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Do you chaps enjoy the music of the band 'James'?
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post one of their songs?
have you ever been tricked by a sneaky ethnic?
keep falling in love with women who it can never work long term
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because they eventually see your little knobule?
best toast in longest time >>199945082
feel like SHIT
lots of egotistical wankers about on the internet these days
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what did he mean by this
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might get maccies then go pub tomorra
Jon Burke a particular favourite of mine
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hear hear! a toast!
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to /brit/!
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wanked myself into erectile dysfunction
need to stop
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Vince breaking his legs then sitting there giving orders in character will never not be funny.
we're here de lads

> >>199972423
If the murder of 40,000 - 180,000 Palestinians is a genocide, then what term can possibly be used to describe the murder of over 1,000,000,000 beings every single day?

Infant lambs, taken from their crying mothers to be slaughtered for brief human pleasure.
Pigs - smarter than dogs - kept in cages where they can't stand or move their entire lives - branded with burning irons, then electrocuted to death for human enjoyment.

Cows, which should live 30 years, are kept raped and pregnant in the same manner as illegal puppy farms, they are hooked to milking machines, their children denied their milk, babies killed for veal.

The dairy cow lives only 3-4 years before dying from their injuries from being constantly raped, forced to birth, forced to give milk, or from refusing to eat due to mental trauma.

Chickens, even "free range" have their beaks cut off with a hot knife to stop them pecking themselves to death to escape the torture of being kept in cramped hellish conditions. Most "free range" chickens never see the sun.

Male chicks are macerated - thrown live into a blender as they're no use for laying eggs.
The RSPCA claims this is humane and instantly fatal, but hundreds of films by animal rights groups taken secretly shown such chicks surviving hours after being mangled and blended.

This is the standard practice of the meat industry. By eating meat, dairy or eggs you support the above acts.

Footage taken secretly from UK farms just last month shows piglets being beaten with hammers until they seizure, for the entertainment of the farm workers.
Male chicks thrown at walls or stomped on until dead.
Cattle punched and shocked with high strength electrocution rods for no reason other than farm workers joy at watching the animals pain and suffering.

This never makes the news. Ask why.
The RSPCA promises to take action when animal abuse is filmed - but this only means stripping RSPCA affiliation for a year with no actual enforced improvements.

Go vegan.
grim. im a vegetarian. id like to stop eating animal products altogether
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>Britain's biggest swingers festival has seen scantily clad revellers frolicking in a sleepy Lincolnshire village enjoying some fun in the hot tub as it enters its third day
>The X-rated festival features 'play tents', pole dancing, hot tubs, foam parties, mobile dungeons and butt-plug bingo
someone post the australian girl bus legs
Feeling curious.
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>Go vegan.
me? gay
this but bi
hate, hate it so much
>Birth year tattooed on her neck

Feel like a nonce after seeing that image desu, idc if she's legal or in her 20s. Fucking zoomers
image really sums up the sad reality of degeneracy that is swinging, polyamory and so on
only women that get into it are either over 50 hags or pigbeasts psychologically damaged after years of school bullying
53k in the Cash ISA paying 5% interest now lads.

It lush and I mean it lush.
I'd eat Palestinians if they were legally sold in supermarkets and they tasted nice mate.
where'd this ai copilot stuff come from
didn't exist until what a couple months ago, now every laptop maker and retailer has whole sections dedicated to it basically overnight. in all the marketing
an unmistakable sense of jewish involvement
Need these people rounded up and gassed.
I'm a trans woman
im gonna be honest, im down rather bad and would give her a fuck
Have you heard the rumours about Tom Hanks?
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buying a house is easy lads
>no air conditioning in olympic village dorms
Sick to the back teeth of the uber eats cunts NOT leaving it on the door step as instructed. How do they even manage to use their phone if they can't fucking read?
most of them are thick and cant speak english
so ive been using the mices droppings as fetriliser for thr nettles and will see what changes
Corr imagine the pungent fishy fanny smells along the corridors
Okay, now say that in Amharic
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he's found an owl loophole
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utterly mental how peng she was in this
No owls.
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decent attempt at tobyposting
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summer...is over
need a new lappy soon and very worried about the microsoft jew getting more info on what i wank to
now am going nowhere
oh give it a fucking rest
Mental how Anya Taylor-Joy has gotten herself so severely bogged
All the fat removed from her cheeks so she looks like an alien
How will they explain that for the second series of The Queen's Gambit??
I seen a pretty nettle yesterday it had multi-coloured flowers, purple and white.
seethe harder londonpaki
getting white girl wasted aha x
More like body odor, shite fumes and fungus from unwashed compression clothes and socks
today after i got off the bus i saw the magpie jumping after me i think it has learnt my name i need to offer it something
Wes Streeting is both socially and economically more right wing than Sunak desu.
He's just a standard posh, (literally) gay, Tory boy who joined Labour for some schizo reason. Also he hates trans people with a passion.
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Just shagged a girl who is in insane shape, cycles everywhere, training to run a marathon, plays rugby but not hench.

It feels exactly the same putting your dick in a thin girl as a fat girl, but when you look down at her tummy the thin girl makes your dick harder
Any other socially conservative Bolsheviks in?
How much would you sell your virginity for?
"Last one on drugs is a queer," shouts Portillo.
you book her off adultwork?
i'd say it gets easier
but it doesn't
I also just shagged a girl.... NOT!
>Also he hates trans people with a passion.
Probably sick of seeing all the peng femboys troon out.
fake mousey
The USA will be a fascist christian theocratic dictatorship by Christmas.
A poor man's crossover between the Third Reich and Idiocracy.
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ive started leaving a bowl of pasta on the floor for thr mouse to eat i think it MIGHT be pregnant and i need the baby mice for my tests
seems to make the KWAByn supporters rage and seethe uncontrollably
ffs now you tell me
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West Streeting won by like 56 votes. Mad
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shut up... NIIIIIIIGGA!
You are right to be worried about your data, using copilot as a normal person, you will likely sign away your right to privacy in the terms and conditions.

At toil we were banned from using copilot until we got a contract in place saying that our company data/secrets won't be used to train the model.
Next years' /brit/ meet?
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the crepes
He lost the Muslim vote for being gay and a massive Zionist
He lost the leftist / student vote by being the most right wing person in the Labour party and for hating trannies
did the man get fearmongered
>West Streeting
Martin Lewis does a great comparison btw
Got in at 6.1% last year thanks to him

think im finna gonna buy a flat next year
got ~100k deposit saved up now
mad how I have ZERO chest hir
It says 2007, get your eyes checked

Probably not her date of birth
literally the only politicians he could have chosen from that weren't pro-Israel are Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar
spaintard is here hes going to ruin the thread because that's what "he" wants
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gee whizz
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bouncy jizzy cock
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Not fear mongering, it's written out plainly for everyone to see in their Project 2025 manifesto.
Project 2025 is guide on how they can turn America into a fascist dictatorship in a matter of days, and repeal all rights for women, LGBT, immigrants, non-christian religions.
leave it on X next time mate yeah
This juvenile dog is enjoying a soft boiled egg, a high protein, high fat, palatable and easy to digest snack well suited to the physiological needs of a rapidly growing canine.
get it made
No, she messaged me on Hinge, only lived a few miles away, no brainer really
im trying to "remove" the fat from my stomach and arms and "move" it to my legs
based Based BASED
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These are absolutely lush lads
used to be massively pro palestine when i was 13-18 then i discovered women and had no political interests at all from 19-25 now im 26 with a german jewish blooded gf and i want to see israel completely occupy palestine

thanks for listening
>and repeal all rights for women, LGBT, immigrants, non-christian religions.
heckin based and redpilled praise kek!
Had a morrissey ass reaction & pretended to not speak english when the hot blonde chet hanks build german flirted with me on the beach....super my type....alas, the asymptote of desire
holy based
where do I vote?
A lot of homosexuals are like that. Liberal capitalist hedonists who only dislike the Tories because of Section 28. Repulsive.
stinking of british culture this
Enjoy your anus cancer
scranning some pancakes
So much seethe in a single image
what a disaster would be
love would be out the window and it would just be 24/7 arse shagging for the 6 weeks or whatever it's on
and then it's ITV editor's job to make it not look like porn

This sounds like it was written by a mainland-Chinese person using an app to help them translate into English
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it might be illegal to "steal" and have sex with "tgem" but they cant stop me
kek he nearly lost to the hijabi independent candidate
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>It says 2007
I like animals and have a pet dog and that, but there was this video of a komodo dragon eating a baby goat and the goat squealed in terror and pain and loads of anons seemed traumatised by it, but I think you have to be a spiritual communist to be traumatised by nature if I'm honest.
That's normal savings accounts, not ISAs.
Worth it

You have to be at least 18 to post here, lil chuddies
grim cunt she is
bet she voted labour
Caught and bowled
No, Toby.
So you're a weak willed cretin who does what slags want
Interest rates get progressively lower when you put down 10%, 15%, 25% might happen again at 40-50%.

Hopefully you've got enough for one of those percentages, but also good to try and keep enough money to last 12 months in an emergency

He’s a complete cunt but he isn’t posh lol, just because you go to a good uni doesn’t automatically make you posh
you're brown
Based desu
well cash ISAs are a bit absurd, aye?
you utilise that shit for your stocks and shares ISA

My S&S ISA (maxed out) got 10% last year and no cash ISA account is ever going to offer that. 6% is the highest I think I've seen in my life.
May as well save taxes on a 10% return than a 5% (at best) return.
He's out of her league. Hoeflation is real.
just buy outright
oh me? just fryin’ up some BACON without any SHIRT
yeah… guess i’m just epic like that
That's going right up his fucking arse.
How do you have so much
I've got about 85k saved up across all my savings accounts and investments but I wouldn't have 100k available just for a deposit.
Cash ISAs are a product for the financially illiterate
>Streeting grew up in poverty living in a council flat
Is /biz/ down or something you utter MONGS?
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Built ye olde exercise bicycle today lads. Shall be doing some serious cardio on this bad boy next week.
words cannot articulate how much I revile this woman
oh dear, my bussy leaked all in my pants again
need to take a break from dick lol
yeah it is actually
heritage foundation isn't the republican party
got around 250k saved up in various places
was lucky with startup toil and now big tech toil
sucking a ghost ship
I have ÂŁ3k saved.
I guess every little helps.
Weird freak
Biz is basically /crypto/.
It's not for financial discussion.

I wanted to discuss pensions once and I got called a "boring asshole" and told to fuck off.
Egregious board.
Egregious board indeed.
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I had 3k in 2017

Now I've got 130k, just keep at it
She's probably the most attractive woman willing to do all the degenerate shit he's in to.
you pooed your pants you mean
barbadian GF desired
loads of under 18 people on grindr

You're literally underaged, racist, and low IQ. shut up, bitch boy.
>next week.
already postponing haha. nice paperweight dumbfuck
>you utilise that shit for your stocks and shares ISA
Not necessarily as there's also a Lifetime ISA which, if you haven't bought a house or flat, like me, you should absolutely max that first (4k).

Also, if you're saving for a house deposit or a big purchase within 5 years, I'd say Cash ISA is better. Long term oor retirement, then yeah Stocks and Shares ISA.
>My S&S ISA (maxed out) got 10% last year
Ok but it won't every year.
every single one of them was violently raped by a family member or friend
Some really awful posts being made atm.
It’s a trap!
realyy? haha... umm
Your cock wouldn’t even get 20% of the way past her Nubian cheeks, Timmy, never mind her pumpum LOOOOL
rorke logging on to grindr in milwaukee to find it's crashed...
>Shall be doing some serious cardio on this bad boy next week
You don't know that. You might pass away in your sleep tonight.
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>You're literally underaged, racist, and low IQ. shut up, bitch boy.
Someone should tell the republican party that
I’m using this weekend to finish my snacks and booze hehe :3 x
you're literally brown and you stink
how so
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not so fast rorke
want to get more booze in and get further steamed but have plans tomorrow
gonna have to be next weekend
they know that already
never tried the dating apps they seem soulless but I desperately need love
banned from grindr on my phone, my old phone and my ipad
might try resetting my old phone to see if it works
glad the tory spunkwaffles were voted out of office
>I desperately need love
women don't actually love
something fucking wrong with you diego
you start listening to poofter music and now you're on grindr
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love me pancakes and its not even chewsday
this but unironically
Gay furry hackers will save the west from the return of nazism
The size I am there’s a decent chance of that sadly haha
Incel opinion
what do they do then
the tory shitcrumpets
not diego
i believe in joe hendry
scrobble a knobule
That sounds good.
How can I make money on the side at home or on the weekend lads
You really don't like brown people do you Rorke?
become a rapper
get on the uber eats and cosplay a brown
alri cody?
project 2029
get rid of the fucking pakis
dont have anything i enjoy. dont need company. i am a completely soulless husk
Need to turn 50 quid into 50k this year or I'm fucking DONE FOR
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fancy catberg
haven't opened my second bag of golfballs yet
You're nothing more than a Paki-loving faggot. You and every other Britroach in here lick their asses. Muslims are 6% of UK population, yet they hold enormous power. 6% and yet they are pandered to like they are 96%
Government and Police are terrified of them, and their demands for special treatment are usually granted.
The Muslim block vote is a king-maker this time. It has more electoral leverage over policy than Ukip ever did. They are parking their tanks on the lawn of British democracy. This is the arrival of sectarianism. It has massive implications, especially when both parties are pandering to it.
They are slowly moving into positions of power and, as their Koran says, the object is to take over the country
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I like several brown people.
Jameela Jamil is annoying as fuck though.
have this exact level of body hair but I can't grow a beard
Stealing copper wire and selling it scrap metal dealers
start a new scamcoin, moon it then rugpull it. easy money
buy a power washer and go round cleaning people's driveways for ÂŁ20 a pop
everybody is a lazy bastard and never cleans their driveways even though they're all filthy and disgusting
My little sister who's a only a couple years younger has got herself hooked on smack and gabbies valleys. She's in complete denial. I had her living with me but I'm in a one bedroom house and she was taking stuff in my house. So she went to my mums and she's been basically the same down there. She was supposed to go temporary accommodation during the week but didn't show.
imagine believing those numbers are real
Mad how badly I've deteriorated mentally
Fair play to her, everyone who paid to see the cash me outside girl naked needs gassed
bro think he in Skyrim posting this scroll
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>gabbies valleys
It's incredibly annoying how we generally only get dark, bearded Pakistani men instead of fair skinned green eyed Pakistanis and Indians.
kinda hot
And sweet Marie who waits for me
counterfeiting currency is hard work but its literally printing money
it's essentially your fault though
you let her live with you but did nothing to actually stop her injecting
Yeah but they’re black only
we get the literal bottom of the barrel in each
75% of uk pakistanis are from a small village called MIrpur in Azad Kashmir. We basically imported Pakistani rednecks
95% of uk bengalis are from the sylhet region, the poorest and most conservative region in the country

we LITERALLY couldn't have chosen worse
Tell her if she wants to perform sexual favours in exchange for drugs, I'm happy to give her repeat business at ÂŁ20 per blowjob
Might sell this post as an nft? Who wants to own this post?
Googled it, found the site he stole that post from, apparently they are "pre gabapentun and valleium"
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LOL dats rite
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Fuck right off, not even him.

Most people call things an addiction and are lying. But a junkie actually injecting can't be helped unless they want to change. Even if they want to change, sometimes they can't.
Honestly, the criminality of the British elite is unbelievable. The ethnic damage they've inflicted for greed is unreal.
don't reply to him
My piss fucking burning holy fucking shit. This fucking awful. Can't believe that piss can feel like this burning shit I don't like this. I don't like this.
could go out tonight but might stay online and pretend to be black instead
>get south african immigrants
>they're white
not bad
started by Clement Atlee who nobody is allowed to criticise because he created the nhs which is our national religion
need a twink to suck me off
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South Africans here call themselves Expats. They are not the same.
>La nature des Engles est telle que tous jours il se crienment a estre decheu et repliquent tant apres une cose que mervelles; et ce que il averont en couvenant un jour, il le deliieront l'autre. Et a tout ce que les encline a faire ce qu'il n'entendent point bien tous les termes dou langage de France
Pale angels are shaving their fannies for tonights long and brutal blackening
god I fucking hate scottish people
they can be helped
you just have to keep them off drugs for 6 months
tie them down if necessary
take away their access to drugs which includes their phone or any device connected to the internet
Samuel Holland. What a lege
my mum has a black bf
oh yeah they arrest you if you criticise Clement Atlee
not real
you just need cigarettes
they will cure you
hate this desu
mad how much my alphabet people tolerance has plummeted in the past few years

you can't escape it being thrust in your face everywhere
Older generations of Britons are cattle tbqh.
Could've voted for Mosley's Union, the NF or BNP but didn't.
more like glasgay
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steaming as a rocket

just watched The Guard with Liam Gleeson, good movie
ive been using brave browser for a few months but the captcha stopped working so now im back on chrome just for 4chan. got all my filters set on 4chanx and its amazing the improvement on /brit/. no spainnonce, tranny, or the dutch flag cuck.
all way too extremist
you have to pretend to be moderate and then become extremist when voted into power
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I mean Brendan Gleeson
eating strawberries yum ^-^
buying stuff makes me feel good
Got a couple of tricks up my sleeve
I also got Brewdog Elvis Juice
same thing happens here, almost all of our recent indian immigrants are from rural punjab
there's really nothing left for the summer
may as well put politics on ice for now
If you say you're British these days it will get you killed
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wahey haha
did an 'elton john farted on it' joke for my auntie and she cried laughing haha
pathetic cretin. you should take pleasure from building things or hunting things or growing things.
Hate buying stuff me, proper scrooge.
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Sent that timmy flying
you mean niam leeson
need a wee
blud just got off and walked it off

good man
I would like to build and grow things but that requires land
>1.8% of Indians are Sikh
>but 1/4 of Indians in the UK and Australia are, as well as almost 40% in Canada, hence it being the bedrock for the Khalistan movement and the deadliest western terrorist attack after 9/11

zesty brit boys
I oppose migration because I don't like seeing brown or black people. Simple as.
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I was in disbelief as well but she charges $23/month. Cash me outside was massively viral.
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went for a pint after
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Honestly this feels like a bit too much extra people in your country even temporarily

17 million in 6 months is crazy
Growing mushrooms on me nob
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Oh sit down, sit down, sit down
Sit down next to me
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used to post on a habbo hotel forum and in the anime section the top dog who had about 20,000 posts used to converse with this other poster called niamh and for all those years I had no idea niamh was pronounced "Neeve" and was a woman's name and in fact it had been some young bird he was talking to, clearly trying to get fired in

wonder what they;re up to now

kill yourself
he won't like that
not one jot
no it doesn't. build a cabinet. volunteer in a community garden. sign up for an allotment.
It's nice to have new stuff.
I bought a new office chair and some new boots this week.
me? no desire to go to Japan
>build a cabinet.
What out of wood and shit? I don't want to do that. Allotments are impossible to get if you can't inherit one.

I will try to think about good things to build

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