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Skyline Chili edition
We need a Native American president
ohioans be like
"mmm mmm, diahrrea on spaghett'
Mexicans are shitheads
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fr fr tho
2,500 / 50 = 50
You've never tried it

why, are you black or summin?
2,300 / 50 = 46
It will keep getting worse desu.
What do they sell at Skyline Chili?
I'm thinking Sioux
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brutha ewwwwwww

ewww brutha...
age sex location?
Nigga, is yous drinkin' wotah? Nigga das gay; might as well be drinkin' /cum/
Cold and on break. Can barely type anything
Why do expats called themselves that? Aren't they immigrants?
i guess this is it for cum
They usually don't take jobs and try to get on welfare THOUGH
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why aren't you replying to each other?
I feel immense sadness when I see happy couples
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I feel nothing when I see happy couples, except when they are nagging and arguing in which case I feel smug
What does shopping look like in your wildest imagination?
I never got this. Don't black people get sunburt too?
Expats also don't try to demand the host country change its culture on their behalf. They stick to their expat communities and acknowledge they will never be natives like how the locals are. Contrast that with entitled invaders.
if the store looks like this, it's because you are currently standing in a low income (low trust society) area. it doesn't look like this anywhere halfway decent
the products fly to your car trunk with just a thought
whoa whoa whoa who said anything about black people?
once again reminding you all that putting a scoop of protein powder in cold ice coffee and mixing with a fork is both tasty and nutritious
protein powder is poison
>BRAZIL 2084
>drive to the store
>park outside
>get out of car
>open trunk
>products fly into trunk
>drive home
once again surfing the 'zon and wondering if 4 1/2* products are bad just because 14% of reviews said the quality sucks
t. 1/300lb
ermm you forgot to close the trunk
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half the responses are bots these days so just cut outthe middle step and ask chatGPT directly
life hack: read the 1 star reviews
if it's braindead bullshit and not actual problems then it's probably fine
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you needa mexican-american president
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for me it's the finger skateboards.
The trunk won't close, you bought too many products
Mexicans move here and lose the ability to speak Spanish within one generation. What's up with that?
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We can do Navajo.
How do I get a gf?
That's the fun part
are you cute?
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i once again bring gifts from the amazon product review section
I don’t like black people. I can’t stand them
i am a big fan of bodycons
not enough to be gross
lame, I prefer russian cuties reviewing aliexpress lingerie
I love them and have never had a problem with them
you hardly have any in canada
Some are cool, some are not, same with white people
I've hardly interacted with them here but when I lived in their land they were very nice
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How much involvement you have in your neighborhood activities at home, /twg/? I've been living in my mom's new house and we're 5 months into this neighborhood consisting of just 80 families, and she appointed me to be a part of the event planning committee because she want me to be "more social" and "work hard". I already have so much in my plate, I just finished with my bachelor thesis for example and I really have to re-learn stuff, grind leetcode, and get a job before January. But no, she wants herself to be known as a big shot. The neighborhood head is some whale who doesn't mind to dump money and making us do all his bidding, and the other members of the committe are all married bunch, while the young adults around 18-25 are just me and my younger siblings. The rest of the populace are just fucking toddlers.

Yes Man mentality is so prevalent in our 3rd world shithole. Look, I'm able to partake and attend whatever social gatherings I want to, but getting involved directly behind the scene? Please no. I already have zero free time for myself all these years living with either my mom / dad and not being able to move out.
How is it fun?
I live in an apartment
If I say..

French love bread
Italians love cheese
Greeks love fish
Portuguese love sardines
Brits love pints of beer
Irish love alcohol
Russians love caviar

Everyone says yes…..

If someone says…

Blacks love watermelon or fried chicken…

Racist!!!!!!! Racist!!!?

Why? That’s stupid.
You are brainwashed. Break the chains.
tiktokposting should be an instant ban
yeah i saw that tweet
The full quote is "that's the fun part, you don't"
it's thundering out help
george carlin ahh observation
do you have brontophobia?
Boobs are overrated
are you in a railroad track?
are you a chihuahua
it's not abnormal, it's loud.

no I wouldn't be outside
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>Boobs are overrated
yea dawg, that's a nah from me
skipping home
Joe Biden will NOT be the next President of the United States
>it's not abnormal, it's loud.
thats not what I asked, you dimwit
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you'll get no help from me
it's not irrational to be afraid of explosive noises
I didnt say it was, Im asking if youre afraid of thunder
He's right
Post pics of your neighborhood
yes it is. noises can't hurt you
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should i play a game or just start getting comfy in bed?
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>He's right
Does anyone have the soyjak that's pointing at himself thats wearing a t-shirt that's says "I'm gay"?
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it isnt even 6 o clock yet...
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Gated residence. There's only one neighborhood like this in every 10 km radius, the rest are slums and ghettos.
>not doing both
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torn between my love of the female form and my hatred for simps
pussy on my dick and yea that bitch is hot
you have to lower yourself down to the simps level if you want to have a gf
YOU'RE A WOMAN?! *boi-oi-oing*
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Nvm I found it
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>can see he's losing the game long before it ends
I yelled that in Mel Blanc's voice btw
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Germany was having trouble what a sad sad story
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it's late

the pc is far from the bed
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Mexicans are native American. It's not until you get to Mayans that south American begins ethnically.
white people corny
Mexicans are native Mexicans
Mexicans invented corn
ya think yakub got hisself BUCK BROKE and that's why he so nutty and gay
Painfully stupid oversimplification
shawty like a memory in my head / That I can't keep out, got me singing like / Na-na-na-na, every day / It's like my iPod stuck on replay
Overrated, yes. Can still be enjoyable though.
dropping out was actually very noble and strong-minded, the tides are shifting because of his dignified sacrifice
can you suck on her titties if you're having sex with her facing you??
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I hate summer
How many more happenings will occur between now and November?
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>the tides are shifting because of his dignified sacrifice
Imagine being such a cultureless shithole that your "claim to fame" is just chili. Not even a fancy variation, just chili.
yes, unless she has very small tits or is a midget
I'm gonna make it
then i dont know how can anyone think ass is better
Anyone who gets harassed, bullied or hurt by someone else should just be nicer to the perpetrator to mend the rift
I wish everyone around me was the same race as me
not really
>brazilian narrating himself losing his virginity
Of course it's a simplification you fucking retard. We are talking about groups of probably millions of people across thousands of years.
>i dont know how can anyone think ass is better
doing it from the behind to play with the bunda
The quran might be the most retarded book ever written, and muslims the biggest retards on earth, next to americans, but americans are good retards
you've read it?
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>blocks your path
>"hello sir"
what can you even do with the ass that you can't do with tits but even better
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The Bible and the Talmud are close seconds
subways have multiple doors in every car. i'd simply stop being a martyr and exit through a different door.
no you didn't
I would drive my truck and not deal with other retards on public tranSHIT
Mudslime detected, cope
Yes I did, mudslime
Yo if anyone is serious about wanting to find a gf in a natural way (not on dating apps) then go play a girl game like Animal Crossing, The Sims, or Stardew Valley girls get rock hard for men who play those games
Reading comprehension
no you didn't
better yet, play roblox
This guy knows
who the hell would waste their time reading a garbage book like the quran
I've got an even better idea, GO OUTSIDE, YOU CANAKEK
The thing you're lacking
I did
public transit here either doesnt allow bikes on or has them in a holster on the front of the bus
>girls get rock hard
but what if I want a real girl and not a "girl"
What language did you read it in?
my dad says i did wrong by quitting my job without any notice right before my shift
I hope all Canadians will vote for the Liberals because they're the only party if you're a decent fucking person
like it even matters
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>tag: huge-butt
oh yah, its kino time
dinner turned out good
what did i miss
mole :)
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i wook wike this when i get embawassed
Did you read it in Latin script or Arabic?
What the fuck happened that the jannies are protecting canasissies now?
It’s interesting how you have no framework of opposition to things outside the emotive categories of a therapy session.
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I want Doug Ford out even more than Trudeau but I don't want to support Trudeau, why can't he just drop out?
If you had a mcjob it doesn't really matter.

if you do that in a real job you'll wish you hadn't.
>antitherapyschizo returns
>If you had a mcjob it doesn't really matter.
>if you do that in a real job you'll wish you hadn't.
yeah i don’t like him
>therapy shill ACTUAL schizo returns
you'll get blackballed out of the industry or exiled to some backwater location where you won't make near as much
Ok but what happens after I play those games? How do I meet the women and harden them to a rock-like consistency with my experience with said games?
They'll give you a bad reference
>anyone who disagrees with me is part of a psyop
corn pop should've done the needful
Nothing wrong with wanting to go to therapy, but good luck finding a therapist that's actually good and not shallow
>go to therapy
>accept that you are weak
>take the big pharma poison!
deviously plotting on going to an aa meeting just for the snacks
Who are you quoting
It’s more likely than you think
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this is a level of poor I can't comprehend
>schizo ramblings continue
where do hot bpd girls congregate?
After only 30 minutes of swiping on tinder I have ran out of women over the age of 21 and under the age of 32, I'm in a major city too, wtf?
It used to be such a better app, it gets worse every year
I don't think I've ever seen snacks at an aa meeting
crystal cafe
I was Ridin' with Biden and now I have no one to vote or
you can’t handle them so don’t bother they wouldn’t be willing to put up with your bs
What's something fun I can do with my new dual monitor set-up?
Anything that gets popular gets worse
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Trust the plan
look at how you went into that place and immediately started trying to start shit, and using all of your little proxies and personas. youre such a faggot. fuck you
When I got a monitor that could rotate I emulated some DS and 3DS games
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico is my therapy. Thanks for saving me thousands on medical bills.
u can put cum on one screen.

movie on one screen and low effort game on the other
A Yanomami might be crazy
Based af
Hey, don't mention it, bud. Don't forget to eat beef, drink milk, and exercise. We are gonna make it.
say "FARE INSPECTION" and they will all jump off at the next stop

This is a commuter train THOUGH
Cringe adhd canasissy
i feel like sometimes people make posts to antagonize me specifically
main character syndrome probably
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was kino
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>I'm not gonna drink this weekend, gotta make a change for the better
>shut-in routine stays exactly the same
>but sober
You're a faggot, that's why
not supposed to be home until dark...
God I hate that fucking guy
Good stuff
based schizo experiencing delusions of reference
I have consumed maybe 4 sips of alcohol in my entire life
Everyone is the main character of their own life...
I'm the main character
commuter has a designated spot for bikes in one part of the train car only. Plus its impossible to get the bikes up to the second "floor" anyway
What's so bad about the 9th of November?
i get the most yous. im the main character
If you can simply go and take a walk that helps, if you walk with confidence
I'm happy that you're battling your alcohol addiction, keep it up, brother
dont know how you can realize that youre what is around people when they are unhappy and with how miserable you are, and how you dont straight up kill yourself. dont know how you can look at yourself and your life and not want to kill yourself. oh and you should kill yourself, so go kill yourself
I'm the comedic relief character that rarely gets screen time
It's only fun when you're 17-23, then it rapidly becomes less fun every year
>going out to bars is the only way to make friends
>its outlandishly expensive
>still have yet to see any single women, let alone ones ym age
>I hate how I am when Im drunk, plus the hangover
just fuck my shit up
Can't, Mom will be sad
no im not
i could make a post that would get 20 replies right now and derail the thread but i won’t
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Has there ever been an /cum/ meetup?
W-Would you guys come to my house if I invited you?
Don't tell other people to kill themselves no matter how much you hate them, please and thank you
I'm an expert (You) harvester.
I probably have the most (You)s in /cum/ history (excluding that one Canadian who said "I'm based" and got a hundred (You)s calling him based"
every win is a win
don't be a fag and turn your wins into losses, if your goal was to be sober this weekend and you did it then that's a win
yea but you can't be there when I show up
im sure you’re a sweetheart but i could never, sorry
too dangerous
I met a /cumbum from oregon years ago, and flew to Shitattle to visit the city and met a guy from the /cum/ discord
Yeah, but you gotta be a biofemale, or look like a girl and don't be a rapist at the bare minimum
>designated spot
Jeets don't care about this unless it the designated shittin' street. Half of them are UberEats delivery drivers anyway
Who's the main character? This needs to be established
>/cum/ discord
You, and Jason is the deutorog
nah I'm convinced it's me
jason mentioned
What if I disagree? Does that make me the villain?
im like the new character they added when the ratings started going down that everyone hates except a core few fans
please do not discuss he-who-shall-not-be-named
Oh fuck I had a stroke while typing this, I meant to say deuteragonist lmao
I remember the /cum/ irc
Ill fuck around and get a (You) dont play with me
can i be one of the side characters that appears in the opening credits but otherwise you never hear or see in the actual show?
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truly grim times
Can't help it, he's the main character of my life and I'm simply a vendor npc that sells him junk in exchange of high prices
I just limit what I drink. I pregame a little and stick with beer or cider, which are the cheaper options at one bar near me
/cum/ is in decline
The fall of Alexandria
dont worry i can fix it
/cum/ can only get better from here. the future is bright!
We need to go back to /precum/
who cares?
I feel like I missed out on having that fun. Hence drinking at 27.
Side characters are op
No it isn't
nah you couldn't
/cum/ is an anthology series, and you are the viewer. Please relax and enjoy.
French toast is an easier way to eat eggs than hard boiled if your goal is bulking on eggs.
we literally made the first post of the new age

Eh, it's not that great.
I've had good times with alcohol, but also had some extremely embarrassing moments and almost died
Outside 4chan is scary
ermm no
3 (you)s, I'm the fucking man
Yeah, but it's a lot of calories and carbs too. If you want max eggs, scramble them.
niggas be like
"grrr, these eggs are too tough"
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Fear not the dark, /cum/, and let the feast begin
Yeah French toast is good but I do love hardboiled eggs. Every year for Easter it was a boiled egg feast for us kids
/v/ is a cesspool
/cum/ is like my own little candy raver gf
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going to the gas station do you guys want anything
/v/ has become unusable
gummy worms, 2 steelies, and some cup o noodle
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I win the (You) game, thoughever
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>just go outside and meet new people
>go outside
>meet nobody
Only low IQ, low impulse control "people" buy overpriced goods at a gas station convenience store
It has been for years.
It's so fast that if your thread doesn't immediately get 10 replies it just falls off the catalog, so of course low effort attention seeking posts reign supreme.
>has become
its been worthless since at LEAST the end of E3, which was what, 5 years ago?
Please /cum/ responsibly.
slushie make it extra large and and put these flavours IN ORDER: cream soda, mango, grapefruit, rootbeer on top
3 years ago
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>he's never had a rib sammich from AMPM
>go outside
>lool like jesus christ with short hair
>bitches eye raping me
yea can i get a Nurse's Special Treatment - 4.1 Lbs Naughty Nurse Toy Onahip
>he's never had a rib sammich from AMPM
and that's a good thing, fatass
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>grapefruit slushie
You just loved all those eyes on you, you're a little slut ain't ya?
>mexican goes outside
>looks like jesus
Am I supposed to find this interesting?
too spicy for you, VEGAN?
the real main character hasn't posted yet
Yeah, I'm the guy.
Y-yes... just humble bragging, I'm a pure boy tho, girls cant crack this oyster shell
the cute guy
>if you don't like pig trough tier slop you must be a vegan
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I'm a musketeer
Ohio has been rangebanned. We can't post images anymore.
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I don't know what's worth fighting for or why I have to scream
I don't know why I instigate and say what I don't mean
I don't know how I got this way, I'll never be alright
So, I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit tonight
jason is finished
damn another shite op
Why are you talking like this
This is British slang
Do you say this word irl?
I do actually
Kill yourself irl
bit rude

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