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Greenwood edition
I'm makin' waffles!
why does everyone bang on about the cinema being too expensive can tickets for like a 5er each and nobody forces you to buy food and drink there you can take your own in
Don't think equestrianism should be in the Olympics
Not homophobic just don't like it
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Why are we the best at everything we do?
Ellie Nova already lost her way, shes gotten fat in about 6 months. Another fallen prodigy, sad!
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>yes, I am ugly
It's just one of them things normies say to each other without actually thinking about it
I can't think of anything we are even top 10 in
maybe stolen artifacts
going to go to the chipper, do i go for sosij chips and gravy or fish chips and peas
savloy, fish, chips, peas, curry sauce
wait there are ugly virgin males who forgo social contact in favour of shitposting anonymously on /brit/??
this is me
fuck off frog
me mentioned
ive stopped going ot the cheap ones becuase its always full of cunts who cant shut up
mad how you're in the top 10 of grim virgins
wanted to go for an incel walk later to get my incel beer but remembered pride is on and i’ll get monkeypoz from breathing the air in town
Bit mean
everyone on /brit/ is a fucking weirdo you and me included
Haven't been to the fillums for five years now
Probably going sometime soon though
Last went for the Force Awakens
you lads ever had a wank in the cinema?
was browsing the 'chon on the bus once and the lad behind me tapped my shoulder and asked "is that 4chan?"
we're mates now
bit rubbish that, weren't it
last time i went to the cinema was to watch the harry potter that they did in 3d, must be about 13 years ago

before that it was to watch casino royale which must be close to 20 years ago, yeh i'm a shut in neet how could you tell?
talking to a complete stranger is bad enough but looking over your shoulder at what you're doing on your phone and commenting on it? guy sounds like a psycho
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OH GOD the memories are flooding back now
Remember going to TFA in cinema but it doesnt feel like 10 years ago wtf

We got old bros.
I went to see Napoleon by myself. It was full of couples who laughed at the "you think you're so great because you have boats" scene. I rolled my eyes and scoffed at them but it must've drawn attention to me because after that I heard people snicker at me.
Ok rorke
guess what i'm doing on the toilet lads
It was alright
there's a yank still posting in the old
I think it's less about the ticket cost and more what you actually get in return
a dingy theatre with uncomfortable seats and sticky floors, a small poorly calibrated screen with a defect in it, and a painfully mediocre film you sit through while zoomers in the next row talk and giggle
got called a pedo by two youths cycling past me on bikes yesterday
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Last went to the pictures on New Year's Day 2020 in Yankland to watch the last Star Wars. Things have gone downhill ever since for all parties.
Shite film
I went to see sicario alone but ended up leaving half way through because everyone was snickering at me for being on my own at the cinema
I left in tears
what the fuck kind of chip shop is open 9am on a Saturday
some people are just outgoing like that, i have to admit i was feeling a bit confronted and thought he might be on drugs at first but he's actually a nice bloke, especially for a 4chan user
really want a 4chan pass but shan't be giving them my credit card information.
Timezones innit
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Yanks aslepe
something something crypto
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Haven't taken dogberg for a walk in the park since that time a group of teenagers called me a dog shagger. wtf I don't even shag dogs
The Anglo-Saxon connection
you can pay with internet money
For what purpose?
why would they call you a dog shagger if you don't shag dogs? that doesnt make sense
nice go join em they're very friendly
only in ohio bruh [skull emoji]
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hate putting in captchas
apple hoop derricks tick rosy
all purpose pods pour onto rocks by hand
people point for word tech duty issues only
your taxes
Based retard
captchas are annoying innit
gfberg got the lana del gay on
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my favourite podcast ended because the narrator died
Miss everything before now
Miss 2023
Miss 2022
Miss 2021
neighbourbergs are having a loud party
why this weekend of all weekends?
listen to a different one
I gave up in 2017
dont understand this brat thing

what does the rorkemobile smell like?
i fucking dont msis 2023 let me tell you
incel freka
why can't the government just admit they got it wroong
Brat is brother in russia
barely even noticed 2023, now just sinking in that it's almost august and the year feels like it started a week or so ago
Fit Kazakh bird doing shooting on Eurosport
stinky /brit/ boys taking turns on my twinky bum, doing me in as it were.. corr x
Do Australians call this time of year summer even though it's their winter? Utterly baffling to me that they'd call July winter
Trainberg's stopped on the tracks because there's a trespasser on the line
Day ruined
neighbours have gone out and their dog has started barktoil as soon as i opened the window
Album of the year.
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they call it australian winter, because they know it's ridiculous on the face of it to call it just winter
drinking Irish coffee and watching the 'lympics
Sorry mate I know it can be confusing to a retard
That's it, I've had enough, getting the laptop out
utah is where people send their children to be abused
it was a very niche topic though. Internal French politics between 1814 and 1914. And no. I am not joking. Google The siecle podcast
>Do Australians call this time of year summer even though it's their winter?
Are you an Unitedstatian perchance? You can't be that dumb.
which one? can't say I ever listened to a podcast
incelwalk time i think
how unbelievably cringe
do australian christmas cards have people BBQing on the beach in the blistering sun
What year did he get to
completely forgot about the need to cut my toenails and just decided to get my feet out, absolutely grotesque state of affairs have got some proper talons on me
the Chinese don't celebrate Christmas
incelwank time i think
Dan and Angul, friends forever
olympic level badminton is pretty intense yo
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why? I find that time period in french history fascinating. I'd also recommend this book for anyone else interested.
neither do muslims but we still sell christmas cards in the UK
incelbreakfast time i think
cerrubrating churrisamass
9.43 laptop at 99% battery, I'll keep you posted.
not bothered about watching chinawinslol
it was a joke mate
waiting for the female gymnastics
the olympics consistently has such good sportsmen and athletes in it, it's weird
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fuck what's the site with free books? I've lost the bookmark.
the olympics is gay
Do you rubes want to stop going "omg 1984 lol" in response to anyone telling you that powerful, insidious people are trying to control how you think.

Stop and look at this headline. It's a joke. It's 1984.

>lol the twitter mob isn't real life. This is just a small minority of people. These people don't make the laws
You're right, they don't. They don't send you to jail for having opinions.

They just have a stranglehold on the most important invention of the 21st (and probably the 20th) century that is laced into nearly every device owned by every human being and they control the spread of information and how people communicate with eachother.

If it that doesn't sound like it should warrant explaining when you say it out loud, it's probably because there's something wrong with that and you're talking to a complacent NPC that is unbelievably one dimensional in their thinking.
a cute
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genuinely superior
Need a 10m air rifle gf
Frenchness seems really forced and artificial. It's like the French can't shut up about being French. They have to remind everyone about Frenchness or it'll disappear forever or something

Like if we did something we wouldn't have the word "British" in it a million times
(I am replying to many people on 4chan. Not you specifically)
There's a yank doing a really good British history podcast, covering it in such minute detail that he's been doing it for almost 7 years and is only up to the 10th century.
hunt's ketchup and duke's mayo for me
Is it a porn problem if it's just text?
If any of you actually read Orwell's essays and newspaper columns, rather than just 1984, you'd realise that he was a very different man to the one you imagine. For one, he was an advocate of self-policing speech (i.e. using 'black' rather than 'coloured' in order not to offend blacks, and 'Muslim' rather than 'Mohammedan' in order not to offend Muslims).
stolen russian like lena?
at the olympics competing in gay porn
fuming that I wasn't given a proper chance at my job interview. reckon it's because I am a white male
not only will I not do that, I don't even understand the point of 1984
Yeah he was a massive socialist we all know that
that tweet is GPT
>tune in to watch live sport
>and now we cut to brown people on the couch talking about sport instead of showing live sport
watching the men's Gooning semi finals
wish i lived in the late 19th century
endless opportunity, legal cocaine, women knowing their place
imagine if /brit/ posting were an olympic event haha x
Get Eurosport on, shooting final is about to happen
Before the world went WOKE
it's weird
when I went to france everything on the tv was like 95% american shows and movies and even ads dubbed in french
and there were american themed restaurants and shops
I think they're so inundated and obsessed with american culture that it makes them really insecure so they overcompensate
london 2012 was so good because we had a million channels with just the sport and no vapid studio patter
I wish I'd been born in England in 1740, enjoyed a golden age of Englishness throughout my childhood and teens, then set sail for the New World in the mid-1760s
Mousey would be getting gold for team GB
Wish I was a Yank boomer or Gen Xer really, comfiest times
Disgusting traitor
I gotta thanks Britain for creating this goddess
east asian names are funny aren't they
sooh wooi yik
how silly
rather enjoyed her farmyard vid
erm do you have a stream link
need a new video game to get stuck into
What is that shit mascot

Looks like a bug eyed baby shark
Mad how they still did the Olympics during covid, makes you think it can't have been that bad really
Would suck every centimeter of thar black lass.
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saw an older person with a tattoo just now
ah yes working as an impoverished turnip farmer in massachusetts and dying at 43 when a horse kicks you, truly the most perfect life in all of history
hate people who only give a fuck about athletics or archery for 2 weeks in august

as bad the mongs who pretend tey know about tennis even though they only watch wimbledon because its on bbc1 once a year

kill yourself retarded midwit freaks
might dress up like a vampire and go around hissing at people
How is there not a single fit one in all the women's diving, seems statistically improbable if nothing else
>tune into stream to watch some live sport
>and now we cut to people in wheelchairs in the studio talking about sport instead of showing live sport
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wokeism gone mad
absolutely screaming of the thought of sluts who get tattoos all over their breasts that will ultimately be ruined when they have children and they go saggy
I probably watched more than a hundred videos of her. She's not a porn actress, she's definitely an artist
that's the whole appeal of the olympics for me, to watch sports you otherwise wouldn't played at a high level
you sound jealous of my imagined 18th century life lol
one of the German lasses was cute
probably best skip these olympics then. china's doping program is far more advanced than anyone else's
cheers lad x
Not like you, studying the art of tennis all year round from the depths of your smeggy bedroom
theyre the same people who can't conceive of not having breakfast that morning
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She is our greatest gift to Western Civilisation
do you like matt berry lads? i reckon he is one of britain's national treasures and should be knighted
5 seconds in and they're electrocuting monks
dont give a fuck about tennis any month

these people dont give a fuck either excpt when they delude themselves in june
Just give the fucking database as ready only and allow me write my own queries, holy fuck.
>Isaiah, our 6th child has died from the consumption
>not to worry my love, this year's turnip harvest should see us through another cold bitter winter
>everyone in the past died at 40
worst meme
why can't the people in the stands just shut the fuck up
Toillass said this the other day, had to exercise restraint not to call her a massive retard like
Listen lad, it's simply true that life was hell for everyone before the jews established their current stranglehold on power
i watched a few minutes of the badminton just now and thought the same thing
that'd be nuts tho right?
no matter what shape you're in, no matter your health, everyone dies on the stroke of midnight 40 years after their birth, unless they carked it sooner

just do it whats the worse that can happen
they were dead quiet at Tokyo dunno what's changed
there's literally someone dressed as bacon in the audience omds
Business idea: Olympic darts
He'll be the one hamas blows up then
>*nasally nerd voice* uhm ACHHTCHUALLY historical records demonstrate that the average age of death during th-
fuck off you stupendous virgin
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At the sea side x
thought he was very good in that thing where he played the posh shouty bloke
god british beaches are shit
don't know why we even bother
>You need to be a massive history nerd to understand that people didn't just randomly drop dead at 40
uhh narrow it down mate! haha
Any communist RuneScape players in

Nice day innit
Cromer? x
not your pic not current either. fuck off liarmong
chippy breakfast in Blackpool wahey
Her accent makes her voice sound so pleasing. Just listening to her voice alone is enough to.. do it for me
do benders watch all the athletic men competing at the olympics and get stiffies the same way i do watching the female gymnasts?
can you still get 5 doughnuts for £1.50?
why is everyone at the gym nowadays?
China about to win the first gold in shooting. Ominous desu
Mate those gymnasts are mostly 15 years old
Near Skeggy
I smell spaino.
just like Denmark
Well we saw a week ago how good yanks are at shooting when the chips are down
I know it's bent but when the women divers turn around, I look at their arse.
wish yanks would just fuck off
>check the news
>olympic opening ceremony was "spectacular"
uh i watched it and i thought it was really gay and stupid the french are even more disgusting than us
Can't wait for the gymnastics
mental how badly he mindraped you
yeah buddy, that's his own hair
why do british people have the most absurd names for places

why would you call a coastal town 'skeggy' sounds fucking horrid
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Protein bar down the feeding hatch
because the town "skeggy" predates any preconceptions about the term "skeggy"
our country is really fuckin old
have a couple of drinks man it'll make you feel better
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does she do anything involving dark coal black veiny jungle bbc?


The beginning bit should have been filmed in the evening though, for continuity, because when they arrive at the stadium it's obviously dark.
not me. gyms are grim
got the wes montgomery on
need to wash my small convection oven before i use air to fry my breakfast
ah, that sound I heard last night was my phone's battery dying
should have been somewhere an hour ago lol
Wish it was the sound of you dying, boring cunt
literally not frying
do incel calisthenics at home me
tell me more
Entire podium in the shooting is Asian. Why are they so op
really makes me not want to go to war with asians ever
actually, oven cooking is frying if you use a small oven
never seen a single avengers film haven't even seen the first iron man. Only marvel films I've watched were Spiderman 1 and 2 with Tobey Maguire when I was a child
toby Niguire

the first and last funny indian post you ever did see
They're all the same
bacon fries really well in air I've found
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if you haven't watched this show yet you're really missing out
They get crosshairs tattooed on their pupils
Plus because of their slit eyes they naturally filter out most of what they're looking at anyway
sucking pooey cum out a gay man's arsehole
Yeah not really interested in the thoughts of middle-class women desu mate
any tranners set to sweep the womens games
heard it was written by a woman so I'll give it a pass
Ironman and Captain America 2 are decent.
i don't think you are really doing this
They are playing in the paralympics
Mental disability is the same as physical
not in the olympics, the circus shit is for lesser events
She's inarguably upper-class
women can actually be interesting and funny believe or not
I ask this every time but, what do olympians do the other 47 months?
do they stack shelves to pay rent or summat?
agree to disagree
>I ask this every time
It gets answered each time and you ignore the answers so just hang yourself you dull cunt
>t. has never spent time with a woman
Haven't seen it
short for skegness innit
went there as a kid because they've got a butlins
yeah but what do they do?
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this is my world today
No, though she did do a 'farmyard mummy' video with some Bad Dragon toys
Pot of Greed allows you to draw to cards
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cant park there mate xD
I have watched it and enjoyed it. Very funny, well-written and sentimental in the right parts.
Really want to go to Dungeness personally, looks peng
but I want the actual answer, not just any answer
The scoring for the Chinks is outright rigging
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The local castle
people ust stopped posting lol /brit/ is finally dead. leftypols we won . the most rorke general is over
no they're just better
Not even looking it up
You're watching the shooting no doubt but their dives are obviously worse and they're outscoring everyone
dodnt even know deline cion was welsh
Don't worry, I did.
>born to English parents
The milk, malted
they're better, and you are bitter
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looks nice
think I'll pop along to Asda later and be passive aggressive towards the staff knowing they can't answer back lmao
all jokes aside though why do arr rook same?
chili cheese bite butty
There's loads of them and only so many faces to go around
is valorant good? just noticed it's on playstation now
chinese gay porn
least pathetic brit poster
corrrrr can't wait for the gymnastics to start
playing sekiro
it doesn't look good
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good thing you're gay and your opinion is worthless
I met a Scottish guy on discord and he's not an alcoholic. Why is that?
not a fan
no youre not youre posting here
neither do you
with a voice like that it would be a crime if he wasn't constantly typecast as a posh shouty bloke
Binge drinking culture is still a big thing (although less than what it was ~15 years ago) but it's mainly boomers who are alcoholics.
any 14 year olds in leotards on tv yet?
Refuse to watch the olympics.

I don't support degenerate satanists, you see.
There's gymnastics on but it's the lads
Normalise anally pounding bourgeois women.
Medal lads?
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our jess
not arsed
didnt arsk
Aussies bottled it lmao
sharted just now
bloody woke nonsense
sounds really interesting, im doing a second listening of the history of rome right now
being an alcoholic turns you into a fat impotent spastic so its out of fashion among the youf
just about had it with australians

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