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Chapito edition
this is me
The gymnasts in the Olympics are mostly 15 and 16 year olds.
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Do you guys think you could date a woman who had publicly discussed having a threesome with Harvey Weinstein, and how she'd felt so disgusted afterwards that she'd cried in the foetal position? It seems like a lot to deal with for both of you
if you're anxious or depressed remember that's god's plan and he loves you all
being locked in the athlete's village and goign crazy like jack nicholson in the shining
feeling racist this morning, might convert to incelism
I still wouldn't win
if you're anxious or depressed remember that god doesn't exist and you're the only one who can snap yourself the fuck out of it
utterly bizarre post
the might virgins from reddit vs the gay incels from 4chan
ciggie in the garden for brekkie
God literally does exist though
the key to life is being of the middling intelligence enough to delude yourself about god existing . if you're too dumb and too smart you'll miss the point entirely and fail.
booking a butlins holiday to hpyerborea
wut it's the opposite
it's the midwits who think they have somehow exposed god while the dumbs are like "duhhh god existtttttt" and the smarts are like "everything about existence points to god"
redownloading grindr
nice weekend break in midgard
least gay australian
you're just looking at it from the wrong perspective x
what wrong perspective is that? x
diego doesn't even go to church lol
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>God literally does exist though
and on the 7th day god created a fat little virgin named deegs
pretty sure he rested actually x
the best crisps you ask? I would have to say Tayto
Atheists are not being true to themselves.
god is all powerful and exists outside of space and time, but worked monday-saturday and needed a rest on sunday
Meetings 9:00-12:30pm and then 14:00-17:00
lighten up morrissey
I spoke to God and she was black
least autistic atheist
least gay australian
This isn't the teams calendar mate
there's a fungus among us
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>Francophone literature from England isn't English
>Anglophone literature from 200 countries outside of England aren't English either though
off to the paki shop on a vape run anyone want anything?
you to stop blogging x
A copy of Dogs Arses, thanks
A lot of the music videos of the 1980s were shot on film, and this aren’t technically music videos.
if you don't believe in a creator then you're quite literally unintelligent
ah right
4 pack of tennents and a rustlers x
some deranged cunt is trying to start ANOTHER argument about the existence of god ITT
no one cares you boring bastard
The dialogue around the two child benefit cap infuriates me. Specifically, the idea of raising or abolishing it. Why the fuck should I, a hardworking taxpayer with no children, have to subsidise scrounging parasites to have more and more children? Many poor people have children just to have child benefits. Non-Brits tend to reproduce more than Brits.

The idea that I should have to pay more tax just so that immigrants and thieving chavs can breed like rats at my expense is fucking insane

If you can't afford children don't have them. If you have children you can't afford it's not my responsibility to pay the difference to bring them out of the "poverty" you brought them into.

Fucking scum
5 slices of emmental cheese
im so smart life is a meaningless coincidence the universe and everything in it came from nothing and will return to nothing after heat death if only everyone understood this life would be so great my life in particular would change dramatically i wouldnt have to argue with a 5'4 diego rivera lookalike every friday for 12 hours
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few niggers arseholes please lad
would quite like to spaff inside a black girl
i care
6 slices of gouda cheese
or highly ignorant yeah
>Fucking scum
Couldn't have said it better myself.
That's just what I'd call folk who want innocent children to suffer.
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Did you know that Finland (Henry of Uppsala), Luxembourg (Willibrord), the Netherlands (also Willibrord), and Germany (Boniface) all have English patron saints? Walpurgis Night, named in honour of the Devon-born saintess Walpurga, is also one of the most celebrated Christian feast days in Northern and Central Europe.
I agree with your post, but in a less aggressive manner.
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>call police
>they show up and shoot you
when will yank culture change
A single pillow of shredded wheat, some steamed toast, and a dodo egg.
ignorance is unintelligence thoughever
*shoots you*
number eight
started watching a corker of a fillum last night
fell asleep so I'll have to rewind for the second half haha
quick black coffee, a banananana, 6 choc digestives and a dump whilst I watch it and then I'll walk dogberg
Well said Fucking scum!

A concerned /brit/ poster
quelle film?
to a certain extent yes but when people are programmed by the education system to have insane views and blindspots it is not impossible for an intelligent enough 18 year old to actually be too ignorant about god and so on to have a proper opinion
That police officer was charged with murder and will spend decades behind bars thoughbeit.
Sunchips like usual
*receives three weeks paid vacation*
Ah well, I'm sure the person they killed will feel a lot better about it now.
can't say lad or one of you lot will spoil it for me lol
I'll get back later though to be sure
bombshell news tonight as it's been rumoured rorke attends silent discos alone
>invites a policeman into her home
>picks up a pot of boiling water and starts chanting like a fanatic
>ignores the policeman's orders even when he draws his gun
why are wogs incapable of behaving normally
silent discos are where i go full autism
how the fuck can anyone enjoy that
fucking bizarre behaviour
an intelligent person wouldn't allow themselves to live within those boundaries without challenging them tbhwy
turns out Vader is his father
idk i dont think coming out of our education at 18 as not being a believer when everything has suppressed or conspired against it means you're unintelligent
sure not super intelligent but not unintelligent either
just had a thought
black man hinge catfish
believe in god but not sure i agree with the concept of religion, how do we know god even wants to be worshipped? seems like a bold assumption
All dogs DO go to heaven
even the ones that scran babies?
>NEW - The unredacted coronavirus protocols of the German RKI Institute have been leaked by a whistleblower today. They contain explosive details, including that the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" was a hoax.

was covid the first time rorke has ever been right?
just found out that some people can't blur their vision on command
also right on women, blacks and the smurfs
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*Tyrone grabs chud by the throat*
>y-yes si-
*chud starts bawling, his clitty is completely opened like a floodgate, leaking twp sissy fluids*
*Tyrone picks up chud by the throat, raising him to his feet then grabs chud's soft malleable skull with both his hands, slightly lifting him up in the air until their eyes meet*
*Tyrone drops chud to the ground, and unzips his pants. A massive BBC unfolds and two bowling ball sized balls flop out of his boxer briefs *
*Tyrone grabs his massive member and starts pissing on chud's head. Chud is now curled up and crying in a ball as he is showered with warm negro piss*
*Tyrone kicks a puddle of pee and it sloshes into chuds mouth*
*chud collapses and vomits a handfull of blood and teeth on Tyrone's Air Force 1's*
*chud is now dead, his body is lying in a fresh pool of piss, blood, and grey matter*
*Tyrone starts jerking his BBC and busts a fat nut on chud's caved in head*
<uhh shit nigga... SHIEEEET NIGGA, phew...
<punk ass timmy bitch.
*Tyrone stomps chuds head one more time then empties chud's pockets and leaves the scene*
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Got 67 for my first year of university (biology)
Yes they are needed for korean christians to eat
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utterly bizarre post
im not sure you understand what worship means theologically
it's not some kinda conditional thing (you worship me i give you x)
nor is it a threat of (if you dont do what i say you will suffer y)
worshipping god is aligning yourself with the good
it is realising you are totally and wholly undeserving of the privledge of existence, that you have no intrisic right to anything ontologically or soteriologically, that the gift you have is given completely unreciproically by the source of everything that could ever exist and not only that but God cares so deeply for you that he goes out of his way to engage in a personal relationship with each and every person and despite our continual faillings is always there waiting for us to respond and align ourselves with his inherent goodness
this was unhinged roid rage
really bizarre video, let the cops in and it seemed all right, she let her in her house. then said she would shoot them in the head for no reason, cops said to drop the pot (?) then literally shot her
that's purely speculative
she let THEM into her house
always make retarded sounding posts if i edit them without proofreading
god loves us so much he gives kids cancer hmm righto then
what is speculative? it's the logical consequence of a monotheistic god (i.e. the only coherent conception of god)
literally the only part debateable is the
>God cares so deeply for you that he goes out of his way to engage in a personal relationship with each and every person
as that is revelation from christianity
absolute brainlet take
most intelligent atheist
absolute fucking mongs, the lot of you
So who's going to pay for your retirement mate? You think the NHS and your pension will be funded from the magic money tree. Birth rates in western countries are plummeting. We need children to fund this otherwise you're going to end up importing in hordes if immigrants, like you're seeing now
mad how there is coincidentally someone always here to argue back-and-forth with novella length posts about religion whenever copealone feels interested in arguing but these same people are never present when copealone is not
mental stuff
least schizophrenic atheist
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>throw boiling water at cop
>get shot
cop getting life got absolutely fucked over
Really makes one think
even me..?
especially you
*runs away crying*
2024 and i'm still ridin' with biden
don't care what ANYONE says he's my nigger
>revelation from Christianity
commonly known as a fairy tale
most sophisticated atheist
off-topic from the start, spamming/flooding at this point
How was this picture taken?
christianity is a fairytail
because god doesn't exist
cos obviously god doesnt exist
the big bang
most intelligent diego retort
screenshot duh
believe everything written in old books then do you? got any other revelations to share?
there'll be 2020-level chimpouts if he doesn't get life in prison
lol this is what they're like
shocked, rocked
>the only reason people believe in the bible is cos it's old
most insightful atheist
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Saint Ignatius of Antioch
here's a revelation for you
*bends over and reveals my hairy pooey arsehole*
I'm agnostic. I'm better than both atheists and theists alike
least gay atheist
ok this is actually hurtful coming from a man that is a female pop/eurovision enthusiast
opposite actually agnosticism is the most braindead position to take of them all
you have the guilt of religion without the salvation
For me it’s typing with my willy.
absolute chad and he has a kinda stumpy flat nose so gneetically disadvantaged
Agnostics are to atheists what bisexuals are to homosexuals
As in they're the exact same thing but atheists have enough guts to admit what they are
Wtf are you talking about. I can enjoy the beauty of religion, and there's no chance of me going to hell
Explains why you only type with the bottom keys
It's a real pain keeping the shift key down
>no chance of me going to hell
not even true for believers
and all you're cliaming now is that you're a theist so why you fronting being agnostic you mongoloid
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Hey dude, I'm Bart Simpson lmao
*has a cow*
*does the Bartman*
*dabs on all of you*
How do foot fags cope with the summer when all the ladies wear open sandals and shite like that? Is it like going to a nudist beach for them?
the ladies tend to do that outside and in public, so thankfully it never comes up
Why does my agnostism make you seethe so much. Being agnostic is the new punk rock
not a foot fag but how a woman looks after her feet says a lot about her as a person
as if foot fetishists go outside
*does the monster mash*
I am just like Eminem in that film where he beats bunch of black guys at rap but for posting on /brit/
The god particle was discovered 12 years ago and yet atheists are still skeptical.
For me, it's unwashed belly buttons
doesnt make me seethe just amuses me that you're so retarded to not even be agnostic but to think it's the most coherent position when it's even less coherent than atheist
ay carumba
the contents of my belly button are usually the smelliest part of my body, even more than my bum
Are you fine, Bart bro? You don't look healthy.
But atheists literally CANNOT prove that god doesn't exist, you dumb fucking ape
ackshually it's properly referred to as the God-Damned Particle so its existence is proof that the Devil and Hell exist
might have a second bowl of crunchy nut
I hate the poor because they are constantly scheming to steal people's belongings.
I hate the rich because they are constantly scheming to steal people's belongings.
Middle class people are alright.
>reee if a position is unfalsifiable then all evidence is equal and all positions taken on it equally (in)coherent and (in)consistent
you're utterly braindead
pleasant taste

some monsterism
i was a retard that pronounced bart simpson as bart sinson for some unknown reason
In my own experience as a petit bourgeois wanker, middle class people are the biggest grifters going
you'll turn into a crunch nut!!
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Marge, can you get me a beer
fucked it mate. absolutely fucked it
>No proof provided
I accept your concession
>Genesis 1 says plants were created first on the 3rd day and then were created humans on the 6th day
>Genesis 2 says there weren't any plants until after humans were created
I don't get it. Did God just forget the order he did things?
that already happened to me lad
*looks mournfully out the thread window*
a long time ago...
No way
They don't have the desperation and greed of the rich and poor
most perceptive agnostic
Good one dick head
They weren't LITERAL plants, silly.
The differences in these accounts are often understood within the context of the broader theological messages they convey, rather than as a strict chronological or scientific report
god help us all
God saaaave ussssss
God saaaave ussssss
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Maggie, it's time for dinner
Gf ordered a Le Creuset pan and now I have to wait in all day for it to be delivered whilst she’s off out gallavanting (in work)
Need you to stop now, bud
Get them in.
Get them housed.
Get them naturalised.
Get them wanked.
Mad how I used to be addicted to tiktok and then one day decided it was shite and never checked it again
Heartbeat increasing heartbeat
you could've just said 'a pan' but no, you had to mention that 'lah di dah it's a le creuset pan'. hope it rusts
medal's in the post
Strawberry and lime vape please la
I couldn’t go in to the room and repair the server with the water I keep in my pocket because I was doing two poos at once and 9/11 was happening in the corner.
need sex
ktim except for all forms of social media
just dropped it and never looked back
>Many poor people have children just to have child benefits
How much do you think child benefit is? It's certainly not enough to live a lavish life just by popping out some kids
You're on social media now, fuckwit
i'll never have it
Sorry lad didn’t mean to make you feel bad
come round my place and you can do whatever you want to my boipucci
you're the only one who mentioned "lavish"
better than the respective benefits they'd be on without popping out kids
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>Show me the way to the next little girl
>Oh, don't ask why
>Oh, don't ask why
mad how mental (madtal)
sex between two males cannot happen
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Homie you haven't touched me in years
you're the only one who mentioned sex
From my own personal experience I beg to differ
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Hey little girl is your daddy home
They get £25 a week
£16 for the second child
It's not a money earner
gen z boss and a mini
wish i coul do this iwth 4chan
I’m bi and I prefer women but I’ve only had sex with one woman, and I’ve had sex with at least 20 guys

Mental how easy it is to have gay sexington
oh you sweet innocent soul, this is before they get them their token meme diagnosis of autism and adhd which substantially increases the money they can farm from them
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blog on you insufferably boring bastard
might be in a bit of denial there mate
The Asian one does weird things to my pp
Would appreciate it if you'd stop posting these dogshit tiktoks I'm never ever ever going to watch cheers
what was the secret product
Not at all. It’s like, obviously I would PREFER to eat at Michelin star restaurants every week and they’re way nicer than a kebab but a kebab I can just open an app and some fella will come over and bring it over for me without any effort, same with gay sex
This is why men are dropping out of the workforce. I refuse to be a part of this world
I'm into everything, literally hypersexual. Flora, fauna, don't care
Why are all black dudes in the office based as fuck?
bizarre comment
I have never worked with a black in an office environment
it's grim how easy it is to get gay sex
Can I bum you tonight?
OFFICIAL ranking:
>Gen Z boss
>Fake tan hands
>New frank green
>Itty bitty titties
>Secret product
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>Why are all black dudes in the office based as fuck?
Natural effortless alpha energy
In a way it’s grim, in a way it’s great.
If you have a nice willy and you’re in London then quite literally yes ok
Just laid an egg
only one I worked with was widely disliked because he would just shag everyone's gf/wife but nobody could say anything because one guy did and got sacked for racist
This reminds me of that Russian rave viral video from years ago. Did they just blatantly steal that idea?
have you ever had black cock? and, if you have, is it better?
*scuttles over and scrans it whole*
Are benders unfaithful to their partners? Sounds like they'll just bum at the drop of the hat.
No I’m only into white guys for some weird reason, yet with women I genuinely find women of all races very attractive and don’t have a preference
I am in London. Can you please get an aids test, post results here, and I'll be right over
they never truly have partners
hard to argue with to be fair

good to see how much 5'3 and an attitude's confidence has grown between the first and second
please video your /brit/ shag and post it here xx
What do you mean
I have a lot of gay mates and a good amount of them are in open relationships anyway and have an agreement with their partner. Some of them will even go to gay saunas together and shag different blokes on the same night.
gen z boss is fit as fuck
That's fucking grim, mental how we encourage this now.
no such thing as gay "partners", just two promiscuous males who pay the same rent
It’s always happened mate whether you like it or not. You ain’t gonna stop people being bent no matter how hard you try
would you rather be a harry potter wizard or a star wars jedi or sith
just a couple of lads having a bit of fun when you think about it
It's disgusting. Makes me sick.
I'm not interested in stopping them, but the more I learn about gays the more repulsed I am.
Bums against the wall lads, there's a bunch of benders around here
yeah she's peng
just a couple of lads having a bit of bum
this isn't the time or the place

omg it's him
be she has a black boyfriend
I don't care who you are, JUST SIT ON MY COCK
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distinct transitioning odor
gen z boss and new frank green for me
leaning towards new frank green
something very australian about her that I really like
You can't get disability for either of those conditions.
Who's Frank Green? An actor on blacked.com?
Might move to Gabon.
bizarre post
You'd think with all that attitude she'd have more natural confidence
wait what they're londoners?
assumed americans
a bpa-free water bottle
It has been over a year since I last had sex, I've become a virgin again.
Poor catberg hopping off my lap while we're on the couch because I keep laughing at the TV
11 years for me
Just go gay. You'll be swimming in cock apparently
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The 11 years lad clearly isn't a neuro typical
>having sex
>not neurotypical
yeah ok bro
>the more I learn about gays the more repulsed I am.

Bit weird that you keep going out of your way to learn about them then :/
Please don't misuse the term neurotypical
Insane people have sex all the time
loads of trannies are autistic mentalcases and they shag often
I don't go out of my way, I just come to /brit/
you're the only one who mentioned going out of one's way
Wahey spaino, back from wanking over your black man Hinge catfishes?
only straight sex is real sex
cope on
Do gays get turned on by the sight of their own willards?
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What is your approach to dealing with the fact that the workplace is never going to have the same expectations for women and that all your efforts are only ever going to get you as far as having a vagina and filming TikToks singing into a hairbrush and eating kale salad

Please only reply to this post if you have a job
Getting pegged by a woman is not homosexual
You're having sex with a woman, how could it be gay?
Mate gays bend their willards round to bum themselves
election's already done
Have sex
Take your meds
Touch grass
often wondered if i was gay
just realised i was submissive
guys don't do it for me
election happened on the 4th of july
No one said it was, closeted poofter
Imagine if you were gay and you didn't know it.
rorke's mum crying quietly in her room while she hears him cracking open another tin of carling on a tuesday night
make it stop hate this~
make it stop hate this~
would take a devestating lack of self-reflection
being "gay" is a sexual fetish
Placing a mirror opposite my books so I can reflect on my shelf
Bruce, pls
I've always thought that was probably the case honestly
A book case?
*effortlessly draws a milly*
Nah brief
a nonce case
*effortlessly draws a willy on your book*
alri non-AEW wrestler
>the wage gap exists
>in this same universe, women are struggling to find men that match their income
How did you know that I’m the Hinge poster lmao
>jordan peterson
no, no I don't think I will
Bro is browsing the Jordan Peterson subreddit...

>women started entering the workforce
>at this same time, for no reason at all, in ways that seem directly proportional to the amount of women entering, men are leaving
Using a self-help CBT book to get over my debilitating intrusive thoughts
because you're the worst poster on /brit/ and you're instantly identifiable by your writing style
The pay gap exists because women do meme degrees with shit job prospects. At uni most of them did psychology or English literature.

Really, only reason I still have this job is because I have understanding of how to use some niche software. I'm not even terribly talented or particularly smart, I'm floating maybe a point above average in everything I do, but I do a lot, so I haven't been let go even when I spent three months just drinking at the job to see if they'd fire me. I did all my assignments, but, like, drunk and high.

So I figure, let the women do their tiktoks. Maybe they're like me in some niche job they have.
using a self-help CBT book to tie my scrotum into a reef knot
You are so smart lad you’ve unmasked me yet again!! Curse you!!
Was just saying this down the sauna

>there's a giant "labor shortage" in the same world where women are entering the workforce and doing all of the same things that men are doing
Some people accidentally shit their pants. Not me though, I shit my pants on purpose
Janitor, do away with this incel leaf
you need to go to your GP and get meds stat
Holy fuck I am so fucking sick of this shit you cannot look me in the eye and tell me that men not working to get a skilled trade is an issue in any way when the standards for "job" are an open plan office where your job is as important as playing pingpong and feeding the ducks
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Were you wanking off while posting shite like this
I've gone too deep into my inceldom. Tranny porn seems interesting now.
lads just ordered a kebab me haha
Mental how badly I mindraped /Brit/
you're mentally ill and you need medication
shut the fuck up

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