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bladee edish
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size of those pupils

cunts eccied
why's he got the paedo logo on his shirt
virgin and he does it for free
virgin and he does it for free
well lads
I suppose this is the end
I'm most likely getting a perma ban now
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Batista looking ZESTY
bwc juice
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keyed beyond belief
janny are you ok?
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There was this girl back in high school. Her name was Amy. She was one of those weirdo artsy type girls. Had a huge backpack and generally got laughed at by the bully girls. I remember one time I was in a lesson with her and I asked her out "for a laugh". And she actually said yes. And I had to backpedal because the bully girls found out and called me a loser. I didn#'t want to be embarrassed, so I told her friend to tell her I was just joking. Apparently, that crushed her because she had never had a bf and she was 16 at the time. She wasn't even ugly. Just an outcast.

I'm a 32 year old virgin. And I believe I'm getting karma for what I did.
We can only hope
what a poorly tailored suit wtf
not british culture
any man tryna netflix n chill in abit? aha
Um, jannard?
The irish snitch is running to Janny each time
feckless coward
good riddance you dirty fecker
The guy's career relies on him being roided and he looks off cycle here. Must be a nightmare trying to get clobber that fits when he's yo-yoing.
Lil' Dave
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wouldn't mind some eccies
been a good decade now since the last go
too old for getting druggles through the world wide web
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Argentina is white???
I'm thinking based
Was Prince...you know?
Thought it was all over for the bloke in this anime I'm watching but it turns out he had the situation under control the entire time. Didn't see that coming
Not my cup of tea desu la
Starting to make sense now, lads
Not a bot he's not just a spastic who has an obsession
is Milei wanking?
What's going on here then
You're going to have to narrow it down
Imagine waking up every morning knowing you are one of God's chosen few. That you, and others like you, are destined to rule over humanity and the stars? Imagine knowing that no matter what great travesty may face your country, God will always be on your side, as God is an Englishman. This is how it feels for the average Englishman.
who? me? im no bot
*boop* *beep*
So who is the faggot in the OP anyway
Just wondering why the not bot has an obsession
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Imagine your name being two enemy races

Only thing that'd top it is someone called Scot Inglis
big fan of your taste in girls, regardless of eccies
why are you crying that your early thread got deleted
you make about 100 threads a night, im sure you'll get another lol
>She wasn't even ugly. Just an outcast.
sucks for you retard
Might move to Argentina
I want to get more into bladee (cloudrap, digicore dn)shit but they release 1 album per week or 200 singles.
>suspiciously dominant victory
tutsi moment
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Rate the domino’s order lads x
Not cansmong
In the sewer all alone
(that's my home!)
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love pride. fun for the whole family
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looks lush lad

worth the inevitable bowel cancer in 30 years
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uhhhh based
Lads, anyone else up for the lovely, lovely cans?
Alri Krobus
>two women who can't act have a cringey mock argument
This is awful so far
profs at my university were all talking about how they bring their kids to pride
Imagine spending £20 for a shite pizza
love love LOVE asian peng tings
Where's mousey?
There's a seethe coming lads. I don't know when, I don't know who he'll be seething at. But it's coming.
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>eee by 'eck laa youse got any eccies??

can't understand anything this lad writes
krobus is my husbando
what did you lads think of the Douglas is Cancelled finale last night?
^-^ bladeecity one thousand diamonds ^-^
Daniel Plainview
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At least three different accents there mate
harvest schoolgirl piss and put it in thr water supply this would solve health problems
:0 x
Mad how I wouldn't bother about anything else if I just had an Asian fannard to play with
noticed that fat spainnonce has been posting as much lately
i hope he is dead
bladee more like shitee
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buisness idea: lucozade but schoolgirl piss called sweet nectar.take it to cure obesity and alzheimers
*slaps thighs then stands up*
alright! time to get the cans
:3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
:3 >>199938458 :3
:3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
mad how we all had teenage gay experiences
i'm gonna get a doner n chips tonight hahahahahaha FUCK IT!!!
to hell with it all
i will get one and its gona be fucking lush lush lush lush lush lush OMG FUCK
fuck me
i cant wait
>US Sends Coast Guard to Contested South China Sea Waters
brb forum
Would you prefer to receive a rimjob or give one?
reddit show
cigarettes or weed

what is worse?
Neither but if I had to pick receive, the idea of licking an arsehole is disgusting. I would incredibly squeamish about having my bumhole licked desu
Give one
Wish I could nosh on girlfriendberg's bumhole but just a bit awkward innit
running out!
Little innocent white boy
do you guys not have weird incel chuds in the UK? over here there's always at least like 2-3 kids in every grade who everyone thinks is going to be a mass shooter. i was always really nice to them so that they'd kill me last.
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that's my pint wife btw
would love to lick a cute girl's bumhole but wouldn't want anyone near my disgusting ring
Using your laptop on the train are you. Got a presentation to finish, some code to write, a spreadsheet to tweak. Aren't you a busy, busy boy. Everyone is very impressed.
We had that fat incel that shot someone in Plymouth
yeah but they wind up on /brit/ rather than trying to assassinate our PM
not me
i got sucked off by a tranny when i was about 22
no other gay experiences
Dad said my new trainers look gay
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my school was wall to wall shaggers m8 must be a yank thing
>Most handguns have been banned in Great Britain since the Dunblane school massacre in 1996.
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It seemed like she was saying goodbye to Oxford for a while, though. I would be surprised if she ends up at a uni library. In the US it is very competitive and you have to have a degree in Library Science, which she does not. You have to be able to work well with students coming in asking for all kinds of material and resources, and she isn't very intelligent or creative in coming up with original ideas to help someone research something. She isn't resourceful, by any means. I can see her retreating back to her old local school as an assistant, working only part time until she pursues a doctorate, having family members driver her back and forth, continuing to live with mummy and daddy, with plenty of time to twirl and read children's books. She would also be surrounded by younger people and books for kids and preteens instead of being challenged by her far more superior peers. I am sure she would covet a job at an Oxford library, but she isn't even remotely qualified for it, so that would really be a poor choice on their part to hire her. Then, again, they have fallen in my esteem for giving her a supposed distinction, so who knows.
well? do they?
Any Cobra Kai man in
my poo is currently sleepin' with de fishes
apple crumble for pud x
Sorry, forgot pic

Her bum is likely black dick only
I wish mate
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We do but since we went full poz mode and banned or heavily restricted access to weapons, our incel chuds don’t make the news unless they get caught in planning something
i gave a rimjob to my oriental gf and it was proper horny
let her put her pinkie finger up me arse when she was sucking me off but i didnt have the guts to ask her for a rimjob
so while i enjoyed giving id like the opportunity to receive
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oh yeah forgot about that lol x
*updates filter*
mum asked if i've found a gf or bf yet
well? have you?
have you?
mumberg stopped enquiring about a gf years ago, I think she realised it was a lost cause
well? have you? have you? well?
>or bf
so you're a poofter?
"not gay mom, just a loser"
have had to tell my mom this before sadly
What episode of phoneshop was Timothy James Byrne in?
Look at the jawline on left, proper chad genetics
leftypol and rorke
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>No.199938832>>199938869 >>199938873 >>199938875 >>199938876 >>199938894 >>199938898 >>199938899mum asked if i've found a gf or bf yet
No.199938832>>199938869 >>199938873 >>199938875 >>199938894 >>199938899

mum asked if i've found a gf or bf yet

Anonymous 07/19/24(Fri)15:24:47 No.199938869

well? have you?

Anonymous 07/19/24(Fri)15:24:56 No.199938873

have you?

Anonymous 07/19/24(Fri)15:24:59 No.199938875


Anonymous 07/19/24(Fri)15:25:30 No.199938894

well? have you? have you? well?
oh my days
Shur yp you stupid cunent

Once at a family gathering one of my mental aunts told me however I wanted to live my life was okay
one last wank
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can only shudder to think what kind
i knew that /pol/ larp was a larp
Gf made me slurp out the African seed to avoid a pregnancy
My belly is full of that nutslop now
my grandmother called my parents and told them not to let me go to pride parades because I might turn gay
Good on them
mum keeps telling me how she doesnt mind the gays and how the gay barista at starbucks is about my age and single
dont know her endgame
if i had tried to kill the president on 13th july my last search other than 4chan would have unironically been for rule 34 family guy, american dad and rick and morty porn
>can only shudder to think what kind
sources say it was of softcore consensual sex in the missionary position. sick freak.
well? did you turn bent?
Based coomer extremist
Well yeah they use linux
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never went to the parade but did some gay stuff since then yeah
got a gf now though
im in a group chat with all my friends
the group chat name? /brit/
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got arse raped 18 times at falmouth pride
why not 19 times
Girlfriendberg wittering on about some shite
> far-right, conspiracy theory, white nationalist, antisemitic writings and pro-Russia propaganda.
do better
aren't wogs evolved to withstand the heat more than whites though
whatever happened there
Thought they were adapted for it like
Hate women so much it's unreal, absolutely incelmaxxing
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>mfw listening bladey
ktim! ktim!
i actually love women, if im being completely honest with you, mate
how big is her willy?
Got headache
Why do all IPA's taste like fucking shit? Give me a Carling any day of the week.
carling is dogshite
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>3-year-old Jacksonville boy who wandered away from Orlando resort near Disney found dead
>We will pay special attention to Britain as our traditional enemy
it only happens at crimbo
she hasn't got one
actually never got to touch another man's cock before
don't think I ever will
Endless immigration from darkest Africa
think one of the girlies at work might be trans
has a deep voice and a ruby granger hairline
she is fit tho
They don't
carling tastes vile
this is the 12th time theyve claimed theyre going to nuke europe in 2 weeks
i hate ipas too
when i was a proper alcy my mate who would go shop for me tried buying me ipas a couple of times because he thought i'd enjoy them more and i fucking hated them
was literally addicted to booze and still was revolted by them
awful things
havent heard of bladee since like 2014. mental that
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ummmm sweaty the sun isn't responsible for climate change
I'm a Hyperrorke but IPAs are peng
>Southampton not mentioned
how did you quit booze
12 black men bent over
My innocent gf entering to clean them
Me giving her a kiss after
Lads, it was the hottest day in Ireland this year
So naturally so lovely redhead girls in short shorts were outside
I looked upon their faces then realized these are probably teeenagers
he was on a mission to find mickey mouse
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he aged like wine
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I like this stuff but all other IPAs I've had are shite.

Proper IPA drinking freaks will probably have a meltdown over this post.
well well well
They all have that sickly taste to them. Carling tastes like fucking beer.
gfs out getting blacked again
when'd they let the clogwog into are britain?
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I like IPAs
loads of crazy ones made around here that are 7% or more
super hoppy and delightful
probably will have some lager this evening though
She lied to fulfil your cuck fantasy, she's actually taking Eastern European cocks in a giant gang bang.
>loads of crazy ones made around here that are 7% or more
and all support trans rights :D
any literal retard man in?
anybody got no friends? apparently its a bit odd, something i keep under wraps actually
>are britain
drink a leffe if i want summat strong, otherwise it's moretti, peroni, kobra or asahi. ipa's are for harry hoofters.
28 and no mates
went rehab and didn't start drinking again after
been two years but can't say my life has been good since. was just too ill to keep doing it. was stop or die
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rorke mate
can tell the exact kind of beard you have
it's basically illegal here now to not be vocally pro homofaggotry
personally don't care anymore as I don't work with any anymore
good post
I just drink anything cos I'm not a trifling poof
i had friends from 18-22 but then i moved and honestly haven't made another in a decade.
kinda fair play as i avoid people and really don't want to know them
clean shaven
>Ukraine updates: Zelenskyy urges UK to help it strike Russia
>the flag
he's a jeet mate, it's an alopecia steel wool mess
Yeah so for me it's Legs & Co
just attuned my aura
very vanilla in the bedroom
aha propa vibes, what's the motive then my g?
Does the Jewish man want us to attack a nuclear power? Does he? Does he really?
odd post
watching the bloody proms
is the conductor even necessary
I don't even get what that hand movements are for
they obviously know what their own timings are and what to do

get outta here
waggwan bumbaclats!!!
i dont know if putin does, no
shed get it
gf, on the other hand, is chocolate
threads a bit dead tonight then
i suppose the shaggers are out, probably got dates i guess
sticky one still
very true post
absolutely no need for conductors
am thinking about shagging this nigerian bird at work
fanny like predators mouth but pinker than the panther
they're raping me next week
can't wait for my bab n chips tonight
If you ever get a chance to drink Native Texan you should
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how about you keep your yank cocksucking adventures to yourself?
what instrument do you play?
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any FIRE (financially independent, retire early) man in?
I know the first half of a couple songs on guitar
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The Asian pus wah
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I don’t get it
oh wait the threads not dead ive just got every cunt filtered
as you were x
piano tiles 2 special edition
coke addiction funny
I play you like a fiddle
fingering my dad
that and also wanting to shag 5 year olds
putin takes them yeah
no I live in england
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does this eurobitch have a family? she looks like a childless dyke
the skin flute and the shigeridoo
how long do you shaggers wait before you and your gf start farting around each other?
it's so hot out there the uh-huh girls just went U-U-U-UNNH
nowt better to do on a friday night
need a new gf
the heat got me acting unwise
i was with a girl for 7 years and never farted near her
she has 4

all black
you definitely cracked out in the night
cant avoid those ones
could land a plane on her forehead, kinell
Financially Incompetent Retirement Envious
tinder match queefed on my wilkinson during our first shag
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stop with the LIES you pathetic little worm
first date
did she apologise or was she marking her territory?
maybe not your loose arsehole
never had sex
never had a girlfriend
never had a kiss
never had a love
mental how i can just close this tab and be rid of you lot
>Maltese Nationalist Party
I just hold it in until one of us vacates the room
dad looks like michael douglas in falling down.
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not their most based party
*gives you a hug*
Might move to Malta (St. Julian's)
no point doing that
don't, my man
erm um

why not
nothing to smile about in my life!
>ursula has 7
holy fuck. why are they destroying the future of their children?
mental how shit everything is
Should I buy Eastward it's on sale
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>Gareth Southward
Hope the next is another dogshit Spotify music releaser edition
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Fray Bentos
65000 Río Negro Department, Uruguay
Arise, Sir Gareth Southgate
the old cuban leader
watching arrested development
i really like this tv show
Don't do it lad. Talk to someone or/and get some meds. TRUST ME. Nothing you can say is worse than the situation I was in a few years ago compared to now.
tried the meds, didnt work and just made my ear ringing even worse
and therapy is impossible to get here
The city hosts the first campus of the Technological University, beside the historically relevant industrial complex ‘Anglo’, a World Heritage Site.
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Jannard doing the needful
well done janny, double kill
bought that when it came out and refunded it
found it boring

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