, morning" in the prompt.
Post an example
Hold on, gotta stitch one together since I forgot to enable save subgrids.
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Hmm, thinking about it now, it seems that it's just upping the contrast more and more, instead of just darkening it.
you shouldn't go above cfg 4 in general, of course it's gonna look like shit with almost twice that
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5 is fine, 6 is where it starts looking shitty
>you shouldn't go above cfg 4
What fried sloptune are you using, kek
5 is also okay
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Request Anchor
Never fails to make me laugh
Who are you?
How do I get flat-as-a-board tits without tagging loli?
Flat chest
I might be fucking retarded, I kept putting in flat instead of flat chest. This is what happens when Forge doesn't work with the training wheels danbooru tag plugin.
flat chest, androgynous, reverse trap, size difference,
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I am nogen
We are nogen
flat_chest, pettanko,

negative prompt:
voluptuous, curvy, huge breasts, hanging breasts, large breasts, breasts, cleavage
>Forge doesn't work with the training wheels danbooru tag plugin.
works on my machine
Just have danbooru wiki open in another tab
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No comment
Disgruntled pedo, same as always
Your model already is based on Pony XL anyway what is he on about
It's on the noob page
also small breasts in negs and sometimes loli depending on style
Thanks a lot, negging breasts and using flat chest worked perfectly.
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At least get an Anchor-related image.
there is literally a giant anchor in that image though
Is there a way to make different colours for blushing? Adding a colour in the tag doesn't seem to work, it stays red.
train a lora
it's iaschizo
my third iteration of a lora understands a couple poses better, but is doing worse in gen quality than v2. they only differ in caption quality (i think is better in v3) and a couple pruned images from v2 to v3. if i rebake, do it with a bit higher LR?
you'll have to rebake both loras on 10 different seeds to come to a definitive conclusion
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Everybody keep talking about "pony", I see it everywhere, what is this all about? And what people are using it for?

I mean I did a research and saw a model called "pony" something, but I am not quite sure still why it is so good and why like everbody keep talking about it, it is mentioned in lot of posts. Last time it was under a SD3.5 post.

I must be missing something, so I will be blunt: what are you using it for?

(I am expecting various answers, surprise me)
when testing style loras on noob which negative/positive quality tags do you use or do you just use none of them?
Insane bait tactics or we legit have newcuties over here?
fuck that, ill be more proactively schizo and assume that because i went from 1000 to 960 ill multiply LR by 1000/960
Forget pony and just download illustrious, Smooth version.
Why are so many sample images on the noobai page missing their prompts?
secret techniques do not steal
I think it's obvious why.
Prompters need to keep their prompts secret to stay relevant.
Once you know how to replicate a prompt, the prompter ceases to be useful, since the consumer can just make their own, no longer needing your knowledge.
>make an illustrious version of a lora
>people on Civit use it with pony only
The IQ on Civ has dropped so much in the past year, it's frightening.
Another anon posted a comment on the noob page where someone is asking for a "pony version". These people are genuinely retarded.
can you lora extract a lora with the weights that would turn illus into pony and vice versa?
>batch size 16 lora with 300 steps looks noticeably better than the batch size 9 lora with 700 steps and the batch size 9 lora looks better than the batch size 3 lora with 2000 steps
it's so over
Ponyv6/PonyXL is a model trained by my little pony fans back in 2023, where instead of previous training attempts, where the dataset was mostly pony-based art from derpibooru, they decided to include datasets from various other boorus (rule34, e621 (furry booru). In total it was finetuned on 2.5 million images-ish, where the anime dataset only equaled to about 1/4 of the entire set (around 500-600k.)

While the inclusion of rule34 and e621 made pony very good at both western adult cartoon art and furry porn, and other niche nsfw concepts, there were issues with training the model, the model itself, biases it had, plus some decisions made by the creator (Astralite).

Lets start with the decisions by Astra during training. They decided to be "ethical" and hash artists and certain characters behind letter/number combinations, while keeping the codes to said artists and characters to themselves.
This was only discovered months after the release because users here found out that certain three-letter combinations resulted in otherwise previously thought removed or pruned artists/characters (e.g prompting for aua gave you Houshou Marine. If you prompted for Houshou Marine directly, you would get nothing that resembled her).
There is no real explanation to why Astra did this, and why it specifically was for Touhuo and vtubers - and hashing certain artists to "protect them" didn't make sense either.
During training of the model the learning rate was cranked up high midway through training, which resulted in the model being very hard to fine-tune and train loras on later.
Due to the majority of data being western and furry art, a lot of biases from those two art categories seeped into anime pictures as well (3D style shading, sepia, realistic style, etc.) which even with loras and prompting for artists was really hard to remove.

It was a revolutionary model at the time for cooming and proompting, but it was not without it's issues.
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as anon said this lora is pretty good, probably because there's tons of megami mazagine in illu already
I've spent a month or two writing AI cards and I've never had something like that happen, even after I explained the structure and how I make them in detail, is the average SD user that much smarter/more determined than sillytavern users or something?
>go over my old dataset to add it to my new one
>it was like 75% images with lower resolution than my minimum bucket of 768
i did not realize it was so bad
nothing anymore
information wants to be free. like boobs.
ty, this is giving me flashbacks to 20 years ago
Why are you all responding to a reposted reddit thread?
I will be voting for Kamala Harris
Pony refers to a family of SDXL models derived from Pony Diffusion XL V6. It's a very heavily fine tuned model (opinionated as some would say) intended for character art, safe for work and otherwise. Pony models are notable for having an extremely good understanding of human anatomy and poses, far better normal SDXL models do. It is also one of the few SD models that can do interacting subjects somewhat reliably and also can do things like upside down humans that other models are basically incapable of. It is also extremely good at following prompts, assuming you prompt it in the correct format, due to how meticulously the training images were curated, tagged and captioned. It wants to be prompted using booru tags. See the pony diffusion page on civitai for specifics on how to prompt it.

Pony XL is probably one the best models out there for NSFW stuff, which is what it is most prominently used for. But it should be stressed that it also does most other things within the realm of character art very well too. As it is specialized for character art, it doesn't do stuff outside that realm well and even getting it to do things like candid (i.e. natural, unstaged looking images) can be tricky as it's training is predominantly portraits. It can be difficult to get it to draw pictures without people in it sometimes.
sorry i'm like really bored
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What checkpoint is Tofuro using? it looks so good
I wish what Trump said does happen

He supposedly said that if Harris wins, Christians will not be left alone.

And I hope that this comes true. Seeing how religion is besieging your government and attempting to practically bring back the Middle Ages, I do hope that they're not left alone. That the kid gloves will finally be removed and that religion will be heavily restricted in public spaces. That the anti-human extremists among the religious are dealt with as such. That religious exemptions and citing religious beliefs when making laws, decisions and rulings are outlawed.
its nai
tell me your favorite waifu and i'll put her into a high g training centrifuge for pilots/astronauts free of charge.
its pony
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I have to retrain my loras again for illustrious... then again for whatever comes out after that, then again for the inevitable flux or sd3.5 thing
We need trump to win so he can put in place baseline 20% tariffs causing a global trade war and further raising the price of GPUs.
This was known since day one.
no way it isn't pony?
yeah but imagine how much traffic your pixiv will get after the us bans porn
Rio is always a win
Yeah, but what checkpoint? I'm guessing this isn't just plain V6
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my almonds have been activated
how do you retards even think about e6 dataset eating up booru dataset on noob and making it a furry biased model
are you all fucking stupid niggers or what
e6 dataset is close to 4m while booru dataset on noob is close to 8m, it's literally double the amount of pics being used for anime sources only, it's impossible for the e6 dataset to completely negate the booru knowledge since the amount of pics between each dataset is very high, and even though it could make some artists to biase towards furry, the model is not that fucking stupid and you could obviously use furry tags on negatives, unless the model is incredibly overfitted (i.e naiv3)
the reason why pony is biased towards aco garbage furry brony tasteless aesthetics is because he "balanced out" the datasets
he did 500k of each source, i.e 500k pics for anime, 500k pics for e6, 500k pics for derpy... but this decision was retarded because the majority of pics are non-anime and biases towards aco and shit, 500k e6 and 500k derpy is already enough to make the model to biase towards that fucking shit overall
and to top of it, he fucking fried the text encoder and did x100 unet lr
but regardless, what did you expect from a person who masturbates thinking about baby horses? a sota anime-focused model? seriously??????
Too high effort.
Based schizo retard
A McCunny with fries
but is it any good, at least for a base to use for finetunes? the gens i saw last time were so incredibly melted, smudged and smeared that i thought it was sd1.5 but bigger res, hands were incredibly shit too
how come the highest effort posters and the only reasons to come to these threads anymore are the cunny posters but then they are villainized and reported from even being able to post here?
yes loras are a flawed tech which is why there needs to be a standardized way to package dataset inside the safetensors to at least let people easily retrain.
Because they refuse to post to an appropriate board and instead post their garbage here? would you want high-effort yaoi and scat posts here just because someone else likes them?
because high effort doesn't excuse them being retards
Last time it was the 2B model, though. This time is the 8B model. Also, it's the only big model available that can be trained. Flux didn't release the weights, so it can't be trained like XL, etc.

You can stack lora on top of lora until you get what you want, but that's likely impractical for something like an anime finetune.
Even though Pony isn't a large corporation, I feel like it's running into the same paralysis that comes from high expectations that such corporations always seem to fall into.

Dates from initial commits on Huggingface:

Pony v1: Sep 30, 2022

Pony v2: Oct 28, 2022

Pony v3: Feb 16, 2023

Pony v4: Mar 15, 2023

Pony v5: Jun 25, 2023

Pony v6: Aug 25, 2023

Actual release dates on Civitai were a bit later, v6 was Jan 7, 2024.

But nothing since then, and a lot of dithering about safety and a lot of talk about monetization...

If anything, Flux and SD 3.5L are demonstrating that the community cares less about loyalty and more about whether or not the product is good. If 3.5L is good, people will use it and in doing so, help build it up. If Pony v7 is less functional than v6 due to all the newly-implemented safety standards, and a refusal to integrate with a powerful base model...?

I don't know, I just foresee a flop com
ive gotten one useful tag out of the e621 stuff, "glistening eyes" for catgirl eyeshine in the dark without being explicitly glowing
Realistically you want bad data, but perhaps not really bad data.

There is not enough good and diverse data, so you will always have to lower the criteria so that you model can learn more things, but as long as you know what part of your data is good you can work around it by labeling/DPO/etc.
>le effort
i like good 1girl posts more than le meme posts with le meme effort for the sake of spending time on inpainting which this guy is doing
at least the schizo poster with girl pyramids did something fun
you haven't looked hard enough. even shit like finger count for inpainting is incredibly based. size of the participants. who is getting inside whom. etc.
happy for you or sorry that happened

There are no hashes, only unique identifiers (I know it's a technical detail, but still).

Any characters affected by that is a mistake (there are 100k+ artists names, it is possible at this scale some stuff got mixed up)

Any artists not affected is a mistake (some names slipped through filters, this will be fixed).

I excluded ability to prompt specific artists' styles since early model versions, that's just how things are in Pony land.

You should really consider that Pony is good not despite these choices but because of them.

(commenting here because you got me summoned, but this for the OP)
Companies have a metric shitton of idle compute sitting around. It's getting easier over time to convince a patron Suspiciously Wealthy Furry to help a finetuner out.
lot of yap to say whoever has compute wins. localkeks were stuck with sepiaslop for months because it was the only xl model they had. now they flee the scene acting like they never touched it. then comes illust 0.1 saas scraps and everyone praises it as the greatest thing, trained on 8xa100. then noob comes along and now that's the big deal, trained on 32xh100. nobody is going to magically build stuff for 3.5L, just like they won't for flux. the groups with compute dictate where the community moves.
it didn't work anons, it still says that it "failed to allocate memory"
guess I'll have to get a better GPU then
Interlocked fingers are a fucking nightmare but I try. It's easy getting the fingers that point towards you but the ones that point away are pretty fucking hard
Why all the hate going on around loli? Does smaller female really makes you seethe that hard? Why??? The "fetish" is not even a strong one, the loli gens are literally your usual 1girl sexo but with a smaller female instead, we're not talking about: gay/futa/bestiality/furry/brony/guro/scat... and the list goes on
It's literally as simple as smaller female and that's all, end of story. And so far ITT the loli gens are usually okay or good in terms of quality and effort. I really don't get why can't people get along with it.
my cursory tests of noob looked generally worse than smoothft regardless of artists prompted so it's in the trash
>finger count for inpainting
lol, lmao
>size of the participants
Considering how Astralite was treated by the Stable Diffusion team it wouldn't be surprising if that also played a part in their decision. Bad customer relations will have a long lasting impact.
Pony is 90% data. Models go, data stays. If AF does not perform well, I will reuse 90% of work and keep experimenting.
>we're not talking about: gay/futa/bestiality/furry/brony/guro/scat
This is going to blow your mind but most people react to l*li the same way they react to the others you listed.
Sure I could rank them from what is most offensive to least offensive but I don't want to see any of it.
>now they flee the scene acting like they never touched it
kek it really feels like it
who the fuck cares about loyalty I'll use whatever free model generates the best cunny
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yeah basically
>This time is the 8B model.
i know, the gens i saw yesterday were terrible. that's why i'm saying that
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It's slightly undertrained (a bit like illustrious), that's a minor problem, I think. It's still much better than flux because it doesn't require a science breakthrough to be able to train it. In fact, people could do it right now if they had the compute.
not enough sepia
it's nai, looks like hara (harayutaka) which illustrious and noob know pretty well so you can replicate it on those with his style and stuff like "anime screenshot"
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it's trying its best
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Can I ask if you have any advice for using NAI? It'd be interesting to hear what you figured out about it. Thanks for including the metadata with your post, I noticed you include the artists' names without the "artist:" inclusion. I was told to include that with artist names for NAI, was I misinformed?

No it's a NAI gen, I'm just using an A1111 plugin to use that UI instead of the NAI webui.
She's only for yuri
Found another funny e621 tag. x anus.
That one's actually on Danbooru, too.
like the ones on the chibi animals seen on anime?
does it work on base illust? 275 tags made me think not. already deleted my illust models.
light-skinned male is an e621 tag, meanwhile on danbooru it is considered "pointless"
admittedly the e621 tag doesn't work that well yet
I have no clue but I bet you can kinda get it to work if you're prompting something like a cartoony animal.
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How did you train with only few images?
nothing beats e621 tagging
i had 100 images
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>then comes illust 0.1 saas scraps and everyone praises it as the greatest thing
i mean...illus and noob unironically are for the purposes of this thread, on this board...
that would be nai3
You shall have it:
well i've heard the 8b one takes around 16.7gb of vram just to run it so the model doesn't look promising at all, in fact i think flux handles vram better for being a 12b one, idk man it's not looking good at all and i don't think a finetune would do the trick unless you completely lobotomize the model and still it would take copious amounts of compute for a finetune since the model is very vram hungry
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uh oh, vramlet melty
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From what I've seen Flux is higher quality than SD3, but trainability on consumer grade cards could be a difference maker.
Of gigachad? How? I've thought he has just few photos.
Flux has the same issues, but worse (because no weights, only distilled model, can't train). And memory is a time thing. Flux has basically the same arch as SD3 and it was pretty heavy at launch. SD3 will be optimized, too.

The truth is that SD3.5L is the only trainable big model we have available, so if we want to make a chonky anime fine-tune, there's no other option at the moment. Maybe flux releases actual weights next week and they're amazing, but right now that is not the case.
meme edits, as many high res sleek n tears images as i could scrounge up
flux is untrainable?
based PonyCHAD
How do you train a character that has multiple outfits?
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https://civitai.com/articles/138/making-a-lora-is-like-baking-a-cake has a guide for training multiple outfits.
Was SDXL base unable to gen above 1024x1024 without issues or was the capability to do that introduced with the fine tunes? I question if SD3.5 would be worth using as a base if it can't do >1024.
does the base model know your character at all already? if so get ready for outfit bleed
It looks like the medium model will be able to. There's a good chance the mid model will be a proper replacement for XL. Small enough to fit on most pcs but better than XL in general. We will have to see.
Wonder if we will get to a point where AI actually understands what transparency is. I don't feel like hard baking times new roman into a model is impressive but I think understanding opacity levels would be.
If you wish to retain its knowledge than its almost impossible to train it and even if you succeed it might cost enough to train another flux.
If you do not need its knowledge than its better to retrain it, overwriting everything, or train another model.
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SDXL was trained at 1024x1024 , That means that's what the model understands best, so if you go far outside that range it will start having problems. For instance if it learned a human figure should fix in 1024 pixels tall and you gen 2048 pixels tall, you'll likely get duplicated bodies or other problems.

Unfortunately, SD3 was also trained at 1024 x 1024 . That means it's likely to be effective/ineffective at the same resolutions as SDXL. However, SD3 is supposed to have a lot more knowledge to make it better. But it's worth noting that SD2 was a complete waste that didn't improve over SD1.5 and the initial SD3 launch was also a wash so only time will tell if SD3.5 is good for anything (notice they went straight to 3.5 instead of like 3.1 because SD1.5 was so popular, they're trying to save face).

The anon testing it an posting the results in the thread is doing good work. Thanks SD3.5 testing anon!
Yes this world keeps changing, that's inevitable,
just use captions like this and keep tokens to keep the outfit name at the beginning of the caption file. give each article of clothing of promptable feature one set of tokens that you keep consistent across gens and try to avoid overlap
i've done like seven xenoblade characters at this point and haven't had this issue
this isn't an issue on illustrious(-based models) if you caption things nicely, eg use reasonable tags for the alt outfits
>haven't had this issue
guess i have a skill issue then, could you share your typical config? curious
i've just been tagging everything
i think that it's probably got more to do with captioning than anything
So it was trained at 1024. But what about the actual outputs? Are they better or worse than those of SD3.5? The question is if SD3.5 will be able to achieve the good high resolution performance of models like Illustrious with the same training, or if it'd require more extensive training to get rid of the artifacts and issues that are currently seen at higher resolutions.
i think unfortunately in my case the base model burnt the outfit into the character, and getting it to fully forget it when training in a new one is a bit of a pain
use a different character tag then
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cursed shit
I need (pseudo)scientific explanation for this
What if the pony guy decided to train OmniGen(https://huggingface.co/Shitao/OmniGen-v1)?
There is something fundamentally wrong with 3.5 large because the outputs above 1024x1024 turn into a weird ass noise that I never saw before, that's why you have to tile upscale. They even mention the limitation of it in blog post, and 3.5 medium is supposed to fix it by being modified architecture.
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Its a tranny, trannys have hairy nipples.
are any of those noob vpred merges worth looking at?
No. Illustrious is too far apart from other models
Hmmm, any advice on getting good paizuri invitation gens? Noob seems to vaguely understand what the tag means, but mostly just gives me shots of girls vaguely with their hands on their own tits, instead of spreading them out or something
gonna have to figure out how to train the TE on cpu then, will try tho
box? cool gen
SD3 2b also required tile upscale right
illustrious vs noob eps vs noob vpred, convince me
they each have their pros and cons, sorry anon
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Thanks, just adjusted a prompt I saw on civitAI to be more sexual.

are you a vramlet? just hot swap to test
you told it to draw hair under black triangles on a girl shape, do the math
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That's good to know, thanks for the heads up. It's a shame that SD3 seems to be struggling so much, I'm really hoping either it or Flux can surpass SDXL for consumer gens.

could u elaborate a bit on each? thanks
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Eh I guess it can get it sometimes. I suppose I just have to play the gacha
noob eps blows smooth/illust out of the water. I hear vpred is novel but not good.
are there any alternatives in pony though? there are way more character loras avaiilable in pony
Can someone tell a newfag the applicable differences of vpred versus vepsilon?
no pony is the only model that exists kill yourself
eps-pred kills colors and dynamic range
v-pred + ztsnr fixes that
more accurate and dynamic color gamut
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this >>8275828
and also it effectively fixes this
in addition to the color thing my understanding is that epsilon is always trying to find a signal in the noise, even when there shouldn't be one. this is why you see epsilon models frequently refuse to give a flat color background, whether it be pitch black or not.
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i thought this was something unrelated to vpred + zsnr
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technically that's the whole point of zsnr specifically, it achieves sigma_max=+inf because it forces the model to predict something from pure noise (without adding any signal to noisy latents)
if I understood correctly it's technically possible to fix it without ztsnr but ztsnr fixes it so there's not much point in not using ztsnr
bra visible through shirt - sexoooo!
was going to write something but >>8275841 described it nicely. it's also why even for the eps model doubling the sigma value should theoretically be a benefit to the model.
>A rule of thumb is that if you double the canvas length (quadrupling the canvas area): you should double sigma max (quadrupling the noise variance) to maintain SNR
you need to think stupider
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Clingy hag
raunet or deep shrink on noobai? whats the best settings?
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Indeed, I was glad to notice that too.
not really, it also works in practice as shown by https://huggingface.co/playgroundai/playground-v2.5-1024px-aesthetic, they use sigma_max=80 with epsilon prediction and they kinda do achieve much better blacks and composition
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What exactly are the strengths of Illustrious?

I take it that innate artist knowledge is better and prompt adherence yeah? I can't seem to get a sharp picture out of it though, it's kinda frustrating. I'm at the point I fear I have a bad install.

Not trying to start shit flinging either. I'm just fiddling and trying to learn. My comparison is kinda whatever here, I was trying to compare the output of a simple image with a lora of the same artist.
>Not trying to start shit flinging either.
ip noise issues
here's your (you)
fitting picture
Use noob
>innate artist knowledge is better
>prompt adherence yeah?
>I can't seem to get a sharp picture out of it though
cause illustrious
>I'm just fiddling and trying to learn
illustrious is already dead. noob eps is a straight upgrade in 99% of areas.
>I was trying to compare the output of a simple image with a lora of the same artist.
you're retarded. loras don't work across models like that.
also the images you want to make disgust me.
>noob eps is a straight upgrade in 99% of areas
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Is that an actual thing or?
Dude, I promise you, I have no loyalty to a model. I've been here since before AnythingV3
I am using Noob. To be specific those are noobaiXLNAIXL_earlyAccessVersion and autismmixSDXL_autismmixDPO in the picture.
>you're retarded. loras don't work across models like that.
They are different loras, but loras of the same artist, made for their respective model.
>also the images you want to make disgust me
??? it's just a big titty woman standing, what do you know about what I gen anyway lol

I'm going out on a limb asking you guys,specifically because I've seen some great gens posted made with Illustrious models, but I can't replicate the sharpness or cleanliness or what have you of those pictures. Hell, I can't replicate 99% of seed for some reason. I even admit I might have some fucked settings or a bad install.

Come on man, I'm just asking.
>Is that an actual thing or?
download epsilon pred 0.5 version and try again and also post a box
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>dont do internships, they dont even pay you
>the internship:
I've heard that if you have a 3d model of a character for something like Koikatsu, making a lora is way easier. What do you actually need to do with it? Just pose it in a lot of poses and take the transparent background pics?
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If only
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least grotesque hagpost
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kys pedo
add "onee-shota" to the tags please
boys don't fight, smaller or bigger females are both females
females are sexy, am i right?
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If i do that i get banned it will make the guy to small
these are incredibly hot
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careful bro, tentacles go on /d/
yeah, >>8275782 is an example.
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Can you elaborate a bit anon? Doesn't seem to be a setting I can change, and what chatGPT tells me it is sounds like a thing done during training.
I mean, sure, I can try that. Give me a sec.

Also how do you guys inpaint for adding detail?
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>I'm going out on a limb asking you guys,specifically because I've seen some great gens posted made with Illustrious models, but I can't replicate the sharpness or cleanliness or what have you of those pictures. Hell, I can't replicate 99% of seed for some reason. I even admit I might have some fucked settings or a bad install.
i don't know what more to tell you if you can't just look at someone's catbox and replicate it. it's as simple as plug and play; clearly there is a problem on your end if it's not working
good filename but where is her anus
between smushed cheeks
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>before and after,2koma,open mouth,mouth grab,pov hand....
why not attach an image as an example
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noob so unsure if doing it right

it's nai (it has stealth metadata)
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im retarded. thanks anyways
hirune lora?
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So for reforge and the noob vpred model, there are the settings and it should work fine?
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I dare say this one is pretty decent
for my eyes only :3
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Some art is good, some is bad, and while this is subjective, enough people agree on which is which to train a model to understand broadly what you mean when you say 'yes, like that, but make it gooder'
care to share that lora? first decent box I've seen in a while
Catbox pls?
I updated Reforge. Why I don't see it in my setting?.
I've tried doing the 'low res using model with good coherence, upscale using model with good detail' thing
If there's a trick to it, I couldnt find it. Upscale with low denoise adds negligible detail, anything noticible starts trying to redraw the picture into something completely different, arms becoming legs etc.
based girl but you might get zapped for tentacles
ty anon

i'm on the dev_upstream branch
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I did not make it, another cool anon baked it.
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Oh, I'll just wait for main update.

Post some comparison screen when you have the time.
yeah I think in your case it was just the early access version of noob being bad. also if you want that nyalia tag to actually do anything you're going to have to go get that lora too
reforge guy here (dying bcz no sleep), prob won't be coming to main soon since it uses code from future comfy that isn't implemented there (for compability porpoises).

If applying those changes directly, it would break some og forge things
lora here if you want it, good enough until i start baking again https://mega.nz/folder/zzZSFZAa#YZDbED0Af8SYeMb5FscJPQ
Understandable. Sleep well soon.
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Neat. Thanks again.
>They are different loras, but loras of the same artist, made for their respective model.
Ah less dumb than I thought but still dumb. You're no longer comparing models at that point, but loras.
right model. immediately better.
try without quality tags in the positive. use the full schizo negs.
>which ones?
either the one on illustrioous HF or the one on the civit previews for noob.
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Yeah, it's hirune on noobnai .5. I'm doing a version 2 that's not just a dump of shit from danbooru and autotagged comic pages but it's slow going, don't have a lotta time for this stuff lately. Here's the initial version. Tends to give dudes HUGE testicles. Hope to have a better version in a couple days.

a box on its own won't really help.
lowres https://files.catbox.moe/kalo98.png
bad lowres scribble to fix the hand and insert a penis blob https://files.catbox.moe/orz1tu.png
upscale with adjusted prompt https://files.catbox.moe/mog5eu.png
oh whoops. flip the lowres and lowres with bad scribbles with penis blob order. they're all still there, tho.
also goes without saying but there was a lot of detail added/redrawing done in post after upscale.
anon whats ur favorite tag?
ty anyways

What's the difference between noobnai and illustrioous? Are they autismmix and pony version?
whats up with all these stupid fucking questions today
if it helps you can get sort of similar with stuff like this
but I wanted a really specific type of composition so I broke it up to reduce pose rng and get it to do exactly what I wanted.
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at least take me out to dinner before you start asking personal questions
ah ok thanks, do u find that regular euler a is better than smea?
based redrawer
that one
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+100 Buzz added to your CIVITAI account!
I don't use euler A. Plain jane regular Euler is king since it actually has a real convergence point(this is important if you want to use a controlnet).
I use smea DY on upscale but that's because I'm doing really stupid shit with controlnet tile and cranking denoise to .8 and it actually works well for that purpose for abstract reasons I don't want to get into.
I haven't really tested smea DY for regular t2i on illustrious/noob but from what I remember it had weird issues of being really stiff from seed to seed and would have weird prompt issues where some things would need a lot more emphasis than it should otherwise to come through.
>smea DY on upscale
oh it's you. nvm
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Made my dick disintegrate, thanks chief.
any tips for styles when animating gens? I know the software, but idk of any styles that don't have that clutter mess feeling
so, you're looking for very clean lowish detail styles?
>Hires upscaler: 4xNomos8kSC.pth
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What song is playing while you fuck this cunny
>lowres https://files.catbox.moe/kalo98.png
fyi this has no metadata anon, only the upscale with adjusted prompt one does
i dont know what to say

yes, check the other lowres catbox. I mixed the two up when posting.
muh, komas in dataset is le bad they said
>pov hands
how did I not know of this tag
kayokobox plz sir
ah i see
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ahhh yes that's hot
I'm too lazy, good night
look at that color range though..
why is this notable
just haven't seen that upscaler before. if you're the anon using it, how is it?

is that bad
>is that bad
nah. i was just joking
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There is stealth png info in both uploads



Illustrious is base sdxl and noob is pony in your analogy, except illustrious is capable of hentai, anime artists and characters and noob isn't a fried piece of shit like unlike pony
cunny posters who can stand /b/ post low-effort garbage, those who are high effort figure it's more worthwhile to catbox here.
>pony le bad
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Excellent pic
I don't want to keep doing schizo tests with the current version of noob, the same sampler and upscaling method don't work with all my style mixes for some reason, there's an ETA for the next version?
motion lines
especially an eta for another vpred version. i've been training vpred loras for noob but it feels like a waste when the vpred model for noob is such an early bake
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This one?
Anyone else feel like Civitai has hindered ai progress as a whole from the sheer amount of misinfo and retards it popularized local with? The fact that some of these people have even managed to install the most braindead of UIs is amazing. Pony was likewise a massive mistake and step back
why do i have this feeling that using illustrious as base to bake noob wasnt a good idea?
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There's been no word, they don't really update us, just randomly upload a new model out of no where. You could maybe ping lax on discord and ask but there's a chance he ignores it, doesn't see it or gives some non answer in engrish
opposed to using what, exactly? what problem are you imagining it'd introduce? with the amount of compute they have they could train it til the model doesn't even remember what illustrious was if there was a need to
same. I'm going on a 4 day vacation away from compute so if I'm lucky some trickle of a model appears by the time I'm back.. feels wasteful to finetune by lora params on the current vpred model since more training would probably make the bakes more effective
Probably. I'm more annoyed my images went from getting 30+ reacts and new followers to 1 or 0 overnight. Did they fuck up their algo? Was I shadow banned? I want my stupid, retarded, pointless anonymous validation back.
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Perfect Asuna
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We might be cooking.
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I think of the fact that of the people who are using AI, there's a disappointing amount who know how to code a neural net with numpy or whatever language is just the same thing as the large majority of computer/smartphone users being unable to use a cli terminal even if their life depended on it
Making technology widely accessible just inevitably leads to relative technological illiteracy
>hindered ai progress as a whole
in the open source community? absolutely. as a whole? not at all.
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Are those horizontal lines product of your artists mix? I'm getting those on almost everything I inpaint now for some reason and it's getting really really annoying
localsisters... they're making fun of us again...
Is there a tag for front view? There's from behind and from side, but I don't know what's the tag for front view.
kurumuz... go bake your next nai instead of shitposting, you'll go bankrupt.
Facing viewer?
I wish there was a way to high res fix an image after inpainting
nonco, but it's using a lora I trained on noobai
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Isn't this button it?

Regardless, highres fix is just img2img. Set your parameters and make it bigger, sonny.
high res fix is just the lazy as fuck garbage way to upscale.
it used to be "different" but it's literally been i2i upscale on the same seed for over a year now.
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It's likely, changing the artist mix makes them appear less.
>i2i upscale on the same seed
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So i'm not actually crazy, it's some artists tags doing this shit not the sampler
Highres fix is different than img2img.Txt2Img Highres fix performs the Upscaling in latent space without converting to pixel space. Img2Img converts pixels to latent (and looks shittier imo).
you can upscale in the img2img tab.
"highres fix" is literally doing that but "automatically" using the same seed that the gen came from(there is absolutely zero benefit for using the same seed, it'll construct the image entirely differently at higher resolutions).
highres fix is just a lazyman option that restricts settings and only gives you a single output rather than letting you generate multiple across multiple seeds for variation comparison.
Many chink artist started doing those horizontal lines recently
Also found this shit the other day on which further fuelled my schizo tests
Was this always a thing?
Pedo warning
>Check my gens folder
>It's 66% grinding/frotting or any kind of foreplay
Why am I like this? Is foreplay, like, actually hotter than the real deal? Or I'm just crazy and a weirdo?
Using noob vpred fucked up my adetailer, it's making faces noisy. Any ideas? I'm using reforge, and changed the sampling properly.
adding tokens, no matter what they are or their strength will change the output.
Models are just worse at sex. Less of the training data is sex and more is sfw + questionable (foreplay) content. There's a reason why 1girling gives the highest quality results.
The "sex" concept with by far the most data is blowjobs, which is why blowjobs usually end up on top in terms of generation quality out of any sexual act.
adetailer has a bug with vpred right now, when it tries to start generating it does it with the vpred option turned off and thus leads to what you're experiencing, currently there's not option right now to tell adetailer to gen using vpred option turned on
>Why am I like this?
because good taste
Oh I see, it was just noise then? the artist tag at 0 of strength it's not some sort of tech?
so which sampler/scheduler on noob?
mine can't even detect the faces if I use a vpred trained lora.. just wastes my time and gives me another copy of the same image
there is read, the archives
>Is foreplay, like, actually hotter than the real deal?
Nah, that's okay. I like genning yurishit, girls kissing and groping girls is hot as fuck.
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How would I prompt for areolas that fade into the skin tone?
pretty much.
you do get different details that come in/out/construct differently with *different* tokens that you're using but it's still just changing the noise up a bit as opposed to doing anything actually meaningful.
>find a tag
>find an artist
>bake a lora
>just do it yourself in photoshop
There's no specific tag for that, as fra as I know. You use artist tag/lora who does that.
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Funny how you say that, even though I'm using NAI and honestly grinding/frottage is at least 6 to 10 times more RNG than actual sex gens. Same goes for pony and noob, so far from what I've tested. I don't think current models sucks at sex, this case feels more like it's about "taste" rather than "it sucks or not at doing sex".
Excellent taste, and excellent Sylvie. May I ask for metadata?
Shieeet. Well it can probably work fine with a lora through adetailer breast model.
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Cool what artist style is this?
why does it brings me back aco pony vietnam memories?
I miss pony so fucking much...
try something like
no nipples, covered nipples
or [no nipples:covered nipples:.3]
or [no nipples:nipples:.7], covered nipples
(can't remember if this syntax is properly correct or not)
its pony
seems to be nai from what he said, but judging by the .jpg he did some postprocessing so its unlikely the pic has metadata
its noob
its vpred
wtf thats nice, box?
its not

not what? you might wonder

your waifu, its not real
anon... you're not real?
based detector
What dim/alpha is good for a character lora with 2 main outfits and 2 more unofficial outfits?
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working example with using
[no nipples:nipples:.8], covered nipples
though this is probably best case scenario type of thing and might run into weird issues, or something.
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I only have husbandos
why is this so jagged and artifacted
Oh yeah I had totally forgotten about that prompt method, this seems to be working. Awesome, thanks!
it's art
Huh, I remember seeing tomls with like 8/6 linear and 6/3 conv
I've been out of the loop for months; so 3.5 is out now and it's being compared against Flux; what's Flux? New model? New UI? What's the deal?
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not much, you?
I look like this
I dont wanna work
nice, sexy af
don't we all
Is pony still the go to? I've been out of the loop.
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Just got a message on pixiv by a japanese guy who wants to commision me. Wtf? Do people actually still pay for this stuff?
I've scrolled through the thread twice and couldn't find kaisa.
Yes they do
what did he want commissioned
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what do you mean still, people have been and will be paying for porn until the end of time
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what sort of hellish wageslave job do you have, I remember you complaining for months
what artists
Only said "あなたの作品を購入したいです", and hasn't replied yet.
I guess I'm just wondering why he asked me. Don't really think my stuff is anything special
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A bunch of them from a messy prompt I found on civitAI

artist: tsukushi akihito, artist:quasarcake, artist:dino \(dinoartforame\), artist: healthyman, artist: ssambatea, artist: chii (tsumami tsumamare), <lora:nyalia:0.6>
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This is by far my favorite model for imagen. Having All the character and artist tags really is a blessing. Still not as much detail as Pony, but it's the best one out there that isn't Pony. If there is, would love to hear about it
I mean I have nothing else to go off, and I just assumed they wanted it to be easy to understand, cause my profile screams gaijin.
Probably a pajeet scam bot doing the classic check scam
and it's only hald way done training
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here you go

I love civitai comments
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lol that's pretty cute, the guy's combined with her hand to create the heart sign.
I like it too
who's on the left and right?
me (i have long arms)
lmao glad to see somebody else finds it nearly impossible to get the heart gesture without a literal heart appearing in the middle. it takes some weird prompting to get rid of it and even then it's not reliable
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to be fair illust does have this weird thing with hfix removing detail that pony doesn't
Not gonna risk a ban again
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CN-posetest-v2 works tolerably well enough. This is a reprise of an older pic with the previous version. First try.
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I can confirm that it is a lot more obedient, even when fed shit drawings.
doing god's work anon
snatched this shit instantly when I stumbled upon it on civit
what kind of image does it take as reference?
lol yeah it seems to be heavily trained on that.
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Because some danbooru tags are retarded
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I added dangling legs, and put the weight at around 0.6 and step at 0.75 to give it more room to breath.
I know a while ago there were people converting regular porn clips into hentai diffused videos but they weren't quite stable or fast enough. Has that side of the work been improved yet?
yeah they also miss a lot of things too.
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"Stay away from my waifu."
Yoooo catbox? I love me some horror vibes and this is a nice style

Oops I failed to stay away...

It's fine anon, he'll come set the record straight when you're asleep.
Um miss what are you holding there
I'm more interested in where's her nipples
Thank you anon, I'll make sure to never sleep again
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Secondary test, different image. As you can see, even a rough doodle is enough, provided they resemble people.

using forge?
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You can't handle the truth.
Why is it so shiny
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just helping finish up the thread
You made me nostalgic for Frank Frazetta.
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The End.
Highlighterino status?!
anyone got a txt file with all the artists in the booru?
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New Thread:

cunt boys go in /d/
Gee, bill, TWO Ganondorfs?
box please? will you upload the lora anywhere nonco anon?
(itou junji:0.6), (diathorn:0.6), horror \(theme\), creepy, scary, dark, chromatic aberration, glitch, (dissolving:1.2), silhouette, black background, pov, steam, fog, faceless, smoke, 1girl, 1boy, (evil smile), medium breasts, nude, (shadow girl), tongue out, saliva string, saliva drip, (femdom), veiny penis, testicles, precum, imminent fellatio
Negative prompt: mature, thick thighs, sketch, unfinished, text, japanese text, worst quality, bad quality, bad hands, very displeasing, extra digit, fewer digits, jpeg artifacts, signature, username, muted color, watermark, artistic error, censored

Maybe could add a small weight to "realistic" too.
who's style is this?
So is the style here to look like plastic figurines? I'm sorta digging it.
catbox pls?

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