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One great green belt edition
is this the new thread
Same as the old thread
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Give back to what?
What are they going to eat?
Lunatics run this planet
the proverbial sock and poo as it were
im gonna HOOOOOUSE
andrew tate haters are yet to refute this
another dogshit JF edish it is
bollocks. if we're all eating plants they need to grow plants still. the vegan lobby would have more traction if they didn't just outright lie with all their propaganda
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thats not food is it
silly bugger
Andrew Taters
total reptile death
the taters so to speak
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Report shoplifters
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what we need is intensive vertical farming and intensive rewilding of the freed-up land.
shagging a toaster oven

elden ring
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>Noooo that’s illegal! You can’t just put some tobacco in a pouch in your mouth!
>Pay £20 for a pack of cigarettes to smoke or inhale mystery Chinese vapes instead and destroy your lungs!
Joke of a country.
catberg onamadone
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They just aim for under £200 now
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it's arguably more appropriate to have quit LOST halfway through since by that time it was abundantly clear that there was no direction, it was all made up as they went along, mystery box dangling-the-bait bullshit.
find her a lot sexier knowing she is jewish
We are governed by people who got bullied at school
They treat people like toddlers
Brendan Schaub?
dumb crossposter
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need it or keep it?
these made me feel extremely ill when i tried it
disgusting shite
I'll have a tin of rape please shopkeep!
pouches aren't illegal you can buy them at tescos
It's synthetic nicotine sprayed on material
snus is insufflation of tobacco
That land would be used for new build housing
Bin it
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I'm not vegan but you're literally retarded if you can't understand the argument. Most of the plants we grow are for feeding animals.
corr I love that shit so much
insane that it’s illegal while cigarettes aren’t
Nicotine pouches are legal, snus is not. For absolutely no reason.
no that's snuff not snus
get them fed
get them housed
get them milked
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Grass isn’t really a plant u mong
Ausrorke SHOCKED and ROCKED when I tell him bananas originated in New Guinea
People should be made to take up vegan diets as part of mandatory smoking cessation. That ought to help them.
actual moron
ancient gimmick
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Windup merchant or clinically retarded, either way, not taking the bait.
Sydney Sweeney is peng because she's approachable alongside having lovley tits and skin.
Going to the legalise snus march this evening lads
Lol this applies to all Jews
Australian farmers growing lupins in the field next to their cows for use as feed
where’s that from? I feel like I’ve seen it before. for some reason the back of my mind is saying it’s a short film from french class back in high school but I could be completely off
>Poaceae (/poʊˈeJsi.iː, -ˌaJ/), also called Gramineae (/ɡrəˈmJni.iː, -ˌaJ/), is a large and nearly ubiquitous family of monocotyledonous flowering plants commonly known as grasses
>plants commonly known as grasses
I swear every time I look at my body in the mirror, I notice more and more freckles or moles appearing over my body, my back especially. Not sure why it’s accelerating in my late 20s. Started giving me self confidence issues when I am naked with a woman as I just discovered last night, grim. Is this a white feature or am I part brown?
>thinking about art and music when you’re young
What a faggot lol
is that middle one a baby version of the left
whys it the same flipping size

matey's getting pegged
where are you getting these from? nice shots
Dinner with PurpleAki
>acting 'too cool' for music
day shift is embarrassing
Took them myself this morning in my garden x
Harvey Price of penguins
Ma and Pa they raised a girl
On huge slabs of meat
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planet earth mate
I wonder what PurpleAki would do if a sexy muscly lad reciprocated his advances
Do we grow GRASS as a fucking plant on purpose or does it just grow naturally you dickhead yes maybe I was wrong to say it’s not a plant but you knew what I meant
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She’ll hit the wall hard, you can see where the cracks will begin Infact
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new card, what do you think
Get a bit scared when I talk to a woman who is beautiful but also really nice and approachable :/ Feels like I'm doing something I shouldn't be
This is an abused dog.
The trick here is they just count calories, but humans need 8 exogenous proteins or we deteriorate and even die. Plant sources of these suck and you'd have to eat so much of beans etc you'd become suicidal. Many would have to eat exclusively beans, every day, to get adequate protein.

the "alternative" to that is hyper processed s.oy products, which are unhealthy as fuck and the soy bean itself contains big amounts of crap you want to avoid.

finally, many pastures are too dry for crops, so actually you wouldn't be regaining anything but an expanse of tall, dried out grass from there.
Unfathomably based
It's a different species of penguin. I saw a lovely video where one of the little adult penguins saved a bunch of baby emperor penguins from an albatross.
>day shift
being aussie online is bizarre
Too bad she got blacked
the vast fields of just green grass you see is not natural no. put there for....livestock.
you look like you come from planet de earth
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very impressive
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bizarre mentality this, just enjoy the moment you utter freak
If I’m there on my knees licking all that up
>livestock are fed grass
how are people this detached
She won’t shag you mate
know that’s not your card but in general there’s nothing tackier than using diacritics in an Anglo country if you weren’t born and raised in the country the thirdie language is spoken in
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Yeah ages ago now it’s natural
what do they eat?
hows your youtube channel coming along then /brit/?
muh mmmuh britain

huge swaths of pasture exist in the world, dim bulb
yayy more surveillance :DD
Tomorrow to fresh woods, and pastures new.
the things you spastics argue about, good grief!
Notice how the most popular actresses on 4chan are all a bit ugly or """unconventionally attractive"""?

It's like the incel's fantasy has to incorporate that he's too gross for any actually beautiful woman to like him, even in his imagination.

That's why 4chan loves girls like Sydney Sweeney.
Here she is after a PROFESSIONAL £200/hour makeup session and probably around £10,000 on hair and clothes.
imagine the smell
Remember when she had a poo on her?
she won't shag you either
Walking to gym. random girl on bus just smiled at me out the window this is what love feels like
gymtoil + 8 hours of sleep at normal times + steady income + gf + a few friends is all you need to be happy lads. proceed in more or less that order. it’s not that hard if you think about it
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>hop in anon!
You keep getting more retarded with each post. Take a break and read about the subject before spouting a dumb fucking opinion.
shitting my guts out
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Wildlife Photographer of the Year and Comedy Wildlife Photography Award articles from the times
the stuff that didn't grow well enough for human consumption when there's enough, and soy imported from overseas when there's not
he is also right. the current ecosystems would collapse and the biodiversity would plummet for centuries if not thousands of years. The one year plants are dependent on hey collection or grazing not to be smothered
Attainability is attractive, that's why Dido got popular, because she looks like a frigid receptionist that you could probably shag if you met her.
blog on
But I have none of these
Only a virgin would make a post like this, ironically.
Cat with a special constable vest on walking slowly towards them trying to work out what the fuck to do next
Yeah that’s why you can’t tell me how I’m wrong isn’t it cunt?
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We have tried the carrot approach and now the peasants require the stick.
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i would commit wholesale slaughter to have my way with her for 1 night
beautiful owl
guessing you don't watch films much eh?
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love how that anon acts like he wouldn't drop his spaghetti if he were in her presence
banning a poo
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She has massive tits with excellent shape. Very rare rack
I have the first 2 and often think about ending my life.
Yeah alri Genghis Khan
Shag her for me lad
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McGulkey Cullen
didn't realize humans invented meadows
I learn so much on /brit/
wouldn't need to grow so much food if brown countries would stop breeding like rabbits
Inbetweeners coming back
Rorke sweating that it will be all woke
I genuinely think you'd have to suffer from some kind of tesosterone deficiency to prefer the left. Looks like a child ffs.
guess i must be hallucinating when i see all those cows, horses, sheep, and goats grazing on grass in the fields all day.

the current ecosystems are collapsing bud
Looks like a right incel
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Man seems to have had it all work out in the end for him
got badminton on
I will always be alone. forever
me behind her
Just found out I've been using a kids desk for the last few years. Absolutely fuming.
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lots of sirens in worcester today
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very sexy
>every house has a sink, therefore humans must subsist on water
and all it took was millions and millions of dollars
True. Blame that dirty whore we call mother nature for forcing use to need to eat in the first place.
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rorke's drip
being a mutt is so grim
im mutted between white countries and i feel like a sovlless cretin, cant imagine how interracial mutts feel
there are owls in the navy
billions must fly
>the current ecosystems are collapsing bud
not these, mong

Best you can do is rope and reroll desu
what do muslims do on a friday night when we go pub
LMAO absolutely rattled incels, really struck a nerve here
We certainly encouraged them
It's this whole thing over here how much deforestation the aboriginals did before white men and sheep showed up
*shuffles into the thread whistling snow - informer*
corr, lovely image that
if you're already resorting to tenuous metaphors then i think you dont have much of a point pal
Nice try GCHQ
halal chicken shop I think
*throws poo at keith stammer*
Rishi sends his redeem
Shisha bars and coffee bars
he’s mostly right but Sydney Sweeney is a terrible example
deliver takeaways
Yeah alright Stavros O'Shaugnessy
I literally started the sweeney convo by saying part of her attractiveness was her approachability, you just put the negative incel cope spin on it
5 hours of toil left and I'm already fucked
it's so over
mosque then a curry
it’s mostly northern euro, irish, german, a slovakian great grandparent
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Also those massive norks
Approach a clue instead
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Sir Barry Stanton MBE has destroyed the nation of India. One man’s crusade against an entire nation of 1.5 billion and he is winning. Indians are trying to get the UK government to stop him
he speaks the truth, meat eating devils seething
He said white countries.
haemorrhoids on a mad one today. meant to give up caffeine, booze and nicotine but just can't do it lads. think I have to live with my prolapsed arse permanently
Did you know ducks are necrophiles?
That's a Duck Fact
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U ever had a cock up it
didn’t ask
Suppositories do help but you will feel like a bender sliding them up
>Akshit Singh
>Dear Sir
no way thats legitimate. must be a /pol/ prank
Do you tip your just eat driver?
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They keep doxxing random civvies it's hilarious
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here is what a real woman looks like you low test faggots
screaming at his twitter feed
To tell the truth, my grandmother was Dutch.
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>when he whips out the HDMI cable
I think not allowing someone to smoke a cigarette in a pub garden is silly and over the top
Smoking bans indoors have been hugely successful policies widely accepted by smokers and non-smokers alike, why make this an issue again
not the biggest fan of India but I would bet a not insignificant amount of money that that account is run by some foreign shill farm from Tor
I didn't quote you in any of the posts though did I ya daft cunt. I was referring to the other less self-aware posters.
black baby factory
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is it really?
literally did that with the gf last night lol
put on some episodes of a tv i torrented didnt i

i spunked in her minge later that night
>i spunked in her minge later that night
umm, can I lick it out lol haha just joking haha
poojeet meme
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mad how cocaine use is widely accepted in pubs but smoking isnt allowed
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>when he whips out the HDMI cable
Wahey look at them go.
I’ve been laughing in my bed at Barry Stanton’s timeline. What have Indians done to this English lad?
Unironically true
They don't have sphincters, dump in piles
They get absolutely furious and keep reacting to anything he says about them. Basically free content and money for the guy
in a group chat mostly used by gen xers and I steal /brit/ posts and usually get swarmed with crying laughing emojis and replies pointing out how funny I am
so cheers
Hit them with some antisemitism lad
Proper in love with my boss she’s so fit
I am literally actually genuinely 1/8 Indian, but all it does is mean I tan well. Look Spanish and the women love me haha
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we had a pet duck when I was a kid but my dad killed it when me and mum were away for a school camp (he always claimed he didn't and that it flew away)
You cannot suffer in Canada
Hope it all ends in tears
You know the funniest part is he is making money from Twitter too. You can get paid when people view your tweets now
>hundreds of offices all full of telecommunication scammers
I sleep sir
>a twitter account made by someone in another country
saaaar shut it down this makes india look bad sir
post an example or i dont believe it
don’t shit where you eat
you will unironically ruin your life, this is not a movie and you are not the main character
da's watching bird videos on his phone
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you can if you don't live on the mainland
One of the workmates once mentioned how tight he was and said 'I'm a bit Jewish that way haha'.
Imagine being an Australian your whole life and then finding out how bloody funny and utterly brilliant "pomms" are when you discover /brit/, must be a delightful surprise
Pilkington phenotype
wheelchair basketball is on lads
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High af
>work is sending me to the arse end of Wales
Interesting how Australian posters fit right in, but yanks stick out like a sore thumb.
Fuck OFF gingernonce.
Any fitties?
Imagine being British your whole life
That’s the punchline
I have experience with the arse ends of whales due to being very intimate with yer mum
It's the Aussie hit that improves /brit/ a bit
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there was one cute one on the tokyo team
who are you quoting?
What work
holden ruined the aussie reputation here
don't reply to them now in case it could be him
Wahey watch those gimps go
wanking into my own gaping arsehole
Lot of Indians about in town today
How come all the blokes in this worlds strongest man competition are white? Is it racist?
on some gay shit
thought i could smell something in town earlier
Get off that NOW
cant wait to see rorke explain this one away

pic related
almost time to sleep
cant waot
Out of order

It's not a quote it's an implication arrow, the implication being it's going to be shit

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right then another workout in the books
a clue gained
don’t know why this stupid app puts the total in yank units
watched this utterly shite film with shite pajeet cgi with my mum and she looked at me like I was mental when I saw the credits and there was litearally about 100 Indian names in the cgi section and started crying laughing
Worlds strongest man is called Dredd
well rorke?
Fuck me
No, I mean it, FUCK ME!!
kys AI freak
dont like this mean vindictive canadian
wot apps tha
Aye I'll need a man to lift my big cock and perhaps you would be willing to do that? It's a fat old bird
yeah I don't believe you can lift 22630 lb
just not possible is it
thinking back to when the fittest girl in my year sneezed and farted in maths class
might message her on facebook and ask if she remembers
women (female) only
What u manufacturing
get her pumped lad don't listen to the naysayers pumped I said get her pumped
I'm a loyal soldier in the count dankula army
Arse ends
Been reading this book called "change in the village" and there's a good bit about the drinking culture of the time amongst the labouring class

>And they have the tradition of long generations to support them in their taste. As far back as they[Pg 77] can remember, the strongest and ablest men, whose virtues they still recall and admire, renewed their strength with beer daily. Not labourers alone, but farmers and other employers too, whose health and prosperity were a sufficient justification of their habits, were wont to begin their morning with a glass of beer, which they took, not as a stimulant, but as a food; and the belief in it as a food was so convinced that a man denied his beer by doctor's orders was hardly to be persuaded that he was not being starved of due nourishment. Such was the esteem in which beer was held twenty years ago, nor has the belief been uprooted yet. Indeed, an opinion so sanctioned to a man, by the approval of his own father and grandfather and all the worthies he can remember, does not immediately become false to him just because it is condemned by strangers who do not know him, and who, with all their temperance, seem to him a delicate and feeble folk. He prefers his own standard of good and evil, and in sitting down to his glass he has no doubt that he is following a sensible old fashion, modestly trying to be, not a fine gentleman, but a sturdy Englishman.
i dont use a lifting app. i just remember what weight im on for my various exercises.
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Says here it's some lad called Tom
would you shag your mum if she was up for it
Corrrr, love when the fit ones involuntarily implode like that. Reminds us all they're still human
need a career change might join the army do you think they know that I browse 4chan if I apply?
>using an app to track your workouts

very gay
didn't everyone drink beer because it was healthier than dirty water
how is that gay
not your personal book club mate
Sitting here with my window open listening to my fat pig neighbour scream at her 6 year old and call him a stupid cunt
liquid bread kept the serfs toiling in the fields pal
not complicated
Get her shagged
before 1850 yeh, but only in urban areas and even then most places did have a few clean sources of water.
the idea of every historical person nailing small beer all day has been exaggerated by pop-historians
we need tighter rules on outdoor smoking (in pubs) and we need more barbershops on the high street but it is crucial that barbers be allowed to continue to smoke outside their turkish barbershops

this is what people have been crying out for
hope a wasp flies in
Take no notice of him handsome x
If people drank beer all day then surely they'd be dehydrated and raisin-like
never understood this, doesn’t alcohol dehydrate you?
they were drinking 1-2% beer (but not all day)
Mad how every man secretly hopes he will encounter someone needing help pushing a car just so he can push a car
my knob has been drinking all day?
is Mercedes A class a woman’s car…
it does genuinely annoy me when parents talk to their children like shit and then are dumbfounded when their kids turn into vile bastards
Dehydrated from like 2%?
I just want a woman to knock on my door and be my gf
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not your personal psychologist mate
are there parenting classes?
i honestly dont get how you're supposed to raise a kid
Cheers for the parenting advice virgin
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