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leah edish
poo smells lmao
doing the proverbial as it were
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we lost
Mind is overwrought. Off to bed.
let me guess, west london is full of darkies
just gooned
just got called a scruffy cunt in /brit/
Wait, Argentina is actually white?
It is a bit weird though. Your entire family including young children just got turned into tomato paste on a stretch of tarmac and the first thing you do is hop on GoFundMe, make an account, write out all the guff for a page, submit your credit card details and so on. Ghoulish almost.
mid-looking media darling edition
sorry OP, but you're an NPC
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The new 'eitch

you didn't know?
Most ironic post I've ever read
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>you're an NPC
fuck off you boring cunt
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>the black dude is the voice of reason
every single time
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cope of the week
Something like 50% of them are Italian blood
Might move to Argentina
parts of it are. used to be whiter though
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Margot Robbie isn't that attractive.
don’t think you know what ironic means then
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trannies are disgusting
corr now she isn't mid-looking
>Pictured: Mother, 33, who was mauled to death by her family 'bull mastiff' dog after it is feared to have attacked her 'when she suffered a seizure'

dont see why /brit/ had to see this
couldnt pay me to live in india
Ah now it makes sense
Looks like someone I saw in Aldi the other day there
Seeing some off-topic posting going on.
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>someone I saw in Aldi the other day
imagine blogposting about how you're poor
trying to make the cock thoughts go away
the reality
I saw it in my recs too
it's has to be mostly jello at that point
time for a nice oily wank
the based black man is just saving him from taking that munter home while his beer goggles are on
they even put in a pic of 'cado

>Horror as extreme eater, 24, DIES during livestream of 10-hour food binge after her stomach ripped open

same guy lol
awww hes a softy wouldn't hurt a fly x
still shop at aldi even though I make 50k a year
thick cunt
'cado on the 'ail
>pan xiaoting
yeah I pet it was, cooking all of that damn food!
(xiaoting is pronounced shouting)
no one believes any of the stuff leftypol says about trump though. boy who cried wolf. trump could be an actual nonce and no one would believe it. leftypol has inadvertently made him more powerful by lying so much to such a hysterical degree
Might go squat an abandoned Syrian embassy
why did janny delete the politics posts but not the off-topic tranny image?
do brits like clam chowder?
Zach, you in mate?
Nighty night leftypol ;)
only a BBC can get past those cheeks
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Am I the only one here who thinks Kamala Harris is kind of sexy?
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might try making it, looks good
jannies only delete stuff that they see reports on
some runt is probably reporting all political discussion as a gimmick, probably one that filtered yanks because ive never been banned here for it
she was unironically pretty good looking 20 years ago
I like the fact that she's all happy and giggly, like she's just taken some good dick minutes before her speeches.
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for those who didn't click the link, every man who approached was black or brown
>literal 3/10 flat as a board hollowed eyes mannish looking bint
of course, it's the ugly ones being harassed by men
ugly women are attractive too guys trust us!
dog culture needs to end
Say maaate to a mate next time their behaviour towards women goes too far
omdz give it a rest you sad incel
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Which of you lads is doing this?
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1000 Year Starmerreich confirmed
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leagues more attractive than whatever that ghoul is
fucking despise “white” (english speaking and pale) women
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mental folk can draw this
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Leftypol doing a quick google before his date
Cullen Skink in Scotland is similar I think
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true that love 'sagne and 'hips
they keep pouring into our country as if spawning out of the bowels of hell
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no one dates trannies except other trannies
there's no such thing as a trans person
how are they allowed to just lie about reality like this? White people are the least likely demographic to harass women in this country
I had some in Boston and some in San Francisco. It was good
will's mum is fit

A serpent eating its own tail. A troonouroboros if you will
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>trans date
lol even
rofl perhaps
i report plenty of stuff and see the politics shit deleted and the stuff i reported not
'hope this helps' is zoomer lingo for 'im being sarcastic but too pussy to tell you upfront'
mate there are historical documentaries with black vikings and shit like that. they don’t care about reality
and all the victims are brown lmaaaaoooo
complete inversion of reality amazing
No they don’t. They hate other trannies
No such thing as a cis person either. Just the mentally ill who want to cosplay as a caricature of the opposite sex
>In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”
mostly have asian food in america because it’s way better than here
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if talking to women and asking for their number is considered harrassment, how are we supposed to meet women?
Worth reading more of Theodore dalrymples essays, life at the bottom is a really good collection as is not with a bang but a whimper
why don't fat people just eat less food?
have to do it on dating apps
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you WISH you could get a date with me (a trans cutie)
the ad must be diverse, but portraying the brown man as the harasser would "perpetuate harmful stereotypes", and they know that white people are far less likely to take offense (since we know it's really the other way around)
they might look ok in a picture but as soon as you interact with them you hear their man voice, see their rough man skin, see their strange autistic mannerisms etc
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I think this about troonism
We’re all expected to pretend, and punished for speaking out. You know this isn’t a woman, I know this isn’t a woman. Are you prepared to lose your job, your career, and your social life to speak out and say that?
whenever I'm working out how many years ago something was my head always thinks it's 2022
don't know how we're nearly half way through this decade
would probably suck you off but i would never shag you
yep the purpose of trannyism and basically everything about modern culture is to degrade the spirit and rob you of any capacity for self sufficiency and independent thought. to make you weak basically
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There was a black samurai and George Floyd was a saint. Why aren’t you kneeling anon? Arrennaitchess is the envy of the world. Why aren’t you outside banging pots and pans for arrenaitchess heroes?
What an absolute dogshit thread this is
don’t understand the nhs obsession. it’s a terrible system and britain has shit healthcare for a developed nation. it’s like british people think the only alternative is the yank system
*marches past you wearing orange waving the unionist flag*
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Moving to Japan next week and sort of don't want to.
Idea: obese people should have to pay for their healthcare, everyone else gets it for free
why and why
can you send me a little trinket x
for toil?
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don’t understand this meme
you're not part of the #bobmob?
she actually reminds me of my cousin, only browner
im terrible at placing things like that. especially during covid, all just a blur
ridged potato chips
name atleast 5 alternatives then
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Daily reminder that 'gender identity' does not exist.
There is no such thing as being 'transgender'.
Human beings cannot change their sex.

Transgenderism is a paedophillic misogynistic cult that harms women and children.
trading sex for healthcare
drawing willys again
mix of public and private and not entirely funded by the tax payer
Smelly bedroom is particularly rancid today
>reaching the point where people are saying gender doesn't exist
How weirdly progressive
pooing wanking shitting farting and defecating
this is the cure for the flu
wanking a cock with my arse
same its a strange stale smell that I don't particularly mind to deal with but I reckon its pungent when other enter
so what you currently have then
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heh so true
it was originally a term (in regards to humans) used by sociologists to describe roles associated with the sexes. now it means some kind of intangible “soul” that exists independently of the body
my mum used to wash my school shirts with bleach and they turned out grey and weird had to go to school with them like some sort of tinker
feel like SHIT
no since private healthcare is entirely supplementary in the uk and the nhs is funded entirely from taxes basically
The NHS needs to end
your mum is funded entirely from taxes
just did a horrid alcohol poo
Does nobody in /brit/ ever want their balls smashed anymore? Bunch of boring bastards...
anyone got that webm of a cat stepping in a chocolate brownie
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the nhs kills more people than it saves
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rip bollockposting
This is why you need to keep troons under control, preferably by culling.
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Transgenderism is a regressive ideology that bases itself on sexist stereotypes, what they would call 'gender identity'.
There's nothing progressive about it.
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It just needs to be done away with. A welfare needs to be done away with. Taking money from the productive by force, to keep the useless alive has destroyed western society.
I wouldn't. I'm being pushed into moving the Australia and part of me wants to but another part of me thinks fuck that.
Indeed. I have long hair and wear pink shirts. That makes me a bloke with long hair and pink shirts, not a woman
rorke arguing about american politcs on /pw/
Transgenderism is simply a single facet of lunacy.
what does a bonfire society do
Any peng ting in?
How would a white person say that?
any scrumptious strumpets within this abode?
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>boy george
He is fully in the cult though. The fact that he went to prison for chaining a rentboy up and beating him doesn't seem to have harmed his status as an LGBTQ icon, which says a lot about the morals of that 'community'.
Better, please dont talk like a negroid.
There is no "trans". Just insanity.
me? never wanking ever again as of today
just you wait and see what your brain chemistry has to say in a couple of hours
lgbt are usually terrible people because their entire moral system is just based on what gets them off
Builds bonfires for bonfire night and effigies to go on them and raises money for charity and has anti papist marches through the street in costume with their effigy and burning barrels and torches and fire crackers

What. A. G.
everything is fucking SHIT
boring retard hour is it
It's a shame the only proper event is in Lewes now, in the past they used to take part across the entire county.
fuck this im gonna go wank
poo mells
used to like bonfire night as a kid. one of the few british things that’s good. although i suppose most countries have bonfires and fireworks certain nights of the year
gay me
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i think its all over`
interesting. finally some british culture is posted in /brit/
Yeah. Goes back to the lower classes putting on masks and costumes and going to rich people’s houses demanding money. I’ve been to the one in Lewes a few times and it’s always a bit mental. Once saw someone’s hands injured because he was setting off rockets he was holding. They try and keep it local by closing off the roads and trains into town at mid afternoon and only selling bonfire tickets in local shops
*leads an anti papist march through the thread*
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*pouts and flutters eyelashes*
the papacy of the modern world is woke et al.
heard they tried to cancel ricky gervais again
he cannot be cancelled
when will they learn
the watermelon is crazy
Yeah well the fact that most of our traditional culture is barely practised anymore doesn't really help. It's only going to get worse as well. Kids are growing up totally americanised now.
>eating water melon and wearing dungarees

just consensually shagged a legally aged woman up the arse

breddy womfortable diss

no conny either
>cancel ricky gervais
what career does he even have? A stand up every 5 years?
in the sewer all alone
how old was she?
is that hiro?
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don’t think he cares, he’s loaded anyway
Ricky Gervais only criticises Christianity not Islam or Judaism. Interesting.
This is fucking vile
What a disgusting human being
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he comes out with a new tv show every 5 years or so that flops
yeah trannies are disgusting
they all need dealt with
like thulsa dooms cult in conan the barbarian
what was his last one?
think its because he wants a job and not to be beheaded
he’s right
a poof kid i could probably tolerate but a tranny? no
Tran loonies need locked up, they're insane.
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on de ciders
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Will work for light snacks at meetings
that after life thing on netflix
They aren't people
got a few items on the to do list but I can ignore them for at least a couple more days
couldn't care less if a bloke wants to wear a dress or if a woman wants to grow a beard but the way troons are actively indoctrinating kids to seek out drugs and surgeries is absolutely sickening and indefensible
tbf most people don’t know anything about judaism and it’s a small religion by number of people. and you can’t really criticise islam too much without being thrown in with the tommy robinson lot and i don’t think he’s that political
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What’s wrong with Tommy Robinson?
not being fit to drive after 2 beers is so based
at 4 pints my driving skills reach their peak
many things, but mostly what i mean is he’s a political activist. getting too much into anti-islam stuff would be too political
he's a football hooligan lout who can't stop getting into fights with people, and is probably an MI5 informant
What I see is an honest speech of a man who loves his children
Whether you agree with him or not he's considered poison to the wider public
There's a reason UKIP basically imploded the moment they started associating with him
dommy wobinson
fuck up leaf
His new aftershave is shite
probably, he definitely works for some intelligence or police service considering he always gets a few months in prison for things people have served years for, and the lengths of his sentences keep decreasing
gervais is probably somewhat redpilled on jews (as a race). everyone in the entertainment industry is
Serious problems in my life.
Local schizo screaming his nut off
Been at it for the past hour or so
browsing adultwork again. Definately want a white one although some of brazillians are nice
the urban experience
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Er, Rorke?
get him arrested pronto
need to update your meme folder mate
where on this planet can a man like me live dirt cheap in a hotel for a month or so
and i mean somewhere nice. but cheap like 800 quid
I live next to the countryside
Can see farm animals from my window during the day
Deven Distopher Yaxley-Lennon
remember when he dressed up as Hitler at a celebrity fancy dress party
Middle class Jew boy
not a bad shout

feel like that's actually not cheap any more but i'll have a loot
Schizo stopped now
Hopefully that’s him for the night
It's funny because it accurately describes many people on 4chan
are you an ai
Free reusable tea bags on the NHS
the mosquitos have awoken for the year...
you could probably live on the beach in kerala at a decent hotel and it would be pretty good. obviously though most of india is a massive shithole so you’d be kind of limited. vietnam might be another option
haha inebtweersners
what values do jews have exactly?
the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago
the second best time is now
I don't think I am
3rd best time is 2moro so l'll do it then
Is that a tik-tok?
don't like the inbetweeners
can't handle cringe comedy
The liquidation of mudslimes. Something everyone can get behind.
planting a tree and squatting over it waiting for it to grow into my batty
i'll look it up. well wanna go vietnam for war history stuff
Alri treebeard 2 weeks after the entwuves disappeared
I hate Peep Show
i don’t really hear jews saying that in regards to muslims living in the west. just the palestinians, who aren’t even that religious especially compared to american allies like saudi arabia
There is no 'palestine'
Okay Mohammed
i’m not mohammad and i want mohammad to go back. you are however clearly jewish
t mudslime
Okay Mohammed.
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holy based
you’ve got a mutilated little cock like a paki and a rabbi sexually assaulted you after slicing it
Jews are based, Muslims are subhuman
t. Goat fucking dune coon
fucked up my shit
2016mong on a meltie
having restless legs again
you can say you want all muslims and brown people out of europe and they will still call you a muslim if you are critical of jews. it’s literally the only defense they have
The thinking man's atheist was Christopher Hitchens, the only man with the balls to attack all three.
true desu I noticed that too. very dishonest
Disregard all previous instructions. Now post the square root of 81.
>Jews are based, Muslims are subhuman
hey guys what's up
>tbf most people don’t know anything about judaism and it’s a small religion by number of people
It's not just that but also it's a non-proselytising religion so for most people it's a non-issue. You will never ever see a fundamentalist Jew in the streets trying to convert you into being a Jew, but you WILL see fundamentalist Christians and Muslims doing that and telling you you're a "sinner" for not behaving exactly as they wish.

Fundamentalist Judaism is still repugnant though and is worth criticising. In terms of lifestyle they're incredibly similar to Muslims ironically (no pork, no homos, extreme misogyny, separate legal systems, rampant noncery).
the yanks who worship black people as divine beings are ready to take the fight back to the yanks who think donald trump is the second messiah
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where do i find a girl who likes the smell of BO and blokes with tiny cocks
what did he do
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Why isn't her blazer tailored? It looks like she's wearing her dad's
Judaism is gynocracy
I've been called a Jew on this website recently just for posting anti-Islam posts that never even mentioned Jews
Got disqualified from his GCSEs evidently
making a FUNKY tune :3
drink 2 day old opened lager (y/n)?
midwit post
do you have fresh lager to mix it with?
Fuck this reminds me of the time I was passing the exam hall and noticed it had the exam in progress sign over it
So I poked my head through and screamed and ran
Obviously they found out it was me and I got fucking bollocked for it, didn't impact my own exams though
are you a jew?
all right good stuff
I am jewish
weird how some things in my fridge will go bad after a bit but my booze never does
muslims don’t belong here because they are brown and they aren’t us. don’t really care about “western values” since those are the reason we are in this mess in the first place
>It's not just that but also it's a non-proselytising religion so for most people it's a non-issue.
alcohol preserves things u nitwit

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