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Smug dog eddicion

Previous: >>199272723
first for sexo con cum
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For me, it's Cameron Brink
Haha, dog
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caliente sexo con brown mamacitas
mucho sexo es rapido muchas gracias
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What's the opposite of green?
Your bank account
I really, really don't want to go back to work tomorrow
Asian women are so ugly, you're a spaz
I haven't forgotten the horrors of 10/7/23
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she's going to freeze to death. tell her to wear a jacket
just call in sick and take a mental health day
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said the fully grown man
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Many such motherfucking God damned cases, my man
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Please buy some games on the Steam Summer Sale so Steamchan can get bigger boobs
(shes very flat and self concious)
shes perfect the way she is
there aren' t mexican in /cum/
I bought bloons td6 for a dollar that ought to help her yeah? But she's cute with tiny boobs
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Pink, pic related

If you invert the colours of an image with green then the green will become pink
i actually bought 3 games this sale, i haven't bought games in a sale in a looong while. takes me back
and i agree with anon, flat is great, small is great, normal is great, busty is great. gigantic is the only thing that's not so good, especially if the nipples are enlarged
I already took last work day off for mental health. It's over.
Post more of her. She's truly frightening to look at and even funnier watching you say it's the hottest thing ever.
wagies when you tell them you dont work
wagies literally everyday
can you schedule any time off or vacation time or something in the near future?
>I haven't forgotten the horrors of 10/7/23

my dad watches israeli news on youtube almost every night before he goes to sleep. we are not even remotely jewish he just prefers them to muslims and felt bad for that october 7th attack.

and fundamentally he doesn't understand youtube and doesn't really get that the more you click on 1 video the more they will serve you that type of video. so for months since october 7th every time i walk by his room he's sleeping with israelis going "WE ARE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE MOTHERFUCKERS. AND WE WILL RAIN ISHAMEL DOWN ON SHABASH JUST LIKE ZEKLAHEIM ON THE RABATH. October 7th was like 4 million 9/11s because we are a small but mighty nation, DAVID VERSUS FUCKING GOLIATH SHALAHEIM MAHAEL." and that's what he falls asleep to every night. its just news channels that talk about october 7th constantly, relentlessly, non stop.

he only just started watching youtube like a year ago so he's a super late adopter. i'm pretty sure he thinks youtube is just israeli news at this point. also squirrel videos for the cat.
lofi israeli propaganda to fall asleep to [ambien rain sounds]
Oh boy
Nigga I am insanely jealous of everybody that gets to live on welfare/disability. I don't fault anyone for not wanting to be a wagie.
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He sounds like a good goy. You should fuck with his algorithm and put some schizo stuff on it
how do i get better at eating spicy food? a single jalapeno is enough to make me sweat.
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Go back to New Jersey!
you have to learn to enjoy suffering
> joiyzey
these are the drippiest hasidic uniforms ive seen, much more drippy than the usual black ones
Where's vito?
Flat is justice i love tiny tits so fucking much aaaaa i want to suck on tiny tiddies

Tits too big
They're a glorified crew
Put vito on the phone asshole
They're pretty inbred looking so they need the drip to distract from their faces
Take it easy
What's it like to have sex with a very religious girl?
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LEAFS! Why aren't you voting NDP?
what's it like to have sex?
What's it?
too many dumb chuds in /cum/. not enough enlightened gigabrained chads like us.
Because Jagmeet Singh is Trudeau's lackey, I'd vote for provincial NDP
>What's it like to have sex with a very religious girl?
50% chance: really boring, sits there like a dead fish
50% chance: BPD super whore who does the nastiest shit.
There is nothing for me in this world. I have mental illnesses that prevent me from thinking straight, I cannot fucking stand humanity, and I don't want to work. Should I become an hero?
>I have mental illnesses
You've been lied to
Become a mercenary. Fear of death with straighten you out FAST, plus you can make 200,000$ a year.
How do I get started
can you get on neetbux? my faggot countrymen will pay me to exist until i die lol
Let me guess... either some far right fringe shit, or a far left SJW fringe shit.
socialist party lead by a jeet
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Maybe you should just come to peace with the parts of yourself that cannot change, and make the correct choices and changes for the parts you can change. Y'know, instead of giving up
Constellis/Triple Canopy (or if you're a BRICS fanboy: "Wagner" (but they don't pay shit)).
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Neetbuxxing has setbacks (unless you invest the money they give, which you won't)
1)It's not guaranteed. There's a A LOT of gov debt, and the FIRST thing they'll cut is giving money to autsitics/depressives/etc
2)your money is literally 1 conservative election win away from being stopped at any time.
Thanks, applying now
apply these nuts to your chin
Sometimes I'm laying in bed, then I remember something and hyperventilate for a couple seconds and/or scream into my pillow then try to pretend to be unbothered until I forget again.
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i earn 2k a month and honestly it's as comfy as neeting with none of the stresses of actually being a neet whose life depends on someone else.
did you know that as you age the calcium from your bones slowly radiates into every other part of your body (organs, veins, etc.) and at agr 80 for example your organs are hard and crusty and crunchy because of it (20 year Olds have soft, squishy elastic parts)
ew I wish I didn't learn about ths
I just cringe and make a grunting sound or say a curse word out loud like 'FUCKING SHIT' and then I force myself to stop thinking about it or at least pretend like I don't really care (I really care)
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>is addiction real?
>25 gallons
Not possible.
well you still have to live with a roommate making 2k a month. and more often than not that means your brother/sister or your cousin
For mortals like you.
Those are two different people
How am I supposed to come to peace with mental illness? My brain literally will not shut the fuck up.
is this why you can kill an old man with one good punch to the stomach/liver/kidneys
It's my best friend
are you seeking treatment
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yes their organs are brittle
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what a fucking SLUT
what is he reacting to
No, I couldn't afford that.
he's making a soi face so probably a marvel movie or something
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do you have insurance? usually your co pay will only be like 10 bucks, and if you get prescribed something it's usually just a few bucks, and sometimes free if your insurance covers it fully if it's a common medication
whore alert
>do you have insurance?
Yeah, but it's shit. I went to the hospital a few months ago, and now I'm like $100 away from hitting my out of pocket maximum, but the insurance company is just denying everything.
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Your little graph is stupid, I have 150k in student debt, so you're telling me I'M BELOW a fucking wagie, homeless and NEET? Fuck off.
>I have 150k in student debt, so you're telling me I'M BELOW a fucking wagie, homeless and NEET?
i don’t know much about how insurance works but i would just say to maybe call with the office you would go to, and see if they can work something out or give you an estimate of how much it would cost
Don't take psychotropic drugs, they do nothing but damage you and make your life worse. Psychiatry is Big Pharma's playground. The guy you replied to is retarded
another big trick that makes >>199278403 work: 0 student debt

dude student debt is stupid and i'll just say it. forgiving student debt is admitting something is fundamentally wrong with it. removing the system of student loans is ending a bad practice, forgiving student loans is buying votes.
Canada Day kind of ended up being a nothingburger. A former friend who had assaulted me on New Year's Day morning came over and I forgave him, meanwhile my bestie drank too fast as he always does and passed out early. I ended up going home around midnight. Wasn't a bad time but it was no smash blowout either.
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>not "CanaDay"
Does he look Turkic?
yeah bro because him rawdogging life so far has gone soooo well

he might as well try it, if it works he could slip out of dysfunctionality. it doesn't work when people pretend it alone will do the work, your decisions do the work, but it could easily make the decisions easier to make.

not that you're going to agree
i will trust you random 4chan man instead of actual doctors thanks
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Is this subliminal messaging?
absolute roastie
smart anon
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>sam cultivates the /pol/ audience for years
>kneels to a jew zoomer for clout the instant he gets the opportunity
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i think i;m too drunk to cook ffs
he peaked with the TedX talk
No that anon has a severe mental illness
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more like world peace 1
don't even make me PRETEND this isn't based.
If this is the one where he had a bunch of homeless people keep walking in then top kek. My fav part was when they all started chanting TWO TWENTY NINE FOR FREE or whatever.
Today I swam in the ocean, and I accidentally stepped on a crab and he pinched my foot
So the posts have no meaning?
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lol he gotcha
>4 hours until I have to go to sleep to wagie in the morning
>Sleepy now
are you okay?
is the crab okay?
>boomers think millennials are all like 21 years old
>zoomers think millennials are all like 40 years old
I suffer as a Zillennial
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Employ either the 10-20 minute power nap, or the 60 minute short nap. Do NOT nap for 30 minutes or 90 minutes.
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You just KNOW she doesn't date black guys
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> no meetings tomorrow
> Thursday holiday
> work is going to be dead on Friday
it's basically Friday bros. feelin cool as a cucumber. how are you celebrating the 4th?
What happens if you nap for 61 minutes
It's some fetish thing, I think
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'94 gang
Sam was always ironically alt, he's not a poltard
Nice image, I saved it.
Yes it didn't break skin
Probably, their shells are strong
the 4th is a reminder that you are a colony still successfully engaged in rebellion
So ironically alt that he got his adult swim show cancelled
staying inside and enjoying the ac mostly
bro was 20 in 2014 :skull:
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Weird that this racial pairing meme post actually has some legitimate firepower to it. I don't think black guys like fantasy stuff that much. Black nerds are being hunted to extinction, they need conservation status. Meanwhile white nerds are booming and have a strong niche in the ecosystem. You may be onto something.
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>i'm 33 already
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Not buying anything that isn't at least matched to it's historic low on steamdb, I'm talking about Binding of Isaac in particular with not even the base game getting that low again
>You may be onto something.
If you check their social media pages, they literally address this topic. Unfortunately they use that patronizing woke zoom zoom speak (they all have nerdy white or asian bfs thoughbeit)
Do you still have a full head of hair?
I find it's the opposite, it's like he's always opposing him just to not be seen as that to the point he would rather squabble than actually commit to anything
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yeah, but i buzz it anyway
How does i feel 30 i imagine 30 as being the end of life
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>if you only knew how bad things really are
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>im 30
I used to make fun of this 31 yo hug
now that I cant
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You start losing friends.
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It was an honour shitposting with you all
my advice is to keep yourself healthy
rip ;_;
see you tomorrow o7
i am recognizing the oncoming signs of a depressive episode
i am informing my /cum/ friends so i have someone to keep me accountable
tomorrow i will return to the gym, take a shower, and eat only healthy foods
i will defeat my autism demons this month
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an episode like dragon ball z? i loved that show.
yeah but one of those episodes where goku was died and it was 20 minutes of showing people on earth being sad
except vegeta, training anyway
i gotta be the vegeta
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Gas station bathrooms are like 4chan in real life
wait it's ok I just realized the janman is away I should be good
They call me Stonewall Jackson
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> i gotta be the vegeta
sounds kinda badass ngl. keep up the good work.
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knew a guy with the name Robert E. Lee, used to get free drinks in the South whenever he showed his ID
I took a pooper in a supermarket bathroom today, the handicap stall was the cleaner toilet so I used that one. The door wouldn't lock, the little nub that's supposed to be the lock wasn't strong enough and with a slight tap it opened. I tried to sort of tie it closed with my earbuds but I couldn't make a good enough knot and I didn't want to rip my earbuds, so I took the caution wet floor cone and pulled it right in front of the door so that it stayed shut. I was in the bathroom for about 10 minutes maybe more and only one other person came in and he must have had to take a mean pee because he was moaning and groaning and oohing and aahing and he left without washing his hands.
cool mohawk. what punk bands do you listen to?
Magnificent birb
post tit(mouses)
>and he left without washing his hands.
scary how many people do this
I hate how every website makes sure you can't possible download anything now. God forbid I save a one minute clip that no one is going to watch and you're not even advertising or monetizing anyway.
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I can tell you the license plate numbers of all six cars outside. I can tell you that our waitress is left-handed and the guy sitting up at the counter weighs two hundred and fifteen pounds and knows how to handle himself. I know the best place to look for a gun is the cab of the gray truck outside, and at this altitude, I can run flat out for a half mile before my hands start shaking.
inspect element /cum/bro
Thanks I'll add that to the list of things that worked ten years ago
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>Black nerds are being hunted to extinction, they need conservation status
No we aren't, if anything I'd say around half of gen Z black guys are into anime or vidya, some of the top Smash players are black
>too brainlet to use inspect element
You're a black zoomer? So that makes 2 confirmed blacks in /cum/ 1 zoomer and one guy who was born in the 80s or late 70s
what should i have for a 300 calorie dinner
(born free)
spicy water.
Ronald Reagan was the greatest US President
I was born in 1997 so old zoomer, at this point I'm an unc
I bought placid plastic duck simulator for me and my gf
a couple of spoonfuls of peanut butter and a diet water
there's literally an ashy 40 yo unc who posted a timestamped pic of his hand, I don't think he's a nerd though but he seemed nice
Lean Cuisine fettucine alfredo
that won’t fill me up
i think im just gonna have ramen
making anon tonights biggest loser
i actually have these but i had one earlier
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carbs must be the secret to big latina booty
Don't listen to punk
I'm so retarded lol. Someone outside of my room said something really loud and I'm in my room watching youtube videos and I went back 10 seconds in the video like I was going to be able to replay what was said outside of my room lol.
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im back
Vancouver gang
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Why do jews have big noses?

Because air is free
imagine if these really ugly alien incels came to earth and they're not looking for resources, slaves or scientific research, they just want to have sex with us
Do you have an Asian gf? Cant be a real Vancouverite without being in a WM/AF relationship
what did you watch this time anon
Hamas are the bad guys
did a rewatch of journey to the center of the earth
With /ourguy/ Brendan Fraser?
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On the road right now
One day when AI and robots take over we'll all be comfy and happy
seems like we'll have jeets doing menial work instead of robots or AI
>we'll all be comfy and happy
This will never happen. There will always be suffering, greed, and violence.
sex robots with ai so the sexbot speaks lovingly to me ?
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are you in the passengers seat?
The beach boys are coming to my town this year. Bet that guy who lives the beach boys is gonna be jealous, even if they're more like the beach grandparents now
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Hello there traveller, you look tired. Come and rest for a while by the /cum/ fire
jesus christ 40 hour workweek needs to be abolished and outlawed
stop with the anti Semitic comments
people I associate with are retarded and becoming more retardeder
do you associate with actual retards or are their politics annoying you?
Does listening to Natalie Merchant make me gay?
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come /cum/ and share my fire
and wife
Some (many) political opinions can only be held by retarded people.
Democracy's greatest flaw
I dont care about politics but I have a friend who genuinely believes those facebook AI posts are genuine interactions and feels a sense of superiority looking at them
the same guy plays the retail version of world of warcraft every single day of his life for hours with a bunch of other people who do the exact same thing
>Democracy's greatest flaw
universal suffrage was unironically a mistake
Not retards, just your typical NPCs.
Can I become a master of the druken fist kung fu Im already 30 or am I do old?
Always laugh when I'm reading a research paper and see that the authors have declared their conflicts of interest, as if the conflict of interest suddenly disappears if they declare it

Corruption in private bad, open corruption fine!
Yeah bro, won't get home for another 2 hours :(
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not during the work week i wont
>share my wife
real cucks make me feel visceral disgust
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I could watch 5 hours of this, holy kino
it's some account from China, the ones with sound were even better.
india #1
do they go #1 in the toilet? they certainly dont go #2 there
i love these videos
I want to piss inside Jewish men, I just want to slide my soft white cock in his gnarled Jew hole and blast piss.
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I just found out one of my friends has spent over $30,000 over the last year on various gatcha games
One of my coworkers spends that much on uberEats every year, he even showed us the receipts.
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Please help him
christ. how do people have the financial ability to order that much?
>one of my friends
get a load of this normie
I have no idea how he does it because he also travels a lot and gets random tattoos all the time. I'm guessing he spends 100% of his income.
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Luv Xev me, simple as
or maybe he earns a lot?
I'm his co-worker so he can't be earning that much lol
is that a tranny?
>thread about Xi Jinping's daughter
>jannied in a few minutes
I'm a few bad days away from a complete mental breakdown
Imagine being one of the white boys she fucked while studying in the USA
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for me, it's Kim Jong-un's sister
Otters are fun zoo animals since they are always on the move
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I done had a bad case of too many bad days
Got too many bad traits, used the floor for ashtrays
I don't do shit halfway, I'ma clear the cache
I'ma make my name last, put that on my last name
If worshiping girl butts is gay, then you can call me George Michael!
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too big?
I worship mejican bummy
they actually aren't; it's wings of redemption, a famous lolcow

Should I learn spanish?
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Friend doesnt have 1 grand for new tires but he's got new tats twice a year
Yup, I'm thinking it's Joever
25 gallons of chili is around 200 lbs. Not possible.
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Mexicans be like
>¿Por qué no hay cervezas?
>Hay demasiado trabajo que hacer, lo haré mañana
>Mi burro se llevó a mi esposa, y un halcón se llevó todos mis chiles
>¿Cómo podría empeorar este día? ¡Ya no hay cerveza!
the tunes
tbqh no
Many such cases. Sad!
i'm so mad
Spanish is probably the easiest foreign language to learn in the US, so yeah
sexo con cum or cum con sex?
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I relate to Biden a lot more now that nobody believes in him
I know that feel
dont get mad, get glad
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based post

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