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panama files

previous >>199135084
I need to impregnate pokiemane so badly
new thread? poggers! xD
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What went wrong?
>have curly hair
>looks good when freshly cut
>a month later it looks like shit
>when it eventually gets long it looks nice
>family makes me cut it
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I want sparkling water but have no spare change
>family makes me cut it
are you 12? grow some balls and tell them to fuck off
>>family makes me cut it
Huh? How?
i dont want them to think im a tranny or something
jesus christ you're pathetic
You're talking to a 15 year old underage summerfag, leave him be
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nigha aint getting up quick doe
The debate was so bad even his own party couldn't spin it. Obama straight up called it a "bad debate"
I'm still going to vote for Joe. You're welcome to cancel it out, if you care.
embarrassing that you think im that young. kms
Yeah, fuck america, let it burn
Calling it a bad debate is spinning it
They're trying to make it out as a bad night for Joe, as opposed to it being proof that he's in mental decline
Sorry but you let your family make mundane choices for you so
>a song
Is he referring to Chumbawamba? I didn't think yanks would know that

Whatever you have to tell yourself. <3
Biden is still gonna win and the entire USA will know it was rigged but nobody will care because the media will shame anyone who even entertains the idea

But if Trump wins then the media say Putin rigged it

And Americans everywhere will just believe as they're told either way
there is no way you can be an adult with a job
Whenever yanks lose an election they claim it was rigged
*yanks your cock*
Yeah I know it's a spin by denying he has dementia but they couldn't just say "well he won because of x y z"
i'm about to goon bigly
I think bidens "I beat medicare" line was basically the nail in his coffin
What was he even trying to say there
You're delusional if you think that
They got away with it last time because he was doing way better in the polls
Biden on this day in 2020 was up +8 nationally in polls, today Trump is up +2 nationally
>today Trump is up +2 nationally
That.... Is still concerningly low
Bidens Vegas odds absolutely plummeted since the debate
>still talking about it award
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I am friends with a guy who avoided paying rent for 16 months and ended up using the money saved to buy a house. I wish I was smart.
He gave me the full load out
>Use a fake ID when signing a lease
>Never ever ever answer the door
>Landberg fucks up on any form at all, the RTB will throw out the case, so if they give you notice to vacate never correct them
>Appeal appeal appeal
>Never let them know your real name
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Based brexitchad
>That.... Is still concerningly low
it's national, we have insane places like california and such
swing states is where it matters
I have the same problem where it looks like I'm going an afro until it starts to grow downwards. Currently redneck maxxing with a mullet. Even in my 20s my parents hit me with the "going to get a haircut soon anon?" the fuck they gonna do?
Swing states that got a sudden influx of overnight votes that changed the entire election last time...
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Thirdies have it all fuckin figured out
>Our religious shit hole is full of thieves, rapists, scammers, and murderers
>I fucking hate white people and white countries, it's their fault, we need to sell everything we own for a chance to live in those countries
>Our country is so fucking great
yeah, in the shittiest cites each state had, chicago, detroit, milwaukee, philly, it's all they need to do
Just had this negro hair salon instagram in my recommendations.
First they arrive with the nastiest hair, get it chopped off, washed and then reattached to look like pool noodles.
Why are blacks like this
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alright jack listen up
one fish two fish, red fish blue fish
More shocked at Georgia and Arizona than any of those
idk. they never wash their dreads either so it acts as a stench sponge. nasty
/cum/ is funny, we can have a full deadhead thread with the hippiest peace-and-love boomer shit imaginable, and then 12 hours later anything left of center is somehow the downfall of society.
Abortion is a human sacrifice ritual, and the most powerful known to exist. It was invented by eugenicists within the occult to curry favor with Satan, while also gaining his protection for their war mongering, usury, and industrial scale manipulation of people's minds.

Why is abortion such a powerful form of ritual human sacrifice? Because it involves the most defenseless victim conceivable - an unborn child - being willfully murdered by the very person most spiritually bound to love and protect them, their own mothers. These ritualized murders are carried out in a nonchalant, routine way, as a means of facilitating hedonistic apathy, laziness, and convenience - the magic is in symbolically placing ten seconds of physical pleasure above the value of a human life. It symbolizes evil, within cruelty, within evil. It proffers that a few seconds of vaginal contractions mean more than human life, your own child, and it does this using the greatest symbol of love and compassion - a mother - satanically inverted into spiritually numbed, unfeeling executioners.

So the next time you see a woman of the West screeching into the camera about her rights, on the steps of some federal building, look into her eyes and understand that you're looking into the eyes not of a simple murderer, but of a demon, the literal definition of evil. And understand that this steady stream of death she inflicts upon the unborn is what power's the elite's satanic karma, and in turn enables their ever tightening grip on our nation, our society, our culture, and our very lives.

If you intend to win, you have to understand, and take away, the true source of their power. And if this all seems like mysticism to you, consider why this is, what media taught you that, and who directed that media to do so.
Canadians owe me kisses
im not gonna read allat
Killing babies is fine, Spartans did it.
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Makes you think.
God bless
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that says the bibble
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The Spartans were the definition of all bluff and no hand
>then 12 hours later anything left of center is somehow the downfall of society
I don't know if I'm being paranoid or not, but it just hit me that maybe I'm not being hired because they're looking up my online footprint and reading my YouTube comments
I wouldn't doubt they look, it's easy and fast to do
my friend didn't get a job because they thought it was weird that he didn't have facebook
you're *really* part of the group of humans commenting on youtube videos?
Go away
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*nods in agreement*
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what did i do?
That last line isn’t true. Neither Phillip II nor Alexander invaded Sparta.
Were you there? How would you know?
being unemployed for this long is really doing a number on my self esteem
It genuinely surprises me when Wikipedia is blatantly wrong
Maybe someone should go correct that
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Imagine eating this good.
How long
Over a year now for me
Have sent literally hundreds of applications
I am a woman studier, I majored in Bitch Management and Bitch Theory ama
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hello my fellow neets
since february
My mom is begging me to go back to minimum wage cucking, but I refuse. I want something with a future even if it's just warehouse shit at this point
Don't know how felons and drug addicts can find jobs but I can't
get your cdl?
If I drive for a living then my life will be a ticking time bomb until I cause some horrific accident that possibly kills someone
I'm not comfortable with that field
That’s a lot of semen
temp and staffing agencies hire anyone
I want to meet a cummer and smoke weed together
I applied for NEETbux today. Don’t know what I’ll do if they reject me.
Get a job ig
I applied for unemployment 3 days ago
While taking a big chunk of your check and not giving benefits... I'm going to try with UPS or FedEx as soon as one of their warehouses closer to me is hiring
ganbatte anon
I applied for medicaid and got it. Don't have to pay for prescriptions
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They dont really take much from your checks, and a lot of positions are temp to hire. You could start working by tomorrow probably its just some paperwork that needs to be done
can you imagine an unemployed person getting married
it's saturday, which means it's time to leave this stinky thread and go live my real life.
Do they care about gap in employment history
I have no car and I live in california in a city with very little public transportation
This thread is now virgins only. You are NOT allowed to post if you are a non-virgin.
>go live my real life.
which is?
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Today I will remind them that homosexuals reproduce through pedophilia
nigga even my tiny sub 16k town has a bus system
based virgin chads
i know the feeling brother
I'm a virgin.
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You are 100% straight...until you get horny...................
I'm a different person when the horny hits
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GHIII OST is pure bangers THOUGH

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lol, that is SO them
Kill yourself
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ryo game was too easy
or maybe im just naturally talented
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Good morning saars
girlberg went back to the old country today... thought i wouldn't care but i do
You're naturale gay
is this whole femboy tranny loving gayness thing an act for you guys or is it all 100% serious because if so thats incredibly gay homoness

why are girls so mean, bros?
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How braindead do you have to be to watch this shit
Fuck anime and fuck Japan
Trannies are gross but femboys and anime and gay sex? Sign me up.
>Trannies are gross but femboys and anime and gay sex
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>Trannies are gross but femboys and anime and gay sex? Sign me up.
I only watch anime and it's linked clips if it's dubbed

If I want to read then I'll get a book
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I could kill you with my bare hands, runt. You're a little worm.
Don't reply to him
We've had a pleasant past few threads without him
Americans are scared of love
what's the last book you read?
How to Have Gay Sex?
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a lot of posters here are bi and in denial about it. it’s okay for men to love other men and women to love other women but there’s a stigma about it on 4chan so they kind of deny it still
What the sigma
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>it’s okay for men to love other men and women to love other women
Why is it ok, and use the same logic to condemn pedophilia without being inconsistent

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Fellow NEET here

NEET gang represent
Spent the day alone at home because the GF went hiking with her parents (they’re mildly annoying so I didn’t go) and now they’re gonna come back and I can’t be a /cum/ poster any longer….real life really does go hard on a nigga sometimes…
sigma balls
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yeah guys it’s time to stop stigmatizing sucking cocks and eating cum and taking in your shitty asshole and catching HIV and trooning out and cutting your balls off and then grooming the next generation to do it all again <3
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true if we were talking about weed legalization
women need to stop stigmatizing having sex with me
Someone's on denial
case in point
Yesterday during the Pet Shop Boys concert they had this montage of a 1970s gay parade in SanFran running on the screens during their performance of their 1993 smash hit “Go West”.
Was a Jason-esque experience.
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Boys kissing
Boys wearing skirts
Boys frotting
Boys spooning
Boys having boy sex
Boys holding hands
Boys fellatio
Boy hugs
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meeses are huge. like it's easy to forget how big a meese is. meeses could fuck you UP.
Great image
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>All the people who disagree with me secretly agree with me
I wish I could live life on this much copium
nah i'd win
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I played a Youtube card game with pajeets yesterday
Don't reply if you know what I'm talking about

why are you using the plural of moose to describe a moose
/Lat/ is dead bro
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sexo con mejican cummy bummy
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imagine eating
thats not what im saying but its okay dont worry about it
You're a retarded woman and should refrain from sharing your opinions
my favorite sandwich place is like a 25 minute drive away should i go?
take me with you
nigga lives in a corn field
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I woke up at 5am and I'm about to crawl in bed at 1pm.
No hablo español
Just read every post.
None of them are good
is that chicken?
Well thanks for keeping it consistent I guess
Anyone who "hates rap" is either racist, ignorant, or (most cases) a beta who's uncomfortable with hyper aggression
tempted to go to a cafe today but the weekend environment really ruins my incelmeal
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how can i learn to speak with a louisianan accent?
tempted to eat so I dont starve to death but thats not in the budget
>t. ignorant and beta
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all im saying dude
one jar of peanut butter has like 30 thousand calories
alllll im saying dude........... that's 15 days- ALL IM SAYING
eat your cum. 1000x more nutritious than everything out there
>race denial
Would eat the meat and tortillas and leave the rest
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For a hill, men would kill — Why? They do not know
i am racist, ignorant and a beta and i listen to rap some times
It’s the secret to my youthful appearance
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Meanwhile, at the cum headquarters...
business idea: sell women vials of cum and market it as the fountain of youth
sales department has given me some dire news. We're gonna have to do some layoffs, trim the fat

FK, jason, brian, ratpedo, you're fired
>he's in a thread with mostly english speakers and he's having to speak english
Looks like you're the bitch
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why yes I do still use the word 'gay' as an insult
no not fk. he can stay
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I’ve heard it many times on the radio when I was younger
Mousey being escorted from the premises by security because he refuses to leave
this anon too, youre also fired
am i supposed to believe cum is a commodity for women? online dating is an all expenses paid cum grubhub
this, he did not think this through at all
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Cum is a natural antioxidant and was used for skin care in Egypt
what does that change about the dynamics of supply and demand? let me clue you in: there's a whole lot of supply
remember that youtube video of a woman using semen for her face?
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Got my jack juice, I am ready to attack the day
wtf, your mom told me our sex tape wouldnt go public
Your mom cleaned me out actually
No I do not
joe mama
i think this is the one
She looks as gross and trashy as I imagined
it’s joever
here's the full video
I always act a fool in /cum/gen and it's humiliating
Imagine how awesome it would be to have some new age hippy female friend who would let you cum on her face for skin treatment
>t. nincompoopy
yeah she looks like someone who paints her face with cum on the regular
and let's be clear: this is only a DIY recipe for SPERM PRODUCING MEN.
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Sneaker heads on the ropes
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my AF1 investments...
you know what's cringe? (You). you're cringe.
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i am cringe but i am free
What America does to a Mexican mf
takes one to know one
what happened?
All I could find is that they put out an earnings report or something that showed bad sales
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the spark of sentience reentered consumers and they realized this may not be worth nearly 300 dollars
Post that horrible tall dude looking girl baskeball player who looks like a villian in a lord of the rings movie and was actually quite scary to look at. It was so funny lol.
I like the tik toks that have hot girls dancing with a lot of skin showing, I like hips sashaying but I don't like butts shaking, tiktoks for this feel?
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You're assuming because I like boomer rock I'm not also a chud. Both are true.
Given the opportunity, I would cave seth rogen's head in with a brick
Given the opportunity, I would KISS anon's head in with my MOUTH
they should start microdosing this with kratom
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you must be a fan of fake news drumpf, IT'S JUST WATER, JACK
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>it's just h2o
uh dude, its water
>Nike market cap: $114 billion USD
>Adidas market cap: $43 billion USD

Eurobros, it's over...
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thats what I said
Haven't purchased or worn a nike or adida product in more than a decade, get on my level

oh, and my phone? xiaomi
Xi Jinping thanks you for donating your personal data to the People's Republic of China
Samsung makes the best phones currently. When the iPhone first hit the market, it was at the top, but Android quickly usurped it.
he can have my contact info and pictures of me furiously masturbating to JAV, he already has hours of hidden cam footage of me having sex with FOB chinese sex slaves who work at massage parlors
people who go to shady massage parlors look and sound like this poster
If I walk into a random Asian massage parlor in my city, what are the chances I can get a happy ending?
you can usually get a handie from most smaller locations, CFS spots are usually a bit tougher to find depending on your state/city, do some reddit/gif research I can't really give much more info than that or I risk getting banned
>went for a short nap after lunch
>Woke up at 6pm
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what are the chances you should be spending your time doing this
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what should i have for dinner?
I've had this car for less than six months and the sideview mirrors are already acting fucked up
When is it going to be my turn to own a house
What the actual fuck is this existence about
Like what the actual fuck?????????
fucking nosy? eat your manigott'!
Philosophers and religious leaders have been trying to figure this out since the beginning of human history, you won't figure it out. Nobody knows for sure.
pizza is a good choice that's what i'm doing
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perhaps i shall
There is probably at least a 1% chance the place gets raided while you're there
Do you really want your family and friends to know you were arrested for that
Is home ownership for young people a big political issue in France?

It is in Britain. Actually renting and buying homes has become more expensive for young people, and it has become a political issue. The UK needs more houses built.
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I only buy samsung phones. the rest of their stuff, meh if it's a good deal but only samsung phones for me
This is me

I suppose despair has to be fought until it is defeated

Here is a song about defeating something

same here but you cannot price multiple generations out of a home forever.
>samsung makes the best phones
then how come the indicator light on my samsung phone doesn't work anymore hmm? best phone my used up asshole. Looking at motorola phones now.
what the fuck is an indicator light
Young people, rise up
the meek shall INHERIT
iphone works best for me, it syncs with my laptop and imessage and facetime are essential to have
I miss those days of having an indicator light on my Note 4. Your phone must be old as hell
I meant notification light fuck youu
you are mom
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false alarm guys, the notification light on my phone works just fine, had to restart
iToddler cope
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if you had to restart it's not working fine
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yt pipo need to step up they game!!
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it's fine FOR NOW
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Can I kiss you?
no self respecing straight man uses iphone.
women get a pass.

faggots have no dignity or self esteem so yeah
sexbots! this technology can be used for sex bots! lets gooooooooo!
If you don't have an iphone you get green bubbles and that gives women the ick
women who get the ick over materialistic status symbols are NOT worth dating btw
wtf it's only 2:45. feels like 9pm
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i don't know why people say iphones are status symbols, you can get a used iphone 10 for like, 100 dollars
fuck i hate ghis shit fuck
paradoxically men who care about giving women the ick give women the ick
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hello neighbor
>suddenly decide to import infinity jeets on student visas after Covid
>huh, why did rent increase so much??
Funny thing is they used to outright deny the correlation and call you racist for pointing it out but now everyone says it even in the most liberal places kek
those women would judge you for having a shitty iphone
Importing infinity jeets is QE with people
Over analyzing meme books was the most useless thing I did in school. Made me hate english class
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>wake up at 12pm
>browse /int/
>jerk off
>take nap
>stay up till up 4am
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>tfw a pint of liquor and a six pack of beer is starting to be not enough
St Francis Xavier renegade angel
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umm saar, saar! correlation is NOT causation ok
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I jerked off to a hidden cam of an Asian massage parlor, and I no longer feel the urge to visit one in person. Really makes you think, hmmmm
Can it please get better
I want to fugg my friend's sister, but she's married. Alas...
is 17 oz of cheese enough for 1 lb of macaroni?
Everything that I see, everything you are to me
(Dog shit! Dog shit!)
All your talk behind my back is getting back to me
(Dog shit! Dog shit!)
You fuck me over and you'll pay double time
(Dog shit! Dog shit!)
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hi i am duck
hey buddy
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>climate change is real
>the climate is changing due to mankind's actions
>oh so we should stop polluting or something right?
>no we need to enact gay communism and hhigher taxes in Western countries while China keeps polluting
really makes one ponder...
cum con sex
I assume the California record is in Death Valley or something, and not applicable to where people actually live in that state
t. Califag
don't post this no one must know that florida is actually cold
how many threads are you guys watching rn? for me it's like 15 half of the threads have already been archived lol, I want to go through some of them like some movie recommendation threads stuff like that
yeah it's disingenuous
half of cali is a desert and the other half pacific rainforest
Hawaii was the bigger shocker for me
That's Im going sober
Moving to Florida now
yeah I do wonder like what if they're right about global warming, but then I also doubt it because the answer is so easy (nuclear) and they don't want that
Not making the new until I can get this stupid crash to desktop issue resolved
kratom in the mail
maybe you shouldn't use arch loonix
China has been going big on solar and I'm not saying they aren't polluters but we might as well go bigger on solar with them tbqhwyf
>the answer is so easy (nuclear)
Also committed Environmentalists don't want any technological innovations, not just nuclear. They don't even want EVs, carbon capture or indoor farming because it encourages more exploitation of the environment and distract from saving the Earth or whatever. I think they want return to monke more than a green future
If you have to worry, then they already think it. Might as well just skip to the end and castrate yourself.
>Birthday Party wasn't running
>still wins
Based Kayne.

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