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The Crystal Palace edition
Free to choose.
Free to live.
Simple as.
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this broke him
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Algernon Newton sub-edition
if you have any questions about christianity i will try to answer them to the best of my ability
Vocaroo requests, I'll do them. Don't be a mong like that porno freak, give me text.
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awoke in the early morning feeling a spider crawling across my face this morning, first time it's ever happened

I sat up and the spider dropped down onto the mattress. Still groggy and barely awake I brushed it away off the bed and onto the floor; couldn't even make it out clearly it was just a dark blob that I had to dispatch. I sleep directly under an open window so I can't even be mad at spiderberg.
>The Crystal Palace

simply do not believe this place ever existed
weird paedophile cult in thailand
based suelad
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>air con
>glass of wine
>good book
Yeah, we comfy.
mental how touching kittens (cat children) is socially acceptable and even if you did it in public nobody would be malding
Who's your favourite Anglo-Saxon saint or saintess?
For me, it's Walpurga
that's what they want you to think
corrr sounds good
why do all the different gospels say different shit about jesus’s executions
doing a gay porn dance
fave episode of Extras?
That's actually bizarre. What the fuck.
If anyone has any questions about my hairy pooey bum don't hesitate to ask.
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It's true, I saw it with mine own eye
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Sunk a bottle of red myself.

'Alamos' Malbec 2022, if you're interested. Was marked down from £9.50 to £7.25 in tescos, lovely drop. Really nice wine to be fair, definitely worth the 9 quid it normally goes for. Worth a punt if you see it.
Skyping the American gf soon got any good memes to send?
he yearns for a peng gf from detroit, michigan
>build a building entirely made of glass
>it burns down
Your requests are fucking shite. Logging off. Fuck off.
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julian of norwich but i guess she wanst acutally a saint
they dont say much different
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Listen you fucking cunt I will ram my cock down your throat and cum kiss you passionately and you'll enjoy it you fucking freakshow
You wanted vocaroo content but you're too gimpy to actually deliver? Take a long walk you utter spastic
say that to my face and i'll smash all the teeth out of your inbred skull
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here we are
another lonely saturday night of my 20s
would think theyd get the story straight given that it was sent from god
you'll do fuck all you disabled hun freak
Ahh nice one that sounds good, but I'll definitely not be keeping a look out for it whenever I'm next in Tesco. I don't drink wine, you see.
what do you think they got wrong that was important?
not up to us to decide whats important
mad how one red wine can be like flavourless antifreeze and another can be a delightful beverage fecund with flavours from raspberries to cherries to blackberries to liquorice
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How come you don't drink wine?
Are you Irish diaspora?
how do I make my chin bigger
you need to get shagging now
wait till you reach your 30s
>I am a warmonger. I am bloodthirsty. I am rabid. My friends want only peace and harmony, but I want to wreak destruction and killing. I want to see British soldiers doing the Texan moron’s dirty work for him.
nice to know that who know who are admitting what they are
I said Anglo-Saxon, Julian of Norwich was much later
christmas special is my favourite. I like all of the episodes but none of the normal series ones stand out from memory
literally every episode is named after the guest star that appears in it though
that alone should jog your memory
I'm more poo than man
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Dr Dan Bockmann drank red wine virtually every night for thirty years. He thinks that's what caused his colon cancer.
Never you mind, nosy bugger.
Ahaha only joking lad, just never really acquired a taste for it to be honest. I've tried but think it's just not for me!
a cowardly, inbred bheast
what a life
consider myself far more intelligent than most ordinary mundane humans
He's my third favourite doctor after Dr Who and Dr Kelly Lamoreaux
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Some of them (wines) can be horrific so I don't blame you, proper vinegar-tier stuff. Can't really go wrong with a malbec from Argentina though. Basically grape juice but at 14%.

One bottle gets me nicely drunk because I'm a lightweight. I don't like beer, you see.
(8) come into my bedroom (8)
thoughts on god
listening to the song "detachable penis"
the latter of which is present, very strongly, in this thread, unfortunately!
how do people get into reading? there are so many books how do you what is good and worth your time without just reading books of films you liked?
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the malbec shill is back
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let's have it then (online pictionary game)


will smash every one of you even while steaming as a rocket
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Here's a good book to get you into the habit of reading.
I just read books that other people have said are good
That's what I'm asking you: how is it so that people believe in Christianity, despite it being a lie?

Sure, I would say it's possible that one religion could actually turn out to be true, but since we don't have anywhere near sufficient evidence to prove the truth of any of them, I would call them lies.

If you claim to know something which you definitely don't know then I would say you're lying, even if that thing does (by some gigantic coincidence) turn out to be true. I suppose what you're lying about is your level of knowledge.
It's always funny seeing the would-be financial gurus of /brit/ who sneer at Cash ISAs
how is christanity a lie?
I usually find an author I like, read their most famous one and then gorge on every good book they have.
Quite interesting that Alduous Huxley didn't think Brave New World was all that when it's his magnum opus in terms of success.

You can do it via theme otherwise - like 1984, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451 being that dystopia theme.
Classics are always pretty good too.

Some I genuinely don't get though.
Anything Jane Austen, Anything Bronte sisters, anything Tolstoy, War & Peace in particular.
Just drones on and on and one.
Same with that Ayn Rand book Atlas Shrugged.

No idea why they're lauded.
Feel like a pleb saying it but it's the truth.
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there's not enough posting happening
read like 3 words of this crap post and fell dead almost with a heart attack because this shit is so boring to read i. hate. your. boring. ass. post.
you should start with my faavourite book the bible written by god
I like English authors. English authors are the best in the world.
catbuergue just went out, up to no good I expect
amazing psot
read the other books written by the fella who wrote the book based on the film you like lad, i'm just a pleb though
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here's something that's more your speed lad xx
bloody rabbits
When I picture the average /brit/ poster, I imagine a slimy, grinning, nasally voiced, privately educated Englishman who wears glasses and has black hair
>The 60,000 panes of glass were manufactured by the Chance Brothers.[3] The 990,000-square-foot building with its 128-foot-high ceiling was completed in thirty-nine weeks. The Crystal Palace boasted the greatest area of glass ever seen in a building. It astonished visitors with its clear walls and ceilings that did not require interior lights.

There's no fucking way our nation could build it in under a year today
Would take at least a decade and probably cost ten times as much as well
I'm able to twitch my finger and thumb and make them EXACTLY one inch apart every time. I've measured. It's exactly one inch every time.
that is actually me
>privately educated Englishman
>the rest
the girls say the same thing when they see your knob
the mandem getting systematically drained by prime grade blonde dolls
love getting them to strum themselves on cam
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at least girls have seen my knob
covid squid game amongus
fan pointed right at my taint
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fuck me she got a distinction, the bar is underground

Everybody buckle up for a summer of twirling, followed by endless macadamia. Before we know it, she’ll be a leading axpert on arrly madarn gahrlhood.
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The environmental consultation would take 4 years alone
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Learning a trade is appealing to me more and more lads.

Do these trade schools get you into work? Some people seem to say traditional apprenticeships are betterm, but they seem to take 4 years, and you'll be on minimum wage.
It's just made up in order to pursue certain political goals. E.g. in the US, men who want to rape women and force those women to keep the resulting babies will say "let's ban abortion because, uh, God says life is sacred".

Another example is in Israel where very religious Jews say that they have the right to seize all of the West Bank because God decided it belongs to Jews.
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Room tour video is up! For someone claiming to be so dedicated to an aesthetic, Roobee is either half-assing it or genuinely has no idea. Remember how she mentioned how people were plotting their writing projects on post-its on their walls on Pinterest and she wanted to recreate that?
dont care incel
kill yourself
Rubylad's behaviour is deeply concerning, yet I cannot help but feel a certain respect for his dedication to following this one irrelevant woman's life so closely. Moreso because he writes several reports a day on her life for the benefit of us freaks, and yet they're always original pieces so you know he's quite genuinely obsessed
I'm also interested in doing this. I'm fucking 27 though. I'll be 31 by the time I finish.
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what is your evidence for that?
English people don't have black hair
Watching the Trip to Italy
VERY comfy
did she actually? im so pleased for her but unironical. sex ruby very fit cum tits ass sex cum ruby
that was Gen Alpha's 9/11
mad how good I am at photography
*sucks her thumb*
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Actually, some do. It's common in the North West and South West. It's an ancient Brythonnic Celtic phenotype - older than the newer Anglo-Saxon phenotypes.
need that jammed straight up me arrus
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Many in many industries here know this and feel this. Andrew McNaughton, the technical director of High Speed 2 used the HS2 fiasco as an example. He said 3 things fucked that up. 1. Client kept changing plans and resetting everything back to the beginning. 2. Any plans made had to be overengineered to be absolutely bomb-proof which meant costs kept spiralling as they try to design something that could last 1000 years and survive 2000 terrorist attacks. 3. Skills shortage in the UK. Said not just HS2, several projects here suffer the same issues. And then the supply sector loves it because it's more money without actually building anything.

>He explained: ‘One of the lessons going forward with HS2 is that the client stops mucking about with it. Every time you change it, then it’s Christmas for the supply sector. When you chuck away the design and start again, everyone is standing around. The client must not keep changing the scope; stick to the scope whatever it is.’

>Former Rail magazine editor Nigel Harris, also a witness at the session, concurred that overengineering was an 'endemic' problem for infrastructure projects in the UK at the moment, which 'causes huge cost rises' on projects.
>Harris gave the example of the electrification of the Great Western line. He said that, when the East Coast Main Line was electrified in 1989-90, the masts only went 2.5m into the ground and they have never been known to fall over . But when it came to electrifying the Great Western in recent years, the masts were overengineered to go 10m into the ground to ensure stability to an even greater – perhaps unnecessary – degree.
need a kooky gf
the famous scottish cemetery
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come and play online pictionary with the lads

bought a munchy box but I could barely eat a third of it
might buy a steam deck (yes i am a virgin) any deckards here?
nudes when?
13th anniversary of the Anders Breivik attacks
Daniel Radcliffe's 35th birthday
First Olympics 2024 events
Deadpool vs Wolverine premiere
Olympics 2024 opening ceremony
Venezuela's election
>Next Monday
Futurama returns

I mean that's a pretty smashing week lads
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ground control to gossip_guy? anyone home?
And they account for a fraction of 1% of Englishmen
I have dark brown hair and people keep calling it 'black' but it's not black at all
>I have dark brown hair and people keep calling it 'black' but it's not black at all
Same, actually.
just build more goods lines to connect up ports and industrial areas
on the fcukign BOOZE arent we now
It is Black like Russel Brand's hair
wonder what its like having a gf whos a non-virgin
Only ever used mine when I was working night shifts
Been collecting dust since then
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>industrial areas
you cant tell
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dig it
I am a sceptic and a relativist.
>13th anniversary of the Anders Breivik attacks
hate this subhuman
>hurr durr im gonna kill loads of White children just because they're members of a centre-left party
and he still gets a prison cell thats nicer than my bedroom
do southerners know about Kes or is it strictly a Norf FC thing?
i would likely use it when sitting on the couch watching tv, usually i am playing mobile games on my phone anyway
Can governments that use a Westminster parliamentary system work without a head of state that is separate from a Prime Minister or a governor general? Why does every country that uses a parliamentary system seem to have one?
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yeah we know about billy elliot too mate
sad film that
4chan with the nonce bait
what the fuck is this shit?
Heavy tha laaa
Seen Ken Loach speak in real life
dunno if i should make a quiche to have with salad
or just have the salad with bacon bits and cheese
Might move to Pensacola
thanks for the insight
sick of it all. its a disgrace. we have so much wealth yet so little ingenuity. doubt we'll ever have another grand infrastructure project after the channel tunnel, we're done as a civilisation.
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Well, /Brit/?
Might move to Carlsbad
seen him in Bath waitrose couple times
>no adblocker
state of you
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option A - odds
option B - evens
show me her feet
gen z boss and a mini gf
on the carling piss
nice try mi5
Do not find Bob Mortimer funny at all
Might move to carlsgood
grow up, dickhead
dont think any comedians are funny
fart shit
that’s not even subtle
Should be an arrestable offence that
Rorke, with your face like a macaque's arsehole
So bored and trying to resist the temptation of getting pissed
Sam Hyde's quite good. Unironically.
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Jimmy Carr isn't funny.
gimp shite
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Didn't the electric companies find it strange when someone wasn't paying anything and the person next door was paying twice as much?
i, for one, am shocked
you mum is a slag

*inward laughs*
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Fuck me the state of you
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gagging for a fag or a vape or soem nicotene
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mentally ill aids-infested hipster faggot detected
state of rorke
Did the scruffy man trigger le libs
he could have just stole like half ot the electricity, people always get greedy
got on the diamond league on duolingo and these freaks are mental
someones on 20k points just from thsi week
Either that or 'if you want my comeback then you'll have to scrape it off your mum's teeth'.

no, i just had saviour schnapps so im drunk therefore the game is more sharpened and certain things look a bit weird
what? is Sam Hyde too popular now so we have to suddenly be contrarian and dislike him?
he's just reading out fucked up studies to leftists at a stand up show. it's good stuff.
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very cute trap
He's not funny mate, simple as that
Grew out of my gamergate phase years ago
ok but we’d all shag her if given the chance
Yes. Big time. They all stormed out and shouted at him when he began reading out uncomfortable statistics about gays.
has he tried telling jokes
dashka doesnt have a knob
4chan is more normie than Twitter

^^ fact
they're doing a reboot of the ring films but instead of a haunted videotape it is a haunted twitch stream
Sam Hyde triggered some trans libs?
*sigh* I'd better get my epic pants on >_>
I love Sam Hyde :)

My favourite jew desu
need greek or turkish gf
thinking about becoming a coloured socks guy
eh, he's more of a sketch comic
you might like this one more. rips apart weebs at a anime convention. calls them pedos at one point, I think.
would rather shag my own arse than click your link
No, you really don't want that.
Damn - this dude is fearless!
*starts doing an energetic raindance*
What are we playing /brit/ ?
Joe Goes and KassemG was doing the same stuff a decade ago, good to see Sam keeping his finger on the pulse
i know you're memeing but they already did a 2017 remake with a haunted online video
feel like ginger girls are off limits because my brother's wife is ginger so it'd be weird
mate you sound like youre 17 get a grip you mug
I can handle the spices
Just done one of those poos where you have no choice but to shower afterwards
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Done him
Hello black person
you're the one making it political. It's just funny to piss people off, no matter who they are. Leftists are just low hanging fruit. He's took the piss out of people like me lots of times.
Frank Hassles videos are good. He just pisses people off. His "you raped me in my dream" videos are pretty good.
literally every poo for me aha
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>Utah boy died after relatives abused him for ‘several years,’ withdrew him from school, investigators say
love how fruity /brit/ is :)
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this isnt the sam hyde fanclub discord you spacka shut up
Ginger women seem disproportionately likely to have Paki bf's too
My theory is that Pakis love gingers because Mohammed was a ginge, and ginger girls are insecure about their paleness and being bullied at school so they gravitate towards dark skinned men
if there was a world war between boards, which board would you fight for lads?
yes it is, fuck off cunt
very smarmy and gay
I imagine /brit/ posters wear wide fit pants, button you shirts, boots, big glasses and poofy dyed blonde hair
yes or no did you brush your teeth today?
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>woman kept in cage 18 hours a day and only let out for sex, cleaning and cooking
yeah you ruin the bradley meme, dont have to say it again
Did the man shout at the man on the street
class, could take me a lifetime and I would never come up with material like that
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4chan is literally where he got his start
4chan still makes up the majority of his fanbase. he knows that the fishtank threads on 4chan are the most lively.
/brit/ generals of all boards should unite
Yes, at around 6.30am
I use Colgate Whitening and brush for ~3mins at a time
dont give a shit
stop sucking him off you cringecase
>button you shirts
you raped me in my dream and I was only 10 years old
why did you rape a 10 year old boy - in a dream?
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laughed irl
Christina Sandera, the partner of Oscar-winning actor and director Clint Eastward, has died at the age of 61.
i thought picasso just did those weird faces but he has some good paintings
Need summat to watch on yt
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isn't this just a traditional marriage
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this austrian guy did it to his daughter, had like 4 kids as well
you genuinely can't blame him just look at her
Xbox 360 store
>stop enjoying this be cynical and pretend to not enjoy anything

shut up nerd this a sam hyde site
why do you even come to 4chan if you hate 4chan culture?
so f*cknnn epic!!!
imagine a wrecking ball just smashing them into mush
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>Pakistan man forced to have sexual intercourse with a pig after rolling around in his own shit and then dosed with alcohol and set on fire
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me when i had an iraqi gf
post school girl tiktoks
bit mean that
The one on the left just KNOWS she is the hottest by far
would not even be newsworthy in the 70s
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yet another zombie survivor and shovel knight, i tried alien isolation but it so boring oh my days
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why does my girlfriend do her nails like this?
justice often isn't kind
i like sam hyde just dont suck him off and have gimpy arguments about him on /brit/
>sam is so le funny! have you seen kickstarter tv??
was watching him a decade ago you mong we all have pipe down
>he uses 4chan
>he doesn't like anime
mental. imagine culturally appropriating from neckbeard weebs.
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A man who believed he was chatting to a 12-year-old girl online asked the youngster for pictures, adding "obviously I won't tell". Stewart Reynolds, of Southport, told the girl - who was actually an undercover police officer - she had an "amazing body" after making contact with her on October 11 last year.

After the "girl" informed him of her age, he replied: "Nice, can I see another photo?". The "girl" then sent him a full-body image of her in her pyjamas and the 45-year-old responded "Amazing body" and "asked her if she had t**s".
put netflix on and most women would be happy with that arrangement
sobeirng up awake is always a bit grim
I wasn't sucking him off, I was just posting his old stuff. I've been watching him since 2015 too. what, I'm not even allowed to discuss his content?
shut up you boring mug
i came to 4chan from something awful's fyad and went to /b/. not to watch anime shit.
it was an anime forum for about the first year of it's existence
mad how often you expsoe yourself with how retarded your posts are
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Pretty based
You've got to admire the organisation, planning and subtlety
Not many people could build a rape dungeon in their own home and get away with it
Her legs are insanely long proportional to her body
it still is primarily an anime image board.
most posters watch anime and you'll see anime reaction images constantly.
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a 12 year old doing undercover work? Seems a tad dangerous
calm down lah
you just started attacking me for no reason
that salad wasnt filling enough
such a fat bastard i am
considering going to the paki chicken shop
i dont claim to be cultured or knowledgeable i just have a frankly intimidating natural intelligence and intuition and immaculate taste
Easily pleased shallow bitches
Try shagging a woman instead
women love they shopping twitter and netflix
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>Seaside donkey owner is weighing kids to stop obese children injuring his animals
you're an embarrassment
you make my motor purr bitch
fuckinel lad, RELAX
I've met you before. Why do you get triggered every time someone mentions Sam Hyde even though you're a fan?
i ONLY fly BA simple as
hs :/
When you think about it, all she knew was the life shit had, she was born into it and to her that would have been perfectly normal, not knowing anything else
She was bred to be the perfect sex slave
A man can dream.
by telling onyourself for being fucking retarded
lmao even
I'm trying to help you escape virgindom
'll 'e
I live in Merseyside. A lad I know, his brother torturedb his ex gf, tied her to the bed and shoved bottles up her fanny. He's in prison now.
girls don't like boys
girls like cars and money
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concerning post this

bit cruel diego:/

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