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Should've been معنوي, what you wrote instead sounds gay asf
I am done talking about dating
I have already made my mind
I am leaving the country in 1-3 years
can't stand all the humiliation rituals
now give me top 10 racial slurs to use against chleuh
just call him a chel7 duuuh
t. chelh btw
Kek, should be prepared for the west desu, are you?? It's prob gonna ne harder to date there, unless you're already the son of some wealthy high status nafri, but ig some nafris have trashy white gfs..
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nah. it won't be hard. just stay as far away as possible from europe
He's scared shitless from getting a bertouch, said trashy white women would make him rope and they only date psycho nafri types which he isn't (but a meek timid guy)
Us or canada?? Idk
Alr fucking give him your asshole's virginity or something i don't care
i was friends with lots of them back in school, also had to deal with many others in fights with them bringing their whole fucking درب and family and clan and shit over simple feuds
they were mostly nice to me but it's because everyone sucked my dick to get help to cheat during tests since i was studious
brazil, it's visa free
maybe southeast asia (and they speak english way more than nafris)
i would but i'm built like a monkey and as hairy as one, definitely not his type
saying that term is by itself a humiliation ritual

yep, that or asia or latin america. somewhere where there aren't many زنوج رمل and people are still innocent and don't know anything about us other than orientalist disney
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What's the best way to cope with being a meek timid guy constantly seeking validation from others
Finger yourself hard enough that you cum and start seriously considering gender transitioning
just accept your cuck alkherian life, nobody that has his dick cut at birth is gonna conquer or accomplish ANYTHING in his miserable life
إعمل حاجة تخليك فخور بنفسك كل يوم
كسم حياتي
you don't get anything from that when you grow up in an environment that considers you worthless if you're not an engineering graduate
you have to realize people who grew up مقموعين also watched their peers be popular and win medals in local tournaments and be the center of attention etc
I wish i could fucking care
do 7amroki fake newsers really?
أهلا بكم ، أحب نقرأ بالعربية وأنا بحث منتدى للمعناقيسة .شابيهة ٤شان أو رديت.
*يلحس خدك*
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Algerian refugees welcome
just some schizo shooting his commanding officers
fuck this gay earth nothing ever happens
2 dead alkherians i'm sleeping good tonight
>environment that considers you worthless if you're not an engineering graduate
البيئة مش بس أبوك و أمك و مدام منى
حاجة انك تكون في سكة متديلكش إمكانيات مادية و حاجة تانية خالص انك تعيش من غير أي شغف يميز شخصيتك و يبنيلك - حتى لو مع الوقت - موهبة تخليك رافع راسك
Too demoralized, it's a zombie land, don't bother
حبيب قلب أمي
*يمسكك من كتافك و يبوسك في بوقك جامد*
>البيئة مش بس أبوك و أمك و مدام منى
that's your primary source, when you don't get your morale and ego boost from the things you were denied (socializing, sports, hobbies...) by the former closed environment you won't get any recognition elsewhere either
>سكة متديلكش إمكانيات مادية
this too, there's nothing to do here to get any kind of gratification that's not a 8-5 job
kek what a subhumans
jesus christ just write a story or go for a walk or cook a meal or do 30 push ups or read two chapters of a book and you'll feel like you have accomplished something
Is going ER faustian ?
لا يسطى انت كده بتسوق فيها جامد محسسني عايش في الاتحاد السوفييتي
طالما عندك كمبيوتر و بتعرف تفتح 4تشان فيه مليون حاجة تقدر تعملها بوقت فراغك
اللي ناقصك الشغف
في أي حاجة
that's not an accomplishment, just a distraction from the obvious truth that your life is not worth living, i think you're just coping
No since it aligns with your beliefs and morals, it's the sanest thing someone can do nowadays, breaking your back as a low status is absolutely retarded
No but groping the nurse on the way out is
I didn't claim that these are accomplishments. I claimed that they make you feel like you have accomplished something
>accomplishment is whatever أبوي و أمي و مدام منى say it is
provide an example please. something that would make someone regain their long lost confidence, go ahead.
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about that...
Can't win in my incel nigger life
>>accomplishment is whatever أبوي و أمي و مدام منى say it is
I find it really dishonest when people pretend that people's opinion on them doesn't matter or that it doesn't affect you or shape you in any form especially in the context of talking about someone mentally weak
What's even an accomplishment if it's not something that changes the way you're perceived after doing it
أودُّ الرحيلَ إلى بلادٍ نقية
لا زنوجَ رملٍ فيها، ولا نفوسًا دنيَّة
أناسُها أبرياءٌ، وقلوبُهم نديَّة
ما عرفوا زنجياً رملياً في حياتهم الهنية

ولا علموا عنا إلا القصص المروية
في رسوم الكرتون، وحكاياتٍ المستشرقة البهية
أرغبُ في العيشِ بديارٍ إذا سمعوا كلمة عربية
ما بادر أذهانهم غير الصحراء، وبغدادُ العلية

وألفُ ليلةٍ وليلة، وعلاءُ الدين والصوفية
قبل أن تداهمنا الأحداث الكارثية
وتُشوه الصورة، بالعقائد الوهابية
وتنحط الأمة بالهجرات للأراضي الأوروبية

أريدُ موطناً تبقى فيهِ الرؤيةُ نقية
تلمعُ العيون حين يسمعون "عربيًّة"
بلا ريبةٍ، بلا خوفٍ، بلا شبهةٍ خفية

t. حمروكي بن سنغول
Long time no see my north african niggas. How's life over there?
صناعة المزيكا

دي بس الحاجات اللي ممكن تعملها ببلاش طالما عندك كمبيوتر من غير الدخول في هوايات مكلفة نوعاً ما زي تصليح الإلكترونيات القديمة
و أهم واحدة: تنضيف أوضتك
I find it insane how you're still fighting a strawman, instead of addressing what I said, just to justify feeling bad about yourself
Gonna check the other generals see if their people are as self hating tbqh
آه صح الشِعر برضو حلو
I'm not the same person you've been talking to retard go hang yourself, get shot and die
تعددت الأسباب و الحمركة واحدة
أعتقد جذر المشكلة هو الشعور بانعدام التحكم في الحيات
Nigga you realize how much a drawpad is worth or how difficult it is to make music without a proper setup, you're not helping anyone, you're not drawing with a mouse are you
it could be a good hobby but beyond that they'll crumble at the first hardship especially when you start as an adultt
>>>/r9k/ + (rangeban 7amrokistan)
مثال الرسم قصدته حتى لو بدفتر من غير واكوم ولا حاجة رغم انها بتفتح لك أبواب كتير طبعاً
اللي خلاني افكر في الكوميكس بالذات هو انه في فترة الـ2010ـات موضوع الريچ كوميكس (أجداد wojak) كان قوي في مصر و كان فيه شباب اتعرفوا بس بسبب انهم كانوا شاطرين فيه، أشهر واحد في الموضوع ده، إسمه عمرو سكر، وصل لكارير في كتابة السيناريوهات بسبب الموضوع ده
كل الأمثلة دي قصدتها عشان كلها فيها نماذج لناس كانت ولاحاجة و وصلت للمجد بسببها
That's a problem, but it's not the root.
There's comfort in believing that you have no control over your life. It allows you to be irresponsible and lazy without feeling bad. Like a neet, who applies once a month for a job, blaming the economy for his neetdom. That's the root of the problem, and that's why they fight so hard to not be convinced by anything you say regardless of its logic.
I believe people who 1) objectively struggle with life 2) people who think they struggle so much in life despite having it decent or good 3) people who think they can help them or "fix" them 4) people who give them shitty advice because they had it better and think it works for everyone
should all be lined up in queues of 10 people at once and shot with the same skull piercing bullet for practicality
post incelwalk music from ur cunt :
i would add 5) people who believe in a just world
but that affirms their pov since in a just world they would be legally hunted and burned alive
nafri posters are the most powerful blackpilled posters in the entire board, all facts and no cope
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I get blackpilled on stuff that doesn't even happen in my country, jova
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have you ever heard about talent and starting young
for me it was this (i don't incelwalk anymore)
Wtf i literally do picrel but just say niggers instead
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منا عارف يسطى ماهو لامؤاخذة اشتعل الرأس شيباً بس انت اورريدي دلوقتي بتواجه واقع ان حياتك خره و ميزة الطفولة فاتتك و مش فالح في أي حاجة و لسه انت وِروِر كده يبقى قدامك حل من تلاتة
يا إما تبتدي بالإمكانيات اللي معاك و تلحق تمسك في بواقي البوتنشل اللي لسه جواك
يا إما تعيش الـ ~50 سنة اللي فاضلة من عمرك فاشل و واكل خره
يا إما تنتحر
no one should work on 0 guarantees of having returns in a third world cunt, the third choice the is the best
ماشي بس متتأخرش عن 27 سنة
بعد 27 سنة الواحد بيبقى كبر على الانتحار
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تۆ کورد دەزانیت
يسطى هو مش عندكوا كاكا يعني أخ و دەسپر يعني لامؤاخذة يضرب عشرة
أصلي قابلت واحد كردي من العراق معترفش بولا كلمة منهم
i wish nora fatehi had an onlyfans
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ممكن يشرح لي المنافقة نفارقتهم ومشارقتهم علاش ماتت الأمة العربية ملي ماتت سوريا؟
واش السوريين هما أقل شعوب المينا صبهمنة
كاك/كاكا تعني سيدي، الأخ برا
دەسپەڕ هي العادة السرية نفسها والفعل دەستپەڕ
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الهنسلة انجاز؟
ههه...يا لسخافة البشر...
>ماتت الأمة العربية ملي ماتت سوريا؟
what are you saying you fucking retard
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و عليكم السلاو
لقيت أكتر من تعريف لكلمة كاكا بس شكله كده موضوع ان كاكا معناها أخ ده سوء فهم منتشر عند العرب
sounds like the way we call anyone unknown/john doe وا سمحمد/سيمو
تا حاجة
أنا حمار
بيسد برتقالة آلية بوستر
Stop worrying about pleasing others who gives a fuck most normies are retarded niggers who have their own issues to work out
team adidas or team nike?
team nik mok
Both overpriced garbage
thought you guys mind find this cool
Levatines made the Pan-Arabism meme, Syrians especially pushed for it hard as a state
of course it was gonna suffer once that state all but collapsed
both instantly gets sex in hamra
هل تؤيد تقنين الاغتصاب؟
حسب بنود القانون
1. الاغتصاب المستقيم (hetro) مسموح
2. الاغتصاب الشاذ (homo) غير مسموح
3. اغتصاب الاقارب من الدرجة الأولى والثانية غير مسموح
4. يجب ان تكون/يكون الضحية فوق سن 18 للجاني/للجانية فوق سن 18 او بنفس العمر الجاني/الجانية فما فوق للجاني/للجانية تحت سن 18
مش كفاية
إفرض أرجل واحدة في العالم اغتصبتك من غير حماية و حملت في دُرّيتك و شيّلتك هم الأبوة و انت ملكش حيلة
كل قانون فيه ثغرات + that's a risk I'm willing to take
Take it or leave it
خلاص مش عايز هبقى اجرب حظي بالملاغية
إتعاون مع المعارضة المعتدلة عشان قوانينك تعدي
ما بيزبط بالسياسة بدها incel uprising
Why are kharamrokis and alkheryans so much into conspiracy theories? So much so even the earthquake was a jewish space laser.
Shut up, jew with a paki iq
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whatever incel
this is you?
sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex
its my catamite
low iq + general folly
it jut happens that the two jordanian supposedly separate flags both appear at exactly the same time and disappear at the same time again
same for the paki and supposed ouejdi
i'm not implying anything, you be the better judge
67iq tier deduction, rachid
also they both use the same linguo
i'm not implying anything x2
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Once i get my nursing degree i'm moving to Palestine if no european or east asian cuntry admits me
راندوم نيك
nursing is gay as hell
بس مطلوب
هيطلع ميتينه بس عمره ما هيعطل
of course the bedouin thinks working around women is gay
working in healthcare is peak suffering
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What if they were Aliens, but they deliberately ignore us because they're scared?
lol u just sit around all day and chill, at least here
only interns get cucked because they don't know better and you have to prove yourself
>being scared of silly monkeys
These aliens must be chickens
>These aliens must be chickens
No... they saw how the Earth people treat indinegnous, brown and queer folx... so they avoid us as not to suffer the same fate
I am tired of being an incel in a third world country, it's embarrassing.
nigga you spent 19 hours just whining about that, where do you live i can get you a whore to relieve your balls
take the thong out ya bussy, playa
I don't want a whore
let me guess you want a 8/10 DD cups blue eyed blonde rich virgin who also watch your favorite manchildren anime and plays LOL
My brrrowwniesss heuehuuhuehehu
I just want a 6/10 virgin who respects me for who I am. Is that too much to ask.
I'm sorry but you sound really gay it's making me sick like like like I really want to put my hands on you right now
you have no right to be picky, try with uglier girls and the first one that reciprocates and matches your interest take it as an opportunity to hone your skills
actually UGLY women are rare, a 4/10 will always be a 7/10 if you match well
Unfortunately, yes
fucking family morons argued for hours about visiting some bums and i got my rose oil and videos ready to jerk off and showered and everything and now they decided to sit down while my cousin is jumping over my head as i'm typing this
bust on him
ياله من كوومر
Nobody wants an ugly girl
>third world problems
Show me an example of 4/10
it's not what an incel wants but what he needs
otherwise you can act all entitled like a woman for the remainder of your life and pretend you have some kind of self-worth
>وجهي مثل الخرا المطلي بالقيح و قصير القامة كثيف العانة معوج الوقفة دليل القافة و ما عندي حتى شي نعوض بيه مع ذلك خاصني ندير فيها عزة نفسي
incels especially entitled ones just have hormone imbalance which messes with their brain, you can be attractive all you want but no woman would put up with this little princess attitude
Ok here's the real question, do femcel exist
no it's copium made by guys to cope with rejection and incels, misery loves company
That's probably the right choice we should give women less attention, what do you need women for? Especially ugly ones
If stupid people were prevented from breeding it would solve so many problems
أعتقد آه
كان فيه بنت عندها مشاكل ثقة بالنفس و انا سنّكت معاها كصديق و بعد كده ابتدت تلمحلي بس عملت عبيط عشان كانت شبه أوبتيموس برايم
How do I avoid my Elliot Rodger path
based, more women for the rest of us and less women being creeped out by you weirdos
>مشاكل ثقة بالنفس
this is just leftovers from her ex LMFAO
أوكيه فعلاً هي كان عندها صاحب زمان و طلّع كسمها
Not that guy but I am not afraid to admit I am a diasporafag from America and women here only want me for my passport.
last one because this topic is getting boring but "men" who wine about women not being able to "love them for what they are" or "struggling to find true love" are latent homosexuals
if she doesn't like you for who you are, she will leave you when she gets citizenship
مظنش انه بجد بس بلاش تتكلموا اىحلىرى just in case ء
You don't need to be into ugly fat bitches not to be a homo
That's true, so many of my cousins got ditched by their wives for that particular reason.
you're just trying to save face by pretending to be into models because regular bitches reject you
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What is the best arabic language movie and tv-serie ever made? I'll watch both on fmovies
might as well watch Dubai Bling
I can't read your spagetti text
Why did I suddenly start hating listening to rap? wtf
There's a war happening in /sp/ Moroccans vs the world
based, 7amrokis deserve relentless bullying to come back down to earth
Nobody cares, fag
>Moroccan olympic player simulates a beheading and shouts Allah Akbar after defeating Argentina
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الرجل العناب
Music is haram. May Allah kill all Arab now.
retarded n-people music
It's funny how everything change, yet everything stays the same, brand new person but doing the same old mistakes. Stuck in loop, gaslighting your self that all the pain and suffering you going through is making you wiser, stronger it's "building your characterc" when all you think about all day is killing yourself.
حزب المماتعة بيتمتع بالقضيب الاسرائيلي اخر كام اسبوع



> July 25 in Tinzaoutene an armed force of berbers and fulanis repelled the advance of a column of Russian mercenaries of Wagner accompanied by terrorist and cannibal forces of FAMA. Several deaths and enormous material damage on the enemy side.
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would be toplolz if they do a ranking of ugly olympic athletes and this sewers karyan dweller comes first
السلام عليكم
talking about karyan dwellers
this >>200181278 looks like that thing >>200181254
I remember this moment in the match he went to the referrie and did simple usual protest to wrong decision,the ref immediately gave hem a yellow,lol
Blackpill is real
Nop,rahimj has too much ssa
yes but only gorilla looking 3zis or aborigines like this ape monstrosity
Great two last threads too bad I was busy gooning
she had partners and probably turns guys down every week
might as well fuck a gorilla
then again thats how aids was created
subhuman coomers will always exist
High test brown Moroccan males and pale females give the best children
No such thing
moroccans are low test by nature and no that would just make a brownoid with an inferiority and mongrel complex
Yo what's going on in algeria
دوي على راسك
the fact that you have to refer to people as "high test brown males" shows your insecure manlet tendencies
its over for u, at least i can surgery max or passportmax
i get a lot of tranny matches recently, for some reason mexican trannies are coming in they dont even speak english
Stop tryharding, I'm just nooticing
Loool my dad is gl and brown and my mom is pale asf, all they gave me was a dysgenic face and autism
Really hating my life it's jova
Your highly descriptive posting seems like projection
that's literally what you're doing rn, no amount of made up scenarios will change the fact that you're a browncel lol
I don't want to brag but I'm a 6 3ft failed chad
The chad:
Post your face to back up the claims boyo, also i've never seen someone so proud of being a failed chad, you just don't get it
What do I don't get
>The chad:
You're bragging about being a failed chad cause yk you wouldn't have been shit lol
Looking like jeets LOL over for this subhuman race
I see beautiful people doomed by poornes and nutrition deficiency
remember that when a moroccan poster replies to you great odds they look like that, especially if they call themselves a "failed chad"
Yea i thought about how the nafris that reply to me look like earlier this morning and i felt reluctant to rot here, great odds they look like an inbred alien and at that point i'd just be doing the work of a sped class tutor
كوكوطاما كوكوطاما حققو لي الأمنيات
OK we get it you two are subhuman dysgenic freaks the odds are all stacked against you.
Why haven't you killed yourself already ?
Also all of this shit is indirectly caused by islam
because i get to laugh at delusional ugly subhumans like you lol it comforts my heart that there's retards who think they're the shit and cry about deserving things unironically that i get despite the "odds being stacked" against me
Because i can just rot indoors, not something that looks can save, my autism can be detected from fucking miles away and my well my brain has evolved to not want to die, so for every reason i wanna die it's gonna bring up 10 retarded reasons why i should live
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No one deserves anything
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you deserve my BBC
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the /mena/ server
only incels allowed btw
looks dead
it's slow for now, not enough MENAoids dopamine addicts
None of that shitstorm you posted applies to me
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like it was being talked about a week or two ago, anons get older and have no time or energy left
i think you should refrain from using english at all and stick to dareeja, you don't know what half the words you post mean
Gatekeeping and sucking on anglo cock i see
no just reminding the 67iq mongrel that the education system failed him
i can't remember the last time i heard a moroccan speak any language fluently
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What words I used that I don't understand
Acting stupid is the only way to get a foothold here,ask a straight question and they will shame you
>low test
Do you have any stats ?
If you think about it gays can access to sex easier than straights here
that's everywhere
incel cope, your shithole isn't applying shariah law
nigga you're thinking about a two hours old post you replied to twice already, this is some new level insecurity
apparently he has a daughter and 100k+ in debt
You always need to make a remark about me,I'm just curious
post faster so I can make the next thread
at least 2 other anons called you out on being a faggot itt
>be namefag
>get shat on by everyone
do they ever learn
never happened to me
Shut up faggot
doesn't work on me
absolutely not

be tall
i'd rape everyone ITT on any fighting game of their choice (that's not mk1 or sf6 or tekken8 because i have a potato)
i haven't played in years and i'm sleep deprived but i can try to setup fightcade
Wish i had the balls to go ER, but i'm a nameless husk withering away, happiest life in africa
My mom told me the story of how mulukhiyyeh was invented, does /mena/ want to hear it?
i'm more interested on hearing her story about being gangbanged by multiple black men in some motel
Kys faggot
>During Ottoman times, Egypt was ruled by a Pasha
>The pasha got sick, so the court doctor told him he must eat a certain leaf from the Jute plant to be cured, but he hated it
>The court chef turned the Jute leaves into mulukhiyya, which became the pasha's favorite dish
>It eventually became popular among the fellahin in Egypt, who named it "mulukhiyya" (from the word "malek") for this reason
I don't know if it's true or not, but it's an amusing story.
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dubs and i go for a 5th orgasm
singles and i go for a 5th orgasm
How does an Indian know about molokhiah?
the gods have decided, i shall take a poop then sleep
dubs and i jerk off while pooping
singles and i do it
for good now
if my posts ends with 5 I'll stop and go sleep
There was another pasha that taxed sugar or flour, and salt was OK. So when they had salt, they would say tuz, meaning salt in roachspeak. Then the roaches would leave them alone because they have no contraband
Learn how to read you fag
Shitty general
Aaaaand there's a schizo faggot crying wailing outside, yea won't sleep tonight, and no one is gonna do shit, should i just go out and beat this faggot's ass, idk the outcome
Go with hem on a adventure
>page 8
if anybody is still lurking, let this thread die so I can make the next one
also anybody who posts below me is gay
كس امك
أيضاً: أول كاكاه
It's fucking 10 in the morning why am I getting cringe flashbacks?!!!!!
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and then they go and get fucked by chad
what's your waking up anthem
mine is أعطيلو البنان المروكي حيوان then this
>gaslighting your self that all the pain and suffering you going through is making you wiser,
Fucking tell me about it
ليه الخيط الجديد انحذف؟
This one didn't reach the bump limit
are you the christian iraki
No I'm Lebanese
الجانيز لا يريدون أن يفوز اللبنانيون في الألعاب الأولمبي
زبي و مخي في صراع دائم
it is over
it never began
You guys think there's actual black people on int, i never pondered the possibility before and now i'm horrified, why no bubu angu general?
i know a black girl who browses /adv/ and /r9k/
there's tons of blacks in 4chan but it's mostly americans
>bubu angu general
Adv is the most useless board over doe, makes sense a nigger would browse it
either you have very short attention span and got filtered by the amount of effortposting or you never browsed it
it's a good venting board
Seems too reddit imo, i need chudiness
mena is my home
you need a 2m rope to tie around both your neck and an anchor on the ceiling and a chair to stand on to kick once you're above it
In your dreams cuck
make it 3m since you're a manlet
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7amroki bros?
how many alkharyan will off himself tonight?
هههههههههههههههه فالجزائر كيقولو ليوليوز جويلية
Projecting, let me be your stepfather instead, i won't be too loud with your mom
none because only 7amrokis are hung over that chunk of sand
moroccans call it Juillet in french, at least they had the dignity to transliterate it
kilimini spotted. I haven't heard a single moroccan call it juillet in my entire life.
it's either شهر سبعة or يوليو
on official documents it's يوليوز
no one says this why are you lying on an anonymous forum, go outside please lmfao
moroccan either say شهر سبعة or جويي
no, that's literally how everyone where I live call it (after شهر سبعة)
juillet is only used by francophile and kilimini faggots.

also on an official document in arabic you are not supposed to use the french name anyway. I don't know why algerians do that. kek
Are you gonna cry for 20 hours again about not getting girls or your periods were over yesterday
>Soy because you talk in french
That wasn't me doe
>juillet is only used by francophile and kilimini faggots.
i heard 3roubi hillbillies and chleuh cave dwellers say juillet but never heard "يوليو" a single time in my life that's not a very formal arabic speech or official document
you're reaching out too much to "own" algerians lol, absolutely mindbroken
hell i even remember hearing juillet in fucking ريحة الدوار
episodes are like 2 hours but i might as well re-listen and post later out of spite for the zlayji
>Nafri shitflinging hours
Moroccans are shite at MSA you'll never hear anyone say يناير/فبراير/ابريل/يوليو/يوليوز unironically
They still say mars and decembre and janvier because they flow better with dareeja
nafri general you bedouin
/bharat/ is right around the corner
are you faggots seriously arguing
Shut the fuck up you nigger, you really have nothing better to do than be a turbo sperg
lol, seems like a (You) problem
literally everyone I know says يوليو without the ز
maybe it's different in the north than the rest of morocco
I'm so sorry you don't get to post facebook tier trash without getting curbed, crybaby bitch
Confusing me with other people now
>non-الساحل الأطلسي subhuman thinks his opinion matters
continue your obsession with Algeria over here
Nigga what ? I need to check your chromosomes if you lack or have additional ones
how am i confusing you with anyone when the gist of the topic is the facebook trash one of you posted
I'm from the north thoughbeit
Lol it is over for you, getting people mixed up lol

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