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sucking a golf ball edition
Hey 190
got some chorizo from tesko yesterday, dunno what chorizo goes with though, never ate it before
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Might be okay if they're wealthy and the weather's not too hot.
ahaha great stuff
Chicken, tomato sauce, pasta, banger
its mental how unfunny left wing cunts are
no patter about them at all
This “why aren’t you in clacton EVERY SINGLE DAY” thing bring levied at farage is so fucking dull
Once walked in on a black girl doing a poo.
Losers in 77
Losers in 1492
Losers in 1933
had some pasta with chicken last night, used up all the sauce i bought as well wahey
I went to one but the family are well-off, we were in a nice villa and only interacted with the family and friends who were all middle-class so it was really good
the cans are IN
calculating the optimal time to get on them as we speak
>Many a top athlete talks about how they eat nothing but chicken nuggets from McDs
Usain Bolt is not "many a top athlete", he is just one athlete.

I'm pretty sure that largest McD's was for the public, not just athletes - in fact I'm pretty sure it's the McD's which I ate at myself when the Olympics were on.

No, nobody has ever seen that show.
Especially considering they were attacking him for not being at parliament before parliament had even opened
not one fucking word
Just rabidly mindbroken people with dull lives they fill with being angry at the bad man on tv
Really CBA with work now, think I’ve reached the end of the week, can’t concentrate, gone off the boil, the mind wandering, the sun shining, the beers looming…
Easier than discussing policy innit
watching drunk animal videos
Donald Trump
Survived covid
Joe Biden
Will not survive covid
barely 2pm you fucking runt
keep it together
(tbf i was on the vino blanco by around this time last week haha)
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Why are English people so apologetic to muslims?
On the aldi cornettos
girls coughing
girls clearing their throat
Getting steaming in front of the computer is very grim
Alcohol is a social drug and not even that enjoyable when you’re on your own

Better to be stoned out your mind on a friday night in, just surfing the web and posting on /brit/
george floyd died from getting kneeled on
the copper who kneeled on him got stabbed 20 times in prison and survived

white power innit
bizarre cope
blog on

lmao they're so drunk
look at that ostrich nigga lolol
alcohol is decent to drink alone watching a movie

imo browsing 4chan stoned is insufferable, just have no time for the dafties on here when im high
wonder if this actually happened or if it’s just some journo making outrage bait
any thoughts on the paris olympic games shit fest deegs?
The Olympics are on in a few hours lads.
Why are white American conservatives so deferential to black people?
brown claws
the conservatives in america are pretty much just taking the piss when they do this sort of thing though

whereas tory politician faggots here genuinely worship diversity
what happened
had to take the afternoon off to read this so-called funny comic
for me it’s the opposite
alcohol makes me want to talk to people, move around, do stuff. it’s more stimulating rather than relaxing to me.

meanwhile weed i like better for shit like watching movies or shitposting on 4chan. necked an edible and watched Gladiator not long ago. It was amazing. Made it so much more interesting and felt like i was literally back there in ancient Rome. Even though i’ve watched it a million times, felt like I was watching it again for the first time. Don’t get that with the beers.
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>jesse waters
hideous mutt phenotype
emma watson looked disgusting with short hair
just looks disgusting in general really
>it’s more stimulating rather than relaxing to me.
for me that depends on the environment, watching football with some people it'll make me more animated, sitting alone watching a movie i just get relaxed, a lot more invested in the film, alcohols a weird drug
>Alcohol is a social drug and not even that enjoyable when you’re on your own
lol rubbish
mad people actually believe this nonsense. Effects of advertising.

There used to be plenty of adverts about a man drinking at home alone in peace until they were all banned and drinking at home was treated as complete evil by the media
bombs in airports, train lines being sabotaged, people unable to get to the venue and trapped in subways, athletes being fed raw meat, literal child rapists competing, the morocco football meme game where 7 different pitch invasions occured and the french labeled it benevolent intervention', athletes getting robbed

we haven't even got to the opening ceremony yet and the trains already off the rails
brat summer
Looks Irish to me. A bit like that man from the IT Crowd
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getting blacked
haha well it is france what did they expect
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You cunts on the other extreme over there
love a cheeky drinking alone sesh, getting the cans in and just spending the night talking absolute shite with the wastrels on here and listening to tunes aha yes get in
Can do either me
faster uncle
drive uncle
faster uncle faster
i will pay you uncle
drive faster uncle
uncle i'm bleeding uncle
drive faster uncle
anyone here watched Succession?
woke men don't like you drinking alone at home they want you out in town where you'll be tempted by gay bum sex
I'm so glad. I hate France and I hate the Olympics
thank you patrick craig (dont remember his first name)

saw this on /g/, there's ron paul's son in the crowd and he's clapping very unenthusiastically, the washington post wrote an article about it basically gloating about how unhappy he is

america is ruled by pure evil man
Why the fuck wouldn't we support Israel? They are standing their ground. Don't like it? Go cry with all the other antifa faggots.
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yeah i watched it last year. pretty good
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Seriously, why are English people like this?
Yeah I've seen it twice, it wasn't that great. I'm currently watching Barry (second time) and it's very good
i like france but paris is a shithole, like london to the power of 10
Wonder what happened to all those Tory nobs that lost their seats
I want to unalive acoustic people
all this talk of alcohol really got me wanting to drink some alcohol
shut up 190
oh wow that small crowd of freaks in London represent millions of English people
me at the back
need a new tv show to watch on the bike
ive watched
>mad men
>true detective
>twin peaks
what should i watch next

this any good?
dunno what to get from tesco. maybe some chicken breast, salad and wraps.
Forgot to watch the final season.
>Why the fuck wouldn't we support Israel?
because jewish bankers have spent decades raping your country and culture

here's sleepy joe pretty much saying it outright

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No irish bloke has those eyes and lips and skin
He has very dark hair and an odd shaped head too
Even the stereotypical dark Irishman Collin Farrell has a dark Western European face. Note the hooded eyes, large brow, short nose, normal lips. The skull shape. Yes his skin is tanned and hair is dark but he still looks vaguely British Isles.

That Yank lad looks odd. You couldn’t pin him to one European country. Uglier too.
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bring your clubcard
god bless america
>what should i watch next
your weight
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Why does literally every single American eat nothing but dog poo still warm from the dog's arse?
watch half of the first episode
boring shite
done that lardarse slag
yanks out of /brit/
Why do retards like you continue to conflate native israelites with diaspora jews across the world?

There is nothing wrong with a country standing it's ground and destroying a terrorist threat. There is a reason antifa/socialist types are the ones kicking up a big stink about it, the same antifa/socialist types that your kind regularly associate with "muh jews".
>British Isles
tobi off the sidemen is so fit
well you wouldn't want it cold now would you
The Americans
Boardwalk Empire
Halt and Catch Fire
jews are gay
geographical term
This is so fucking boring shlomo
sucking a bum
>Why do retards like you continue to conflate native israelites with diaspora jews across the world?
well, because of this: >>200200787
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English people willingly give their taxpayer dollars to fund shit like this, which is intended to educate children.

English people take pride in revisionist history. Even back in the 40s, 50s and 60s you took pride in burning all your archives. Gone are the only known tapes of George Orwell speaking on BBC radio, gone are countless old Doctor Who and Dads Army episodes. Why retain history when you can revise it?
I was there that actually happened to the Romans
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Fuck off you baiting kike
Ive been watching Gilmore Girls recently. Surprisingly good. Comfy early 2000s show. Like everything Gen Z made and millennials grew up watching its toxic, racist, sexist, ableist and transphobic by modern standards.
Zionist Jews
Want to enslave all humans for the revolution
Internationalist Jews
Want to enslave all humans for the revolution

The Jews
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Any you lads know anyone who lost their nut from weed
I really enjoyed succession, watched it twice.
some other good ones that I watched recently:
>breaking bad
>mr inbetween
big fan of that show desu
lorelai gf needed
>history for Yanks is television shows from the 50's
lmao, even
anyone flying in for bret amsterdam?
Anyone here been to the sidemen's new wings restaurant?

Absolutely BUSSIN, goes great if you wash it down with a bottle of PRIME
yes that skunk weed driven many a man mad
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>you now remember that english people take immense pride in their "scotland yard" police force
zionism is internationalism. it’s parasitic and crosses borders. it’s the subjugation of the west to the interests of jews. there is no distinction
no but went on strictly come dancing once and got ptsd
eat their iceland range a few times a week me
Mr Inbetween is good, its a shame its only 20 minute episodes.
no, used to think panic attacks were something like that but i found out recently it's more that weed can make you tachycardic which can wreck your breathing and spiral into a panic attack
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Us Scots realised years ago that we can make a killing off all those daft heritage Yanks trying to reconnect with their “scattish roots”
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old rented neighbours in my first house
swinging cricket bats around my car, smashing windows, etc.
absolutely soulless nation
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The Strictly revelations and Horse annihilations this has been hard week for middle class english women
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Spiteful mutants
GMP is Greater Manchester Police.
Scotland Yard is the headquarters of the Met police.
And nobody in England respects the police anymore, gramps.
>Us Scots
Everything in Scotland is owned by Jews from America and England
Each year £250 billion leaves Scotland with these international companies
Even Scotlands national Airport is owned by American Jews
You aren't making money off them they're making money off you
mum forgot to marinade the paneer again bloody bastard bitch!
All look dead behind the eyes
ordered a truck of wood and I need to open the gates for it but I'm afraid I'll break them because they're all rotten.
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the mid boss of autism
*mumbles in paki*
Jewish people
Sometimes I think I am too cool (racist) for my gf
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>this is a respected englishwoman
mental how much anxiety controls my life and how avoidant I've become
Just a worm of a man, me
Possessed by choronzon
mental how shit everything is
Pakis run this entire country.

You lot have no idea how many cousin wives are coming in, I guarantee you that the white school population will be under 50% by 2040.
honestly man i cant imagine being american and defending jews, american jews are so outwardly negative
mental how much my psychic ability controls my life and how clairvoyant I've become
Just a wizard of a man, me
long beyond caring
Kamala is Brat
Kamala is Brat
Kamala is Brat
Kamala is Brat
Good for them honestly
Imagine how much they hated being under british rule for so long. Let them have a go for a change
>Pakis run this entire country.
there are pakis in the country but they don't really run anything, they are just sort of a pollution
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wonder if there will be a big bomb at the opening ceremony tonight
There is literally 10x clownshit happening in America than here and most Americans are stunningly unaware of this
southerns are dysgenic as fuck
one paki man had one wife
the wife was his cousin
might even be sooner than that, already 25% non-white here since new labour opened the floodgates. going to be fucking grim this country in 10 more years
pretty sure when I was 17 I understood what the word "sexy" meant, is she just retarded
>Pakis run this entire country
No that's the Jews.
The prime minister is a Jew
The money is controlled by Jews
The economy is now being drained to fund two Jewish wars
The Jews bring in those Pakis and Indians
this yank is seething about these isles
Kamala is brat and that me smile
are you seriously going to pretend that northerners aren't the ones who are genetically abnormal?
The Irish have double the GDP per capita than the UK
BARRY, it's another HBO one
Do remember it's a yank election year so they're gonna be more deranged and seething than usual

same thing happened in 2020 and 2016 and this ones already shaping up to be the most unhinged from them considering the deterioration of their country since then
seeing multiple posts about politics, particularly yank politics
tax haven innit. they don’t actually see any of that money
of course they'll do well they're the only country in the world without irish diaspora
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Just looked back at my first ever post on /Brit/ almost five years ago on the archive and the first reply was Diego saying “blog on”

Burst out laughing as soon as I read it
right fuck this im off to get cheeseburgers
Mental how all their signs misspell bigotry
yeah, despite those posts being off-topic
They want millions to come that's why she was put in charge

Borders are not Brat
Two jew owns €1 trillion
The Irish own €1 billion
>the Irish have a good average!
>Americans take pride in being free and macho and owning guns but because terrified little slaves whenever a man in uniform commands them to breakdance for their lives
sometimes you need a beer to flush out kidney stones
look Scottish
It's completely meaningless, they're the world's largest corporate tax haven
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They told me Kamala was a fake black but they lied that bitch used to date Montel Williams
>the protesters are white
Bongland is even more pozzed than I thought.
Yeah they do. I went to Swords earlier this year it was far nicer than most places in the UK. Not a utopia but it was definitely cleaner, more cash going about. Bigger and better looking houses. Lots of new cars, roads weren’t a state. 40-50k a common salary for 20s uni graduates. Been to some of the more rural parts too and they seem to be getting on well.

Ireland isn’t some advanced civilisation but i reckon the average Irishman has a far better living standard than your average Brit.
Dishonored phenotype
Nope, scouser.
>Rents in Cork city are now €1,882 per month on average
Scouse, not English. Simple as.
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What is Liverpool like? Is it worth visiting? Are the people fun?
>fake black
She's a Hindu from Jamaica
Your average Irishman spends that on a night out
when my grandad dies ill be inheriting £750k + a split of both his properties somewhere in the region of ~£500k

do you think that will be enough to neet off the rest of my life? i'm 26, considering buying a house on the isle of skye with no neighbours and living the pure freak life
British culture: 0 oz
Kamala is pretty fit tbf she has a really nice arse, bet she’s hiding quite a tasty MILF body under her pantsuit

Used to not like her but since she started running she seems genuinely fairly based. Would vote for her if I were a Yank (thank fuck I’m not)
I'm sorry uncle
let me shitpost uncle
Well done English migrants
best night out in england
tbf I only went to Dublin once and most of it outside the centre was run down. im mostly just repeating what irish people say though. seems like they earn about the same as the uk but it’s more expensive. and ambitious irish people go to london anyway like ambitious british people
imagine shagging kamala harris in the arse
*imagines it*
Ok now what?
i want to live,
in a tree,
with the birds,
cheep cheep cheep,
cheaper than,
a one bed flat,
i will flap,
my wings and,
i will be,
in a tree,
with the birds,
tweet tweet tweet,
i'll eschew,
rent and jews,
will you join me,
in a tree?
Fuck off
You are 100% sure there will be no legal challenges to it from long lost bastards? If so just make sure you are on the up about the inheritance tax laws. Things get tricky over a million.
if you pronounce harris in an irish accent it sounds like arse
Swords mentioned
Love it
Na probably not. But it would be enough to get set up in a nice part of Britain with a small house and acreage, a reliable 4 wheel drive vehicle, and a small business you can operate to be your own boss.
depends on your expenses. you might be a guy who likes to buy 3 rolexes and a porsche a day every day for the of your life
>do you think that will be enough to neet off the rest of my life?
if you're smart with investments yes
i’m wanking lads
‘cause i’m a bender
his arse looks so cute
wrapped round my willard
wow you’re right guess I’m With Her.
I still don't see how it's legal for her to just claim and use all of Biden's campaign donations.
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don't care still voting biden
I still don't see what this has to do with British culture
I definitely got the impression that i’d rather stay in Dublin or the suburbs than most places in the UK. Probably anywhere here, even London is a wogged overcrowded shithole despite the good jobs down there. The prices can be mental, you’re talking 7 euro a guinness in some places.

Wish I could go, could be eligible for a passport if my Dad did it
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>this is considered a 10/10 in england
Yeah I'm trying to resist having a wank over that one picture I saw on here
she always looked old
technically yes but realistically no, you'd be able to survive but it wouldn't be much of a life. anything less than £2 million ideally you still want some active income
went to the cock tavern
good pub
only in terms of being insufferably boring/dropping out of things
not in terms of psychosis
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This was one of Sadiq's campaign promises. He's delivered. Next is the Super Bowl.
Might treat myself to a massage this weekend
Remember how Yank right-wingers were like:

>at least when WE lose we lose with grace and class and don’t start tearing up and destroying stuff

And then Trump lost and a mob of retarded hillbillies stormed their congress lol
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>yanks are about to make this thing their president
What do you guys think of these graphic t-shirts? I like lifting weights but I don't know if this shirt could be misread by norms or cringe.
You’ve never worked a day in your life
Interesting how we pronounce the w in sweat but not in sword
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brown americans man, disgusting
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whoops wrong thing
must be american
I do
america is a former british colony therefore it's an integral part of british culture
fuvking horrible cunt
nah but it made me really paranoid twide out the maybe five times i smoked it
why has the midget muslim got a tiny cuck belt
could've sworn I clicked /brit/
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don't care, still eating groats
she needs the bbc
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Why do English people love saturating their demographics so much?
Yeah, American weightlifters love to join barbell clubs.
Have had many a pint in there. Feels weird that someone who posts here has been in there before
genuinely how i imagine spainlad and his gfs dynamic
She needs a man with a discord server and a youtube channel
Hey 190
maybe you’re right but whenever i meet irish people they always say how expensive it is over there. i remember it being quite expensive but it’s hard to compare tourist vs living there
t. miguel deshawn o'riley
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hawk tuah is such a bizarre phenomenon. she's now got millions of followers, on famous podcasts and stacking sponsors in a matter of weeks, all because she said she spits on a dick before sucking
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Dire thread
24/7 meltdown central
practicing driving coming along nicely, see myself with a licence in 2 months or so
HAHAHAH le sex!!!!
why do you even know about this sort of pish you fucking gimp
She’s not even that fit :/
don’t think anyone cares about her anymore already
Well most women don't know they should do that so she's done millions of men and women a service. All in all it seems like she's a nice girl.
middle-aged hags were talking about it at toil, they found it hilarious
>You lot have no idea how many cousin wives are coming in
Bradford pakis don't even bother dating, they just have their parents set them up with someone from Pakistan
Back when you could bring a spouse in on an 18k salary this was doable, now it's increased to 29k it'll be a bit harder
real men never do anything as vulgar as eating fanny they just give a little kiss on the mons pubis before heading off to work
no they weren't
doubt you even have a job
gambling is fucking rigged lads. another 1000 pund gone. nothing in the bank and i got paid yesterday. paid me bills at least.
Rorke is Brat
I’m sitting in the terminal having a pint seething about namefags at 10am
What is my life
timmy eat pumpum thinking it makes her orgasm (she just fakes it to get it over with)
I read a story that the guy that made some hawk tuah hats had his accounts frozen because they thought all his orders were fraudulent and so she gave him $10k so he could stay afloat until the accounts stopped being frozen.

I wonder what her cut of the sales is if any.
its called scraping the bottom of the barrel

i.e. tendency of the rate of profit to fall
didn't know aussie currency was called pund
she came out on stage at a festival to try and hype the crowd up and couldn't even get them to cheer so she cringed and awkwardly shuffled off, think her 5 minutes of 'fame' are over
Love how stuff like this just obliterates Marxist theory that labour determines value
a bratz doll?
a bratwurst?
a brother in russian?

what do you mean here
converting it for the sake of you lot. about 2000 aud
means a cheeky whore like charli xcx
skill issue
>another 1000 pund gone
Hey 190 Australians don't use pounds
bit intellectual there mate
what was your gambling outlet of choice?
Ireland is de facto a British protectorate anyway. They have a very small armed forces because no one would dare to touch them, as the British would sweep in to prevent a hostile enemy on its doorstep.

Irish air and naval space is patrolled by the RAF and Navy.
corrrrrr lend us a tenner lad
Melty melty melty
just online slots la
they'll cut you off
Oh sorry uh I mean hey lads look at me, I'm doing a poo!
Labour theory of value was retarded since before Marx tried to cram it into his autistic worldview
ah yes the lowest IQ choice, should have figured
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>as the British would sweep in to prevent a hostile enemy on its doorstep.
we wont even stop brownoid cunts on in our own country mate
For me, it's Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel's Make Me Smile
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Kamala is Brat
All this talk of gambling is making me wanna go out and buy scratchcards to mog you cursed unlucky losers
thats why i buy accounts, if anyone on /brit/ has an unused bet365 account i'll buy them for £20

needs to have no deposit history though
michael obmna
if you didnt sell all your brat stock when this happened you are never gona make it
clearest sell signal in human history
democracy was a mistake
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she's already gone down the onlyfans route
south africa has a good bit of temperate
theyre fun mate, i really enjoy em, and ive had pretty big wins on em too, went up to about 4000 pund once and lost it all
Wish I could leave all this bollocks behind and just go farm tatties and cows in Donegal or Kerry or something never have to hear from any cunt again
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Charli took over their entire culture without even trying shit is TOO EASY
If I went to Dublin, what are the chances that somebody would be angry at me because I'm clearly English due to my accent?

Do most Irish people not care?
I love how this has triggered all of the incels on 4chan who are into Charli and PC Music and thought she was “based” haha
“A brat summer is all about late nights in a club, sweating through your shirt and not having a single care, making out with hot boys (or even maybe your friends) and taking them home. It’s about a little drunk cigarette that you extinguish on the backs of your enemies. It’s about a crisp cold beer and a tiny white tank top. You are the main character; it’s all about you because you’re the reference and moment.” Poetic, no? And while I’m not doing all of those things, I’m certainly channeling that energy.
wait waht she was at wimbledon? i didnt see her there
these are the temperates
fucking fuck sake
she liked my message and didnt respond
Diego's back to his best today
Someone TLDR me on this brat album meme thing?
i do have one that i use just for checking scores as i dont even know how to gamble. functionally innumerate me
It took a 31 year old scottish woman to teach yank zoomers how to be a slag
mental how women’s ultimate summer is just being a drunken slag
americans are retarded
no culture now
everyone just has their bubbles
thansk dont like implication i was ever not my best hto x
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Chances are very low, most people are nice here. almost to their detriment
Yeah basically some above-average album is gertting sucked off mercilessly and the woman who released it tweeted some nonsense linking said album to dull US politics
hawk tuah girl is scottish ?
Off to the pub after work with the fellow toilsmen lads. Can’t really be arsed but better than sitting at home I suppose :/
Antony TND Fagtano gave it 10/10 and terminally online zoomoids replaced their personality with it
Same thing happened with death grips a decade ago
yeh they're designed to occupy the minds of the mindless, you have to realize they're generally 85% rtp and this is over a sample size bigger than you could achieve in your lifetime. the absolute best outcome you could achieve is a 25% loss of whatever you gambled.. and then realistically you can probably half that because you'll never spin enough to hit that figure

you're paying for expensive brainless entertainment with the illusion of profiting, if you want to gamble you're better off doing literally anything other than slots

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