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South Carolina edition
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/CUM/BROS join - Super Mario 64 coop
password: intcum

anyone wants to join download opengl version extract and run then drag and drop the sm64 rom file
I thought this was just a badly misshapen Brazil
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need winter
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that's rough
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Mexican bros

American bros

Canadian bros

Come here: >>199950887 >>199950887 >>199950887
He's literally me.
anime is cringe
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Fucking KEK. What absolute legends.
how i join this
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first off, lmao. but laughing a year back onto my lifespan aside, yeah that's not going to work out. the sun will rise tomorrow, try to salvage your evening away from misery
Me on the right
>>199951087 on the left
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Saw a hot girl tonight she is was so hot that I want to cry
think I want to move to colorado desu
outdoorsy, has seasons, I can go snowboarding, legal weed
pretty good I think
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get her # and send her a voice message about how you were crying.
It's almost impressive to achieve a GPA as low as 1.5, I was an awful student and came nowhere close. That means what, an average of a D+/C- on every single assignment? Jesus.
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Bros it’s over.. I just got a positive Covid test at a clinic
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>creepcel may die
I had a 1.0 in high school, ama
i live in Denver and it's unironically one of the best places ever IMO. at first i didn't want to get attached in case i eventually got a better job offer somewhere else, but now i don't want to leave.
vaxx status?
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i love whygena
denver's out of my price ranger but I'm looking at grand junction atm
seems like a nice place to kind of get established and then maybe move to denver for work in the future
1.0 tells me it must have been some kind of administration move failling your grade so maybe you just stopped going and they dropped you entirely? Correct me if i'm wrong
any hirsute man in
I pretty much only did tests and skipped everything else, I don't even think I should have graduated
I had almost straight Ds and never got held back
hey i joined for a few minutes but I couldn't figure out they board controls, I'll learn how to play soon and next sesh I will play
Thats a low blow anon fuck you
Use a controller bro, me and a brazil dude are playing rn
Damn... anon didn't send over the money on cashapp... was going to enjoy some Domino deals... I'm a broke motherf I don't deserve Doinoe anyway...
Do NOT order domino's. Trust me.
there's broke, and then there's too broke for dominoes

there aren't mexicans on /cum/
Dominos be kinda expensive tho
16$ for a pizza plus delivery plus tip and its not even good
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they aren't in /mex/ either
nigga its $12 here, where the fuck do you live
i love reporting unlicensed mexican street vendors and shutting them down
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/cum/ what are some cool black boots?
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what kind of style are you going for? there are many kinds of boots.
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so it seems
they post under american flags amigo
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idk, not even sure if i will get a pair. maybe something in the english country boot style.
mexicans don't svffer in mexico so they never end up here
unironically boohoo nigga im fucking miserable
I really don't see why a ~25yo would date an 18yo. They have literally nothing in common with each other.
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>I really don't see why a ~25yo would date an 18yo. They have literally nothing in common with each other.
at age 24 i am functionally still the same person i was at 14
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>you need us gringo
just had to use my phone again for 10 seconds. its such a useless fucking spastic to be left in the corner
/CUM/BROS join - Super Mario 64 coop
password: intcum

anyone wants to join download opengl version extract and run then drag and drop the sm64 rom file
I've never had an issue with HR.
ok pekka its time for bed
I dont have anything in common with a 25 year old skank either
i presence infernal satanic energy in this thread
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>i presence infernal satanic energy in this thread
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You dont have anything in common with a 24 year old dumbass
Shes fucking hot
>>199951640 is right
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Ate nothing but chips, chocolate, and milk today guess im never escaping skinny fat hell
i remember from before that you could restore all of your signed in (gmail) accounts by transferring the old files over into the new chrome folder, and it would sign you in
but it isnt working for me anymore...
You can do it, just believe in yourself. I spent fucking years in skinnyfat hell, but over the course of the past years I've shrunk into full skeltal mode, and I have no intention of ever going back.
You’d miss me so much if that happened
Triple. Was required to go to Japan curing coof
I year to have a flat belly again tell me your secret
gay sex leads to spiritual enlightenment

>for Crowley, aides of the same gender as the ritualist (e.g., homosexual activity) was the highest stage of practice of this ritual.
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How is America upholding international law?
i am the law
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unless there is bigger stick diplomacy enforcing that piece of paper, it means nothing. and we have the biggest stick
Then why are you retarded faggot?
which poster is this? haven't been here in months
i have an extremely above average IQ
i am going to apply to MENSA society
Just count calories, it's really that simple. Try to find some low-calorie snacks that strike your fancy. Also, many people find it easier to have a single mediumly high calorie meal per day than 3 low calorie meals per day, but that's really entirely up to you.
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did you do any exercises? the main thing that causes my fatness is my love for chocolate
i made a frog post that didn't show up but 4chanx says this post is mine for some reason. what the actual fuck
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post hijacked, do better next time
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thanks for the free frogpost. hm, i like your image choice. not bad son, not bad
is it really worth the ban
waht the hell oh heeeeeeelll nawwwaooahaaa
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It's quite interesting because the UN Charter requires members to hold ICJ rulings as final, so if someone brings the thing up at the Security Council, maybe a ban on all or nearly all trade with Israel, and the US decides to veto, they are openly admitting they don't even care about the UN. This will reflect very poorly on the US.
and what does this have to do with graphic gay pornography exactly
this is what it means to be white in west and its 100% based
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thanks for another frog. i dunno why you'd post this one though, he looks like an idiot.
when they're saying "mass deportations now," they only mean the mexicans, right? Croatians are safe?
it's not nice to gaslight people
[trying to hold my piece] my wang
this is ratpedo spamming btw
this is what you encourage by replying to him
no it's not this is brian the other mentally ill faggot freak that posts here constantly
shut up fat you annoying fuck
Thank you for your service janny.
Why is there a benis in the thread
im back
You bring us anything?
in black
I do now, but I only really got started after I had already gotten my caloric intake under control. You'll realize this for yourself in no time if you start calorie counting, but exercise really is not enough to compensate for over-eating. The 80/20 adage really applies well to eating/exercise.

At my current bodyweight, an entire hour of relatively fast running is something like 800 kcals expended. All it takes is two (2) pieces of cake or muffins or whatever to undo that. There's just no way to exercise so much that you ever reach a point where you can literally eat anything you possibly want.
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i like stuff like this. gay porn is too overstimulating. I watch straight porn and solo male jerk off videos instead
no. sorry.
Forgot to add: once you've gotten your food intake under control, exercise becomes much more worthwhile. Now that I'm fairly used to eating 1500 kcals per day, suddenly giving myself an extra allowance of 500 kcals in a day is a huge bonus. Suddenly, I can have a couple cans of beer, for example. By focusing first on your diet, your exercise will go a whole lot further. Also, it's literally just easier and less painful to exercise when you're smol (though the counter-argument to that would be that you expend more calories while exercising when you're bigger).
*facepalms* hate boomers
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another friday night
i wonder if anyone died because of the jeetcode from crowdstrike
what a terrible way to go out
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>already July 19th
fuck fuck fuck make it stop, bros
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well, at least we have 5 months till christmas
My childhood friend is black and his family invites me to their cookouts
They usually want me to bring cornbread
I hate Christmas
We are the butt suck chipmunk ass butt
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just bough these shoes and hope they fit. i have a good feeling about them.
CrowdStrike is the cyberfirm that generated the claim that Russia hacked the DNC, setting off Russiagate. Even though CrowdStrike was working for the Clinton campaign, the FBI relied on it rather than independently investigate the "hacked" DNC servers.

It only emerged four years later that CrowdStrike had "no evidence" of Russian hacking. The Clinton campaign, CrowdStrike, and Mueller had all concealed this. They even gave false statements to Congress about it. (aaronmate.net/p/john-durham-…)

Since then, CrowdStrike has grown into such a powerful force that it today was responsible for a global outage that has disrupted air travel and banking.
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Hope you aren't sober

I suppose so, but that also means that w*nter is right around the corner.
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>that w*nter is right around the corner.
I love winter. I can get real /womfy/ with my blanky
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I've been completely nicotine free for a month today, but i want a cigarette more than ever
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keep it up
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no tears
Will do, but being pissed off isn't helping
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ill try
congratulations on a month, hopefully you have something to do whenever you get the itch that gets your mind off of it. stuff like mints
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when my brother and dad quit they told me the hardest time was the 1-2 month period, but when they got past 3 months it became a lot easier.
This coming winter will be my first as someone working entirely from home, so who knows, maybe I'll finally take a liking to it. But as a commuting wagie, the Eastern Canadian winter is a fucking bitch.
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you won't just try. you will do.
might go on an rsps to buy a multicannon and stand at rock crabs
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Huh all the gay nafo accounts are practically gone...they run out of funding or something?
I ran out of gum, but chewing was helpful early on. That'll be something to stock up on
Last time i "quit" it wasn't as obnoxious this far on but i didn't drink then
you never hear about a cosh/sap/blackjack anymore
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Asian masculinity still going strong I see
Boise is 92% white and has virtually no crime. What's the catch?
Swedes are banned there
Latinx nonbinary siblings.....we lost.....
brown hands
this hazy ipa tastes like SHIT
I wish spinster was here. It was nice having a foid around
where tf do you guys find this shit
Loving all the Peepos being posted lately.
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He is a terminally online poopy with long fingernails
If I see a woman cry I feel nothing
but If I see a fellow man cry then i could be moved to tears
I'll pretend to be a foid:

Teehee be nice to each other, boys. Also I love cats and flowers and traveling. Also my bra is too small and doesn't fit
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Don't think I'm gonna get drunk again tonight. Instead I'll get incredibly high.
on one hand i dont wanna go to work. on the other hand i dont wanna burden my coworkers
it went viral on twitter today
Found a picture of creepcel
Make the guy black and the girl Chinese and it'll be urkel haha
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Slept from 7 to midnight.

Feel pretty good. I just need to sleep more often I reckon.
why can't we not be sober...
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redpill me on trump's running mate
farting so much bros
I bet his wiki says he's a staunch supporter of Israel and they're his greatest ally
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we got 30 something stars bros and you werent there to see it
that's not an answer
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So really why don't we do this? Teachers get paid more class size goes down your kids don't have to share a class with the retarded kids...
on another night i'll join you fellas
we're doing more tomorrow maybe
get out while you still can
hmmm stop funnelling 90% of our education money into school administration and legal ooooor college and student debt 2 (but the debt comes even sooner in life)

yeah i think i'd just take cutting back the administration funding and actually spending our education budget on teachers. in fact it would be nice if we paid teachers more
well i tried to find the twitter thread and ended up on reddit, holy shit that site is a dumpster fire
>multiple front-page massively updooted threads sucking off biden
>a fag wondering "am i the asshole for turning a girl down after she cucked me"
>a bunch of facebook-esque archaic memes
very grim
Teachers are just groomers now. I would gulag them all if I could.
B-but think about the email jobs!
he supports ending aid for Israel
to goon or not to goon
nah, that’s not true at all
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nah, i'd win
Get a clue buddy.
Vance is a strong supporter of Israel and has said "culturally, morally, politically, it is a real ally in the sense that we're not just sort of sharing interests, we're actually sharing common values."[112]

Vance has been called a "steadfast supporter of Israel throughout the country's war in Gaza".[140] He supports US funding to Israel in the Israel–Hamas war.[184] Vance has criticized the Biden administration for "depriving the Israelis of the precision-guided weapons" the country needs, and said that Hamas bears full responsibility for all civilian deaths.[185][186] He criticized Biden in April 2024 for "micromanaging" Israeli actions in the war, saying, "you've got to, first of all, enable Israel to actually finish the job".[187]
>>a fag wondering "am i the asshole for turning a girl down after she cucked me"
looooool redditors smdh
he's playing the long game trying to get pissrael and pooran to fight each other to annihilation
just woke up from nap i slept too long what did i miss
>believing wikipedia
what's your alternative to teachers
goshcel had a meltdown.
oh yeah? got some secret knowledge you want to share with us buddy? cuz right now you just sound retarded
the jesuit order
green hands
Give kids books and homeschool them.
>children are being groomed in schools!
>i know, let's fill the school system with priests
holy kek
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Politics is when you pick up a gun.

Righteousness is when you aim at a jew.
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I hope you're right bros oh gosh
no one but myself and a doctor, my mom and aunt has ever seen my penis and only the doctor has ever touched it
did anything else cool happen
who fuckin asked
I want to own a gun.
so go buy one
Too bad, you can't.
i'm boutta post my dick and put that number into the double digits
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G'night, cummies
>rajeet becomes janny
>race bait thread quadruple
really makes you think
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I'm very high and drunk
4d chess
shut up leaf
My sister wouldn't stop screaming a racial slur at a bar earlier because she thought it was funny and didn't care about the consequences.
She got away with it, but it's such a stupid thing to do.
i like your sister
Based sis
what would the consequences be? some angry nerds?
>a racial slur
which one
Gonna get very high and resume reading Akira while snuggling with Mr. Squiggly.
good night
I would if I lived alone
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good night /cum/
Getting really emotional right now because in 13 hours I'm boarding a one way plane ride to the city I'm moving to, which is super far away.
I'm going to miss all my friends
This dude goes to the bar with his sister and watches men hit on her and take her home for sex lol
You don't have any friends
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bling bling boy
I have a like a dozen friends that I would consider to be close
I don’t even feel high anymore. I should probably quit.
nighty fella
which sister did he like
i dont want to be alive anymore
im too tired
the furthest I ever shoot cum was into my face kek
the exaggerated swagger and straight forward attitude of bling bling boy would actually work in real life even if he looks like a fat dweeb
play this at our country's funeral, will you bros?
why am i such a coward i can take this bottle of pills right now and do it but i don’t and i don’t understand it i want it to be over
nobody asked, terry.
Le drunk at le bar
Should I make tinder now, or in a couple months when I'm 10 pounds lighter?
i once shot straight past my face and into the wall behind, might even have landed in the ceiling, that happen because that was one time i was playing with locking the cum in with a band or something i dont remember, what i dont remember is that once i let it out it shot out like a high pressure fire hose, like a cum sniper shot
Having fruit loops because idc if I get cancer. I missed out on teenage love.
wtf is wrong with you
Don’t kill yourself anon. Why are you feeling this way?
i don't know
i think it's pretty common to be scared of death
every subconscious instinct in our minds is directing us away from it
i can never get into your head so i can never know what it's like for you personally
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what if i'm the one who sucks and i suck everyday and i always have
then it seems like it would be better for everyone if i sucked on a shotgun
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I prefer to stay alive for many reasons, but one is that I am interested to see the conclusion of many major constantly developing events around the world.
Nah, it’s not you. I doubt you did something worth being killed over.
this is just routine self hatred for me
i’m just worthless unmarried with no kids shut in who lives off my parents money and has nothing going on
ill be fine in an hour but its very real right now
not gonna post for awhile please continue with your conversations don’t want to bum anyone out it’s friday we should be having fun
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I don't like that things will never be good again
i'm the same but guess what, i dont give a fuck, you're just a bitch
This, social obligation, and spite for my enemies are what keep me going.
this is why you smoke cigarettes and drink hard liquor my boy
thread is mad gay rn
good night
shoegaze is being listened to
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holy shit
Farted 3 or 4 times since my last post.
Morrowind and New Vegas are still good.
Anime and manga are still good.
Yummy snacks and soda pop are still good.
you guys ever fast for 23 hours
you don’t get it and we couldn’t be anymore dissimilar than we are
What's your favorite Twilight Zone ('59) episode?
I've done 72
Yes, up to 5 days on water and electrolytes only.
not for that amount of time exactly but i have gone two days without eating
not that impressive really, i was aiming for more
that sounds difficult
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You'll be okay
>''According to his arrest record, he was arrested for seven prior felonies
you'd think that after the 3th time they would just say fuck it and make him go missing in the woods
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>female has a cameltoe
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For me, it's Just For A Day.
It's not. I did get a headache the second day but I'm pretty sure that was from caffeine withdrawal. Other than that I felt fine.
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should they not have cameltoes?
What do you mean
i'm literally all of the things you mentioned but yes i don't get it
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what does this skirt graph have to do with camels
The quality of the women I see when I go jogging is astounding. If only I was not a virgin loser…
>what did he hit us with dude
>what the fuck was that
>i don't know i'm bleeding
KEK, first day on the job?
are you saying skirts and dresses should be the only acceptable female attire?
guess he's talking about yoga pants
nail polish remover is super expensive
A snatch, a cunt, an axe wound, what I wouldn't do to lick her slimy little smelly little fuckhole.
Was checking out at the grocery store earlier and there was a /fit/ MILF in white cotton shorts, and I could see her panties. Still hard and horny from that experience.
that show is so corny. are you watching metv
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You're "going" crazy...? Heh, welcome to the club.....
i'll check it out after my nap
he said to no one
Did you know that camel urine is as thick as syrup?
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how the fuck?
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>that show is so corny. are you watching metv
Are you low-friction or high-friction?
only pepe can put food on his head
french rangers
i did not actually know that
You're zero-bitches, dawg
i bet you think you're high brow for watching that slop. also not a zoomer, my boomer ass (25, M) will be watching barnaby jones at 4 sharp
are those dogs in an office building?
nevermind the first song is boring
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Okay Mr penis man
Haha that's what you are, Mr penis man!
They are good at conserving water
They have thick, tough mouth parts.
I'm a great American intellectual
In the middle east, they have entire festivals dedicated to camels
I will often post in a thread acting like I know what I'm talking about when, in reality, I have understanding of the concept at all.
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quetzalcoatlus... my beloved...
>Ernest Hemingway, Edgar Allen Poe, Mark Twain
Idiots compared to me.
I'm a radical centrist.
not gay but skirts are really comfortable
Poe especially mogs you in intelligence
*no understanding
Umm, he's dead sweaty :^)
My heart hurts. My heart is broken. You can make fun of me all you like, but it doesn't matter. My chest hurts.
You the one who sent the girl the voice message? Was really hoping you were lying for attention.
I just quit
you're not gay because you're a woman and like men
its ok. dont apologize to me though
ayo we really do be needing a new thread made, ya heard me?
No. I've never been in a romantic relationship. But I genuinely don't care about that.
Talk like a normal human, worm.
flower anon is depressed make a new one yourself
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Why are old people gambling so... Magical?
Cute. Are they tasty?
Where’s the king of the dance floor?
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i literally look and sound like that when I'm forced to remember that God told Noah to put 2 of every animal on the ark but like not mosasaurs, pterosaurs or sauropods. And to be clear yes on theropods, but only aves. The rest of the other theropods? nah.
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what is?
Respectfully, I look at those stories as metaphors.
remember that time he those bears to kill those children, bro was wildin
Reckon I’ll start being a man
Are red pandas tasty?
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i dont know
drinking milk
reckon is about time for a new thread



and just like that, i snap my fingers and it's done
im a pudgy balding brown guy

ok sorry

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