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school girl legs edish
Too many pricks and not enough fannies
And arse!
>i know people with (mental illness) and they achieved a lot!

No you dont, and no they didnt. You are lying. Mentally ill people are totally worthless subhumans who cannot function normally
I see /pedo/ brit is alive and well

Enjoy the night, lads
Will be enjoying the non pedo threads
just want to shag them all
Fuck off cansnonce
rorke listening to Sieg Heil, Viktoria! [German + English Lyrics]
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would you lads?
is the short girl always the most attractive, or am I a nonce?
Off to send some stuff off at the post office and get my incel walk done as well
Interior crocodile alligator I drive a Chevrolet movie theater
stop posting kids mate
Think you mean ephebo threads, actually mate
Seeing as 16 year old is completely legal in the UK, yes.

In fact, I could have a massive gangbang creampie sessions with ten 16 year olds and it would be legal. But if any pictures were taken, that would be "abuse"
both of those things can be true at once
she isnt 16 stop baiting
My brother in Christ; they are not kids
melanated men's plaything
lichraly in school uniform
>>200207202 #
>Full siblings share about 50% of this variable part, and half-siblings share about 25%.
these are just averages. genetic recombination and inheritance patterns mean they could be less
>Race doesn't affect these percentages because it's based on the small differences within human DNA.
it’s perfectly possible for you to share more dna in common with a member of your ethnic group that isn’t directly related to you than your half-sibling whose other parent is from a different group. especially if we are talking about relatively a group that is relatively endogamous and the other parent being from a relatively genetically divergent group
what I do to my own cock is frankly a scandal
>these are just averages. genetic recombination and inheritance patterns mean they could be less
Average that are extremely close to 25% or 50%
>it’s perfectly possible for you to share more dna in common with a member of your ethnic group that isn’t directly related to you than your half-sibling whose other parent is from a different group. especially if we are talking about relatively a group that is relatively endogamous and the other parent being from a relatively genetically divergent group
Show me an example of someone who shares less DNA with a half-sibling from a different race than they do with random unrelated strangers from the same ethnic group.
You are basically illiterate on this topic.
arse lad night
16 is the age of consent in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland you
arse lad night
might treat myself to some sort of alcoholic lager beer
Actually I'll give you one thing. This could theoretically occur if you're from an extremely inbred ethnic group or/and family.
How much is /brit/ worth?
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she was 16 in that image, 17 here
nothing, nothing at all
im brat
I'll take it
i have a 16 yo gf with big boobs
Imagine having a daughter and she dresses like that for school
Post them
>i won't go to prison for it, therefore it's right to do it
what are you supposed to do
Off to the shop, you lads want anything?
i want a tight boyfriend
whens the 'lympics on then?
>Not orange enough
Rorke's hoop
Your missus is meant to slut shame them and tell them off
daddy from grindr has left my arse in bits feels like half of it's hanging out. wants to see me again tomorrow as well won't be able to walk on sunday haha
>If I go to prison for doing this, it's the wrong thing to do
got brat on
it's actually good lol
20 Rothmans please and a copy of Zoo
I'm his daddy. Should have seen how small this pooftas dick was.
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have none because that would be illegal
The niglympics
yes, there are some cases in both directions
You just admitted to having gay sex.
1 and 2 are peng and if you saw a girl like that in a club and wouldn't then you're bent simple as
Cheeky packet of roast chicken Walkers, pack of Carling, sirloin steak, and a pint of Cravendale.
Are you pretending 16 year olds aren't sexually active?
i want to drive,
in a car,
going vroom,
very far,
i want to reach,
foreign place,
and buy something,
like a plate,
i want to go,
to kokomo,
like a beach boy,
take things slow,
i want to be,
on a beach,
wearing shorts,
in hot country,
i want to see,
a lady wear,
a bikini,
or laying bare,
i want to touch,
the lady's bum,
i want to lick,
her lady tum
It's not gay if you're showing dominance.
1 is fucking dogfaced
get a pair of glasses
grape elf bar and a sugar free red bull please lad
im in me mum's caa
I think it's time for a jazz cigarette
Not if they're in a skimpy bra
Rorke is BRAT
/brit/ is like a ghost ship
vroom vroom
Think I've gotten too thin
My jeans keep falling down
they shouldn't be sexually active with 20+ year olds, that's for sure
I remember being about 14-15 and there was this girl I liked who my age, but she was seeing a 29 year old fireman. Eventually he pumped and dumped her and I got to shag her later. I remember seething and telling myself I would never go after women of that age when I'm 29 because I don't want to fuck young men over.
Why not?
odds i go outside
evens i rot in my smeggy bedroom
grim. good luck
get oot me ooouse
>She's 16 it's legal
Tell that to her father
got none
shes great though
Lol he mindraped you
went outside once

didn't care for it personally
blacking my own arse
Not sure what to have for tea
Probably not my normal Friday night pizza and chips
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>I remember being about 14-15 and there was this girl I liked who my age, but she was seeing a 29 year old fireman
only chance of me losing 20 pounds if I went to a british casino
a british casino, ladies and gentlemen
going to grow my foreskin out i reckon lads, no more getting it trimmed for me innit
my gfs father likes me
you'll've had your tea then?
>vote for orange man
>shag orange English women

HOLY BASED I wish i was American
Why do the Brits look so distinct from other Europeans?
don't tell me what to do
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it's the gyatt rizz frfrfr
Excessive amounts of make-up
Her father would approve in any other time in history. But because you were raised on a steady diet of american podcasts your entire life you now think 16 is too young. Any red-blooded man would jump into bed with a 16 year old given half the chance and you're going to have to deal with this
Bring out the lash and we'll have this place in shape
>challenges are what makes a mans life interesting, overcoming them is what makes his life meaningful
- joseph stalin

true story
the difference in privilege and emotional maturity creates a power imbalance that makes proper consent impossible to obtain
Stick with women your own age, grandpa
mad how i was lonely and sad then i reached out to a friend and now i feel better
try it some time
*muffled noises of violence against Lynn*
>Her father would approve in any other time in history
Yes many fathers would approve a Tesco shelf stacker having sex with his daughter in the past
guess what
have to do an 8 hour drive tomorrow because my gf wants to go to her ex boyfriends mums 60th birthday party

bit awks init
Spent like £200 on some airpods and I prefer my cheapo Bluetooth earphones from Amazon that cost like £30
opening ceremony tonight, actual events start first thing tomorrow x
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Lucy lads...we are so back
bout 40 minutes la
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I shit myself today
To see if I still feel
>a Tesco shelf stacker
could support 2 families on that back in the day
What privilege? In UK law, so long as you aren't a teacher or policeman or in a position of authority, there is no power imbalance and its true. There may be emotional immaturity, but that doesn't disqualify one to make their own decisions in that moment
good guess
the penguinz0 drama over that 25yo getting with a 17 year old is hilarious
bizarre whiteknighting
Yanks out.
wonder who was in the wrong in that exchange
the dad seems a bit psycho but the son is also quite pathetic so not sure
yeh let me just reach out to my friends haha
doing a fly from spain to north africa on microsoft flight sim atm
>support 2 families
You aren't having a family just sterile sex like a homosexual
What chance did he have with a name like Louis?
message the last person you messaged
Hope you crash in the med
and the reason?
When and how did you lose your virginity?
someone check this lads hardrive
Not really. The face structures are diverse, Brits (I mean white British people) look different from one another and also very distinct from the continental Europeans. You can often say that someone is a Brit
this is a banger
Jewish nonsense
I'll let you know if it happens
The friday night of my freshers week in Bristol
I rizzed her up with some card tricks then snogged her in the club
my landlord?
girl i was with for 2 years made the mistake of introducing me to her parents. they absolutely loved me, as pretty much everyone does, as i'm a hilarious people pleaser, though self aware and socially conscious enough to know how to play almost every situation so as to not look like a doormat. according to her, they begged her to marry me after a few times meeting me. little did they know, though, that one of the big reasons i'm so funny, and so likeable, is because i have a 3.5 inch penis and have honed my personality since age 12 to compensate for this fact, desperately hoping i can make a girl love me so much that she overlooks my lack of size. alas, it never lasts, and the girl eventually left me (she of course did not say it was the terrible sex, but it was), leaving her parents hugely disappointed. they still invite me to most gatherings.
The police will come over and find legal of age porn over 18. I will then go out and have an orgy with 16 year olds at a party, and it will be totally legal. Isnt that strange
Good to see our Mousey's toilet getting the recognition it deserves
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How old are you?
is he matey with you?
bolg on
190...please stop posting your fantasising
ktim but my penis is just shy of 8 inches
>isolated island from other mainland European countries for centuries

heh I wonder… ask the same as to why Japanese look and behave so different to mainland Europeans
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borg on
a really obvious example of privilege is being able to buy alcohol
dont talk about it now but me and a mate wanked each other off at a sleepover
only time i've done a coom that wasn't my own hand and i suppose closest i've ever got
I'm losing it right now, help
ok jimmy
How does that make you lose your virginity?
>isolated island
A term which has never applied to Britain
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If you live in the circle, you are from London
All people from the Caspian Sea to the Pacific look more alike than two random Brits
basildon MENTIONED
Carpet bomb everything within this circle
imagine the smell
bomboclarrrr mans from london an ting wallahi innit
All Asians descend from 12th century conquerors
I'm Brat
eeehhhhhh hes a soufen poofter fairy from OXFORD in LONDON
got a smelly bin exuding unpleasant fragrances in the flat
I wonder if some run from surrey posts here
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I'm from Croydon, Surrey.
Doing mellifluous farts
Manchester, suburb of London
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im fat
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Manchester, North Midlands. The real North is Newcastle
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well rorke?
wtf no? he killed 37 people, he should never be released
in america it would be. small ass gay island you go there lol. could probably fit in the average american’s backyard you fucking faggot ass bitch
>in 2001 85% of the country was White British, with 90% white overall
>in 2021 74% of the country was White British, with 80% white overall
it's completely over. i dont think any country's demographics have shifted so rapidly in history before, except maybe israel's
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she is very gorgeous to me
Would probably end up shagging them all if I were a teacher
Dark forces at work
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as a primary school teacher??
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but come on, it's sheldon!
from my years watching porn I've noticed that the French like interracial porn and they like interracial anal porn, or at least like making it
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Transitioning goals
Who let the runts out
Rorke Rorke Rorke Rorke
Brits are very racially diverse. Ethnic Britons, Celts, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Normans, Danes (broadly), etc

Although in the past 10 years our government has been telling us we’ve always been a racially diverse country that has always had Africans even though if you ask anyone your parents and grandparents age they remember seeing their first African. Mad that.
corrr imagine your daughter sitting on your lap
You call
I'll be there
Once more
I'm scared of
The phone
Don't ring it
Please know
That I'm just trying to find
Some way to keep me in your mind
there is no french porn more arousing than The Dreamers, so just watch that instead.
in 2001 most european countries (except france) were like 95% white now they are like 80% white. it’s about the same
want him released in the hopes that someone would record his 38th
mad that
on my 3rd tin already and going to the pub in a bit
can tell its gonna be a messy one
>except maybe israel's
Man finally discovers we're Palestinians too
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You know this term is enforced by those who want to exterminate you?
you’re concern trolling
ah yes, there is no such thing as white british people, anyone can be british with the right paper! shut up you mong
no matter how you make a sandwich, the bread's always got to come first
you are arguing in bad faith
White was first used in English to describe prisoners of war in Virginia by slave owners trying to suppress a rebellion by dividing them

You're a slave if you call yourself white
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it date night it lush
Love watching two idiots arguing
what word can you use to describe european descended peoples
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arguing about what?

blah blah you’re concern trolling
turns out the body acne that's plagued me since puberty and stopped me from trying to shag goes away if I just shower every day
>anyone can be british with the right paper!
Please quote where I said that
Again you're also a slave to the men who want to exterminate you
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34 year old virgins on here. Mad that.
imagine being her for one day
None because Europeans aren't a group I have no connection to a Pole or a Nigerian
Go back to Israel
dont see the purpose of this pedantry. would you prefer if i said "REAL british?"
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why would i want to get rid of the voices in my head? they make more sense than the rest of you
Ephebophilia is not a mental disorder
would have a lot of jungle bbc inside me that day
enough to get aids
Saying "white British" implies inherently there are African British
White doesn't exist without black and again is a term first used to suppress people into slavery
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europeans cluster together
i have no connection with “israel” (palestine) unlike you. you’re concern trolling. trying to get people to argue over some irrelevant shite like what “white” means to derail discussion
we'd all shag black men, wouldn't we folks
you'd just see how many BBC you could get through in one day
ffs literally just uninstalled grindr lol
Shepherds pie in the oven
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how tall is are mark you reckon?
get it reinstalled
Go back to Poland
So your mind is Jewish territory then
Fuck off with your genocide of my people
having meatball curry later i think
pee-pee soaked heck hole
not polish
Got some salmon in the fridge to pan fry later.
Or is it trout.
Can’t remember
Think I'd nut Sargon of Akkad or at the very least give him a very stern talking to if I saw him in real life.
literally nobody in the UK knows how to make a decent salad
cheap yardie meat
tedious weasel
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if you want to go to the olympics you need to train like and athlete and eat like an athlete and that means eating 12 eggs per day
have you considered the re-echantment of the nested ecology of life recently?
Foreign women do
alri ahmed
that's because salads suck
yardie goons are already bashing out her guts with their vicious pythons
athletes dont eat eggs
too much fat
Off home
My Polish mrs used to make some mad carrot salad. Proper peng.
bro never tasted a greek salad clearly
You'll never exterminate us
Teach Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus the Great a lesson too, while you're at it
you have a very boring, plain diet and I suspect you have autism
Can’t stand carrots in my salad
never say never, jew
Healthy fat is essential for testosterone production.
Coincidentally brazils cotton production was beating the UK's then
they just inject testosterone
Looked something like this.
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got the opening ceremony on haha x
Not our athletes that's why they lose in strength events.
eat whatever the fuck you want as long as you train like a madman
Getting ill thinking about cringe things I did 30 years ago
>mmm I just love cramming piles of leaves into my mouth, so many complex flavours and textures! And what's that, a tiny cube of feta? Such luck!
You're the one that wants to utterly destroy all European nations and replace them with one mongrel "white" people
why do they say mid when the mean shit
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See a therapist and talk about your ruminating thoughts.
man at the counter at wasabi just told me that british are pirates and spies who pletend to be gentlemen
greek salad doesn't contain leaves you utter prole
Love my therapist
She saved my life
hopefully simone biles wins a gold medal
Screeching outside.
Not sure if human, animal or mechanical.
Diego would've loved this opening ceremony
dolescum seething at the sight of a man in a shirt
this is stale i remember seeing the exact type of concern trolling on /pol/ like 9 years ago. come up with some new material
cunt plumberstein did not come today
Put some deodourant on for gods sake rorke
I'll be cheering on steven van de velde
get the poo flushed
Ask Jeeves
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Incel cheers on incel hero
*sprays drain cleaner into your face*
Corr I love Laura Woods lads
shagged out hag
Got the Taylor swift on
Would be hilarious if he wins gold. Femoids will seethe
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If you want to acheive athletic greatness like Mo Farah you cannot afford a varied diet. It's about discipline and dedication.

Imagine believing this.
Right about now
I fucked your brother
Check it out now
I fucked your brother
gfberg wants to take me to a tswift night reckon it would be a laugh?
Yeah she has bangers for days
Any 100 Gecs man in
Older women are better in bed and make better partners.
aha yeah, this one >>200209434 will be particularly upset
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nobody care me
no im not a tranny
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poor baby x
British gals looking in their thirties dear lord
Do you reckon small dogs feel self conscious about their tiny bollocks?
do you?

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