Figure drawing is a fun and good way to get better at drawing humans.Some free resources: as well check the archives and active /ic/ threads for references: thread >>7388249
>>7428524Take my advice with a grain of salt, I am still /beg/ myself
>>7428712If that's a quick one then that's still way ahead of me
>>7428719Quick-ish, I can put the red frame in about 1 minute, so like a gesture I guess, then I try to add forms with another 4-5 minutes. It gets a LOT easier as you go along and I can look back in my sketchbook and watch proportion problems slowly disappear. Still there but getting better, just takes time as all things do.
>>7428726My sense of proportion is comically bad
>>7428751nice work. i like how you handle midsections.
I know it's very bad, but i posted it on /beg/ and got no response
Took a break from the book I'm using to do a figure drawing. I've done these before, but this is the first time using the overhand grip I learned. I took my time taking measurements, and that paid off, I think.
Havent posted for a while, but have only nonsense like this to show.Anyway, what do you guys think about the Sinix approach, a lot of people are drawing like this. When you try to draw good looking, dynamic outlines? me it was always, very hard and not intuitive. I like Vilppus technique so much more. Feels so much better to draw the action and form, without thinking too much about crisp outlines.But it seams to be the meta, to draw like Sinix. Most modern artists do. Do you think one should implement this technique at some point?
>>7430504Thats what it looks like, when im trying to draw directly. Less control and even less fun.
>>7429791general advice - you need more mileage. do lots more studies, some full figure ones, some partial ones where you look more closely on parts of the body. do perspective studies on the side, cylinders, boxes etc.
>>7429781Thank u fren
can somebody help me herecan you draw this pose or at least the super basic structure? or just the ribcage and the pelvis?this filtered me so hard
>>7432112this is the pic
>>7432112lower right looks pretty good. you just made the torso too long
Holy fuck I'm just getting worse at this the more I do it
>>7432201Every fucking time I do that.
>>7432554One from imagination.
10 min gesture study on The Odalisque of Jean Dominique Ingres. I think I still doesn’t understand gesture drawing but at least I’m proud of the result even if I drew it badly.
Trying to get to 100 by February, usually I start a page with a reference and then imagine another 2 or 3 poses. Fuck this is hard, hopefully grinding it actually pays off.
Failed figure drawing attempt
>>7432773why is it failed? the left arm?
>>7432782Nta but the right too. It's a tough pose on its own but adding in a dynamic perspective makes it even harder.
Little by little there's improvement but man I wish I could skip to the part where it's easy. These numbers are cumulative, not reset daily, so that's really only like 6 figs a day, I don't want anyone to think I'm going THAT fast.
>>7432954>I wish I could skip to the part where it's easy.Don't we all
>>7432954My proportions and sense of perspective are embarrassingly bad
>>7433114The only thing that made me better at proportion was training my eye on (what is currently) dozens and dozens of figures, and it's still kind wonky. No way around it, just gotta stare at and then try to draw a bunch of people. It's one thing to read "hands are usually mid-thigh" in a manual, but it's another thing to sketch it out and make a conscious effort to consider that fact, and all the other facts around it, as you go.TLdr nothing to it but to do it
>>7433136I guess so, just seems like I've been reinforcing bad habits with every drawing. And there haven't been any helpful books or videos
Figure drawing, best i could do under an hour. I know it sucks. Besides just spamming more studies, does anyone have any more advice for me? What youtube channels / books did you find helpful for painting?I'm currently doing a very optical, "look and draw what you see" approach but I'm having trouble understanding the actual physics of light and producing it from a theoretical point of view
Trying to draw more stylized.>>7433527>approach but I'm having trouble understanding the actual physics of light and producing it from a theoretical point of viewTry to follow a course, i would recommend Vilppu.
First live drawing session was a complete failure, this was the only pose i could somewhat finish since i had to constantly re-start the drawing, hopefully i'm better prepared for next week
>>7433819tough pose desu
>>7433823Yeah the foreshortened arms really threw me off, so much so that the instructor did a sketch to show me
>>7433527Don't spam studies, just think. You've identified an area you want to improve in, so think about how to do that. You don't understand the actual physics of light and producing it... so what would help you understand? No one can really answer that for you but you
>>7433527Use better ref where the difference between light and shadow is more obvious, weeb-chan. Put shadows where the form is turnED away from the light, put midtones where the form is turnING away from the light and be subtle with ambient light. You should probably ignore edges between shapes and just use a hard brush and limited number of values.
>>7428702tried drawing the same reference. eventually got skillgapped and had to stop myself from doing mindless drawingalso on an unrelated note, how do I get that smooth creamy look like in the picture in OP? I tried creating a similar brush in Krita but it is nowhere close as being this nice.also not sure how much should I vary my brushsize
>>7433803>>7433842>>7433877thank you for your advices, frens. lots ot think about
>>7433964>how do I get that smooth creamy look like in the picture in OP? its an elliptic brush with some grainy texture. opacity set to pen pressure. i vary the brush size and angle a lot when using it - i think that's where the characteristic look comes in.
>>7433527God i love women. the female form is kino
tried to really push the design with this pose - anything look off/weird before i go in with the markers? I find when I look at something too long can no longer tell if its right or not lol
>>7434418>>7434418>anything look off/weirdIt looks as if the arms are drawn in a different perspective, otherwise nice one.
>>7433842>just draw!!>no don't just draw, you have to find specific books!!God fuck you people I fucking hate you
>>7428702who drew it
>>7437724Anon in the previous thread
>>7437724it's great, right? inspiring
>>7438373>Blehlooks pretty good to me. solid proportions
Humble beginnings. Bleh.
I really struggled with this pose, there was no combination of limb length or torso thickness that got it looking right to me.
How do I switch from anime style to more realistic? Not too realistic, it looks too uncanny valley, but more like stylized realistic? Tracing Marvel/DC comics?
>>7438797I can't wait to get to 50 before I can draw men, no homo (I am drawing these slowly because I keep taking breaks to draw non-study things). Hope everyone's having a figgie filled week.
>>7438797got a pic of the reference used?
>>7438933>stylized realisticnot to be rude, but that's too broad a description to give more specific advice. the best thing you could do is just look for art styles that fit whatever that description means to you which you like, study them, and implement the qualities you like about them into your own art.
>>7439633DELETE IT!!!
>>7439633got a pic of the reference used?
>>7439681Nyo>>7439725Which fig are you interested in?
>>7439731All of 'em
>>7439736Oh, some of them are from previous ref threads on /ic/, one from Noah Bradley on Twitter, some from imagination(including Rei).
>>7439746I have this pack too and I really think she's kinda useless as a reference.
>>7439633rei needs to lay off the donuts
>>7440020come on man, even a beginner can put down at least ONE line in 3 mins
I drew each of these in 3 minutes.
>>7428702Someone here got Taco's anatomy book? I lost my PDF copy
wasn't aware this thread existed but this is mine>>7440460
Nice work guys!
>>7440509Yeah I got Taco's book
>>7439746>>7439927She kinda looks like child ngl with her proportions
>>7441131Yeah I downloaded her pack blind from a thread a few weeks ago and when I finally collated refs into one folder for my program to grab I found hers and while it's obvious she's an adult once you look at her (hands, feet) the photographer DEFINITELY knew what he was doing.
One of these days I won't draw near the the of the day so I can get more than 3-4 things studied
>>7440601this looks great
>>7441227its not the focal point with these drawings im sure but i think you consistently make facial features too large.
>>7441672Interesting, each of those started with smaller heads and features and I made them larger before finishing, I'll note that going forward
Is line of action not working for anybody else???? The tool isn't loading.
>>7441754It's a $15 a month subscription now
>>7441759Well that sucks. Does anyone have one of the alternative programs saved? I recall there being a few in a recent references thread, just GitHub packages that pulled and displayed images in the exact same way.
>>7441798>>7441754Nm just log into a free account, don't know why it's locked behind an email all of a sudden
>>7441754are the critique forums over there any good?
>>7441813I don't know. Don't use em, I just really like how their poses flow. I was forced to use quickposes this morning and most of their poses are stiff and retarded.
/beg/ didnt say shit. i couldnt be bothered with the hands because i had to white the area out. anyways, no ref used.
>>7441927Pretty good imo, a tip with breasts (that I am still trying to apply) is to start them with the insertion of the pectoralis major into the biceps and deltoids. It helps to picture that "teardrop" shape that you can manipulate in any configuration of "arms raised," "arms down," or wherever.
>>7441927It's not a bad attempt but wrapping lines are unforgiving so it makes it look more 'beg' than if you had used something like graphite and your thumb. If your goal is to make it look 'good' don't do wrapping lines for hatching until you learn the forms better.
>>7441798anyone can link to those? i know one QuickDraw but it refuses to work for me for some reason.
>>7441997if youve got pureref you can use the slideshow function
>>7442096That's true yeah but don't you have to load images on by one? It's not the worst thing in the world but maybe one of these weekends I'll sit down and see if I can get a tool working that will let me separate my refs into categories (clothed male, nude female, perspective etc) and set up timed stay sessions.
>>7442185no you can drag and drop multiple images
Imagination is slowly catching up, one millimeter at a time