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Trust the plan edition
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If you vote for Reform you are voting for Putin
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Green, fuck Lib Dumbs.
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Finally, Russians are so lucky they get to vote for him all the time
rally is deader than colin mcrae
womfy wuppa
i do not trust this man
Yeah Rorke you're so smart because you reject everything people tell you

Like when your maths teacher said that 2 + 2 = 4, and you REDPILLED everybody by declaring that 2 + 2 = 5
>Spainonce getting mad at England for some reason in the /sp/ thread
Whats his fucking problem?
Heckin based haha fuck the globohomo
Пpивeт! Cлaвa Poccии!
I don't like Green's energy policies
Singles and I vote Reform
spainpaedophile is actually one the dumbest people to ever post on /brit/. loses every single argument then pretends he was epic trolling. just an example of an actually stupid person
Dunno why that lad speaking like a black got so worked up haha
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just keep voting tory bro that'll fix everything
done him
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This but unironically. Russia, USA and China are real countries.
We are not a real country. Germany is not a real country. Belgium DEFINITELY isnt a real country
I don't know what Lib Dems are about.

Greens have some good policies but then they have batshit insane policies like removing trident and being anti-nuclear
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Trust the Maths
Trust the Science
Trust the Eng-uh, hang on a minute
Spaincucks samefagging as per
I literally have a first class degree from a Top 10 Rustler Group University (and at the time it was top five for my subject)

But yeah go off I guess lad :/
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>journalists are as truthful as mathematics
Oh my days the absolute state of NPCs
what gets me is he always tries to play along when people make fun of or criticise him, he's proper spineless and it shows
post your cock next to a can of coke or fuck off
>he thinks that a uni degree makes you intelligent
80% of the population have one
Don't think I'll do that either? what a weird, childish reply
Vote Green mashallah
and yet you are still obviously very stupid. curious
Do you have any houseplants?
whatever you're into, they're into it
they promise they'll vote for your interests, but be ready to accept an apology
Literally not a single reason Britain shouldn't ally with Russia.
Don’t even have a UK SIM card anymore, couldn’t samefag with a British flag if I wanted to lol

Sorry that this is how you find out that /Brit/ isn’t your private little safespace echo chamber x
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oh is your plan to vote for one of the other parties than definitely aren't just tories
Going nuclear would instantly fix every environmental problem Britain has so naturally it can't be allowed because it ends the green grift
Why does no one forgive the Lib Dems for one broken promise but the Tories can get away with endless broken promises, scandals and corruption?
I like the Green plans for taxes and nationalisation, but not veganism, migration or anti-car policies.
yh I have a cheese plant and a boston fern x
Their anti-nuke stance is retarded too

Also hate their gay insistence of having two leaders
By that logic Reform won't fix immigration otherwise their grift is over too
workers party uk all the way
Anti-car policies are killing cities.
Go back to the 1990s/2000s and you could park pretty much anywhere in the centre of a city.
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booting up a video gaem
Does anyone have link to online stream?
Reform runs on many issues
islamic party uk
get the plans wanked off
1) what makes you think tories have "gotten away" with anything; they're about to be voted out of power; and
2) everyone expect the tories to lie and cheat, what they don't expect is the lib dems to gain power by promising xyz then completely and flagrantly abandoning those promises to get a sniff of power (while serving in probably the most damaging government of the 2010-24 era)
ITV dot com
I'm a woke lefty. I'd love to live in a world without nukes, but to get rid of ours while our enemies have them is pure retardation. Can't be voting green
other way around isn't it
what do you think you can gain from allying with russia at the cost of becoming a pariah in the developed world
it's on itv lad
>probably the most damaging government of the 2010-24 era
U wot
The coalition was a lost golden age compared to the one we have now
so you're a single issue voter and your single issue is *nuclear armament"?
>not voting green so we get rid of our nukes and russia annexes us
you are not a “lefty”. just another fashmong: rainbow edition
Cheaper oil and food.
Not being an American airbase.
yeah you're right austerity is definitely not to blame for pretty much every issue in britain right now
voting tramp. he looks like he knows what's good.
>Muh austerity
Get a new record leftypol
Shut the fuck up commiemong lmfao
Trump is kompromat
hi callum
>Finish game of Civ 3
>Start new game of Civ 3
ESL Paki-tier sarcasm
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Thank you for giving a warm reception to our little pop star Camila Cabello at Glastonbury 2024!
Gonna vote Labour
Ugly dog
Callum I can see you're on /brit/
The English are a slave race
Still laugh at her getting booed at the Champions League final
go and watch some interracial pornography and shill for NATO whilst engaging in epic edgy racist “humour” you dumb fash cunt
i'm not ESL so what now? what's your next brilliant argument?
why do people keep banging on about the BNP when they haven't been a relevant political force in nearly 15 years
Live in a Labour safe seat so will vote green to show my displeasure with them
how long left of this shite now
cant be arsed
might get the civ v installed
haven't played vi yet, and they've got vii coming out already
what kind of dork name is callum lmao
Nonsense. They were never relevant.
>commiemong showing his racist colours yet again

Just admit you’ll be voting Reform lol
requesting a shop of Gareth as Dumbledore saying "however..."
Alri Mr Griffin
>BNP when they haven't been a relevant political force in nearly 15 years
So since the Tories stole their rhetoric and platform?
Austerity wrecked Britain's infrastructure and society
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why do people keep banging on about the BNP?
You didn't deny being a paki though LOL
football still on?
i'm white
now what?
>commiemong showing his racist colours yet again

And how’s that?
when did that happen?
What a bizarre thing to say.
The Tories are undeniably Blairite.
It was lockdown that fucked the global economy
Getting triggered by interracial relationships
It was 15 years ago get over it.
It’s coming home
american economy has boomed since
it's just europe that's shit
If you don't know what -tier means you should fuck off quite frankly
they were relevant enough to win EU parliament seats and appear on Question Time in 2009
if we had PR they could have easily got Westminster seats too
>an anomaly of historically low interest rates
>essentially free money for the government
>instead of investing in public services and building infrastructure the government decide to cut everything
>Everything that should have been invested in has fallen apart
>it's now too expensive to fix anything

Yeah that austerity was just a buzzword bros austerity isn't a real thing bros
>relationships are the same thing as fetishistic race based pornography

your brain is so warped
Pickford lad, that was well cringe.
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shitty performance. you will be btfo by switzerland
The Deanos are in the enclosed drinking area
He really is a moron
Inselaffen, Inselaffen über alles
Don't care rishi your government is still worse
Why'd you get my hopes up gay boy
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Whatever I want to happen the opposite happens
You got btfo by denmark until they were a toenail offside lmao
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Rise and shine, Mr Freeman. Rise, and... Shine.
OK insecure racist. I don’t post anything like that, I’m not the Belgian flag. Also, you use incredibly sexist and ableist language constantly.
i’ll vote for whatever party can guarantee:
>safe return of jay slater
>abolish tv license
>nonce hunters get gun licenses
>soldiers and nurses get footballers wages
simple as
just got an urge to replay oblivion. been years
not going to commit tho
me too
rules are rules ^^
The Slovakian family in my area better count their lucky stars that England went through as they were about to have their windows smashed tonight.
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half Indian/half Scottish

all based
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stop these bloody refugees coming here!!!
umm maybe we should stop bombing their countries and they wouldn't need to come here?
you watch interracial pornography and use racial slurs and support the global capitalist order and azov battallion. you are a fascist
I'll vote for whatever party
>Increases PIP and UC bennies and garuanteed no cuts in the future
>Deports as much immigrants and migrants as possible
Simple as
how come scots are so good at music
Bro thinks it's 2005 lmao
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it's coming home
leftypol supports american imperialism in syria etc
Sainsbury's ad almost entirely wogged
Ok well if you’re going to argue against le evil boogeyman Spaino you’ve built up in your head there’s not much I can do about that lad, enjoy x
Well Switzerland will be an easy walk over so who are England actually playing next?
whered he come from then?
everything I’ve said is provable truth as a quick archive search could verify
Dr Disrespect Sex Arse
Really wish I'd booked a holiday for these next couple of weeks
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There is honking in my little small town.. Why the FUCK are bongs living in my shithole?
San Marino, Andorra in the final
behind her i suppose
maybe they're german and just love england :^)
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when i wanked the first time, the foreskin got stuck behind the head and just sort of stayed there. guess i circumcised myself.
whens the next game then
According to the German Federal Statistics Office there are around 168,000 British citizens living in Germany as of 2021.

North Rhein-Westphalia, Bavaria, Berlin and Lower Saxony have the largest number of Brits registered.

Since the Brexit referendum in 2016, over 40,000 UK citizens have taken German citizenship and in 2021, 73,000 British citizens had dual British/German citizenship. A steep rise since 2016.
Slovakia were robbed. Never in a million years should there have been 6 minutes of extra time.

I'm genuinely angry.
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We do weirdly get everywhere. A few years ago I went to a tiny little village in the middle of Extremadura to visit some of my Mrs’s relatives and we went to a bar and there was some random scouser there having a caña.
Can’t wait for the english to choke again. It’ll be delightful
>America's 60 minute trip to merc bin laden displaced 3.7 million pakistanis
>Jay Slater search called off
>England win
Honestly can't see how this day can get any better
was quite funny when you were giving it the biggun saying 'ooh listen to me i know sports unlike you slovakia will win' and then they lost
Mad how governmentberg is too scared to let us have guns but they won't do anything about the imminent AI takeover, do they think they'll be in control of it or something
left need their boogeymen
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most of that was obama
alcoholic bird got her second glass. big trouble, staying away from that.
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>thought it would be a good idea to play the Elden Ring DLC on NG+
She was literally seconds away from being right and it would have been the deserved result. Why do some men seethe so much when women know more about footy than them, such a weird insecurity.
Sir Keir Obarmer
cackling at the second glass being summoned from thin air, what are those french like haha x
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switzerland next then
Coldplay are bland, insipid, middle-class musicians who make bland, simplistic, piss-weak, anodyne music designed to placate bland, easily-pleased sheep in bland, piss-poor, insipid, identikit arenas. They’re a supermarket, a chain store, a family car. They’re fucking muesli.
need someone to run some of he other pics through luma, ie the hairy fanny pic
Yeah most women I've met have strong opinions on the quality of the Slovakian football team
Hey, I'm middle class and can't stand them!
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this is entirely cultural fyi
not genetic no
>Yeah most women I've met
So your mum?
they’re a spainnonce
Alri Super Hans
Buried that sexless dork
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start doing this
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of course our young black bull bellingham saved us
Women famously do a lot of 'your mum' jokes
hijab wearing muslim girls with huge chebs who live across from me were going mental during the match, christ im in love with them aha
women are prolific 4chan posters
closing the curtains early to have a wank
>hating Coldplay for no reason

Ah yes I remember being in Year 13 and pretending to have an incredibly cool taste in music too
Sucking a glizzy
cope on she was mugging everyone off for no reason and got it wrong anyway
Yeah might do something else for a bit
you’re literally a friendless virgin tranny that works for minimum wage and gets benefits for being retarded, your mum won’t even let you eat meat with bones in it. get some self-awareness lol
genuinely think southgate was hired by the tory party
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wow i turned off the game 10 mins before its end and england won 2-1??? wtf mad luck
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>haven't eaten in over 24 hours
just wondering how many blonde dolls Southgate has sent to Bellingham's hotel room as a reward.....
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>More than 80 prison staff have been sacked or reprimanded since 2013 for having affairs with inmates, according to official statistics.
why do they send women into the criminal BBC pits
1, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4
yeah most women I've met were born with a cock and balls
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just start a new character, you can easily rush to radahn and mohg (use pureblood knight's medal)
the dlc has loads of smithing stones
I will personally defend Georgia from Putin
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I’m sure you are, mentally ill cuck
She’s genuinely so fucking fit and filthy looking corrr
some call that a fast
bellingham is the only one who believes in himself and doesnt give a fuck about hype or expectation because he's a soulless zoomer who's only ever known mad wealth and success at 19. southgate has to win the whole thing or he's out and if he does it'll be because essential real madrid mindset dragged him there
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Now that England have beaten Europe again does this mean Rishi can still win?
Ah yes cue the beeping and shouting because England managed to beat some dogshit worthless Slavic shithole team that everyone knew they were going to beat anyway
got 3 fish tendies and 3 chicken tendies in the oven get hyped lads
why beeping
Lineage is passed on paternally.
Can't be fucked already done everything in the base game aside from the fire giant, Azula, snowfield and the big tree
My autism prevents me from not doing literally everything
brown hands clacking out this post
youve got to be pretty thick to let that sway your vote
I miss malls/shopping cities/arcades
The ones left are just dead or full of brown zoomers trying to stab each other
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thats what im talkin bout
>I’ve just been mugged off and embarrassed completely by Employed Woman?

>Time to have a 2-hour epic transphobic tantrum to show just how little it bothered me!
2024 is half way over
oh wait i forgot cars exist and we call it beep instead of honk like the yanks
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shut up shut up shut up
sucking some beeping honkers
just saw a post from a paedophile who changed his name, another one for the filter
So your saying the 1000 year Tory/Southgate reich will continue unchallenged?
Bellingham is class. One of the best goals I've seen.
Off to the bed, lads
Canslad is a sleepylad
there is no bar to entry
we have employed people that are too short to actually look through the observation window in the cell doors
Been working out consistently for 8 weeks now lads. Longest ever spell and I'm feeling good.
I'm bulking at the moment, when should I cut?
This general is a toilet.
Nah labour will win and England will cruise to victory at the same time as a peng heatwave rolls through
dont understand why prison staff can be the opposite gender of the prisoners, seems like trouble waiting to happen especially male guards in womens prison seems like a totally fucked power dynamic
then you'll have to nut up lad
you may be overestimating the effect ng+ is having on the dlc, everything hits like a truck and has loads of hp until you get more skibidi fragments on ng as well
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I just know that something good is gonna happen
anyone going to fold on saturday night?
No he isn't. He's a fat evil monster.
Gonna watch the Spain match lads and have some tea

Catch y’all later x
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Chantelle is safe again for the night
Was a close call at the end there
Alri Gary Neville
covering it in jalapeños is such a cringe twitter mong thing to do
10 votes to griffyndor it is then
Done that cunt EW x
Highly recommend the Eve's Delight strawberries from Tesco. Juicy, sweet, delicious
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Southgate sending a fresh batch of blondes as a reward for Bellingham's heroic last minute winning goal to his 5 star presidential suite hotel room....
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This is my body
looks disgusting
Reminds me of the snowfield area
Despise that bit
Prison guards should be 6'4" bald working-class white men with anger issues
also grim with those kind of jalepenos. you need fresh chilli with eggs or it will just taste of vinegar
Fuck me daddy
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In the general direction they've taken I'd agree...
but the dude has written too many good songs to not respect him
operation gigawank has officially been called off
need some pints in your belly la
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Fake tan side door is open
based tinytrip
7 degrees what the fuck
got socks on and my feeties are still cold
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something is going on with zoomer slags they all have way bigger tits than generations before them
can just imagine those giggly blondes rubbing bellingham's athletic body in the marble clad shower rn
what's your point
oestrogen in the water. that's why men are being tricked into larping as women too
What is with the belgian cuck poster
something is going on with zoomer slags they all have way bigger tits than generations before them
black athletes only
Yeah they're fat
true, but not to the extent that the tick tocks make it seem to be
unsurprisingly the titty monsters filter to the top there
They're just fat as fuck
battyman alert
an absolute specimen
just filter theres no other belgians here anyway
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>yfw when Sunak and Biden win
mindbroken 190kg
You can see her neck.and face, that's not fat
It's mad how oestrogen is fucking everywhere but unless you're a FtM tranny, testosterone is off limits
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>2 pale clappers on your way, good job lad
I wish
you lose your thesaurus?
he's just gooning to the thought of black footballers in the shower
Can just imagine you rubbing your pathetic willy thinking about it. Sharing your fantasies with a bunch of disinterested people in a British culture thread. Bizarre
who the hell gets 4 chicken nuggets?
I'd fucking lose the plot if tories somehow still won desu
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its not a fantasy its bellingham's reality
need to trim my fingernails
Ayyy lads, it’s comin ome, innit ? Bloody ell mate, if not dis pooftah will get a taste of me bloody todger
'xiety playing up again
anyone around to toss me off?
Nah it'll be Starmer/Newsom
may i nibble them for you? :3
but its not your reality you sad cunt
Why aren't JFs funny
today's food

Breakfast: 4 scrambled eggs on 2 pieces of toast, strawberry yoghurt, glass of milk
Snack: Protein bar
Lunch: 2 bacon rashers and a fried egg in a roll
Snack: Dark chocolate
Tea: Spaghetti bolognese
bellinghams bellend
would scran all of that
battering blondes.....

maybe sneak some ozempic in there yeah
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Why does this photo make the Belgian poster so deranged?
Low understanding of self deprecation
I'm bulking up
it doesn't
based oil driller
gfberg needing shagged again... sigh
Loads of blokes are on test and tren now, there's a roid epidemic
It quite clearly does.
Shit i forgot to get any cereal or eggs and now i have nothing to have for breakfast.
I think he means legally.
handsome lightskin king
Need to lose weight again
Any 20mm max hangs man in?
Loads of trannies are on illegal e too because rnhs is so shit there's like 4 year waiting lists for them to be diagnosed
Belgcuck seething
Mad how easily women are taken in by the tranny thing when they're the ones that suffer
think its effectively the same as oestrogen hrt, maybe harder to source
think what theyre doing isnt illegal
It's not a /brit/, don't post in it
is there a new forthcoming?
If anyone wants my autograph
I will be at freeklime, york tomorrow about 4pm
glasto looked so shite
hope the 800 quid hole in your pocket was worth it suckas!!!!!!!!!
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All I know is a friend has gone private or rnhs would have her waiting 4 years for a referral
women don't have the full picture and think it's just soft lads who want to be gay and ladylike
they don't realise we're sending our most incel blokes into the womens toilets with them
St. George marches on
thats probably true for various reasons but afaik youre actually allowed to import hormones to use on yourself
The Establishment FEARS the reform party
The smears are increasing in intensity...
actual thread
His dads white

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