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let's try that again edish
poo smells LOL
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My girl has just gone overseas for 6 months. She might never come back, or if she does will she even be the same?
Is King chuck based or cringepilled
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Nowadays, everybody wanna talk like they got somethin' to say
But nothin' comes out when they move their lips
Just a bunch of gibberish
And motherfuckers act like they forgot about Jay
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Bro it’s over
It’s so over
It’s never been this over brah
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David Tennant hates women and abuses his own children.
there's an expectation from these idiots that Anglos should learn each language for every country they visit, but all they do is get by on their broken english, its the same as those pakis that go on about knowing 5 languages but 3 of them are just various similar dialects of a single language
>yeah i know 3 languages because i can understand scots, mancs and southerners
Have never had a social media account of any kind, dating all the way back to Bebo and MySpace (neither of which I had).

never had any friends so always worried these accounts would end up as monuments to my loneliness so I declined to make any. The irony of course being that had I bothered to make the accounts, I could have added people from school at the time and built up a core roster of people that looked like friends. Whereas never making the accounts made it impossible to ever talk to or meet anyone.
just seen a webm
elite fanny desu
cant really tell if she is downy or just foreign
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Is it legal to show downies in porn? Never thought about it but I’d probably watch it
what's wrong with forrens why do they come here shitting up the thread
Hope so or I'm in trouble
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'ate forners
it's their nature
they do it irl and digitally
*kicks open your front door*

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i dont understand this comic
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fucking HELL
this time they will hire me, I just know it
Legitimately saw someone physically manifest into a cheesestring outside my house
kek this is diego!
cold beers in the fridge crying out to be drunk rn
Blimey that's an arse
Post-truth era
post one of them I simply refuse to believe this is possible without trying not to be hired
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aussie galdem
Lad on Discord who became a woman five minutes ago is giving out opinions 'from a woman's perspective'
kek that was me. look out in ten minutes and I'll roll by as a babybel
Don't think they could even say that
post my entire work & education history complete with dates and times? erm nah you're alright
He couldn’t hit a ball 50 yards
fuck me, I think I just had the best orange of my life
Gordon Bennett, is that her arse?
The winners of the debate?
Everyone who's not a Yank
Crikey what's brought on all these cheesy shenanigans? On a Friday as well!
loathsome people, they need dealt with
Rorke is a creep
Rorke is a loser
What the hell is he doing here
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*enters thread backwards with my trackies pulled down presenting my pooey arse*
whenever you're ready
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Want to prolong my time on bennies so I've been '''applying''' to jobs (I haven't) but then I have to explain why I am never successful in these quote-unquote '''applications''' to the job coach, who is utterly bewildered about it
This is exactly where Rorke belongs
hate this twat
sorry, i mean, hate this pantshitting shitgizzard
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would you suck Trump's dick to save the West?
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I don't belong here
uhh can I help you mate?
Why didn't the Democrats find someone who was younger
shut your thunder cunting mouth
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>looks at you gamer style
West doesn't deserve saving but yeah
err think I can see a bit of vag there m8
Kek I wish this was me
Does Rorke support Israel or Palestine
Dinosaurs and outer space are total fabrications that do not exist and never have.
Rorke hopes they both exterminate one another,
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>enters brit and bodies leftypol
Rorke is a total fabrication that does not exist and never has.
Starting to find classic rock a bit cringe
It’s people, most brits, trying to sing as though they were black americans
>The Reform activist filmed by Channel 4 using a racial slur about Rishi Sunak while campaigning in Clacton has turned out to be an actor who is well-spoken but specialises in ‘rough voices’
can't believe this sort of stuff, only ever not been offered a job after an interview once and even then I'd decided I hated the deanopaki boss interviewing me and that I wouldn't want to work for him
not a single major news outlet will cover this
probably because the source is some anonymous incel on 4chan
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It's afraid.
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>>yeah i know 3 languages because i can understand scots, mancs and southerners
done them!
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This is 100% an actor paid by a publicly funded tv channel to undermine a political party
suffering from intense feelings of nostalgia for 1980s britain despite never having lived during the decade, lads

brits are so embarrassing
leftypols ancestors
cor love a bit of millionaire shortbread me
I wouldn't bother anymore, all the supermarket chains in my town are now staffed with Indian immigrants.
it was just the right balance between the old world and the new
yeah won't be watching that
Didn't watch the video but did read the comments
anyone else enjoy listening to music or just me?
Anyone here wear barbour jackets and those caps like farage
they truly had it the best
all the conveniences of modern technology without the bad tech (phones, social media)
culture and music were much better too
and the country was practically an ethnostate
and our army was actually something to be proud of
and a single working man could afford his own gaff
actually dont enjoy it these days
Downloading videos of women shitting in public toilets
This but the 90s
might start smoking a pipe
imagine being so soy you enjoy vibrations entering your ears ahah
I went through a phase in my early 20s dressing like that but luckily I quickly realised how much of a tit I looked
tried it once but it was fucking impossible to get it packed and lit properly so I gave up x
yes yes, rorke, reform this and immigrants that, but, how would you respond if you saw a pic of a really really sad child from gaza hm?
very white male picture this
Why would you call Rishi the p word when he is of indian heritage? doesn't make any sense
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What music do you enjoy listening to lad?

gf has spent the last week sitting on ticket master refreshing the page to see if theres any taylor swift tickets for sale
Getting fucking sick of it now she wont shut up about it
boomers called them all pakis
putin gay porn
used to but already listened to the only good songs so many times i haven't actually enjoyed listening to music for years
Some of them are but they're going with the idea that he actually campaigned separately for Reform
Despite denying he was an actor earlier
sounds more difficult than i thought it was so won't bother actually
Bounce her head off the concrete the silly bint
You enjoy vibrations entering your arse, gimp
seems alien that at one point a tenner would get you dinner, petrol, cinema ticket and a few pints for the drive home and you could pay for it all by digging into your pocket for a few coins rather than having to swipe your phone over a tablet and get a notification from a 'budget management open banking app' letting you know how much more you can spend until payday if you want to keep up your savings goal to get a deposit on a studio flat 10 miles from work by the time you're 40
no not watching this crap
literally the least worldly people on the planet and yet they always have the most insane opinions
also this video has been filmed dangerously close to where I live lmao
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300 million Americans and the only two choices for president are a senile old pensioner and a fat retard (who is also a pensioner)
im going down tomorrow to see her haha (taylor, not your gf)

used to go to the community centre for lunch in primary school with a quid and I'd get a hot dog, a tin of coke and a couple packets of fives. couldn't even buy you a tin of coke these days.
serves them right desu
all the same to me mate
kek this is diego!
asian music
During World Cup 98 a 2 litre bottle of Coke was £1.09
might defrost some chicken and make an early dinner
charging my phone
drinking some water too
This but the mid 2000s before the credit crunch and global economic downturn, 2006 or so
very good times
80s Britain has a grimy look to it that I find unappealing. 80s America seemed more upbeat by comparison.
the longest word in the English language has 189,819 letters and takes about three and a half hours to pronounce. It is the chemical name for the protein Titin.
remember when leftypol spent 5 years banging on about how we are living in a 'post truth society' or something LOL
Mental how GDP per capita was higher in Britain than America until 2008 and then since then we've just been an utter shambles of a country and an economy and are now miles behind them
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is this jute or hemp?
When my dad started going out you could get 4 pints and a pack of fags for ten quid
You cant even get two pints for under a tenner now
if you anthropomorphise them instead of treating them as farm animals... I can understand why women wank off dogs now
That's it, I'm voting Reform
Just saying what everyone is thinking t.bh
rorke claiming he's an actor
more than i would have expected tbqh
you're talking out your arse mate, New York in the 80s was like a giant ghetto
Having violent fantasies of going to war again lads
Might vote Reform
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>Reform 20% (+2)
is a filipina (han) gf worth it bros
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Might buy an office chair that isn't a cheap piece of ikea shit
NYC isn't all of America thoughever.
All the lads are on their way back from mosquetoil
remember when you could get $2 for £1?
what was that all about
Only you can answer that
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Dua Lipa set at 22:00 - 23:45 then Charli XCX 00:30 - 01:30.

Gonna be a hard old night for penisberg.
/int/ is right. You do all rim the Yanks.
Any shitskin men in?
Rorke will be king
90s rorke protesting the 2 pound coin
any interesting 30 min videos
not me lad
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it's weird how fast things modernised and became 'luxury' versions in the past 10 years
i remember so many holdouts from the 80s and 90s before 2016 ish. local swimming baths still had a klix vending machine that sold hot chocolate for 20p in a brown plastic cup, there was a 'Rabbit Phone' sign near my house, cafes with plastic seats and beige interiors were still relatively common, bicycle shops run by one old bloke full of stock from 30 / 40 years ago, paki shops whose shop front was still an old Mars Bar sign, takeaways advertising that you can pay by Access Credit Card
seems like since covid everything has become even more minimalist, convenient and 'aspirational' than it was before
This picture was taken in North America :D
Yes Rorke, people age.
Watched this with my brekkie this morning
It's Joever
true but from a miscegination pov
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Ian Miles Cheong just liked my tweet
No, obviously not, are you mental
How am I Rorke?
>he thinks modern aesthetics are 'aspirational'
lol what
not something to be proud of
""Asian people are human just like us"
Kinda sad that there was once a real person there, a personality inside that head and all that. Now he's just gone.

I don't have anything against the guy, just remarking that it's sad what happens to people. Hope none of my familyberg get dementia but they probably will as it runs in the family.
Ask him how he's going to stop his eyes from melting off his face.
He's not a candidate though, he's a volunteer
They're literally just lying now
>your kids will look different based on the race of your wife
is that really mental
never willingly looked for his tweets but somehow i have been forcibly shown hundreds of them
>a mars a day
lol no wonder people are such fat bastards nowadays
Why does leftypol hate the Milesmeister?
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Having another glass of wine lads x
>fuck me, I think I just had the best orange of my life
Me after sucking off Donald Trump
brits be like
>In a very “14 Years of a Conservative Government” Moment, circulating online today is an explicit video of a female prison guard getting, uh, screwed by an inmate
Dunno what you're on about mate
msm telling lies? never
Because he relentlessly tongues Elon's pisser.
enjoy lad, i suspect the incels will seethe x
Corrr be he was black too
How much do you think I would have to pay Hiroshimoot for permanent mod status?
Imagine being able to ban anyone you want
kek it really do be like that
Sad that this happens
I bet he shagged so much gash as a young man
Had lovely blue skies all week x
he wasn't
this happens very frequently
The way the yen is going, you could probably buy modship with 100 Aussie smackeroonies.
It kind of feels like a self-own when Aussies and Brits make fun of each other's accents
wish someone would tongue my pisser
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Howling at the memory of that bloke on deal or no deal who brought a money tree and said the banker was gonna need it after he was finished with him, and then left with 1p
Why don't they stop employing female guards in men's prisons?
haha she's good thanks mate cooking albondigas for later x
bruce be like
>oi mato it’s only 20 degrees and sunny, winters here
Mad how every Western country has house price issues, but they all individually think their own government is to blame
that's rorkey
Mental how Spainmong took off his trip so it wouldnt add to the thousands of daily posts that show up on the archive.

Hes finally realissd how sad its getting.
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Should a grown man be eating Monster munch
was walking out of a shop in chinatown and as i was exiting this fat little filipino lad with his ugly girl mates tried walking in
kept giving it the biggun screwing his face up at me as if i was in the wrong for leaving when he wanted to enter. just shouldered him out of the way. fucking hate filipinos, arrogant, cultureless little bastards
Oh he's done it
He's done the old fake samefagging thing and deleting his post again
I bet you some incels get in a right tizzy over this classic bait and switch and you know what? It's gonna be flipping hilarious.
Sometimes I think the rust in true detective philosophy is true. There is no ‘self’ just a highly aware animals consciousness trying to assert itself
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because they're so desperate for staff they will pretty much take on anybody, there is no barrier to entry any more. We even have foreigners on sponsored work visas that only vaguely speak English
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Yeah why not?
That sounds funny bet the cunt was specky as well.
Yes because sodomy is very rare in prison
*rolls up a newspaper and smacks you on the nose*
mental how badly I mindraped him
Listening to The Rest is Politics on the balcony and having a cheeky calippo x
Hi Spaino!
mad how people say you need to work to live but really if you want to avoid it you can just end your life and thus become exempt from this

but if you say you're going to then they say no that's not allowed
If baby gronk were to pull a fanum tax on skibidi toilet, do you think that would be L or W rizz?
Please please please PLEASE kill yourself
put the phone away man just log off and enjoy the life your supposedly living
because all the western countries pumped massive amounts of printed money into the economy during covid, import endless brownoids, and fail to build enough new houses to accommodate them. it’s the worst in your country and Canada ironically, how you niggas manage to have the lowest population densities in the world but the highest house prices is truly an impressive demonstration of Judaism
Top cockwombling
starting to look a little sturdy
For someone who goes on holidays so often this spainlad must have a really nice job.
what do you mean, "Flash Gordon approaching"?
its up
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american women <3
I'm sitting thinking about new air fryer recipes that I could try.
kek if biden doesnt stand sown trump will defo win

but then if they replace him with a shit candidate trump may win too

democrats in a sticky situation
*slaps thighs*
time to get the filter on once and for all
i can't view that for some reason
i did see this though
pedowalk in 10 minutes
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how can anyone look at these stats and deny we live in a racist society?
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mad how peng duchess was
>how you niggas manage to have the lowest population densities in the world but the highest house prices is truly an impressive demonstration of Judaism
Kind of retarded aren't you?
well who the fuck do we vote for then
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Local shop had no snus so had to settle for this
ignore non whites in every capacity
do not acknowledge their existence
it's fine, everything's fine
feel like SHIT
what mongo picked this colour scheme
don't listen to the rumours i'm not gay
got deftones on
Americans be like "but im white"
for me personally it's the lib dems
wow was a good lookin lad
Might have a look at some tits and wank
you ever smoked any ganja over there lad? not a stoner perse but used to love an evening spliff on the balcony
luv soapy
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I am enjoying it x
What was this supposed to mean?
Am not on holibobs lol, the stuff about me being in Canada was just bait to wind up Schizoleaf
Mental how badly I mindrsped you
Reform, you doughnut
fuck off rorke
reckon becoming a lobbyist would be a sweet gig
proper dinners with connected people, paid for vacations, sometimes draft up utter bollocks for your interests, maybe a power point presentation if you feel fancy
house prices are lower in the continental us than Australia despite us having roughly the same amount of land.
>b-b-but we all have to live in the same 3 cities despite remote work being a thing because we just have to ok! and we can’t just build more houses further out in those cities because then mr boomerstein’s house will only be worth 10x what he bought it for instead of 30x!
you are a slave
ah yes leftists bringing house prices up and wages down
bit strong, that
fuck the colour blind
Nah, I hate weed desu it doesn’t agree with me at all, just makes me anxious and makes me retreat inside myself. But I really enjoy getting pissed out here so I’m sure it would be nice to get High out here
I feel sorry for you
grow up 190
u fancy him?
>top photo on Hinge got 7.7 attractiveness on photofeeler
>5 days and no likes, matches or anything
What a waste of time this is.
i like it
bumble is better for the mid amongus
Spainonce taking his trip off thinking hes avoiding filters. Kek, what a moron.
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U-G-L-Y, you ain't got no alibi, you ugly! Ey, ey! You ugly
bumble has some dire bitches from my recalling and they’re all looking for relationships
tinder had the best girls but they were mostly just using it for ego boosts unless a hyper chad came by
glass of red wine and a zoot, treat yourself
If you're using photofeeler at all it's time to give up and focus on trying to become rich
So true, we should start getting some apartments up in the Sahara as well
I wish people would filter me desu. Boring hearing the same jealous cope day after day :/
>unless a hyper chad came by
my ears are burning
You have to try hard to make Hinge work (or be very attractive)
Because women have no incentive to like users. Why? Because they can view their like stack for free and, if they're attractive, their like stack will always be full. You're in amongst a stack of deanos and chads.
hitchens having a melty
>And I am not bleeping well saying you should vote for the bleeping Tories. I am bleeping saying that you should vote against Labour. Is that bleeping clear now? Have you never in your life chosen the bad in preference to the worse, when that was all the choice you were offered?

Might throw myself off the balcony if I had a spliff. Just don’t enjoy it whatsoever. >>199107398
Is he ever not lol
Based Petwr Hitchens
*enters the thread*
alri everyone
>fit mrs
>likes footy
>not an anime freak
why do we hate him again
tear down the bronze fonz
Just saw Spaino elsewhere though he had a British flag, curious
I'm trying that t with no success, the thing at the bottom claims I have three likes but I'd need to pay too see them.
It's ogre.
On it
Irl I get on well with women, can make them laugh and have had interest. If it's just based on looks alone then I'm fucked apparently.
Hitchens does not get to claim this when he also directly and repeatedly says people should not vote Reform.
>>fit mrs
10 years ago he wrote in the mail on Sunday urging everyone not to vote tories so they could kill the party
Hes a parasite on this general
and the new?
>If it's just based on looks alone then I'm fucked apparently.
Hinge claims to be an app that looks beyond 'attractiveness', but it's fundamentally just like any other dating app: looks always win.
A lot of effort organising photos, prompts, and writing responses for very little gain in my experience. But then again I'm not attractive.
Four bleeps Peter? That's insane.

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