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Night CatEdition

Previous Thread: >>8494218 →

A1111: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge | Alternative version (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
Comfy: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

Illustrious: https://civitai.com/models/795765 | https://civitai.com/models/1232765
Noob: https://civitai.com/models/833294

Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples | https://openart.ai/workflows/templates
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
Illustrious-related: https://rentry.org/illustrious_loras_n_stuff
Useful Nodes/Extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgz/edit | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

>>8498061 (OP)
Previous Thread Highlights


catbros we are SO back
Pony v7 will save local.
1girl pov cowgirl enjoyers keep winning
Do people really prefer more simpler and less detailed gens and want to pay with likes or money for their favorite fetishes rather than same fetishes but on arts with more complex and detailed appearance? Is it really that simple point that quantity against quality is better road to farm stats for profile?
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Challenge #707

Last thread entries:

100% Japanese sovl manga character this time
>generating men
I think all pass on this one.
hawk tuah xd
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>challenge is vaguely challenging
>hdg gives up
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cat thread
nice polio arm, jesus christ, poor catgirl.
could you gen her fucking a very dark skinned male individual? please and thank you!
I just feel uncomfortable prompting males. I'm a disembodied penis kinda guy.
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pillar approved thread
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wrong thread
the other thread is also dead despite having all the shitposters?
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late to the V4 party, this is the best gen ive got so far
amazing, it looks terrible.
yeah and turning on high resolution just makes things worse
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total local victory as always.
little better
actually that's pretty decent for a 1MP gen, let's see what happens when i click the high res button
she's way too moe/cute compared to her anime character
overall, does seem harder to get the sort of style and fidelity you want (and i already thought V3 was too awkward in this regard)
there's more AI fuckups than local, though the gens come a lot faster than on my machine so i can burn through tweaks and seeds more quickly
my prompt-fu is pretty decent on local, id probably need a week or more to really take advantage of V4's compositing
i think ill shelve it until updates
What’s our response, localsisters?
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cat music
what did she mean by this?
She’s having a stroke on stage and you’re making jokes?
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I'm really struggling with femto
she'll be fine, line of catnip, gets over with seducing the Chinese lithography engineer and planting a virus on his phone at the behest of her USAID sponsors, good four hours of sleep and a vodka for breakfast, do it again the next day
horrible thread. fuck catfaggot. fuck you
griffith is probably easier
why 8498432 melty?
because everyone isn't in xis shitpost thread
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that was basically tatu's gimmick
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peak ai hentai art
dont talk shit about my bf, ill kill you
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i barely proompted with v4 bcs work n stuff
i hate these split threads, which thread am i supposed to post my bait in
not this one
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this thread is for A R T only
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well that didn't age well
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sex with aqua in the doggystyle position with clothes on!
That's a repost.
How good is NaiV4?
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Damn, what upscaler you are using?
This looks so good
More of this >>8498524 less of this >>8498525
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animesharpv4 + topaz
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this is actually good
girl (1)
Ayakon only does good gens
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And I'm out.
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sorry for slop. prompt was harder than expected.
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Challenge #707

logo: https://files.catbox.moe/6nswtb.png
wow these threads just fucking died, amazing.
Burgers went to sleep
the spergs are in the other thread. maybe that's more up your alley
turns out aco groidsloppers only want to post when there are jeets awake to bait reactions from
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How the fuck does NAI know this hyper specific pose and action combo. I don’t even get any hits for it when I search for it.
v4 is actually very good at positioning and composition but horrendously bad at artist recognition.
>horrendously bad at artist recognition.
sure, some artists look worse than noob, like yd (orange maru)
but it's knows more artists
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It can't mix them though.
>>8498061 (OP)
The last time I did local gen cooming people still used A1111 and SD 1.4 based models with LORAs were the hottest thing in town.

Whats the average setup now? I assume Illustrious and Noob are good since they're in the OP but I haven't heard of them since I've been using NovelAI for a couple of months.
yeah, but that is not "artist recognition"
My bad, bad choice of words I guess, but you get the point.
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does your waifu gen images
You still need loras if you want to prompt for specific characters or non-Danboroo artist style.
it doesnt actually know this pose
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they made good party music and encouraged an entire generation of alt girls to lez out. But then they bogged themselves.
>curated dataset
what's the lore on this logo?
>But then they bogged themselves.
only one of them though
Is it possible to run NAI locally

I want to get better at making stuff in ComfyUI but everything just looks way hotter in NAI
You can't run it locally but you CAN use it from a local UI. See https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api
Holy jpeg artifacts
Honestly lately I've been getting more and more sympathy for the artists. Not the completely delusional twitter screecher type, just the ones that get sad about all this. Imagine this shit being somewhat of a passion of yours, spending years to improve your skill in hopes to get some money from all of this, all to be outmatched by mass-producing BBC sloppers that pump out crap with 15 fingers and fried eyes. Demoralizing.
People and by consequence, the algorithm, they only care about trends, nobody cares about quality. Growing as a small artist/creator without doing bbc slop at some point is super hard. Also have to add that those shitty spammers upload dozens of pics daily, and the algo likes that.
Uh oh
Griftie meltieå
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Is it possible to controlnet this pose?
Never use shitmixes
They dumb down the models in every way in the name of stability. There is no base local model that is as good and nice to use as naiv3 but you can try your luck with
eps 0.5
eps 1.1

Adjusting's gonna take some time but in my opinion it's worth it. I suggest using some style lora you like at low weight to *slightly* stabilize the model.
Thats a Desu
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no follower=no views
you need to farm for a while before getting views but honestly you shouldnt look at numbers anyways
that doesn't seem like a crazy amount of views...
>20k followers on twitter
>100 patreon subs at 10$(!?)
what the fuck
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>>8496401 →
I saw this posted on futaba and thought of you.
maybe your stuff sucks
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dont take twitter clout like a relevant number, it means and represent nothing
Terrible quality. Use the real version: https://litter.catbox.moe/xczr7t.svg
Can we just admit that Cathag is the actual creative here, not the oekaki incel spamming boring 1girl standing slop?
>doing things for money over fun
>finished training lora with a much better dataset
>it's shittier than some slop i made in 2022 from a significantly worse dataset
Make it make sense
you would be a retard not to have one. you are generating the images anyway you might as well make money for it
since ive started about 8 months ago i am already pulling in over 800 bucks a month just posting the slop that id be making anyway
You can probably img2img it
advertise on every single site that you can
when you generate an image you should be posting it in at least 10 different spots be it pixiv, twitter, rule34, aibooru, spamming random 4chan threads, etc
Now maybe, seems like couple of jeets decided to rape the corpse of this general before burying it. Before it was maybe 1-3 grifters posting here and they were always ridiculed and chased out.
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post oni
lmao what did you get striked for?
the strikes? all me
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one day you will do something else than spam bbc with the same style for more almost a year
okay nostradamus, tell me when people stop paying for it too lol
shit is the easiest cash ive ever made in my life
>medium chests on anime girls are now lolo
nah thats bullshit, I bet you did some schoolgirl or something else underage
i thought that SEA hours was a meme by some schizo but it's true, it's nothing but grifter talk during this time here kek and it's every day now
But where is her anus?
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fern is build for shibari
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at least put a penis in there with some cum come on
Between her cheeks, I assume
No, fuck off.
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>splotch of cum
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finally thank you for following the rules
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im sorry I'll post more cum
She should show it off!
im addicted to inpainting anuses
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Drooping Cat [1] shall become part of her character prompt.
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nah i dont post images here anymore, im just here for the memes
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Are those the thoughts of her hair?
heh yeah okay bro
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These are super cool. Another idea would be a suspended congress with her body while he holds her head behind him to his ass for a rimjob
it's slop
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my thoughts. i'm an ass man.
i inpainted for 12 gorrillion hours just for that expression ....
lmao i got it from >>8498816 →
holy based
A friend of mine is a big fan of dollfucking and he likes these.
I'm glad we're relaxing the limits of what's allowed on /h/, was a bit too strict
can i post my loli here now too?
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they see me griftting
they ignoring
Do it but with Aqua and Eris, please.
do it with a cock that doesn't look like a gas station hot dog, please
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i'm trying to get something like that but it keeps giving me variations of this
does that overlap with dullahans?
>does that overlap with dullahans?
Only one of them is also a monsterfucker.
nai won
not making any promises here

gonna need some time to inpaint that long dong
I wonder if some variation of having the hand behind back tag for the guy would help and have him with one hand on her ass and one hand behind him holding her head
arms_behind_back and grabbing_another's_hair just gave me arms behind back like they were tied up
maybe forced rimming/oral...
You guys use Civitai right? How do you accrue a lot of buzz without posting to popular models?
el baitado
you can purchase buzz with real money, that is the easiest way
dullahan, headless, head_only, ?
Rimming in general can be a pain in the ass so it's not really a surprise.
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lol weird
I thought the whole point was that it’s supposed to feel good, not be a pain.
the metadata is all there if you want to look.
too late you could have botted your likes and maybe get some buzz like this guy
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You can always try. Moderation seems to rely heavily on reports, and straddling the line where you start to trigger people requires the skills of a real artist.

pic unrelated
Surprised like two or three guys managed to make this thread the main one when the other already had momentum. Guess people really do like the challenge and highlights.
i thought it was always pretty obvious there is only one dedicated shitposter who hates the highlights because he never ends up on them so he samefag and shits up the thread. everyone else really enjoys both the highlights and the new challenges
highlights schizo is preferable to highlights schizo schizo
I also never end up on them, unless I post a zero effort test gen, or show someone how my gen looked pre-inpaint then those do get in. Hence the question.
2 guys vs 1 guy, both samefagging
I have a hard time figuring out whether it's a well-crafted bait or just genuine retardation. Any experts?
Weird frog. Doesn't look like much of a frog to me.
why not both?
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well done sir butiful henti reminds me of the story of Varuna when he turned into frog
this so much this
i disagree with him therefore he MUST be intentionally trying to anger me
see? it's hot, they know what's up
Love your gens. Can you share workflow? Screenshot would be very welcome.
catbox in the filename
It should have metadata too.
What's a good way to do that "open mouth it feels good but i don't want it" expression?
that's just angry and/or crying, the feels good part is a secondary concern in those situations
I'm new to comfy I'm not sure how to translate it into nodes
Something along this https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4108595&
That's just open mouth, crying with eyes open, maybe add scared or angry.
You could also try throwing the worried or raised eyebrows tags in there
butiful indian lady
So just retardation?
looks like the anti highlight schizo woke up for his daily shitposting spree, brace yourself for nogen posts to increase
Just drag and drop the pic into the UI. I'm on an old version so I have to do these additional fixes, maybe you don't:
CLIP Set Last Layer must be removed or set to either 0 or -2 (that's clip skip, from SD1.5)
Sampler: Euler a, Schedule type: SGM Uniform failed to import, set them manually

That's it, plus download the checkpoint and lora
Tagging and either chasing a niche or chasing fotm trends are king.
>chasing a niche
is that why half of chastity pics are gigafried chastity garbage
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More like pitoro
maybe not a narrow niche
but if you keep doing different things there's no reason for people to follow you, you're just another AI artist out of thousands
need something that makes your gens unique, whether it's sticking to one style, concept or a character/franchise
He meant niche fetish, people will adore you for giving them giantess clowngirl farting AIslop regardless of the quality if that's their retarded subhuman fetish.
I guess chasing a niche is the wrong way to put it - more stumbling into a niche. I once discovered that a lot of Koreans apparently like a certain anime girl that I just happened to be posting. I don't know if that translates to monetization since I never tried, but I did get follower/heart boosts when I would post more of her.
>niche fetish
anon, I...
I think dudes like this also find pretty good success. They're real artists and not slopsmiths but they kind of just do one thing but insert different girls.
>90% greyscale fellatio in a dirty bathroom, pov
>90% head out of frame 1girls
I can understand and respect this but I feel I'd get incredibly bored of doing something like this for more than a week.
I like it, what artist?
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How are both the window shadow and the light source on the same side? Global illumination.
why censor?
>>8498061 (OP)
What artist was used for the OP pic? I like the style.
Artist is CHanon.
this needs a throat bulge.
what Japanese artists do more detailed 2.5d shading styles, i'm tired of (anime screenshot:2)
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(zeronis:0.6) for the tasteful shine and smooth skin texture.
(jlullaby:0.6) for the deliciously creamy cum.
(tianliang duohe fangdongye:1) just for fun.
And IP Adapter.
Not sure what kind of shading you're looking for, try yomu \(sgt epper\), mikoyan, hero neisan, melon22, wokada, etc.
Can you point me to a local model that does nice (anime screenshot:2)
been doing some testing and finding a good artist mix then training loras for those same artists and replacing the tags with the loras comes out way nicer
Jlullaby tag barely works though? Or you're using lora
Have you tried anything that's not a merge?
Yes, I try to avoid merges. I never used shit like scat tower and wai and never will
too based for this general desu
It works fine and is very strong on Wai.
on forge/reforge how do you make wildcards go through the tags in a list as opposed to randomly?
I am angry both artist:wlop and wlop work, surely the models are fucking up somehow allowing two tags to do the same thing?
mayhap they were trained on both?
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I spent entirely too long trying to inpaint a bike wheel in various perspectives and I fear it still looks like shit..the original didn't even have one and now I'm wondering if I should've just trusted the AI
that one is oyatsu \(mk2\)
no wheel at all makes more sense tbqh
artist:artist works better most of the time
Shit, that's what I figured.
Why was illustrious 0.1 good but underbaked and then 1.0 turned into broken slop?
because 1.0 is still underbaked, you still need a lora to stabilize it
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Smaller number better, see NAI
that's hot ngl, I may even do something like that later
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naiv1 bros we won
How can I do lineups of multiple girls without regional prompter? I'm using forge and regional prompter is kinda broken as is, most of the time it doesn't work.

I'm trying to do groups of 5 girls in a single screenshot, in the vein of the CG harem endings of a nukige, should I just give up on the idea? or mass batch them and hope I get one good shot out of 100
For me it's Stable Diffusion (2022)
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Cool pose and scythe, sexo dress but I don't like the face and you should have added the same frame for the bottom corners

controlnet any image with 5 girls on it and then inpaint
Draw some abstract blobs with their respective hair colors in mspaint and then i2i or tile (stamp) controlnet.
>How can I do lineups of multiple girls without regional prompter?
Use NAI.
>eigaka works better than riz for rizdraws
I won't even question this
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You, a filthy coomer
>pretend divine elf slut
Me, an intellectual
>tradwife waifu

Joking aside, it's genuinely surprising how good the results from your prompt when it's such a short little sentence. It's almost beautiful
is that some riz copycat?
>>8498061 (OP)
I asked on /trash/ once, but never tried here, anyone have a twitwit style lora/tensor? it's gone from civitai, it was pretty good, this guy
It shows how overfit the model is on 1girl, if you actually wanted it to gen a scythe on its own you'd have to do "no humans" or some such. Even that might not work.
I ain't even sure if it's a copycat or his old account but the style's identical. And it kinda works better than riz when prompting.
>{{artist:j.k.}}, [[[[artist:nyantcha]]]], artist:blushyspicy, {{{artist: yd orange maru, artist:bbc-chan}}}, artist:cutesexyrobutts, {{{{artist:redrop}}}}
just download your basic grifter lora and put bbc-chan in your prompt
bloody bitch, box sars?
I mean yeah, but just in case someone here had it
Poor 'toro that shit is hellishly painful
Who the fuck is Riz. Eigaka has been drawing for a decade, he does /d/ hyper stuff.
>grifterjeet talk deleted
Holy based janny
FUCK mukade.
could you do me one cowgirl pov, please.
Wow I can't find anything saying they're linked? Why the fuck are their styles so similar?
Huh... I think it's the body "lumpiness" and lines being crayony that tripped me up. So weird.
wait their accounts are also "eigdraws" and "rizdraws" this can't be not the same person wtf
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I don't even know what my prompt was. Thought it didn't even have metadata
How trigger the wildcard inside the wildcard?
no it's not!
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You sound like an expert on the subject of centipedes in vagina.
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I wanted to be funny and do it from the female pov but it didn't work so here
nipples a little bit too puffy but that's okay. I'm gonna do you an C+
Who asked thoughstever?
its acoslop doe
true i prompted no humans,scythe lying on grass and got scythe and a dead dog for no reason
no humans doesn't mean no entities. You better of using still_life or weapon_focus
just add "weapon"
I'm just saying the model is biased, no entities should be the default when you prompt only an item.
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still can't believe they ripped off Surtr so shamelessly
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I'm not sure they are that similar beyond red head with horns
Why is it that when I try to prompt something like a cock hanging across a character's breasts, it is very very inconsistent on an OC I have to build up with many tags versus just using a canon character? Is it because the amount of tokens in the prompt is muddying things?
and hairstyle
there's not much else to an anime character, just eye color and clothes
nice job
I think there was something about tokens beyond the original limit of 75 having diminished impact. Maybe that is related.
Cute is justice, there is nothing wrong with a cute girl bias.
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I like her outfit most anyway
Oh zeronis work? Forgot to test him since he never worked before
Looked better without the wheels, could think it was out of frame or something
I got shivers from this shit
Is a 10000 image lora a good idea?
I don't really see what concept would need this, maybe some kind of very large style lora
I just scraped a bunch of old cgs lol
With anime, it's a losing battle, you can find a similar looking character for everyone in any franchise. For example, change the eye color from amber to blue, change her expression into a happy one instead of that mildly pissed off look she shares with Surtr, give her bigger tits, and people will bitch and moan that you're ripping off Rias Gremory
If you don't want to give up the OC catbox then at least post a pic, makes guessing easier.

Probably one or more of the tags you're using to "build up" the girl conflicts with it. Like when you prompt chest harness it will remove other things obstructing it.
Yeah, I guess there's only so many variants you can come up with. Plus they have to look good which limits it further.
>local cant do presenting panties without rng or lora
nai won...
skill issue
i did this shit on pony
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ok this is literally the first gen i did of it right now
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stop using shitmixes that dilute booru tag knowledge with random trash
so what exactly is this character, an OC or from an actual franchise
You're telling me hdgiggers are just bad?
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Here's a catbox of one of the failed gen attempts.
Finally getting around to using illustrious after being on pony for so long and... I think I'm fucking something up somewhere. Half of my stuff looks good, the other half looks samey, even with different style loras used. I tried using Noob and that just comes out as high contrast and fucked up. I'm still using webui which might be where I'm going wrong, or maybe I'm not putting enough effort into the prompt?
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100% my original creation.
Give us a catbox and switch to reforge
it's a reskin of Yang Xiao Long
he's not known for being original
thanks for the delivery
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she has no tits so you're welcome
>say "local can't do x"
>bunch of idiots bite and gen my request for me
lol this shit is too easy
>ask for request
>get one
Found your problem. Also, learn what the actual danbooru tags are, half of the shit in your prompt won't even get recognized properly.
Guess it's time to take the plunge for reforge.

Here's two quick test examples in the meantime. https://files.catbox.moe/llpaza.png
Using a Satoshi Yamamoto/Pokemon Adventures lora that was designed for Noob. Both just feel off and far away from the original style, as well as the colors being sorta off. Unless I'm schizophrenic and it's fine.
local can't do dragon loli and fox loli sucking of a shota
local can't do a loving family
All the tags were filled in by autocomplete though. Or am I getting screwed by random e621 tags in the dataset? Is there a better illustrious model?
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local can't do cowgirl pov with hats on
local cant mail me a couple hundred bucks so i can make rent this month
can local do this tho?
local can't fist my ass
local can't do foreign
this would kill someone with a hdr monitor
catbox please, nice chalky lines!
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>Guess people really do like the challenge and highlights.
it's not really difficult to understand, really. a couple of resident avatars moved over, mentally ill obsessed nogen shitposters (if they're different people, that is) followed, indians suffering from severe stockholm syndrome and practically requiring something to attach to moved as well and for the rest this thread appears more active which is why you and i are talking about this here. it's called cancer because it's uncurable after all. it scared away a lot of posters, many ai generals has fallen, and any treatment attempts will lead to nothing because this kind of structure rejects any medication if you don't nip it in the bud. it's too late and at this point, unironically, only the website administration can do anything about it. but since the mods are a bunch of discord troons who don't give the tiniest fuck, you may imagine that more likely outcome is them creating /ai/ board, attaching some pillar to it as a mod, who will carefully filter out all users who advocate for something against the current regime.
bait, and not even a carefully-crafted one. i'm still genuinely wondering how a median /hdg/ poster is able to rationalize posting images in *this* thread when another one exists.
Neither can you faggot.
i upscale with DPM++ 2M
why are you using outdated models bwo
they... just work
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they are very different
Thanks anon
Whose dick is that
she has 7 god damn toes anon. Look at your slop before you force us to, please.
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Dang, my bad for raping your virgin eyes with 15 pixels worth of extra toes on the right border of the picture.
holy shit that was the fastest inpaint ive ever seen
It's called "cropping"
i just searched my reforge and i dont see that option?? link to extension for it please
looking pretty grim for v4 ngl
its only available to novelai subs
Sorry I programmed it myself using ChatGPT and it's a trade secret for my patreon :(
you guys are such jokers lol no but seriously give me the link
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saas won, doomtroons lost
>b-but mixing
nobody cares
>75 million of those images is people shuffling through their old artist mixes trying to get anything usable
it certainly is a nice way to word what has been happening the past week or so
it's goodwill from v3 and leftover anlas
let's see how it fares in 3 months if they don't unfuck v4 :)
Hello, looking for a kind anon who can help me train another shield hero dataset for illustrious. This is for S'yne Lokk, the cutie with big scissors. I could only find 45 images including caps from the anime. As she's just appeared in season 3 it's understandable there's only so few of her but with the help of taggui i was able to tag em all. Though there were a few odd tags it threw out, still i managed to sort it all out. Thank you for picking this up if you do.
Off topic but them finding a niche in Nipland to the point they traveled there and do everything in Japanese is funny. Is it just because GPUs would burn their paper homes?
Dude's dick which is being bent the other direction.
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damn, bitch was weak
>Is it just because GPUs would burn their paper homes?
Yes, complete lack of GPUs + v3 being king of AI anime aesthetics + both japs and chinks fucking love SMEAr to death
it's because most ai users use saas. even majority of 'local' uses civitai generator and colab to train. there is zero reason to run locally if you don't have a top-end GPU. you're just wasting time for inferior results
>there is zero reason to run locally if you don't have a top-end GPU
i can generate reasonably fast on my 3060 and i can masturbate to the results
just a highschooler after all, shouldn't expect much
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Back in my day I was cooming with a 1050Ti
turns out /hdg/ as a whole is the problem not just a few schizos and shitposters
i'm still genuinely wondering how anyone is able to rationalize posting images in this general
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Help bros, I need to speedread Berserk to take part in the challenge. Where do I start?
It's not that difficult, (you)s feel better when you've done something to deserve them and not just baitposted.

That said, it does seem like very few gens actually get attention these days. Think we've just seen it all by now.
>seem like very few gens actually get attention these days
Always has been
chapter 1, Donovan is a vital character to get through to understand the story
Why is it so long (the torso)?
Why not? It's hot (up to a point (that has not been passed yet)))
its local
weird res
my torso is that long so i don't see a problem, i didn't know this thread is for dwarfs
plural is dwarves
also post dwarf girls
ayy lmao
/slop/ is too fast and /e/ doesn't allow cocks, so where else would I post them?
local cant do fern anus.
I post gens expecting people to point out flaws on them but unless it's a clearly visible extra finger no one says anything
nice try
>30 new artists
>largely divested myself of old tired mixes
sloppa time
Okay you guys, listen. You take your girl for a nice picnic and then end up fucking her for the first time. And then she does this.

What do?
>no bush
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/h/ has /hdg/
/g/ has /ldg/
why does /s/ not have a thread for generating photorealistic porn?
is there some other board that has such a thread?
How do I, an dyslexic, uses novelAI verion 4?
The Japanese use Grok to write prompts for them.
/s/ is a dead archive board for boomers.
ah yes, because if i want to post photorealistic images almost indistinguishable from reality i should go to the "cartoon" board
very intuitive
has novelai formally conceded to local yet? I mean it's pretty clear that they lost, but i'd like to have it in writing
the reason thats the case is because enjoying 3dpd is cartoonish in nature
They struggle with the photorealism part, so it's easier to have the failures still belong on the same board.
the naming is unfortunate, but /aco/ is meant for every style except the narrow niche that is anime
Speaking of, the 3dpd models finally got pretty okay. I checked a couple of them out recently out of curiosity.
another one
>indistinguishable from reality
You wish. Prompting for realism shit is a fucking hassle when you try to introduce /h/-like concepts and not even worth the time.
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Friendly reminder to take your waifu to the beach.

That's because /aco/ is meant to be the western board. Most of the fags making actual 3d art lewds are westernfags. Even the ones doing korean pop singers, no one in Asia is doing real life porn, they're all doing anime porn.
>boohoo my life sucks i am a loser everything bad billions must die
Meanwhile in reality people just have fun posting gens.
Link? Every time someone says that it ends up being another plastic slop model. I don't think SDXL is capable of breaking out of uncanny valley for realism.
Oh I don't remember it but it was from Civit. It might have been Cyber Realism?
Good enough to gen 1girl standing
Would asians even have a platform to post them on? Realism is huge on DeviantArt, though that one is softcore only afaik. From them all I've seen are a few hunyans on pixiv.
is that mita? damn.
>Every time someone says that it ends up being another plastic slop model
The uncanny valley is a real thing, might as well stick to making pixar waifus instead of photorealism.
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They're trying hard to merge with anime models for booru knowledge, that's what brings the plastic look. Stuff trained on base SDXL using only photographs looks fine, it's just terrible to actually use. If you look at the best /aco/ genners they use either lustify/biglust or cyber. (Yes, that's the cyber from our cyberfix. Grim.)

If you need booru knowledge you either accept the plastic look or use one of these models as a refiner.
Any tips for finding mixed on local, bros?
mixed what?
just use chadmix or reweik pony
artist mixes*
I'm lying like a sloth on my chair and it's hard to type
make artist wildcard and let her rip
m-da s-tarou, bigrbear, quasarcake, bkub, zankuro, incase
your favorites artist bwo
I focus on artists that look very different from the danbooru average. Those tend to be strong even at lower image counts and don't just disappear when mixed in.
you uh mix artists
i have a script for combinations and permutations if you want it
actually could be worse
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Can anyone read prompt out of this? https://files.catbox.moe/tmo014.png . I need the pose
very good toro images, please catbox ( or just say the artist/artist mix plsl)
Thanks for all the actually helpful answers bros, you're all actually pretty

Sure do bro, thanks
I'm afraid it's machine code.
Nothing there.
Fuck. Img2img and prompt searching it is then
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Probably arms behind head + folded and maybe frogtie, also she has two left feet
just have a good memory and make sure you've been fapping to hentai for at least 20 years. cheers. also going to related tags on danbooru helps.
>I need the pose
use controlnet
This but without the girl, the boy, and the inset?
Could you regenerate this image with the same seed, but put 'artist:' before each artist's name, please? I want to see if that helps remove the random girl in the background.
I thought the new non-futa /d/ thread would get flooded with all the mainstream fetishes that simply weren't allowed anywhere before, like tentacles, lactation, hyper boobs, stomach bulge, etc. But no, it's just dying among a bunch of amputees and conjoined 1girls standing.
no gril in background but more ai-isms overall
i think you'd need a big XY to say whether or not it works
bottom is projecttiger and the top is uh jrpencil
Might as well get you the entire suite
compare is for image SSIM comparison
extracttags is for automatically extracting tags out of names between the seed and 1girl/1boy
extracttags-mix is for extracting tags out of names but you specify the bounds yourself
tagcombine is combinations (so only one order, and for the inputed tag amount you get all the lower tag amounts too), you make a tags.txt with the tags in newlines without commas and run it (and remember to sed in commas at the end because i forgor to ask gpt to add that kek)
tagcombine-permutations is the same but permutations
and the tag folder is for extracting tags between image count bounds from the danbooru database
>[ : <lora:deepkiss_vpred10_1a.safetensors:1.0>,:0.4]
You can't "prompt edit" loras like that you fool.
>I thought the new non-futa /d/ thread
I only see 2 /dgg/s with both futa OPs
yes you can
civitai now enables all checkpoints for on-site gen, any recommendation for chp to try out?
thanks sar
fetishes like tentacles are pretty much abandoned on 4chan. can't post on /h/, doesn't really fit on /d/. that's why so many people flock to places like degen or /slop/ despite the awful average quality - can post any shit you want whether it's tentacles, 1girl standing or whatever else. /h/ is just extremely limiting when it comes to what gens you're supposed to post.
Who is this mystery woman...
tentacles as a fetish are abandoned overall
seriously, what happened? it was half the porn in 2007
can v4 do kyrie canaan?
That might be part of the issue. It was made by a spiteful futafag, as a containment board for haters. So there's no thread name or OP >>>/d/11242520
i rarely gen tentacles, but when i do i post it on /d/
nogs stole our op
I frequently gen futa and tentacles, and always post them here.
I was going to post some stuff there but seeing the rest of thread I think I'm going to pass
slopwork my nigga
>Can v4-
Yes, always
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can it make an appealing image?
photorealisitc angelina jolie as lara croft, but with raita's bodyshape and huge badonkers
cowgirl pov
can local?
Did you click the wrong tab? Prompts go on https://novelai.net/image
Someone put this as a prompt in v4
I am asking if v4 can do it
It is your turn to say no
don't forget to apologize to local
it put out a bad lara croft
I did and a part of the coreweave cluster exploded
All according to keikaku
erect clitoris
someone ask Nai to make Ahri with western in the negatives
I think it's a pretty big ask for people to migrate back after they have already left. Most people have found new places to post or they just accept that /d/ wasn't the place for their slop amongst all the futa. I still gen tentacles but I just have no desire to post on /d/ in a similar way that I gen a bunch of 1girl standing but have zero desire to post on /e/.

You made your bed etc etc.
neg: western comics (style), toon (style)
it's not aco!
Can v4 achieve this amount of soul? Didn't think so. Local wins again
mr janitor get down!
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lamp sex
that looks more like balls than a pussy btw
How do you anons inpaint on NAIv4? The focused inpainting is absolutely dogshit. It has no denoising strength control, it changes the image too much and yet the fucking inpainting looks garbage. The normal inpainting costs anals after upscaling so that's no go. Is this skill issue on my part, or is local that much better for inpainting lmao. I'm using the webui API extension too.
why does it look like pony?
sigh... it's nai
arlecchino sexo
my fav artist mix on v4 is no mix at all
But why?
nai is for the lowest effort slop possible, it's only strength is making it easy for utter retards.
Local offers far more control in every way
Came here to say exactly those words.
sometimes i can't help but feel AI could really speed up background CG production.
stop posting this girl or im gonna have to start masturbating furiously
>nai is for the lowest effort slop possible
there's worse stuff
nai removes a ton of the very most basic tinkering required for the lowest level of passable images
Thanks bro, I left the message and forgot about it, but you actually did it!
post your work then if its so great
yes, there's worse stuff out there
nai sucks and its users are retarded paypigs.
how many (you)s will this get?
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well im not stopping for a while so better get that hand to work
easy peasy
if you want (you)s, just post cny
its that easy
Why does /hdg/ like Chinese New Year so much?
way less than the millions of satisfied NAI subscribers, but i'll give you one.
its NOT nai
why are the breasts so big
she should get breast reduction surgery
We should kill you with hammers.
it's hyper
you can tell by the (veiny penis:1.21) in the prompt
all penises over 2 inches are hyper actually, mine is normal
skill issue
A few months ago I remember someone showing off an extension that let them reference images to replicate the same character without the tags needed. Anyone know what it was called?
are you a super newfriend and just mean a lora?
Neither. It was an extension via github. Functioned similarly to the old 1.5 reference option in controlnet.
Are you talking about the snakeoil extension that would generate gigabytes worth of embeddings each time you wanted to create a new character reference?
I don't remember the name, but after trying it out for a bit I'd saydon't bother with that one.
Just use IP Adapter.
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>It has no denoising strength control, it changes the image too much and yet the fucking inpainting looks garbage.
It just completely rerolls your selection, so you slap on your mask and reroll, no need to paint underneath. If you get bad results, box your image and a screenshot of your mask.
Found it https://github.com/tocantrell/sd-refdrop
V4 is so bad that even here no one has created a good mix that I could steal lol
>find a nice artist blend
>it completely changes if i swap the charcter or prompt
this is the biggest problem with v4, the inconsistency is dogshit
>If you get bad results, box your image and a screenshot of your mask.
I do not understand this part at all. My problem with focued inpainting is that it doesn't even look higher res. Based on their docs:
>The key difference with regular inpating is that, before inpainting, this section gets upscaled to approximately one megapixel (the size of the selection is limited to a smaller size). This allows the inpainting process to add more details at a higher resolution.
and yet it looks like garbage.
Show your issue. Can't help you otherwise.
I call her a liar
it probably looks like shit because it upscales the region with shitty browser canvas upscale. same reason why the low denoise upscales on nai look like blurry shit. when i used v3 i upscaled with remacri in extras and then did denoising
It actually shows a warning when it does the shitty upscale. I saw it in a firefox incognito window.
Yeah I tried it and it didn't seemed to work. I vaguely remember though it was something else but maybe they changed the name of refdrop.
So what's the consensus on negatives? have none? only specific ones,or some small list to always have on?
As much as I love CN upscaling, it can really fuck up some rather cool environment designs. Had this sweet headboard that actually looked like something out of ER in the base gen only to wind up looking like spaghetti mess. Then again, I suppose that's all upscaling methods.
Test what works the best for (You)r setup
>Civitans! Some remixed images may have looked different recently due to updates to our image generator’s prompt-parsing nodes - this is now fixed. We apologize for any confusion! Think of it as a sneak-peek at upcoming generator Advanced Mode options designed to mimic local interfaces.
>mimic local interfaces.
Will they finally update their shitty mobile-tier UI and give people a proper WebUI?
small list close to nothing and just add more things if you really need them
schizo text wall
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just combine the 2 versions in photoshop
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on reforge none
on others idk its better to not use any either way because all they add is noise and the modern models are ultrafried to not be bad anyway
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I use a negative with exactly 75 tokens, works great for me
Same but I use one with zero tokens and it works even better.
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extremely fucked up for the character designer to add this shit to the top of her head where there's just enough of it visible for the AI to struggle to reproduce it while also being large enough to be very noticeably wrong
2 small
controlnet upscaling is more, not less likely to preserve that detail than uncontrolled denoise
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Do you mean img2img tile upscale with CN? Try changing the tile model you use to upscale. I use xinsir or noob. Sometimes, it helps to adjust your tags based on what you got on your gen. In your case, I'd suggest deleting almost any tag related to the fat man and adding invisible man Anyway, if you fix it, please post the result.
make the male (much) younger
does the x signal where i should cum on her?
i don't play honkai, but their characters are really nice
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me in the middle
Just started playing around with NovelAI, haven't been able to use it for porn, is there a trick or am I sol if I can't run things locally?
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this thread sucks
waiting for local to catch up...
I agree
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moshi moshi /h/ desu
I suppose so if I want to up my end step count but I like to keep it at the mids to gacha a bit and hopefully reduce any inpainting need after.
I went full noob a month or two ago from xinSAR and generally get better results according to my own headcanon. Base prompt for that is actually fat man and invisible man already which is giving me that cool see-through effect I was hoping for. Think it's more on me and the lower end step count changing my image a bit too much.
>cleft of pedophilia
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bold of you to think you could get away with this in a cathag thread
I'm going insane
cute wife
Switch model to V4 Full and put "nsfw" in the prompt.
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taking picture of a pussy
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why not
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Wish I could get the right eyes for both. Inpainting could probably fix this.
the king is back!
>Inpainting could probably fix this.
yes that is correct
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that's cheating.
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The kind of cheating in Miqo's own Visual Novel; Nyatorase?
Moved from a 3070ti laptop 8gb to a desktop 3090 and my gen speeds haven't even doubled using Reforge. Used to be ~2it/s on laptop and now it's ~3.7 on desktop doing base res gens. Same settings, same installation (moved the folder from laptop). Is this speed normal for 3090?
i'll be eagerly waiting then
The biggest difference will be that you can upscale and use controlnets without going out of VRAM and into shared memory, which is where the real slowdown would occur. For base res yeah, it's probably not THAT big a difference.
If I don't power limit my gpu I get about 3.8 it/s with a 3090 in comfy
What's your upscaling process/workflow?
Thanks. Yeah, a bump in speed for CN and shit like that was what I needed the most, tested it a little bit just now and it seems much faster than what I was getting on laptop so that's nice at least.
"This never happened to me during my tour in Iraq"
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>our most successful model release
i somehow doubt it
thank you saar.
you can't even find out if its good or bad without paying once, of course people want to try it
gonna be a huge drop afterwards
Gachas are okay just because they provide so many generico waifus and husbandos
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>upscaling process/workflow?
A large amount of just manual inpainting portions of the image and then a camera raw filter in photoshop. I inpaint with the same upscaler that I hires fix with (remacri).
If V5 is literally going to be slight increase in quality+ fixed artist mixing, I might as well use NAI over local, but v4 is not it, but it's pretty close.
From generic to overdesigned, depending on the game.
you just know they're scrambling to rush v5 out of the door, it won't fix any of the underlying architectural issues but maybe they can fix the image quality
That bump is probably due to interest in the novelai leak, not really in the novelai service.
freetards are in complete denial lol. v4 won
Posting fat cat tats since /e/ is maxed out
thanks bro, I love your gens
40 years old cat...
One might say the overdesign is generico now lol
But yeah gachas are 90% of the supply of non muh femboy boys now
“Overdesigned” doesn’t exist, it’s just code-speak for “I’m autistic and too much in a character design triggers my anxiety”
Blaze is made for Paizuri
>“Overdesigned” doesn’t exist
my man has never looked at a kingdom hearts design or castlevania judgement
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Nah, overdesigned is definitely a thing, the problem is that far too many people use the word as a negative without defining what it is to them or bothering to learn what it's about.

This is also what happened around 10 years ago when every single youtube video essayist started calling everything a "deconstruction" on their 43 minute long videos
Anything more complex than Aozaki Aoko's (original) design is overdesigned. I am 100% serious. If your character needs to wear fancy widgets, frills, and bells to stand out from the rest, it's shit design.
Clothes so complex and asymmetric no non-gacha person would ever wear them, not even fictional ones. Filling up every bit of open space with inane bulshit, pockets, zippers, belts, sewn-on patches, colored spots, etc.
case in point https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/5116285
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Anyone know what these weird lines are?
I’ve struck a nerve with the autistic community.
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namie's characters are all vtuber designs
Furry dataset leaking in
Thank you!
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Anon, you're taking about anime art, if they don't have some distinguishing trait or thing, then they're all gonna look the same. Pic related.
Some bullshit that happens with controlnet-based upscaling and certain samplers IIRC.
>skin color
Shitty fur?
think I would've seen it by now if that were the case, I use some furry artists and also prompt monstergirls

is it the raw gen or upscaled? would be a lot easier with the full catbox
Eh, NTA but all the greats have basic designs that are just memorable. Adding shit and shit and shit to try to make something unique just shows you don't have designs skills. See, kitsch art.
fur always goes downwards on the leg, these look more like barbs
guessing a weird upscale
>happily enjoying each others company while holding each other in the nude in the middle of consensual sex.
What the fuck anon, we draw the line at handholding, this is too much for this board. Erase this before the rapists and NTR lovers see it, or they'll have an epileptic attack.
Do any anons have any stripper costume ideas?

I came up with a few

Cowboy hat, chaps, belt, holster, gun, lasso

Aviators, police hat, handcuffs, gloves

Cat ear headband, plug tail, animal tail plug, milk (puppy theme acceptable)

native american headdress, chaps, beaded necklace, cowboy fringe

French Maid

bikini and white t-shirt then wet t-shirt

video game character, mario hat, denim shorts, suspenders

pokemon cosplay, team rocket or misty stripper costume

modified waifu costume, shouldnt be hard to turn Cammy or 2B's default costume into something stripper themed.
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it only shows up when using hires fix, this is with controlnet
cadaveranon is that you
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>we draw the line at handholding
I like to live dangerously
you are missing reverse bunnysuit and pasties + maebari with detached sleeves and thighhighs
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thanks, nice tripps
So, you mean to tell us that you've discovered standard issue stripper outfits? Some of you faggots really need to leave the basement and it shows.

What's next? a naughty catholic schoolgirl stripper? white front tied top, neck tie, cleavage, navel piercing, mini skirt, pleated tartan skirt, fishnet thigh highs, clear heels, platform heels? OH! wait wait wait!, what if we replace the the tartan skirt with a pencil skirt! now it can pull double duty as a naughty boss stripper! Holy shit I am a genius.
Just a wild guess here since I only use Comfy...is that "tile_resample" thingy a preprocessor for tile CN? You should only use that if you are doing tiled upscaling, not regular.
This guy is an ass hair away from blowing his gasket
aren't you supposed to be in your non-threadshitter bread, bwo?
if it works

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i should try training a background lora again
>white background
she will always be hot (literally)

extra sweaty paizuri
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Friendship with Euler A CFG++ ended. DPM2 with schizo schedule is my upscale sampler now.
it added two extra fingers
it made it 3d
>found some good stereotypically jap cg artists
>realized how fucking ugly most non-purely-anime styles are
They both did. But extra fingers are the least of my concerns when upscaling.
What scheduler
what are upscaling settings do you guys use?
janaidat x2
DPM++ 2M 0.5 denoise
it just works
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>maybe your stuff sucks
>this thread sucks

is that so? well, I THINK TOUHOU SUCKS
Normal img2img upscale @ 1.75x with 0.3 denoise and 28 steps Euler A CFG PP
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Why is the artist style mixing so bad?
(bountiful breasts:999)
it's T5
no refunds chuddy
what is the worst artist style illustrious can do
>Artist I like to prompt improved from V3 to V4
>Another artist I like got worse from V3 to V4
How does this happen?
sigh... it's nai
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>dick bigger than his arm
its average...
That's the best part.
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that's a childrens
Why five fingers?
Sisters deserve the best from their brothers.
no thumbs
very nice cowgirl pov, although, clouds could be fluffier. I'm gonna do you a B-
NAI blacklists artist that suck Kurumuz off, like saruei
That's breddy gud
I’d accept repayment blowjobs from that French slut so I understand.
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>9k tag combinations
maybe i need to prune back even more
what's the appeal of child abuse? I don't understand.
this nigga be looking like a nevada mountain range
Kinda makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
this nigga's dick be looking like Amanita jacksonii
stop posting.
>no Paimon
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ah yes genning gooner bait FOTM video game characters. kino.
All of these litterboxes and not a single good one
local can't do a very small gobbo riding a guy's face (head) while he's upright
(actually do show me if it's doable, shit's hot as fuck)
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i meant leglocked around the neck but it's a good base, ty
I didn't try for leglock but it should be possible, sometimes Noob's natural language stuff can really help despite looking schizo.
how can a saas company release a model that's worse than pony?
>Find nice sampler / scheduler setup after fucking around
>New favorite setup looks grainy and screwed like cfg is messing with it no matter how I adjust
Every time I update I regret it
how the fuck do get the "darkness" and purple lighting effect anon?
>he pulled
is kingdom hearts /aco/?
depends if its 3d or not
final fantasy or resident evil is 3d and still /h/
now that the dust is settled, which noob model are you using? any scattower or wai-nsfw mentions are obviously considered as shitposting
flipping between v29 and v29+1. Sometimes I use v29+1+H if I need to up the slop.
How are all companies in [current year] getting away with delivering worse products for a higher price than in the past?
Kingdom Hearts original characters: /h/
Final Fantasy characters that starred in Kingdom Hearts: /h/
Disney properties: /aco/
yeah but the better question is kingdom hearts has waifus?
i can recall maybe 5 original women and 3 of those are worthless to me
I’d turn KH Aqua inside out.
Not really since the entire point of the KH franchise is to be a fanfic character in Disney movies. So outside of Disney princesses, who are meh on the waifu scale an /aco/ material....
yeah aqua is one of the two worth anything
she looks like some tumblr troon oc
truly aco franchise
now that the dust has settled, why did pony look the way it did regardless of how many style loras you applied? naiv3, illust, and noob all also use sdxl and don't have that issue.
I spent 4 days with my PC on 24/7 training loras, I turned it off yesterday, today it turns on but it doesn't even boot and the code on the bios light is 00

its dead
Perfect timing! V4 just came out.
Actually do this time cause I don't know what my last undo is, and now it's showing me some sdxl memory leak shit.
consensus on chromayume?
let me guess:
>he pulled
>msi afterburner
>civitai open
>cefurkan training config
sounds like a dying PSU
It was the only model to incorporate rule34 into its dataset, and the selection of danbooru images it used was fairly small. Its style is dominated by cartoon and furry porn.
gatobox please?
how come models like noob/illust can very easily become aco but aco models cannot easily become hentai?
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original character, japenese kitsune foxgirl
Where'd you get the add sharpness from?
why did anon pull?
illu cant very easily become aco at all
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dead thread
Thanks m8.
You think this is dead? Try /ddg/.
sorry im genning content a little too extreme for /h/
catbox it then pussy
I think its better this way
Reforge anon if you're here latest update does weird shit to sgm uniform like just makes all the samples give kinda blurry and artifact'd gens.
works on my machine
sgm uniform is a meme
I was trying outt some other ones since it was borked on my end and didn't realize he'd added a bunch of random shit like laplace and phi. I hadn't checked any of these snake oil in months.

Must be nice.
we're all waiting for pony
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what artist is that? it's nice
a pull just flew over my house
did you request it??
This is based on nai v4, so it is unknown if it can be produced in the local environment.
However, since LoRA is abundant, I think there is a high possibility that it will be possible.
How hard would it be to make her sit on that? like getting lifted by it
What did you crank up so much that the dude got all melty?
>>8495598 →
>>8496753 →
i've had my fun merging stuff with ΣΙΗ.
in no particular order, i used these in my merging: ΣΙΗ, noob_v29, chromayumeNoobaiXLNAI_v10, naiXLVpred102d_final
i find that it is less glossy (sloppy) and haloes/blurs less than ΣΙΗ, has similar style performance to nai102d_final & chroma, while having stabler anatomy and lineart than v29. (purely empirical, might be biased).
picrel is with cfg 1 euler cfg++, no issues with cfg 6 euler either, see catbox: files.catbox.moe/362xyj.png
anyway, while its not that much different, im kinda satisfied with the result, trying out quantum merging was kinda fun too
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Schizo status?
wow, dude, at least catbox this
r3 is your mix? looks like a good middle ground, yes but I have a question, if you are using chromayume why are you also using noob_v29? aren't both "finetunes"?
anybody here experiment wtih local i2v stuff?

I'm testing some out with hunyuan and Wan now.
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yup r3 is the mix.
i wanted to see if i could get a decent go between in the style knowledge of the 2 models through quantum merging.
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Awake and feeding the sparrows.
>>8498061 (OP)
Add those threads to the OP already.
0.1 or 0.01
for loras
>people don't undervolt itt
This COULD be you tomorrow
higher might be better for really huge loras or something but ive only had bad results for 1 artist loras with anything higher
train lower and longer or reduce dim size instead
> >>>/r9k/aiwg
> 512x768
Does anyone know if NAI knows Mikoyan?
Bullshit. Even with 2 minutes per gen, it is 8*30=240 images over night while you're sleeping. With 10 minutes for upscaling it is 8*6=48 highres pictures over the next night. You just have work smarter, not harder.
does negative prompt weighting not work?? tried to negative (exposed breasts:5.0) and it did pretty much nothing, while doing (clothed female nude male:2.0) in positives worked.
very awa
dont use shit tag
>Is it just because GPUs would burn their paper homes?
Ironic since Japanese homes are probably more well built than most US ones for obvious reasons.
You'd get better result with negging breasts_out or nipples. You'd get even better results with positive prompting for whatever clothing piece is covering them.
it was bait
who made the userscript? can you make it image with stealth png display something that shows they have metadata?
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thanks, do you mind sharing the recipe or uploading the merge somewhere?
it's angroid
fuck this was meant for
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Sometimes simple is good.
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what the hell happened with the threads? I stay put for 1 day and it's utter chaos
Everyone’s experimenting with v4 after the updates.
Dude's glans is cyanotic
That’s just how much PRESSURE she’s exerting during her paizuri. Literally strangling his dick to death.
What are you talking about? 2 threads? It's no biggie. Other than that, threads are more peaceful than usual.
fellow lorakeks, if an artist has 6 variations of an image (before, sex, aftersex, with pubes, without, etc) should i be training on all of them or will it cause the model to overfit? is the training smart enough to understand it's a variation?
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try not to include them all unless you are low on images.
if you're including them, augment them with crops, rotations and flips (only if the character is symmetrical and you wish to train the character as well)
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I don't recommend it. If it's a style, pick just one of them. If it's a character, you can at least crop a different face from one of the variants and make it a close-up.
>darkness \(konosuba\), megumin, 1boy, 2girls, blurry background, clothed female nude male, cooperative fellatio, cum, cum on body, cum on penis, cum string, expressionless, group sex, hetero, kissing penis, nude, oral, penis, penis on face, pov, teamwork \(sexual\), caressing testicles, from side, indoors, bedroom, uncensored,
it's a pretty old gen that I just used i2i on. pretty sure the original was just gacha with a fair bit of i2i
illustrious is really good at these kinds of 2girl shots, you often don't even have to reroll
ditto as the first anon, please share the recipe
thanks for the tip, I'll use it as a base for my i2i next time
i still save images from here every thread i just dont reply to all of them because thats cringe
and someone else
(medium) tags are fucking useless on v4
about as cringe as posting an image that will go completely ignored
Almost like lacking the fundamental knowledge from a generalist underlying model and being trained on an unhealthy amounts of AOMslop would impact the model's ability to replicate such styles.
post it
breasts (medium)
dont be silly it understands 3d, koikatsu, blender medium quite well
the images are for me, if someone else enjoys it thats a bonus
Wow, self-reporting your skill issue?
>Almost like lacking the fundamental knowledge from a generalist underlying model
completely irrelevant, sorry that you still believe in greg rutkowski
bad but still irrelevant
the model didn't learn them whatsoever while curated made a very lazy effort for some of them like blender (medium)
>blender (medium)
absolutely not lol but curated does
wow, self-reporting that you're a faggot?
it knows it vaugely
bro... just... write
It's just common sense, but keep carrying water for kurumuz because SDXL's greatness scares you.
Why have her nipples turned into coinslots?
get better material
You still haven't explained why underlying model knowledge is irrelevant when all evidence points to the contrary.
is there anything from sdxl left in these models? name a tag that is a holdover from base XL that isn't from either booru dataset
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i'll post it later bwos, thanks for the interest
not entertaining your headcanon threadshittie
SDXL base is completely worthless afaik as most of the cool artists like Alphonse Mucha or Gustav Klimt were purged from it. I had fun prompting them on old 1.4-1.5-based models.
'cuz i want to suck them out :3
Mind to share box, sir?
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There's a lot of foundational knowledge, anything that's not an outright booru tag comes from SDXL itself. Backgrounds, architecture, real-world objects, etc.

Pic is "cable connector nipples".
Can anyone advice any lora & tweak to make final image more sharper and less smouth on illustrious-based model?
just... prompt
I don't know how to prompt such type of, ehhh, filter, so the question appears
>base sdxl
kek, no. it's more like clip is being able to infer at least a bit of natural language and and sometimes understand what you actually want.
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Why is she so glowy?
try prompting something like albert einstein
We need a shitmix with a style that doesn't look like a slop and is not overwhelmingly strong. Why isn't there a flat style shitmix?
nai3 knows trump
cant prompt now so can anyone check if noob knows him?
he's on the boorus, as is trump
Yeah of course, I mean just knowing what a connector is requires foundational knowledge the model wouldn't have without its the SDXL base. CLIP being able to infer things also comes from its natural language training as part of base SDXL.
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look it up retard
no we don't
already exist
It does know "cable" from boorus, maybe not connector
But yeah there is some bits of knowledge retained from base models, I don't disagree
>600+ images on danbooru
why wouldn't it
Yeah, for sure. I think the question is how, since his style is all over the place.
i just tried. 4 each, V3 on the right V4 on the left. prompt:
>A portrait of albert einstein
Well, shitpost aside, what do you mean blurry? Post box.
this matters because...?
oops i meant v3 on the left v4 on the right, fail
Is there a way to control how much coverage a bikini top offers? Adding "micro" is easy, but not sure how to go in the other direction.
Funny, you can see what angel was talking about in the illustrious paper, the danbooru dataset is overfit on 1girl
anyway why does v4 always default to such ugly colors, it reminds me of an eps model in that way
>the danbooru dataset is overfit on 1girl
I mean yeah no crap that's like 85% of the dataset
Seen comfyui workflow metadata? What is the script, there are two of them at least?
What would it offer over the base unmerged model? The sloppiness is just a side-effect of merging in styles that are more stable and easier to work with. Closest we have are merges that are intentionally very weak, like Chromayume.

If you just want a style bias, you could finetune noob yourself on a couple thousand flat color pics over 2-3 days. But just prompting flat color on base noob seems enough to me.
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I mean very soft color. Basicly, as I understand, It can be done easly by upper the CFG, but it also make the whole picture for bright, which is bad. It can be called cel-shading, but but only partially, cuz even adding anime_colors(2d) tag don't make any difference. I want to lines and shadows to be more rough to make it easier to display muscles of character and highlight them for viewer. On picrel on the left is default output and on the right something I want to see, but not complitelly correct.
Isn't that mostly an artist/model thing? But generally 1) upscale with good upscaler before denoising 2) use as high denoising as you can 3) if you can take it, nothing beats latent at fixing lines 4) check your samplers, some work shittier or better at high resolutions
Is it really any visible difference between animesharp, ultrasharp, latent and ESRGAN x4 + anime 6B? I never understood what the point of choosing between them for one model or another, cuz as for me the only param that is matter is denoise one which make upscaler to change image a bit and I always keeped it on 0.35 thought it's an ideal. I'm using reForge, so is it even possible to upscale picture before apply HiresFix on it? Are you talking about controlnet with tile upscale? If is that so can you provide good example of used model & params for doing it?
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At 0.35 denoise I'd say the difference between upscalers is very obvious. 6b completely blurs out low frequency details and oversharps linework to hell, it's pretty ugly and artifacty.
animesharp and remacri are a matter of preference, remacri retains details the best but is slightly blurry
>Is it really any visible difference between animesharp, ultrasharp, latent and ESRGAN x4 + anime 6B?
Yeah sure, half of these upscalers don't do much, the other half makes melty lines, and the third (lol) half greys the fuck out of the colors.
But latent is a different beast, it applies a blur mask to the gen.
>always keeped it on 0.35
That's pretty low for newer models, I push up to 0.60 sometimes.
>so is it even possible to upscale picture before apply HiresFix on it
I think hiresfix uses whatever you specify in the settings as img2img upscaler
The Supreme Kai of Ass
someone link me to the current /hdg/ approved local shitmix
I haven't coomed in three weeks
I think people can probably agree on these, maybe? Sorted by sloppiness, ascending.
based schizo /h/ poster
>Checkpoint Trained
this isn't a shitmix doe
yeah I'd like to try your merge too
this is art.
>for some, spooky month never ends...
correct me if i'm wrong
noob was trained from 0.1 illustrious right?
did anyone try replacing the base with 1.0?
yah lemme get my cluster and try it for ya
same thing when you use it
anything past noob v-pred is a shitmix in spirit
replacing the base model is not training
you delete the original weights and add the new ones in supermerger
i used to do it for 1.5 models back in the day
72b image recogniton model, but it's still stupid and says i'm real artist
>anything past noob v-pred is a shitmix in spirit
in what way? it's a proper finetune, not some 1000 picture dreambooth crap
sounds fucked desu
it's 0.5 eps schizo, don't give him attention
Never forgive Kojima.
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Super merge what now? I tried it in Comfy, subtract illustrious 0.1 weights from v-pred 1.0 then add in illustrious 1.0 instead. The result only makes oil paintings.

Looks very soulful though.
>Super merge what now
I assume it's outdated or something now. I'm old, sorry.
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why do you need shitmixes when 1.0+v29 works perfectly fine as is? are you perhaps looking for /aco/ aesthetic?
>why do you need shitmixes
on 1.0+29 my anatomy is fucked in some scenarios. how to fix it?
there's no shit mixed in, only two good models
just prompt incase, dikko
in negs?
Tips for prompting OC males? They tend to turn out like they belong in gay porn or just shitty.
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>oc males
> turn out like they belong in gay porn
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>try the sekrit sauce
>no artist image outputs pure mmd screenshot
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Any lora at like 0.1 or 0.2 will do. I use that 748 one or whatever. Seen a few others use nyalia for the same effect.
cute style
requesting paizuri with excessive cum
I wish Aru was my gf
>a slightly furrowed brow, and a slightly open mouth
Why did he do it?
1.0+v29 looks prone to outputting mmd slop if you don't prompt for artists
anyway it's an okayish model but as always the teehee secret club no linkies shit is underwhelming, looks similar to any other pure vpred model to me
It does, but it's pretty weak as a tag and needs reinforcing with other tags (old man, realistic, real life, blonde hair, orange skin, etc)
> childs hand
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I guess most pics that show enough of the guy to be tagged in detail are probably gay. If you don't prompt anything about him then it's all up to style, and there's a lot of variability here.

I don't feel like reading through male tags just to help you, but if you're using regional prompter anyway, you could give just the guy a different style. Could also inpaint him afterwards with another artist.
yeah it doesn't matter which, as long as the lora doesn't have broken anatomy
could even be a character that you end up not prompting for, side-effect leaks are what stabilizes the model
Can you redo this one but without the double anus from upscaling gone wrong?
fuck 29+1, it's retarded
what's your go to model
Mixing artists my beloved
Mixing artists is overrated, the v4 approach of describing the style you want is much superior, as shown by the fact that it's filtering all the troglodytes here while experienced Asian AI artists simply love it.
>8am in dc
go to sleep
amperes are A dummy and no they wouldn't that's not how it works
i don't fucking know. 29+1+H, i guess
Thread challenge:
Give me a boner
Sorry, but you can't post solo males here.
Then can you post examples of replicating the style of an artist that has an unique style by describing the style without referencing the artist or his works? If the method is as powerful as you claim then surely it's capable of it.
surely skeleboners are okay
Imagine how hard is it for 3090+ owners to have to face the dilemma "should I just use nai and use gpu for gaming or struggle and tolerate the quality of local?"
The rich also cry.
you don't have to do this in the morning broski, get some oatmeal, take a walk, you'll feel better
It is almost 23:00 for me.
now that's the stuff
as a 3090 owner i unsubbed from nai after trying out v4
your pathetic ass can get off instantly without /h/
deliciously smug
Because I want to gen any other shit besides 1girl standing.
sucks to be you
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Next thread challange: Hags consuming sperm
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sucks to be you
i suck? what am i? a toehoe?
>i'm straight btw
Why is it so washed out?
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it's vpred
Have you tried 1girl sitting on shoulder?
p.s. Never forgive Hiromoot
eps 0.5 faggot, there is a difference between a shitmix slop that contains 15 style loras and a merge between two proper close finetunes
how come my images lose so much sauce when i give them an inpaint makeover
the color profile, the line density, the colors flattening
1.0 and v29 are not finetunes, they are shitmixes of their fried vpred failbakes and random shit they had around to try and hide how much of a trainwreck they produced.
>1.0 and v29 are not finetunes, they are shitmixes of their fried vpred failbakes and random shit they had around
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Except no, vpred 1.0 is a finetune checkpoint which included some NLP, and v29 is continued from some earlier model without NLP and it's trained on ~2M images in the same way vpred 1.0 was trained with a catch: timestep sampling was shifted to train the model better on low snr timesteps.
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Nah, let him have his fun and fight his windmills
why does v29 produce 3dpd from short prompts and 1.0 doesn't
Does A1111, forge or reforge support video models yet? What's taking so long?
do the specific noob controlnets work on base illustrious or wai any better than xinsir?
I got them working super easy with swarm, they are REALLY garbage with anime style right now though, I don't think it's worth doing much with yet
NTA, but yes: https://files.catbox.moe/18dtrt.png
bro what the fuck...no...
NAI inpaint?
With all the safety faggotry going on, why are people training video models on real people instead of anime? That seems like it has a much higher potential for harm to me.
It was fixed.
no, local
post your inpaint settings
nothing crazy
inpaint area and resolution get changed depending on what's being inpainted
miquella is for tarnished dick only
Alright, first of all, your inpaint area should be "only masked" if you are just trying to inpaint a specific part of your image (which is the whole point of inpaint)
Your inpaint dimensions should always be a 1:1 (square) 1024x1024, 1216x1216, etc
Your mask blur is way too low, crank it up to 16 minimum, you also should enable soft inpainting for better results (defaults options are fine)
by inpaint area i was referring to only masked
i only have it for whole picture when im trying to change something substantial
i'll keep the rest in mind though
try different img2img upscaler, what upscaler is used now, have you ever touched it in settings?
thats some strong tape
I would take NAIv4 blur over local "AI look" any day of the weekend.
Thank you thank you, now it's going into my masterpieces folder!
so post some nai images
vpred did a lot of damage to this general
this, just use epsilon 0.5, it's only 25 bucks
it's free though
Then you are the product.
This, anime is supposed to be blurry anyway.
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i posted the model bwos, do let me know what you think.
>Your mask blur is way too low, crank it up to 16 minimum
heavily disagree as it blurs the edges of the inpainted area way too much, 4 is usually fine, 8 if you're using high resolutions (2k by 2k and beyond)
only masked padding can usually go way higher, 128 to max depending on your use case
I started masturbating but there was still traces of super hot chillis I was cutting earlier on my hands and now my cock is burning, gens for this feel?
dip your cock in some milk bro
>only masked padding can usually go way higher, 128 to max depending on your use case
mask padding is powerful and you should definitely use enough to give the masked area all the surroundings reference it needs, but it does have a downside in that it reduces the effective resolution of the masked area, which means a lower level of detail. You want to set your resolution to (resolution to gen the mask area with)+2*(mask padding value) for both dimensions.
thanks a lot, I'll use test it later
>Entanglement Blending: Linearly interpolates the model parameters
>Decoherence Mask: Selectively averages parameters based on a random mask
>Frequency Domain Processing: Blends the models in the frequency domain (using FFT) guided by a hypernetwork
i don't understand
got something to share with the class?
>heavily disagree as it blurs the edges of the inpainted area way too much,
it doesn't if you use it along with soft inpainting, with that you can even use a higher mask blur value like 32 (which I always use)
soft inpainting is for ppl with soft penises
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The dude just named regular merging methods as "quantum", his github profile is empty, and the entire repo appears to be written entirely by an LLM. This bullshit has nothing to do with quantum mechanics, like at all. Like what the fuck is this? It doesn't even initialize the weights
I have a vagina
>It doesn't even initialize the weights
the hypernetwork isn't being used as a trained model for inference.
seems to be used like a pipe to decrease the dimensionality of the clip embedding from 768 to 256.
if it was just reshaping torch.nn.Linear(768, 256) should have been enough. i'm not particularly sure about the effect of the GELU and Tanh activation functions on the reshaped embeddings for the purpose of merging
tits or gtfo
is this good or bad?
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You are retarded, anon. Get yourself some education first.
upping masked padding honestly seems like it's helping, never tried messing with it before
comparing 32 to 96 here
even if this comparison looks like snake oil, it generally looks better with other pics i've tried it on
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what's the prompt for this pose?
paizuri invitation
haloing is reduced as padding (and blur, to a point) increases
haloing is caused by a lack of context generating edges that are vastly different from the surrounding areas, outside of standard causes like CFG/frying loras, vastly different tags, etc.
Can anyone explain what controlnet tile upscale is? I've been using the multidiffusion with "Mixture Of Diffusers" and that stuff feels like magic to me.
I get so many conflicting accounts in CivitAI and the lora training guide here seems to be outdated so. I have 35 properly tagged images of a character and I want to use illustrious/noob. They're from a 3d source, Koikatsu. I don't want the 3d style. What should I go for these?

- Repeats I'm using 5 (apparently more repeats are better when using small datasets. In my day SD 1.5 I only used 1 repeat and 20 epochs)
- Rank and Alpha (16 or less is good since it's simple and few images apparently)
- Adafactor or Prodigy. or maybe adamw8?
- Learning rate

the other stuff I get it's just those ones
adafactor, repeats 5, 32/16
put it in the oven for 2500 steps but use the epoch for step 500
apply at a weight of 3.0-5.0
it's my secret sauce
You know that everybody will tell you something completely different? But I use 1 repeat for everything, 16/16, adamw8, 0.0003, and the three dropouts at 0.1.
learning rate doesnt matter when using either Adafactor or Prodigy
if you want to train a character without getting the koikatsu style burned in then you need to merge a koikatsu style lora into your model and reuse the same scene settings and nominally same shaders used in the style lora for your character's training data
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thanks will give these a try after baking the one I'm doing now

got it thanks

so far it doesn't seem to be THAT much burned in, in one of those guides it said:

>Text Encoder (TE) Rates (0.00005 - 0.00001):

0.00005: Strong text conditioning, helps with character recognition

0.00003: Moderate text influence, good balance for most character Loras

0.00001: Light text conditioning, useful when you want minimal style transfer

So I went with 0.00001 for this pic related as a test. However it seems that Adafactor which is what I used for this one doesn't take that into account so it must be placebo
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it seems pretty good nice work anon, I feels pretty consistant
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None of those matter much for overfitting, it's all dataset. Tag everything with 3D, koikatsu (medium), etc as if you were trying to generate those images. If that's not enough, do >>8500491
With Prodigy your LR is supposed to be 1.0, and is treated as a multiplier on its automatic LR adjustment. So using an LR of 2.0 would double it.
100 million Images have been genned by now with v4
and a ching chong nip nong to you too
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another test, im gonna keep using your model for a bit
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How's the compatibility with vpred1.0 loras considering v29 is used as a base? If I read the description right.
its good (?) last one questionable

thanks bro
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pretty good, shame it's just 1 second
and doesn't loop
that'd help a lot with short runtimes
ah yeah, loops would be great
bumping, hoping someone could help me out
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It's really good at flat color stuff
no, shield hero is really bad and you should feel bad for liking it
Exactly. Watch good anime like Dorohedoro and make loras for Nikaido and Noi
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Creating 8 second videos creates low quality/error filled videos. WAN2.1 needs work, besides its overly excessive VRAM requirements. Also having a hardtime uploading bigger files..
that's unfortunate
I've not really looked into any vidgen because I have a feeling my gtx 1070 would shit itself hard
It really is. I know it's not trying to be anything more than a haremshit isekai. But even compared to those, the character writing is just awful.
Hunyan can't even run on 24GB of VRAM so you thought well
absolutely based
I would consider non-local if it had options to make high quality video gens.
an RTX A6000 with 48Gig of vram on runpod struggles with it.
I was able to load the model itself at fp8 but I think it was the VAE that blew my PC up. People say to use a giant swap file for it.
I've seen people on /g/ spamming this shit few months ago, it can't be this fucking crazy right?
I ran it on my 4090 but it produced jank results, dont think its up to snuff for nsfw stuff yet
still not as accurate as chromayume
there using q8 with billion optimization on comfy
The gguf unit file makes a huge difference with saving vram, but to give you an example. H100 SXM with 80 gigs of vram and 24 cpu cores on runpod is the only thing that can generate 1280x720 wan2.1 videos that are 8 seconds, which takes about 22 minutes.

thinking we have it bad and then you remember video and audiofags
Yeah, we need the good old days of 1girl,breasts slop back!
how come v4 is worse than v2?
it's a brand new model instead of based on sd
it isn't
What do you like?
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for better or worse
Reminder that v3 is no longer recommended for use.
the vat model?
Well yeah duh, we've got v7 on its way, its almost ready.
Any free alternative to nai?
There haven't been many new samples lately, is it going to be okay?
It's... something.
Good, I don't use it.
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Oh, it knows who Cessa is.
I'm suffering from gener's block. Tell me what to prompt.
head in lap blowjob
eyeball licking
clitoris masturbation
pulling pubic hair with mouth
reverse cowgirl with a dragon looking shocked at the scene
If your dick doesn't suggest you anything might as well take a break.
>Have unlimited possibilities for porn generation
>prompt 1girl, flashing breasts, huge breasts
>cum instantly
This, always listen to your dick if it doesn't make you hard it's not worth it
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Tell Akyuu to go fuck herself.
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>Somehow, most game companies fail at this simple task.
>1girl 6.3M
>white background 1.6M
It's what the world runs on
which task? impregnating ojousamas?
I get way more aroused to mere /e/ borderline sfw gens than my actual /h/ gens
is that r3c mix? also i feel bad for the girl
sex is just boring
especially in hentai
yes and personally i blame society for how cooked my synapses are
the sumiyao experience
same but (flat chest) instead
Speak for yourself.
I came to man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.
>general slows down over time
>branch out to other boards
>other boards slow down too
I'm refreshing six AI generals now and nothing is happening in any of them.
Sorry, I am 70% of the traffic on all of these and I'm just not in the mood.
It's 4chan in general, not just ai shit. Nobody wants to deal with ridiculous captcha.
its naishills
maybe you shouldn't have destroyed all of them with relentless shitposting
>Nobody wants to deal with ridiculous captcha.
skill issue
way to out yourself as a phoneposter/third worlder
i'm at work...
I'm busy genning women on their knees, deepthroating and swallowing cum
hm, that's way too vanilla for satan.
i'm busy watching animu and playin ff7
why so aggressive?
where the fuck is the rebirth yuffie nude mod
shut up I HATE YOU
need to rewatch that ebimaru vid
my gens are all children
damn, it's too late now
I hate an childs.
Silly anon, I have gone full circle, way beyond what satan would find disgusting, all the way back to handholding sex for the purposes of procreation. I'm heading back down again with the slippery slope of rough sex.
probably on some random patreon. ll and nexus got their panties in a bunch because she's canonically 16
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you shouldn't expect a serious discussion on 4chan of all places
ll too? what
pretty good so far, just need to find want quality tags/negs i want to use now
about what
so whats the verdict on the slopmix of the week
Me and your mom
no negs (at all) / skip uncond node + artists + newest
so is it better to use negpip if i still get shit like censor bars even when prompting uncensored? also artist + newest at the beginning?
t. interracial fan
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artist artist etc., newest, prompt

idk i just gacha uncensored tag, being without negs is kinda suffering but i like the quality
also imo negpip works like shit if it's not combined with the same tags in negatives
chinpo chinpo chinpoo
Where else then? leddit?
Thanks! Tbh image looks a bit different, especially in claws(uh, I mean hands of course) and nipples part. Did you inpaint it or just didn't run upscaler this time?
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So, I assume clicking the little checkmark just turns off the character prompt without outright deleting it?
I'm so sorry daddy Emad...
>last post in treechan /hdg/ 2 months ago
time capsule
Will that site even survive without tree?
Yes, so it would seem.
is there any table with prefered resolutions for using in v1+v29 v2?
This is sad. A dead board named after a guy who is most likely dead now as well.
It's the base gen. Upscale for context https://files.catbox.moe/4alq7e.png
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Damn, that upscalers sometimes can make black magic for final result :D
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it's hentai
>20k top booru artists
>basically only got two new ones i like i didn't know before
Call me a schizo but I feel like every model has a small number of artists that actually *hit* for me. It was similar in EF. A lot of testing and I ended up using maybe 7 or so.
ayakon mommy
have you checked all 20k booru artists
well there are like 700k in total but i did prompt sr like 20k


whats the deal with this?
Slight softening/blur effect
>i did prompt sr like 20k
holy shit
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do i need skip uncond node in reforge? also what sampler/schedule/cfg do you use?
lol it's not that bad it's just idle work
but yeah i don't know if it's a show that danbooru artists are boring, the models are still bad at replicating a lot of them, or whether i have gigaspecific tastes
kek if you want a blur effect just use nai

it looks good tho, could I get a link to the lora? I wanna try it.
>just use nai
>could I get a link to the lora?
have there been any other anime style annotated after smiling wolves v3?
a random pajeet
auto taggers / auto annotation
the shadow thread currently uses eva large
eva 02 large is all you need
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1boy, 1girl, sex
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1boy, 1girl, (sex:1.2)
Don't tell me there's a new flavor again
wd-eva02-large-tagger-v3 has existed since mid 2024, bro
(brother and sister:1.2)
i was on a sabbatical from ai
>the shadow thread
It mostly affects the effective batch size during training. Since the model can't be trained at multiple resolutions at once, to train different resolutions you must use buckets (of size 1024x1024, 832x1216, 1216x832 etc). If a bucket only contains one image, your effective batch size for that bucket is 1 regardless of what you specified. If you use 2 repeats, you fill the bucket, and your batch size is 2. General rule of thumb is to use 1 unless you know what you're doing, but using a large number can speed up training if you train a small dataset at BS larger than 1 due to more efficient GPU utilization
>Rank and Alpha
Small loras (low rank) tend to converge to pretty large numbers. Alpha is just a multiplier for such numbers, so that if some random value is really high, it doesn't collapse into a NaN. Conversely with huge loras (high rank) the opposite problem may happen. The values may become so small, they collapse to 0 and your lora doesn't learn
I personally haven't played much with Prodigy but this shouldn't matter in the grand scheme of things. If you can't use adamw8, use adafactor with fused backward pass
>Learning rate
Highly depends on network alpha unless you use Prodigy. With Prodigy, set the LR to 1.0 and adjust d_coef instead
Text encoder training is very placebo in general. It can make loras learn better but it's only due to issues unique to lora training

You also didn't mention at all literally the most important piece of information which is the amount of available vram. If it's 12 or more you can try training the (unet) directly instead of training a lora. The remarkable part about finetuning is that it's significantly easier to find good settings, and the quality of the dataset is much less important. Finetunes capture much more information in one step and generally require less steps to converge, and in real time it's usually as quick to train as a lora if not quickier if you set everything up correctly
anyway how do you use it in reforge or do i just run the code itself
requesting #000000 males fucking #FFFFFF females, kthx
>thread splits
>challenge gets ignored
>thread takes 2 days instead of 1 currently
apologize for splitting and not doing the challenge
The NaN issue was adressed over a year ago, so alpha is obsolete. Just keep alpha=dim.
>apologize for splitting and not doing the challenge
challenge was too hard for me, I prefer easy challenges.
>The NaN issue was adressed over a year ago
Issue/PR link?
I've been doing this almost 2 years and never genned a named 1boy, not gonna start now.
rule 63 griffith
>#000000 males
ew, no, lol
>kek if you want a blur effect just use nai
Didn't you get the update? It's "artifacted" now.
its nai
never mind i got it myself
and wow it does seem way better? i got to retrain my rin now
It's ancient /hdg/ knowledge, I don't even know which repo to look at
try training at dim 2 alpha 2, you'll see it won't break
>able to detect amputee through clothes
>and puts it near the front
No, that's damn good. But that's why you gotta sit in /hdg/, no information diffusion otherwise.
>>and puts it near the front
what did he mean by this?
wdtagger I guess, order of captions
is english your second language
ya i did a quick comparison with caformer
also it puts the actual 1girl/1boy tags at the front instead of midway like caformer did
What does you mean by that saar?
can we avoid ableist slurs here please
I'd rather say it's a common /hdg/ misconception then. Network=alpha is a good starting point but it's not necessarily the best, as it's just as if you multiplied everything by 1. Here it's explained a bit more (it uses a very confusing language but still) https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss/wiki/LoRA-training-parameters#network-alpha
Also you can have a good read here https://github.com/spacepxl/demystifying-sd-finetuning
I train my loras at 256 dim 128 alpha and it makes people here seethe but it consistently works the best
bretty good fidelity
but your workflow is full of carcinogens
>consistently works the best
Better than a finetune?
>Also you can have a good read here https://github.com/spacepxl/demystifying-sd-finetuning
That's nice. The seed part makes me happy because it eliminates one big doubt from the process.
what about if im extracting a locon from a finetune
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Just wanted to tell ya: 1.0+29 sucks,just use pure v29 or REFINE with it by upscaling your 1.0 gens to get sovlful shading. God, i wish nai would leak already, why do i have to suffer... No, i won't pay, 25$ is my whole shizo pension.
kohya's article also doesn't mention the nan issue, because it's already been fixed by then.
another masterpiece
>use v29
so I can get artifacts like v4? lmao no
if they're such minor differences as >>8500525 I'll just keep using my thing
>basically everything opposite to what i saw in visual 1:1s
Huh. So am I gathering right that a 128/1 with all of the layers selected should theoretically be the best? I just wish he mentioned which LRs he preferred for which batch size.
my new pillar. bless me with catbox my queen.
Wait, can you specify layers in EasyScripts or do I need to find some other trainer?
it does talk about it, that's what the guide means in reference to numbers being 0. and looking through the sd-scripts repo i can't actually find any reference to underflow being fixed
There is a major difference between 1.0 and v29. But the shitmerge of both is just... Worse than both of them. Anatomy sucks compared to 1.0, sovlful shading is also diluted. It's like you mixed Pepsi And Fanta...
masterpiece, best quality, uncensored image of a sister and brother having incestual vaginal sex in the sister's bedroom on a sunday afternoon, the sister is moaning in deep pleasure as her brother's sizable member plunges deep inside her wet virgin pussy,
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Best at what? When training styles or concepts you want it to learn the overall idea, not fine details of every single image in your dataset. For characters, yeah maybe if she has some very intricate clothing, but even then 64 is probably overkill already. The only things I can imagine requiring 128 are complex objects the model is bad at generating, like machinery, cars, guns, buldings, etc.
Sorry, you guys are my best bet to turn to. I cannot for the life of me figure out why the fuck all my noob pictures come out washed as fuck.
Am I missing something glaringly obvious? I'm using Reforge.
>so that if some random value is really high, it doesn't collapse into a NaN
You (and the article) are now talking about the opposite issue, rounding down to zero.
The guy implies that you need to train 128 with MLP to get anywhere close to finetune "performance". Wouldn't it apply to basically anything?
(And yes I tested 16 to be good for me, but this guy has the charts and shit.)
underflow was always the issue that alpha was meant to address
I had that happen when I trained a LORA incorrectly.
that image is actually good though why are you like this
i wasnt joking
If it were done back in the 1.5 days I guess.
now gen her eating dinner at an upscale diner
that's actually useful knowledge, not sure why you said the opposite in your original post
If it wasn't for the fact that it's only specifically on noob models, I'd have thought the same way. Another one, just base, on the noob model linked in the OP.
Just completely off.
charts don't show how the lora performs, only the loss graph

besides, realism people don't even train "styles"
Well, one way to find out, I guess. I'll clean my tags and bake on my old script and on whatever this dude is trying to say.
>t. retard
Go through the usual debugging process:
remove lora and check
change checkpoints and check
change VAE and check
change prompt and check (import an older working one)
etc, changing one thing at a time until you find the issue

Your metadata looks alright aside from ENSD, I don't recognize that.
Lower the cfg to about 3~5. Use a guidance limiter (should be in reforge's tools). Use 28 steps. Get the standard vae.
i think we got one guy'd
kohya did fix one underflow issue in january 2023 but i can't find anything indicating that the separate issue that alpha was introduced to fix was ever resolved
but i will also say that i had much better results with 1:1 dim/alpha on pony than i did on sd 1.5 based models, maybe i should try out 1/128 on illustrious
i'm nta
just rent a gpu on runpod for an hour, finetune sdxl, and extract the difference. there's your lora.
>i will also say that i had much better results with 1:1 dim/alpha on pony than i did on sd 1.5 based models
True, true.
just buy nai at this point
so the underflow was fixed too
then /hdg/ was right about alpha being obsolete
why is nai so uniquely shilled here, no one gives a shit about it and it's mediocrity in any other ai space
The vae was the usual, just named so I wouldn't delete it by accident. V-prediction is on, guidance limit set, and CFG lowered. Am I just fundamentally misunderstanding something about prompting noob compared to say illustrious?
it's not
it's 1boy, spamming
get hooked lmao
yeah I don't know why the hentai thread would discuss a hentai generator
It started as the business of some anons, so of course they astroturf the fuck out of 4chan.
i think it might actually be the opposite of that since as far as i know the 22nd is usually after the 20th
SOTA for hentai gen
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mmm... clussy.
color grade your footage bro
Enable "Zero terminal SNR" in the settings too when you use a vpred model.
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wow why is the world's best AI hentai model 'shilled' in the hentai AI thread??? retard
Just use NAI retard.
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what is it with you guys being unable to handle colours that aren't blown the fuck out
The only thing blown the fuck out is your asshole.
Are people posting civit or tensorart gens astroturfing as well?
nta but these colors are not bad you just have a grey film over the entire gen
mogrify the contrast
why are you people so afraid of replying
Well, that definitely improves some things but still looks off?
Redditors that think a (You) is an updoot.
There's a reason we moved to the 1.0+29 merge
But try prompting an artist, should make things much better. Nobody uses the default artstyle anyways.
>nyoooo, you NEED to talk to me (because no one else will…) >:(
I downloaded OneTrainer because the dude used it and I still can't find MLP lel
Try to copy some of the prompts in Civitai just to test. Like the other anon said, looking at metadata, only the ENSD part looks off.
ENSD is just the generation seed offset, only le oldfags will know of this
>There's a reason we moved to the 1.0+29 merge
why is it so grey
>friend has a Twitter account where he uploads his gens
>follow him and occasionally retweet his stuff to be supportive
>look at what he's retweeting now
>groid slop, groid slop, groid slop, normal sfw gen, groid slop
There has to be a limit to what friendship will allow.
***ΣΙΗ (pronunced SIH)
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i refuse to incorporate the greek letter
Yui wish ugly bastards is based but don't gen her in distress, please.
this but Freyja Wion from Macross Delta
wtf is freddie mercury doing
sir box pls or artist mix
good gennars do not give boxes
this is /hdg/ 101
Your friend probably has no idea he befriended a fucking racist.
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1girl, looking at viewer, half-closed eyes, blush, cum in pussy
I found a friend thanks to BBC slop
is your friend aware of your posting habits on here, too?
No, he does. We agree that the average American negro deserves less and will always be held hostage by the bottom quintile.
Yes, actually.
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Well, prompting an artist did indeed do something.
1.0+29 though?
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here's some color for you

not sure she's in distress or just laughing really hard
>Racist cuck
Many such cases!
>what model should I use
don't outsource your opinion on this one, try things yourself and arrive at your own opinion.
most models since ~0.65 or whatever are totally viable, some are turbo fried but they mostly work equivalently when they're not exploding.
if you're worried about explosions, don't use vpred, just about everything else is a skill issue

there are so many ways to engagement farm, but hey if that's what he likes then power to him to do whatever he likes
if you don't want to see it, unfollow
I'm having a lot of feelings about some of the stuff people are posting, far too much cock for my liking
He’s black, funnily enough. He just doesn’t like other blacks, which I can’t fault him for. But nice try.
>We agree that the average American negro deserves less and will always be held hostage by the bottom quintile.
>groid slop, groid slop, groid slop, normal sfw gen, groid slop
a tale as old as time
>ugly bastard
eva is so much better arghhhhh
Sigh, I was enjoying your story until you made it too fake. Better luck next time!
you smell like chadmix anon
>if you're worried about explosions, don't use vpred
Don't use the base v-pred without merges, or loras, or CFG rescale, or CFG++, or Guidance Limiter, etc.
Any one of those and it's pretty safe.
I’m sorry your kind doesn’t like their own.
yes it's not really hidden
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no u
now I'm hungry
You made a mistake coming to the groid-worshipping thread. The overlap between this thread and /trash/ is almost a perfect circle.
why this bitch drooling damn
She’s hungry, dumbass.

Gen her *chewing* the food.
base vpred explodes, yeah, but it's pretty and faithful
if you want reliability, yep merges will handle it
the v29b, chromayume, noobmod, naiXLVpred102d, etc. will all work reliably if prompted without too much insanity.
CFG4, Euler A, 25, add your artist(s) and tweak until good
>dim lighting
>ohhh I see you want a lamp! there you go!
this is why we don't have a request anchor
fags can never be happy with what they got
you can't say that without uploading your loras anon
Pshu... Just say you can't do it. No need to cope.
I'll ask this again, is it worth trying to get the character's main tags closer to the start of the prompt for training or not?
what is the best model now
>prompts for lighting
>gets a lighting
eww such an unexpected thing
you shuffle the captions anyways except for her trigger tag, so there's no point
Got it, I'll do half of the images one way and the other half the other.
irrelevant on good model
They're just singing really hard.
it depends
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>you shuffle the captions
I do? I actually found it to be like 3% worse than not doing it. But that's probably due to >>8500959. You can reverse gen prompts and get more or less the same thing.
NovelAI Diffusion V4 Full
>i'm poor
His eyes look so girly.
all you need is NoobAI Vpred 0.65S
double lol
why you laughing bro?
that is probably the worst version of all
Your jokes are very funny saar
ΣΙΗ is the objective pinnacle of all models that can be run locally.
Ugh, do I also tag camisole, grey camisole or not?
I already said you're funny bro no need to repeat the joke
I am completely serious.
general advice is to only pick the most descriptive tag, avoid duplicates and overlaps
That just make it funnier
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>M-muh digital trash dirtying up the Internets
>Hug a tree today by the way
nitro is so hot
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Just bored
no that's a square
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>All night, every night. Don't be soft!
Based. Toyota dropped the ball with the DLC.
Based slopper. I'll test it out later but I'm reporting your post if it's not better than chroma or at least on par with 1+29+h
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agreed, knew I had to bake a lora for her when I didn't see any Illu ones out yet.
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woops posted grey again. my fault.
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All of the pictures I've seen posted in these threads that've used Mikoyan's style tag look nothing like his style. That's why I'm asking: NAI v4 has better artist comprehension, so I'd like to know if anything has changed.
Of those 600 , only like 50 are usable. Same thing happens with Takeda Hiromitsu, most of his stuff on danbooru is pretty outdated and only like 10% of it actually represents his current style.
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that's a child
I just looked him up and I'm not sure which style you want. The glossy one, or the flat one?
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Strange things are happening
Computer, generate an child
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chatgpt get me a picture of Kuro's balls please.
Did v4 get changed AGAIN? Was liking it and had a good thing going but now today it seems off
it's nai
I love hentai so much, bros.
full form
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where's the henti?
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Can you share one with actual metadata pls?
you first ; )
where's the childs?
I need a vpredator toml sirs
Thanks, always like to see when artist or ai can successfully convey pure beauty of little goddesses, hehe
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Oh no....Not she again!
fuaaark, local won, nai lost
No. It's you.
Nice fingers
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Based vPredator
How many of you have actually coomed to an image posted in /hdg/ that you didin't make
I should rebake my WGWY Liru with the DLC content...
None, but I have saved many that work as inspiration.
shit here is uncoomable
I don't really like people's styles here to coom, the furfag ones in /trash/ are unironically better.
Only exclusively to fellow miquellaboxers.
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so this is naiv4
none. I only fap to my own gens, you people have shit taste or try to hard to impress, which is a turn off.

This applies to real artists as well, can't fap to anything made by robutts or any other "artsy" author.
>nobody comes here to cum
Is everyone just here for the (You)s?
>do normal standard gen
>fucking low effort garbage faggot
>do a nicely well inpaint and composite gen
>wow what a fucking tryhard faggot
fucking n-words
I haven't posted a single image here for over a year, probably.
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what kind of faggot browses /h/ to jerk off?
i only come here to get metadata for my patreon
unironically this, and I always thank anons whenever they share
>he added a bunch of shitty water effects
eh maybe not
I'm only here to shitpost while I'm training, I have opened maybe 35 images since 2022. But yeah people have shitty waifu tastes and shitty 2.5d style tastes.
>the whole point of AI-generated porn is to make something catered to you and your tastes specifically
>people act surprised when others don’t jerk off to something made for someone else
excuse me, I'm here to create pieces of art. we are not the same
Baked my base lora, and I have the setup for the weird 128/1 batch 4 test, but that's for tomorrow. Even if it doesn't work I have to do some tests on batches again because it's significantly quicker to do higher batches.
>epochs suddenly explode into white nothingness and restart completely fried
I only changed the tagger, what in the actual fuck just happened? I baked with these settings before. I guess I'm rebaking this tomorrow...
>others don’t jerk off to something made for someone else
and you are posting here because?
who killed the hdg?
To post what I made while jerking off and occasionally grab prompts from other people to improve what I make while jerking off.
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1945, japan, colorized
Guys, want to train my first ever lora, but FAQ in OP is a bit outdated(for 2 years, lmao), so maybe someone can provide good and efficient script/settings for lora training on reForge? And if I want to make lora usable with other illustrious-based models - do I need to train it on vanilla illust v0.1 or all that is working in something another way?
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give a man an anime girl picture, and he will masturbate for a day
teach a man to gen, and he will be producing garbage for a lifetime
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I want to use AI to make the art for an RPGMaker H-game.
modularize your assets paperdoll style and composite in code/engine otherwise you're gonna have thousands of variants
thats fine but could you make it not look like the sloppy AI slop ive ever seen
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remind me to look up a 15k/month patreon scam in a few months
op image
people only care if it looks like slop
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Yeah, I haven't figured that part out yet, but I just might be crazy enough to gen all the outfit and expression variations. It might take a few months.
I say this is the nicest possible way but that is the worst slop to have slopped, it is so obviously AI. Focus first on a nice unique style then make lots of chars
>that character selection
Man, you'll fit right in.

What workflow did you follow for the outfit variations?
I'm surprised nobody is really making slop VNs, too much effort?
i accidentally trained a 1/64 lora instead of a 1/128 one but even this seems a little promising on illustrious, maybe pony was just uniquely fucked
is the purpose to your slop vn to repurpose characters? why not try to make your own to make it more interesting
no one will give a shit about oc slop thoughbeit
VNs are already 90% DAZslop, AI is probably more effort kek
There have been like half a dozen VNs that popped up in the last 6 months or so, all NTR, all of them with the same artist mix, they're starting to figure it out
I have pink fever, it's over
There are some. And quite popular, but for some reason most are NTR shit in phone format.
https://f95zone.to/threads/netorase-phone-v0-18-le-stag.207035/ >1mil views
https://f95zone.to/threads/phone-ntr-story-v0-3-3-boola.247475/ *new
https://f95zone.to/threads/ntr-phone-v0-22-17-shybox.211604/ >1mil views
I will never do again someting like a fake screenshot gen on my whole life
I just figured out the prompts for the outfits i wanted manually. Like prompting each article of clothing.

I prefer sloppa to the 3DPD goblina assets most people are using.
Ah, I see. Do you already have a way to remove the white bg? Could probably use something like Birefnet to do that.
you people are too obsessed with having a style that "doesn't look like AI"
Yeah, they're .pngs the white background is transparent.

>pirated rpgmaker
>all characters are copyrighted
I'm never making a penny off this.

The idea would be to just copy the corruption mechanics from classic hrpgs. The render resolution is going to be so small typical AI artefacts aren't gonna be a problem.
box? since when did ayakon upgrade
ahahahah, you know what? NAI LOST!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH
we all lost... /hdg/ is no more...
it's called AyakonArts not AyakonSlops
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that is one fine paizuri pov, however those nipples are a little on the puffy side. I'm doing you a C+
its local
Nice, I wish you luck in your endeavor and I hope to see the demo soon, I do love me some sluttification rpg games, even more so when there are different outfit levels like what you did here >>8501170
I'm scared stiff!
>I prefer sloppa to the 3DPD goblina assets most people are using
that slop you're using is literally (3d, realistic, shiny skin) though?
Feels like the 1boy should be grabbing her tits here for paizuri
should be puffier
nice chewable nipples
>prompt 1girl
>put cum on her

clean her up and take her to /edg/ you jerk
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Shut up, bitch.
man id just wanna gnaw on those
I actually have a friend who was trying to make his own VN with a couple other people, literally 3-4 people in a discord server. According to him the hard part is not really the work itself, but getting everyone to show up. They had a fanfic writer for the plot, a genuine artist doing characters and backgrounds, a guy coding everything on renpy, etc. The real issue was trying to wrangle them.

It's like trying to organize a tabletop game of D&D, everyone flakes, everyone has something to do, everyone can only show up for an hour cause they're tired, and then forget that Discord shows what you're playing, so when they leave voice chat, they just see the "so and so is playing" popup, etc.

In the end, they never did shit. it's not like they were gonna revolutionize the market or something, they were just making a standard-issue romance visual novel with some magical bullshit in it, Fate Stay Night ripoff style. But apparently working on a game is hard when you're not getting paid for the shit.
It is a guidance for diffusion, so when multidiffusion splits an image (it's latent) into tiles, they would cohere (do not look like an abomination with 2 navels, extra limbs etc when glued up back) at high denoise value.
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Repeat after me: "Essex Sucks At Sex"
no. kill yourself
uh oh
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Kiss yourself!
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I dunno whether she is good or bad at sex because I'm too busy fucking the french girls on base.
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is there a keyword that generates generic random poses without me having to spell out exactly what poses I want?

would cosplay_photo help?
I've used "posing for camera" in the past with mixed results.
thoughts on new sampler in reforge? https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI/pull/7187
is already implemented on reforge?
that's some hot shit. also what's that illu_custom_autism_vpred_c45 shitmix, troll-kun?
>ayakon posts high quality art to twitter
>gets next to no likes or retweets
>oekakischizo posts 1girl, panties, one nipple, white background and gets more retweets in a few hours than ayakon gets likes in days
I don't get it.
Ayakon posts women of age and Oekakianon posts children. Hope this helps.
world really is unfair!
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why is it so green?
Color of money, bay-bee.
Where on earth are you seeing green
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Fuck, maybe I should kill myself.
it's an autistic merge, nothing serious
I am considering making a game but I'm a retard. I'd want it to be more mechanically interesting than a VN though. Dating sim + sex mechanics at a minimum.
is this jeetified dinoartforame?
But oekakischizo only has triple ayakons followers. Why is there so much of a discrepancy? Especially when there is such a difference in quality.
dinoart is in my mix, yes
get a better monitor
i'm not going to pretend it's green and not just sepia just because chatgpt told me so
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The only kind of lewd games that have actual mechanics are the castlevania clones side scrollers. You know, the ones where your heroine gets raped by getting caught by the enemies.
Ayakon's fans only press likes and retweets when they ACTUALLY like the piece of art. Oekakischizo's pedo incel army will like anything as long as there is a child in it
why is she posting childs?
So you're saying ayakons fans don't actually like his work?
it looks pretty basic, not much to look at.
They are critical of him and only give likes to the finest pieces of art.
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maybe you like it green but its definitely green
I thought it was for the asuna pic there...
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If I want to prompt these kind of fuzzy outfits, how do I do that? fur-trimmed doesn't seem to work
oh... here you go https://litter.catbox.moe/sj9ski.png
it's looking like it's over for 1-1 dim/alpha
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are you trying to reinvent the wheel?
is pixiv killing AI views again or is that chinese cabal causing issues with all the rankings again?
since the start of the new year my views have dropped significantly for seemingly no reason
pdf files have no standards! more news at eleven
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wtf updated reforge and had 760k insertions, what happened?
I'll forgive you because it's shondo
>760k insertions
That's some stamina
That's my wife
Have you tried using this tag? "dark-skinned male"
her belly button looks like an eye
I dare you to actually post what the metadata says, coward.
>black background works
>use a single lora
>its now gray
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loras are scam
>But then they bogged themselves.
they wat
didn't both of them had boyfriends since the beginning?
nigga just go into photoshop and fucking fill it in yourself jesus christ
step 1: open it in photoshop
step 2: create a curves adjustment layer
step 3: click on the black eyedropper tool
step 4: click on the background
step 1: nyope
it's healthyman, blue borscht garbage
im pretty sure NAI can do black backgrounds
its benantoka though
im pretty sure NAI can do black
Not mine, I put dark skin, dark-skinned male, and interracial in negs.
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I've seen black and white gens with more color than that, very impressive
nice missionary pov, very soothing. However, her hair needs combing. I'm doing you a B-
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>the lora is garbage that kills dynamic range
>just fix it in post chuddie ;)
>Well guys, looks like Henry Cavill didn't want to shave for his 5 minutes of superman
>Painstakingly fix in post-production

>guise muh blackies aren't true nigro vanta black!!!
>You can fix it in 5 minutes in Photoshop
You fags are pathetic.
uh oh
>>Painstakingly fix in post-production
That’s actually not what happened at all. The “fix” was so bad in post that it looks like he has a jelly lip in every single newly shot scene of Snyder League. They didn’t “painstakingly fix” anything.
>Snyder League
Oh, and in Josstice League too. I forgot they had to reshoot most of that shit movie. The point remains.
If you're watching it frame by frame in a 4k 100% SRGB monitor, sure. The point remains that you cucks can't even do the most basic image retouching to fix your gens.
So what you're saying is, I should just use eps noob instead
It's the eps schizo, so yeah that's what he's saying.
sd1.4 base and inpaint is all you need
this so much!!!
uhhh... how are you gonna inpaint without a heckin wholesome lora?
Either that or fix your loras, scrub.
we need to go further back
a pencil and paper
>press couple of buttons in PS to make it feel like you actually contributed to creating the image
>actually drawing the image
Either spend 1 minute fixing something in photoshop or who fucking knows how long training a lora just so that the problem is still present at the end. Real tough questions here.
lol @ freejeets trying to one-up eachother with snakeoil garbage. guess this is what it has come to when you simply can't compete with saas
I need a girl to gen for quick fapping, I need her to have big breasts, and I need to recognize her. Any suggestions? dont be too obscure
Your mom
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I dont understand your point. Explain it in fortnite terms.
After testing it for a while against euler and euler a, it looks good, maybe even good enough to be better than them. Hopefully, they make a CFG++ version.
what scheduler?
Whats the purpose of cfg++
Just using lower cfg numbers? I dont get it
yeah, I'm not going to pull until the next week or so
comfy wins again
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are hf resources literally infinite?
nice cumstain ui gets even more spyware nodes! this time it's a feature!
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why so rude
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Now do one with Metis sitting in the corner.
r3c, is your shitmix incompatible with ADetailer? I know that on some models, if I use Euler a with Karras scheduling, an entirely new image appears inside the ADetailer mask, but with r3mix, the faces are less saturated than the rest of the image no matter which scheduler I use with Euler a.
nta but karras is fucking broken on vpred models in general
the local lamp <3
>he uses karras on vpred
imagine not using enough snakeoil to make karras viable on vpred
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Please use simple.
>faces are less saturated than the rest of the image no matter which scheduler I use with Euler a.
Are your loras (if any) part of the adetailer prompt?
May also be an issue with the VAE (idk if running --no-half-vae is still relevant). Other than that, if you have Face Restoration turned on, you might want to turn that off.
how come karras works on novelai v3 vpred but not local vpred????
because its not actually karras
they modified karras
it was completely broken too until sampler updates
so how do i modify "karras" to make it work on local vpred?
ummm local needs more compute to figure that out, right?? maybe we need to donate to jordach
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why tho
Has anyone else tried using ADetailer with r3mix?
I didn't face any issues for adetailer with euler cfg++.
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yes, works just fine
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Why do I get random blue/white spots in my gens?
can you explain why can't you just use "simple"?
i'm not a simpleton
Likely due to the difference between karras and the noise schedule used during the training (forward diffusion) of illu/noob. Using a vastly different schedule during generation (reverse diffusion) will affect the quality of the outputs
can you explain why can't you just use "pony"?
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>still no argument for using retarded snake oil schedulers
On NAI there was visible difference between schedulers and there was a reason to use one over another. On local anything except for simple or native just shits out splotched artifacts and provides no benefits that I know of. AYS was cool on eps for creativity but seems fucked on vpred
just use one that works who gives a shit
On local there was visible difference between schedulers and there was a reason to use one over another. On NAI anything except for karras just shits out splotched artifacts and provides no benefits that I know of.
uh oh
>implying anything can get rid of nai artifacts
NAIv4 produces 1girl, splotch of jpeg artifact regardless of the sampler or schedule
>Have a myriad of other samplers
>Throw a tantrum because one doesn't work
>local cant figure out how to make one of the core samplers work
>throw a fit of cope and deflection about how it never mattered anyway
just like you did last year about pony's sepia. head in the sand localjeets
why is it so falseflagging
it's bored
You didn't load the SDXL VAE. When I did that, I stopped getting the white spots as well as the problem with ADetailer I encountered in >>8501446. I guess r3mix doesn't have a VAE built in?
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>you can literally ask gemini to make the male darker and it works
this is a new age for india, when is this tech going to reach hentai models??
How to get good transparency on my slimes...
Thanks bro, cute slimes
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just tested this sampler, seems really good

does anyone know how to convert it to cfg++? these nodes here have some samplers converted:
i love comfyanonymous
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kino gen, box?

why what? commas add noise even if you don't tag anything
do not reply to anti-neg schizo
looks clean as fuck BOXO DOKO?
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it's like the NAI dino
what cfg and scheduler did you use?
doesn't look any better to me, just like it starts at a higher cfg
kys progress denier
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Is huggingface very slow for anyone else lately?
Reject modernity, embrace Euler.
I'm only looking at the XYs on github, but you can see it already fries shit at CFG 6.
its an chidrenlens
Who's the schizo?
saars, where can i go to commission a reforge extension? none of the llms are smart enough to figure it out
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did you mean SAAS?
>search for high-waist_shorts
>endless jane doe slop
chinks ruin everything
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I think it has metadata, I know some anons somehow read it from my images
lucy is not a child

I couldn't find any with
Everytime I search for anything on Danbooru I need to filter out like 3 gacha slop names. It's getting tiring...
>embrace Euler
so anyone tested it extensively? how's the lora compatibility?
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lmao wtf is this??
this one works, but the new jersey one doesn't have any for some reason
just some civit crap you should hide with adblocker
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i know, im just pointing at the 40% markup if a model is not loaded to their shitty gen ui
New Thread:

>>8501594 →
>>8501594 →
>>8501594 →
>>8501596 →
kill yourself
looks awful. why are all the sample images overexposed?
>>8491143 →
>>8491143 →
>>8491143 →
chroma is pretty decent at styles but its anatomy is wack at times and colors are a tad oversaturated and overexposed.
because bakers are usually completely retarded when it comes to prompting. pics from ligmanese guy look fine.
>anatomy is wack
what are some good local models when it comes to anatomy?
dunno what I'm missing but even the simplest prompts are broken fucking garbage
im going to the mignon thread
someone bake actual thread #708 onegai
Seethe :) you'll keep eating highlightchad's shit and you will like it :)
You are always using a VAE, otherwise you wouldn't have an image.
The what now?
so much this
Is it? I do not see the soulless incestual stare and flat "food" assets.
indians like SECourses
The UIs download a crappy little 200kb fallback VAE if none is available. That's probably what's causing the artifacts.

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