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Darren Styles edition

dogshit zingers sub edition
Just went for a lovely run :)
fuck i didn't realise it was new thread time before i made my post
you're welcome to cross-thread reply to me if you'd like lads
I know exactly the response this will get but it's too early to tell anyone else
the mrs is unironically pregnant, positive test last night
that would deprive you of this (You) that i'm giving you
this 1's 4 u babe

hey man you put the thought of black lads in my head with your neuroticism about what our response would be, that's on you not me
anyway congratulations
if dubs call it arsewog
I love the smell of napalm in the morning
In the interest of maintaining positive Anglo-Australian relations, please accept this song

fuck off i'm not in the mood
i have a headache and i'm on my period
thanks for that, one less thing to worry about
Ever heard of proper punctuation? Deary me, this is borderline illegible
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primary school disco throwback
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lalala :3
hiding from a poo
you forgetted the full stop lad
esl freak
been feeling really paranoid lately
A lot of early 2000s music being banded about here. Think 40 year olds are lurking
well leave him alone
now that i'm nearly 30 i consider 40 to be the new 30, i have to, i simply can't carry on in any other manner
paternity test
look behind you
lol used to love this chav and his mates
no need, together since 15 and married for 5 years
cheers la
can't be lurking if they're posting thicko
blocking the posts i don't like by covering them with poo
it's the magnetosphere weakening
This week is particularly bad, but allows us to see the northern lights
Any good blogposts going
Let's get this Blue Light Disco jumpin'
Don't see how that's relevant
i just follow artists, my algorithm is very well curated so that i basically never see text posts or drama or any gay shit like that but sometimes a dead palestinian sneaks through
gave the cat a bit of a pat earlier
paternity test
it is the logical decision
anyone seen the new alien film where its got the two lads you'd meet down the pub vs the alien
putting a poo smiley face next to all the posts i like :)
did you? lets see
Mad how much of the world's cultural memory is Australians uploading their old VHS tapes of Saturday night Rage onto youtube
The average household pays an extra £133 per year to cover the cost of shoplifters
morning goodyank
FAO 40+ years olds: your music is shit, play proper music
so fucking what
anyone seen the new gimmick where you say racial slurs
racial slurs
standing up and doing a little pace when someone calls me a goodyank
That's Dark Star
very good and well-observed post
Go on give us a twirl
doing the gimmick where i grab my willy and stroke it until it cums
>implying the aim isn't to make you listen to shit tunes
like anyones gonna share the real gold, get real
had to use soy milk this morning. can already feel my breasts growing and the listeria setting in
fuck off and die
oof excuse me
My favourite is raghead. All time classic
Skippy says what
>calling posting a link "sharing" and thinking literally anyone clicks them
boomer mindset
Disgusting stuff
Had a cup of tea made with soy milk once and I actually killed and raped the person who prepared it for me, it was THAT bad
might do that for a 2nd time this morning
go on show us then
my legs are a bit fucked from the gym
Listening to Iron Maiden
Someones complaining ergo someones listening
you're stupid, lol!
got almond milk in the fridge straight from the almond titties
burger time de lads it lovely
went to grab my willy and grabbed a poo by mistake
Good lad, might join you
Not listened to them in years
capturing black men and storing them in my facility
something unusual going on neath my foreskin
for me it's "chinaman" simply because it isn't offensive in any way but we pretend like it is because non-whites are so insecure that you have to tiptoe around their every little feeling, it basically encapsulates the inherent superiority we have over them that everyone is aware of but they can't stand
haha teenage dirtbag innit
wow what a shocker
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just been on an incel ride
Fucking hell, go back to 2015
leftypol decrying xitter and using mastodon and then crying about no engagement and then going back to xitter
dun dada dun dada dun dada dun
yes a small welsh town apparently
Having a cheeky 3am snap, shrimp in melted butter
on my knees begging my poo for forgiveness
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Cheesed to meet you
Have you ever taken a punctuation class?
what for
>"There are clear consequences to this lack of awareness, and we have seen countless real-world examples. The recent UK riots were borne out of a small group of people who were probably very confident in their (mis)understanding of the views and beliefs of Muslims and asylum seekers,
bizarre conclusion
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>go back to 2015
chance would be a fine thing
none of your fucking business.
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drinking already eh
>In 1943 George Orwell told Tribune readers not to use insulting nicknames for people of different races. "The word 'native' is flung about all over the place. 'Negro' is habitually printed with a small n, a thing most Negroes resent. One's information about these matters needs to be kept up to date. I have recently been going through the proofs of a reprinted book of mine, cutting out the word 'Chinaman' wherever it appears and substituting 'Chinese'. Even 'Mohamedan' is now beginning to be resented; one should say 'Muslim'
looking at a poo from the corner of my eyes
>Smoking a cigarette in a pub beer garden? Can't be having that can we.
Actually completely hate the people who run this country
They are genuinely horrific slugs in need of salt
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erryting gwaan be alree
remember when mousenonce's tooth fell out?
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Darren Shan
this is quite harsh
everyone knows that blacks look like gorillas, whites look like chimpanzees, downs syndromes look like orangan tans and the chinese resemble baboon foetuses (hence their appetite for me)
i look like this and say this
saw many people do this some multiple times even but they would be back to posting the next day lol
counting the rings of a poo to discover its age
let love into yah heart mi brudda
i looked at poo
poo looked at me
we may have looked
but did we see?
my testarcle hurts
hi cute aussies
im in love with the shape of poo
Don't see the hubbub over Argentine shrimp desu, tastes like all other shrimp
I'm disappointed
im quite hideous actually
do you know where to buy poppers in australia? i've heard they're legal here but i'm not seeing them in any chemist warehouse catalogues
His name is Lionel and he has feelings
poo testicles
As if Shahar reads anything
Girlfriendberg's friend is staying over
Just took a sly whiff of her trainers whilst she sleeps
grotty little goblin I am
fingering my arsehole til I cum poo
Really want a gin and tonic
errr what for lad
>another tooth just fell out
sick of it lads
took my doorknob out of my bedroom door so i can spray water out to scare off any poo that may be lurking outside
Banning the internet when I come to power
Generally the best prawns are fresh and local
You can't even try our prawns (because they have a viral disease that means we can't even sell them to other people in the same state)
When you walk, do your arse cheeks tense alternately with each step?
to better relax my sphincter so my boyfriend can better penetrate me, obviously
nice and full eh?
*slaps them with a wooden ruler*
are you from the medieval times
One presumes bum fun
Mate just go to an adult shop. They're not legal by any long shot but that won't stop the bored middle aged lady from selling deadly chemicals from the locked drawer beneath the counter
can hear my neighbour talking loudly on his phone, his voice is muffled by the walls but i could swear i heard him say my name a few times, getting paranoid lads, really fucking paranoid
Think I saw this porno too
hyperventilating at the thought of poo
was just accosted by a poo
why do brits call bottle shops "off licences"
trying a bit too hard now
u going through withdrawals or something
Right, I'm off for a... Well.. Y'know.
because if you dont have a license for that jar of piss you can fuck off
Imagine going to a pub beer garden on a baking hot friday night in the peak of summer after toil and you can't even enjoy a ciggy with your pint
Stop entertaining the thoughts in your head
needed that x
rorke licking the lid of his yoghurt container
GASPING for a shit
absolute state of the boot licking runts who voted labour thinking that they were going to be in any way better than the tories
Maybe you shouldn't have rioted Rorke
medieval people had better teeth than we do (no sugar)
only a matter of time before the thought crime police break my door down
not been attending the mosque for my goat fucking lessons, on top of that I might have said something islamophobic online
there was a yank in here the other day asking if australians have drive thru bottleshops or "liquor stores" as his sort call them
we invented them, of course we did, who else huh? who else?
It's short for "off-premises licence" i.e. you can't consume the booze on-site
there anyone out there still clapping and banging pots for the nhs you reckon?
must be at least one
a filthy olive oil slathered external hardrive deadman's switch wank?
yeh me. do it every midnight
well just part of it really but still
I brush 2x a day and still every now and then a bit of tooth just falls off
I want some dentures, I'm sick of it
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>loving the nhs? it is all so tiresome
Everyones gaslighting each other that they never barked on command now
might go throw poo grenades at migrants and migrant hotels
>rollout update yday
>Lead engineer and designer both in leave for the rest of the week
Literally why would they do this
specky bam
putting sunscreen in the chemtrails over australia to save them from skin cancer
How often do you listen to Swedish songs?

I wish you luck jeet
my wife's boyfriend has covid, it has affected the whole community
the british empire seemed to just love making up tons of wacky bullshit notions about etiquette and such and then codifying them into law
Did the rest of the anglosphere have an alcohol prohibition phase or was that just us?
They've got places to be, things to do, LIVES TO LIVE, RORKE
anyone else howl at how behind the times diego is
he's only just posting country songs
lol bro country peaked last year it's basically on the decline now
lol bro he's posting charli xcx
yeah bro brat "SUMMER" it's over now you freak
howling at lil diego in his timeshifted house
>No your honour it was just a joke
Kek I work in construction and project managers do this all the fucking time
They're so confident that it's all in order and so done with it all that they'll take their three weeks overdue leave on the handover day
Hopefully soon, allah wills it
is that one insurance company still using that creepy russian-accented meerkat as their mascot?
What makes you say this?
I wouldnt go to a pub beer garden if its no smoking.
Higher taxes
Fewer freedoms
A bright future ahead
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they have a bumbling australian wombat friend now
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the fact that the term "off licence" and people seem to be perfectly happy to follow suit without ever questioning the whos, whats, whens, or whys
lathering my hands up with diarrhoea and clapping them together over my willy and rubbing them back and forth like i'm making play doh snakes
Dunno mate, I don't watch adverts
dont think its an insurance company
but yes and theyve got an australian wombat everybody hates now too
You've just described the Johnson administration
imagine how delusional you must be as a man in the year of our lord 2024 to not immediately get a paternity test no matter what
policy's working then
how do i heal my broken mind
drinking drain cleaner and pooing out my intestines
what policy? i always smoke at the pub
They're not actually an insurance company they're an insurance marketing company whose whole business model is you being ignorant of the fact that there are government-run comparison websites out there that are 300% better than their payola bullshit at allowing you to genuinely compare insurance policies
Why is she dancing like a child?
internet's not real life mate
why is she doing that
you mean the quokka? i thought that was a different company
not to be rude or anything but if you don't know then why reply to me? to tell me you don't watch advertisements? well then i believe congratulations are in order
yanks seem to like quokkas, i enjoy mystifying yanks with our display of bizarre wildlife
Don't see what's whacky about that, quite a straightforward name that's passed into colloquialism
once you actually want to, you will know what to do. despite what you think you don't actually want to be normal, you don't what a gf, you don't what a stable life. you have subconsciously made the decision that continuing your incellish life is preferable to the difficulty change will require. Fix that first, and the rest will come naturally.
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>you mean the quokka?
can't believe I made the same typo twice fml. anyways you get the point
waiting to be diagnosed with cancer to turn my life around
never seen this before
Punctuation has greatly improved in this thread. I'm glad my threats and warnings have been heeded
desu I can't imagine they will actually manage to get through a total blanket ban on being able to smoke in a pub beer garden or similar
At the very least it will be you have to have a designated smoking area or people will just have to stand out the front of the pub to light up
If it did actually become something as draconian as no smoking allowed at all on or around the premises if you have been served a drink that would be such an awful, awful idea
Again the only people I see who like this policy tend to be the same freaks who like pretending Welsh is an actual language, cycling, the EU and ULEZ
that's a quokka shit mate!!
you buzzing on opioids too lad?
Sorry mate can't stomach such boring posts before noon
welsh is a real language that they speak in northern wales
can any aussies confirm if neetbux from cenno are better than job centre? asking for a mate
IIRC the wombat makes them a chili con carne and he misreads a "pinch of chili powder" as a "pint of chili powder" and hilarity ensues
Smoking ban outside nightclubs seems utterly ridiculous
sucking a quokka
drank beer and now i'm hiccuping up bubbles
vomiting down the stairs
We had a temperance movement because we have and have always had weird Protestant evangelical types who are prudish in a way not normally found in Christianity outside the US.
slamming some heroin up my arse because i cant cope with my gay incel life
We have a health insurance company that campaigns that they aren't a "quokka sh..."
Cringe but not as cringe as that fucking wombat
perky braless tits in TK Maxx
formatting of that post is an affront to the sense
starmer plan:
>make it even harder get em to ban smoking outside
can't make it up

in starmer's britain you will do nothing but worship immigrants
just done a rotting broccoli compost fart, nearly poo time methinks
Won't happen because there aren't enough cops to enforce it
i get 450 a fortnight
quokking a sucka
quokka shit
anyway thats a kangaroo
Might get on the bevvies
Bet you It'll be those third party goon hires who dispense on the spot fines for littering or whatever
You are fucking retarded and have no FUCKING clue how the world works you stupid STUPID CUNT
Quokka is a type of wallaby you bigot
wallaby fucked
Fortnite lol
cant be bothered with learning how to buy drugs off the dark net id probably become some sort of incel junkie anyway so its for the better
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The fruits of Brexit have borne forth
wallaby or wallanottoby
I know how to improve the satisfaction of those 15 year olds
But you can just ignore them anyway
You can be thrown out of a club you fucking stupid FUCKING TWATT
Hope they do ban smoking simply because it would be funny
>go out to smoke
>get thrown out
thrown out of the outside?
business idea: open world wallace and gromit game a la gta/simpsons hit and run
In captchas here, you can replace 2 with z, you replace 0 with o, you can replace 5 with s, you can replace 8 with b. So why can't you replace 4 with a?
*gets thrown out of the outside*
*goes back inside*
as recently as 2019 i've been to places where people were lighting up darbs indoors and no one gave a shit
uhm cute aussie post
they're such off-putting little freaks honestly don't know why people think they're so cute
lol is the camerawoman one of those thai brides
Got a Shawn the Sheep puzzle game for the Switch from one of the niblings last birthday and it was actually pretty fun
>*lights up*
>*lifetime banned*
As an Englishmen of Irish descent who is not a fan of the blacks or immigrants and is very happy to be an Englishmen, I am genuinely saddened by the Irish diaspora meme and look forward to when it's consigned to the meme rubbish bin.
I've said my piece.
Why cant businesses decide if they want to allow smoking?
Pubs, nightclubs, restaurants etc for smokers. They would all be 18+ anyway.
Then the businesses that want no smoking can have it.
biz idea: hairy cocksheaths for men who are insecure about having no hair on the shaft
nibling? nigger sibling?
That's my Mum you cunt
Why are there so many aussies here today? Is it anpac day or something
Um they can already do that mate
cos government want sto control everything
>As an Englishmen of Irish descent
>As an Englishmen
>an Englishmen

>The weighted mean IQ for data collected in Ireland was 94.3
>The average IQ in the UK is 99.1
>An incident which saw two women lock a crying toddler in an aeroplane toilet has sparked an online debate in China on how to manage children in public spaces.
biz idea: rental tits
business idea: just stop wanting to paint your lungs black and give yourself cancer
collecting the gfs vaginal discharge in a ziplock bag to spread on toast later
business idea: australian bf
My IQ is 137, so it's fine.
a lot of irish iq studies are rubbish
both nations have eseentially the same iq
mad how the thread is good before 'those' people wake up.
Funny you should say that..
Not really. I know nightclubs that don't enforce smoking bans and pubs that bring out the ashtrays after a lock in. But why not allow it to happen legally?

Sick of it. We live in tyranny. Tory and Labour there is no fucking difference.
The average IQ is always 100 no matter what. Why do normie mongs always get this wrong
need her out of that masculine office wear and into a sundress.
Wagies? Agreed, not surprised they cuckpost the most when they are literally cucks for their boss.
are these cuckposts in the thread right now or do you just see them wherever you go?
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>The average IQ is always 100 no matter what.
name on sn
Ban cars
Noone needs to go faster than 30MPH
I have a date with an Asian woman in a few weeks
you all hated me, doubted me, called me an incel, and yet here I am at the cusp of total victory
Thanks for nothing suck my coco
this post brought to you by Big Horse
dum dee dee dum dee dee dee dee doo doo
good lad, gratz on making it. hope you hit it off.
How did the land of Anglo-Saxon liberty turn into a nation of such spineless banhappy spastic gay bender mongs?
Hope she tries to convince you to buy shares in her foreign real estate scheme
When you watch Lawrence of Arabia at the cinema, is there a break in between? It’s four bloody hours
I'm 6 foot 2 and broad shouldered, if I impregnated an East Asian would I create a super Hapa or just a normal Hapa?
not into the diagonal vaginas myself personally
You are very fucking stupid
glad starmer is taking a stand against anti-British behaviour like hooliganism and smoking down the pub so that we promote our real values like multiculturalism, celebrating Eid, and arresting people who take the piss
youre supposed to have a break at the scene where the man feeds his camel for 5 minutes at the 2 hour mark
Ban cars
Ban smoking
Ban meat
Ban binge drinking (2 drink max enforced by NHS app)
Ban dissenting opinions
Ban going abroad on holiday
Next they’ll ban drinking at pubs
Down with that sort of thing
id expect a 10 minute intermission.
Normal hapa, retard
A weak little ugly chink
you spend 4 hours posting on /brit/ it's not that bad.
The Super Supreme Gentleman
Otherwise known as the Chanklet
seeing a lot of 'they should ban smoking in beer gardens because I get upset when I smell a whiff of cigarette smoke when i'm trying to enjoy my meal' commentary
Mental how normies can sit down and watch 8 hours of a netflix series, but a 4 hour film is too much for them.
Yes, intermissions at cinemas were the norm back then
Should bring them back I reckon
cheers x
If they actually banned cigarettes I would probably successfully quit desu as I can't see myself becoming some black market mong
Definitely been to a fillum relatively recently where they had an intermission but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was
Nicotine keeps you sharp and alert, Cannabis makes you calm and docile. Put two and two together my leds, you know it makes sense.
depends which country you go for.
it's like a little break where the pause the film for you to go to the loo
been drinking the h2o like my life depends on it tonight
Mad how all the lebs here are burning down each other's tobacconists because the vape ban broke their brains
howling good troll

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