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KFC done RIGHT Edition

Previous Thread: >>8278356

A1111: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge | Alternative version (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
Comfy: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

Pony: https://civitai.com/models/404802 | https://civitai.com/models/288584 | https://civitai.com/models/257749
Illustrious: https://civitai.com/models/795765
Noob: https://civitai.com/models/833294

NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples | https://openart.ai/workflows/templates
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070 | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
Illustrious-related: https://rentry.org/illustrious_loras_n_stuff
Useful Nodes/Extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgnew/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

Previous Thread Highlights



kill yourself
kill yourself
give it up for week 4 of "you guys will be crawling back to pony in a week"!
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literally nobody said this ever outside of your delusions
Now be a good boi and post in my thread :)
I'm not hinting at anything
but like, if catbox goes down at the end of each thread...
2 more weeks buddy!
It's pretty telling that there's only a single known poster still on pony in these threads. Makes the whole song and dance preeeetttyyy obvious.
some people on the other generals unironically think this though which is hilarious
More like astralite will be crawling back to hit old employer begging to give him back the job he quit so he doesn't starve.

Perfect, thanks anon.

So will start with:

--v_parameterization --zero_terminal_snr --scale_v_pred_loss_like_noise_pred --debiased_estimation_loss

If for example I want to train on the noob non v-pred model, it would be just:


And then some noise? Or is min_snr_gamma better than debiased_estimation_loss when not using vpred?
Oh yeah it's that 1 (one) schizo
which one? on /edg/ it's literally a single retard and on /ddg/ they don't want to switch beacuse dicks aren't good enough yet on noob or something
kill yourself
yeah i was mainly thinking of the one retard from /edg/ but i bet there's some more on trash or b that have trained loras on pony and stupidly feel they're too committed to switch (i can't emphasize how retarded of an outlook this is to have)
so much more fun to watch what the horsefucker does now, no longer being chained to his model.
Any tips to improve performance on a 4090 on Reforge? I'm using "--always-gpu". Should I be using anything else?
hello fellow 4090 anon
set COMMANDLINE_ARGS= --xformers --pin-shared-memory --cuda-malloc --cuda-stream --always-gpu
I thought xformers was enabled by default on reforge as the readme lists "--disable-xformers" will try the others, thanks.
they probably are, check at the bottom of the webui and it'll let you know. i just never bothered removing it from my start bat
>Or is min_snr_gamma better than debiased_estimation_loss when not using vpred?
Debiased should be better with epspred as well, but some retards swear that they get better results with minsnr.
This is a child.
out of ten!
dont worry bro, its just a petite adult woman™
2000 years old (it's a hag)
samefagging intensifies
Just threw tony into a dumpster
do it for EPIC too while you're at it
Sorry bro, we love EPIC now.
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Really liked your prompt on last thread, made a couple changes so it looks like she was burning the guy to death
keep going noodlekek
give up and die noodletard
>Or is min_snr_gamma better than debiased_estimation_loss when not using vpred?
AFAIK they do two different things. min_snr_gamma scales the loss on lower timesteps, debiaed estiamtion loss scales the loss of the higher timesteps. the timesteps are effectively what % of the original image is visible, with the lower timesteps being 100% noise and the highest timesteps being 0% noise. i think that both are effectively preventing individual images from having outsized effects on the timesteps that they effect.
i have used both since they were added to sd_scripts at least a year or two ago and desu debiased estimation loss is completely ass and will do nothing besides prevent your model from learning certain details. min_snr_gamma can prevent your lora from learning fucked up anatomy with certain datasets but is otherwise useless. i'm not sure if this also applies to train_sdxl.py or if it's localized to just train_network for whatever reason, or if there's an issue with training at SDXL resolutions since debiased estimation loss worked fine with sd 1.5.
why is it so erotic?
it's NAI
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Do you mean that either snr min gamma or debiased estimation loss aren't needed? I see, but then, debiased estimation as well or it is different vs debiased estimation loss?
What's happening here, anon?
not necessary. i think that min snr gamma can have a use case but in my experience that's basically when you're training an artist with a lot of fucked up poses that the ai isn't good at recreating
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Different anon, thanks for the info, this is what I understand so far
For vpred models, it's either

--v_parameterization --zero_terminal_snr --scale_v_pred_loss_like_noise_pred --debiased_estimation_loss


--v_parameterization --zero_terminal_snr --min_snr_gamma
Doing reverse search of this picture on every big engine on my friend's house!
Why do you have to see children everywhere, especially on hentai board? Normal people don't engage in such behavior. Seek help.
nta but this is basically correct yes. you should probably set a value for min snr gamma, i like 10
I understood the same as well, now as >>8280786 anon said that either are necessary, will try with just

--v_parameterization --zero_terminal_snr
Shupo stacking
'why does 40010prototype not work on noob, he has like 200 images on danbooru'
>a crapton of duplicates, some monochrome images, and his artstyle is only really recognisable by today's standards for about 100 of those aforementioned bad images

might work on the final version though?
Any development on hentai animation? Or are we still stuck on SD 1.5 animatediff?
Impressive. Very nice. Let's see anon's base prompt.
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Because I'm a pedophile, duh. Are you retarded?
It's DED, Jim.
Wondering, does batch size affects (using higher batch sizes) negatively? Like 1 vs 5.
Figured. XL huh? The only XL one for Midari on shitai looks so generic but guess I'll give it a shot. Thanks for the idea, anon.
I'll never post my boxes.
You will never steal my prompts.
>go to the /trash/ slop thread
>It's ALL NAI metadata
so thats where the good pics are?
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People don't want to play with a billion settings and install shit on their PCs. It's logical. SaaS is almost always more mainstream for a reason.
localbros, one day...one day...
depends on what you mean by negatively. i can't tell you on the difference in the effects of batch size between different settings (minsnrgamma vs debiased estimation etc), but generally you can't just increase batch size without changing other settings and expect the same results. you need a higher lr for higher batch sizes. unless you're really deep into experimenting with stuff i'd stick with 1 or 2. purely off of my experimentation i'd say higher batch sizes have benefits aside from faster training (sometimes the way it generalizes better can be a plus) but there's diminishing returns. it also takes more compute to train at higher batch sizes
catbox died
>catbox fucking died
Why is catbox always so fucking dogshit?
Either it's slow as fuck or it's dead. Upgrade your shit servers.
it's free anon. be thankful it even exists in the first place
stuck permanently hosting terabytes of garbage loli gens and unused loras
>Complains about a free service being unavailable and tells the creator to spend the nonexistent money they are earning
Maybe pay for the upgrade yourself then faggot
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>crash eet
So is plenty of other services and they don't suck fucking ass, but they're slightly less convenient, come up with a better excuse faggot.
Why don't you, if you think paying them is actually going to make any difference?
They delete unactive shit after a while
I'm genuinely surprised that it hasn't been shut down for good yet
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oh really? name another free service that let's you upload images uncensored with metadata indefinitely without an account or moderation. i'll wait
why is it so good?
woah, deliver box pls
This happened because someone badmouthed NAI
>clochette lora keeps generating the younger sister as a loli instead of a shortstack if i use any height/size difference related tokens at all
wow epic danbooru gold content ftw
It dies on the regular these day
>without moderation
Literally nothing, not even catbox.
Every single host is subject to takedowns. Only way around it is torrents.
You don't need indefinitely for single images anyways, so gofile is a really good alternative.
It keeps files for as long as there are some who download every now and then.
If someone wants your gen 1 year from now, then fuck them for trying to dig up old trash.
Maybe they take down loli, but loli makes up for a small percentage of catboxes around here, so it's a non-issue.
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did not expect to see Kiara in this board
i didn't mean literally no moderation, but catbox is unironically as good as it gets
>decided to troll some retarded normalfaggot who can't handle a loli butt without kvetching
>got (you)d by fellow pedo
>as good as it gets
So is gofile. The only difference is ease of use.
Catbox breaks often and is dogshit slow.
Gofile can't embed like catbox but is fast and is much more stable.
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Be aware I did these in an unnecessarily dumb way using forge couple
>check trash
>curious what other AI threads there might be
>there are a total of 7 different /blacked/ generals
>close the tab
What the fuck
R-really? Haha.. w-weird. Think I'll go make fun of them..
You sound like a redditor
Beat you to it

Then beat to it
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Absolute horseshit lmao
1flower straight chads.....
not a bad idea if it was actually trained on booru tags. if i want to replicate a gen or learn more tags i tend to take the generated image and run in through an interrogator to learn tags i never knew existed
gofile is good but i've seen way more stuff get removed on gofile than catbox

Second one not quite what I was trying to gen but still hot
Based. Hagsissies could never.
You're on one of the greatest runs /hdg/ has ever seen
where's the lora from?
is this the artist? it's a style lora trained on the style of someone's ai generated stuff? lol
Can tell the halos are from Blue Archive but who are those?
>hikari \(blue archive\), long hair, wavy hair, nozomi \(blue archive\), twintails,
they all have metadata anon
Hikari and Nozomi, twins from Blue Archive. They're colloquially referred to as "shupogaki" in the community
nta, if it works, it works
trained on AI=bad is just a cargo cult parrot take without case by case emperical testing
Bratty train lolis
never said it was bad. just found the irony amusing
right, I think more AI pixiv's deserve to be stolen from desu
Weird thing I am starting to notice among AI users is that, they actually want a bit of that fake AI look in their gens these days. Not calling anyone out just a funny trend I am seeing
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I hate asking but can anyone make a pony lora for the vtuber trickywi? We seriously need one that isnt using sd 1.5
kill yourself vtumorfag
Your odds of success are much higher if you gather the dataset and caption them to a good degree
You will have a much higher chance to get that done in /vtai/ as an anon over there takes on making LoRAs. It may take a few tries though.
thank you I didnt know
I lurk there occasionally and there's plenty of local posters, but feels like they come in waves. And funnily even they switched from pony.
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by all means name some good ones anon
>check new models after like two years
>hands are still garbage most of the time
nothing ever happens ig
i wish they didn't remove the ip counter so i could call you out
I like NAI's "fake over-rendered AI look" but still hate the aomslop and pony style. Doing sketch, traditional media gens got old quite fast.
the only thing i remember from these threads is two avatarfags, sadly
Miqotesissies.. she made an impact after all.
hands are way better than two years ago. you must be smoking crack if you think they're anywhere in same ballpark as early waifu diffusion
>pony newfag shitposters
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not waifu diffusion tier but they don't seem much better than AOM back in the day
i'm using that noobai thing from the OP btw
then yeah it's less of an upgrade but they are a lot more consistent. i can actually prompt for hand poses and generally get them at a way more often without inpainting than sd1.5 aom/derivatives
what kind of falseflag is that?

fuck you
Why are you using my prompt, mister?
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what got him seething this early?
is it fun for you?
hot box?
Soft-Spamming is their new black.
Stop using my prompt, mister
is there an interrogator that tags artists so you can steal styles from other people's gens?
Is it that 1 (one) schizo again?
God I hate that 1 (one) schizo
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didn't know that NAI can be almost as good as pony
Don't compare Pony with that garbage
what a weird meltie
what meltie?
Not very kind of you, mister
this is what pony does to a mfer...
why is it so blurry?
it's nai
it's not Pony
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>min_snr_gamma scales the loss on lower timesteps, debiaed estiamtion loss scales the loss of the higher timesteps
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You don't know what you're talking about
Can you not read the plot?
I, in fact, cannot since the Y axis isn't labeled.
but it's not nai?
idk, i just see pussy+boob = good
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why is he melting?
Too old, can hear the bone rattling
Be a hero, give us what we want to see
Don't use my prompt, mister
who are you talking to!?
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I know you guys aren't very fond of Pony anymore, but does anyone have a toml or two for training characters and styles? Or some tips for settings?

I think its still got some use, probably.

Catbox, anon?
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There are shitposters here and there, but really it's just fucking confusing, WHY would anyone subject themselves to using pony now when there are actually good local models out there?
who is "we"
Shut up noodlekek
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Great body shape, what artist did you use?
why is it so dynamic despite it lookin just a bit like pony?
What sampler do people use these days?
what's with the influx if garbage today
Is it illegal to post two in a row?
This guy did it.
>Is it illegal to post two in a row?
>This guy did it.
He has special privileges
I'll try coming back tomorrow to see when I can post one more. Slow thread.
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It's Metata
Only people who made it into highlights can post two in a row. Better luck next thread
It's just one guy posting highlights anonymously, couldn't anyone just... make highlights and post them?
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Only whoever manages to make the first post as highlights. Any other highlights don't count
Impressive security
Yeah, we are very serious about rules here
>tourst namefag
please go back to the shithole you came from
Sorry /b/ sent me here because I "milf spam".
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why are the body proportions so bad?
you should fuck right off back then or go to sdg if you want to namefag/avatarfag
Thanks, just him? Can I get a box for the underboobs one?
You responded to noodlefaggot. Please ignore him and post as much as you like
there's a line we don't cross when shitposting. this is the line anon
Is noodle like your boogieman version of beany from /g/?
go back and tell them to fuck off it's /b/ and you can post whatever the fuck you want there
but here you're just a retarded fucking shitposter who isn't welcome.
Yes, but a real schizo
you responded to the "noodleschizo schizo"
it's really (probably) cathag but it's just a schizo that tries to blame everything on a single ESL that doesn't actually do anything other than post in one of a few consistent art styles
you're still a faget and need to fuck off, though.
For you my friend, anything.

I'll just jack it to your post instead.
keking at noodleschizo
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eps pred v0.75

shit, beat me to it
it's flux
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how did this place devolve so much in like 12 hours
at least there's this
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wrong image. oh well, enjoy the pixels
Europeans went to sleep, Americans were still up
Us sars run this thread, SAR
So... 1.0 in two weeks?
the colors in the previews look kinda washed, how is it in practice
it's 5am eastern
Let's go.
>we're this much closer to getting a new vpred bake
Doesn't seem any different than it's been for the past year roughly
> Deleted
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Yep, it's just metata, here's the catbox
im retarded and didnt see earlier post
im also retarded and saw your post and somehow skipped that one, so good job
what are the differences between noob and illustrious?
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noob is trained on top of illust
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feels like the weaker artists tags (with fewer images in the dataset) have converged a tad better.
gotta tune the ratios for my mixes again...
captcha: KAAHT
based as fuck, please show he pussy please
double dubs checked
box please?
this shit is annoying me, twice now it almost finishes downloading, but fails, and when I retry it doesn't start again!

Brother, you ever heard of download managers? Very convenient for this exact situation.
what are some good settings for adetailer?
yeah gonna use one if this one fails.
More steps for face, force 1024x1024 for face. That's it.
Loli footjobs!
official /b/ raid
No, this is my new home. The milf spam thread.
As opposed to unofficial?
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seems to be able to do 40010prototype a bit better now
i thought it was /g/
i thought it was /pol/
and its still more /h/ than most image posted in these threads
almost everything here is /aco/ right now anyway
I have some but they're too embarrassing to post even via box (quasarcake:0.5, pee stain, armpit hair)
Damn samefags
Are Koreans more /d/ or /aco/? What if they were realistic instead of cartoon.

This is the problem I have with /b/, the loli posters keep sending me to random boards.
korean are asian so they are /h/ as it is like japanese
Is this ironic shitposting or are you really only capable of posting shitty sd 1.5 tier gens in 2024?
yd is korean and every second shitmix has him so gooks are fine
SD1.5 gens faster on my laptop. I save the good stuff for myself.

Not sure that it's that much worse than what the other highlighted posters are posting in the older threads though.
boxes for this pls
Poor Mikan :(
But he's more of a doujin artist, NAI is bad at him too. Just gotta train a lora when the full noob releases.
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at least you faggots are easy to hide
what's wrong with webp?
i can load the metadata from it
>>>/g/sdg will love you
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I feel like Noob 0.75 does him better than NAI does at this point but in all likelihood we'll probs need to wait for the vpred conversion until we can get his shading down pat
don't listen to trolls, keep posting but please make it /h/ and put her nipple out
The more the merrier. The thread is fucking dead
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She's fighting me.
haha so cute! keep it up and keep trying
Tried IllustriousXL but it's crap compared to AutismmixSDXL
Extremely lazy bait
can't believe namefags revived the thread. heroes
Do not underestimate shitmixers
Turns out the heroes were the shitposts we made along the way.
Consensus on SD3.5?
i'm geniunely curious give me one highlighted post that you think your garbage even approaches the quality of. and this is coming from someone who hates the highlight faggot
can you show her ass?
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It's shit.
I couldn't get a pussy on it to save my soul. Kept looking like a Barbie doll.
Also, the hands are like... 3 steps back. If not more.
sir, there's an ayakon post highlighted.
nice bait noddleschizo
based, i love cute korean girls
not even ayakon is that dogshit, and i can't believe i'm saying that
Is that noodleschizo in the room with us right now?
If any of you fuckers were actually in the room with me right now I'd kick your teeth in and beat you up with my bare hands and my biceps
any school you shot today?
The eyes look kinda closer but those noob gens you posted look pretty fucked up otherwise, lol. Just not a lot of good pics on danbooru. It's fine, loras work great on noobtunes anyway
It's Sunday idiot
For /b/tards if it's not aomslop with le "detailed" shading it's bad.
Ayakon is better than the trash those namefags are posting.
>namefags "raid" thread
>image quality of posts plummets
this says more about the other boards than anything and it makes it hilarious. i genuinely hope it's just some shitposters here riling the place up
Yeah having 4 sets of eyebrows is odd lol
>complains about quality of images
>doesn't ever post an image himself
>turns out it actually is some retarded /b/ """"drama"""" spam bullshit somehow spilling over into the thread and not just a resident shitposter with a new tactic
man what even the fuck
why are there so many fagets with so little value for their own goddamn time that that this is the shit that they do
(((they))) didn't want to go to /b/, /b/ came to /hdg/
on /b/ we have a saying about people like him

no gen
no opinion

Brother, it's night time on a weekend. What else am I meant to be doing? This is my off time.
Oh yeah it's all me
based. you will fit in here perfectly. always ignore no gens
why would i bother posting gens given the state of this place at the moment. i'd rather wait 12 hours when it calms down. also fuck off shitposter
anyone that tries to make an identity on an anonymous image board is seeking validation because of a lack of it irl
Yeah it's that 1 (one) schizo
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>noodlekek still seething
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Gonna box this one because it's not really /h/ but I'm pretty hopeful for the full version and vpred version right now

V-pred noobai is next!!
Saten-san is so hot...
What's with that prompt...
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What part of the prompt?
It's only noodletard complaining. Post whatever you want
Bwo the cheek bulge box please. Was trying for this pose for an hour or so other day couldn't get it.
Is that an ishikei lora or baked-in style?
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i unironically can't wait
Ngl it was pretty gacha for me, I did the good old batch size 8 with 2 batches and picked the one that came out right lol

Baked-in style, for some reason Ishikei's Kanade is pretty strong in every model I tried
>foreskin fingers
holy kek
Yeah that was my experience, the biggest issue was the cheek bulge and shit was okay but I couldn't get that slight head tilt so it was some weird straight on and the man's dick went 90 degrees. Oh well time to try 0.75
deeper wider
best post in the thread right now
keep posting
so is there any autotagger than uses the new models but doesnt bug out
Tagger models aren't diffusion models
i meant the new tagger models, i was catching up with last thread
>new models
is there anything newer than the v3 ones? I'm using WD EVA02-Large Tagger v3 and it's pretty good
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just use the a1111/(re)forge webui extension. you just need to go into the py files and add the new taggers
would you mind just pastebinning your file? i tried it but didn't get it in the right place
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not at all. replace \stable-diffusion-webui-wd14-tagger\tagger\utils.py
thanks chief

nah not looking for an AIO solution, the ui of boorudatasettagemanager is still better for actual tag managing (i.e. less clicks to do actions, no wasted space on gradio shit)
>5 steps of Pony and 30 steps of SDXL.
we can tell
it looks like absolute shit
why would you respond to him. you're just giving him a reason to come back
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Seems like my artists look better on 0.5, compared to 0.75 lol
gen doko?
>the ui of boorudatasettagemanager is still better for actual tag managing (i.e. less clicks to do actions, no wasted space on gradio shit)
you wouldn't know until you try it
uhh, you don't get to bring gens
i looked at the screenshot of the interface
lora or no lora?
waifuset is nice. just don't know what half of the buttons do and can't be bothered to read the google translate of euges documentation
just run it with --language en
To the guy mocking my prompt
I do, still no clue what "progress" or regex" or "buffer" do
regex is regular expressions
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did sd 3.5 for forge webui drop yet?
pretty sure vpred is on hold until 1.0 of noob is out
dick fingers...
I'm noticing my images are leaning towards blue more in 0.75.

Like the exact same image with a redish background now is bluish.
that's a very cute style
so never?
That's a child
at least two weeks until they start on vpred probably, considering the time it took from 0.5 to 0.75
do e621 artists work yet?
lllya is currently busy with more important things
Correct, from the model page
>We hope you like this 75% version, and we plan to release 100% of the EPS-Ver next month, and at the same time begin development work on the full version of the V-pred release.
Same, here the artists style is worse so far
Namely this https://github.com/lllyasviel/IC-Light/discussions/98
seems generally better from my limited testing.
get out...GET out....GET OUT!!!

Man, I'm having no luck with 0.75. Tags in negatives somehow keep bleeding into my gens when 0.5 followed it to the dot. Not to mention just the overall gacha outputs. Even tried moving around tag orders and still no dice. Well, occasionally whereas 0.5 just landed what I wanted 4 out 5 times. Think I'll sit on 0.5 for now. I had few complaints.
Thank you for posting actual A/Bs anonie. The colors between 0.5 and 0.75 don't look too bad compares to between base Illustrious and 0.5. Now I continue to wait for vpred+ztsnr...
Learn how to prompt imbecile
nice but i feel like you could have presented this better. as in checkpoint on x axis, artists on y axis, and different grids for different prompts/seeds
it's a furry model now, sir
deal with it
>new discord invitation link
did they shit up the one they were in so bad lax had to nuke it? jesus
how are you managing to prompt NAIv3 to look worse than pony
you are both retards
its nai
someone do an 0.5 / 0.75 x/y plot
see >>8281329
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Think gsusart was better on 0.5 for me
bros I have no creativity, what are some sexy clothes? I can only think of
playboy bunny
crop top + denim shorts
denim bikini
bunny jorts
You are copying my prompts and making them worse

Didn't ask nogens
an xy plot that includes both models in the grid
are you developmentally challenged?
why is this /aco/ poster talking to himself
bunny onesie
just prompt lingerie and let the AI do the job
I mean, I'm doing this for my own sake and just sharing it, not really as an intentional presentation for the rest of the class.
either way presentation is going to be fucked because it's inherently going to be a fuckhuge grid.
that said, part 2, same artists tested but different prompt
seems like .75 is doing 'super deformed' a bit better as a whole(though doesn't seem to be "there" quite yet), hand anatomy seems hit/miss but I don't really consider that as mattering a whole lot in this scenario.
Print bra/panties
The more garish the colors and immature the print, the better :)
But only if it's older girls wearing them.
Doesn't matter, looks cute on smug youngsters and great with older embarrassed girls.
cowprint bikini+elbow gloves+thighhighs
Never trust a vampire.
it would be extremely painful
He's a big guy
no lora
muririn, kobuichi
Is this only single known poster in the thread with us right now?
Yeah I've been testing my old prompts on 0.75 and I'm thinking that 0.5 is better overall...
general coherence feels a lot better than 0.5, there's no major color tradeoff like base illu -> 0.5, but I think I'll be staying on the vpred test+itercomp merge until they release the full conversion because it's just too aesthetically superior
answering my own question: yes, it seems they're finally being recognized compared to 0.5. this is omikuro.
any decent furry artists that i could use for anime
not interested in animals
give artists and i will test
even the no artist one is way better on 0.5 which is already quite telling
sad that model are going backward when training
some of my favorites which should work good for humans as well:
hideki kaneda
kame (3t)
aruurara (on danbooru as inuki (aruurara))
nakagami takashi
great, can't wait for the new sexy "anime" slop
fishine, zankuro,karasu raven,ratatat,chii,yd are improved, rest got significantly worse
different artists, different prompt, 1 seed per artist
and with a different prompt without a character to bleed style

some artists are definitely improved, others might have bleed some concepts to some radnom tag somewhere.
we are regressing back to nai3 levels of artist fidelity. Guess there is no way around loras
Yeah I've just been going through all my old gens page by page and I think I liked all of them better on 0.5

For starters there's a tendency towards brighter colors, more whites

The anatomy is more consistent in exchange for having really odd, often uncomfortable looking posing

The faces seem more broken than before too, multiple eyebrows, eyes are less detailed and more 'melty.'

When I tag one character making physical contact with another character, I'm noticing that the amount of times their arms clip through each other or melt into each other is more prevalent. This is especially noticeable with groping.

Really not sure why it's gotten so much worse either, did they mention changing any settings/datasets?
>try my mix on 0.75
>generally just looks worse and artifacts everywhere
more finger issues in 0.75?
thanks for posting the gens to prove it anonie!
anyways, namako daibakuhatsu actually kinda works on 0.75
Nyalia save us...
Sigh. Back to pony, it seems.
Are you also noticing a trend towards a more blue tone? or maybe it's just the artist I'm using

Hands feel worse so far too.
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also noticed hand clipping
I like the left version more, not shitposting. Don't know if it's closer to the artist or not.
i really wish shitposters would fuck off for a second. just have to get that off my chest
the left version looks nothing like the artist, the right version is clearly learning the style
worse colors and outfit fidelity tho
>why it's gotten so much worse
Did they full incorporate e621 data yet and it's just the start of the blend? I wasn't sure if they'd finished it on the initial 0.5 cause if we're doing that we're adding in a shit ton of just animal limbs and other shit that isn't human.
why the pixels are so much more fucked on the right?
the colors look about the same imo and I was a major noob naysayer when their first demos came out and looked way worse than illustrious
are you being fucking retards as usual or 0.75 really is worse? downloading rn
colors are about the same, anatomy seems al ittle more consistent, artists it knew well are the same or arguably worse, artists it didn't know well improved. seems about right for 0.5 to 0.75
They trained the te this time
just bake the vpred for allah sake
LAX is fucking terrified that some random civijeet will give them a negative review because they can't figure out how to load the model so vpred is delayed another 12 months sorry
Kind of, yeah. Not even just a blue hue but rather a noticeable tendency towards blue in general with backgrounds. And a lot of gradients too

They already had the e621 data in 0.5
You can test it out by prompting furry shit like idk theboogie gardevoir or something. That being said, maybe the model is tipping more towards the e621 dataset now, since it's further removed from typical human-like anime trends? It's the only reason I can think of for the change in colors and anatomy
>It's the only reason I can think of for the change in colors and anatomy
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It isn't looking good noobbros...
There was no reason for random civitsaaaar to use vpred, but if the shiny new top model requires it, they'll be able to handle installing a single fucking extension, it really isn't hard to do. Maybe they're afraid that vpred bake will just fail for whatever reason
show multiple seeds shitposter
Wtf happened to nyamota with 0.75, it's gotten like 4 times worse lmao
well even on left one she has two left legs
deliberate skill issue
no it's probably because they can only train one model at a time and they're already halfway into epsilon so might as well finish it. either way they said vpred after they get 1.0 (which they said is a month from now) so maybe we'll get a decent vpred bake by the end of hte year
add "5 toes" it's a superior e621 tag
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Might've just gacha'd this but 0.75 has consistency with (un)safe sex now?
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vpred is a seamless conversion from your current eps epoch so there's realistically no reason NOT to just commit to it, but you're probably right that the "we've already said we're going to release a 1.0 eps version" is what's going on in LAX's head. it's going to be silly though since vpred is a continued pretrain so it will learn things better than the eps version by the time it's done as well.
That's what we get for including f*rry art in the dataset instead of expanding it with anime screenshots like nai does
Literally what the fuck are you whining about you goddamn schizophrenic
now that the /b/tards are gone, did you all notice how shit their gens were?
yeah I feel like the furry art is affecting the hand quality
should make a new game where we try to guess whether an anon is either a retard or shitposter. we already play it every day here anyways
>now that the /b/tards are gone
are the /b/tards not in the room with us right now?
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I can feel the furry art trying to come through on the side profile....
Training the te on all of that disgusting slop was a mistake. Guess we have to self-fund a vpred conversion of the .5 model
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take jordach money and give it to euge
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you do realize the quality of their gen is the least of their concern? if anything they probably like the fact that its garbage
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the colors are so much flatter...
anyone know why they trained the TE this time?
taking the knot is a low price for a proper rusty trombone!
better colors and closer to artist style, but fucked up toe
foreskin play and rimming is pretty amazing...
They wanted it to learn new characters and artists. If we're lucky it's just a convergence problem... Still, the fact that they were confident to post this, is concerning.
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>better colors
you mean sepia?
cromachina, kumasteam, deadflow
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Same seed, which side is best?
nice. thanks for the stealth metadata anon
that depends entirely on the prompt
illu loras on 0.75 look kinda bluish...
I'm beginning to see some sepia seep through on those pictures on the right...
same everything, but 0.5 vs 0.75
they both suck, why is it so glossy? put away the vaseline, bro.
oh my... you're right bwo
they probably want feedback on what went wrong
right looks better
both melting but the right is kinda less melting?
because I like shine

I know what you mean now
*clopping in the distance intensify*
Wait...could it be?
that's not the point. which image is better depends on what the fucking prompt is, which we don't know because you'd rather play a farm (you) game instead of just posting a catbox
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right is 0.75

Also right is 0.75 here too

I guess it's more of a hit and miss thing because the same seed gives a very different result
we thought we could escape pony, but pony comes for us all in the end
noob showing more and more of the signs for the problems that pony had is like the epitome of hubris
e621 was unironically a mistake
you sound angry
that's why I said I know what you mean now slowpoke
I'm getting 404, are you sure this is catbox?
cause i'm tired of bullshit, honestly
i see, missed that reply
They are baking it you stupid faggot
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It went too far!!
garbage in, garbage out
why is it so bright
why can't you faggots use cfg < 12?
you're right I'am a retard I didnt see the replies please forgive my stupidity
it's not cfg, you absolute nigger faggot
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I don't know! Same prompt had more normal images, anyway I removed colourful and high contrast now
If training the TE actually is a mistake, couldn't we just use the 050 or even illustrious TE instead of the 075 one? Or does it mess with the Unet as well?
Right because it's not cuckshit.
This is stupid, but what happens if we merge 0.5 and 0.75
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Sure thing
>it's not cfg it's my (popping colors:4)
I think quasarcake was part of the reason
why are they training text encoder
the naiggers mock us with their silence
why are they training
Is there a guide for adetailer anywhere?
why are they
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press checkbox
why blurry?
bruh, your base prompt has aoin
are you okay?
lets leave a negative review highlighting the issues on the flatter colors and the meltier features
fuck i left that in there. no wonder everything looked weird, thanks for catching that
this is what happens when you freeze the diffusion model and only train the text encoder
the embedding space deviates
it really does look more /aco/
wait they only trained TE?
see >>8281507
i fucked up
and where did that bring you? back to me (pony)
did they really train TE ONLY from 0.5?
you're supposed to do the opposite though...
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her ass is actually melting....
just wait for v-pred
where in this thread did anyone say they only trained the TE
>new bake
>colors get worse
>anatomy is till hopelessly shit

but maybe euge meant something else
I see
he just said they are training the TE. there is no only in that sentence
why would he say it like that then
he's chinese
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but /hdg/ told me anatomy on noob was as good or better than pony already and you're a shitposter/baiter//aco/raider/have a skill issue if you think otherwise?
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just run it like this to figure out ;)
correct. now stop samefagging
>it's the "everyone i don't agree with is a samefag" episode again
thanks chief
it made a copy of the full picture on top of the face
and a cathagfaggot, yeah, you samefagging retard?
you seem upset about your massive skill issue
It's noover
Yeah coherence is much better for me as well, had to adjust my prompts but that's expected. They've frozen the TE again and are going to train the unet further, than they'll do the v-pred bake.
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why does it feel like almost every one is worse
ireading is way better at least
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Link in the background....
>well at least now it knows smegma
The right column drfinitely looks worse but is it more accurate to the artists?
Something that's missing from these is prompt coherence. So might look worse in general but maybe they follow prompts closer in more complicated images
shindol, ireadind and jun look better, kinda
maybe need to test any newest character to see if the TE was worth training too
What's with the baked in shadow pattern? Not as bad as it was on pony, but it's getting there
I really like the idea of Zelda going to the dark side and becoming a sexy villain with dark clothes
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and some more. that's about all the artists i wanted to test
it definitely learned artists that it was weaker at before at the cost of artists it knew well being slightly worse (negligible imo)
shindol will never look that good because of the amount of garbage he has associated with him on danbooru

Smegma sisters we are so back
eh, it looks much worse than 0.5...
i'm into way more degenerate shit than that and yet that image makes me want to vomit
i disagree, a lot of artists look closer to the actual artists, for better or worse
ignore borscht for this, i fucked up the artist tag. supposed to be borscht \(artist\)
New noob checkpoint has much more knowledge when it comes to characters/styles/concepts/etc, and as >>8281571 said, styles are definitely fitting closer to actual artists. Style mixing is vastly improved for me as well. One thing to keep in mind is that they trained the TE which can be dramatic, you'll need to adjust your prompts and what not. Cant wait for the final release and than the v-pred bake, what a time to be alive :)
kys furrycuck
this reads like a falseflag
what will v-pred bake do? Improve colours right? anything else?
maybe it's just the seed or due to the tuned TE but these oddly got a downgrade, the rest either look better to me or it's 50/50
>ignore borscht for this, i fucked up the artist tag
ah, then that may confirm the TE tuning. sugimori may need a more specific tag too.
Yeah colors and dynamic range primarily, although some say it helps with details and coherence as well.
colors (by a shit ton) and also should allow better compositional coherence at larger resolutions
>anything else?
Will bankrupt nai and will make astralite kill xirself
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did a test grid of my own
styles seem to have lost some accuracy and the gens look meltier.
don't see much improvement in 0.75 for styles that were underfit in 0.5
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when they said they trained the text encoder did they mention whether they used e621 tags? i'd assume they'd have to for stuff danbooru doesn't have tag for
>ah, then that may confirm the TE tuning. sugimori may need a more specific tag too.
i just got the danbooru tag for them wrong, is all
loli https://files.catbox.moe/2ut48y.png
Good moaning sepia-kuuuun~!
Have you had your monitor fixed today?
tiananmen and yd got some massive downgrades. Devastating loss for this thread
Why is it so blue
sugimori looks fine now but something still seems wrong with borscht

some are identical while others are flat out different.
text encoder, ya know, that thing that parses your prompt's tokens into latents for the model to use in the diffusion step...
yeah already saw post above talking about text encoder
Just released 1.0 vpred, who cares if people dont know how to switch to the dev branch of reforge or how it works on comfy.
They are literally going to do this, how many times are you faggots going to bring this up.
guess my tag autocomplete csv sheet was out of date. blue borscht seems to be better, but not quite. it seems to just not know borscht i suppose
What does it matter? they'll only convert the sepiafied furryslop 1.0 model anyway. All you can get from vpred at that point is even more piss stained gens

till i can vpred gen
practice longsuffering
can you put artist tag first
my borscht \(artist\) works fine
oh yeah wtf, you're putting artist tag last. legitimately should run an x/y and put the artist tag first. I'll do some testing on my own now tho.
Started using illustrious early last week, to get the artists styles better is it needed to any extra tags_ jsut the name has an effect but it-s not near as a good result as some anon posts I see posted.
you love pony
Because of Noob 0.75!!!
is "sepiafied furryslop" in the room with us right now?
cathag faggot tier humor
Use noob instead of base illustrious, and you'll want to adjust the weights on artist tags - especially when mixing. The effect can be dramatic. Negative prompt matters as well.
is humor in the thread with us right now?
funny because it's literally xim
no, not really. why do you ask?
Pony has broken these people
The fact that furries are happy about the latest epoch should tell you everything you need to know
because if funny was here then maybe cute would not be too far behind it

tragic loss of style
Astralite's goons are raiding...
It's really starting to get that pony soft shading that we all love
still doesn't know the artist that well imo
So what's the consensus? We stay on .5 and hope that the full release gets better again?
meds NOW
make up your own mind
sticking to 0.75 because lazy and maybe it has better prompt adherence
Throw feedback at laxhar and co, and make them take a look at the stilization loss.
Don't listen to /hdg/
i've never ever formed my own opinion on anything in my life. i can't do that
using 0.75 because my style mix is much better
>no argument
As expected from a ponytroon
I will do my own xy later and decide for myself
then I curse you with using base pony, without loras, it's just better
Tiktok generation?
yeah listen to /b/. didn't you see the gens from their namefags earlier? fire..
You've described this general perfectly sir.
based freethinkers

blue broschat looks more accurate in the newer version desu
it still amazes me how many promptlets are here putting artist tag last, etc.
I abandoned 0.75 after two gens turned out worsen than .5. Large enough sample size for me
i just put it last for convenience
should've stopped at step 5 of first gen

0.7 chuds? our response?
It literally makes no difference. You're welcome to try it out.
My response is I don't really care what model people are using as long as they make aesthetically pleasing images and share them with me so that I can enjoy them as well.
OMG..YOU are one of them...please don't talk to me again
let's be honest there is a slight difference but it's negligible
wtf is wrong with you
get out
killing myself after this flawless rebuke
so anything besides pony. nice!
sick fuck
how dare you
you still didn't put the artist tag first. the quality tags also tend to fuck with things a lot, probably more so due to the tuned TE now. I didn't bother upscaling but here, already looks a lot nicer https://files.catbox.moe/rasck9.png
btw if you notice any cunny artists have gotten worse on 0.75 it's because the compressed webp dataset LAX is using for danbooru cuts off gold posts like halfway through. make sure to say thank you to the noobai team for cutting corners, they have 32xH100 but can't download and filter an 8TB dataset!
noob sisters it's over! time to go back to pony!
why are you retards complaining about 0.75? it's so much better at horse and dog dicks!
wtf I love .75 now
where is confirmation of their dataset
angel already said their source for illustrious was not something on huggingface
would gelbooru be better to train on?
atfbooru would be
What was wrong with pony?
Time to check out of this general for another month, localkeks really do deserve nothing.
gelbooru could certainly add to the dataset but obviously the tags would need to be converted to danbooru tags (there are slight differences)
It's perfectly fine as long as you post the outputs to /aco/
angel used a full scrape of danbooru, noob links to the specific danbooru scrape they used (the kohaku 4MP webp compressed on on HF), so you can download it and confirm for yourself.
Garbage in garbage out
please never come back
holy shit he's leaving let's fucking go
They're linked on the civitai page
' - Danbooru (Pid: 1~7,600,039):


- Danbooru (Pid > 7,600,039):


- E621 Data as of 2024-04-07 :

https://huggingface.co/datasets/NebulaeWis/e621-2024-webp-4Mpixel '

As for whether they really do cut out half the Danbooru gold posts, I've no clue.
FFS now I have this in my google search history
good will sirs our response????
The default style, but it's easy to fix with LoRAs and everything else about it is better than these half-baked alphas/betas.
just bake a lora
anyone know if there's an update to this danbooru prompt extension? https://github.com/EnsignMK/danbooru-prompt half of the prompts are a year old.
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>everything else about it is better than these half-baked alphas/betas
hilarious how this general is willing to sabotage itself just because pony author removed artist tags and children from the dataset
>and everything else about it is better than these half-baked alphas/betas.
Ponyv6 is just a half baked version of v7. You should stick to almost full releases like noob v0.75 until pony training is completed
are you american or something?
i'm gonna play the game of shitposter or retard. this is a shitposter
this is also a shitposter
First image is ages
>HAVE to use loras to get anything fappable
>everything else about it is better
Interesting, thanks. I will confirm for myself.
wow no shit dude
yes shit.
where are the images!?
Why not train on r34 with a huge score cutoff, like 2k or so
The chinaman has spoken
good morning saar
Newbie question. Is there a way to zoom in the image on the img2img inpainting tab in reforged?
It's over, 0.75sisters
They should train on devianart to achieve maximum smegma AND sepia effect.
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Is this what they call gap moe
What makes you think that people who vote on r34 images have good taste?
I thought they had to have a gap in their teeth
gap moe is loli goatse
based random chink
noobsisters, our response??
waiting for noob to be finished.
did you have a stroke halfway through this post
It was ctrl/shift + scroll or something... Just switch to new forge if you want to inpaint a lot
it doesn't really matter that much
Can you please reupload? I like how it remind me of Disgaea design.
good luck
how do i make my artist loras work less
are you blind?
Use pony
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0.75 is better with eyes for certain artists
just 4 u bwo
please don't pretend like if i took away the legend that you'd be able to tell which was which
Bros, you're telling me that training a model for an additional 8 epochs (both unet and TE) causes things to change? I will NOT adjust any of my prompts to account for this.
Bros, you're telling me that change the RNG seed causes things to change? I will NOT adjust any of my prompts to account for this.
i'd prefer for it to work less on illustrious
maybe i should enable min snr gamma
No you are the one that is re*ard because I was being SARCASTIC
sorry anon but you are retarded
0.75 really makes the blacks pop
will he redeem the oval office?
the face of civitai and /hdg/
Ackchyually, groids seem to be blacker on 0.5
>didn't make filename an indian bastardization of his last name
missed opportunity
you forgot bestiality tag
the whitest male in the thread besides (me)
This is absolute peak (you) farming hour right now. You could post literally anything and have it get swamped with (you)'s. Act now! Post an image!
>>8281702 (me)
Do you know where the cutoff is? I'm combing through the dataset now and it looks like all of Gold isn't included, for both kblueleaf and deepghs. It might be Angel's full dump used in Illustrious carrying us currently.
I've been told the Kohaku scrape cuts off in October of last year. Which honestly shouldn't affect things as badly as the impact on some loli artists I've seen is.
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i wish that training loras with these settings didn't take 3-4 hours, iterating on the settings sucks but basically any smaller batch size seems to produce worse results
Yeah ran gens for 2 hours to just ballpark compare ones I did last night and the colors def look worse. Not sure if I'm getting better prompt adherence either or better knowledge but colors look worse imo.
Have you tried having more vram?
I'm not buying a fucking 4090 for $2k
what gpu? i'm training sdxl loras at a batch size of 4 and with my settings it usually takes anywhere from 30 mins - 50 mins depending on step count
>dick fur
The furry def is seeping in now on the model. Worrisome.
stop using noobslop
Cope ponyshitter
Hello, I am very stupid
Can someone who is smarter than me explain the difference between epsilon and vpred? I have no context for what these words mean
wrong thread buddy
but i'm a base illu chad
grab the epsilon version and don't think about it too hard, rajeesh
Shit colors
Good colors
i am training at batch size 3 but using gradient accumulation to bump that up to 18 and then doing 900-1000 steps
i've already downloaded some
>batch size 3 but using gradient accumulation to bump that up to 18
Uhh, that's a bit too much, no?
>900-1000 steps at batch18
anon your shit is absolutely FRYING unless you're doing like, fuck, I don't know, 15-20 artists? or something thereabouts.
>i am training at batch size 3 but using gradient accumulation to bump that up to 18 and then doing 900-1000 steps
nigga. Why? You are essentially training 18k steps which is going to be utterly overkill for anything. Aim for 2-5k not 18k.
I'm not shitposting though. The guy is actually insane and an absolute narcissistic faggot
You’re definitely not stupid! "Epsilon" and "Vpred" can mean very different things depending on the context, so let’s break them down with some possible interpretations.

In machine learning, especially in diffusion models, epsilon prediction (or ε-prediction) and v prediction (also known as velocity prediction) are two methods used for predicting and controlling noise in generated data.

Epsilon Prediction (ε-prediction):

-Epsilon, represented by the Greek letter ε, generally stands for noise in diffusion models.
-In ε-prediction, the model learns to predict the noise component (ε) added at each step of the diffusion process. This noise is what distorts the data over time.
-By predicting the noise, the model can denoise or reverse the process to bring the data back to a clean state during generation.

V Prediction (Velocity Prediction):

-In v-prediction, the model learns to predict the “velocity” (v) rather than the noise.
-This velocity is a combination of the noise (ε) and the data itself. Mathematically, it can be seen as a balance between predicting the noise and the original data, which can improve stability and flexibility in some diffusion models.
-V-prediction is often used to help balance the trade-off between noise and data recovery, which can lead to more efficient generation or improved quality in the model’s output.
so sad. go cry about the persecution of the poor helpess avatarfags and namefags elsewhere
Yeah, I'm not finding any Gold in Kohaku. Testing with random images from over 5 years ago such as ID 3725274 and it isn't in the dataset. It really must be Angel's full dump doing the heavy lifting.
fuck off
Thanks, chatGPT
You're very welcome, Anon! :) Happy to help anytime.
Is there a way to make brush with lines on cheeks or it pretty much depends on artist styles?
i don't think that there's any point for characters but it seems to actually matter for styles. batch size 15~ has been the cutoff for learning certain stylistic elements like color palettes or line thickness for whatever reason.
the main issue is just that it's fucking with character comprehension. it won't fry unless i jack up the LRs a ton.
unfortunately the ridiculous total step count actually seems necessary. i probably could increase the LR by 5x but that comes with a lot of downsides.
Can you share your config?
Post your settings. There's something seriously fucked up if you need batch 16 to learn a style...
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0.75 is alright but somehow worse in consistency.
The multiple views tag is giving me wildly different results than what I got on 0.5 but I also changed my artists around so it might just be that

i had to change my artist weight and style lora to get close to what i had on 0.5
my lolis can now fist themselves so this is a 0.75 win
post the gen
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its not even suzyua which is the funny part.
Touching the tenc probably made things a bit unstable. It should hopefully even out with more epochs if they froze it again, and then the vpred conversion is effectively continued training once the initial jank sorts itself out.
>eps done by early next month
>v-pred bake confirmed by LAX
very cool
it's not necessary to learn the style, but it's seemingly necessary to learn it well. i've tested these settings on deal360, rhasta, xenoblade 3 screenshots and koikatsu screenshots and pretty much every lora trained with these looks noticeably more accurate at the cost of character comprehension
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What's the best prompt placement for Noobai?

1girl, character, series, artists, quality tags, rest of tags?
This is exactly what they are doing. TE is now frozen again and they are resuming training.
Yeah, sad that you still haven't killed yourself yet
what's the artist or mix?
all else
quality tags
>prompt placement

(ikuyoan:0.65), (obj shep:0.75), (ohisashiburi:0.8), (ssambatea:0.65), (sakimichan:0.6), (crain1art:0.3) with https://civitai.com/models/825880?modelVersionId=948967 at 0.3
they trained both unet and te
I just stick to NAI's
>1girl, 1boy, character, series, artist, character features (breast size, hair, etc), clothes, pose, qualityslop
Doesn't change anything said
nevermind, i'm blind
she needs to take a nap
some common cunnymix artist comparisons between illu + 0.5 + 0.75:
borscht is oddly the only one that seems to have gotten worse, the others all look about the same if not better which is confounding me as to whether there's dataset jank going on
Thats why I said a huge cutoff, there is some artist here that dont have their stuff anywhere else (beside their twitter but fuck that)
Also still better than e621
i seriously don't understand why you guys insist on posting here, a board that explicitly bans this type of content instead of posting on /b/ along with your peers
i don't have 24 gigs of vram
The posters on /b/ have shit taste and I'm not fond of their circlejerk namefaggotry.
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cool, nobody cares, kys
Try full bf16. You should be able to run at least batch=2 with 16gb of vram
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They refuse to go to /b/ because they think they are better than that (they are not)
i'm pretty sure that's less precise than fp8_base
They refuse to go to /aco/ because they think they are better than that (they are not)
>more proof that noob is trash
stop using that garbage
>/aco/ out of nowhere
are those people who refuse to go to /aco/ in the room with us right now?
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>/b/ out of nowhere
it's worse because 1/8 artists tested is weaker and the rest are the same or better? guess I'm going back to pony...
you're blind sis
are those people who refuse to go to /b/ in the room with us right now?
we should all go back to pony
Why do you think? bf16 is literally twice as wide as fp8.
I'm going back to 1.5
>random reForge dev_upstream commit made the UI lag like crazy
it's over
>he pulled
I wish my mind was in the room with us right now, but I appear to have lost it.
Post proof
because fp8_base is loading the unused sections of the base model at fp8 while the actual training is performed at fp32. bf16 loads the base model at bf16 or fp16 but also performs training at bf16.
>"mixed_precision": "bf16"
But you train at bf16 already.
is everyone the same person to you schizo
why the fuck did they train the te? why would you murder the te with an entirely different tagging scheme just so the model learns garbage furry artists?
>unused sections
they're used, just freezed. their precision still matters
nice deflection
They got an offer from kurumuz they couldn't refuse
that's the beauty of git anon. roll back

furries have alot of money, anime chuds are broke indians.
Stop spreading misinformation, retard. fp8 only loads base model weights in fp8, and all computations still happen in bf16/fp16/fp32. fp8 base weights and mixed precision is much more robust than full bf16.
new 8k context text model???
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Milkers, yummers
the only competent trainer is trapped in a country with insane laws, does not even have stable access to good gpus and is cucked by his retard company...
Poor Astralite
well, you guys could always just fix up anything by hand haha
according to kohaku you load the base model at bf16 and train at fp32. fp8_base switches that bf16 to fp8 and full bf16 training switches that fp32 to bf16. he implemented both bf16 training and fp8_base so i believe him
i think you should take this with a grain of salt, but the intel+nvidia team that made fp8 claimed that there isn't a huge difference in practical terms between fp8 and bf16 for these usage cases.
alright this one got a chuckle out of me
this, but unironically.
chink pen tablets are REALLY fucking good now and pretty cheap. $60 gets you something of the quality that would've cost like $300 a decade ago.
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>does not even have stable access to good gpus
literally every other baker besides lax would commit murder for access to a 16xa100 cluster
also calling angel competent is a stretch when all he did was not make retarded unforced errors (besides not pruning comics and scaling everything with lanczos)
increasing batch size on 0.75 is having a really negative effect towards my gen quality for whatever reason
0.75 is just fucked
what ui are you using?
I see no reason as to why you'd use it
angel is competent specifically because he didn't fall for retard mistakes and actually has some ML knowledge unlike 90% of local trainers. including comics was also a deliberate choice even if the results are questionable.
yeah but from what ive read those a100 are 40gb
the chinese cant even be bothered to use non-recompressed datasets when they are right there on huggingface
Best CFG for Noob?
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try out apg
Stop using 0.75 you're supposed to be complaining that it looks worse because you're getting skillchecked!!!
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two more weeks
>broken condom
holy fuck...
what's... what's going on here then?
>fucked up hands
yeah, noob is getting shittier
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>waaah using negative prompt is too hard for me >_<
>Anyone I disagree with is a ponytroon
>multiple limbs and more gacha

back to 0.5 i guess.
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what's the model being used in pic related?
Agreed, this thread needs more groids
Do you add "game cg" to your prompt? I feel like it destroys styles.
back to pony we go guys... was fun while it lasted
pony. you can tell because of how fucking boring, still, and muted the image is

slop model
this but semi-ironically
It's p*ny
armpit reminds me of that orange model from back in the day, but probably not that

we all should go back
anything v6
Is this Pony?
need OUR WIFE as a thicc milf
So, what exactly makes a gen /aco/?

american model
pony = /aco/
if it's shitty slop it's /aco/
a general feeling of inferior western art
So, if I use westoid artists in noob it won't be /aco/?
this overly obese kind of woman makes me want to puke or maybe it's because is pony idk
it's pony
Anything that's not cunny
Western artists can still draw hentai
>recognizes earliest Zenless chars
>doesn't recognizes Burnice White.

Damn, what's the odd she'll appear in 1.0?
iirc born-to-die its western and i like the cunnies he draws. as long as its cunny they are eastern to me
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something like this
holy fuck lmfao
Only skillets hate on Pony
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Sadly it seems to still be pretty gacha
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im liking 0.75, rebaked lora on it
Damn, imagine genning some like this at 3am, I'd shit myself
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Request anchor
so-called skilluds >>8281928
he's a mex*c*n and it's obvious by how disgustingly western his style is
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wtf Noob 0.75 made this
should've done it later but lmao thanks
can you do a fat groid gigachad?
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same seed
It's over noobbros, /aco/ won
It's NAI
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how romantic

0.5 that is
lmao based
Probably not that high, get a dataset ready and bake a lora for her on the v-pred version when it drops, everything else is irrelevant
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adequate thread
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3girls, anatomical nonsense,what,realistic, sex, huge breasts,

this prompt is giving me aco in noob 0.75, noob is ruined
It's my understanding that training the TE will make things "wild", and further training with the TE frozen will help make things more consistent. Will have to see what the final version is like.
blue blorscht seems fine to me in this new version, idk what you guys are doing with your prompts. fingers seems worse tho. https://files.catbox.moe/r31ucc.png

it's pretty similar to wadawau tho. i don't know what are you talking about. looks cute and funny enough to me
It really is over for pony, realism jeets love this shit...
>fingers seem worse
yep, my only concern
You're the real ESL
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shut the fuck up about pony dumbass, nobody has given a shit about that model in weeks
People are afraid of mentioning pony because it beats their new fotm noob hands down
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>noob 'cord has been invaded by furries
it's over, the east has fallen
billions must /aco/
What? Anon, literally everyone outside of this shithole is on pony and will stay on pony for a while until some fully baked model is released. Half-assed attempts are admirable but it's not nearly enough to dethrone pony, especially considering its mature lora ecosystem.
It's v0.75
Stale bait
>especially considering its mature lora ecosystem.
this is important, it will take months for noob models to catch up
anyone feel like eyes are generally worse in 0.75?
Artist mixes are different. I'm getting worse eyes on some of my older mixes but then better on others. I'm just having to retweak weight values all over again
it's e621
so true i don't think someone will bake my favorite worm navel infestation lora for noob any time soon...
Feels like random
Some artists fare better in 0.75
how can i make the dick uglier and more disgusting? beside smegma
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look what you made me do
it's webp
Dark-skinned male
make a lora
I look like this
>you will never be this happy
we are so back
Just wait for a 1.0. I have absolutely no idea why you people are so desperate and jumping onto half-finished models.
Why is he zesty
>>>/b/ estiality
you're practically prompting bara there, you fag
It's fun to experiment. It's not like downloading 0.75 makes all the other versions of Illustrious I have explode in my computer or something
I don't get the ponyhate. The model is literally perfect
you're responding to a shitposter
the autotagger did give most of the chad images the bara tag
let's discuss how good it is further on /aco/
Base pony is all you need. Perfectly balanced dataset, baked ethically, and full lora support.
we are just giving them feedback bro, calm down. they're probably lurking here
stfu shitposter
perfect? no. but when v6 came out, no model could even do genitals right. it was definitely great (still is), but better models will always come out
I suppose so, apologies as it is getting difficult to tell.
A bit too obvious, anon
Why the fuck did they include artist tags with Noob? Aren't they worried about getting sued? MAKES ME SICK!
>uhh if you like pony you must be BAITING
tiananmen bingqilin is going to fucking tankmen the shit out of them when he finds out
You're allowed to like pony on /aco/
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I'll get you a bucket
please explain how pony is /aco/ without sounding mad
80% of its dataset is western art
just bake a lora
>no argument
bros... Illu can do farts with "full frontal"
its over..
Okay but the real question. Is 0.5 or 0.75 better at feet?

MOST furries are american. HUGE red flag you fucking idiot.

Lastly I will say this for the LAST TIME. PONY IS ACO!!! and if you don't agree then I am NOT gonna explain again
you're telling me we don't need a fart lora? someone tell fart lora anon...
it's worse than /aco/, there are plenty of good western artists but pony is deep fried so badly that no amount of style loras fully unstick its fucked up base style
>just bake a lora
Pony stench is so strong it just seeps into everything
i love you, fucking retards...
Old but could I request for box?
pony is /mlp/, not even the futafags on /d/ and /aco/ want it
now he's samefagging
Your opinion is worthless, noodlekek
bless the 5 and 4 fingers tags
Sounds gay, you must be a pedo
honjou raita, booba, sequins
I have yet to see the xy where retarded e621 tags make an anime gen better
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damn, that's hot. what Lora is this?
what the fuck is a "noodlekek"? is the guy screeching about this mythical being just schizophrenic?
you'd better start baking on .75 because they're going to fry the te
All the people giving advice and posting to noob discord are furries who want noob to be a furry model
It's fucking over, at this rate they might as well have trained 100% e621
75% is already melty and piss colored
Yiff in fucking hell
Astralite was right, jeets really are incapable of using a model that doesn't have score tags/overfitting.
>just use 10 loras at the same to make it looks barely eastern bro! it's that easy.
jesus christ man...
It's you
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Are you retarded? They froze the TE and are now training the unet.
You guys talk about Noob but not so much about Illustrious, isn't Illu like better for anime?
samefagging noodleschizo
It's 0.1 and will never be finished, forget about it
guess you'll have to experiment on your own
>horse shaped skull
So, which one should I download? Is vpred the best? Or early access version even?
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it's pony
You just download pony
The fact that there's this much seething about Noob means it's getting attention.
is there a list of the noobai artists it knows?
0.5 or 0.75 for now
It's not that elongated..damnit
We just had our dreams for a good anime model shattered. Allow us some seethe
nice lily, can i hab box?
Very organic noob posts
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She's about to take the senior bracer exam
Can you imagine if the people baking noob didn't have a great QQ wall? That's the only reason they're actually making progress with baking, instead of listening to 100 different retarded suggestions.
got any other angles? I like it except for that part
just use 0.5
Pony won
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>more gacha rolls for 0.75

owari daro ga
Haven't seen the general this active since pony released. What's going on here? A new model?
What tags do you use to get face grinding against dick like that?
Let Laxhar do their job, if their final vision ends up being shit the free market will fix it
I will but it's another rugpull like the illu release.
>What's going on here?
speak american, retard
Expected since they trained the TE and have yet to do further training. Should stabilize with 1.0
>speak american, retard
I love NTR
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not exactly that image but just remove the irrelevant tags
based ponyCHAD

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Just doing random gens with no touch ups or even adetailer they look roughly the same, or at least I haven't noticed any massive quality leaps in my limited work so far
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e621 is a blight and furries were a mistake
>namefags left
>thread went to shit
based, never listen to shills
pony is king
I do not but the prompt metadata should be in there. Was just testing some 0.5 mixes out to see how much they changed
Better than EPIC desu
Euge please save us...
That's me and I was using it as an example as to how furries will pretty much cause the model to be fried before they stabilize
That's it, I'm going to bake 20 pony loras to make it look like anime
Too high effort for this shithole
make that 40
>glossy melting 3d shit
>just install quadrillion loras bro
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it's not even that bad but etna is banned apparently so im not risking it
some furries are ok tbqh, like dagasi cunny furries. seems like i can stomach almost any fetish as long as cunny is involved
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>some furries are ok tbqh
Mcfucking kill yourself
hey what's the joke
it's pony
reeks of /aco/ shit
it's not, because it's actually aesthetically pleasing
>flat pedo style
for better character understanding, noobai 0.5 doesnt know recent characters/have problem with them
it's noob so it cant be /aco/
come on man, you look at this cunnies https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=dagashi_%28daga2626%29+ and you tell me you don't want to fuck them?
this but unironically
womp womp
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>0.75 is way less anime, more realistic and more sepia
thank you lax, very cool
It's a slippery slope, today you're fapping to this shit, tomorrow you're fucking your family dog
>average /hdg/ prompt
Noob and Pony walk into a bar, the bartender asks what they want, both of them say Furry please. The bartend shouts GET OUT, we don't take kindly to your kind. This is a christian bar.

Kindly go to the bar across the road called Aco
very scientific test sar
On the scale from 0 to 10, how over it is?
That literally looks like that 'anime girl-pony anime girl' kek
It's not over until we hit 1.0, but it is looking pretty grim and it's only going to get worse if they continue training on e621
going back to pony
did they train the unet at the same time as the text encoder? if not, then this could explain it. anyway, I'd wait for the next checkpoint with an updated unet (since, you know, that's what generated the actual image)
It's over
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Play with it some more think I'll go back to 0.5 though. Colors are def flatter
>everyone says pony v7 will be shit
>noob comes out with .75
>both have 7's in them
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now why would you go around the internet and lie.
Well... back to illu, it seems
Back to 1.1 I guess
1st bar is animagine
why is it melting
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back to cstaber, i guess
Cant replicate this
Danbooru dataset on Huggingface is in progress of being updated with Gold level posts now. L-A-X will be informed when this has been completed. You're welcome.
i finally decided to put an account on catbox for albums. how the fuck do i select the files?
Danbooru has a decent amount of cosplay images and there's no aesthetic finetuning, not surprising that it would randomly spit this out with a prompt that has nothing else in it other than "1girl"
>Gold level posts
Remind me, isn't that just pedoshit?
Why can't we have an anime checkpoint without 3dpg and furfags ruining it. China was supposed to be safe from this taint but they listened to the west. I'm so fucking tired..
that's called anime, retard
please be real
>China was supposed to be safe from this taint but they listened to the west.
Furfags are literally everywhere, anon
It's not even just pedoshit it's bad quality pedoshit
It is
Final model will be ugly furry and pedoshit. Worst of both worlds
you already have animagine, chuddie
hope its not gonna take more than a week....
Like that underbaked naiv1 slop is acceptable to anyone
What the fuck is animagine
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same seed 0.5, same tags, probably because theres no quality tags added so it looks melted
but i thought you wanted anime model incapable of nsfw?
I want an anime model that doesn't produce furshit with NSFW you faggot
sorry only webp allowed
that looks way better thoughbeit
just look at the amount of detail that's lost in between 0.5 and 0.75 >>8282187
kurumuz has a solution for you
You can always train your own model sir
sigh, back to NAI
0.5 unironically looks like aom slop
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The top two look better in 0.75 but the bottom two look better in 0.5
The moment when the shills start using "lol bro if you don't like the model just make it yourself or train a lora" you just know it's over
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got it
Welp, back to /ic/ I guess
It all comes to NAI

0.75 looks generally more coherent.
fart anon here
Illu and noob can't do farts, liars
/ic/ raid again???!!!!
maybe you faggots will finally go to /b/ or /aco/ to enjoy pony paradise
guys is this normal? full autism 5 day work for 1 gen?
big image https://files.catbox.moe/51evwq.jpg
MLP is furry pedoshit. I welcome your kin in no medium
What the fuck is that
>5 days for this
Lol, what a fucking waste of time
>MLP is furry pedoshit.
you'd fit right in then. why are you still here
open eyes
Please leave this thread so I can post my noob gens alone in peace
truer words have never been spoken
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still on noob v-pred, seems eps is not worth changing for.
>ctrl+f pony
>84 results
did v7 finally finish?
yep, here you go https://civitai.com/models/833294
last time the dev was captioning his dataset. not sure where he's at though
>>8282231 (Me)
wait, it works with noob
>1girl, standing, sundress, straw hat, looking at viewer
It doesn't get better than this
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Unfortunately, if 3d is placed in the negatives, vectorscope doesn't work on most models and the lighting is the same bright anime shading for every single piece.
She's flat af in rl
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turns out EPIC is more based than this shithole general
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maybe we have been to harsh on EPIC
I'm happy e621 was included because of how much it makes this general seethe.
>1girl, solo
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I love when a model gets worse with more training
looks like it's learning new characters but it does mix them in some degree. maybe i shouldn't use the game tag
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I really hate this image

just gotta prompt engineer better bro
it's nai
if bottom is 0.75 for sure it looks worse (no idea if it's more like the original character)
It's still bad at basic shit, like QY's hair
I really like this image
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shes also fat, heres the proof.
abundance of sexy concepts is the advantage of e621 dataset over models relying just on danbooru
left 0.5 right 0.75
it's pony
NAIbros our response?
noob can now generate fisting!
prove it

illu bros, we won
top row 0.5 and 0.75
bottom row 0.75 and 0.5
I wanted to throw you fellas on for a loop
on 0.75 colors are worse, less details (look at hair, and I prompted for body freckles which are only visible on 0.5), and worse cocks and tits
Why do people act like they're actually entitled to have a better model?
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owari da
Pony gave you so much possibilities you ungrateful fucks
no way...give metadata
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>no hash for the right one
Because I am? What are you gonna do about it?
Truer words have never been said
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Great series of pics.
The hero we don't deserve...
Reminder that any effort posters left still use Pony
Ask you what makes you entitled to have a better model. Why do you deserve better?
This shitposting is getting a bit too ridiculous, let's tone it down a bit
she looks a lot better without the saggy breasts dude
holy low test fag
>furries who actually know ML are shitting on civit jeets in the 'noob cord
this, as always uppity weeb neckbeards claim the right to anime model instead of sharing it with our friends from furry and aco communities
Forge hasn't updated it, here after relaunch https://files.catbox.moe/9s6s1s.png
im making base gens in 0.5 and inpainting in 0.75
the jews fear the resourceful
>1girl, solo
it's so over...
>If you like Pony you should go to /a-AAAAACK
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You niggers will crawl back when v7 released...
So, uh, how much would it cost to convert 0.5 to vpred?
>inb4 about tree fiddy
>If you like Pony you should -AAAAACK
Illu smooth won
same prompt? definitely looks like a trend
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About free tiddy
For SD2 it took around 2-3k iters of the same batch to adapt the new noise schedule and objective.
So probably x1.5-2 for XL?
Euges conversion was about 150$
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What the fuck does v-pred mean? Isn't 0.5 already that? It says pred in name? What does making it v-pred do?
I just DO. Though I'm quite satisfied with my current shitmix so better models are really more of a bonus than anything
Lurk more, faggot
jesus christ just look at the colors of 0.75
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I have lurked, just haven't seen anyone explain what v-pred is, and I'm not gonna go back and look at every single previous comment.
Only seen memes like picrel and people saying they want v-pred and there's nothing in OP about it.
kill yourself retard
It's over sepiaslop won
Only larpers in this thread I'm afraid
just wait a couple of weeks and they'll do it for you?
>2 remaining braincells only capable of ad hominem
I feel like you might be the retard here.
Most shitposters are disingenuous. If you want to see real entitlement then go to the Civitai comment section and ask those retards.
Pony didn't even participate, it's that good
>just wait a couple of weeks for them to convert a shitty model full of sepiafied furry cock
see >>8281612
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which one of you is this
vpred means better color thats all you need to know
>1 remaining braincell incapable of googling stuff
kill yourself presto
0.5 already was fucked as for the colors
but hdg hogs deserve it, so i'm happy
it's nai
a smegma chad
read NAI paper, explains supporting v-pred in order to support ztsnr. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2409.15997
what >>8282367 said is the extreme tl;dr
also I admit that pic gets me to laugh every time but I wouldn't necessarily compare to the released v-pred test currently, it's very underbaked.
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making do
so vpred makes my bitches vp...RED? kinda weird I don't know if I want that in all my gens so I'll be expressing my disapproval on civitai.
back to based64?
>anime prompters getting exposed and they can only cope by creating conspiracy theories that the furry data is at fault and not their horrendous prompting, there is literally no reason for pic related to output anything remarkable, if it does, that's the model just shoving shit into your gen you didn't ask for. fucking learn how to prompt. is the colors not saturated enough? fucking negative greyscale/monochrome/sepia

use your fucking brains
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the cock just lost half of its girth at the tip?
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Furries have always been better at prompting, no surprise there.
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forgot image
I don't see an issue with the colors in 0.5 or 0.75 and you could always just apply some quick filter to boost/lower contrast or whatever.
>I don't have time to do anything else than shitpost
>kill yourself
After you.
Based decent human being. Thanks for the link
almost naizuri, it's just snug
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>waawawaaa spoonfeed me
>just apply some quick filter to boost/lower contrast or whatever.
you have no clue what the fuck you are talking about, dont even bother giving your worthless opinion
so people just dont get it the goal of this finetune (0.75) was to introduce new chracters and artists since base illust is trained on data from 2021 danbooru....
>dont even bother giving your worthless opinion
Likewise, retard-kun
>you could always just apply some quick filter to boost/lower contrast or whatever.
Fucking rope you worthless freetard coper. It's a miracle we even got noob finetunes at all with community full of inpaintard lorasissies like you.
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Illust was trained on danbooru2023.
>trained on data from 2021 danbooru
How the fuck am I able to get characters that didn't even exist back then?
illustrious was trained up til march 2024, retard
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0.75 bros, we lost.
Freetards are so funny
>noodletroon still samefagging
>1279 / 188
can we tone down with the shitpost just a little please?
Nyo :3
Only if you ack yourself
I dream of 2k posts
hmmmmmmmmmmmm nyo
fuck off to /b/
a new version of a model just released, discussion is warranted
>0.5 - Decent but not finished
>Train 0.75 now with TE training
>Pony slop seeps in
Hope you guys got your datasets ready then. The only thing I learned from Pony is to stack LoRAs
0.5 is the last good model we're getting.
Screenshot this.
Noob did an irreparable damage to this thread
This but pony
Why is it so ESL?
it's nai
noob is healing this thread
J-word thread saar, do not redeem
This would be a great time to drop v4 :)
>look at the noob discord
>go into nsfw
>its all furries posting their trash art

yeah im thinking we're not getting that amazing model.
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all this doomposting
local is eating damn good these days
having more fun near enough every day and it just keeps getting better
these grapes aren't nearly as sour as anon assured me they would be, hell I'd say they're pretty sweet.
I can smell EPIC and his extended family posting
>look at the pony discord
>go into nsfw
>its all anime posting their based art
Imagine the shitposting that would happen if Pony V7, NAI V4, Illustrious V1/2 and SD4 dropped at the same time
nice pony gen
thats your cope?
it really is insane how much furry shit there is on lax's server
euge's is so much more comfy
2 more weeks sir (for NAI-XL 1.0)
gato box
Yeah this general is miserable, I've been cooming nonstop.
this is how we'd reach 3k
Noting more pathetic than a samefag :)
Not just 3k, but 3k and 0 images
How young is too young for /h/? Every pokegirl would be underage. Both Asuka and Rei would be underage. Flat girls like Fischl would be underage. Where is the line drawn?
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1girl, solo, brown hair, low twintails, pigtails, yellow eyes, head tilt, \:|, pinafore, red dress, short sleeves, outdoors, sitting

Negative prompt: worst quality, jpeg artifacts, multiple views, 4koma, bad anatomy, bad hands, chibi inset, watermark
Fuck, no wonder jordachs server felt so empty the last couple weeks. All his orbiters switched teams and are now brainwashing the chinks
>Where is the line drawn?
Wherever the fuck you want, stop worrying about fictional girls that don't give a shit about you.
it's acover
Man i'm appreciating 0.5 even more
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nah, people are just shitposting, that's normal here, i do it from time to time. i've also been having so much fun with noob. i barely have time to play games anymore, everything I do is prompt.
>Where is the line drawn?
If it looks like an elementary schooler it's too young
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then people would actually be posting images
Thanks bro
It's 0.75ver
it's never been more over, how the FUCK is illustrious better than 0.75
>try tagging artist in noobai
>get like 5 different artists for each pic
What's going on over here? I refuse to believe this shitass model doesn't know koto inari.
>how the FUCK is illustrious better than 0.75
Sepiafied furry asshole is leaking in
TE is fucked up
>use model trained on both furry and hentai instead of pure hentai
>don't prompt for artist that do pure hentai
>don't neg prompt furry
>complain about getting furry
So I actually just have to use a style lora or else it won't get it? That's fucked.
Does illustrious also suffer from this?
>how the FUCK anime model is better at anime
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mr to this post
looks sick
>Does illustrious also suffer from this?
Noob was so close, anons made really good gens with it.
you can post whatever you want as long as you know how to hide her chest and don't make them too small.
Have you tried with "muted color, pale color, low contrast" in negatives? Does that help improve colors?
Apologize to furrybros RIGHT FUCKING NOW
Are we ever getting new illustrious versions?
Do I gotta train with vpred for illustrious?

samefag (all me btw)
so, not only furry but they also added roasties?
Angel unironically has to come and save us, AGAIN
The chinks have fallen prey to the furries
As a newfag there are a lot of technical words that i want to ask about but it would take me dozens of posts.
/hdg/ glossary guide when?
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I can't wait for the highlights. The anticipation is killing me
Yes, they also added 3dcg shit
They added the whole e621
Please bros, just 100 more images
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For me, it's
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It's over
1girl, solo
worst quality, low quality, lowres
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sadly they did, Why? I dont know.
nothing in this image confirms that
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just take the iter comp pill
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Jesus Christ, 0.5 was on the right and soulful track.
no they didnt add cosplay its just e6 and danbooru, try negetaing photorealistic,3d etc when genning 2d stuff.

theres plenty of examples in this thread anon.
Doubt. It takes literal ages to download all of E621 due to their limits and even then you'll be missing about 1/10th due to takedowns that has happened over time, missing a bunch of cool artists.
Overdesigned, soul, soulless
We almost had it
they used the scrape that's on HF, it's in the model description retard
>It takes literal ages to download all of E621
Are you retarded or something?
nothing does, they have linked dataset on the hf/civit model page...
Never in the history of so back has it ever been more over
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Another example with Euler a, 25 steps.
They probably ruined it training on a bad dataset with plenty of cosplay shoot.
>Just when you thought you would get off Pony's clutches
are they considering going back to 0.5 and continue training without te? new characters and styles are not worth the sepia and acoslop
>WEBP compressed shit instead of original
You're the retard here.
"Added the whole e621" means nothing if it's just compressed garbage
0.75 looks the best in both of these examples
it was me, I dumped my cosplay/jav folder on their cluster...
oh no my illus, noob 0.5, and noob vpred models just disappeared off my hard drive! is this the power of pony???
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Damn, this would be a real problem if I only prompted "1girl".
They trained the entire model on webp datasets
There would be no problem with te training if they ditched the e621, realism and whatever other shit the jeets begged them to add
Protest...make your loras on 0.5
instead of just doing "1girl" do something like "1girl, 1boy, sex" and see what that returns
>is this the power of pony???
Yes, v7 will delete all your models other than pony and v8 will materialize a fur suit in your closet
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1girl, standing stans rise up. It's time to return to aom.
Or better "2boys, sex"
yeah it's a little concerning but this honestly just reminds me of people complaining about illus for not outputting good gens with trash prompts
e621 was fine for 0.5, made sex and genital knowledge better, but 0.75 was a mistake
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Surprisingly, my illu loras still work well on both 0.5 and 0.75
me on the upper right
Truly wondrous that people don't want to waste 100 tokens and another 75 in negatives just to stop the model from outputting tiggerXwinnie barasmegmagangbang
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that shouldn't really be surprising.
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negative:3dcg, photorealistic,photorealism,realistic,3d

i am convinced some people just are just natural slop generators
>e621 was fine for 0.5,
they didn't train the te back then and the model could cherrypick the useful info from the e621 stuff
sounds like a skill issue
damn, it does sex worse than illustrious even
yes that's why I said maybe training 0.5 further without te could be a good idea?
Shit in 0.75 reminds me of that wikipedia porn, lol
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0.5 already had all of the e621 dataset in it, you fucking idiots
I'm not saying I don't get the panic but I for one can confirm accuracy has improved for anime characters with fewer than 500 pics on danbooru so I appreciate them experimenting with the TE. Wait for the unet to catch up in the full bake and THEN cry and seethe and shit your pants if you really have to

or keep dooming and shitting up the thread now I guess, knock yourselves out
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>finally get local models that have built-in artist knowledge
>complain that you have to use artist tokens
why even bother switching to illust derived models instead of just using pony at this point?
>no gen
ogey sars
Relax, faggot, we're just funposting
Literally lmfao
Artist styles fucked up too
you're 100% right but unfortunately people are just addicted to shitposting
Is the plan still to convert the finalized eps-pred model to v-pred or are they starting the bake over from scratch to make the v-pred version?
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Where'd the color go?

>just do what you did in pony, but for noob.
All for the v7
they're saving it up for the v-pred iteration.
It got sepia'd.
looped back around to base kohaku
improved now?
idk if you're being retarded on purpose but these are not showing what you think it's showing. You need to have an artist specified and you need to have the negs that they say you need.
>Civitai page getting flooded with negative reviews
Maybe lax will react and there's still hope
I am starting to get weird lowres blurry stuff for whatever reason, but only on like one out of five pics. I'm not doing any upscaling or anything like that, but then again I also wasn't doing that for 0.5 either and I don't remember getting stuff like this
that looks like shit?
>eps gets the knot before lax corrects for vpred
feels good
ofc it does, how do you expect 1girl solo to be like? this isnt overfit 1.5 finetune
garish eyesore vs savory aesthetic
Since Noob is just Kohaku with extra steps, what'll eventually be a good shitmix for Illustrious?
illustrious wasnt a mistake, but a promise, noob is a mistake.
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>my legs
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cute jinshi
Do changli next
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noob left illustrious silvermoon right

what am i missing here
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stop complaining chuds!
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Hey, EPIC is finally right about something.
Where did the colors go
Sure let's put something like a scoring prompt.
what do you think
>masterpiece, best quality, very aesthetic, absurdres
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at least asanagi looks shitty as always on all models
man so 0.75 looks worse everytime and also has worse colors.

It's just over, even after a "1.0" probably the vpred will have also the same issues.

I guess we will have to live with eps 0.5/vpred test version.
to the future vpred bake
you take that back (unless you meant models suck at replicating asanagi, not that asanagi is shit)
You WILL use (YD:1) in all your prompts!
Not talking about needing to do aesthetic finetuning, just how retarded the average "ai user" actually is. Why do you think Astralite added score tags? Because people are fucking retarded.
asanagi is shit
asanagi is just ugly in general
>It's just over, even after a "1.0" probably the vpred will have also the same issues.
are you serious or shitposting? why would vpred have these same issues by default
meant that models are replicating him perfectly
All samples are made with the same prompts to compare them on the same base. Are you delusional or just retard?
asanagi is the greatest artist ever
reading comprehension
Based, asanagi is a shit
>He thought that noobxpony checkpoint wasnt peak.
no artist that draws stirrup legwear should be considered good
and n****kaiser is the greatest creator ever
no that's shadman
it's so over, they can't make adjustments to the model now...
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i did it lads
>hover hand
based lmao
i wish asanagi would make more doujins of smug girls in modern daygetting railed instead of fantasy shit
color issues yes for sure, but the loss of style/quality will be there
asanagi 2hu doujin when?
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do u not know how to do a plot, put in -1 for random seeds
Yeah because it's so damn difficult to put like 3 or 4 words into the prompt and negative and just leave it there permanently, right?
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I'm starting to get what I can only describe as jpg artifacting around some of my gens. What could I have screwed up to make this happen?
Really tired of the fursuit defense force running damage control here
Lol, what the fuck is going on here
downgrade to noob 0.5 eps
>but it's just "1girl, solo" do SEX
>but you didn't put quality tag and negative
masterpiece, best quality, very aesthetic, absurdres,
worst quality, low quality, lowres, 3dcg, photorealistic,photorealism,realistic,3d
>but you are not using style prompt
Are those guys paid chills or what?
It's looking worst each time.
Model is trained on compressed images.
box for these?
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are you using a trash civitai lora?
>Are those guys paid chills or what?
Now who would benefit from keeping the e621 dataset...? Exactly.
why don't you guys just use one trillion negs and one trillion positive to avoid 3d and furry art?
just bake a lora
i'm baking
it's so fucking over dude, I'm taking off work tomorrow to shitpost about this for 8 hours straight
i don't get it
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While colors certainly took a hit on v0.75, one positive is that it did learn some niche concepts better, for instance electrodes/electrostimulation. Prior versions of noob couldn't really do this to a reliable degree.

Also this is the canon way hex maniac makes moo moo milk :3
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kek that's pretty good. box?
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Some "people" apparently like it
hint: a hairy turk
what are his images like
>kurumuz hired furries to poison noob bakes with sepia
it's over
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>this pfp
>colors certainly took a hit on v0.75
What do y'all use for lora training nowadays?
see >>8282599
write your own script for kohya sd scripts and never worry about something not being "up to date" ever again
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what happened to xenoblade anon?
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im generating onee-sans in boxes right now
I'm just gonna say it. Westerns should be purged from anime spaces.
I'm in love with your gens and hope you keep them up. Also pls catbox

im so tired bros.
Why are you guys still genning? The noob bake is doomed, give up and find another hobby.
what about it? it's not needed
anon that's civitai, not some anime website
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They hated him
oh. carry on then.
I cant, i've been cooming using the new bake since 8 am.
it started out cute and then devolved into /aco/ fur shit
no wonder he likes 0.75
Too based for this cringe world
Thanks for the praise! I got very lucky with this gen, no inpaint at all. I did do a merge between noob v0.75 with the itercomp checkpoint (basically pull out all base sdxl of noob, replace with intercomp). I feel like it helps with colors and details in general:

come home, white man.
I would order one of those
damn the civitai really showed me
I should look up what the dudes thumbs downing me posts
why she's so famous? https://civitai.com/images/35695983
So brave
3 furries and schizo anon really thumbed me down, damn anon how could you do this to me
Because you're retarded bro
Aom, home.
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it doesn't seem practical
Give her cat ears.
My feelings are hurt
>more than a year ago
>why are you guys still here, SDXL is doomed
>year ago
>why are you guys still here, pony is slopped
>6 months ago
>why are you guys still here, it's just pony forever
>month ago
>why are you guys still here illu sucks
>why are you guys here noob sucks

why are you still here? you clearly hate being here and loathe enjoying yourself.
having a great time making infinite lewds and we're getting all this shit for free?
8 thumbs down now. Stepped on the baras tail there, lil bro
sir blacked Aqua seems to like smegma
You just don't appreciate the incredible knowledge e621 dataset brings with it
This but unironically
such as?
I've posted some 0.75 gens and if any of them get into the highlights next thread then that means the model is good.
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>dark-skinned male in negs
>still get this
it's so fucking over
that's a lot of boxes
In the case I tested, the style of version 0.75 is just further away from the base model of illustriousXL: Kohaku XL-Beta. So yes, 0.75 started to have its own default painting style. 0.5 just hasn't entered the style change yet, and some people may prefer 0.5. On the other hand, 0.75 obviously performs better in some rare concepts such as: guro, tragedy, suggestive composition, etc. At the same time, it also has some bad limbs, but the overall quality has surpassed the official nai i think. I'm very much looking forward to version 1.0. Let's go!good job!
Smegma, rimming, bestiality
rusty trombone!
why is civitai so shit? it keeps telling me to log in to view images despite being logged in and if I hit log in, it takes me to a page where i'm logged out with no option to log in. i refresh page, i'm still logged in and issue persists
furry on furry, anal prolapse, vomit
I won't post anything backing up my claims but just believe me bro. Illustrious could never
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Nothing to see here chuds, furies are definitely not influencing the current trajectory of this model.
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cat girl instead
Danke dogtor
Imo 0.75 just looks worse and the downsides are way more pronounced that the "improvements" vs 0.5.
Furries need to get their eyes checked. They've been looking at shit art on deviantart for too long that they've got zero aesthetic taste
I wouldn't mind the furry inclusion IF IT DIDN'T INCLUDE SUCH GENUINELY UGLY ART
>(dark-skinned male:0.5)
I wonder why? Seriously though, you should probably also neg interracial and maybe even dark penis
the image in that post has it weighted at 1
Fair enough, do consider the other thing I said though
I'm retarded. Can I feed it a toml file?
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FACT: furries are worse than jeets
I am Indian
How horrifying
Is there a better alternative to DeepDanbooru yet? It's good but surely the technology has improved.
It's the same retard as this >>8282366
0.75 is unironically grabbing the pony audience
Same desu, I still joke about us
feel like there's a lot of self-deprecating indians here, probably a third of posters itt
my condolences
>I still joke about us
kek same its funny
saying based so you dont get lonely brittle

only way to fight against this furry shit is to complain desu
>complaint is like of style control and aesthetic bias with score tags
>complaint is that there's no aesthetic bias to make "1girl, solo," and nothing else produce good outputs, ignoring that the model does have optional masterpiece best-worst quality tags

>cringe pity (you)
Women don't actually like it when a dick messes with their womb or cervix. Contrary to popular beliefs, large dicks are relatively useless.
0.75 looks worse than 0.5 even if using quality tags, so not sure what is your point.

I simply dont like furries, its just that simple.
girth > length
cute cope
when are you taking the hag pill
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was your prompt 2 tags by chance? again, dented.
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"ixy, sketch" with negative
Jordach was entertaining, but the way these degerates try to hijack and smegmafy the model is disturbing and reminds me of troons.
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yeah no you're right i kinda forgot about interracial
you could feed it a toml file through a python or powershell script, but you can't feed it a toml file directly because that's just a configuration file format. personally i use a powershell script
What possible reason could you have for defending the inclusion of e621 in TE training?
No, using same tags and quality tags I was using vs 0.5 which gave good results vs not now on 0.75.
Cute reality. The perfect spot is between 4 and 6 inches. If your dick is in that range, you'll be able to please women way more than you could with anything bigger or smaller.
more data is more data and if you don't understand the positive of that, even when it features content you don't like, you truly have learned nothing in 2 years of image diffusion.
>this post was written by a micro penis haver
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0.5 vs 0.75
oops, meant to tag >>8282761 not >>8282751
Sepiafication is real

>corrosion? no it cant happen
don't @ me retard
finally, an actual comparison.
with *gasp* minimal differences between the outputs. It's almost like everyone in this thread is deluding themselves into thinking the model got worse.
There is enough anime to expand the dataset or we could use museum collections and photos of architecture. No need to add low quality data just because it comes with metadata
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You're telling me that this general is filled with literal retards?
>with *gasp* minimal differences between the outputs.
Are you blind?
>4 and 6 inches
Dick WAY too big, women prefer 3 inchers because it hits the g spot better

finally, 1girl comparions that has been posted all over the thread

>minimal differences

youre going to tell me 1201 & 1600 left and right look minimal in difference?
Go back to your discord ponytrannies.
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big if true
explain the difference without sounding mad
I want allah to smite these people
You guys are fucking retarded either way NAI is still better.
yeah because diluting the dataset with garbage is probably good right?
no, waifu diffusion is better
nice strawman. get some reading comprehension bud
Go play with the Halloween bats in the nai ui. We don't have time for naiggers right now
It literally isn't but okay.
You don't understand more garbage = good.

i hate furries so god damn much
NoobAIggers? Yeah sounds about right.

>add poop images to a model
>how dare you hate more data being this model
But you can see it's literally worse lol
It fucks the concept of light body outline through clothes in 3 seeds
0.5 to 0.75 does feel something like going from base illu/smoothFT to the early leak of noob which improved genitals slightly but killed colors, not quite as extreme as that though. Either way it's not the v-pred version so who cares
are furries not happy with pony?
is 0.75 better at generating milf eating beans than 0.5
whaty was this artist name?
I don't think jeets are allowed use Novel AI anymore. Or asians for some reason
>You go to a restaurant and order soup
>The waiter brings your soup and then spits in it
>He hands you a syringe and tells you to just filter the spit out
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1girl, azumanga_daioh, kasuga_ayumu with a shotgun on her lap, sitting on a wooden chair, porch, straw_hat, sleeping, closed_mouth, straw in mouth, white house, blue sky, wild west, desert, (ojipon:0.5)
you guys are a bunch of neurotic drama queens, go touch some grass fucking restless idiots
sadly the newer model does add more character details. even if its furryslopped
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Do pony loras work well on this? Literally the only reason I haven't made the switch.
No drama here, furfags are raiding anyone who thinks 0.75 is a downgrade compared to 0.5.
My brother in christ this is 4chan
this gives me PTSD of 1.5 days

>beastality furries raid a model trained mostly on anime
>you guys are drama queens

u faggots have pony. fuck off
so this is who the chinese are catering to
shamefur display
Guys let's me honest, this was the most entertaining thread in weeks.
you don't understand, it's not enough to just have pony. they need pony, noob, fluxbooru and jordach's 1.5 model too
apples and oranges retard
wish you retards were so passionate about vpred, maybe lax would have listened
wow noob is so good...
So how many more epochs before we can prompt ces and gpo?
can someone explain to me the origin of ces and gpo? i stopped coming here shortly after pony dropped and got back a month ago. still have no clue what the joke is
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literally prompt it
another proof that furries are mentally ill retard and a plague upon humanity, they cant just shit themselves they need to shit everywhere else too
Download Ponyv6
prompt "1girl, ces, gpo" and enjoy
prompt it on pony and find out :^)
what the fuck
Alright I'm gonna go back to enjoying some V3 while you midwits bitch about furries or some shit with your arr rook the same generations. It's fun to be in a thread with more than two posts an hour.
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A gpo flew over my ces just now
yeah ok that's far enough
I know about gpo.

Basically the creator of Pony wanted to hide artists from us, but he kept secret tags for himself, we found out certain combinations of three letters were specifc artists, people made a whole list of artists relating to the three letters. This secret being found out probably pissed off the Pony creator.
Anyway gpo ended up being the most distrurbing and vile tag that made the images really weird and creepy with big holes etc

So sometimes people would troll noobs and tell them to add gpo to the prompt to improve the image. this is the basics of the lore
Uhhh... ponysissies, our response?
>no 1girl
GaPing hOle
>GaPing hOle
That's not how it works.
>he actually did it

is that noob 0.75?
you wish
it's a sneak peek of 1.0
then explain why it produces gaping holes without sounding mad
do gpo only with 1girl, blowjob etc, it's pretty funny. Ces is lame that's just scat

>more furries in comment section defending 0.75

ponys won.
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0.75 is good tho
it's crazy, they get a crumb of knot and they go rabid
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I dont wish, i just put 1other and its close enough
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pretty shit. didn't notice the non sense cheek bulge until after posting
I really hope the noob team is smart enough to realize furries are a terrible metric and you should probably do the opposite of what they want
Also hope they have eyes and are not actually blind to quality like most people using AI somehow
Yeah but the position and expression is good. I scour catboxes to steal parts from them for my own gens, like some abbo stealing car parts for his shitbox.
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the one hope is that they're chinese, probably weebs, and not furries. they are doing this because they want an anime model after all
>Epic battle in the civit comment section
Sadly the furries have infinite discords to call help from
that's a dead expression...
>None can still do the absolute SOVLKINO that are 1.5 backgrounds
come back home white man
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comes full circle
and resident nigger avatarfag is on the side of zoophiles
that's a child
yeah well who knows, they seem hellbent on pleasing the civitai crowd considering they released noob earlier and were hesitant to make the vpred model because it was too complicated for them to make it work
Time to test my guro lora.
2 nogens and konan vs schizoanon, who will win?
Is it really surprising? He's gonna simp for every decision they are making and enjoys the degeneracy that e621 brings anyway.
genuinely disappointed
do clipnegpip for dark-skinned male
this is true and it's insane. it's like there's something weird with sdxl that makes it incapable of generating actually good, detailed backgrounds. it has like 4 times the parameters and does everything else better but backgrounds are always lacking compared to 1.5 shitmixes.
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not being a retard and adding interracial to negs fixed it. also kek
upscaleanon is right and it's going to be really fucking funny seeing people get skill issued by the finalized version of noob because they're incapable of typing what they want in the prompt box
yeah I remember 1.5 backgrounds being amazing, whenever I think about pony etc I cane barely remember the backgrounds.
why? this retard was only spamming with blacked porn and le schizo off topic
obnoxious attentionwhore
are there any good loras for improving backgrounds for sdxl?
base sdxl was finetuned on a blurry background slop for *aesthetics*

kys furry
why does the mignon one has censoring? thanks for more shiro btw
you sound bitter
>The only degradation to outputs occur with shorter low-effort prompts.
What is this retarded take, like having more random tag will improve artist fidelity or colors?!

lmao her arms
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[[[[dropout issues]]]]
I wonder why a japanese artist posting only heavily censored work produce censored pictures, truly a mystery

you sound like a dog fucker
so nogens are deleterious shitposters everywhere, who wouldve thought

btw i prompt 0 furry and think 0.75 was a signnificant improvement
glad you are proud of roasting them mister scythesaint99 and you had to show it to the class
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enjoying things is wrong and you should be mad at people
mad at jannies, mad at bakers, mad at genners, mad all the time
no joy, no pleasure, just mad
it's such a transparent play and it's been going on for literal years
do the sensible thing and filter posts with no images.
Its a massive improvement on character knowledge which I am very happy about
huge downgrade for everything else
resubbing to NAI after the chinese failed their one chance at a good bake. I encourage all of my fellow localsisters to join me in solidarity.
kill yourself avatarfag

The only thing that improved was that it updated the current state of characters, adding some finer details.

With that being said, they also trained it with this shit: E621-Face-Dataset, unless youre a furry, why the fuck would u defend it.
What is this "prompt control" that these furfaggots are talking about? What prompts are we missing that these master promptsmiths are using to not make their anime gens look like shit?
more variety is good
kurumuz our hero!
that image hs furry eyes and face
Who are you talking to
stop taking an imageboard so seriously and your fragile mind will be much healthier
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Imagine this guy is telling me how to prompt and how SD models work.

someone post an ai generated image
explain to me why you deserve to see my gens without sounding mad
I am not Indian
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This will be a 2K, I feel it in my bones. Imagecels will forever be btfo'ed
learn to prompt bro, you cant even use the model properly, how delusional of you
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Quick, deploy the pixiv archive!

full image box please?
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>her right hand
Shalom! it is pure coincidence goy!
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fresh slop just for you

i only see improvement across the board, but im actually genning exclusively with my meme lora which seems to improve contrast as a side effect. that leads me to believe that any issues with aesthetics are trifling and will be easily rectified with a basic aesthetic tune

i sometimes reach for e621 tags because they fill in details danbooru doesnt describe
>cheerypicking: the post
wait does this mean the inclusion of furry actually helped
Please upload all these xys to the civit page
I dont get it, what is it even showing
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why did we pick 1201 instead of 1200 anon, huh?
>people will defend this
yeah me
wildcard text file rolled same girl twice
don't think too hard

gents can you try
positive: (not_furry, human, female:1.3),
negative: (furry:1.3),
and compare
holy catbox please
I gotta admit, this shit is hilarious
We're like skirting the lines of another pony disaster
The furfaggots are pushing for Pony 2 and some valiant anons are pushing back trying to save local
looks like noise/variance to me
nice pony shading
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You're letting this affect you way too much, you dummy. People will always be tribalistic retards everywhere you go. This is nothing compared to /v/ or /vg/
So because (You) dont see an issue then its not a problem? Sound very narrow minded and poor at judging the change from the model
Also your gen is pony tier(beside the excellent saliva) so i dont even know what to say about your judgement of quality
>You're letting this affect you way too much
yeah for sure
I don't really read these threads too much, just throwing my 2 piss in
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uses the unrelated gigachad lora, and i guess the dataset boosted contrast as a side effect
Are we really going to another sdxl model with sepia/furry notions? We don't need another pony model
dont forget to put source_furry, source_pony, source_comics in your neg guys
astralite knew it all along
the gen looked like aoi nagisa's old style so i didnt touch the style tags beyond generic quality boilerplate
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image uploaded to 0.75 version
metadata says model is 0.5 version
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the conspiracy deepens
erm, noobsisters???
furries confirmed for colorblind
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and for you, a seed with sepia in negative
i have yet to encounter a regression in 0.75 that i'd attribute to anything beyond noise or needing to tweak negatives
thank you very much
he's not a furry doever
everyone I don't like is a furry
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Can the blacked schizo avatarfag kill himself already
seems similar to source material
Recluse yourself it's not the solution either. Just ignore them bwo... It's kinda hard but it's the only solution. People are just heated up right now, everyone will calm down probably by tomorrow. *smooch*
fluffy eyelashes
>I wanna make a good dataset
>I don't wanna manually go over the 100+ autotagger outputs
Baking loras is hard
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update, it really is the 05 version. just ran it on my machine. picrel is my unupscaled. just compare it to the civit post.... https://civitai.com/images/36814615
no way this is a mistake, it's 100% a conspiracy... the chinese are trying to turn us into furries let's impotently rage even harder!!!
lol, desu i dont know if its really a mistake or not, cus how does civit get 0.5 as 0.75??
run the same on 0.75
Textsisters, we have to go even further beyond!!!
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FYI "uneven eyes" is a great tag
Noobsloppers taking the L
Ok but WHY is it so necessary to put a e621 dataset in an anime model?
who is bud talking to?
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same seed, unupscaled 0.75 version
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Smegma, farting
We need more data. Why does it have to be the ugliest data available? Stop asking questions, goy
>we're going back to score_9, score_8_up, source_anime
2024 was a fucking mistake
astralite was a fucking mistake
Nice, has a bit of a furry vibe, but other than that pretty cool
to destroy NAI
GUYS, I don't want to alarm you, but there is a MUCH bigger issue right now than noobai v0.75:
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I swear I only prompted for hairy male.
Because it's a furry model and weaboos don't deserve good models
Please think of my starving family living in a hut floating on the ganges! They need 2000 posts to survive!
Quality tags were always a mistake. They do too much or they do too little.
Negatives were also a mistake.
We need to truly be free.
you WILL prompt 1furry, vomit, smegma

and you WILL like it
2k post bros...
it helps porn and there's a lot of good data there? like are you niggers prompting furry shit? then it shouldn't affect your prompts that much. SDXL is a big boy, he has enough parameters to handle it.
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Gonna bake my first illust lora. Did only noobaivpred so far. Do I keep vpred enabled for Illust, or just SDXL?
Just went over 60.
It's terrible, but the results are worth it.
its kinda better but also not really
I'm sure these folks also advocate for filtering out all yaoi / bara content from anime models.
Illustrious is not vpred, sir
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You got something pretty similar to me an hour ago
Name ONE thing worth adding from 621 to anime models
the issue is that Danbooru and e621 use similar tags that can cause concept bleeding
Nice. Great minds think alike.
but both base illus and noob can already do rimjobs
>it helps porn
no it doesnt
also its so full of garbage it actually stain the dateset and smear it in shit color
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But why sepia tho?
danbooru is also full of garbage, there are a lot of contributors who bypass the queue to add tumblr art that's vaguely anime. that shit doesn't get pruned from the dataset.
Good stuff
Alright. I've been only doing vpred for so long I forgot what options are only meant for it and not other models lol.
base illus couldnt
or at least required much more gacha
Highlights... so close
idk, go to e621 and check it out for yourself
>wake up
>1100 new posts
>took 1 hour to just skim QUICKLY
Guess 0.75 really is THAT bad huh? Went to sleep before trying it.
The sepia is seeping in...
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But the model we've been trying to chase for over a year is based on the danbooru dataset
the ratio is completely different, you would have a hard time finding a pictures worth adding to any dataset when browsing e621
it's literally better 0.5 but some retards are sharting themselves because prompting "1girl, solo" doesn't give them the mona lisa. honestly feels like a very thinly veiled astroturfing campaign.
Gelbooru is mostly danbooru anyways, there's little difference
Link your civitai profile please, sir
>every example so far show its worse
>not a single show improvement
>its literally better guysssss
stfu lying retard
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I think we should all go back to 1.5
"better" with worse colors, artist looks worse and has a sepia look. if you use the same tags from 0.5 in 0.75 you literally get worse results kek
Best sources for more anime art are screenshots and gamecgs + maybe a limited amount of doujins
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you dropped your gen bro?
was pretty inconsistent for me. skill issue i guess
guys when are the adding gpo and ces to NoobAI?
show the 0.75 superiority
Just write a longer prompt, bro
Don't be lazy, bro
show that it's worse
ubel box??

box mochirong sir
OUR wife
scroll up
Why are they refusing to post on /b/?
kill yourself, NAI shill
i know that furries are blind so can't see grids itt
finally an image from a non-furry model, ffs
only took almost 300 images
Stfu I hate oppossumachine
like 15 grids have been posted in this thread, are you blind?
so the furry database may have some spillover, but they also tag things "not furry", which i'd expect enables the model to proactively shun furry aesthetics and tastes rather than just miss them

so it's more than just negging furry which doesnt do much at all
It's mostly shitposting but there's also legitimate concern that the model would get poisoned with furry crap and sepia. It's not catastrophic with 0.75, yeah, you can "just use long prompts and negs bro it's okay, it's actually better!", but what is 1.0 gonna look like?
he think 0.75 is better so yes he is
I'd rather my food had no shit in it to begin with
source_anime sisters, we're back!!!
sepia wasn't an issue with the e621 dataset on pony, pony was sepia because astralite was a retard and used fucked hyperparameters for training the model. look at an actually well trained furry model like fluffyrock which actually had amazing colors because lodestone isn't a moron and jumped on the ztsnr train as soon as he noticed it was better.
>people show proof of regression
>It's mostly shitposting
keep gaslighting

How did you prompt the bodies? Specifically, the thighs?
and sepia isn't an issue on nai furry either, it's literally just eps-pred
noob bros... can we recreate this?
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only with v0.5
what a joke of a question, of course not
only based poster itt as always
why it's so anime
They do, but it's hilariously so weak that you might as well just make new loras so you can use it with other illustrious shitmixes.
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it's NAI, and frankly? I'm resubscirbing RIGHT NOW!
Yeah ... I'm resubscribing
it's the only good sdxl anime finetune (after 12 (twelve) months)
>/aco/ style

>anime style

learn the difference.. we lost...
>>/aco/ style
take that back you mothar bitch
We were so close...
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I'm happy I didn't delete all of these old models, it's nice to look back at them for the nostalgia. Have some EasyFluff as well.
File deleted.
I think there are times where SDXL (or perhaps just the fine tunes) can produce interesting backgrounds, but yeah, 1.5 was really quite interesting for backgrounds and knowing trivia related to backgrounds. It's sad that was lost. Maybe SD3.5 Medium will be the one...
Why is it that whenever a better local model is released, shitposting in this general increases by over 1000%?
home. until i slopped it all up
kurumuz pays his shills better than he pays his textgen team apparently
Is this better local model in the room with us right now?
>better local model
gotta try a little harder than that for my (You)
Is there new NAI drama? Can you give me the highlights?
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On the contrary the better model got butchered.
>It's better
care to show us how?
the only drama we have is a localsissy meltdown as usual
There was only lazy "pony" shitposting with 0.5, because 0.5 was actually really good. With 0.75... not so much. I really don't want e621 to butcher local's best shot at sota model.
why didn't this guy do it then?
is the e621 butchering the model in the room with us anon
I warned all of you guys that noob would only get worse after 0.5 because of the e621 dataset and none of you listened to me
get this guy a cluster
did you miss part D?
Nobody knew that they would unfreeze the TE
why do you even have to ask? lack of compute
can you unfreeze the TE but just for character related tag
you are no different from an ideas guy
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Anon-samas, I ask again, where could I check out some tomls for Pony models? I wanna test baking some styles/characters for it even if it's getting dead.
why do you think i made that rentry? are you projecting anon
>still wants to use raw gelbooru tags
im so tired of this why do this why not use wd eva/vit + the stupid original tags
Your gen is not making it in, because either:
>You didn't prompt for the newest gacha girl
>There was no penis or cum
> Penis was smaller than an adults arm
> You prompted for some kind of intercourse that's not vaginal or fellatio
> Male does not have dark skin
> Your image has another kind of shading that's not the default pony 2.5d ultra shiny skin sheen.
> The female is visibly over 16 years.
I'm mr beast
They could just unfreeze it for a few epochs of only danbooru to get new characters/artists and then refreeze it and train to convergence with the furry data.
there are these things called the archives and the OP
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it's time to come home.
when 0.5 was released it was ok because the model was actually decent and not much shitposting, not like with 0.75
This was before the magic of eva large
Did you know that there are still people out there tagging images with natural language and using it for loras?
there's 1girl cunny in the current highlights within this very thread though
why lie??
Did you know that there are 366k images with the "tagme" tag on gelbooru?
Do your part and help make the image gen model of tomorrow even better by slaving away!
> The female is visibly over 16 years.
That's a fair minus. Wrinkles and smile lines are ugly. You can have any look you want with anime, why strive for anything but perfection??
i still think that the only way we're ever getting an actually good dataset is manually tagging 100k images and training an autotagger on that
>furries posting kung-fu panda inflation on noob server
it's fucking over
Imperfections can be cute. Beauty mark is the prime example
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>We had a good thing, you stupid son of a bitch! We had Euge. We had compute. We had everything we needed, and it all ran like clockwork. You could have shut your DMs, cooked, and made as many bakes as you ever needed. It was perfect! But no. You just had to blow it up. You, and your furries and your bronies. You just had to listen to them. If you'd done your job, known your place, we'd all be fine right now.
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this mix looks pretty good on vpred to be fair
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kill yourself for trying to imitate kurumuz' god model, localjeet
>gorillaz mix
>looks pretty good
is anyone going to tell him?
i'm sorry sar..
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Also, I forgot about vivi-chan
I am not crazy! I know he swapped those preview images! I knew it was V0.5. Not even close to Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn't prove it. He – he covered his tracks, he got that idiot in the civit comments to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That Illu bake! Are you telling me that a man just happens to get shafted by his company like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jordach! He defecated on our anime bake! And I donated to him! And I shouldn't have. Gave him my own money! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he made minecraft mods, always the same! Couldn't keep his paws out of the donation bucket! But not our Jordach! Couldn't be precious Jordach! Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a baker!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you – you have to stop him! You-
better than most local stuff
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this one is copying the negatives too, overall a lot less misses than the previous one
well proompted, sar
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2 more imagerinos!!!
wait is this not NAI??
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good joke!
Idk about you guys but i'm off to masturbating to my gens made on 0.5 btw
Are you all ready to post in my next thread?
basically the same prompt than who I was quoting
Yes :)
New Thread:

>images posted 2 years ago just to show off a shitty trained LoRA
Can you try harder at shitting on me than when I had trained my first shitty LoRA?
It's funny when schizos just go with the "ur profile images are bad, so you're bad"
uh oh civijeet melty
Yes you are :)
>literally comparing undirected 1girl, solo results
peak retard

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