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Please wait a while before making a thread Edition

Previous: >>7194926

>New here? Please read best practices.

1. Don't post too revealing works (especially porn). If you think it's too lewd, post a censored copy here and link to Catbox (https://catbox.moe/) or any off-site that hosts images for your works.

2. Keep it to 2D Anime/Cartoon characters only. Do not post child photo references (legal or otherwise), and do not talk about issues regarding real children.

3. It is recommended to let the thread reach page 6-7 before starting a new one. Use archived(moe) or warosu to retrieve the old threads.

>Main resources & FAQ
>Lolicon Artists Directory & History of Lolicon
More stiff and unnatural sketches. How long would it take (You) to draw something like this? I feel like I'm way too slow.
20 min each
how long did you took for each piece?
where do you upload your loli stuff as like a gallery? twitter will eventually ban me id imagine what place allows it so i can track my progress
the 'raag
No more than 10-15 minutes each.
I don't
all sites that allow this will eventually die, perhaps seeing it on your computer is not enough????

posting it in public obviously means you want to others to track it, not only for your self
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It takes me forever, I think part of the reason is that I'm drawing from reference, but I don't know anatomy, so I'm blindly trying to copy the shapes I see without understanding why.
looks like I need to find a more efficient way to do this
it's probably hard to draw lolis while using a mature woman's body as a reference. good job anyway
gallery: pixiv.net, h2h.asia, xfolio.jp, nijie.info
sms: pawoo.net, misskey.io, baraag.net, plurk.com, and a bunch of other mastodon and misskey servers
booru: chan.sankakucomplex.com (you can self-upload here)
you can also just keep remaking accounts on twitter if you get banned (if you have the patience for it), or post only SFW instead.
Shit, Im sorry anon. Idk why I was being so aggressive to you were being nice
sorry for sperging on you too anon. i despise kids in real life and i hate every mention of them, especially in this weird context
unreal humility coming from lsg we are healing
like an anon from the previous thread said
"everyone is hating on us anyway, why hate eachother on top of that"
No, it's more like common sense if you read the OP.
Taking a break from animation, will draw a loli lewd or something, recommend one.
one of the watatens
I already drew that though.
lolified Teru from Shy, then
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reminder to have fun and be healthy
How do I draw like this?
step 1: be born with talent
after that any steps are inconsequential
have lots of fun
don't forget >>7209737
misleading that anon is wrong. if he doesn't have talent he won't have fun; trust me.
Are you implying >>7209734 is what talent looks like? Seriously?
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how do i stop being masochistic and finally learn how to properly do lineart on CSP instead of doing it in SAI?
What does SAI do that CSP can't?
Yeah, talent doesn't start you at the top of the totem pole retard. Without talent, anon couldn't have gotten to the point where they're at now. I'm just warning that guy that he may not innately have it in him to ever get that far. I think you overestimate the ability of no-talent havers.
By the way >>7209734 this looks great.
most likely it's a skill issue in the first place but i get to do this in sai:
CSP has vectors too, not that I have ever used that crutch.
i think sai vectors are more easier to work with
Honestly, I think you're fucking yourself over by using vectors. You'll be more comfortable with drawing and you will be able to draw faster if you become confident in your lines.
i tried for the long time, but looking at a finished artwork and then seeing some lines are different than others is making me rage
probably a pathetic excuse to use vector layers
>then seeing some lines are different than others is making me rage
that's the point?
>some lines are different than others
Just don't use a brush with pen pressure
>still different
Draw them at the same speed.
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isn't the whole point to make them appealing by using pen pressure?
i like them lines smooth and clean
>Draw them at the same speed.
thanks, ill eventually try
that's the point, i don't know how to make it look appealing with pen pressure
Don't worry. Plenty of artists don't even use pen pressure for the lineart.
orenji does, though
he makes them look messy, sometimes lines break or become bold, but there's still an appeal
Do you want to draw like him?
>i like them lines smooth and clean
Probably not, so why care about what he does?
>Do you want to draw like him?
not really, i just wanna learn how to draw confidently in the first place
>so why care about what he does?
not every good artist knows how to make bold and thin lines look appealing in one drawing at the same time, but orenji is a prime example, atleast for me
>not really, i just wanna learn how to draw confidently in the first place
Stop using vectors. Avoid erasing/ctrl+z as much as possible. Visualize the stroke before you draw the line, and then just do it.
>But it looks bad
Get rid of that perfectionist mindset that's holding you back and just deal with it. If you keep doing it you will realize you never needed to ctrl+z that much anyway.
that's an interesting approach
thanks anon
yeah i kinda want it out there just not under my regular name
i understand one day i may eventually go the way most loli artists do on these sites and nuke the account when it gets too much traction but itd be fun to see what others think of it
theres a lot of loli i draw that will never see the light of day but sometimes its fun to give back to others like me who enjoy it since i have the ability to make it
based thank you for the list it helps a lot
Just post it where your favorite loli artists post
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Reading about Velvet revolution and the greengrocer story from that one Chezh writer got me out of the rut when it comes to (drawing) cunny. The idea that it takes one guy dropping the act to end the charade of the entire society is quite encouraging. Anyways....
Here are some fatties I drew recently
I don't like them so young but they are qts. Left one has some nasty energy.
Technical-wise, I really like how the feet are barely drawn but they perfectly imply some depth and anatomy. Really need to learn some of that.
Am I mistaken to think there is some bridgman inspiration there?
>velvet revolution
>greengrocer story
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I made this comic for some guy who asked for it from a one piece thread
Super fucking cool, where is she from? That action pose is awesome and the heart lasers are cute. Also the nopan is appreciated.
Your pieces are always amazing, they feel like gravure photoshoots. Your anatomy is very appealing and your drawings have gravity to them, like the braids/pigtails in that picture look like they have weight to them.
Really nice and I get the feeling these took you like 3 minutes to make, in spite of the (to my eyes) perfect anatomy. Beautiful.
nice, but I feel like the torso is a bit flat, I'd expect it to have some foreshortening, that would make it look more dynamic
I feel like their arms are a bit too short
Nah the CSP vector curve tool is unbeatable. You gotta go to Illustrator for something better.
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It's been ages since I grinded one of his books so maybe.
>3 minutes to make
Yeah here's a more "finished" drawing albeit a bit boring in comparison
Thank you. One day I'll have more than just soul.
Very cute. The 3 minute thing wasn't an insult. I was more so expressing how even in spite of the brevity of its construction, it managed to look so clean and realized. Again, very cute ballerina. What did you study when you started out?
I stick to wataten, lolification is harder for me. Here, lewd wataten https://files.catbox.moe/xxmjj8.png
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This sucks and I need to just accept that and move on.
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shading and coloring sucks so much
i like the fact that you drew this digitally, very nice
>Your pieces are always amazing, they feel like gravure photoshoots.
nobody has ever told me that
thank u
yeah, just tried that. a little bit complicated and sometimes it changes the weight of the line for some reason, but still very useful
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this one is for orenji, if he still lurks here, lol
auauugghgh iu need to fuck anime children NOW and YESTYERDAYH
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nevermind, im remaking this
Why bother? Sagiri has been overdone. When did the anime come out, 2013? Christ. Why not draw any of the more recent lolis?
Oh 2017, feels like a way older anime. Huh.
she cute
used to obsess over her back in 2018
Yeah, same. The Eromanga porn was some of the best.
add benis while you are at it
I like it
I used to spam this all the time on /jp/ with Fear (c3) reaction images. Those were the days….
Thanks, yeah mostly Hampton and Bridgeman... Maybe something else too but I don't remember now.

Wow I went back and I realized just how old some stuff was. My perception of time is warped. No wonder I thought Eromanga was old when it wasn’t that old while some series came out when I was in the 9th or 10th grade.
i haven't heard about eromanga sensei in a really long time, i wonder what happened to all the fans of it
The LN ended 2 years ago. I don’t think the author started up a new project since.
just two years ago? i don't know how they stretched that story about a neet girl for a really long time
>eromanga sensei manga is 10 years old
it feels odd knowing this info now
who is the artist behind this
do they have a blog
he started a genderbend series earlier this year and is the main writer for the new idolmaster game
Oh I couldn’t find that at first. On the same note, there are some underrated people in the industry that deserve more work.
how did this got deleted? is it too vulgar for janny's eyes?
Shima panties & bra, too NSFW.
eh, atleast didn't got banned
2 to 3 hours each.... maybe 1 hour if i get lucky. I don't know how to get faster.
How the fuck is this too nsfw?
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I'm glad I'm not the only one. I guess the only thing to do now is grind.
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>all these deleted drawings
Who're some good artists at drawing cute/erotic high school aged girls?
Hard mode no andava or tekuho
ur blind or something?
If I said he sucked you'd be spamming his stuff contrarian-kun.
Thank you for the explanation,
May God forgive us all.

Too erotic
who drew this
who knows
I timed myself on a refined full body, took about 30mins. I've been working on doing quick gestures then going right into painting. Tho im torn because the end result is more painterly than the clean lineart from artists I admire
no artblog or artist name?
why are you so desperate for a name
we are not worthy
you didn’t get the response you were after so you reveal it’s stolen art

Sad but cases are many
That's some dude from /v/ and he has posted here before, retard
What the fuck are you talking about you subhuman fucking retard? The artist has posted work here before and I follow him you fucking mongrel.
Someone asked for sauce and I posted it.
Shut up cumrag.
I don’t believe in coincidences
Why shittalk our beloved kachi, he is super humble cutiepie and will never write something like that
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Idk why you would spread lies on the internet
some anon posted it on dad thread
idk some people hate him and want to kill him, I've seen his haters
Looks like a nice challenge to keep myself consistent. Does it allow loli?
>and my gf's the same height as me
Its such an odd thing to lie about. Truly unhinged people
I think they have to be censored. Not sure exactly.
well no one knows for sure it's just he draws the same couple over and over again and you can assume it's him and his gf
>his gf

So, he's not a lolicel?

I remember people on fb were trying to stop Alke, because he has a young sister and posted some comments about references he used for his artworks.
all it takes to figure it out is a one bald dad on dadcord to ask him a few questions but the thing is no one cares apart from a few anons here and in dad thread
Please keep your retarded /dad/ shit in the dad thread.
After failing to draw Shinobu, i grinding for weeks. These are my results, what do you think?
keep grindin
and then eventually one day, shinobu will grind on you
DAD don't allow even fully clothed loli, or even straight flat adult women
rewatching eromanga sensei feels nice and nostalgic
back when the air was cleaner and the grass was greener
>you can also just keep remaking accounts on twitter
but they IP ban you
just use vpn
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I realized, I should better avoid Abe's style mood, it's too melancholic and depressive. That's why he's so unpopular compared to Murata.
cute lain
this might get deleted because >>7211054
Shit gets deleted because it gets reported. You're fine until the antiloli faggots wake up.
I don't think so, this thread is a lobby for mods, they can delete it without reports.
Because Jesus doesn't like it
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Saya fag here posting a sketch (i know its bad but info on what i should study to improve would help)
Cute, but im not a huge fan of the face. Also the hair on the countours of the head looks unnatural. Like its just lines inside the coubtour instead of hair in 3d space
Ive heard from other sai artists that upping the stabilizer helps with line art.
Nah it looks good, butim not skilled enough to tell you how to improve.
So cute
Stiff pose, and the facial proportions look off.
Cute, but redlining artists you like might help you improve
Love lain
My liege, cute design
very cute, the composition is done great but it lacks some more shadows but you do you
Can anyone repost? Looked great from the thumbnail.
is it embarrassing to admit that i use my own body as a reference to draw lolis
It takes skill to make loli proportions out of a skinnyfat beardcel. Be proud.
im 165 cm and 49 kg
no, im not a woman
>and my gf's the same height as me
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new meme
zundamon wip
Oh transition.
Then youll have small breasts to use as reference too.
dont know what to add on background, the drawing feels really bright but thats not the vibe im going for
??? pls no
No, you are doing great!
Abe style is surely not popular, but you don't need to avoid it, just do it when you feel you want to do it, that's the point right? Enjoying your drawings.
Then do the usual stuff to gain popularity.
Talking about it, do you have some social to follow?

>Talking about it, do you have some social to follow?

>just do it when you feel you want to do it
I wish it would be so simple, but thank you. I think I draw only 40% of my ideas, because people don't like to see unrelated stuff.

>to gain popularity.
It's not easy, especially if you can get banned at any moment.
There's a sweet irony in the fact that the, arguably most morally depraved thread on this board, has the nicest people.
zundamon wip (again)
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ideal 11yrs old girl
Nice art, but this is better uploaded to catbox
looks gay
internet died once again
the usb to your phong, mane?
cant bother finding charger
use the phone data wifi.
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what is the true essence of loli if not randoseru..
How do you draw a loli that you just know will never grow boobs?
Nice Anon! I really like the face
I need to grasp this simplicity
I always overdetail and miss the charm
>the face
are you trolling?
wait, is this csp? am i the only one who draws in Photoshop?
what's the problem on simplifying things?
>wait, is this csp
post what happens next
I wasn't trashtalking I mean it. I have issues drawing charming simple things like the post I replied to
i was gonna say "what's your problem with not knowing how to simplify things" but thought that would sound rude, so i rephrased it, and it still sounds like im blaming you, kek
>I have issues drawing charming simple things like the post I replied to
is it about the anatomy? the chibiness? the emotions?
I think my issue is the emotions part
My drawings are usually fairly stiff and not fluid
could you provide an examples of your art?
Eh not right now I'm in a bit of a hole right now and can't handle criticism at this point..

But I feel like I should study.. "expressionate poses" maybe and see what makes them work?
search for the references of expressions and fill your canvas with the drawings of these expressions
That's a good idea, ill check some settei maybe. Or do you have a recommendation maybe?
>Or do you have a recommendation maybe?
sorry, can't think of anything else at the moment. good luck with your expression study
It's more about the inner and outer "shapes" more than the pose itself. Artwork with mostly parallel lines and straight angles tend to look boring or stiff.
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sketches of Liz from the completely dead Happletea webcomic
That's really impressive ill try that and fail miserably.

All good I'm studying prisma illya settei
>are you trolling?
Don't get alot of compliments? I don't like lolis that small personally but I like the drawing enough to do the captcha
ignore him, nobody attracts more crabs than 2k
maybe haters?
he doesn't even have a blog, he's mentally broken
A range murata study
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definitely! From scratch this one took about 2 hours and 15 minutes. was aiming for an annoyed rich bratty girl with a very poofy dancer skirt-thing
russian? nice drawings btw
Sir, you are in the /lsg/.
70% of lsg
Satan? been a while.
i just can't bring myself to believe that anything under half of this thread is hispanic though
me too
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She needs more belly with that kind of face.
Love your artstyle. My favorite loli artstyle, seriously. I think you consistently nail the cute side of lolis, which, to me, is the most important part (Doesn't mean you can't make sexy lolis, which I feel like you are aiming for at times.) I also feel like you beat yourself up a lot, maybe not, but if you did it would be pretty unjustified because your drawings are really nice and makes me wish I could draw loli, but I'm still a beginner.
Face too pudgy for that body.
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>199 posts
>25 images
why is this general always has such an abysmal gap between posts and images? Not trying to shit on anyone, but this is a thing that happens even if you guys are not indulging in dramafagging or nodrawing, so what gives?

Im just curious, I dont get it.
daily reminder to not feed the mayposter
Half of the drawings are in catbox links.
Beautiful, cute, sexy. The boyish haircut juxtaposes with the tiniest of microbikinis and creates a wonderful thing.
If I can nitpick on something, it would be that her right breast looks like a ball instead of a budding cone and that the lower bulge on her stomach looks a bit weird.
thanks. im rarely drawing something like this
the blog is >>7213609
Fair enough, I guess that explains the gap a little. Still, it's pretty strange to see more text than drawings here. Might as well contribute something next time to up the image number at least one extra bit kek.
should i clean and color this?
When's last time you tried to finish a drawing? Maybe it's time
>When's last time you tried to finish a drawing?
>Maybe it's time
I love your proportions.
i suck at color picking
That's actually nice coloring, has a muted feel but works
If you can draw lolis but not loli accessories you are doing it wrong.
what are the best, and most essential, loli accessories?
School backpack!
Other than that school swimsuit (technically not accessory but..) or loafers.
For more simplistic I'd say ribbons or hair decorations.
Maybe simple stuff like cute stuffed animals as well.
Randoseru, microbikini, cat tail butt-plug and cat-ear headband. Maybe band-aids and a cute ribbon too.
thanks. i thought i fucked it up by making her completely white and then adding small shadows
Very cute. Blog?
Good study. I'm studying cromachiina too.
that IS cromachina lol
Really? Idk about that... I never seen him post here before.
Why did Imamura nuke his twitter this time?
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sometimes i post to help people or do "draw this in your style", but not very often
I don't know, but he has been depression posting for a while now. He nuked all his alts, although his nsfw misskey account is still up.
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Drew the wife
Rika is your wife??
Do you stream? If not you should try to get into it.
We are happily married
Something happened and all the /beg/s are sucking each other off now
>t. one of the /beg/s
which post of yours got ignored? i won't judge
okay. i started it up on pomf.tv
>it's real
Nice, now if I only could remember my login
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does the feet look too weird like this? and does the hands look ok?
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It's Joever. Where is we niggas moving to now? The debate last night was clearly a humiliation ritual meant to completely discredit biden. Trump needs to win so the US will have an easier time providing help to israel. Biden can't obviously not win, since it would be seen as extremely hypocritical to support israel in doing what russia is doing in ukraine, but ten times worse, and dems would lose all credibility. At any rate, there's the 2025 plan, or whatever that republicans have been parading around. In an environment like that, loli content will be heavily targeted, specially now that normies are more aware of it due to the average retard spamming AI generated cnnuy everywhere. It honestly feels like the pendulum is about to swing in the other direction of the political spectrum, and loli content will be one of the first targets.
Why do you keep bringing up baraag as if anyone cares? Nothing of value will be lost.
If you don't care why did you reply? Stop giving the nodraw retard attention.
>Why do you keep bringing up one of the few lolisho communities remaining on the internet in the loli thread?
>Biden can't obviously not win
*biden obviously can't win
fuck, I'm too high
what >>7215325 said
Still off topic garbage. You wouldn't make a thread on /ic/ about it. Fuck off.
>normies are more aware of it
I hate the modern internet Fucking normies can rate a horror movie 0 out of 10, because there was too much blood and dead bodies

>and loli content will be one of the first targets.
It's already the most discussed topic, people think that lolicon content is cp

Lolicon artists like andava are lucky, they still use subscribestar.
I think the amount of lolicon artists will reduce drastically, I mean professional ones.
only people like this one >>7215311 will survive, because hobbyists don't care. They can post on dark web if necessary.
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these are really nice. blog?
im a second reply, the blog >>7213609
Your draftsmanship is getting better. I can see it in the bikini and the fat folds but your proportions are getting toddlerish and I dont like them. Neither your flat faces.
Thanks for the feedback. I'll work on faces next.
You seem kind of mad at a post on an imageboard, I dunno. You alright, man?

cute as always
still have your past posts somewhere?
Thanks haven't made one yet but I am considering.
What are the sites loli artists use I'm not sure if I want to commit to twitter.
Don't you follow loli artists? Use whatever site they use
Well pixiv I guess, I often just browse the boorus or panda
Should I finish this?
Is toddler rape based as fuck or cringe?
Lol. Lmao
What's funny?
only if you add cringy dialogue
You know I'm going to add some cringe ass dialogue. Any recommendations?
I assume that's blood and intestines, so yes, "finish her".
based !
i really like your style
i feel her rib cage is a bit wide but she's lovely
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>50+ yo
No thx.
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Drew fuuka.
Yea at least one of the feet and legs look statitc and unnaturally positioned imo.
Might want to look at some ref when drawing a pose. Cute though.
Oh so cuuute
Damn youre doodles look great.
V cute and funny
woah, blog?
this type of body will popular in near future
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Ok, I'm done with doodling, now I can sleep
How about finishing any piece?
Nope, I'm not motivated anymore. I want to finish things I can post on social media, I'm focused on non-loli/normie stuff.
good night anon
a bit weird that I can post this on many blue boards without issue, but not on a red board
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Not a lolichad but did I do well with these proportions? My next pic will be a loli and I usually don't draw them so I want to know from the experts if it looks fine.
(Don't look at the hands, I just improv them since I'm on a hurry but she's gonna be holding something)
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I think I can comfortably say I can make a clear distinction between a chubby baby and a mature midget
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why does this button only show you manmade horrors beyond my comprehension
More or less, you can go between 1.5-2.5 heads for the body on loli. I would add some more thickness to it maybe though for personal preference. She looks like paper this way
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You can go up all the way up to 6 heads like Illya but check your horizontal proportion so the head and shoulder width stay close.
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Imagine to see this in 2024, nearly impossible. All have been banned. Now even credit card companies censor artists because of lolicon.
They are banning everything. Etsy just nuked every single adult listing. Adult joke shirts, sex toys, bdsm gear, everything is nuked.
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>Etsy just nuked every single adult listing
? I can still find everything.

No, they are only fighting pedophiles and related content, violence, non consensual sex and etc. They don't like artists because they have too much freedom. It's like a feminist movement. They don't ban trans for example. They are pro-gay and want to match neo-Marxist LGBTq with Christianity.
I may have been too quick with my post but they are moving to nuke it soon. The official statement came out in recent days and is bound to be carried out soon.

>too much freedom
Exactly. It is a NSFW creator that doesn't involve the (((current monolith))) of pornography. Any shitter was able to put up a patreon or fanbox or whatever and draw pornography. The (((powers that be))) dont like it because they arent pimping you out as they did with Playboy, Porn sites and then Onlyfans.
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praise the sun!
>>>/pol/ is that way
It’s easier to go after fiction for public relations wins than deal with the elites and sites harming actual kids
Weird to see the world get to moralistic about art, porn, fiction, etc
come on its on topic
Moralistic? Lmao.
Look at OnlyFans. Pimping in its ultimate form.
If anyone was """moralistic""" they would go after it but just look at who owns it and where the money goes to and you will realize why they are pulling the strings.
soft pretty perfect, love her fingers and the ruffles on her nightdress
Republicans don't care about loli. They're the guns, porn and booze party as soon as you get past the WBC tier "fundamentals" nobody listens to once their screeching gets you in office.

In fact Bush's terms were the peak hedonism.

It's Democrats who want to completely erase loli from the internet, and not because they're moral, but because it offers an alternative market to Clinton's child trafficking.
Hi /lsg/! Would any of you have any decent guides on drawing ears? I honestly don't actually know how to draw them. https://mega.nz/folder/RIYxAZ4K#6qTO00iJeYuUapMAZ7Vnng
You filthy fucking fucker don't name your files like that or upload it to this shithole site where a double click will download it. You will get me killed.
>Republican Texas State Rep. Matt Shaheen told the Catholic News Agency, "A coalition of porn distributors unsuccessfully sued to block the requirement that porn sites perform age verification and now Texas children are safer from their filth. I will continue to fight to protect children from being sexualized."
>One of the sponsors of the legislation in Oklahoma, Republican State Rep. Toni Hasenbeck, said the law was necessary in the state "because it is commonplace in our society for a child to be alone with their digital device in their bedroom."
>"The harms that pornography cause to our Kansas kids compel us to create barriers for their access," Kansas Republican state Rep. Susan Humphries said of the bill in April
They do care, because using it makes it easy for them to put the foot in the door when it comes to restrictions of any kind.
>The Donkey and The Bull, The Donkey and The Bull, The Donkey and The Bull
I was supposed to post this in a thread on /v/ but mods got there first and purged it before I could finish https://files.catbox.moe/367wjb.jpg
Gizmo I love oyu.

lmao auto cp download
he went full pedo
There's so much little stuff like the freakishly long thumb or the hanging spats that's wrong with this that it brings the whole thing down. Not going to redline though
much love anon
sorry I'm sleepy and hungry
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are you planning to continue to draw lolis?

>Clinton's child trafficking.
schizo theories

>They do care
that's true, now I understand the psychology of pedo democrats and pedo republicans.
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Thanks anon
I see your point, I like wider shoulders on my lolis but it's hard to balance it with a narrower ribcage sometimes, I'll have to work on that
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this is very good
allow me to crab the shoulder (and leg) a bit
love this
great perspective
also great, really like the hand
cute, thanks
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thanks! and this one too >>7215372
thank you
>are you planning to continue to draw lolis?
of course, loli is what got me back into drawing and actually studying fundies after all. It's in my essence
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Yeah that looks much better.
The intention was to show off more bones/muscles in the shoulder area but my anatomy is lacking. I've also played around with shortening the legs but in the end I think I still prefer original look.
Now draw her ass being raped by a bunch of Hilichurls.
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>great face
>Everything else is sketchy and lazy but is still perfect in proportions and lines
My goal. #SuicideFuel
It's just a filename, anon.
>not allowed to redline images
>not allowed to discuss how to improve since it involves children
I remember someone drew fanart of this picture. Did you save it?
Are you actually a fat ugly bastard ojisan irl?
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I'd never draw something so vile
cute! blog?
Ugh... she's dead
>No massive cock bulges under those loinclothes
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>>not allowed to speak
>>not allowed to breathe
>>not allowed to live

It turns them on.
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i just don't get it man
Mentally ill cancer.
the hell is this "adoptable" thing? what site is this?
Artists draw characters and then auction them to pass "ownership" of the character to the "buyer".
It is the most stupid and mentally ill shit I have ever seen and it disgusts me to see retards spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars buying up some digital slop.
Isn't that literally nfts
nah even if they nftized their work the artist still retain ownership, the buyer only purchased the tokenized rights and transacted thru blockchain
its the G-d blessed free market you commie pinko scum
dead thread
it's over
by this time five years from now lolicontent will have the legal status of the real thing, and lolicels will be hunted down on the streets like the animals they are
What happened to the usual people talking at the end of the thread?
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They realized their days are numbered as lolicels, so they distanced themselves from this general, and anything that may associate them with lolicontent.
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>DEI is failing
Lolichads, we rise again
no, it means that the pendulum is swinging to the other side, lolicels will be greatly affected
lol are you daft? In what way Finkstein's retarded SJW crusade is favorable to lolicon
You misunderstand, I mean that the US is on it's way to become an ultra conservative catholic nation, so politicians will have an easier time cracking down on civil liberties.
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Kufufu~ If you miss me, you can just say so.
I love reading your rants. Post what you're working on, I like seeing your art
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I'm fading away. Please remember me as your friend. I'm sorry for everything.
Wait until you finish this one >>7218885
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No, I have to draw Kotone-chang.
Doing what?
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I don't know.
Make her do a flip and failing miserably.
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You're such a weirdo.

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