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Britain's Got The Pop Factor... And Possibly A New Celebrity Jesus Christ Soapstar Superstar Strictly On Ice edition

Threads claimed by The Threadmeister today: 1
It's over for Rorke

Pic related
got the girls' generation on
corr spaff
just had a huge wank to sabrina carpenter lewd stuff
the powers that b always put famous northern men in dresses
sick of it
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Not allowed to speak to media?
For whose benefit exactly?
most gay porn is not in fact gay
>Spain to impose hard border on Gibraltar
enjoying the new denzel curry album
yes yes nigger music bad
Never forget that the USA did a 9/11 against the democratic socialist government of Chile back in the 70s in order to launch a coup and install a fascist dictator who went on to kidnap, torture, and mass murder his own civilian population
Today America funds and arms the genocide of Palestinians too
America is a rogue terrorist state.
man on gb news seething at 2 child benefit cap
what event is he doing?
want to see him get booed
black balloons
now THAT was a song
I automatically support any white man over a brown man.
Do you really want to publicise you have a child rapist on your Olympic squad? Probably not.
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Bruh lol
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Honestly don’t give a shit since I fucking hate females.
Yeah mate just let pakis claim benefits for all 800 of their fucking kids
Can't afford kids? Don't fucking have them then dickhead
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Dutch team don't care
Britain won’t do shit
The time of fun wars is over
Stupid bint
someone need to curbstomp spainlard
jeremy vs sunak?
What about if it's a criminal 70 IQ white Muslim convert versus a well integrated, secular, westernised East Asian who is a doctor and pays taxes?
dutch athlete grooming gangs need to be stopped
Looks like a whale
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Might go acquire an iced beverage.
Thats what im sayin
they were immediately
enjoying the wiseposting gimmick somewhat
when you convert to islam you become brown
well known fact
looking at the state of her would need a sizable ebony meat missile to get past her arse cheeks
neither are white
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how the fuck do you even pronouce that name?
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best character in the franchise, and he was DLC
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spainlad))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spaino))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Employed Woman))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spaindog))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spainmonster))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(SpainGOD))
What about white parents who keep having loads of kids
Absurd hypothetical that would never occur in reality. Classic leftypol tactic
Lots of your ancestors were black.
Think about that before you're racist next time.
any good tower defence games that aren't bloons? need something mindless to play of an evening
'Neev' lol how do u not know that
mad how problems in the world can be explained by one or more of fslurs, nslurs, kslurs or cslurs.
Rorke dancing to DreamLover
>any good tower defence games
omdz shut up u neek
What’s the Pakistani equivalent of buck breaking?
think i might be a bit racist online later
Lol Rorke does this too tho
Ah yes because Asians never become doctors do they
Have you literally never once since birth left your mum's basement???
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Irish girls' names are my pet piamh.
they become very horny after that age and fully aware of their desires so you can’t really blame men for pursuing that young tight pink pussy
dungeon of the endless
dungeon warfare
Threadmeister always manages to remind us of very obscure things from British pop culture

Good stuff
Okay now say that in Irish
was thinking of going into a random foreign general and being anti semitic myself
how can pakis and indians be so different just look at all the uk statistics
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keanu riamhs
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Back in the early 2000s trannies used to play Dance Dance Revolution
Now they all watch anime
typical irish diaspora
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What did the guy in the turquoise do

Or did the policemen just feel he wanted to kick somebody in the face without any real justification
was that really necessary BioWare?
grow up
One fillow a warrior religion plagued with rampant inbreeding, the other is a subservient people who spend all their lives in a caste system believing that theyre born inferior to others. Not hard to see why one blends in moderately well and the other doesn't.
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I don’t know why they come to this country to be humiliated like this. They should all just move to Pakistan and take their food with them. That would show us
indians are also massively inbred
did the police man kick the paki
Know a Welsh bird by the name of Ffion
Two Fs? At the start??? Fucking weird people.
Give a man a poo and he'll eat for a day
Teach a man to poo and he'll never go hungry another day of his life
Loved that lil hermit who lived in the attic who gave you cheatcodes.
no reaper no cry
i took him everywhere just to hear his racist remarks
a breath of fresh air in this pozzed world
of course a male human saved the day at the end, as usual, as it should be
but jaavik was a good egg
Ion even care man
Yeah? Helicopter go chopchopchop lol
wish i had some chocolate in
70% of pakis are inbred, hard to imagine Indians being any worse than that
the guru
won’t earn enough to move out on my own for a year or two at least
rent prices n that
cared enough to reply
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>wish i had some chocolate in
If aliens turn up and they have an Irish, Jamaican or Cockney accent when they speak English then nobody would take them seriously.
Makes you think.
cockney is dead no point mentioning it
prove you’re black and not that lad with a severely disturbing interracial fetish
Manchild virgin freak LARPing as a Nazi on the internet
Let's hear you be a big man and talk shit irl eh?
Encouraging /brit/ to develop a lust for muscle
Pump every day
Pump, pump, pump
Get addicted
if aliens wanted to visit our cities, it's not white racists they'd have to be concerned about
there no black britons
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Everything he did, he did for his God and for his country. At the behest of the Chilean Parliament, against a dictator. And as a result, Chile is the richest country in South America. That wealth matters. Longer lifespans for the entire nation, through better healthcare and and better nutrition. Children staying longer in school, not going to bed hungry. Mothers not dying in childbirth, not going to bed crying because they couldn't feed their children.

The General fought a war. A war against poverty, against socialism, for they are one and the same. And the price? The lives of a few hundred malcontents and degenerates.

Imagine the reverse. A socialist takeover of Chile. How many would have died then? Was the Russian Revolution so peaceful? Did Mao's China respect human rights? Did millions not die in famines in both countries? Were hundreds not killed, both here and across the socialist world, in Cambodia, North Korea, Cuba? Are they still not imprisoned today? And the lost opportunities. India held back for decades after independence because of the appeal of Fabianism. Men and women who could have transformed the world, held back in poverty.

Chileans should thank their lucky stars their country had the divine fortune to have him save it.
really annoys me when foreigners use the past tense after the word did. like "why did you posted that?"
Hush little baby dont you cry everythings gonna be alright
Would love to, but don't want to be a saddo who bangs gym alone.
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Mental how good feet are.
>I honestly thought this was gaza!
No you didn't
You must go
Fuel your addiction
It doesn't matter going alone
All that matters...is muscle
yes it is
darkies have no discipline and scare easily
The narcissism of the average 18-25 year old woman these days is severely depressing
Screaming at the thought of humanity being vaporised because some dindu in New York instinctively sucker punched an alien for no reason
Don't have to prove a thing
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It’s 24th July, 84 years on. Doing a little remembrance like
Gravy's good tonight.
You'd shit yourself in fear if you saw me irl, but then again you don't ever go outside do you?
Calm down lol
cause you’re not black, but a little gremlin that posts about interracial sex all day and makes fake dating profiles so you can get off to the texts. grim life.
there's a film called attack the block where aliens land in a london council estate and get killed by a diverse bunch of young lads
to be fair the aliens started it
Emma. I’d recognise those toes anywhere
Eventually, when all the normal posters are sick of him, this general will just be Spainlard cycling through hie gimmicks in total isolation - having full-blown conversations with himself.
it's rorkeover
>You'd shit yourself in fear if you saw me irl
ok, let's see it
shirtless photo with timestamp, we don't need the face
Your opening is a bizarre inversion of reality invented by the mind of someone who consumes 10 hours of pro-Hitler groyper podcasts a day
>spainfreak doing his bizarre black guy larp

such a fucking weirdo
don’t even know who you are mate lmao
it's literally spaino
how can you be a black briton though
britons are the original inhabitants of this island and they weren't black
the muslim men attacked some policewomen
need a boy bitch :3
Paddy... what the fuck is wrong with you
>dox yourself to a bunch of 16 year old basement dwellers who larp as Nazi stormtroopers online
Think he means Black Briton in the same way they use to talk about Black Irish
really hope it’s not him because that would just make him even more sad and pathetic
hope it’s just some strange zoomer with a fetish and not a fat, unemployed 30 something year old tripfag who pretends he lives in spain to an anonymous british culture general on 4chan.
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that would be black british though not black briton
is it not just meant to refer to people of african/afro-caribbean heritage who do not identify with their ancestral homes?
Is this true, or is it something Rorke made up

Could go either way I guess
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P/O Aston Maurice Cooper-Key
was attempting to land his stricken Hurricane on parkland, when he spotted boys playing football. Aborting this, his aircraft then crashed into a nearby railway embankment & he was killed.
Always remembered.
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so bored on the yougov again

will probably be spamming charts
Quite short, weak, and timid, me. Would get obliterated in 9/10 fights with other blokes my age.
There are only about 500,000 native Britons (Cymraeg speakers) left
black british would be the correct terminology
2016jew is arguing with himself again with his pre-made copypastas. utterly bizarre individual
yeah I looked on twitter
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i said no face, dickhead
until then, i'll assume you're the average big mouth leftist
blacked british more like
hey x
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Thoughts on women who claim to be witches, burn sage in their bedroom and stick crystals up their fanny or whatever??
I ask because there was a girl like that who was into me when I was at college, but I turned her down and I've never had any romantic interest from anyone in the decade since.
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should have turned up to her place in full crusader garb for a laugh
He already admitted the other day he's just some freak with a porn addiction
no one can feasibly dox you from a picture of your fat belly in your smelly bedroom you posturing dweeb
jewish freak*
Having a shit in my smelly bathroom
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You have never had sex and it's the sole reason you're a very angry little boy with nazi ideological views
Wonder how long it would have taken West Africans to reach actual civilisation without European intervention

There were tribal confederations like the Yoruba and Benin
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me in the 8%
honestly, i prefer having sex with condoms
pulling out is so tedious and distracting
Might grow a spiffy moustache
conjecture, projection and cope all in one post. could do with a bit more seethe but 8/10 meltdown
i have a fetish for magic and witches so it would turn me on as long as she was fit
i’d play into the delusion and pretend it was real for her
I don't like it and any woman I'm interested in soon reveals they are some kind of witch
I like sex with condoms, but condoms ruin doggy for me.
ah yes the "libertarian" edgelord paedophile mustache.
Just like that guy from New Vegas or Bioshock!!!
A classic, good sir! *tips trilby*
WW3 incoming
Bibi speaking before congress
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I love her so much bros.
Wonder why he said that
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you response.....
only like unprotected sex in the mornings where you're both groggy and half asleep. there's something so hot about snuggling in the sheets and slipping it in.
mad there are images of her growler when shes out celebrating her 18th birthday

wonder if anyone spaffed up it that night
shocking data this
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most old cunts got vaxxed
mate i was and still are strongly suspicious of the covid vaccine but cmon man a bit of common sense on this one
ahh right yes I see what you mean
It's just like when Hitler met Hoover.
History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes. It's a spiral, not a circle.
Netanyahu standing ovation count: 34 and counting
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Screenshot this:
>Trump wins the election in November
>Biden dies in the winter
>Kamala gets sworn in
>Trump gets sworn in
>Trump has a heart attack and dies
>Vance gets sworn in and is in office for 4 years
Mad how we'll have 4 Presidents in a year.
(unhealthy) people mostly staying inside for over a year isn't great
>we’ll have
what does this acronym stand for?
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>why yesh...i am a libertarian...how could you tell?
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Mad how shit like this used to be a norm
We have to go back
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jeff why do you only come in here to post yank politics shit now
I'm fairly certain staying indoors for a year during lockdown is what made my hay fever get so much worse
kek this would be me
gin abuse made him a dickhead
swear a couple years ago he used to be nice and smart
it definitely expanded my anus given the multiple dragon dildos and other arse toys i ordered

moved past that now
I feel like I'm watching hitler's speech
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Most working Britons do not believe retail work is meaningful
Why does Rorke call everything soy, yet he still drinks alcohol?
Beers and lagers have over 1000x more phytoestrogens in them compared to an equivalent volume of soy milk.
NHS needs to be privatised
rorke drinking the brain force plus...which also contains soy
>the part where you bake the bread with wine in it
they just don't make em like that anymore
Rorke is not a real person
peanut butter and jelly sandwich for me
alri Mr Farage, shouldn't you be sucking Trump off right now?
>Screenshot this:
Why don't you do it paddy.
Been invited to the pub!
A few cheeky Guinness 0.0s methinks!
it's not
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This poll says Education is 1st or 2nd when it comes to meaningful, fulfilling and proud of their work but it's impossible to keep teachers in the job for more than 5 years. What's going on then
rorke is a teetotaler actually
you can make up your own canon for this imaginary character
couldn’t go to the pub and not drink
is it too late for a coffee?
really fancy a coffee
Keep it halal brother
Ireland + Palestine = One struggle
kids are little shits
Submit to your desires.
Submit to LUST.
Awaken the Beast.
who’s going to stop you?
what do I call romanians if I want to be racist
Actually quite like having diarrhoea if I'm being quite honest lads
heatherfreak jew confirmed
Me in the red in finance for both. I guess I make a meaningful difference to my own life.
Are there any good 1 player games that don't involve video games or computers
Freak, bet you work in an office or in retail.
I make myself coffees with 3 big scoops of caffeinated at 11pm.
alri satan
yes YES
*installs "fuck Samara" mod in his ME3 folder*
Pocket billiards
Personally believe Newts and Salamanders are massively underrated animals.
Too often are they forgotten.
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aren't some of them poisonous?
Mad how Rorke is always wrong
Females of Irish & German descent
Knew a girl named Samara always thought it was a nice name
jews have a lot of nice names for girls
fuck it, gonna make a coffee
let's see how it affects my sleep
name one time
Wouldn't know, I've never eaten any.
Unlike you French us Brits don't dine on amphibians.
Personally always neen sympathetic to the Jewish struggle.
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busy night tonight
pic related
Ok so I'm now on the third film of this retarded Lord of the Rings story

What's with he big mystery about where Sauron will strike next? Where the fuck else would he attack next other than Minas Tirith? It's literally the only city and it's right next to Mordor. Gondor have been spending years defending Osgiliath in order to defend Minas Tirith?

Tolkein was a retard
thom rorke
any gay lads in but not gay
like i fancy my mate and want to cuddle with him and kiss him but anything to do with cocks or arses utterly disgusts me
don't click on african americans whatever you do
mad how you’re dumb, brown and a virgin
My personal dream is England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland standing strong as 4 independent socialist republics.
A bulwark on this planet against Russian/Chinese fascism, and American/European neoliberalism.

walked in on the pet nigger doing a gay porn dance
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>another standing ovation
of course, you can't cook for shit so you can't really take any risks, can you?
don't want to end up like that australian fella eh?
You will never be commiemong
Mad how scary loonies are
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a lot more than I thought there'd be
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Why do you act so personally triggered and butthurt when somebody mocks Rorke?
I thought you said he was an imaginary character?
Tits can never be too big
can't change my mind
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>our victory will be YOUR VICTORY
*roars and cheers*
absolutely despise my gay globohomo ‘professional’ job two years out of uni even if it is mostly wfh just hate everything about it absolutely not doing this forever just want to fucking quit but I’m 25 so if I quit now what would I do I’d be fucked might just kms
>goon ninja
look at the chebbers on that
would need a literal team of jungle bbcs spraying their nut juice over them to properly coat her
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When you try your best, but you don't get (you)s
stuck in reveeeeerse
Do you observe proper chopstick etiquette
rorke is an imaginary character
you are an ugly paki, seething about said imaginary character
hope this helps
There's only two
NASA - North American Street Ape
Quadroon - A person who is 1/4 Black. Coined during the Civil War, referring to how White you had to be in order to serve in the army.

The general Blacks section, section, now that's a big one
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Won't bother trying but you're wrong
yea i watched a couple of anime, i played ghost of tsushima
i'm practically japanese at this point
I emphasise all natural ones
Sometimes fake ones can be too big
can’t tell if i’m having a heart attack or just trapped gas
what is skibidi toilet I thought it was just a funny phrase
strutting around to this x
*bows down to the*
*bows down to the king*
Corbyn was the best PM Britain never had.
We never had him because the far right Murdoch press spread vile lies about him every day, and right wing agents at the top of Labour (ie Mandelson) and dishonest backstabbing Judas/Brutus like snakes (ie Starmer) sought to do whatever it took to make Labour fail under his leadership.
Mandelson and every MP of the Progressive Britain or Labour for Israel groups should have been purged in the same way Starmer has since purged the Socialists.
Anyone want to see Billie Eilish riding a dick and her massive tits bouncing?
Mad how 20 year olds in 2014 are now 30
And 30 year olds are now 40

How does that work
shame she has no career
I remember watching a podcast she was on and she didn't know why she couldn't get any work after being in Daredevil and True Blood
The commenters were helpful and stated it was because she wasn't sucking enough dicks so nobody was hiring her
Think she does video game stuff now, and might be back for the Daredevil reboot
I'll have you bouncing up and down on my dick soon, boy
Would want her riding me
but seriously nothing special
nobody wanted a commie as PM so that's why he didn't become PM
Yeh i saw some reboot thing. Not looked much into her other work
I'm aware of black crime statistics and all that, but personally, black fellas have usually been nice to me tbqh.
Reckon I just have an aura about me. Honorary brotha innit.
>Think she does video game stuff now
God of War, she's the turtle lady
And yea, she's back for born again
>Not looked much into her other work
There isn't much to look for
They cant smell weakness on you. The buck respects a strong master.

Billie Eilish riding a dick with her massive tits bouncing
I'm like the nerdy white guy that's still a brotha
*powerbombs you through a flaming table*
Monoamine oxidase A

it's why blacks are like that
Corbyn got more votes and a higher percentage vote share than Starmer, which would prove you wrong.
If we had PR instead of FPTP Corbyn would've won with a bigger majority than Starmer.
I live in zogworld
Rate the scran
need catberg gf
>White dick

Not Billie. She has only lain with black folk.
Simply not going to watch pornography.
Jeremy KWAByn
Is BE the one that shagged elon musk
Will vill watch ze pornography goyim
When I lost my virginity I stopped watching porn
I actually hated sex in general after that
what happened lads?
woke mind virus
The Woke Mob
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The wok3 mafia
I believe you caught the homosexuality virus
You were raped
The woke mob won't have it, won't allow us to have a new because it rhymes with jew
big, if true
I only drink non-alcoholic beer
She was born in 2010
Someone call her parents.

Also every girl thinks they give great head, 99% are wrong
tried to make a new /brit/ and the woke mob physically disabled by keyboard
Nah but kinda felt that way
I never saw her again afterwards
I think the fact that she had taken tons of cock before that set me off
If she was a virgin I would've felt better about it
big faxx
vile at 14 really
hardly even acceptable for other lads her age never mind older men
If you could spend a billion dollars on shagging Billie Eilish and it not even make a difference to your bank balance you would wouldn't you?
You were used. One of my mates took it very hard when a girl used him for sex then ghosted him.
I said rate the bloody scran
Yeah completely. I looked at life very different afterwards. Felt hollow
Women are shite at head
They have a go at us for "not finding the clit" but they could do well to look at their own skills first
At 14 years old I fingered a fat lass on a school trip to wales, wish this little.harlot had been around in my day.
I'm 18 years old and have never been in a relationship or had sex. I'm just very boring for my age.
You going to uni this september?
they are retarded. look at the split for manufacturing.

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