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post, get rated, rate others
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I'm guessing a 2 or 3
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>you must do dynamic poses with dynamic perspective to be considered a pro artist!
This is why this place will never breed anything worth seeing.
/prebeg/ but could easily be hiding their power level for comedic effect

Mid Int, stylized and clearly not the upper limit of your work as this looks more like a 10-15 minute sketch for you

/Mid Beg/ but improving fast, doing more realism studies with accurate shapes and values is a great way to solidify fundamentals and make things look believable. 3,000 "bad" pieces away from being /int/
Anon why do you never post your social?
Because I don't have a blog/social media, I can create one for IC posts if you like, someone on here told me to make a twitter but you need to give me a good username that isn't taken like shawntheshark123
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Mid-high beg, it's too simple to tell. Could even be low adv. Point is, the pose and subject matter isn't overly complex,but it is still clearly well done and with skill. You can be rated higher if you show more proficiency I guess.
If I had to give a straight rating, probably high beg.
Low beg. Keep trying! These are solid attempts! You are getting there.
You are definitely int. I can't decide between low and mid, but I'm steering hard towards mid because of 'personal flair'. The complex perspective is also what's reslly demonstrating your skill here.
Well, I'm just going off of what each tier is saying. You don't need it to be successful, if that's what you mean. There's many comics that have simpler styles that are often trending and funny.
Not a drawing but I really feel like I agree with your assessment of 7229408. It definitely seems like they're hiding their power level. It's a good drawing.
I think you're the other anon, but I can rate this too, low int.

I'm suspecting I will get midbeg or at best high beg.

I’m starting to think none of you idiots have any idea what you’re tlaking about.
How is that even relevant you stupid fucking retard?
/prebeg/ got it
>I’m starting to think none of you idiots have any idea what you’re tlaking about.
I'm wondering if anyone here can even tell us what the universal agreed upon fundamentals even are. No one ever specifies *which* fundamental someone is showing a lack of, they always just say, "practice fundies" or something.
Oh and I forgot color
warning:furry female
So line and shape aren't fundamentals anon?
Ok I made one


I'll try to update it with art every time someone asks for a blog.
Just post all the art you made there first, then do that
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Rippeth me a new one

last thing i made is
>Pic related

Last 3 months
>flex against the gods

>Milf Grill solid

>revolver nekolot

>2b we have at home

>tanya outerplanes

Older 4-12 months

>evil neko

>sum bitch from nikke
It's a fluid list (art and the theory of art is part of the humanities so it's bound to be a little blurry) but there's some convergence. The way I'd list them is:

the abstraction of information into the pictorial language of lines
base 2D visual information (either translated from a 2D source or interpreted from 3D reality)
the math rules that govern the translation of spatial information into the 2D image plane
representation of volume and spatial information via 2D shorthands
representation of the dynamics of light in terms of net illumination
>Color Theory
the rules that govern the interactions and perception of colored light
representation of motion and action both of organic and inorganic subjects
representation of human or animal forms in a naturalistic manner
the arrangement of pictorial information in the plane
knowledge of the use of specific tools, pigments, and surfaces to achieve certain visual effects and accurately render what is desired.
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Lmao I'm getting Filtered, literally. Not sure anyone can even see my posts Do I have to comment and interact with people to prove I'm human?
im rapidly approaching permabeg
mid low int hard to tell from this alone
low int hard to tell from this tho
mid beg try to break the scratchy lines habit before its too late!!!
low int
yeah i think youre basically shadowbanned at first (attempted bot stopper)
Oh fuck, i forgot musk rat made it where new accounts get filtered to prevent “bots”…..should have made an account long before
It’s called power level thread
Ah okay then but how do they confirm if I'm not a bot? Is it by who I follow or how I post? Pretty sure chatgpt can manufacture realistic enough replies so I doubt there's anything I could do, I could post more art but what if they think I'm spamming?
idk read the instructions
Legit your only option is either post 1 artwork a day and reply to post(reply to other artist on /ic/ twitter accounts) since they are familiar with you) for a span of a week or buy twitter blue(which is muskrat’s goal). There’s not much you can do sadly
I prebegged in your mom last night, faggot.
>instructions unclear
walahi I'm finished

gimie your blog anon we're gonna be twitter besties for 2 weeks before I ultimately give up and going back to being fully anonymous
Oh yea sure just ignore my shit, thanks.

3/4 btw.
Ah sorry forgot to try to give you a rating

My guess is /int/ but not sure if low or high, depends on how you render
Use this thread >>7227391
Thank you for taking the time to rate.

Low int :
Fair enough. I figured as much. As long as im not hovering around high beg/low int anymore after so much effort.

>Am i still hovering there? Or am i firmly low int, i posted multiple images on catbox to make sure one has multiple reference points

So consistency and flair.

Im going by the old sticky for fundies:
Composition design and probably drawftsmenship are next on the chopping block. Still need to drill colours and values but i think im getting there, slowly but getting there

After that narative and style.

Any bointers/ critique that you or anyone cares to share for the entirete "collection" or one specific piece
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everyone hate's my work on this board but rate me, from imagination.

low int but could be higher since its just a sketch
feel like we are at similar levels, high /beg/ to low /int/ . anatomy and perspective would probably help the most here.
mid beg could be higher hard to tell
if this is without reference easy mid to high int, otherwise low.
i think you need just general mileage or maybe some shape and form practice. all together well balanced id say
>it spreads engagement on the timeline or else it gets the ban
mad world
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5, possibly 6 depending what your finished art looks like
2, don't get discouraged milage is the key
This picuture is a 5 ( backwards 'right hand') but I would normally call you a 6 with how consistent you normally are, also I followed your blog :)
3, lot of this is hard to read
5, 6 if you can consistently finish pictures
4, work on your rendering and you could easily be a 5
4, post finished work
4, less muddy rendering and better line weight could make this a solid 5
>Any bointers/ critique
I like your barbarian. Feels like it could be nice in pen and ink.
Work stronger shapes in hair. It's coming in, but start from simpler shapes in perspective like Pokemon characters.
Grind shading. Not just in color pieces but everything else. Block out light and shadow instead of scratching, the smudge-erase where needed. Your tactimilf was the strongest on this, with well defined planes.
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Drew this bitch back in the beg thread to test myself
Took like maybe 20 mins or so
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I'm reworking this one because my values went to shit, but it's the most recent thing I have.
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This is my current project.
Snapped it in between drying sessions, and the knight is really just in the blocking phase.
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High beg/Low int. I agree with what others are saying where you're clearly quite good but it's hard say anything specific with smaller sketch.
Mid beg. You have a good grasp on value and anatomical studies but you don't seem to use construction for faces really.
Low int. Love the perspective! Not too much say add that's not just personal preferences
Low beg, sorry. I can't tell what pose you're going for or what happening with the hands (I think one is an arm cannon?) Less blending would help the values out too.
Mid beg. I like the details you add to clothing and your willingness to play with perspective. I think practicing more confident lines and color theory would help take it to the next level.
High beg. Venom's pectorals and abs are nice but good lord, USE THICKER LINES!
I can't see the sketch for shit!!!
High beg, you could easily be be low int with cleaner rendering and cleaner lines/line weight.
Low int. It looks like the kind of art that would be in a Saito Naoki touch up video. Just a little more push to get into higher levels.
High beg/ low int but goddamn you people need to take better pictures of your sketches because I STILL can't see what' the FUCK is going on!!! (love the folds in the clothes).
File deleted.
>anatomy and perspective would probably help the most here.
Perspective for sure.
Sometimes it goes well sometimes. Eeh, could be better.

I feel like my hair coloring is whack yo

For anatomy i feel like i know where most things go or attach to so not goin to help much IMO, Probably a fiew landmarks missing like some boney protrusions on elbows and sides of the knee that are sometimes visible, maybe even some chub practice. If you found something specific please do tell.
Haven't practiced that in a while that is not a terrible idea. Im gon do dat.
And i gots to do an eye study. I can trad chad an eye i think but digital has been hell for me
high beg low int cool style tho
low int
high beg lo int cool badass knight guy and horse
high beg
Guessing I'm gonna get high beg/ like a 4/10
Yikes, my ratings are very demoralizing. Thought I'd gotten better and broken through a roadblock finally where I could enjoy my art, but guess not.
Is this entire thread a giant troll? The only people rating are permabegs calling even the most /adv/pro/ stuff /beg/int/ with no explanation.

Am I missing the funny? I feel like i'm missing the funny. Cause this just seems like a giant vent session for begs to shit on everyone. Reeks of summer.
post ratings!!
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>Be new user
>instantly shadow banned
Not surprised they still do this. It's a time thing, eventually they'll remove your ban.
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I accidentally put the dunning kruger file instead of
>pic related.
Do not take it as an insult. I was just being retarded
Yea. Color theory is in the oven right now.

Confident lines- (no chicken scratches or bolder lines).

Values are in the pan as we speak.

rendering is (for all intents and purposes color, value and texture?)
I guess rendering is currently in the preassure cooker?
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>in the oven
>in the pan
>in the preassure cooker?
Do I want to know what is in the George Foreman Grill?
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What here do you think is /pro/ or /adv/?
Do like I do and don't read any post without work attached.
Anon, I...
>Confident lines- (no chicken scratches or bolder lines).
Not sure if this is a question but I was thinking less chicken scratches.Thinner lines can work can work if that's the direction you want to go in.
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how can I improve this?
Thank you for the clarification and for your time
By doing it in trad
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Recent artfight thing
I’m high int.
Thanks Anon I'de call your /high int/ or /adv/ since the angle and colors are complete.

I was trying to draw the hand turned in with the palm facing out but I left it too sketchy, here's a fix

/High Beg/ but honestly the shading/values are what hold you back for me, could probably rate you higher way some fixes.

low int for stylization but beg for color choices

Low int but could be higher since it's sketchy work. Your color choices feel higher than that though

Mid int, the effort shines through but I feel like the values/shadows need more contrast

Low int? I feel like for this one you could have made the knight behind the shield darker to reflect the direction of the fire lighting up the place. Looks pretty good though, I would lookup artists like Kentaro Miura. Might suit your hatching

High beg it's good but I feel like +20 minutes is a bit long, just a guess, feel free to rip into me if I'm wrong

mid to high int if not /adv/

Gonna be honest I hate your work too lol but still mid-high int for muscle construction, the colors/values are lowbeg though
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Fix was not included, lemi try again
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previous version
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Getting out of this board for months made me fall in love with art again.
Thank you for the support :3
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Same anon from before here, is this better/clearer? Clearness seemed to be the common criticism. Though this one is also a doodle.
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>high beg low int cool style tho
Glad you like it. I think 'style' is the hardest thing to get right. It's very ephemeral and hard to pin down, so even though I'm not happy with some of the technical elements, I'm very pleased the style is resonating.
>I feel like for this one you could have made the knight behind the shield darker to reflect the direction of the fire lighting up the place.
You're right, but I don't want to do that because (for some reason) the knight is 'precious' and I don't want to lose the detail. I think the issue is the knight and the dragon's legs are all in the same dark range. I'm going to try to fix that on this next go (but I know full well that it may not work until I give up whatever attachment I have on the knight and make her darker as you suggest--even in my initial sketch I had the knight in heavy shadow.).
This was an image i used to express a feeling not my work
Much better
Low prebeg
Why do beglets such as yourself even bother posting their opinions on other people’s art? It’s just embarrassing lol
Your ratings are fucking cringe. This place is really an irrelevant circus. Well at east its funny.
Anon ignore the haters you did good critics
Beg crabbing I’m shocked
Pathetic behavior. Really shows how the ngmi artists can't take any criticism
Awwww beg can’t take criticism poor little guy
I don't know how to feel about this. I guess I'm glad you think so/appreciate my work.
i wouldnt put too much stock in that anon's shit mass reply. youre mid beg at best
Well yea, even I know that, lol.
I think your figure drawings are decent, you show some understanding of the forms. You portraits suck shit though. Still, I bumped you up to low-int for the dedication in actually doing studies.

Ignore the other anon who's seething because I've given his scribble a low score.
Pathetic behavior. Really shows how prebegs can’t take criticism while offering their own.
Damn you guys have an actually low iq if you suck so much to rate people’s art.
Apart from sucking my cock while coping what I typed what else can you do?
Put your ass so I can fuck it, faggot, its the only thing you forgot to do.
Keep going, I'm loving it bitch.
The number of faggots itt who can't take a fucking joke.
low beg

mid beg

mid beg

high beg

mid beg

high beg

low int

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hard to say, too small, but I can tell the basic action and components from this thumbnail so mid /beg/ - draw bigger

mid /beg/

low /int/

high /beg/ - low /int/

low /int/

mid /int/

mid /int/

high /int/

low-mid /beg/

minimum mid /beg/, up to low /int/ depending on how you finish things
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my latest figures
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Thanks for the feedback! I'm really surprised about how high I was rated, way more low ints than I was expecting.
>Your color choices feel higher than that though
If there's one thing I feel the most confident in it's color so thank god I'm not delusional, haha
Thank you too anon. I try to be as fair with my critiques as possible so if anyone felt that I rated their art too low please don't feel discouraged, I just don't think it'd be very helpful if I had to hold back on my advice.

Beg. It's cute in a Parappa style way but it doesn't feel very finished if that makes any sense? Like if you stopped halfway through. The lines for the hair also don't feel very consistent, some are thin and some are thick but there doesn't seem like there's a reason for why that's the case. I do like how you made the highlights for the eyelashes blue and I kinda wished you'd did something similar for the rest of the piece.
Low int. this is probably not the critique you were expecting but comic typography is a special interest of mine and that's a good word balloon. kudos on the lettering too, very legible. I'd make sure in the future that all the words are centered in a diamond shaped pattern with shorter words at the top and bottom and the longest words in the middle. As for the drawing itself I'd say if you're not planning on coloring it add some black shadows because it looks a little flat. Nice details though.
High int! The only thing holding you back is... The face. Sorry. she looks pretty but either her face is too big for her head or her head is too small for her body. something about the proportions just doesn't feel right. I really like the pose and the way you rendered the light though. If the face just matched the rest of her you'd be Adv easy.
Low int. I don't really have too much to say about either works but they're good. Keep it up anon!
How Can I escape mid/beg/dom? What's holding my art back in particular in your opinions?
Same anon as 7229910
draw bigger and more deliberately.
sharpen your pencil, line weight
Will do, thanks anons
Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated anon. I've been working on faces recently so hopefully they'll look a little less uncanny now.
Mostly low/beg/ but keep going
Mid to high /beg/
High /beg/ entering /int/ also I really dig thr style
Mid /beg/
Face looks off
>that's a good word balloon. kudos on the lettering too, very legible.
Thank you! Appreciate the tips on designing better word balloons. If I'm honest, I didn't spend as much time and planning on that aspect as I did on the other areas
>I’m starting to think none of you idiots have any idea what you’re tlaking about.

They don’t. Don’t take these dunning krueger begcels any more seriously than you would twitter commenters or you will end up getting worse at judging art.
Get some teraphy raging begcel looool
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read this >>7231254
Go to hell carrion
Make something that isn't a tiny unfinished sketch
post op/beg/
Make an appointment with an eye doctor for glasses / corrective lenses.
>taking bait
Deceptive High Beg.
hows this study look? trad, and colored in clip
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And without color
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I took to some experimentation with coloring and tryed to implement sum advice bout chicken scratches and shit. Played around with colors. Personal opinion I oversaturated this one , a bit more mur
Ted wouldnt hurt.
>link for muted version:


and fabric shouldnt reflect light like that unless it is a achtually a latex suit but oh well.
Better luck next time i guess.

Love handles could have a slightly better shape and abbs could be more defined. I will try next one in GREYSCALE to practice my values and defining shapes a bit more next time
It is an improvement over the previous
Probably because it is a simpler design so figuring out where what goes is a bit faster and i could focus more time on improving the linework.

Anythig else?
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Im midbeg so i have at least a grasp of 1 or 2 fundamentals.

A grasp aint much but is something

High beg shows competency (of some sort everywhere) but fails with complex poses, compositions backgrounds

Complex poses + a grasp of all fundies are low ints. I cant define a complex pose but you know it when you see it. And i have not demontrated it so i can not be ranked as such unless.

I DON'T have a personal flair or consistency so im DEFINITELY NOT a mid int

High ints can be faulted only subtily. Very minor mistakes,implying that occasional mistakes are acceptable in lower ranks

Where did i screw the pooch on so i can avoid it in the future. I want to get better.

Different places have different fundiesfundies are but all will lead down similar places. By which set of fundies are you judging this on?
Im going by old sticky
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Dont be mad at me.

>>7229417 3 at most
>>7229429 6 or 7, just for style and execution
>>7229602 4 at least try to paint like you care
>>7229723 4, work on your colors
>>7229729 7, looks like you know well what you wanna do
>>7229764 7, I just like how it looks
>>7229769 5, promising, refine your values,
>>7229824 5-6, soul AF
>>7229888 5, study hatching techniques to make the values more convincing
>>7229898 4, nice colors but too flat
>>7229909 6, not my cup of tea but solid
>>7230289 7, start rendering already
>>7231261 7, soul and slick
>>7232015 >>7232018 5,6 respectively. I prefer no color or make the colors more warm/light
>>7232029 4, whacky perspective
>>7232305 5, do trad or find a betterr brush
>>7232559 6, uninteresting colors/rendering
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fug, I posted a wip instead of final, sorry.
>nice colors but too flat
Any advice on how to make my stuff less flat?
I get that comment pretty often, and no one really elaborates on it.
You could play more with darker values for your shadows to make the brigher parts of your character stand out more. You should get used to check your colors on grayscale constantly.

Also there is nothing going on in the background and the way it is right now doenst do your subject any favours. I would desaturate it and make a little darker, I'm assuming she is on starry night? Experiment with space-like backgrounds, like nebulas or something like that and get a better brush for painting stars.
use brighter and shaper backlight to highlight your character
pic related not my drawing
Overall int/
Alright man, thanks for the crit. Too late to make any changes unfortunately, as I submitted that for artifght. I'll just keep practicing...
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I know you're already done with this piece but given the light setup that you've got, I think you've missed a golden (no pun intended) opportunity to go absolutely batshit with adding sub-surface scattering on the hair.
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Thanks but i got fucked up camera
Idk why it's muddy and shit and i tried cleaning it.
Either i'll start using liners or just show digital piece
Lol so fucking and pretentious, what a cocksucker beglet. Pyw homo
He...just did?
Where's your work loser? His is right there .
it doesn't sound like you have any fun while drawing
Here's the dirty little secret /ic/ doesn't want you to know about: the people who are good at art love doing it the most.
Thanks for the compliments bros. What does it mean to have a more interesting brush?
For everybody ITT this is a true /int/ and I'm not saying this disrespectfully. This person has a solid grasp of the all the fundies fundies and is otw to /adv/. You all give out /int/ too easily. Most ITT are on the /beg/ spectrum except for like 3 or 4 artists.
/ic/ standards are heavily inflated for the sake of labeling everything /beg/. funny that >>7232630
>>7232631 labeled the majority of people here /int/ when others people with noticeable worst art than him went significantly lower.
/beg/let cope
I'm not giving my rating for the memes. There are barely any drawings ITT that show a solid grasp of the fundiies.
All /int/ ranging from mid to high otw to /adv/
Most likely mid to high /int/ but hard to tell since it's a study.

I'm not being inflammatory I'm just being honest.
>rating >>7229824 int/adv
You must be blind or something
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Didn't rate it adv, but it is /int/. The fact you can't see that is sad. It's a stylized work that shows solid control of color, value, composition, construction, the perspective is kinda fucky but it all works well together.

This is a study I did yesterday. I'd only consider myself low to mid /int/.
You should consider yourself as a high/danger to democracy/
Good one. Anyways. You should all keep your standards for yourself high. That's my point. The fact you think /int/ otw to /adv/ is an insult says enough about this board.
Buddy this is my work >>7229400 I don't have any clue about anything you just said
stop lying that's sleeper /pro/. Look at the line confidence, color theory, minimalist composition, story. Blog?
why do you people always do this? post YOUR work anon.
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This is my last one. I'd consider it low /int/ especially since I got very lazy in rendering the background characters.
So, I'm guessing Its shit?
Hey nice work, I’d say beg
We can tell you are. Are tardy from the fact that you gave Gabe a mid int valuation which btw you also gave to clearly better artists
We can tell that you are retarded* from the fact that you gave Gabe a mid int valuation which btw you also gave to clearly better artists
I can tell you are mad.
already did.
No, this is a good opportunity to (even try) to explain this SOVL thing. That picture, has it. I'm not seeing something "shitty", I'm not thinking about the "technique" looking at it, but I'm staring at it trying to understand why it looks creepy, evil, the meaning is stronger than the medium. It could have been made by a good artist with the intent to cause a startling reaction. It could be a H.R. Giger drawing, he could have made that. So you as a viewer get thrown through a mental loop. Brain can not compute. It gets lost in the meaning, it's a ciphered artistic piece. SOVL goes beyond technique, and that doesn't mean that the artist does it on purpose neither. It's just a force from nature, can not be tamed, nor be put on a bottle.
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Pls rate me
I wanna post my work but it's been a while since I've drawn something and I can't remember if I already put my last drawing in the rate thread, even if it was a while ago
Show us your shading skill
Nice rimworld art, anon.
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Rate my rocket

Low /int/
Cute and really appealing! Mid /beg/
High /int/ really cool and fun.
Mid /beg/!
I love this, mid /int/
Low INT/
>Low INT/
>Shows proficiency in all fundamentals
>Six toes
I know anatomy can be a daunting subject and all, but ...
I am addicted to pornography
Can't be that bad.
What makes you want to draw Jigaboo Reimu? There are some sexual concepts I genuinely do not understand and this is one of them
The day I made that picture I saw a black woman with REALLY big boobs and I like touhou
Im officially an int now, hahahaha goodbye beglets suckers!
I’ll be rich and famous soon.
Mid high /beg/
Make more art I've seen this shit like 5-6 times in the past 2 weeks. It's annoying. You need more reps.

Mid-high /int/ but shit taste.

High /beg/ but cute

Mid /beg/. Kinda unremarkable

Mid-high /int/ but good taste. Nice colors and composition

Mid /int/, lines and rendering are good but tones, saturations and values are kinda boring. Could be high /int/ if colors were better

High /beg/ but SOVLpilled
I did my rocket from imagination with no ref, is it still beg?
I do need to get off my ass and color though and not just make shitposts
Prebeg retard lol
Someone got a little mad
Someone got a little retarded
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After seeing this thread I 100% get it >>7237308
Especially as a shitpost I cannot expect a 5 even if I draw the curvature from memory
I have a long way to go if posting unfinished shit is my baseline for good enough
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r8 pls
High beg
You are prebeg
Probably (definitely) not my best, but my most recent.
>even if I draw the curvature from memory
Drawing from memory is an excellent skill to have, but in terms of moving up the scale, I would use it in your initial drafts and then use reference on your finished work. Inevitably, you will forget some detail that an objective observer will notice and fault you for.
Potential for sure
Broh, Are you samefagging bro? really?
High /beg/ or low /int/, like another anon said it’s hard to tell based on what little we’re seeing. Really nice style though

Mid /beg/. You’re on the right track but get more familiar with shapes, forms, and proportions.

Low-mid /int/.

High /beg/

mid /beg/

High /beg/

Mid /beg/

Low /int/

Mid /int/

High /beg/

High /beg/
Low /int/. Work on forms and perspective

Low /int/

Mid /beg/

Mid /int/

Mid /int/

Low /int/

Mid /beg/

Mid /beg/

high /int/, great work.

Low /beg/

Low /beg/

Mid /beg/. Solid anatomy but this is some harsh rendering, try to make it more organized and use colors in a more effective way, some of your color use here seems arbitrary.

mid /int/

Mid /beg/

Mid /int/

Mid /beg/, work on colors. The color palette here isn’t too appealing.
Low /int/- Damn good study, pretty flat though.

High /beg/

Mid /beg/

mid /int/

Mid /int/

Mid /beg/

High /beg/

Mid /int/

Mid /int/

Low /int/

mid /beg/. This is a wonderful style that can blossom into something beautiful , and I especially love the way you shade. However your forms and perspective are weak . Work on ellipses especially
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no that is not me
I like the ant
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Hello my friends, i just started painting 3,5 months ago and this is one of my best works from last week i think, i could fix a few things but it's better to just make a new piece with the time
Oh no worries I know the error of my ways
I can do finished pics but have gotten complacent with doodles, after a hiatus.
I am working on it.
Long story short I expected even something with no linework to get /int/ rating, way too cocky. I need to remember finishing stuff and having a full composition is still important even if in the past I felt like I achieved it
So my eyes opened to my recent complacency
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I guessing from how people are graded here (As someone who doesn't frequent here it seems y'all have high standards) that I'll get a 0.
The hand hold the scythe very messed up. I also know that the lines are very jagged too on the legs, feet, and arms.

It looks a little 3d to me, but I have no idea on most of the things about drawing like perspective and anatomy. Also my comment about /ic/ having high standards is wrong. It's just that I am not good at drawing, I guess. But hey, that's whats practicing and learning is for I guess.

I basically mostly want to learn how to draw Sonic characters and some backgrounds, humans are second priority for me. I do want to learn to draw humans in an anime art style somehow though, so the sooner I start on that the better.
>they gave Gabe a mid int rating
Never take this thread seriously
who gabe
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If you really have only been painting for 3 months and are self-taught, this is pretty impressive, good job. Focus on values and the underlying drawing. Surprisingly, your half-tones aren't the worst and it's the lights and darks that are really slipping (which is easier to fix, just try and push the shadow shapes and really narrow down the highlights). Took the liberty of doing a really quick overpaint just to see if I could get some of the points across.
Lowkey the best illustration ITT
Thanks man, i always ask for critique and these points always come up, I'm really having a hard time with dark values especially
After the base painting I'm somehow too scared to go further with the values, i always have the feeling ill ruin what I've build already by changing the color, plus they always come out too brown and out of place but I've learned that the eye is way more sensitive to the darker spectrum so I'm probably just not good enough yet to perform such subtile color pickings
Anyway thank you for the kind words, at the start i was actually afraid of being a permabeg lol
bet gabe draws better than (you)
Wow nice projection
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Most recent work that I actually rendered out for the first time. I’m usually a cel-shade/messy painter
You lose some clarity on the character's silhouette with that angle. No point in showing a perspective that takes away from your character instead of magnifying them. With that being said it's pretty clean and well done. I'd say low /int/. Fundies look fairly solid overall with your biggest weakness being the composition and perspective. I'd recommend using wide angle lens warped perspective for this specific angle.
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OK, anons. I'm reworking this >>7229764 as stated. I know the values were hard to read, but since I had to redraw it, I fixed a few other things I thought could be better. Any other suggestions before I start inking?
Ganbare kurasai
I take it back you're mid and aren't honest with yourself. Stay bad and delusional.

Im just going to delete it to stop cluttering up the tread.
Post/ pic in question

This is not my work i used it as a reaction image because i saw it multiple times on ic as a thumbnail for a thread
Shit i can't delet
Is okay, leave it. It's a great illustration and something people should aspire to. A good mix between soul, style and skill.
It's unbelievable how low the average poster's IQ is. It literally has 2006 and what seems like the author's Chinese name printed at the bottom of the image.

Makes you think a lot of dumb responses you get in other threads may be a result of genuine lack of intelligence, rather than trolling.
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Referenced a pose for this one, but curious to anons thoughts
I'm a tourist that believes this board would have artists that have their names printed on their work. It's quickly becoming apparent there isn't any real talent here so anything that is skillful should just be taken as someone trolling. I regret believing someone here could have made that illustration.
>It's quickly becoming apparent there isn't any real talent here so anything that is skillful should just be taken as someone trolling.
You are still retarded then because there are some great artists here that post progress pics and good Twitter artists that made it post here
>You're retarded for being a tourist that doesn't know the extensive lore of our board
Yeah I'm done man. This is a cesspool.
You don't have to believe me. Fucking idiot it is because you are a tourist.
They literally would post a sentence here and then tweet it 2 minutes later to prove themselves in threads at times.
And some posted here and then "made it"/blew up in notoriety.
People post fake shit too here but there are definitively good artists that lurk
Man if you are not gonna find low iq people on 4chinz I don’t know where you expect to find them
Hai, ganbarimasu!
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Am I really /int/ if I can only make a decent piece referencing everything? Anatomy, pose, clothes, composition, etc

Whenever I try to draw from imagination it sucks massive balls
every skilled artist used reference so i don't see with the problem is. imagination is a huge meme
Honestly I think you should change the light source this time around to make the drawing more readable as well as get familiar with how to approach shading in different ways
I like it! So if I indicate the whole room is on fire, specifically with flames in the foreground, that would solve my problem with losing details in silhouette and give an up-light effect. Or should I push it further?
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I posted this in /beg/ & /int/ but I didn't get any replies. I know it's probably /beg/ but whatever
the labels are just silly labels, don't sweat it.
I have the same problem. If I deviate too much from the ref it looks really /beg/. The only thing I can do is copy the ref
Yes. Int is better than everyone here is making it out to be because they've overinflated their rankings of themselves so that they don't need to be associated with beg when the reality is a beg doesn't have an understanding over all the fundies. To be int is to be one step below the standard for entry into the industry.
/prebeg/ but definitely /pro/ material if you started airbrushing t-shirts and hippy vans
actually that's harsh, /midbeg/ for the cool shading and style
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found this and was taken aback. how do you not see the glaring issues and just continue drawing all the way to coloring?
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How did I do frens
It's better to finish a bad drawing than leave a good one at the sketch stage
You see them but you continue because you learn things
I have no experience so I'll rate it pro
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Been drawing for ~8 months now, how bad is it?What should I focus more on?
HIGH BEG - You're at the INT's door step, but you're having the "fear of success" syndrome. Just relax and have fun. Keep drawing hot babes, you are in the right path.
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Any /adv/ anons?
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I really do not know how to rate anybody here
That’s int dumb nigger stfu
Low int with soul and good at making finished pieces
Strong low int
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INT as fuck.
I'll take what I can get)
>I said the word! I'm a four-channer!
You need to go back
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Another entry.
Nice and gorgeous
Cool but ugly
What do you mean
You find an anemic goth fantasy gf with a mental illness haircut unatractive
Thinking you need wacky perspektive especially when being prebeg is a curse.
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Not my best work but oh well
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>inb4 gets a /beg/ tier rating because it's a simple cartoon
Alexander the Mediocre
Looks better already than Colin Fagget's "Alexander".
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>Alexander the Mediocre
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Started inking. Let's pray....
You got some understanding of light/dark/values as evident on the body. Its not a complete understanding since the floor shadow is not dark enough (it is barely darker then surrounding floor, try and squint to see if you can see the shadows, if not then not dark nough or grayscale the image)
And her sock shadows are barely noticable

Either you screwed up her leg perspective or the footsies are wayy too big (unless its an animal foot but i don't see no bunny ears son). Or her shins do not follow the enlargement in any noticable way perspective

Neck is also wacky. Has no curve. It looks like the head hinges on the middle of the neck .looks very stiff.
Look up head and neck anatomy and study gesture and do some figure drawing because it is hard for me to pinpoint exactly what is wrong. But that should correct most the issues.
Where the head is connected to neck vertabrae. How ppl move their necks naturLly
Sternocleidomastoideus muscle and how the trachea curves

Gesture is also lacking.

Not the queuestion is:
Is she holding herself up on her footsies and hands or is she using her butt too because her butt does not seem grounded. Or her handsties are inside the floor.

Low - midbeg depending on how one judges the severity mistakes.

You seem to have a grasp that fundies exist, so NOT a prebeg. Must mean at least low beg.

Mistakes in every aspect are noticable but you seem to have some grasp of grasp perspective, and some grasp of values and probably construction as well

You seem to have some ability to make "3D objects" and move them around in space

An attempt was made with perspective.
Background is okayish but the body simply does not fit in it (perspective issue) on a second glance

Im using sticky fundies to judge
Are you using rulers for those straight lines? I get lazy and dont use them.
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Sometimes. It depends on whether I want the line to be "precise" (like the sword blade) or if it makes sense to have some "character" (like the bricks-though I did use a ruler to lay out the underdrawing, I want some jitter to give it a stone-like texture)
I like his face, he actually looks like Alexander from the paintings. Also Nice details on his clothes.
I suggest you to find a better commmunity, people here only value anime/ explicit art/drama
Rate these separate from each other

1st row
>Drawing made today, post psychosis
2nd row
>Drawing made around 2016 or earlier, pre psychosis
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Working better this time
Hey anon, are you listening to Castle Rat while drawing that?
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I can already hear the mongolian throatsinging
You regressed, sadly
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unfinished but w/e

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