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purple hydrangeas edition

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Beautiful Edish. Op is a man of taste and quality.
Lots of /int/ historians came out of the woodwork in the last thread
Im a creep bastard. Sorry I didnt get the proper highschool sexual expériences to act smoothly through all of it
>that one brown leaf who is always trying to bring it back
irony poisoning got him fo' sho'
Shut up already nun me ne frega u' cazz'
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I'm gonna play wow
please stop reminding me how it used to be fun here and how bad this board and website has gotten
involuntary celibate
Holy based
Le me, just le innocent Derp
I don't think that anon that always posts with the Chinese flag is really in China or Chinese
Eat shit NIGGER
How many of you retards understand pig latin
Fuck you
thank you, i've been looking at arrangments that have hydrangeas in them, this one is blue hydrangeas and lavender (one of my favorites)
he is clapping really dramatically lol

the real issue is that the internet is now flooded with thirdies
I was walking home from the mall with clothes and these Mexican middle schoolers came up behind me and started asking what I got and where I was going and acting all friendly. Nothing happened but I don't trust them at all and I think they were trying to intimidate me. I'm tired of living with these people
You getting married or somefin?
no you hate wow
don't know what hte first thing means but the web turned to shit when phoneposting became popular and has only accelerated as thirdies get phones
remember when a new season of anime came out and you didnt have to sift through 30 different shades of isekai shit?
They was prolly finna jack you
You're wise not to trust them
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no i just like flowers and arrangements sorry to say
Assert your dominance, pussy
I love wow albeit
sorry to say that you're not getting married?
No because I don't watch infantile cartoons
stay on your containment board
See this is why I drive my F150 so I don't have to talk to stupid kids

also I don't live near mexicans so I don't have to worry about that
Both of them said they were 13 and they were both taller than me and had deeper voices. Luckily I was in a pretty populated area so I was fine.
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No, because I'm not retarded. There have always only been 5 good shows a season tops.
this is why you keep a piece on you at all times, safety always off
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Not a fan of anime but I liked how it kept normies away for years. Now that anime is totally normie it no longer has any purpose outside of >>>/a/
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i just woke up i cant use words right now just dont worry about it
I mean, not for nothing, but I do to at times...however I gotta ask, are you a finocchio? You know, a ricchione?
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>taller than me and had deeper voices
How do you get mogged by Mexicans kek
I couldn't even legally hit them if they hit me. If I shot them I'd be fucked.
maybe he's an asian
Literally me
Le necro skull fuck
And bots too
I love the smell of my own shit
I have aids
jason is the perfect example of how watching isekai means youre low IQ
Discord tranny alert
Discord tranny alert
it's kill or be killed nigga
that's ok, but when we get married we'll have the bridesmaids wear lavender dresses and have purple flowers everywhere ok
When the schizo who invented Jason kills himself I'll be happy
It's a genre made for 13 year olds and NEETs to self-insert, it's not exactly going to be cerebral kino
This isn't brazil
don't think they're actually teenagers, but yeah it's better to be safe than sorry
Sometimes I dream about being transported to other dimensions, much like the anime genre isekai
I don't watch isekai often, anime adaptions of books are generally trash. Only anime originals or manga adaptions can be really good.

I'm the smartest person here. I'm a philosopher king descended from God, an Aryan.
no you play for 5m and then go on about how you hate it, we've all seen it
Wow, you homos are discussing cartoons now?

This is a new low
>be me
>have foot odour
This has never happened to me before wtf. wat do?
he's posted his selfies here numerous times and avatarfags with bocchi/GLB pictures, you oblivious retard.
Pick your starting town
that sounds ideal, but purple wisteria is my pick personally if we're gonna do that
/cum/ has always discussed anime, retarded newfag
Damn you got traumatized by some middle schoolers who were just asking about your day?
Go lift and get jacked, stop being such a pussy... god damn this has to be some of the most pathetic shit I've read. Are you in a wheelchair or handicapped?
Cozy Corner seems comfy
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cummies, im drinking covfefe
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This is a photo of my
They said the cum flower is weed
you're a retard he posts here literally every day and shits the board up with his gay animes
Hello Jason. Kys
They shouldn't even be here. If I was in Europe no one would do this
>/int/ in a nutshell
this is where we will have the reception
and yes i know the offical cum flower was voted as cannabis but it's not very pretty
nonsensical post
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My isekai LN 3x3 WIP

I know there is a lot of slop, so I'm highlighting the kino.
I'm embarrassed FOR you niggas for watching this shit. Jesus christ
mexicans try to humiliate me everyday but i just keep grinding
Will watch all of these when i get a chance
wisteria poster is superultrabased
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that's me
sure we can have plenty of wisteria. maybe over a garden archway above the altar. and if we time it right we could have some lilacs too, I always loved the smell of lilacs in the spring
These are books. They may have anime and they may or may not be decent but they're assuredly worse than the books.
Instead of crying on the internet about it like a typical 4chan faggot loser, use the anger as fuel in the gym when you're pumping iron.
I take back what I said about OP. Liking flowers isn't tasteful or indicative of quality if you're gay. It's just gay.

Thread laurels canceled, return to your activities
Canada is currently at war with California due to the Kendrick/Drake beef
is that fake and gay shit still going on?
Off to the gym.
Don't post anything too funny or interesting while I'm out.
fuck Rajeet gonn' do?
you are not an aztec. you are not a warrior. you are a bitch.
Don't like either of them but it's clear the manlet kendrick defeated the jew from canada
I guess
Listened to Not Like Us yesterday for the first time and it's not a good song
The Aztecs lost
America is breeding giant mutant attack eagles to battle illegal immigrants at the border
Idc im not reading a LN
No brakes on the _____ train!
Latinx are feminine but I don't feel attracted to latinx traps because they're brown.
>The Aztecs lost
if the us legalized all drugs mexico economy would crumble overnight
I bet you'd marry an asian trap though
Me in the middle
this has lilacs and lavender i think this is almost exactly what you have in mind
thanks i like it when people call me based
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Thoughts on Latinas?
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>2 hours left of work
>Have done literally nothing all day because of the crowdstrike meme
>Manager still wants us to stay "just in case"
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that makes me sad, i'm not gay but why would it matter if i was everyone likes flowers
The first girl to ever tell me she likes me was a Mexican girl in 6th grade
I've dated a couple of Latinas but it ended badly both times
my urethra is too tight that not all the cum comes out when I ejaculate
That isn't a "though", albeit. The ASIAN male is the epitome of femininity and they're Aryan.
it's a tranny you retard and liking flowers IS gay
very fun in bed
not very fun to date
why does liking flowers have to have to say anything about me
they are just flowers it's not that deep and you don't know me anyway
>small tits and no ass is the epitome of feminity
This man has a better ass than your mom and any woman you've ever met.
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Got so drunk last night. I threw up. I drank a ton of water after tho and it's almost 1pm (i just got up) and I feel fine, not hungover or anything.
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Why do you have those saved to your harddrive
I dated a Mexican girl who absolutely hated white women but asked me to spit in her mouth multiple times
is that real
Oh I was in the wrong one! That's why my new was deleted
because he's gay
I've never had a hangover that was worse than a slight headache, are they a meme or something?
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>this has lilacs and lavender i think this is almost exactly what you have in mind
wait are those lilacs? the ones near me look more like this, but sadly they don't flower for very long. Would be cool if they bloomed all summer. anyways though we'll have a cute house with a white picket fence and lilacs and lavender all over the place
Because I'm gay(happy)
sounds like you werent going hard in the paint
you're just not drinking enough
Because if you like flowers and you're gay, then it's cheating.

Straight men liking flowers is based and classy/tasteful. Plus it shows your confident in your masculinity.
Gays liking flowers is intrinsic it doesn't take any effort. Of course they like flowers, they're fucking gay.
I was like this until I really started drinking and nearly died of alcohol poisoning
we just need to plop a house down right here in this lavender field
nearly all brownoid women hate white women because of jealousy and envy issues.
why is it with jason-type guys that theyre always confederates/Nazis and closeted
This, you ain't rout it rout it, nigga
You ain't bout that life
But I've been blackout drunk, wake up in a hospital drunk, whatever and it was never that bad
they either hate white women or hate themselves
She did a really convincing "white girl" voice but I will say that she was better looking than 99% of white women
getting white girl wasted off 3 white claws wont give you a bad hangover
eh maybe you're just young. I didn't really get hangovers when I was young unless I went way too hard
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i'm literally not gay though
but even if i was what does it matter stop living based on other peoples perceptions >>199940237
i'm also a big fan of jacaranda trees like this one. thank you brazil for this tree
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wtf, Im ridin with biden now!
going to sleep might not wake up tomorrow make sure to remember me if i dont psot
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>getting white girl wasted off 3 white claws wont give you a bad hangover

LMFAO this
Try taking a 5th of Skyy to the dome and shotgunning a 6 pack of Miller Low Life
"Homosexual" is LGBTranny mindrot ideology. There's no such thing.

I'm a normal man attracted to girls and cute boys. Simple as. (This is a boy)
you never explained what happened to you or at least i wasnt here to see it
can you fill us in before you go to bed, but if you're too sleepy that's okay
i've never been with a latina
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>Im not gay, Im just attracted to men
First real hangover was caused by a dare on my 21st birthday
Was dared I couldn't finish an entire fifth of whiskey in 2 minutes after we had already been drinking all night
I chugged it, sat down and rested my head on the table before blacking out and waking up in my bedroom with my bed, walls, and floor covered in vomit and then I laid in fetal position all day while throwing up a bright greenish yellow liquid and slowly sipping water
he who should not be named is a hood nigga now
sure that ties into the jealousy or envy
>but I will say that she was better looking than 99% of white women
yeah some of them are insanely hot I used to fool around with a columbian exchange student at university and she was insane, literally a perfect body
>bright greenish yellow liquid
That was bile, nigga, you lucky to be alive
Being attracted to feminine cute boys is natural. You have imbibed retard ideology to be anti-cute AND retard ideology to normalize paraphilia. Your worldview is schizophrenic.
damn nigga bit surprised you didn't have hospital tier alcohol poisoning
I thought Canada and USA were friends. And you are acting like enemy countries when it comes to the border. Why?
Being attracted to boys is homosexual*
jason it's okay to be gay you don't need to defend it i just think you aren't gonna win anyone over by posting salacious images here
That's a man. Men can't be cute. Something in your brain is broken if you think that
that's malarkey jack
Cuz they can't keep their Jeets in check
Yeah I Googled it while it was going on, that was an awful time desu
I probably did, I felt like my insides were rotting away for two days
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>at least..... i gamed *BEEEEEEEEEEEEE*
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Mexican girls are very loving.

>I should have... worked more
it's even funnier that indians (feather) are the ones leading indians (dot) across the border
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I'm gay(happy)
You're a slave to ideology. You've internalized a spook.

There is no such thing as "homosexual", secual orientation is a spook to normalize paraphilia by putting it on even ground with normal sexuality. It's a spook. You got got.

Boys can be cute.
gamers...we lost another brave soldier today..
VGH...Displaced Asians helping displaced asians
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>There is no such thing as "homosexual"
asian women are the last hope for us incels
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dang that's a lot of lavender. mostly I just see massive canola fields around here, which are pretty too if you like yellow. then we'll take a trip to canada and see the Butchart gardens I think you'll like it
i guess so
Black and Latina girls were most commonly interested in me excluding two Jewish girls, one white girl, and a half Filipina
It's not a spook retard. You literally can't accept that you're a faggot. Nothing wrong with it but most of us aren't attracted to men.
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Mihai was a homophile, a paraphiliac. He was not "homosexual", you are not "heterosexual" these are SPOOKS
Humans evolved as male and female. Sexual organs exist to procreate. Men are attracted to women and women attracted to men. That's it. Anything other than this is brain rotted cope. Nature didn't evolve for men to stick their dicks in other mens butts, that's fucking disgusting.

All your 12 gender bullshit is made up cope by mindbroken fetishists.
trumps gonna get the black male vote, just watch
Jason just accept the fact that you're gay, it will solve a lot of your internal turmoil
this looks fantastic, have you been there before? i love gardens and arboretums. i want to go to this one garden in japan that's known for it's really old wisteria trees. i posted about it the other day it has the oldest wisteria in japan
More like the blackmail vote, amirite
unironically seen a lot of black men defending him online, hard to say how much are real accounts thoughbeit. Trump just needs to promise another "stimmy" (stimulus payment) and 2/3 blacks will vote for him
he's up over biden in 18-29 in polls which has not happened for a republican in like 50 years
why are you posting noel?
Ngl I'm black and this is true
Jason, like much of the Republican party, is a homosexual pedophile
he has a lot of internalized homophobia from being here so he has to jump through all these mental hoops to feel okay with it. but he isn't winning any allies by posting pictures of boys in lingerie
reminder that the covid checks were studied to have been used properly for rent/groceries/bills and yet people will still say UBI is socialism that will destroy the country
I'm gay(happy)

My sexual inclinations are perfectly congruent with Aryan tradition and primordial truths of biology. I have no shibbolets about "durr gay bad" or "sexual orientations are equal :)" because I'm a free thinker and not a propagandized stooge.
He's gaming because he's stuck in hospital with nothing else to do

Clearly you have never been a patient in hospital, because if you had, you would know how fucking BORING it is. You just lie in bed all day, waiting for the doctor. After hours of waiting, the doctor sees you for 10 minutes and then fucks off to see other patients.
Oh my lord will you fuckers shut up about these people Jesus Christ nobody cares about your /int/ characters just shut the fuck up already
straight blinging it with the stimmy
>im not a propagandized stooge because I listen to the /pol/ hivemind instead of the normalfag hivemind
ay yo what up with all deez flower generals
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because he's cool and i'm stoned
>not a propagandized stooge
Yes you are, you bought into LGBT theory, and are lost
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big agree
we should talk about bees and pollinators instead
did you know that bees pollinate 80 percent of all flowering plants?
Jason you're hilariously delusional. You're gay AND homosexual. Own it.
he probably still won't actually but if he gets even 20% it's a huge win
jason knows he's a fag he just posts things in bad faith for attention, his opinion on any given day is whatever will inspire the most arguing. your time would be spent more productively talking to a brick wall
black people used it for BBLs and flights to Miami thoughbeit
>yfw they literally got miami to ban springbreak
Yes, let's talk about bees

I got stung by a bee once on the lip and it swole up huge
reminder that the jasonfag IS jason
the real dunces are the ones who fall for it (you guys ALWAYS fall for it).
>be /cum/
>have several (you) whores
>constantly dump (you)'s on them
We are not a smart general
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Pollinators you say?
It's 3-4 retards and them replying to themselves
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a few weeks ago i was in a youtube rabbit hole about people defending their beehives from predatory hornets. how the bees take care of hornets is they literally smother them, and then start vibrating their body to make it so hot that the wasp kind of cooks alive. crazy defense mechanism
the real redpill is that the guy outraged at jason bait IS jason himself
lmfao that image
I have been, my mom really wanted to go so we went a few years back. really pretty, and it's massive there's like 7 huge gardens so you've gotta wear your walking shoes. I do want to go to Japan though one day and have a real waygu steak
I heard of that.

I also heard that bees communicate by dancing in a circle 8 pattern when they've located new pollen sources
jason knows he's homosexual, look at this leaked discord dms. he just baits here for (You)s
Could bees cook a human insides with enough numbers? That would be so hot if it would happen. Bees make me so fucking horny
Burds are Real
Update: I just got home
yeah the amount of fraudlent PPP loans among the black community was insane, but being the ultimate conSOOMers it did have the effect of stimulating the economy somewhat.

lotta repossessed dodge hellcats though
I want to kiss boys. That is not a point of contention.

Your LGBT verbiage is. There is no such thing as sexual orientation, it's a bunk spook invented by circles like John Money.
What was the damage?
Oh wait , I mean did you buy anything?
i want to see them do the pollen dance that sounds really cool.
it's weird how organized they are, not one individual bee knows why they are doing what they're doing, they just know what to do and it works.
welcome back
congratulations, you are homosexual
At work still for another 2.5 hours
Which video game should I play?
I have Battlenet and Steam
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i suffer tremendously in my country
Was reading /r/povertyfinance and now I feel like crying.
We really are living through something that will define the rest of the century.
Children will write papers about how shitty we had it.
You have been mindbroken by oriental cartoon drawings.

Take a moment and think about that. Really think about it.
>fraudlent PPP loans among the black community
ngl it was comfy seeing all these small IG nigga accounts getting like 20k-150k loans and buying all the meme rapper shit lol
business idea: sell cars on loans with crazy interest rates and repo the car back when they can't afford to pay it and do it all over again
i also want to go to japan. my dad goes every year on a business trip and has always brought me back little candies and toys and stuff so it's been a long time coming.
You're jewish
Not an argument
nah, it will just get worse from here
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Funny thing is Jason would realize that he's straight if he ever actually fucked or at least ever kissed a girl
You're just prisongay
they already do this to black americans, if desuarchive wasn't dead I'd post some funny pics of it
What an odd readout. The fuck kinda car is thar
you should tell the people in the back seat to buckle up
stardew valley
That's after the convention albeit
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I like girls and boys.
how do you make your cofeve?
It is precisely an argument.
me on the right
i didn't see this but i'm having breakfast right now and i'll have some tea after
>sexual orientation doesn't exist
new cope just dropped
mcafee still schizo posting from the grave
I shoulda got a ppp loan. it was dumb of me not to but I figured they were being serious when they claimed you had to pay it back.

a ppp loan when the market was so fucking low was a huge mistake in hindsight.
Show me

Whenever someone says they bought something I ask "what was the damage?" or how much it cost. I asked you without you saying you bought anything
The /int/ archive is down, but I've denied the concept of sexual orientation for years. It's a very obvious spook and if you were White you'd see that.
I bought some clothes.
hoi etsubatsu
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Sexual orientation was literally invented to normalize homophilia. Your father is probably older than it.
>uses desuarchive
what did he mean by this
the mental gymnastics chuds will go through to rationalize how being gay is the majority
we'll take a honeymoon to japan then! and bring back toys and candies for the kids and eat way too much waygu and visit too many gardens and shrines
What was the damage?
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Just won a debate
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business idea: post sexy beautiful girls
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>Just won a debate
don't you niggas ever get tired of posting the same shit over and over every single day. i get tired of reading it
So post one
Jason's arrival directly coorelates to the death of /cum/ and most of the oldtimers leaving
Literally looks like any trap. There could be a penis there
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gays not welcome
i post different stuff everyday
I should stop posting it and you should stop reading it
imagine being an old-timer on /cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
that's a big yikes from me
Is making eye contact with a girl creepy? How long should one make eye contact with a girl if, say, walking past them on a trail?
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yes but only if you're ugly
Good, fuck /cum/ and the dog brained untermensch who pine for old /cum/
>imagine being an old-timer on /cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
>that's a big yikes from me
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I post a variety of stuff but usually it gets ignored
Like none. If you do make eye contact just smile or look neutral.
just meet eyes briefly and naturally and avoid staring
eye contact is a normal thing, and if you're comfortable you can even smile
you are autism
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>Is making eye contact with a girl creepy? How long should one make eye contact with a girl if, say, walking past them on a trail?
>why yes I make unbroken eye contact with women until they look away, how could you tell?
Power move
Speaking from personal experience?
i do this when i catch people staring
what was that board that got deleted for soyjakking
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>Speaking from personal experience?
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You should look women in the eyes

you should wink at them

you should approach them

you should get their number

you should be a chad
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Hello everyone, Mexican here.

Just stoping by.
i'm skinnyfatmaxxing so i can uglyrapelordmaxx
ewwwwwwwwww this anon just looked at me grosssssssssssssssss
speak english
It's only creepy if you're not attractive and you stare
like 150. i bought a belt which was most of the damage
What are the results? Any notably positive or negative outcomes?

Thankfully, I'm not ugly enough to worry women.

With knowledge from my peers I can beat the 'tism. I'll be out and about today, and I'm using it to work down social anxiety about things such as eye contact by making some more of it.
how bout i'm doing none of em
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>Thankfully, I'm not ugly enough to worry women.
yeah. do they even make belts non-leather?
>rape Lord
You mean the singer?
i cant believe joe posts here like a regular guy with the rest of us
uglyrapelords are bloatmaxxers thoeverbeit
You know how it is - I'm taking some time off to talk to the voters that matter once I got COVID. And by the way, we're gonna beat George HW - Reagan - anyways.
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Bustin my bolls over here, but okay okay I laughed
>What are the results? Any notably positive or negative outcome?
99% of women will break eye contact first
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Pleather...and there are those cloth ones
Yeah, I have one of these. It's great.
i dont carry a wallet i carry a leather drawstring sack that I tie to belt it has my cards and cash and gold coins
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>Bustin my bolls over here, but okay okay I laughed
White and asian men are pretty. :o
Chinese drop shipping bots
>and I'm using it to work down social anxiety about things such as eye contact by making some more of it.
If you make eye contact with a womanoid, smile at her. If she smiles back that's positive, if she doesn't then don't bother and move on. Easy!
i hate fast fashion
destroy shien temu wish and aliexpress
If she doesn't she probably has a gun on her belt and is seconds away from shooting you dead
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Have any of you watched the Mighty Boosh? I watched it years ago

I would have thought that 99.999999999% of Americans won't have heard of it
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why are women wearing these shirts nowadays
Which was the style at the time
I agree however I really do have one of those belts.
I'm pooping
where did it go?
GOD Anne Hathaway is so fuggin hot <3
uhh lol??
oh i forgot about these

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