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Previous: >>200228097
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Evening, gents
sorry for making the last thread weird. lets start off good this time
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Sick cut fr fr no cap
cash stack reset today
there was nothing weird about the last thread babe
odds go to work tomorrow
evens take time off
Did the dishes. Might run into town and get some beer and then maybe do a roasted bowl
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Parents are moving out of state next year and i cant afford to live on my own
Get a job.
kill yourself
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what y'all drinking? i got a glass of water here.
I took today off
my mom is gonna build a house in another state and move there sometime soon, i might be staying here alone or with my brother or we all move there, i dont know how it will be
You can be my bang maid my dad literally owns a dealership.
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water and my own tears tonight
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Milkies and protein powder!
I have liqour but you guys are being really gay and dumb tonight so I shant be wasting it
Experiencing reality raw and unfiltered? That's rough, anon.
I cant afford a 2k a month apartment
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>get something from the kitchen
>glance over at the drying rack
>roommate left a fork there with clearly visible egg/cheese crap on the prongs

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>You raw dogging reality? you are brave
just finished my coffee and milk
I don't see how we're being dumb
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vegeta bros hell yeah
>manlet monkeys
i need to start wearing a night guard again my jaw is so fucked up
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yep. and thanks.

my world kind of caved in over a month and both paths at the crossroads I can take fucking suck

to eat shit or to eat shit
>shrug, blank stare
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You're here too? What the fuck leave me alone and stop gangstalking me you tranny.
be a bro and lick it clean
what do those even do? the anti teeth grind things?
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parents want to drag me to a depressing small landlocked shithole town
/cum/ is so nice. I like being able to talk to people that ate the same shitty school food and had similar experiences growing up rather than frolicking in the woods and foraging magical mushrooms like some eurocuck
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no i don't think so
>frogposter lives off his parents but is complaining about his parents
I bet you're the guy who got molested, that's probably why you post that moetranny so much.
bruxism? i dont think i grind my teeth but i have this habit of clenching my jaw
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I mean, I frolicked in the woods
I've seen you on like four different boards now, there's no way there's multiple gigiposters stop posting where I post
butthurt hillbilly
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Any /wildy/ chads? We are going home...
ragie cagies be like
"this peace and quiet too spicy! where's the car horns? the smog? the overpriced korean fusion restauraunt??"
I resubbed like 5 days ago and I already got bored. The grind sucks ass and the community is all muted autists
magpies outside attacking each other
I went to one of those asian places where you cook your own meat and the waiter guy laughed at me for eating with my hands
i did too but I did it to do dumb shit with friends. not some pagan rituals.
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You require access to a port?
i wish i had friends to do pagan rituals with

maybe i should join a cult for companionship
what are they doing
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What'll you do when you get lonely
And nobody's waiting by your side?
You've been running and hiding much too long
You know it's just your foolish pride
Blowing wood dongs
sad to see anons in the other thread grieving over their fail
I grew up going to the beach its a must
what is agender.
Great idea, being part of a community probably increases happiness and longevity
hate this place
probably something zesty
haven't been getting as many (You)s lately how do I become funny again
Come join the Church of Canada
for every winner there's got to be a loser
You were never in a band?
i found out a non retard way to get dxm and not fuck myself with acetaminophen

i'm too edgy to join any religious cults unfortunately, they wouldn't like me
Is this the death of the olympics?
I get it, building sand castles was pretty cool
be aware of the difference between dxm freebase and dxm bromide (or maybe hydrobromide?) else you could fuck yourself up
If only.
what a waste of a friday night this is
Why, because of the trannies existing?
my life is a waste, so what's another friday?
not with a bang but with a whimper
seeing big tits and ass is cool too
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Do you guys really place importance on stuff like Friday nights? What are people supposed to be doing on Friday nights?
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Breakdancing is an Olympic sport now.
mithril knives are actually strong asf (didnt know if i should get those or darts)
meeting people
playing vidya
that new kayaking thing looked interesting though
every night is the same for me but i can see why a wagie would want to make the few days of break they get to be special
>meeting people
I've never done any of these things. The closest I ever got to "partying" is when I ate the leftover cake with the stagecraft kids in high school after some gay musical.
>mithril knives
what kind of dwarven tech you guys got over there
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My favorite shapes of sand castle.
theres no reason you cant go to a bar, anon

me, Im broke and cant afford to
is the olympics a business? i dont think they will ever end, make scale down a bit but there will always be people being competitive over every little thing even if they arent making money from it
>they wouldn't like me
We need new members. Come on by!
What happened?
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can you guys please tell me something that makes you happy and why you want to stay alive
I have like four months left until I'm legally allowed to go to a bar. I don't like drinking anyways it tastes bad.
fuck off, zoomer
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Why should I?
Satan revealing himself openly.
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i just do, i don't need a reason to want to be alive
boy can that lizard run
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well, good on you bro I guess
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yeah i just "called in sick" to the company line. hadnt missed a day in 6 weeks but im just too sleep deprived this time
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What happened at the Olympics. I bought a box of cereal the other day, and it had the team logo on it.
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Spending quality time with my girlfriend

Because I have creative potential and I want to realize it
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POV you are in brazil
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Asian girls really took this on the chin, that's pretty based.
ty anon
i think what they're talking about is that at the opening there was a big golden bull head and that can be a reference to an ancient canaanite god
Back from downtown
What a waste of time
I got drunk, didn't talk to anyone, then came back home after 2 hours
I'm such a pussy ass bitch and it's going to be the death of me because I'll definitely kill myself if I don't find a wife
The wife I want isn't even at bars, but I don't know where else to talk to women
i think some rails were sabotaged or something
Nigga go to church just not a Mormen one
did you sit at the bar? Im a coward but inebriation always seems to help me open up to the perosn next to me
hang in there bro

if i have to you have to
I'm not religious
Yeah I couldn't work up the courage to talk to anyone next to me, which were all couples anyway
Getting even drunker wouldn't work, it would just make me stupid
they lied, just going outside does not fix your problem
if /cum/ IS ever going to meetup we should do it at a bar so we wont all be reclusive incels
has anyone else always been a bit prudish and uncomfortable with sexual things? been like that my whole life
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going to bars to talk to strangers sounds so scary
If the /cum/ meetup wasn't at a bar we would end up at one anyway
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I don't know what the solution is, Anon, but I sympathize.
canadian niggas be like
"this human interaction too spicy"
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that's not a bad thing
i only know how to interact with people via work
it would go like this
>I dont want to take the bus, thats for cucks and liberals
>my car/truck's too small
>Im not giving uber my information, they give it to the CIA
>I prefer vaping
>I dont want to go outside
>my mom wants me back by 10:30
take the number of vehicles in the field

multiply it by the probable rate of failure

then multiply the result by the average out of court settlement

a times b times c equals x

if x is less than the cost of a recall

yea, but I went to catholic school for grade school
business idea: make chronic liver failure your job
i work at a hospital though

that would just land me there when i'm off work which sounds like hell
Psycho businessmen see the world this way
Yeah, some people are raised with more traditional social mores
except if its poppy seeds with thebaine in them in Australia ^.^
Norman poppies
Only around women.
yes, that's all me
i could fit like 3 of you on my shitty e-bike
are you TRYING to scare the hoes before we even walk in?
Does it run exclusively open-source software?
seattle sisters?
I mean.

maybe? what if they like it? do people like that stuff?

no but I learned it is made of some kind of metal/ concrete weird compound and the kick-stand that is made of the same material sheered and snapped off when I used it so I'm expecting it to fall apart while I cycle to work one day and then get run over by a truck (and end up at work anyways via EMS)
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i dont want to become 30
what you want bihh
thoughts on grunge?
Ive determined that proto-punk sucks ass
Music genres were a mistake
not a fan ngl
finna goon
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grunge? more like Garbage
/sp/ is crying about the Olympics like I'm supposed to know what any of this shit means
done with my 1 minute goon sesh
what'd you do for the other 57 seconds?
what are they mad about beyond it existing?
Got a PhD
cleaning up my goon station
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argies seething about the morroco game
satanic trannies in the opening ceremony
oh snap, i've seen now why they're mad at the olympics
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idk what this means
nigga are you an atheist or something?
"you shall worship no other gods but me
golden calf - Ba'al
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the west is dead. bury it

the mechanical bull thing looks cool i guess?
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The Paris is Burning part was cool
Fishing is so boring holy shit can't even keep like half of them
aint nobody looking homie
That's a man? I'd bang it.
yeah. every time I chew my jaw pops now.
i kind of like watching whatever weird shit countries come up for their opening ceremonies

always a mix of cringe but interesting
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thought you said fisting and had to do a double take phew
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>sleep in for the first time in weeks
>feel tired all day and now Im yawning at 11:15
First time in weeks...?
weird how that works
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jerking off without any porn, can you do it? should you do it?
I've been jerking off to more vanilla porn (basically just pinups to cleanse myself
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went out to dinner at a nice restaurant and ended up going to the bars after . i actually got the confidence up to do some karaoke, and everyone said i sounded really good :>
now i'm home and im gonna smoke on my penjamin and listen to music and unwind, it was a really good night
What did you sing at roke?
I watched a youtube video and posted on /int/ and then watched another video. Gonna jerk off and go to sleep. Pretty good night.
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i wonder if i'd be comfortable using chatgbt as a therapist

at worse it will tell me to kill myself and i do that all the time
ate about 25 cherry tomatoes from my garden today. My roma and heirlooms are coming in nicely. I fucking love tomatoes
why not, i think people use chatbot AIs to not feel lonely now unironically
rich girl by hall and oates
hi cooner
Dang Mexico step it up
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>Stop having depression you fucking FREAK! Just be FUCKING normal!
It's so easy to hurt others when you can't feel pain
does this work
this is literally me
it's a good song

I think I'll give it a shot

I tried an in-person consoler 10 years ago and they basically told me this
maybe I'll just tuck in early

/cum/ sucks tonight
>rich girl by hall and oates
>hi cooner
Hi I am both of these things
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forgot pic
[kisses you on the lips and tucks u in]

sleep well, love.
gonna go have a WANK
i dont complain unless there's a schizo spamming the thread
t. incel schizo
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i felt nothing at the end of cowboy bepop
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you're a raccoon? hey handsome
*waves back*
good night
good night
why is he looking so longingly
>why is he looking so longingly
some pieces of trash are just that good
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11:40 drinking coffee, smoking weed, listening to Metallica.
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he's missing his family and frens
me? i'm listening to anime ost
Me? I've took one small poo this week despite taking 3 fiber pills and eating tons of fiber
where did they go
Your next poo is gone be massive m8
maybe it's not the fiber that's missing
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WASHINGTON (AP) — Nearly two weeks after Donald Trump’s near assassination, the FBI confirmed Friday that it was indeed a bullet that struck the former president’s ear, moving to clear up conflicting accounts about what caused the former president’s injuries after a gunman opened fire at a Pennsylvania rally.
Draft dodger
He dodged smth all right
boutta drop obama in the white house
I still like this whole album
i love weed so much bros
good night
>trusting the FBI
how low will magapedes sink
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my friends want to fuck my girls tits
that's not saying much
Buttjobs too. Also known as hotdoggin
It's unbelievable how many pseudo-intellectuals are on this board.
Niggas really be out here like it's 2003 and weed is still illegal or smth.
if your gf is hot or even semi attractive you just got to accept the fact most men that look at her or ever interact with her will want to fuck her
yeah that comes with being insecure i think
admitting you don't know something is how you learn new things
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this one is a proper banger

people are constantly making fun of me. i just laugh at them. i chuckle hard. they ask me, why do you just laugh? does this not bother you? they escalate. i laugh more. they cope and tell themselves that im coping, but im laughing. a laugh from and to the cosmos. why?

99.99% any random male from any race has a smaller dick than me, not just in length but in girth as well. i do not fit any condoms available in my country. if i wanted to use a condom, id have to custom order them from europe. europeans are very safe people and stick large vegetables in their assholes as a way to relax.

nothing pisses me off. i make 0 attempts to be nice to women and i generally aim to make everyone uncomfortable around me. why? again, because of my gigantic dick and nut-sack. they have absolutely no idea what they're missing. i have a circle of 4 women who are aware. they take turns sharing me. we are on a schedule. i stretch them out, i get sucked, fucked, whatever you can think of, i get that done to me and my gigantic cock. ive never eaten pussy, i slap women when they're talking to me mid-sentence during sex because i find it hilarious, sometimes i quote hitler speeches i translate into english or i practice cantonese on them. honestly i dont even like women, i dont like dudes either, assholes smell like shit and have shit inside of them, id never fuck an ass. ew
sorry i got really high and made a grilled cheese while i was listening to music
gonna do some ketamine count me down boys
Currently cooking up home fries and ground beef (stoned)
Mmm a grilled cheese

Mother, grill me a cheese!
are you making burgers and fries ?
is ketamine even fun ive never done it
Well, the meat is not in patties, and I'm not putting it in a bun.
i dont do any drugs thankfully
you're just eating cooked ground beef on its own?
With potatoes
If I see another pink melted ass looking boomer Im gonna faint

its fun, depending on how much you do you go from feeling drunk/wobbly to tripping the fuck out to dissociating completely if you do enough of it

it does lose its magic if you do it too many times n it can fuck your kidneys up tho
haven't gooned for so long i'm approaching wet dream danger zone but at the same time i haven't been feeling horny at all these days
oh so you're going for like a hamburger hash goulash kind of thing, you should add a little cheese too
Another wave of extreme self-loathing thoughts came in and sapped my motivation to pursue my goals.
i know how you feel anon i go through the same thing.
whenever i feel like that, it hurts and is very real in the moment, but in the back of my head i know that i shouldn't trust my brain to give a fair assessment of myself when i'm in a state like that. it will pass and you will feel better soon just give it time.
I want to die
have you taken any other pretty pictures on your vacation?
Women emotionally ruined me
don't let one bad woman wreck your entire life and view of women
you aren't broken you are just hurt and you will move on, with time
For what? She's in an other nigga's car right now getting driven around and sucking his dick.
Meanwhile I take pictures of trees?
This is fucked up
i've just been harassing women online all day
stop doing that
dont stop doing that
I want to die
they are literally begging for attention
Don't die
you said harassing
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mostly asking for nudes
Any luck?
they like it, make sure to insult them subtly
you aren't gonna have any luck with that
try to get to know them first instead of just unsolicited asking for nudes
a black girl posted hers after some coercing, it was a pretty pussy despite being black, i didnt even check to see if it wasnt a catfish but whatever

>despite being black

gonna have my wisdom tooth pulled soon. pray for me
French fries and cherry pies
the ramen noodle
hopefully they give you some painkillers wisdom tooth sucks
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respect the hustle
gotta do more ketamine
my skinlook like slimy glass
don't go too crazy anon especially if you're alone
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poor guy
save him
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hey howard check this out. that's how turtles eat
2 very bizarre posts
that boy aint right
You're being a defeatist. There is ALWAYS a better path.
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it's better to let everyone think you're poor in every situation
extremely uncanny and disturbing
make 6 more posts
*lights up a doobie*
1 more

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