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Songs From The Big Chair edition
the newy dish
mong with the shit thread edish
yanks take themselves too seriously and have nigger tier egos. one of the reasons you aren’t really white
The big chair is allowed
mad how britain spaffed and wanked all over a virgin continent and made america
where toby:(
American women sub edish
fuck off

you can fuck off and all
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Alright guys. Am a bit drunk lol x
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God I’m getting so fucking skinnyfat it’s not even funny
Gasping for my TRT treatment to be approved
the bradley poster is here
i hope you die
there he is!! :D
I remember how a few years ago i didnt even know there were brown people in parliament.
I also hope you die but you're not getting a (you)
don't think people should be put on TRT for emotional problems
good post
kill yourself
i hope you die

i hope you die
I have hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
my new mp is a pajeet
Just been told to die by four people. Rather concerning ngl
kill yourself

kill yourself
my life become marginally more tolerable once I realised I can smoke out my bedroom window
if you say things like the n-word or pajeet you're a spiritual yank. one of the great ironies that british /pol/ posters are by far the most yankified
Happy 4chan user.
doing a poo
waste of money and bad for you and not even pleasant if you are leaning out a window
anyone else here first nations/indigenous?
into the toilet or nah
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nigger is a british word. we invented it and the yanks stole it
all very vaild points but you haven't considered my dependence on them
Technically yes because I'm Welsh and Welsh (Brythonic ) people predate Anglo-Saxons presence in the British Isles
you don't have a clue though, do you
yeah most people >>199908170
i didn't like pajeet at first because i thought it was a real name, like how they call us nigels
no my mind is quite clouded all the time becauise of it
what time is it acceptable to text someone
not really your gf if you've never given her a black eye
immediately when you receive the text
can text mum whenever i want x
German-Irish diaspora
dude there are so many spics in county surrey, we gotta build a wall
no wonder you’re such scum
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this is my world today
the weird gay who thinks any british person who doesn’t espouse american progressivism is americanised is back
>has a carer
>lives off benefits under Anglo rule
>pathetic sedentary existence
The indigenous spirit
look like jelly beans them
i wanna jam it
Republicans are having a wrestler do a wrestling promo in favour of their candidate at their big convention. Why didn't the Tories think of this? it could have saved them
the libtards are turning us all into fags bro
yooo cody come check the tee vee donald just got shot breh
Repubs are just having fun because they will 10000% win
Kill all shitlibs and shitlib apologist swine
bold post
gchq post
>also rishi sunak is 100% english and all the pakis in london
i disagree
anyone who isn’t ethnically swedish should be killed, i say
off hours gchq employee post
wfh gchq post
if everyone died but me I'd probably have a wank in the middle of the road since there's no chance I'd be ran over
no they should be killed too
and you should be killed too for annoying me
why are you saying gchq
i dont think blud is actually going to kill everyone who isn’t english
they've got self driving cars now one of them could do for you
and what if a fox bit your willy off
my aunt got drunk once and said my grandma had a prolapsed vagina in the middle of a restaurant
paedophile jewish wasteman
I hadn't considered these variables, I'll give it some thought.
i'd go to the king's house and have a wank on his throne me
nonce incel nigger
unless Biden drops out
another day of my miserable life
gay cuck hebrew queers
what's to do
BASED edish
ya seethe
ya seethe
ya seethe
ya seethe
yes mate I'm ENGLISH
if you're not a blackfella you cant be indigenous
you can in australia
When elected representatives stop listening to the people they represent, civil disobedience will follow. Simple.
the ENGLISH are indigenous to ENGLAND and that's THAT *folds arms*
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comfy song
Great word, got to use that more
let me finish my apricot strawberry red bull
time to smoke
it's rank that one, like genuinely rank
really the only good one is the juneberry
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>Brit tourist, 22, drowns in front of his 19-year-old girlfriend in Lake Como after they jumped off rented boat for a swim and it drifted away in strong winds during Italian holiday
Big nose
Weak chin
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Brits are participating in yearly suicide ritual abroad while pakis flood into the country. Its over.
lake ohno
juneberry is awful tastes like a shitty juicy juice grape apple berry juicebox
berry coconut and dragonfruit are best
actually never tried the coconut one
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Brotherstein's Jewish friend volunteered for the IDF and apparently he died in Gaza today
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it's nice if you like coconut
tastes a bit more coconut lime than berry tho imo
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The last 2 years have gone really fast for me
Fucking weird. I hate it
what happened
I’m too afraid to go outside anymore
every sport has its small clique of athletes that transition to punditry after retiring. I can't stand it
I reminisce about random things i did a couple years ago

I think about shit from 10-6 years ago alot

I think about shit i did 6 months ago and how little ive done since then
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Everything is scary and trying to kill me and everyone’s crazy
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>no one has Bradleyed this post
/brit/ is learning restraint
1990 was 34 years ago
1991 was 33 years ago
1992 was 32 years ago
1993 was 31 years ago
1994 was 30 years ago
1995 was 29 years ago
1996 was 28 years ago
1997 was 27 years ago
1998 was 26 years ago
1999 was 25 years ago
2000 was 24 years ago
2001 was 23 years ago
2002 was 22 years ago
2003 was 21 years ago
2004 was 20 years ago
2005 was 19 years ago
2006 was 18 years ago
2007 was 17 years ago
2008 was 16 years ago
2009 was 15 years ago
2010 was 14 years ago
2011 was 13 years ago
2012 was 12 years ago
2013 was 11 years ago
2014 was 10 years ago
2015 was 9 years ago
2016 was 8 years ago
2017 was 7 years ago
2018 was 6 years ago
2019 was 5 years ago
2020 was 4 years ago
2021 was 3 years ago
2022 was 2 years ago
fuck me im dying for a smoke
bradleyposter coincidentally also died in Gaza (for the other side)
smoking rn
I was posting on auto cooldown too lmao
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fold some of your baccy up in a paper plane and send it here? please?
Life wasn’t supposed to turn out this way
Longing over 2021

Nostalgic over 2018

Yearning for 2015
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smoking hydro. no cigs either
yearing for 19
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>kid rock
I don't care
I love it
hes a hero to us wiggers end of story
im the modern job
is this the fit bitch from true blood
corr i loved her as a lad
you people are insane
completely insane
just a nation of insane people
im equally as insane, if not more so than the average american but i still hate it here
nowhere else id rather live though except maybe a non-authoritarian australia
rather, the retard (singular) trying to make bradley images synonymous with horrible ghoulish stories is Jewish
thats why he started btw, he kept chimping out about people here having 'jewish derangement syndrome' when they said they supported hamas over israel
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Goin fast
always loved this image, a beautiful melancholy to it
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>a beautiful melancholy to it
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faceblind retard
I have returned profoundly hammered from the picnic.
more like paul dano
arse hurts really bad
that last poo didn't come out right
here he comes
They all drone on about horseshoe theory but never pendulum theory.
In college I had a friend who looked like a tougher and more manly version of Paul Dano.
What if there are actually more colors that don't occur naturally so we're not conncious of them but they could be synthesized
Is anybody working on this?
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atn ure der ind ody
Watch Color out of Space starring Nicolas Cage
p good movie tbqh
Reckon /brit/ humour in 2030 would just entail uploading webms/gifs of our own penile ejaculations
you wish you mucky bugger
Here comes his 19th nervous breakdown
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not possible i dont think
we already know the limits of our ol' rods and cones and know how to detect colors outside of our range theres just no way to allow ourselves to see them
animals like the mantis shrimp can see innumerably more shades of color than humans
(Something about the spine)
as opposed to non-penile ejaculations?
“Delamney, liger.
L spirit of experimentation
Guizes, le faueen-
salon cubists puinicity exhibitions to estabrish recognizale aslishic mut
& break i haditional conventias).”

What exactly are the blud-dem waffling about in this particular case?

Answer to win a black pudding or something.
Sod you all.
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It's mental (but in a good way) that Tucker Carlson is allowed to speak at the RNC. He's been critical of Ukraine and even Israel lately.
I think the RNC is trying to not alienate the more hardcore right too much while still holding onto the mainstream neocon crowd.
will just entail*
RIP Bob Poofart
Fuck off.
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i realized after hitting send that it seems like im being a grammar nazi but im just trying to joke that its definitely going to be that
>even Israel lately.
the boomer awakening
Actually not a bad post.
uhh... ayo what that nigga just said?
the progressive stuff is essentially just a middle class social indicator, the level of open hatred middle class people display towards the working class unironically isn't socially acceptable to do to any other group.
wonder if he pissed or pooed himself

̶̧̋͋̑̄̀̓̈͐̑͗̽͑͌̄̾̉̈́̈̓̀͒̔̋̒̓̾̒̋͒̚̕͘͝͝s̴̨͎̫͎͙̗̹͑̑̊͑̏͂̄͂̃͗̔̿̽̇̋͌̈́͒̉̑ͅơ̴͚̫̤̩̜̤͈̩͕͖̬͔̳̫̱̑̉͑͑̈́̄̑̀̐̀̇͘͜ḷ̷̨̢̠͔̠̖͉̜͚̖͇͕̗̟̱̝̗̂͂͛̂̓̇͂͂͊̾͛̍̈́͘̚͜͠͠e̶̢̡̨̨͍͚̮͕̹͖̩̱̬̭̹͈̙̫̖͔͙̣̣̗͙̱̫̔͒̃̃͂̌̇̂̒̒̓̎͘͝͝t̸̛̛̯͖̳̮̜̍͋̏͌̿̑̉̏̆̂̀̀̚ȩ̴̧̫̠̯̬͉͕̰̼͈͙̰̬̺̼̭̘̙̭̹̻͙̩̙̞̺̥̞͖̻̥̝̇̎̉̎̇͛͐̑͂̓̽̈͝a̶̡̧̢̛̹͔͔͐͋̔̈̽̈́̌̊͆̋͛̊͂̌̿̕c̴̢̢̢̛͕̻̯̰̪̞̹̠͉̙̻̖̮̩̯̞̟̯̪͚͚̭͎͔̬͇̱̪̠͔͂͗̽̏̍̉̈́͐́̑̄͋̀͂͗̚͘͠ȇ̶̝̙̦̤͚̦̹̙̝̪̙̺͐̊̉̋̄͂̎̓̍͐̾̑̐̑̆̓̈̏̕͘͘ ̴̢̛͍̜̠̝͍̺͙̮̗̥̮̖̗͕͕̩̱̋̑̊͆̈́̌̋͌͗̾͋̀́̀̐̂͑͂̇̑͝͝͝ͅs̵̱̗͚͕̓̃̔̉͂̍͊́̎̑͒̀͂̋̿͂̂͑̍̓͂̈́̈́̒͌͛̚͠ų̷̧̣̯̞̺͇̞̳̝̤͈̯̺̮̺̳͙͖̼͍͕͂̓͐̈́̒͑́͜͜͝ͅc̵̨̧̡̨̛̘̦̳̞̰̟̞̱̰͍̪̟͇̻̮̦̼̻̫̄͑͋̂̎̊̀̐̀̒̎́̕͝͝͝
Nonetheless the balls aren’t quite the same are they.
literally the biggest example of wishful thinking ive ever seen
Is that so Louis XIV’d
americans are overly sentimental, everyone knows this
whats happening, link
Ireland Sex Arse
Speaking at the RNC
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>Armed man shot and killed by driver during suspected road rage confrontation in Indianapolis
Zuid Africa?
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Drunk and stoned.
just a nation of insane people
i dont get this, if you live in a country where literally everyone has the right to own a gun why get so aggressive? it simply isnt worth the risk
Are former PM
is this real? pls be real
i just noticed the fella shouting at the car has a gun too kek
Wanking shall occur shortly methinks.
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Kinda empathise with MN right now as I have the strange urge to beat everyone who comes across this post in this thread in this general (and on this f u c k i n g platform) into a gelatinous pulp. But like, metaphorically.
In a Tom Waits sort of way.
So to speak.
job coach appointmenttoil in 4 minutes
imagine how it must have felt being saddam hiding in that hold, going from being a dictator with all the power and respect to a fucking runt hiding in a dirty hot smelly hole pissing and shitting yourself
at 4am? thats insane
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i fucking love the usa, such a kino country
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blackberry peach blueberry lemon beet
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why is sky news australia so fixated on american politics
My grandad was visiting my uncle over there with my nana. As they're walking past a trucker, the trucker's talking to his mate and swearing a lot. My grandad tells this yank, a total stranger, to mind his language because his wife didn't need to hear that. They get into it a bit but my grandad leaves it. As they're walking away my uncle tells my grandad that you can't just start trouble with random strangers in America like that because that bloke probably had a gun in his truck.
corr who diss

would love to suck her tits
yeah he points it right through the window just before getting shot
i'd imagine carrying a gun and having the power to whip it out and win any confrontation might change your attitude to confrontation a bit
here is your gun instructor bro
dont remember this episode of doctor who
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like bloody jenga. will end in tears
Trees? INDOORS? Now I've seen everything.
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Every other country's politics are boring compared to ours.
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>never watched house of commons debate
weird that an alien that sometimes reincarnates as a woman would make the assumption that another alien goes by he/him
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hulk hogan is literally a cuckold
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>like bloody jenga. will end in tears
Decay of the west
it's utterly insane, fucking madness. imagine going outside and any slight argument could end in instant murder. one time i was going through one of those spinning toll things, i pushed it too much and hit some lads ankle which must have hurt like mad. i apologised and he got really mad and calling me a cunt, i remember thinking 'well im about to get punched in the face' until he calmed down and just walked away. if i was in the us i would worried about getting shot. fucking gta country.
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imagine if our party conferences were like this
just a nation of insane people
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>oi hulk, you think you're tough? take THIS!
America is evil
>british girl said she wanted visited america
i thought europeans would be smarter than this
So true man I hate it when I get into a small debate with someone and I end up getting shot and killed. Man if I had a nickel for every time this bullshit happens to me
uh oh
he wasnt supposed to mention the other guy
I don't know how more of those BLM rioters and Antifa types didn't get killed in 2020. All it takes is someone who's had a skinful and has a gun. The Rittenhouse thing was a long time coming. Mad how that basically put an end to it all because it was such a dose of reality for those nutters.
silly goose me


here is your gun instructor bro

>It's called a country-buster, you can go back 100 years to Germany...
Who is he talking about bros?
I'd pay £50 to see Hulk Hogan pile-driver Starmer off the top turnbuckle.
No because he's a state felon and New York doesn't prevent felons from voting as long as they aren't in prison
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a tu nrd eei rno dd y
you feeling alright
got shot (with cum) in america (san francisco specifically)
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it do be like that though
actuaply insane how stupid americans are
based posts
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never seen an xtian refute the majority of these bottom of the barrel tier arguments tho
I'm sniffing candles and weeping
I'm staring out the window watching rabbits running around
all good arguments
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thanks for the info
what is happening on the left
can this nigga stop talking i wanna finish my movie
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why not wear latex?
That's the "attempted coup," the mostly peaceful protest at the Capitol on January 6th 2021. I dunno if they're senators or congressmen or what but they were absolutely shitting it when those madlads broke into the place and nearly got to them.
bit gay
"You can't land your plane there mate."
business idea: nobility gf nothern working class bf
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Can #1 down the hatch.
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im such a fat ugly cunt oh my days
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lose some weight then
still be ugly obviously but at least not fat
i try but i always give in, i dont drink, i dont shag, i dont drug, i just eat shitty sugary food.
shame about the troon hair, the ugly piercings, and the cringe shite tattoos
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>patriarch prime
drink this vodka down the hatch cmon
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Leftys are so mentally ill
women are unobtainable
I miss Greggs, I miss Tesco, I miss IRN Bru, I miss fish&chips, I miss breakfasts, I miss Deanos, I miss the pubs, I miss grey skies rain and cold waters, I miss Cadbury, I miss tea, I miss footie, I miss munchiebox, I miss fat bald drunk norf uncles...
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why are rightoids so sensitive?
Estella Bathory
Mental how "alcohol" is an Arabic word meaning "the Russian"
can't believe I'm getting raped on saturday
in the mood for a kino desu
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compared to leftoids?
Sophie Batsheba Thatcher
is she too short or too tall?
this is known
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The drought is up
huge italian rat titties
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Hell Drivers

I googled it and apparently she's 5'5, so I guess they said she was too short. Which is a bit weird because 5'5 is fairly normal for a woman isn't it?
This image has been debunked. Shrek 4 was released under Cameron.
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in normal units please
we dont use communist units around here
an odd response, but a welcome one
I already googled her height for you, I'm not going back and converting it for you as well. They do have Google in Russia don't they?
65 iron giant vhs tapes tall
Those are Belle Delphine's tittoises
how are these tapes orientated?
Do you now feel like you need to own a gun
not gobbling on my knob so i couldn't care less
Not gonna be end to end is it that'd make her fucking gigantic.

Made a thingy
If I see another big chair edition I'm taking my business elsewhere.
>iron giant
great film
>too many religion
Yeah more than one
> Anonymous 07/18/24(Thu)21:29:28 No.199910196▶
Is that the only photo of him that exists

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