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the right to hare arms edition

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femcel edition
first for all men and women are brothers and sisters
just swiped the first front right under your nose
would you like a boutonniere
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Hey Tone, hear what I said? I asked him w2c
what for?
just took some painkillers, finna get freaky now
as a reward for your speed and reflexes in snatching the first post from me
Ok, I really need to go to bed.
good night
boutonnieres are for weddings, a regular medal will do
any dark and darkercels here?
Off to browse /x/ for a while
I smoke too much marijuana flower.
switch to oil i did that years ago
i just get cartridges for my pen its easy clean and convenient
it fucks up your lung, throat and mind
I'm going through nicotine withdrawals what do I do?
I like oil but it needs to have a lot of CBD with the THC.
suck it up
i've just been getting the same one for years it works for me, there's tons to chose from if you live in a legal state
are you trying to quit? all you can do it mitigate it maybe have a coffee or chew some gum to make the oral fixation go away
Smoke more
I'm trying
>are you trying to quit?
Yes, from what I know the intense cravings will go away after 3 or 4 days. I'm trying to power through it
good luck on quitting anon this is the crucial period where most people fail it will get easier
just try to distract yourself and maybe chew some gum to help with the oral fixation, use caffeine and try not to stress yourself out too much to make you want it more
weed always gives me anxiety if i have anything above a little buzz and it's been that way regardless of quitting
this is common with a lot of people but i've never experienced it from just smoking flower and oil
this happens to me with edibles though
i think it happens if you smoke a whole lot from early ages
i started smoking regularly around 21 or 22
my early 20s were just taking psychedelics and smoking weed and going to concerts and having fun and hanging out with my friends. i really miss those times
dropping off the windoOOOow
letting everything go
letting everything go
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was washington a cuck?
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eat the poopoo
what even is that
fish does not look like that
Yes, America should stop holding him in high esteem for this reason alone
some sort of weird unknowable slop
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hung over desu
Forget her
Worthless sandnigger shitskin bastard
Lay in a ditch and rot away
Die please die
i wish i could help you
You can by being happy :)
Maybe have a bike ride or chill at a swing with some dear friend
what do i do about my anal fixation
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Not any closer to fixing my sleep schedule
Ha ha ha ha ha
i had a really good night don't worry about me
your self hatred spell will ease soon and you'll be okay
yeah im completely screwed i've been getting up at 2pm and just doing everything i have to do before the sun sets to stay productive. at least during the summer the sun goes down at like 8pm
The only approach that I find works is to do a full reset via all-nighter. For me, it generally requires some caffeine to avoid falling asleep in the afternoon, but not so much as to accidentally overshoot, and stay up past my desired bedtime. It’s a difficult dosage balancing act.
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i woke up around 5 or 6, my schedule is slowly becoming ok
i tried the all nighter thing several times now but i always fall asleep, im just not strong enough
time to do something with life dawg
I dont think so
if you go to the gym and get big and get a gf because of it does she really like you or is her just attracted to your muscles
i'm not saying it will go away and the depression will end. it will just ease enough that you can function as a human being for awhile.
she likes you, and your muscles
Whose toes are actually like this
Whenever I do this I end up just sleeping all day the next day.
no ones, it's painted on the shoe
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clubbing of the fingers and toes is a symptom of people with lung issues because they aren't getting enough oxygen
Mormons are so cute and kind it's a shame their religion is so retarded
He had Klinefelter's syndrome (XXY chromosomes) so he was infertile
I'm the shit, you're not even the fart
it's still painted though
if i lived in america i'd be having sex with one of the lonely autistic girls from 4chan
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the georgia guidestones, whatever happened there...
No you wouldn't
i'd definitely try
If you ever managed to succeed in meeting up with a self-proclaimed "lonely autistic girl" on here she'd probably end up having a bulging adam's apple, a dick, and a five-o-clock shadow
imagine meeting up and “her” thing is bigger than yours how would you cope with that would that break your psyche
why you so obsessed with trannies
im not it seems like everyone else on this website is though
didn't notice it was someone else, first off i wouldn't meet with anyone without exchanging pics first so trannies wont fly let alone getting to a point where we're naked
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too real
I find that if your sleep schedule is totally fucked, the best play is to do an all-nighter, and then go to bed early; sometime around 6-8pm. That way, you can do a 12hr sleep that compensates for the all-nighter, and still wake up early in the morning. Then you have to keep it up, and be strict about getting up around the same time for at least three days, in order to properly reestablish a rhythm
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>it could be real
think im going to go for the all nighter thing. i don't have any stimulant drugs to keep me up so it's just gonna have to be my willpower (i will fail)
i also have nobody to hold me accountable
Not too hung over. Probably could use more water though.
do you have any reason to want a normal sleeping schedule?
i don't need to have a normal sleeping schedule, but i just feel like its taking a toll on my mental health
it's not good for you to stay up all night and sleep half of the day, and im trying to break my self isolating spell (6 months so far) and that isn't helping at all
u aint even tha fahrt
Once I saw what might have been blood in the toilet bowl the morning after drinking. I didn't even drink that much.
does anyone else use that bathroom it might not have been you
Unlikely. I'm also a bit colorblind though. Could have been brown.
if there are any women in the house that might explain it is where i was going with that but enough of the toilet talk

you should get a gatorade and hydrate yourself and eat a nice salty breakfast to go along with it
dont you dare post about your normie escapades when you stop self isolating
Yeah after my walk I'm frying some eggs and tomatoes and having toast with marmite
i mean sorry to say but i already did, i did karaoke in a semi crowded bar last night and had fun. it works best when my extrovert friend makes plans without my knowledge and then drags me along.
that sounds really good, i'm going to make some fried eggs for lunch as well
How's Pierre going to get along with the Don?
dreamt about climbing up to the top of a tall lighthouse
dream big i always say
janny's trying to gen z me
did you get to the top?
what did you see?
Me and my wife going out in this fine Saturday night
normalfags be like month six of my hermitage, only went out merrymaking and sang karaoke in front of a big crowd once this week
that's fine, just don't post about whatever weekend chad you hooked up with
I want girl friends I can talk about feefees with.
the valuable context is that it was the last day of high school and the lighthouse was part of the campus and the tradition was to go there on the last day of school and write your name on the walls of the stairwell and i wanted to put mine at the top. so i was going up the lighthouse and at the base it's signatures all over the wall floor to ceiling and they start to thin the higher you get, and i was passing fewer and fewer people on my ascent and eventually i reached a place where the walls become totally bare but it was still a while to the top. at the top there was dim stuffy bedroom and i tried to look down at the ground through the window but it was frosted glass and i couldn't see much. a dog that had followed me up the stairs came in through the door and besides him i felt very alone up there. just when this feeling started to take root two girls showed up followed by two cats. they were having a conversation that i was not party to and barely seemed to notice i was there. so i wrote my name on the wall with "+ some girls". then i woke up
the videos I saw of the olympics opening ceremony were interesting
i can't really draw any meaning from that
what a strange dream, the "name + some random girls" thing is pretty funny though
strange that a dog accompanied you up the stairs, but when the girls came they were accompanied by cats
interesting how
do it anon
as long as you aren't trauma dumping and it's an actual back and forth convo that is really nice
Archetypal Spenglerian Faustian dream VGH
the only ones i saw was an old decrepit man passing a torch to two blacks and a drag queen tranny parade with kids and all
I've got a lot inside, but unfortunately I wasn't raised to understand that kind of interfacing
>anon i wish you’d open up and stop being so stoic all the time ughhhh i might cheat on you
>omg you’re making me perform emotional labour, you’re trauma dumping, and gave me the ick bye
you can grow to understand, people are dynamic and can change. your upbringing shouldn't determine your whole life
Same. I use a dry vape though. No combustion or oil, just hot air over dry weed.
Highly recommend investing in a portable non-oil vape.
i’m trauma dumping about past experiences, not engaging in a debate
women actually prefer stoics, if they cheat or not that's a different story entirely unrelated
Canadians produce good music

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wary of anyone who tells people to be vulnerable. vulnerability is a negative trait. a lion wants a gazelle to be be vulnerable. hitler wanted poland to be vulnerable. why would someone want you in a vulnerable state unless to predate on you
Georgie was 42, a fuckin kid
how about building the Georgia gapestones for priDEMONth
you sound a little paranoid
not everyone is out to get you, and you’re not in any physical danger as it relates to dating anyway. i understand not wanting to get attached so you don’t get your heart broken but that’s no way to live
if you’re on the defensive all the time, how can anyone be close to you? they don’t even know who you really are because of all the barriers you put up
Big fan of speedrunning
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>you sound a little paranoid
>not everyone is out to get you
Goodmorning /cum/lings. I'm eating some mango breakfast. I'll have some corona in the evening

i fucked her
Get out of here you un-virgin
you wont listen to me if im nice so let me be a little mean
quit comparing yourself to others you damn moron, you will always find someone more gorgeous, talented, and wealthier than you no matter who you are. only you stand to lose from doing that
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Im sorry
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don't apologize to me, you're the one that's suffering . just don't be so hard on yourself all the time
Gotta go buy some coffee. Be back in 20
forgot to charge my phone overnight
i fall asleep holding mine sometimes so this happens to me a lot
/cum/ is the shit? It ain't even the fart
mega fart
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forgot to charge my earbuds last night
african americans seemed to have a lot of legit political/intellectual movements going on in the 70s and 80s what the fuck happened to them
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i bought his kitty mug
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Cat posters this is our time
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Listen to this song
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>watching the jewlympics




Come here pls


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What do you think of it?
lol classic fluffy, what a fucking hooligan
I think songs with bunnies are ear-resistible.
too gay and retarded
thats our thing
cute song
how's it going?
pulling an all nighter to fix my sleep schedule so im just a bit tired
on the bright side my hair is doing a thing i like right now
nice to hear bud
>centred around weirdo bearded drag queens
>also had a portion blaspheming christianity
>even the french right is condemning/disavowing it
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wake up
wonder: will today be boring or annoying
in a final analysis it's usually both
why do americans care though
Are you a top or a bottom?
id rather someone stick their dick in me than stick my dick in a poop hole
This post belongs on /lgbt/.
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could it be that all of these gay posters are getting confused because the general is named /cum/?
could this explain all of our troubles with strange posters over the years?
beaver pepe
odd coffee
even tea
0 thread choice
If Kamala wins we will become Reddit: The Country
It will be 100x more soy than even Trudeau's Canada
that one /cum/ anon wasn't wrong the deer girl anime is pretty good
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Canada produced one banger and they can't top it, so it's been downhill ever since
she's literally me
just had my first poop of the morning. it was thick and solid like a vine, initially difficult to pass but once pushed through it was like a dam giving way. it implies that i need to eat more fiber. i will attempt to do so today.
the only hope is to have business owners migrate to australia and then the sheer voting power will turn it into a better soy free america until the population grows and the retards take over again
every Olympics I always hope to catch discus, shotput, and the javelin throw
every Olympics I somehow miss all of them
After using bad dragon dildos I have zero issues taking shits
thanks for the update
I care about things
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maybe we should rebrand as /women/ to scare the faggots away
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My hangover brunch was shakshouka (eggs poached in stewed spiced tomatoes), sauteed cabbage, and buttered toast with marmite
i need to come over to your house for brunch
i just fry 2 eggs in butter, butter some toast and fry a few pieces of bacon and call it a day. that sounds way better
There’s nothing fucking worse than going to the pool when it’s cloudy
powerful paprika posters
being rained on while in the pool is extremely comfy
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Kind of want to watch surfing desu
they're really hard to watch. i just hang around /sp/ and hope i'm online when they make a gamethread for the event i'm hoping to see
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You rap?
Move nigga get out the way get out the way bitch get out the way!
Faggotry is inherently satanic and should be outlawed
i'm like dr. manhattan i'm too smart life is too easy it's just not interesting anymore
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literally me since im a femcel ;-;
guys there is a bee in the thread. be careful
what are you talking ab-
OW it stung me what the heck
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i saw an american bumblebee the other day. i guess they're fairly rare now
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>you will never be a bumblebee
protect the pollinators!
people have no idea how screwed we would be if all the bees were gone, the pollinate so many of our crops
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bumblebees only live for like 4 weeks on average i would rather just admire them than be one
*puts a GPS tracker on the bee*
I shall kidnap the queen
they will just make a new one your efforts would be in vain

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