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Snowbunny edition
Last: >>200016612
what means snowbunny?
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It’s a Serbian term
White girl into breeding with non-white men
Tired of Nojko threads, lying , evil creature
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Do you guys have jeets jerking off at whores in public transport?
They have those in Bucharest and the whores seem to enjoy it too, i hate women
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quite unironically my undies brand
>A common practice of WASP families is presenting their daughters of marriageable age (traditionally at the age of 17 or 18 years old) at a débutante ball, such as the International Debutante Ball at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City.[83]
>come fuck my daughter
A person’s origin does determine many things, just like the vegetation that grows on barren land and rich land. A person with a higher origin is like a fruit tree on a rich land, which tends to flourish; a person with a lower origin is like one on a barren land. The weeds easily bury the desolation…
look at this guy ruining fyromian morning tradition with his deep thoughts
>could have had many sex
>did have no sex
LMAO he really woke up at 5am to make the thread the Frenchfag stole from him yesterday xaxaxaxaxa
never went to sleep to begin with
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>u can't have nice things goy
patetik eatchure
Anyone who watches this shit deserves to be skinned alive, how the fuck can you listen to more than 5 seconds of ASMR without feeling the need to bash your head against a wall or rip out your eardrums. The most annoying sound ever made
You're literally me.
for me? it's king ass ripper asmr
White girl that fucks black guys. Commonly used by black pimps to refer to their whores.
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.
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>In individuals, insanity is rare
so true, so true.
Дoбpo yтpo/Дoбpo jyтpo/Кaлимepa/Buna/Xhakafiri
The sick individual finds himself at home with all other similarly sick individuals. The whole culture is geared to this kind of pathology. The result is that the average individual does not experience the separateness and isolation the fully schizophrenic person feels. He feels at ease among those who suffer from the same deformation; in fact, it is the fully sane person who feels isolated in the insane society.
'mnăziua și ție, frate bălegare
Why is this stupid subhuman mongrel x2 in my general fuck the jannies
Today I will lift weights
Hello I'm looking for husband
There you go, now fuck off fuckin homos
so angry... nice
Good decent people
Criminial scum
Never even seen one
Check out prisoner ethnicity in swiss prisons.
Even in this photo she can't hide her insatiable lust for big muscular black men with thick long dicks
Am I a virgin if I was raped as a child? Genuine question!
>waah waah a sexy milf sexed me I am le victim
Shut up you lucky fucking bastard.
This shows that all the "MGTOW" gurus are full of shit. We need women to mature and move to the next stage in life. A man with a woman is superior to single guys. Otherwise we just stay stagnated and act like stunted adults.
black men only*
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Jesus fuck get the fuck out of here schizo
hearty kek
listen to this guys
I have never enjoyed living in the world
Life in the balkans is tough and instead of getting stronger and better like our resident schizo homosexual faggots here spam their sodomy and artificially adopted fetishism.
You faggots are worth way less than a mentally unstable schizoid virgin incel, like way less.
how do i get jailed in svenka prison?
I got an excuse. I never had a dad, was bullied in HS, and most of my relatives are dead. 27 khv btw.
For men there is no point in working past the bare minimum essentials if he doesn't have a pussy and family to take care of. That's how society works and exploits men into building it.
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How accurate is this
Very, expect Europe to fall apart in the following 5 years, Russia will become a new power and revive USSR, while Germany and Poland will unite into one and rule the rest of the continent. US will close itself up and has to deal with its own set of problems, like gender issues and civil wars between blacks and whites.
well fuck
0.2% for women
0.7% for men
Jesus Christ global faggotry really is a thing
they probably don't even wash the shit off their dicks after they are done with anal

real life ain't a porn movie you homos

>get pussy
>she starts cheating on you

it never ends
Κys mizera and mangal
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what is stopping you from having this?
We are not black, brother
Snow? The geoclimatic conditions of Attica are unfavorable for snowfall aside from places in Penteli and Parnitha mountains
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My soul hurts seeing this image
I want this so bad bros
Looking after people is hard
imagine if she slipped and fell, breaking her head on the pavement
My 80y old granpa just did that and he has no idea why his head is bleeding or what happened, it happened like an hour ago
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Dear God my generation is so cringe ngl
a symptom of a cripple society
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That's literally the definition. It comes from the African-American community. They're just misusing the term.
yмpи мaмa ти дeбa гнycнa
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In other news, riots are brewing again between the declared schismatic monks of the Esphigmenou Monastery of Mount Athos and the special forces of the Greek police

The monks have been occupying illegally the monastery for the past decades have cut ties with everyone around them and they have been blamed of training ultra nationalist Russian agents, a claim they reject
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>yмpи мaмa ти дeбa гнycнa
Hey thats my line
The thing is, I am actually a homosexual. Yup, mmmhhmmm.
It was obvious. Mangal.
kuv vi e problema we
women ruining their skin for a handful of hot girl summers in their youth
Redditroach is by far the dumbest animal on balk ever
I miss Sifribey
>elections nearing
>suddenly zoglenski talking about peace
nou stress i si ebah raltata i sea upravqne nqma
can i buy her or similar
Athos literally allows for a peaceful co-existence of you, us and serbs. These monks deserve the peace nobel prize.
You have some fruit trees and a pretty decent harvest recently
What are balkan people doing with their fruit?
Canning? Drying? Making rakia?
>monday adjustment
bad form frfr ong
letting them fall and rot
have fun washing your shoes lol
Monday, July 22nd. Money left til end of month: 13lv. But we'll get through it somehow bros, like we always do.
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I wonder how skopian bordermen feel when they see the Greek Drivers License card which shows the VERGINA sun on it (symbol of the eternal Greek spirit)
ill double your bank account if you give your sister to me
we need to save bulgaria
what a chuddy
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so many memes
Noooooo booooon
which of the 10 different roaches in your mind are you talking about now?
Wrong, we have to work, so do it for as much money as possible.

Otherwise you are cucking yourself by undervaluing your own time. If you make enough money and invest it wisely you can retire before other people do.
New SKOPIAN kino dropped
Am atât de multe și tot n-am nimic....
Cele mai scumpe mașini nu mă fac fericit......
Sunt un miliardar cu trai luxos..
Dar bani fără tine nuuu se cheltuie frumos.
Trying to clean the oven with lemons and water as they say it works. It does not. Scam scam scam
it's called oven cleaner
even baking soda would work better
I'll put you in the oven.
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no interesting people came into my store today apart from some morning drinker shrubs
Not going to poison myself with chemicals bro
My BBC throbs for mangal bussy
Where do you work?
Σκυλογατογονεῖς ἑνωθεῖτε, αὔριο τὸ /r/Greece ἔχει ΓατοΤρίτη!
what a bitch
I regret my hs didint teach me those real terms.
convenience store near the beach
prices are unreal and the workers jew tourists for even more money when they can. the workers dont profit a cent from doing this btw, everyone just fucking hates tourists
very based but clearly not enough to save your country
>near the beach
you probably get the subhumaniest subhumans
should have worked at grocery store in a 15000 population """town""" where the average age is 65
yep its over for crofartia, even gaygayria has more of a future than us
Masturbation ruined my life. After 14 years of nonstop beating it up I now have homosexual cravings to watch trannies and bi porn. Thankfully I have never watched gay porn yet... I need help.
>use public transportation
>go inside the bus
>gypsie kid pickpoketing random people
>cut down a hole in my pants pockets
>pull my dick in my pocket
>gypsie kid sneak his dirty hand inside my pocket to grab wallet but instead grabs my dick
oh boy oh boy oh boy
Are you Croatian?
I thought you guys only had foreigners there?
Nah, the Jewish pornographer ruined your life.
most tourists are like good natured cattle with stars in their eyes, with the occasional french/brit/brown trying to act cool by being rude. locals are the worst to deal with in general, especially post wall roasties
its unreal how many underage girls in swimsuits i get to see tho
put the trip back on goldsmith
The first step is simple. Realize that all straight porn is actually homosexual porn in disguise, realize that all coomers are actually faggots, you might not realize it consciously but your subconscious understands and answers accordingly, aka the reason you act like a faggot in life. Cut this crap out. Then I will tell you the next step.
It is too late for me, I am a kissless virgin at 27. It is over. I know I am not a gay or bi though, this stuff disgusted me 14 years ago (or even 4 years ago), and I would have rather killed myself than do that...but I need a stronger fix, and it has been a slow descend from watching literally everything you can imagine. I was isolated and 24/7 on the internet, I have seen it all (except snuff). I have tried to quit porn for 10 years but my longest without it has been 2 weeks back in 2015. The only cure left is a bullet to the head, I don't want to cut my dick off bro, I don't want to be turned into one of those monsters on display now (a troon). I am scared!

The most degenerate shit I have seen comes from Japan or Russia tho.
nebi me za kasu stavili da nisam crvat, nepalci ti samo budu po skladi6tima ovako u ducanima
bane6 li mi u ducan namjerno cu te zajebat za pare i naplatit ti vi6e samo da zna6
Maybe consider therapy.
You have to be a homosexual if ypi wouldn't fuck a woman with a penis
everyone in this general has a porn addiction or is at least gay tho
To je već rasizam brate.
Mogu oni kao i mi raditi.
You are not 27 bro
I don't want to post my ID card here again, I am.
Everyone here is in some way or form mentally ill. If you arent you wouldnt stick around. Main factors are current inceldom, prior inceldom, freak of nature or fucked up upbringing. Everyone here checks at least one box.
It's very funny how AMERICA has managed to subvert you so successfully while it has had zero effect on me, their BIGGEST fan
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opinions on romanian minorities?
pasta so old grannybey got a stiffy
how do these faggots get jobs near children?
>Kristof Lajos
Thats a 100% hungarian name
well he helped create a future /balk/ poster
Please come to Sweden and have unprotected sex with our women
We like brown girls, fuck off wh*teoid pigface
I love pale Czech/ Slav girls, they are my kryptonite
gathering the information to get a job like that huh?
What's Montenegro like? It looks comfy.
This fat jew was kino 5 years ago
Fuck off goldroachmangalsmith
nu pe toti ii cheama goldberg. am intalnit si 2 evrei cu nume romanesti
I kill pedos
>nooo guys I am afraid of the trannies turning me gay
>I kill pedos
Yeah, I seriously doubt
they rape and kill bongistanis in there
just go to bulgaria
дaй дa yтoчним квo знaчи пeдoфилия зa тeбe
taking out the competition huh?
>Pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.

17+ are fare game
Пocлaникът нa CAЩ Кeнeт Mepтeн: Блaгoдapeниe нa HATO Бългapия пpoцъфтявa

Apecтyвaхa 19-гoдишeн зa yмишлeн пaлeж кpaй Пeщepa

Цeнитe нa тoкa зa бизнeca изпpaвят пpeд фaлити хoтeлиepи и pecтopaнтьopи
бaх нeгpмoтния oлигoфpeн
I am only saying 17 because you literally can't tell a difference when they reach late teenage years. It is the fact. They have developed bodily by then. And are probably fucking already.

Now, girls truly begin to bloom once they reach their 20s and I would argue they start peaking from 20 till 35. Then they turn into women some fall off while others continue to get better and better with age.
Why would you want to fuck brats bro? Males and Females do not look any different until they hit puberty, hence why pedophiles are into kids in general and are mostly homosexuals. What is wrong with you what you are projecting your mental disorder onto me?
>he got pubes at 17+
When I was 7 I wanted to fuck MILFs and chicks in their 20s. My dick got hard for those only,while I ignored chicks my age.
this general is like pol, untolerable, at least last night we got free from reddit roach, nojkoturk and churkosmurd for a couple of hours, was something else...
> I am a kissless virgin at 27

Lucky you, don't fell for the "you have to do it before 30 or else you're a loser" bullshit. I regret losing my virginity just for the sake of it.

Seek help, block porn pages
at least you are not a pedophile which is commendable
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one less brown terorrist on russian clay
Yeah I have a plan to combat this, my dream is to have >>200043018 start a family and the normal life I never had.

Thanks but I just never got the appeal.
нe ми гoвopи нa aнглийcки кaт cи нeгpaмoтeн вe пeдepac ни мoжeш дa пишeш ни дa чeтeш
My English is better than my Bulgarian believe it or not. English was my second language while Bulgarian my third.
>Цeнитe нa тoкa зa бизнeca изпpaвят пpeд фaлити хoтeлиepи и pecтopaнтьopи
Byтe пaк в лapп фaзa
anyone here plays world of warcarft?

i play on Starfall (everlook) Classic vanilla server
I could have learned perfect Polish if I wasn't rooted out of there in my childhood and forced to live here, in Bulgaria, where not only everyone made fun of me for my silly pronunciations, I had to go to a speech therapist, and had to forcefully learn Bulgarian which made my head into a mush. But now I forgot most Polish, I can't communicate in it, but I also suck at Bulgarian duo to the bullying and being made fun off. I can't freely express myself without coming off as weird and unnatural. English is the only language I ended up being comfortable in expressing myself and thinking in.
5 foot 3 and schizophrenia
5 foot 3 and schizophrenia
i im 169 cm so thats 5.7
and i don't have schizophrenia
Anyway how are you? What's happening lately at the Janevs? Any plans for this summer?
>wow that's such amazing progress and so quickly
product is sucking my dick
I won
non of your business
Aбe шизo глyп, тoa лeкapcтвaтa тe тepaaт нa aгpecијa
Wallowing in self pity is unattractive to women
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2 ac units = 4k euro
T-thanks obama
Te excită?
abe daj ne zamaraj
Yes, I am aware. I need to cure and recover from my victim mentality.
Arată a "jeet" autohton. Sursa ca vreau sa vad ce zice panarama?
bro ac costs 700€
where the fuck are you buying
Shoulda bought your AC from Metro on discount for 300 EUR and called tradies to install it for another 100
Decent ac costs here 500e, from Borsch company more exactly
meh, around that price range
But i prefer Mitsubishi
Deoemds on btu. If its 9000 btu then you can find decent one at 500euro. Your costs 700euro because probably its 12000btu
dei peak at 20
I got a 12000 Electrolux for 300 EUR on discount, 2 years warranty
Thingkan it'll croak around the 2 years and 1 day mark
I do. on a dead server.
>I need an AC!!! didn't need one before, need one now! why? I don't know!!!
shut up
Identifying as an incel is useless and a Jew-tier denomination. Might as well be yeah a feminist or communist or some other shit like that. You're a resentful self-loathing narcissistic loser, is what I'm saying. Get rid of that shit.
job interview status?
Incelwalk results:
>7 arabs
>2 pajeets
>2 asians
>mutt child with its mudshark mom and elderly grandfather (the black father nowhere to be seen)
You forgot the trip schizo
second job status? escape from albania status? bacon lay's status? masturbator game status? e621 pictures of underage animals status?
I am saying to all of you, stop calling yourself incels. It is all in your head.
My wife is infertile
you're cute for remembering all that
It's the wrong term and very problematic, it reduces men to creatures only interested in sex and that ain't the case. No one with 100 EUR in they pocket and a prostitute nearby willing to exchange it for sex is an incel. It's a problem of being unable to receive romance and sex from a genuinely attracted partner. So it should be inun (involuntarily undesirable).
You should love her even more then. Treasure her, stay by her side, and show her that she is not less of a human or a woman for not being able to have children. And you can adopt. I think adoption is a good thing.
>(the black father nowhere to be seen)
must be working still
I have a special kind of memory that is good at memorizing utter shit but I can't remember what I did all july
I do and always will love her, and I still consider myself lucky to have her and to have the life we share together. I have a lot to be grateful for, but I will never be a father. Also, I’m not interested in raising someone else’s kid, so I will just have to enjoy my life without children.
Cos you did fuck-all in july and have 30 GB of unused memory
this better not be just sub 3 years into a marriage talk
you know what? you're right. I'm gonna do something. that's it tomorrow (today) I maybe go out and buy myself a polo t-shirt or a short sleeve shirt to look presentable.
We’ve been married for like six years, but together for a little over twelve.
for mutts it means also being unmarried THOUGH
Doesn't matter when the fundamental issue is not getting romance or sex from a genuinely attracted partner. You can be a married betabux or in a sexless relationship. You are involuntarily undesirable. By mutts definition you can be an incel whilst being very attractive because your meme religion doesn't permit benis in bagina outside marriage and there's no marriageble women around you.
I bought a shirt yesterday, I look too handsome when I wear it
Mommy goes to the mall and sends me pics of articles of clothing that scream "I'm a virgin, may only the biggest of whores attack me" on messenger, and I say yes buy this or no.
alright fine, good fortune to you and your wife
certified rasha post
>on messenger
certified thirdie
t. whatsapphuman
>show her that she is not less of a human or a woman for not being able to have children
troon propaganda
no idea what's happening since I can't be bothered to unmute but her face is funny
this is FUD
>Vucic: w*stoids prepping for direct confrontation with maguchaya, they don't care about H deaths
>Maguchaya: orange man likes to promise a lot of things in his election rhetoric but fulfills little of it

oh no no no
timmy mad cos he got cucked by bibisi
LMFAO collective IQ is 45 on this video
sex sex sex with janissary women
supa hot fire-type situation
poor half-moon kid (didn't ask for this)
poor soyjak police officer (paid to endure this)
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Lmao shut the FUCK UP whiteoid beyaz turkler
nu la fel de mult ca pe tine
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They had some energy thougheverbeit
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i walk around in my lacoste pijamas and this shirt
we livin in a world where ziglets, the masters of manipulation and disinformation, tell the truth
Bulgarfriends you have some quite high prices here on everyday goods compared to Polska like even olive oil costs much more
500 years of turkish buckbreaking

>We are used to suffering....Same like a story you have heard. That a leader of a tribe was disappointed because his tribe was senseless and used to suffering from the king. So he knew a bridge which everyone crossed in the morning on the way to work. He appointed a person to slap everyone who crosses from there. And everyone must get slapped before going and had to wait for their turn. After some days they gathered outside the leader's house to protest. He felt happy that at least they are acting like a nation and went to listen their complain. And they were complaining that there is only one person to slap everyone and we have to wait our turn and get late for work so appoint more pesons to slap them.
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No need to be snide, im having a terrible week/month/15 years
Hm guess what I found my old youtube channel still somewhat exists, created in 2007 lol
Now in the process of getting back access to it to use it. I thought it was gone and was going to buy another channel if I could.

Yes I'm that old and was on YouTube even in 06
Why dont you just buy mangals bussy?
Ffs what does this even mean
Well I though that since you make olives than it will be cheaper but no, I can buy spanish or greek olive oil cheaper in Poland

poorfags do not actually know how money works
They really hated Lazar for sure 14:03
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>*slav squating unironically
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We buy italian, spanish and greek goods for twice cheaper here you just have to know the people, if you buy anything save a couple of ahit from major league chains than you are financing the antichrist and you must be disembowelled with a spoon.
I buy sea bass for like 50 euro 10kgs
No major chain sells real cheese i buy from the locals and age it in my basement.
My clothes got shipped from italy my car got shipped from germany.
need to coom
just another bulgarian having his daily homo episode
I see, Poland should sell a lot to bvllgaria than, we make everything and sell everywhere even in africa it's strange that you don't have Polish sweets or frozen veggies

You do have Polish alcohol thought, I saw quite a bit
I remember looking at that hoes onlyfans years ago. Didn't do nude at the time
Btw. I ate fishsoup, midi, squid, szubska sałat

What else should I eat?
The moment where everything could have gone right for you
We have everything way better than you, our politicians get bribed to destroy it and they did, peasants are stuck in the past, living a lie.
The fire devours the ruins that they mourn, old people perish in perilous times, young people morn before anyone died
I want silicon wearing whores to be negatively shamed by society
Google didn't find anything
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Damn Legia Warsaw fans do really want their capital to become enriched like ATHENS!
i wanted to post this
i hate bulgaria
Look closer
why she be holding hohol
White people CANNOT be refugees
Pic related is refugees
So i am at a cafe enjoying the evening
She has a pigs head to scare off mudslimes and they have a bat and a hammer to cave their fucking heads ins and might as well cave in some kacap heads while they're at it
I knew of youtube in 2006 as well
H are not white
Also did you know H are Z
But Z are white
>I was terminally online in 2006
Not a flex
I was too
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she decapitated him
hammer is used for pig slaughter by headshotting the hohol with it and stunning it
Nah we used to have internet cafes where alot of friendships happend and going to nightclubs and the internet cafe worked for 2hrs a day

So it was like a gentelmens club but insead of jocks it was full of computer nerds
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truth be told pigs are bros
>average /balk/ poster
>takes a bath
too clean
it's his once a month bath before going out to collect australian neetbux
too white
I am in the neighborhood, so I will come for sure. :)
too white
I have awaken from my slumber.
mistakes were made
someone explain the story behinde this Sashko slaying qt3.14.
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okay now imagine his bbsi
So true, everytime i go to bed i wish tonot wake up, wpuld have sleptmore but was too cold from the AC
The only thing that keeps me going nowadays is my hatred of bulgaria, bulgarians and womanoids
>foid makes up absolutely bullshit reason to see you
>foid pretends to be utterly helpless like in porno movies
total kazakhstan
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forgot image desu
imagine giving them a running kick
Not black, he's just covered inmud.
mid, can't be bothered with any further thought on this
clearly as a e621 enthusiast you made a typo in "lick"
PLAP (Pung longer than the penis) - a common condition in which the underside of the scrotum reaches further down to the ground than its companion, the penis.

Anders Hansson and I meet in the men's locker room at Eriksdal. - "Most people I talked to see a sharp scrotum as a sign of high masculinity and good propagation ability, but what they do not think about the problems that follow."

Anders standing stark naked, arms crossed with one foot on the floor and the other on the bench and spreads some legs.

He looks relaxed and casually out.

I'm trying to fix the look in his face, but all I see is a big red pendant balls with an enormously small penis. Rather, an acorn that popped out of the skin, screaming for help.

I ask - "Have there been any problems with your condition?"

Anders slowly lower foot down from the bench and reaching for their washed-out green underpants and smell them.

- "Well, these are freshly washed .. What did you say, problems? With intimacy? I'll be honest and say that many women become nervous when we .. Yes .. When we have sex, that is. I tend to calm them with tender words that I should be loving and gentle, but it always ends with me flaskar on them so violently in doggy style to the scrotum both hit me in the back and her across the chest. Endel girls are so afraid that they'll be tough and say they do not feel anything. "

For some reason ignored Anders in putting on underwear without first started with their sports socks as he pulled up to the knees.

I ask the last question: - "What's the worst thing your scrotum has been through?"

Anders get something painful in his eyes and takes on a far too small shirt, still without underwear.

- "Come here," he says.

We go towards the showers and he leads me straight to the sauna.

Anders opens the door and I turned off a strong odor of dampness, birch and hormones.
The vlach is not a white woman however
'lach ness monster
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Polish Gym-Karen criticized Bqlgaria and there are already almost 1000 comments from angry Bulgarians reminding Poles that Bulgaria invented Cyrillic and had advanced culture when Poles lived in swamps and pooped into a hole

summer season at full
yeah he is far worse
>pop open tiktok
>some mid balkan guy flexing his car and money
>zero presence of women just men

many such cases
>letting women near your car or money
Nothing worse than a white devil, he is close to it though.
>comes to russo-turkish shithole voluntarily
play subh games, win subh prizes
bqlgariq, kek
stop being a smartass and start imagining the bbsea
what sort of gay fanfic is this
>"Eastern countries"
>"the lack of regular alphabet"
uhhh bgbros, that must have hurt...

once in lifetime poles managed to become slightly richer than bulgaria and they already start showing off
You can complain about Russia - I complain about it more than once - but trips to Eastern countries always make me realize that things are not that bad in Russia. Or to put it differently - there are countries in Europe where things are even worse, and there are many of them. And sometimes they are much worse. Bulgaria, in my opinion, is a country 30-40 years behind Russia. Very neglected. Ruins, abandoned buildings everywhere, including the tourist center. Bad English, they don't understand. You can communicate in English in the tourist center, but not at the information desk about buses. I came across a person who told me completely wrong how to get to a given place. Luckily, I didn't listen to the lady the information desk and went my own way. Thanks to that, I found my way.
Turkish everywhere. The lack of a regular alphabet makes it very difficult, sometimes even the timetables had no Russian text.
The best were the intercity schedules. The schedule only shows the DEPARTURE TIME from the base.
There is no information about what time the bus arrives at the stop so if you're not local and don't
know how long the bus takes then… you sit and wait for it to arrive. Simple, right?
Roma - there are a lot of them, and their manner leaves much to be desired. If they want something, they will follow you around intrusively, saying in their own way "give it to me". On the beach I had to watch out for a Roma girl who wanted to take my swimming armbands.
Bare bottoms (and not only) everywhere on the beach. Children under 8 years of age were not bothered by the nudity, and parents did not react. Of course, the Roma parents. A paradise for pedophiles.
It's ok, the upcoming Russo-German clash №123131 will humble you once more
Poles were always called white niggers for a reason
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qrd? i dont read posts past one sentence and 7 words
bulgaria bad, bulgaria mad
>qrd? i dont read posts past one sentence and 7 words
here you are:
>Polish Gym-Karen criticized Bqlgaria and there are
Your parents played this and you came to be you shrub clown
Not my fault. I'm not playing this game.
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Its over for muttgaria
Case of being pretentious whilst poor. Typical east europoor affliction.
>t. NPC
Yes. I don't wanna breed.
>qrd qrd bulgaria bulgaria give me qrd
Pathetic lifeless churka mongrel
Polubrainian has come in the defense of Tataragaria, it is over
>t. one who is obsessed with combating the pathetic lifeless churka mongrel on the supa hot fire zigger-advantage forums
imagine getting bullied out of /balk/ only to invent a new persona who also gets bullied back to its discord again
Krasnobey is the whitest poster in this general, if i had a sister i would let him bleach her.
I love RuZZia and the Z operations.
this board makes nofap into hard mode
>letting a guy with finger tattoos who pays for bus tickets for women reproduce
I would have a free supply of bus tickets if he bred my hypothetical goth sister.
but then you'd also have to let him paint the house
You are the most shrub lifeform of all you disgusting gypsy simp
Yes i simp for RuZZia to completely destroy Tatargaria and Hoholstan.
ITnerd cuckolds clinging onto NAFO and ziggers being forced to speak the truth makes me doubt my allegiances
I mean it's not that bad, i also need to assemble a new shoe rack.
But seriously waht made poluhohol come back and seethe? Did another hospital for skinhead children get bombed?
Post-divorce purposelessness (PDP)
Impotent revenge disorder (IRD)
mangal kys already
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baZed, slava white raec
shut the fuck up nerd cuckold
go fap to your wife getting fucked by another man
Crazy how low IQ this codemaymun is, he can't even distinquish mangal posts,
How did this dysgenic failed abortion manage to achieve anything above becoming a janitor in some derelict shithole? The world truly is unfair.
You lick churka ass like the whores you hate so much
Vgh, i kneel in front of the saviorZ of EVROPA
>mangalroach gets mad
>mangaliaroach resident gets mad
Heh... easy
The Internet allowing these snail uncreatures to make money will be corrected soon, inrashallah
he sure will enjoy seeing your constant mentions in the archive

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