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If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

Previous thread >>7217963
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Thanks OP, my sides are in orbit
>Cool teachers
Glenn Vilppu
Michael Hampton
Steve Huston
Brent Eviston
Marco Bucci
Andrew Loomis
George Bridgman

>Cool books
Keys To Drawing
Drawing With the Right Side of the Brain
How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way
The Art and Science of Drawing
Fun With A Pencil
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
The Complete Guide to Drawing From Life

Check out https://nma.art for a subscription based academic approach to learning art
Does anyone have any experience going from a regular tablet to a screen tablet? I used to take my laptop+tablet with me places, but then the laptop bricked, so now if I want to make stuff outside of the house I need a new one. The thing is I don’t want to shell out for a new laptop, so maybe the better alternative would be some kind of screen tablet. Does it feel weird? Is it any harder/easier than doing it on a regular tablet?
burne hogarth bros....
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My linework improved a lot after I went from a screenless tablet to a display tablet
it was strange for the first 3 days or so but now I can't imagine going back
I also recommend looking for a laptop stand or monitor arm otherwise you will have a lot of back pain like I had
Have any recs? I’m surprised to hear an iPad might not be a bad idea, I’m so used to hearing everyone shit on apple for years now
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funny anatomy doodles
my back hurted like hell when using it so i tried a tilted position but it felt so uncomfortable i just turned off the screen and used it as a nondisplay tablet, its bigger than my former tablet anyway
iPad is good, the only downside is the high price
If you want a good, lower cost option, there is the Samsung Tab S9.
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Reposting, opinions?
Good night lads
Damn tha's a nice work man, do you use references or something?
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I was inspired by this pic
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and used this one for the linework
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I should draw more often, gotta study more.
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instead of studying, just draw for fun!
I'm actually jealous. Great stuff my dude.
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Sup beg, today i am okay with my draw session. Cant shake up a feeling i am too slow at drawing.

funnily enough okay laptop will be way cheaper than okay screen tablet. also if you want to draw outside your art basement, take the trad pill
>inb4 the cheapest models
imagine laptop which lags, overheats and dictates which app you are allowed to use (it is the one you dont like). Plus the screen will get scratched and will be tiny. I warned you
my opinion is that you need keys to drawing
i like it
Perhaps I will.
It would be a nice change of pace for me.
If you want to go even cheaper try finding an S7/S7+. It works just as well, maybe slightly more laggy but nbd.
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Not my favorite one, it wasn't as smooth as my other drawings, but at least I finished it
Pawell, stop this madness. There is no way you will learn to draw just by copying symbols from all the books you have. It's just impossible how you can continue this insanity for years. I remember when i came here and i saw your drawings, i was thinking "wow, this is some dedicated man", and after years I see no progress at all.

The main problem, in my opinion, you don't imply your knowledge into the art you make. And you don't know why you should learn all this shit, you don't have any challenges.
In my opinion, learning should look like this:
>try to draw something
>oh, what is this little bump on the body?
>open your books, study what this bump is
>make it into the drawing

While other people do hundreds gestures and studies per day, they can see what their problems are, and they can work on them to get better. And you, just copy things you don't even know what for.

I know your attitude and that you don't listen to critique at all, but i was watching for all this time and it's my first time when I just want to have a word for you. Just stop, Pawell, I respect you, but just stop. It's not even funny anymore. Please, for the sake of yourown sanity. You will never be young again, one day you will wake up, see all these thousands of shiity studies and then you gonna cry. Cry about your wasted years, Pawell.

It's just sad to see people like Pawell, who have time and resources, but have no ability to learn properly. I'm not gonna reply anymore to you, and I know you will not listen to me, and will just justify your "learning process", just my little opinion formed by years of studying with my dear begs.

Good luck, Pawell.
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Goal is to make a comic. Feed back appreciated.
Pawell will spit on your post and ignore you. that's just what he's always done to anyone who's actually tried to help him. time wasted, typing all this
holy shit I was wondering when someone was going to acknowledge this guy and his shitty drawings, how have you drawn so much and still be in /beg/ for so long? genuinely sad.
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mr loomis i dont feel so good...
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Drew my other buddy’s dog. Proportions are off, but it turned out better than expected.
Amazing values lil'bro, great contrast and godlike understanding of how hair works especially curly hair which is a bit trickier and easy to mess up with spaghetti hair.
Fantastic work.
Thanks anon
PYW. otherwise, just empty words from a seething no-draw piece of crab.
>butthurt Pawell
How about Pawell will post his work first. Not just a study, I want to see some artwork from him, maybe a sketch, maybe a full rendered piece. Oh, wait... He's not good enough to draw not a copy from the book, rigth?
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Not >>7220659 but I agree. You're a good lad and I understand wanting to disregard the crabs, however you should really really look deep within yourself and ask why you haven't seen improvement in the last few years.

You should study iterative drawing. Memory recall is core in learning skills. Sycra goes into it but if you want someone else less stylized there's other videos that go in depth on the methodology in more traditional ways. Here's a good example I personally use but there's others that don't use it to draw anime if you do some deep dives:
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>come home from gym
>have DOMS
>try to draw anyways
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shouldn't have lifted to failure bro
Ominous work. I've always liked pen and ink style with big blocks of color
Knowing how to finish is also part of it
Polish off and you'll be drawing Code Lyoko
How did you do white streaks on this fluff?
is that nick fooentes ?
>lil bro
back to xitter, oh and kill yourself nigger
>How did you do white streaks on this fluff?
Electric eraser
>is that nick fooentes ?
Doesn't seem like it >>7219417
But you can ask him >>7220521
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She's still sleepy
You should draw her eating chicken from a bucket
I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
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well generally, human beings don't have tails.
Pawell is too much on the spectrum to feel emotions like anger or hurt
Pawell IS changing up how he studies, you crabs! Instead of copying things just in digital and not learning anything he is now also copying things traditionally and not learning anything ;^)
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First day drawing, spent some time trying to get accustomed to using a pen on a computer lol
Honestly very happy with the result, makes me motivated for the long road I have ahead.
never forget talent is very real and know your first drawing is better than many here can do now after months or years of effort (myself included)
its a pretty good start anon, already better than pawell.
Ok, namedropping. What is the story behind this person?
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You know exactly what you're doing anon. We all know. Just own it, embrace it. Have fun with it. Start a project. Or let the circus go. Explore other things. You're good enough to do much better.
You can have this animation with my favorite pics from you HERE:
>>>/f/3509722 (Click on [embed] to play, click on the file name to save it)
Pawell is the CEO of the BEG&INT Thread General. Our Captain Ahab, eternally grinding and pushing forward, doing whatever it takes. He defies the heavens with his artistic sins, but he never give up, he never will. He has ZERO talent, but ALL THE HEART AND SOUL. We all know that if HE can make it, then, ANYONE CAN. The day Pawell falls, it will be all over for us begs, he needs to get there, he needs to succeed, for all of us.
He's our will, he's our heart still going against all odds. He's Pawell, the captain of the lost souls in this hopeless shithole.
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Took a few years break from digital painting. Not that I was ever good at it. I completely ignored fundies because I'm retarded. Now I'm 28 and I feel like it's an uphill battle. How do I stop digital painting nonsense? If I learned digital painting the wrong way is it too late to learn how to do it properly? Or has the brain rot that I accumulated throughout the years taken its toll and now I'm too old and damaged to make it?:P
its this guy >>7220606
hes been drawing like this for three years
i think he just likes it here
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For reference, these are a few attempts I've made a few months ago.
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Digital is perfect to do long and extensive grinding sessions. That's what you need. Grind figures here >>7217459 engage in the feedback, build a reason to keep drawing and posting. Post your digital drawpiles here >>7179832
You need drawing momentum, and to stay in that zone, the adventure and fun drawing zone.
Thanks fren.
Don't talk nonsense, his first drawing is simple, it can be drawn by a preschooler, you need to try harder and improve
Here's what I thought would improve it. Nice trips.
i wish i could have experienced life as you have.
He's just trolling you with crappy drawings and he's already a successful artist
Ew wtf. How do they even balance?
Whoa.. That's a great animation anon!! It's really flattering you chose my art to do that with. Though, I think you forgot to erase the legs I drew. I'm not sure what you think I'm doing either, I was just insecure about my art not doing so well and was trying to see why. Do you have a blog?
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>Though, I think you forgot to erase the legs I drew.
Oooohhhh, ok, NOW I see! I thought the hands were the feet lol. So those are her feet, I thought those were her arms behind her head. Sorry anon.
Your pose is good, it's just confusing because of the simple proportions of the doll, (her hands mainly).
Thanks anon! no prob, it was fun. You're good, you do well finished pieces, very clean, that's all you need to do whatever you want. Having a "finished technique" is the hardest thing. I don't think this is the place to get good honest feedback like that. This s a place for art trolling, fun shit and senseless behavior. A place to vent out. If you post this same stuff on DeviantArt you will be LOVED, users there behave in a totally different manner. If you want validation and real human warmth, you will get it on DA. This is a place to have fun and break some balls. This place is great to be honest, I prefer this chaotic lolfest, KEK
No I don't have a blog, I can't deal with accounts and all that managing bullshit, having fun here is more than enough to fill all my artistic free time. Glad you liked the flash. Keep having fun anon!
You're the best.
Lol I don't blame you! Her legs are quite strange. Thank you for the compliments anon!! I love this place for its brutal honesty too, I know if there's a problem no one's gonna sugar coat it. Oddly enough I have a deviantart but it isn't doing so well. Granted I just kind of dump my art with no real thought but still. Maybe people don't think it's really me? I've seen people upload my work there a lot before. I think you should at least have one blog though! Just as like an archive of nothing else, you could totally get popular. I hope I see you around some time again.
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Thanks anon! Here, I did a Ragatha for you. I hope you found the invisible "next" button in the bottom corner of the animation. ツ
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I don't get how to understand 3d forms. What should I do? Read Hampton? Drawabox?
I'd start with something simple like drawabox or the dynamic sketching general. No point in trying to draw figures if you can't wrap your head around primitive forms.
Is this yours? because the person who drew picrel get it.
i don't think i'm in rigth to recommend, but i would recommend to stick to hampton's analytical figure drawing course for some weeks, grinding hundrends of gestures, OR start with vilppu instead, because he literally teach what you're trying to do. better do both.
in my opinion drawing gestures without understanding of basic anatomy is senseless, and i mean knowledge of bones in first place.
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any tips on how to improve at drawing like this? sorry pretty new to drawing.
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quick noses study
Condom benis gloryhole :DDD
woah thanks!
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How I draw suggestive booba
You drew her so cute!!! <3 Thank you a ton man! I had no idea about that invisible button, I've never used /f/ before and it's pretty cool that's an option. I wish you had a twitter so I could rt all the stuff you made.
Water balloon shape
damn I see it :/
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This is the most fun I've ever had drawing. Q
What are you doing anyway? Just doing hand studies or is this some kind of exercise you found?
I'm drawing the ASL alphabet using my hand as reference, with the intent on improving my skill with drawing hands.
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it's SO over i can't believe it, i guess you need talent to draw faces. i think i tried every resourse about portraits, nothing helps to improve

i think i will try to copy some loomis book from start to end, maybe copypill will help me
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Ref + imagination
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Just draw, bwo.
Very cool I like this
lineart on a screenless tablet is a nightmare. I don't want to go back
it looks cool. Slight nitpick but If you raise the jacket a little bit to be a little underneath the nose it'll look a little more natural
vlog? would love to see the end result
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Johan Vasquez influence, that's cool.

I think you have too much space in every panel. It makes it hard for me to see what I'm looking at because my eyes go to the empty space around everyone. You just have to make them take up more of the frames and make the background a darker value

Your lettering needs work too for the same reasons, the lettering is too far apart and there's no harmony to how theyre arranged. It makes me want to read every sentence individually instead of all together. It reads like this:

>I would like a fatty patty
>Large size with extra fries
>And nuggets

It doesn't work. I also think you need to make your speech bubbles more like actual speech bubbles.

I attached an example from the panty and stocking comic for better example of lettering, hope this helps.
kek, follow prokos nose tutorials bro
Don't bother, shark anon is gonna shark
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What kind of brushes could replicate this look, and is it achievable with just a default round brush?
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feel like i'm swinging back and forth between old habits and new ones
drawing people as boxes feels too restricting, and i can't really do it
so them i'm like okay i'll draw rounded forms
then i end up symbol drawing the whole thing again
i'm too tired to deal with scott robertson and his damn planes and stuff, so this is all i did today
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heres half a copy here that i scanned in and wasnt happy with, inks ok, but getting used to digitals hard
it's over
idc what he does I always always defend Pawell because he made such a great page by page personally formatted translation of the Xiao Wei Chun book that's helping me a ton even if it's MTL, no other anon has been autistic enough to do something like that, Pawell daisukii nanodesu
read the thread title nigger
*I will always defend
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Maybe you just need another cutie with pointy tits.
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i have been wasting so much fucking time. im losing my mind right now because i decided to beat my head against the wall and draw shitty anime girls for 3 years instead of actually studying fucking anything. i think everything ive drawn that looks decent has been incidental. sorry for bitching i am just really mad at myself.
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Bro. All loners did it. First, don't suffer alone. Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you mustn't telling yourself it's burden you carry alone. Look. All you need to do is beat that ego into submission and learn to follow guidelines. That's what it is all about. Set yourself that you get it right. Right now, you can't put 3d objects into space correctly. What's the big deal? If you studied perspective, put down those guidelines, that star. Proportions are wrong? Fine. Block out major points. On this grid you can place the 2d shapes. The you give them depth with your star grid. Once your brain calms down and starts looking for these helpful cues things will get easier and more consistent.

I was punching my thigh.
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study frazetta figure drawings

A watercolor brush will give you the softness you are looking for, but noise and textures are what will make it feel more pleasing and organic. Noise is tricky, not much is written about it, at least in an artistic setting, even the worst noise generators are too simple, you don't have much control over the end result.

I think a noise aimed at the midrange and a variance of ~5% can get you closer to what you want. Try this noise and put the layer in overlay mode.

for better results I would use the noise like a screentone on selected parts and play around with the levels curve of the noise.
Dumbass question but when is the right time to consider comms? How does one even get started?
the right time is earlier than you expect. some folks will pay for abject garbage
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How do I choose brushes? I'm relatively new into this and all of my effort goes into trying to figure out how to draw poses and proportions and perspective on a sketch level with zero regard to lines, so I'm not sure if I need any of this information, but I'm curious about brushes. People often mention brushes in context of "oh no i lost all of my data, and worst of all my brushes", "i'm trying new software and i don't have my brushes nothing is good", so it has to be bit of a big deal.

>Do you have different brushes for sketching and different ones for drawing it right?
>What exactly makes a brush good for the job?
>Why wouldn't a standard set of brushes be good enough for you? What exactly is it that your own brushes are doing better?
>Or am I overthinking it, and I should stick with meme g-pen or basic small airbrush until I get good enough to naturally get an understanding of why it's important?

thank you for completing my survey
You don't need different brushes. You need settings to control size and opacity.
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Trying to think of the ten most popular songs in early cartoons
destroys my will to live
very cute design. i like it.
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i love her
That's an interesting take, thanks. Guess I can try that, no idea if it'll take me anywhere because it's very different from putting lines next to other lines, but it's worth a shot regardless.
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Grinding charcoal and hair, having a hard time erasing, I don't know if it's the paper or if my kneaded eraser is broken.
The best takeaway from that video is DON'T OVERTHINK IT, if you're learning it barely matters what you use, as long as it's simple
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where do you think I should put her left hand to?
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Next time please resize your images.
Her jawline was bugging me but you fixed it perfectly.
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Heres the original pic for reference
awesome i like your playfulness! unfortunately i don't have enough space to play around with your idea. now you've got me interested in how to seamlessly append more paper.
Glad you got a kick out of it :)
I think that looks a bit stiff with hands there
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did some more
Any chance that you could share a pack of her pics?
Kneaded erasers don't completely erase anything, even non charcoal. Get some other erasers to get deeper. Also get an electric eraser.
Your problem is not enjoying those moments enough. Turn them into fun memorable moments. Go to artistic events, get in touch with other artists. Don't remember this artistic phase as a time that you spent alone and with out any memorable situations.
Someone wrote above that "Pawell has been grinding for three years here and he doesn't improve". "Three years" is fucking NOTHING. This is a fucking marathon, you need to build a life to accommodate this passion that will take decades of your time. Don't suffer it, enjoy it. 28 years of age is the perfect age to do or start anything. Keep your artistic passion in a safe place. You don't need a career to get a job nowadays. You just need to meet people. Remember a friendship overshadows everything. Someone will hire a person more because of trust than because of knowledge or "titles". Someone you met will tell you, "I need someone to fill this position, if you could learn to do this you can have it", that's how you get jobs nowadays. Meet people, have fun. Go to places.
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stop spamming, faggot
lol, where's your post?
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right here >>7220672 and here >>7221357 and here >>7221045 and here >>7220682 and here >>7220530
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>stop spamming, faggot
Am I supposed to feel bad that my drawing sucks or something? I don't give a shit. But what does that have to do with you spamming up the thread? Make a fuckin collage and post one image. Dick face.
what a mouth on this sailor
>Am I supposed to feel bad that my drawing sucks or something?
no never said that but that pupper was out of order.
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Bummer. Maybe next time.
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I am practising Loomis heads, and I am enjoying the process, and I am reading through "drawing the head and hands" by Loomis. However, now I have some question about the jawline, as I am not really sure how I am supposed to connect it from this angle. Also did I cut the side of the cranium with the right amount? It looks a little wrong to me
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New to digital painting, why does this look so amateurish?
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Shit. You got me. She hot.
Because it's bad, displeasing and unfinished.
That's fucking hot, it just looks unfinished.
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I thought it would be fun to draw the teacher from Hoshikuzu Telepath in one of her students' cheerleader outfits so that's what I did.
How do I draw pom poms in a way that isn't tedious?
Thats the problem, i dont know what else to add to it (and i dont mean the background)
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Tried to make the pose more interesting
Nice thanks, I will make some boobies studies from that
Now I can't unseen it
Nice work! Solid hands n feet bro
I see the Candy Shop nipples on there
Hmm yeah now i kinda see it, thanks
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Instead of doing something meaningful today I started doing this somethig. Well safe to say Miura I am not, but to be fair I haven't really studied composition yet , or drapery , or light and shadows, or anatomy, or perspective. Come to think of it what the fuck have I been doing all this time? I need to rethink my approach to learning.
the head you are drawing and reference are not at the same angle, for me it helps to try and line up your palm with the front of the reference to figure out how it looks in 3d space. Also the chin should be outside and to the right of the circle of the head
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its weird because even going from dark to mid tone is hard not like it used to be thats why i think its busted, i will try with another paper later.

> Also get an electric eraser.
hacking my way through an atm.
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Started plein air and finished at the camp site. I love how portable watercolors are
If that's the case, it's finished - as you can make it be. Now you check what is wrong with it, and study it. You go super basic, the very formulaic cubes, forms and shapes and with references, that you think are more pleasing attempt to recreate those imagining what was author doing when he was drawing that. (That of course means, you are not looking at photographs).
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Don't go to the next step unless they look the same to you
>going from dark to mid tone is hard
For this you should only have to dab your kneaded on the charcoal. Vary your pressure for varying levels of value.
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Thanks for the tip! I tried to take the chin out of the circle, and I think it turned it out better.
oh shit thanks anon! I will retry the exercise from scratch
Take pictures with flash
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My portraits are so bad, so I decided to copy Loomis' "Drawing Head and Hands". I'm not sure how am I supposed to do it, so I decided just do what Pawell does, and draw some heads from references in the end. I hope it will help. Anyway, I have too much free time.
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>a second Pawell
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Anon this is fucking beautiful. Thanks.
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Back to portrait grinding
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I tried for a while getting the perspective to look identical. It was difficult, and I can't tell if it still really wrong or not.
check out steve huston, he teaches how to use boxes for figures in a very simple way
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Mfw I’m finally proficient enough to draw the retarded crap that comes to my mind.
File deleted.
It was dark as fuck on the streets
My hands were all bloody from punching on the concrete
God damn, homie
My mind is playing tricks on me
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some poses. i can't understand inner thigh area, it's impossible to depict
Beautiful shapes anon. NICE.
A bit weird for the loose clothe to stick to her chest area

You should shape the lip area rather than making it straight

I’d make her right pupil a bit more to the left bc it’s giving her strabismus

The most realistic nose you did isn’t quite bad you should stick to it imo

Be careful of symmetry >>7221275 those are really nice

Hidden next to her hip would look the more relaxed I think (arm on her side)
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Brother, take the Will Weston pill
Scott Robertson is one of the biggest demotivating traps out there, even though I'm a mechanical engineer, his book was boring as fuck to read
That shit is literally what you learn in an industrial drawing class, now if you are not interested in drawing machinery and want to learn figures, avoid that book
Can you draw with your tablet anywhere or just on table?
I ask this because I've always draw with my fingers on my phone.
I can do it basically everywhere that's not on public.
There are two types of display tablets, those that need to be powered by a computer (cintiq, kamvas etc) and those that are completely autonomous like a cell phone (ipad, samsung)
in the case of the latter, you can draw anywhere, myself I like to draw while lying in bed
she says she wants you to live and design another day
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This sucks
I like the area around forehead and eyes, the shading is effective to see the planes. The ear could use the same process.
On some level, it feels like you're trying to draw more detail in the hair. Just block and shade it as if it was more face.
Nah man, it's nice.
Even if it looks OK on its own, it's lost so much likeness from the subject that I consider it a fail.
Disgusting non permabeg, your words are meaningless
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Well I wish I could draw a portrait half as good as that one
You can. Looking at what you've done, I firmly believe that's achievable with enough practice and self-discipline. How much that will take is up to you.

When drawing a portrait, it's important to try to draw as much of the subject as possible below the head, to avoid it looking like a severed head. Study planes of the face with Asaro heads, study different head construction methods, find what works for you, what doesn't, combining what works from different methods. Measure your subject by finding their mid-point. Block out the major shapes, drawing out where the light and shadow interact, with definition being the last thing you want to add. Proko has good free lessons on facial features. Practice drawing from life as much as you can, photos can only make you as good at drawing photos. For eyes, draw around the reflection of light in the eyes to add an easy spark of life to them. Try to have fun with it, take mistakes in stride and utilize them to make future drawings better. Take everything I've suggested with a grain of salt as I am still learning myself.

When you've drawn something you would like critique for, crop out everything but the drawing and resize the picture to be max 1000 pixel length/width.
also I'm tired/high/ESL and missed the "half" part. you can definitely draw better than how I draw now. I'm ashamedly old af too, I started taking drawing seriously 8 years ago.
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Hello beg, drawing necks is tricky. No wonder anime drawers do them like 2 lines

very nice
man the overall skill of beg increased. is this because of summer and more drawers have time to post? also what is that heart shaped thing stone?
usually begs put eyes too high on the skull. curiously you did the opposite
>copying my layout down to the watermarks and memes
LMAO. i kneel
very nice. you are the real tradchad
the same way you draw hair: you simplify and imply the texture. chapter called textures in keys to drawing
cute. her feet are the weakest
krita has built in around 100+ brushes. All you need is there. Simply try out new brush every day and mark the less shitty ones as your favorite
the moment people pester you to draw them something
perspective (backgrounds), composition, warm vs cold colors
>Memory recall
posts like yours persuaded me that some people dont even look at the posted work. Why do you think everything on the canvas is doubled? Because the other one is memory recall
i kneel
>no way you will learn to draw just by copying
i see. so nobody ever learned how to draw from observation nor master copies, all these books, all these art schools and all these artists who say they get gud by drawing billion things (from observation, aka copying) are wrong
>they can see what their problems are
my biggest problem are beg looking figures. and the only way to get better is to keep drawing figures
>I see no progress
i think you arent drawer yourself and mistook lack of rendering for lack of progress
anon i dont wanna crab you, but calling this finished is... heresy
I'm old too, 37. I only started taking it seriously at the end of April.
The heart shaped thingy is a gummy candy magnet, can’t answer your other question
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The thread lack schizos. I miss the old schizos so much. ~zzz~ is also gone now.
chefs kiss you are a master of your craft
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guys, i swear, triangular nose looks so much better, but you say me to draw normal one...
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is this perspective close-ish to the angles of the box? and is the feature placement ok?
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The head should be a bit more elongated, everything else seems to be ok, except for the short forehead and neck placement.
lmao nice crabing
Can I use this for an album cover?
Just some normal figure studies
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big peepee
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/turbobeg/ here, started drawing on the right side of the brain
initial self portrait looks like an FtM version of me
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>why is my art so bad i started drawing 2 seconds ago
Depends. If you're a Top 40 artist, I'll consider it.
This is what you draw if you get fat fetish in late 20s
I still have hope I can convince people I'm a NGMI and talent is real. What do I need to do to convince you that I will never be able to draw no matter what I can visualize in my head?
Still better than Elon Musk drawing
Thanks that is helpful
Drawabox and Dynamic sketching. Will try to get those.
Thanks. Do I?
Will try Hampton. Thanks.
I got this from /ic/ thread. Try searching. I can't hand this because it would be illegal.
You are ngmi by virtue of never putting in the effort. It's hard work. And you naturally understand too that hard work has nothing to do with talent. Play Dark Souls. Same thing.
I have a 2024 S6 lite and it's really nice to draw on. got it brand new but they go out of stock nonstop though.

lovely linework but the gesture feels slightly stiff, when I had that issue, 90 second gesture sketches helped me a lot on quickposes dot com
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Dark Souls is easy.
All I can give you are stickmen.
Huh, I guess I do have his wonky perspective tendencies, albeit without the playful use of color
I am actually doing this meme practice
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Are eyes particularly jarring? If that's the case, can you pinpoint the possible reason? I can see a million different eye drawing styles, trying to slap together something that would make me happy, but every time I draw eyes, I feel like they're bad on fundamental level and yet I can't put it into words. Shape of eyelashes, perspective, iris coloring, lack of feeling of depth? Or maybe just wrong iris shape?
It would help to begin with a truly 3D head shape. I like her lashes but the eyes look like they've been applied via texture map. It looks like the ref would be a selfie that doesn't consider her as a 3D 'object'.

It's also an interesting combined expression, taken together it looks like the cat suggests that she's happy to brainstorm on a project, maybe a bit oblivious to the observer. Seems like it would be an interesting character to develop in a comic.
By "truly 3D head shape", you mean that I should keep in mind head geometry (possibly draw some kind of a helper grid), and then try gently gradient-shading around shapes? Or is it something else?

Thanks for the idea praise. I didn't think much of it, just took on this idea because it'd be amusing to see a character with a cat on head that reacts to whatever's happening around either in sync with character, or in complete opposite, or outright spoiling girl's real emotions against her will. Now that someone praised it, I like it quite a bit more.
How does your know if symbolism drawering?
There are at least 20+ anons tried to copy Bridgman. All of them drop the book within the first week.
i passed first week
what do you think symbol drawing is?
Oh really? did you finish the book? I think not! :)
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I'm not frazetta, I'm a slow burner I'm at torsos will take me like 2 weeks to finish that part.
Is whhen ytou draw bad.
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You were saying? I am basically permabeg tier. I belong here.
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I think the secret to actually finishing bridgeman copy is liking that style, if you’re just struggling through it for information you’re rarely going to use than you’re just asking to get burned out, I think the most important thing about learning how to draw is drawing what you love.
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What is this hairstyle? I swear it's real I saw a few girls tie their ponytails pointing upward
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This is messing with my brain.
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Arm muscles had no reason being this complex. Oh, the struggle...
Lost a bit of nose definition. Do broad sweeps on the hair and then try to smudge highlights out of it.
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Ok. I still will need to watch couple more videos about this thing, but so far so good.
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does anyone mind drawing some anatomy boxes on this for me? especially the pelvis. cant seem to observe it properly
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probably wrong but
cool thanks
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The point of this box exercise is to understand
1. The direction of the bod parts
2. How forms overlap
You don't need to place the head exactly into the box, but you have to get the direction right. Vilppuu has 1 or 2 lesson on it.
>How forms overlap
I feel like I'm insane
the pelvis doesnt look right at all and I cant picture it properly
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How's my rendering/shapes?
You have to learn it yourself. Download Vilpuu box forms videos, listen carefully, watch how he breaks the body down, and draw along. Do it for like 20 - 30 figures and you'll get it.
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Todays attempt
I’ll redo it more clean in about an hour but a few criticism before that would help

It’s a bit rough I would blend more, don’t forget to have really soft and really sharp shadow edges

Widen the shoulders

Their using hair claw/clip
Try Googling hair clip ponytail
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Good night.
if that's supposed to be metal then you did a shit job
weird star wars art but im wondering if anyone has any advice for adding cloth/should i use like black as a value to add weight? im far from done but just wondering what i should do
i just use color blocks as stand ins for things i haven't painted yet
that's amazing
nah, just matte forms without thinking about the material
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>insults a post
>doesn't post own work
>commends a post
>posts own commendable work
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me and the round brush against the world
upped the level correction/contrast thing and now the values look better at least, i want to add details and fix symmetry stuff later
wow your concept of form/the 3d values of the face are really good
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Your features look misaligned, they should feel/look parallel to each other. you should look at more portraits because the features of the face are not that far apart to distort them in the way you describe them, e.g. the eye doesn't really change in size, but it overlaps and turns a little on the face.
Wow you responded just as I sat at my desk too draw ! Thank you so much for taking the time it’s great motivation !
you are doing great, don't be afraid measuring things a drawing compass is a great investment for this, have fun!
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the leg gives me picrel vibes
I've played all of the good games and i'm sick and tired of mindlessly replaying factorio. I've decided to go in on drawing in order to fill out my time.

What's the step 1? I'm down to spend dozens of hours on this since i have literally nothing going on.
try drawing something

I'm serious, there's no single path to take here. You have to draw something a couple times, then you'll surely get a very general idea on what do you want to do and where do you want to take it. If you really love order and logic above all else, I guess you can google how to make lines for a a 1-point perspective and then build something around it, assuming you didn't have that in art lessons through early school. Drawing is something you piece together on your own, it's really hard to point out an exact starting point.
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JOIN /FIG/ TODAY >>7217459
Engage with the /FIG/ artist's feedback. Post your daily figs.
Get ref models here >>7203947
And start a new life of artistic grandeur, adventure and pleasure.
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It's pretty much shapes, construction, rendering going in a circle
So you can start with cube and shapes for some minutes to kinda get perspective, planes and movement
Then take a look at body proportion tutorials and do a lot of /fig/, whether it's quick gesture or actually measuring and capturing the form
Finally, you'll want to study about shading or lineart, "blocking out" features and shadows
You learn from making multiple okay attempts until you build the routine to measure, draw and self-correct
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I like adding pink airbrush
I feel like I improved a lot thanks to the anon from earlier.

Also draw stuff that you genuinely enjoy so you don’t get bored of it
Forgot pic
day and night difference, brilliant save man gmi. You will improve greatly by watching Steve Huston free videos and studying charcoal portraits from masters.
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Man, such a nice rewarding feeling when you see that you're making progress, i practiced a lot today, brain is tired from all the thinking and analyzing.
Nvm, just noticed that the thumb muscle is going over the extensor digitorum, which is wrong...
Why am i noticing it just now...
anything glaring before going to lineart?
Thank you for the kind word and the recommandation, he is very relaxing to listen to.
Forgot pic again
>he drew the thumb muscle over the extensor digitorum
guys, he's ngmi
>he drew the thumb muscle over the extensor digitorum
haha, what a fuckin loser
Oookay.... so what do we do now guys?
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Some anon also drew the thumb muscle over the extensor digitorum once. Pic related its his art after years of grinding
do you know any anatomy tutorials that also teach how to NOT draw some body parts?
Hey homonig
the face is way more turned in your ref
If you're straight up copying a ref picture don't draw shit you can't see
the tip of the nose is a useful "anchor point" in three quarter
Scott Eaton has some lessons called gallery abominate, he highlights anatomy errors on people's works.
What's a ngmi, guys
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As always, the doodle process is the best part.
>doesn't know what ngmi means
anon is not gonna make it
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pre/beg/ doesn't even look remotely like him
upper tier/beg/
Ty I couldn’t tell why it was so different that makes more sense now.

Tried fixing the top part a bit, the bottom part is really fucked tho you should start over with a ref
oh my god
>Tried fixing the top part a bit, the bottom part is really fucked tho you should start over with a ref
i got tired at the end, i just thought it was funny to share
>upper tier/beg/
i'd rate myself much lower, i only have a bunch of drawings like that
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Join /FIG/ today >>7217459
make her pregnant...and i'll join
Fuck I scrapped the layer already. You have to place the belly bump between her back legs, not the front legs.
okay give me a minute, I have an idea.
my stylus died while i was drawing this so i guess ill have to finish it later
holy fucking fake beginner cute as hell
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General anatomy isn't that hard to understand and to tweak around. Do enough figures and your head will do the math.
wow, deal
Oh my god that's hot. Saved!
wow thank you!! i hope to draw more of her
wow, fast, acurrate, degenerate. I'll join as well.
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applying a bullet to brain will surely keep the bad thoughts away
It took much more than a bullet to cure Nero's bad thoughts... amirite?... lol
Cool skull
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some sketches and paintings from the last few days
Now THIS is a top tier fetish.
>Post shit drawing
>Anon tells me to fundies
>Still have no fucking idea what fundies are or why it will take me from shit drawing to less shit drawing
What are fundies to you and how did you study them? Does it help?
drawing accurately
light and color
You can easily search for a drawing fundies video on youtube where pros tell you exactly how to grind for them, but instead you ask for the answer from a bunch of schmuck that can barely draw and will 9 out of 10 tell you that fundies are meme/begtraps.
KYS you lazy FAG.
Fish Tiddies
Video? Has it worked for you? I am not trolling or anything. I am just very lost.
Anatomy and perspective basically. It's like those little wheels on kids bicycles, you know?
The things you would say "Well, duhh", but YOU NEED those broad guidelines to pick up drawing momentum. You need to get an habit of drawing everytime you can, to get it into your system. You need to build a new natural ability. To actually build an artistic skill at a physiological material level in your person. This is not like "tasting food", or reading books, you need to PUT THE WORK ON IT. It's like me saying I'm gonna do back flips now, what do I have to do!.. "Well, You have to train every fucking day, change your diet and daily routine" and I would reply, "Shit, really? there must be an easier way..." No there's not. you have to put the real work on it. If you want to get THAT.

So go to /FIG/ and start grinding figures. Simple figures, simple shapes, silhouettes, gotta learn that anatomy man. There's no other way >>7217459
Let a GIRL tell you how to draw dick sucker. To the point and concise.
it's so over, it was meant to be marcus aurelius
>it's so over, it was meant to be marcus aurelius
You're kidding me right? That's hilarious. Aaaahhh god, I love this board.
samsung tab or ipad?
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si it supposed to be sary?
No I was just struggling to find a simple yet characteristic, dynamic, analytical, form-feeling, gestural rhythm for the eyes
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I'm learnding, okay? At least I had fun.
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>tilt hip backwards on female characters, says internet in quick internet tips for drawing
>tilted hip backwards
>looks nicer than usual
>also started noticing that good half of animu girl art online has hip tilt, and it's always nice
one more tiny little improvement. today was a good day
>want to play around with paint
>can't find any good material because everyone focus on oil painting or figure drawing
I love doing that too but it can look a bit awkward from side profile.
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was looking at some art of mine from around November and was wondering if the blueish palettes are okay for learning, i liked the way they looked more than the grayscale.
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Who are some good Japanese artists to learn gesture/sketching from? i've tried Hide Ch's stuff but it always feels so stiff and boxy

alternatively, should I just learn from Vilppu or Hampton instead?
Yoshikazu Hamada, Tsugumomo guy hes known for having the super autist drawing set ups and references, he streams quite a bit and there used to be some archives of it
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is drawing along with streamers good motivation?
whatever keeps the boat afloat is good
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hmb.. kinda happy I did this within 2 days but man gacha designs are too damn complicated at times
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how bad is the shoulder area?
>generic anime girl, but with horns
>too complicated
Let's see your generic anime girl
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I'm almost understanding how this works. Almost.
Let's see your generic anime girl
Let's see your generic anime girl
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How do my sphere's look?

These feel like second nature to me now, but anywhere where I can improve? Do my circles look okay? Or are they still wonky as fuck (only been drawing for a few months since late last year).
how is it generic
>How do my sphere's look?
Like spheres
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here you are sir
I mean do they look bad? how can I improve them?
NEW THREAD >>7223223
NEW THREAD >>7223223
NEW THREAD >>7223223
NEW THREAD >>7223223

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