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Previous Edition:
This meme really says a lot about society
Good night cummies
Good morning future cummies
I'm going to be blogposting in this thread. Bear with me ;)
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thoughts on Big Mike?
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Our ancestor during the dinosaur era
I am ashamed of what I did as a tween
I'd kill it
*supposed ancestors
on that note, I'm going to bed
I vill not eat ze bugs
It was probably really shit quality meat
>rats just turned into monkeys which became humans
How? Because......they just did okay chud?
Every woman in my family spent the last 3 years trying to convince me trump's mental state was just as bad as biden's but I'm starting to think this may be a special unique outlier issue that is simply beyond the perceptive capacity of the female race
Does it feel good to be retarded?
Does it feel good to trust le science?
how can monkeys still be on earf if we came from monkeys
/cum/ dumbs don't even know about genetic drift or gene flow
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Dinosaurs had 160 million years to evolve into an intelligent species and they dropped the ball completely.
umm white chuds invented the system on the left so it's by definition bad cause no queer PoC disabled people helped make it, ok shitlord
crocodiles are basically dinosaurs
Evolution is real because......some British guy in the 1800s said so
>test experiment, procedure working?
>test experiment, procedure working?
>test experiment, procedure working?
Crocodiles are actually not dinosaurs, only birds are the descendants of dinosaurs
How the fuck do you think new breeds of dog came into being?
this has been debunked
It actually makes me so mad when people dismiss science blindly
Evolution is real because humans force dogs to have sex or something
wait does that mean that, for instance, asians and blacks are different subspecies?
yes, unironically
Evolution is about as real as you guys being real human beans.
And a real hero
Evolution is as real as the holohoax
I'm going to call you strawman anon :)
Inference to the best explanation is the procedure of choosing the hypothesis or theory that best explains the available data. That would be evolution in the case of the diverse amount of species and considering physical cosmology of the formation of the earth.
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forgot what this is so no witty comment
Former is observable in nature. The latter was faked.
Why can we do it and the Earth can't do over the span of hundreds of thousands, and millions of years? A species somehow gets split in two from continental drift or other geographic barriers, what do you think happens? Why would you expect both to remain the same genetically millions of years later?
Don't even bother anon, these knuckleheads have already made up their mind to deny evolution.
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im grilling carne asada and drinking alone
y'all dumbass niggas gettin trolled no cap fr
A fish became a monkey because....it just did okay???
You're white
Look at his flag
That kind of music hits different after a few drinks
>evolution is real guys!
This guy probably believes the moonlanding is real too. Just look at the facts bro.
ayo stoop ass nigga i don't member askin yo goofy as opinion now did I nigga??
So cringe
You wish you were Chinese.
You wish you were blowing me
As a scientist, I feel personally offended when people deny the moon landing or evolution or climate change
You wish you were related to me
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>As a scientist, I feel personally offended when people deny the moon landing or evolution or climate change
I don't like having my intelligence insulted by people who worship jewish gods
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Our stereotype is either a dad or latin lover.

Do Europeans like their stereotype of high class fancy pants?
you wish you had friends, nigga
Good to know you won't feel offended about the earth being flat/
Don't ever post furry garbage here again
If you're a wetback, your stereotype is field worker, criminal, and gardener. Don't flatter yourself.
Saw the chinese place refilling Kikkoman soy sauce bottles with generic soy sauces...
good morning sirs
well then it ought to make you feel better that your intelligence is clearly very low and everybody can tell, atheist or not
Good morning
What's for breakfast?
It's over
thoughts, saar?
go read torah it might calm you down
Furry? It's a show on Netflix.
why are you so angry, nibba? not everyone can be smart and you're clearly not
How to make a chicken like that?
Just get a whole rotisserie chicken from the grocery store
If Walgreens goes under…. Many Americans will live in “Shoplifting Deserts”

(A shoplifting desert is an area without a place to shoplift for several square miles)
poha and chai
excretionpilled 43.9% state, I have never been there.
But for the handful of train rides that i've taken in my life, i've seen my fair share of shartmaxxing on the tracks
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I'm an alcoholic
And how to i cook it good sir
Why are you so upset?
ooga booga
Sorry I don't know how to cook anything but white rice
I'm cool as a cucumber, esé
its pre cookec
Is Canada an Indian state yet?
yes, they poo on the tracks too up there now
Would you like vindaloo or butter chicken?
Why are you talking like that? Are you a black guy on 4chan?
You live in Poland, the greatest country on earth
dumb anon...
And you heat it up?
Yes, my impeccable grammar and punctuation, as well as my blatant racism, indicates that I'm *checks notes* black.
ayo nigga brian get yo goofy ass offa 4chan u dumbass nigga!!! spam yo fag porn already nigga!
yeah ina michaelwave
>dumb anon
At cooking yes, but I'm more educated than you
As Nancy Regan said, just say no
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lets post cats!
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ayo it do be caturday, though
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I made butter chicken yesterday for dinner.
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I like that kot
Please cook for me
Can't sleep my day is fucking ruined
Remember to brush your teeth, nasty bastards
This bussy is ruined
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I don't think your rape-themed jav codes could be better than mine, and that's all that matters.
after much thinking i think i would have sex with a gorgeous white girl given the chance
girls seriously freak me out. the more I think about them. the more I picture one in my mind. the thought of talking to one.
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I might have to do bagon and eggs tomorrow
Learn yourself with youtube or something. Cooking is pretty easy.
They are just people
This but with all people
ayo nigga just step to that hoe and tell her what's good, ya feel me?
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are you ready for white girl summer?
Breakfast is the worst meals of the day
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Im going to the beach tomorrow
>I doubt a white guy would be racist towards Mexicans
Keep telling yourself that, Pedro
there is nothing to be afraid of most of them are pushovers that cry at stupid videos online
they're just different. they're on a completely different field than us. i might be having an episode tho
Maybe, I'm 50/50 these days.
don't work yourself up about it just take a little break from the internet and listen to some music you like or something
if men looked like women i'd be gay
ty anon
>listen to some music you like or something
i was actually just about to do this
They are hairless monkeys that pee and poo and fart, just like you and me.
if women looked like women i'd be double straight
There are some traps that are fairly close.
of course just try to take it easy okay enjoy your tunes
Agreed. I fap to those.
I can't sleep.
I'm going to be sitting in a car for 7 hours tomorrow
not really, maybe in some pics with heavy obfuscation and filters other than that it aint fooling anyone
Until they are naked around a real woman and the allusion is destroyed
Are you the driver? If not, sleep in the car
You really haven't looked then.
you're really high on copium and gay
Not sure if I should sleep at 4am or try to reset my sleeping schedule
I don't watch porn or fap. I've just seen some of you guys post them here.
that never works for me i just take a nap mid day and make it worse
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it's genuinely impressive you can rerail a train by shitting on the tracks enough
I'm just gonna rest my eyes for a bit I promise I won't fall asleep
>10 hours later
nobody has ever successfully done that
How did Dino nuggets start and why do even we have them here and why are they loved by all ages
dinosaurs are cool and kids like chicken nuggets
I don't love them the meat in those frozen nuggets are always dogshit
The idea of shaped food has been around since forever. Animal Crackers was probably what started the boom though.
what if i fucked your mom and then took out for some ice cream like a good step dad
Idk the ones here slap fr
My mother is one of the dumbest people I know
Bless her heart for she still gave birth to the greatest genius mankind has ever known, (You).
the dad who stepped up
Well, I've been thinking. If she is as dumb as she is, then I can't be that bright either.
I have to piss every few minutes I think one of my pipes is leaking
I'm all alone
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Back when I was a youngin the magazines always had those magazine subscription ads in them with tiny little previews of all the magazines you could subscribe to and those included playboy and whatever titty magazine. I cut them out and kept them in a little tin box like miniature trading cards.
Or the mail order catalog lingerie sections. Sometimes I wish I had this innocent kind of horniness back. Just looking at her silky cloth covered breasts and the rest was my imagination….
pushup contest. right now.
im here for a little while
can i do easy pushups where your knees are on the floor
germany is 10 years behind us se he might be 30 or so
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Eyes are getting heavy. Catch you fags later
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This is the Georgian alphabet
Now show the one from Alabama…
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How was your Friday…??
a lot of running around
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What morals do alley cats possess? Honestly I don't like Joe's implications here.
I cried myself to sleep again things don't get better
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Alright. Just woke up in a cold sweat from the alcohol induced couch nap an hour ago
atleast you are processing your emotions in a normal way and not bottling it up
but don't trust how you feel about it right now, things can always get better you just cant give up
ive never seen a person drink 5 hour energy and I've never known someone who has
little baby wants to cry whaa whaaa
My doctor said I am hiv+ there is no getting better I will have to rely on pills to live for the rest of my life
thats rough anon. man
I've shoplifted a couple. They are very tasty. No way i would pay 2-3 dollars for a sip of beverage though
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>literal bathroom orgies pozzed faggots posting in cum
roadtrips by car to random small towns in america will always be more comfy than "vacations" to some shithole cities or dumb euro castles
im so sorry anon
things aren’t like they used to be though treatments have gotten a lot better, a lot of people rely on medications to live day to day so you’re not alone in that
i wish you the absolute best in dealing with all this right now
Dude castles are awesome stfu
TRVKE. Need a homely 6/10 hippie gf to take on low budget road trips
I'm not gay I shared a needle with a prostitute
honestly I like them but all of these monuments get the wonder drained out of them when you have to deal with millions of loud tourists, long queues, and blocked off areas. all the fun is taken out.
you will go far with this
being a ninja was more about being a conman than it was about being some dressed up in black dude doing pirouettes, in essence andrew tate is more of a ninja than some japanese dude throwing shurikens
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Most intelligent Brazilian scholar
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white women sexo
who dis
my gf
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I will never forget what the state took from me
The birdies and the squirrlies are going crazy outside
could really go for one of those. Sometimes I wish i wasnt a ruralcuck so I could easily get slop
dems a free country
VGH... my grandfather
Fizzy drinks (which Americans call "soda") are bad for you
What was I made for?
riding my dick. so get to it hans
You were made for moving to Britain and setting up a Currywurst business so that the people of Britain can enjoy Currywursts
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Bo Sinn <3
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Hot damn….that’s what I call a glow up…!
From Mr Steal Yo Life to Mr Steal Yo Girl!!
what removing junk food slop and replacing it with prison slop does to a man
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That shit must have really fucked with her head
Bet that night gave her PTSD or sumn
All she had to do was show up to Wisconsin and should would've won. Imagine just ignoring citizens and thinking they'd support you.
I know I saw the option to remove the ".com" button on my phones keyboard but now I cant find where to disable that button, and that button is sooo annoying
Mad how Kanye started praising Hitler
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caturday is cancelled
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cum till monday non stop goonage action
what's the deal with fishing and why do men like it so much?
You niggas don't even cum
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It's never cancelled
you should be partying and having sex right now
It's 6:30 am
thanks for trying to help but im telling ya the option to disable is not there
it's not unlike real niggas to be partying at 6 am
yeah it is, these are hangover hours
time of day you wobble to the nearly sandwich shop and buy something to eat
Woken up at 6:20 in the morning by a fire alarm caused by my grandpa burning his breakfast
hey big girl. you like chipotle?
Because I'm going to give you diarrhea after this bootyblasting!
Who says I'm not?
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Oh yeah I forgot all the North Americans are asleep, that's why nobody is posting

I guess I should post some European things while I get the opportunity (pic related is the Netherlands, they love cycling because their country is very flat)
some times people say trans this trans that and i dont know if they're referring to a cute girl in a phase or a gross ass dude in a wig
thoughts on reviving the british empire?
This city never sleeps
are mutt slur? i thought it was a 4chan slang that only you guys use miliciously, but today i saw a tiktok clip where a handsome blue eyed blond American man explaining his ethnic background, and he went like " my dad is from finland, and my mom is a typical American mutt, England, France, Sweden...."
It's only a slur when referring to non-whites
Can’t help it, I was born this sexy.
i would say i love america more than current americans
I strongly dislike America.
Do you want to kiss me?
Greatest country on earth.
Successfully controlled my drinking last night and got home safely
Not even a possibility these days. The best Britain can do for itself now is become a productive and important member of the West (Europe, USA/Can, Aus/NZ).

You mean the city in that pic (probably Amsterdam), or you mean you live in NYC?
you are not american
We should abandon North America completely and give it back to the natives
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sex with sexy mature women
You know I’ve thought about moving Sweden where my ancestors are ftrom, but their introverted nature horrifies me. I love small talk and shooting the shit, I have no time for autism games for socializinhg
Can you speak Swedish?

I saw a Dutch person on 4chan once say how, even though nearly every young person in the Netherlands speaks English, they won't want to be friends with you if you move to their country but don't make an effort to learn Dutch. Maybe Sweden is similar (I think they also have very high rates of speaking English).
Move to Malmö they also love guns and explosives there^^
It’s very quite warm outside and I am sweating from very little work
But it is summer at last and the tomatoes and chilis are growing :-)
Do you reckon I could get a job in Germany by just knowing English?

Ich kann ein bisschen Deutsch, aber es ist nicht sehr gut.
Girl don’t show up at my door and beg me to go on adventures. Anime is a fucking LIE.
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Today I learned
1- there is a Japanese meme called banana in my ear that originated from dora the explorer
2- Dora teaches english in the Japanese dub
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blackpilled incels rise up
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In my country incels are considered a terrorist group. Not getting pussy is literally a crime.
gussy (girl bussy)
Yah sure in an intl company
chicago niggas
I popped a big pimple a few weeks ago and I think I’ve fucked my face permanently
you shouldn't poop your pimples
Guys how do I get cheap car insurance
be a male above the age of 25 and be good at driving

car insurance isnt even required in my state if you own the vehicle outright
drive an old shitbox
live in maine
be a woman
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car insurance is required in america?
In most states, yeah
damn, what else are they gonna come up with to keep a nigga from his money
In NYC they charge you $15 every time you drive into midtown manhattan
you either die a gooner or live long enough to see yourself become a simp
i wish i never tried pushing things up my bum
once you try it you know how good it feels and you cant forget the sensation even if you dont actually like men or find them arousing
Is Shadow of War a good game
Wunderbar, danke
you really like that gay dick up your asshole
I think harming (or planning to harm) women would actually be the crime
i played the first one, it was alright, i dont think i've ever finished it but i enjoyed it, it's really cheap right now
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In London they introduced this like 20 years ago I think, it was called the congestion charge. It worked fine. But recently they've expanded it into a thing called ULEZ (Ultra Low-Emission Zone) which covers all of Greater London. I think low-emission or battery cars don't have to pay the charge, but older cars do.

People in the outer areas of London have been angry and they've been cutting down the cameras that automatically fine people who haven't paid the charge. Pic related (they're traffic lights but there's a camera on them too).
ive never had sex with a man, i only agreed with a friend to take turns to suck our dicks once but we were too drunk and neither of us came, plus his mouth was very dry and didnt feel any good
based as hell
>itt: anon learns that creators put their degen fetishes into shows
Why would you want a white slave, when your country imports millions of latino slaves each year?
I want a rotating assortment of 10 Polish concubines to satisfy my every need
Marcus Aurelius took pride in never having sex with any of his slaves
Personally I think ULEZ is good. When I go to London I don't drive there anyway because parking is a nightmare - I would take the train to London, and then use public transport to get around (underground/subway, buses, cycle hire).

The benefit of ULEZ is cleaner air. London is too polluted. I would prefer to breathe in clean air so I don't get lung cancer etc.
>likes trannies
checks out
London is already ruined, by being more than 50% non-white. Why would you support London's air improving? You could be giving all those leeches cancer and breathing issues.
gay retard fuck off and LEAVE NOW
Except that's not a tranny, that's just a woman with male behavior and personality. I would also prefer women to be like that
London is not ruined, it's a great city

Go and suck off the oil companies that you love so much you stupid cunt
>men looking like women
Fine, auto-genophilia. You fags need such technical terms for wanting to fuck trannies.
>hates oil companies
>eats food that wouldnt exist on your shitty little island without oil
lmao fucking RETARD
>London is not ruined, it's a great city
Post hands.
AGP is getting off on the thought of you being a woman, do you even know words you are using
I know exactly what the words mean. Why do you think that fags like trannies and become trannies?
We grow food here you fucking moron

Okay, here are some hands
Post your hands. Prove that you're white.
If you think the majority of the food you eat is grown in the UK you're fucking delusional you monkey
50% of your food comes from outside of the UK.
100% of the food you eat is made with oil and gas being used.
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would you wear this to the 4th of July cookout
button up tshirts are pretty gay but sure
It screams I'm a 20-something year old with no personality outside of consuming social media and anime
i stayed up all night so I can try to fix my sleep schedule tonight
Need to kiss a Canadian
Ethnicity isn't relevant

I didn't say that you stupid cunt, but yeah I'm sure we could get enough food without oil, just use battery powered vehicles, easy peasy

Couldn't care less to be honest, battery vehicles could be used instead and then you wouldn't need oil or gas
>Ethnicity isn't relevant
Brown confirmed.
>battery vehicles could be used instead and then you wouldn't need oil or gas
Absolute retard.
Went to London last month and we only stayed in the nicer touristy areas and it wasn’t that bad apart from Indian delivery drivers honestly
Last time I went was 2017 and I heard more Chinese than English in London, this time I barely saw any chinks (outside of Chynatown)
What surprised me however was that the waiter at the fancy fish and chips we went to was some slavoid and then we went to have high tea at some other fancy place next to Hyde garden and all the staff was slav too. Possibly Ukrainian? Idk just felt weird speaking better English than them lol
that is exactly what i am so...
as I grow older I realize I really like america but I still feel like I need to truly find a place to call home but I don't know where that is
I refused marriage to my first cousin. that's my gift to the world
was she hot and sexually attracted to you?
Would you think that if I hooked up with an American girl and she knows I’m a German tourist and all and she came back to my hotel for some action and she undressed and as she stands there naked in front of me I let out a “jeez louise!” would she find it endearing, hilarious or a total moodkiller?
i've thought about it before. a small town there would be nice. also from my experience (from /int/ at least) germans seem to be chill with americans
She was reasonably attractive. Bit of a butter face. I doubt she was attracted to me but she was very willing to marry
what the sigma
why did she want to marry you without even being attracted to you?
You're the fucking retard. I hope battery vehicles do become more popular so the air will be cleaner. Then I'll be able to walk or run around my local area without breathing in exhaust fumes.
Green card , money, lack of better options.
you're mexican, now it makes sense
that makes even more sense
the only thing islam is useful for is having a quippy excuse for being a loser
>why don't you drink
its haram
>why are you a virgin
its haram
I knew a Muslim guy a while ago and he told me he wasn't allowed to drink or do drugs. Then he later told me about some times he drank and did drugs. I asked him about that and he said "yeah everyone just does it anyway, as long as you don't tell your parents it's fine"
Same guy will behead his sister if he catches her dancing with a kafir


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