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prince of the peppermint patch edition
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legalise da ting kier
the rice cooks the egg
feel like a car crash survivor every day for the last 10 years
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lying in bed with an erection
You feel lucky to be alive everyday?
How old is spainfreak anyway? Early to mid 30's?
Thanks for the money
whose erection
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gymtoil going well
Got called a landlubber on Tortuga.
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Important instructions
poo toiling
genuinely what I thought he meant upon first reading
alri mr optimism
hope she doesn't lose weight
leftyone having gay sex even though he doesnt like it just to be inclusive
>some cruise ships release as much CO2 as a small town
Hate everything about cruise ships desu
Probably carries as many people as a small town so who fucking cares
not quite fond of the concept myself either
Mental how badly I mindraped him
Nice creepshot freak
not cool doing creepshots in the gym you porn addict
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I'm a plain speaking /brit/poster and I believe in plain speakin'
speak up
oh dear the moralfags have arrived :/
quite efficient if you compare it to 8000 people going on aeroplanes instead
wheelchair man stabbed in london
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shit superhero
Cruise ships ive heard is a relic of the 1950 when people started having money to travel
mad how when you click a daily mail notification it never takes you to the right article and it’s done this for like 10 years and they’ve never fixed it
you go to the gym to train not to jack off.
you must be 16 years old or something.
Bloody love pics like this
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I see Spaedo has a new gimmick of posting screenshots of fat women’s workout videos to pretend he’s perving on them at the gym (of which he has never stepped foot inside not ever).
How cute.
His mental decline is almost complete, suicide is imminent.
All left wingers have a decline fetish
They only believe in things being worse
They hate white people being rich and prosperous and productive
They love smelly poor brown people and sitting around doing nothing
They want to sit around doing nothing and stop you from doing fun and great things because leftypol gets upset by the reminder that he is a massive failure
He loves the fact the government stops you from having fun because he is a neek who was bullied
In a world in which the government doesn't protect people for being useless human sludge he would be eaten alive and rightfully so
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any of you lads watched that film Gaylords Say No?
What an utterly boring, unreliable, and uninformative statement
>I'm a plain speaking /brit/poster
You speak aus you dumb ass
mental how a mere few generations ago the thought of travelling the world for leisure was out of reach for the common man
got the window open and loving it
what a baffling response, you dolt
windowlad loves his windows
shut that door
wahey lad what are you like
Windows been open since March. Soon shall be closed for 5 months.
mine is perma closed because I don't want to hear other people
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this is my world today
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Look at the fucking SIZE of that
More of a linux guy me kek
good post
Making egg butties
But throwing the yolk away
Just to spite nature
love, mankind x
playing with fire there lads
come down with a stinking cold AGAIN
sick of it
pack it in
If it was a ferry yes but its a cruise ship
u wot m8?
Get the ferry tickets booked
the gyms wouldn't have sexy swoll male trainers if they didn't want blokes to come in and have semis while 'training'
he got a reaction out of ye
Nuclear meltdown incoming
someone is having a bbq so i've had to close my window
from whom
It’s not a good time of year for the faint of heart, as the next few weeks are the official Spider Season, where eight legged arachnids flood into British homes looking for a mate to shack up with for the cold winter months ahead.
so what
He makes me feel better about my runtish life
Don't mind a few spiderbros me
Persecuted for my love of big booty bitches. Another day in broken Britain.
I can see the appeal if you plan on visiting a region with lots of ports that you'd only need to spend one or two days to explore. So somewhere like the Carribean or even the Arabian peninsula since you can see a lot of countries/cities in one trip without having to unpack and repack at a new hotel each time. Although I don't get the appeal of those really long cruises where you spend most of the time on the ship itself.
later losers
what a accomplishment.
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>Don't mind a few spiderbros me
So its not just going from A to B is it or even the most efficient or fastest routes.
room is covered in cobwebs yet I've never seen a single spider in it
Always have spiders in my room. Little fellas running around by the window ledge or behind my wardrobes.
Just leave them to it unless they crawl on me then I squash them.
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So what
had quite a few horny spiderbros run across my floor in my time aha
used to be on sight with those spider bredren but we squashed that beef it dead say no more
At night they crawl on your face and cum in your mouth
cruise ships are 7 times more carbon producing than planes for the same trip but that doesn't take into account the amount of people that a ship can hold
Spiders are bros when you think about it
At least someone is getting some action on my bed for once
Even better
Wank them off
The niggers I mean
she's fit whats her name
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don't. talk. shit.
had quite a few horny sikhbros run across my floor in my time aha
Get them housed
Get them clothed
Get them monied
Get them naturalised
Get them wanked off
neighbour's gone on his incel jog
Coming here without permission. Breaking into my house. Making the place look like shit. Scaring all our women and children.
Sick of these bloody spiders.
Or brown...
mad how western countries are already brimming with cretins yet we purposely import more
Literally Woke Barmer's plan.
the old gf is obsessed with me. it's cruel, but sometimes i think about breaking up with her just to see how'd she react.
Spiders are the true natives of Britain when you going about it
reckon I should stop getting blackout drunk alone in my smelly bedroom. Not doing me any favors in the life sortage department
>police do nothing again
Mad that he probably will end up getting david ames'd and all thr politicians will say "while i didnt agree with him thoughts and prayers to his family"
i desire to visit Shetland
Why do they always have the same look about them?
I genuinely am very attracted to overweight women
You just watched Survive the Jive's latest video, didn't you?
Shitland more like
has the bloke got bird shit on his head?
Not allowed. Internet told me
aaaaah fell asleep now my starbucks has been on my doorstep for 4 hours
No, you're not allowed to smoke a cigarette in that beer garden
Yes, Mbuku is allowed to steal four sandwiches from Tescos and then grope your daughter (he hasn't had a chance to become fluent in Great British Values TM yet)
This is what a country run by the grown ups looks like Rorke
have you ever been caught wanking
Two Standard Sunak’s Britain
good post
don't forgot that mbuku is a doctor though
Nan froze to death :/
Same, but only if they have big boobs and bum. It's grim when a fat women gains fat like a bloke.
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got a sink full of washing up to do, come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn i cant be bothered
Alri then Darius
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use the dishwasher
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on r/headscissors
rorke waves flags near a mosque and gets two years in prison
leftypol throws bricks at his political opposition and gets a stern talking to

It's time.
1 plate
1 pan
1 cup
1 glass
1 fork
1 knife
1 spoon
1 spatula
It's all Greek to me
Eat with my hands off the floor
yeah loads of times
just got misgendered
1 rope
>cruise ships are 7 times more carbon producing than planes for the same trip but that doesn't take into account the amount of people that a ship can hold
That's a completely worthless comparison if you're not factoring in the emissions per traveller. A diesel-powered bus will produce more emissions than a diesel-powered car per trip, but the fact that the bus carries a lot more people means it's much better for the environment.
japan has produced my favourite books, movies, music, and games
they're seriously cooking over there. what makes them so special?
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We're your greatest ally, gaijin. The west is built on our shared Shinto-Christian values
literally nothing about co2 is bad
going inpost locker
>two unemployed 25 year olds living together will get a little over £1,200 a month to live on
Honestly seems like such a load of hassle to just be a poor jobless slug with such a pitiful and meagre living allowance and having a job would be simpler desu
i hate the way they structure and tell stories. i think only autistic plebs enjoy their media 2bh
it has CO which is toxic
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al ui dt ih oe
Got yelled at by a bartender while on vacation because I took my beer outside of their little fenced in area to eat a long a dock
hate how weird Americans are about drinking in public
Might apply for universal credit. Savings are getting a bit low
How much do you reckon Mark gets in bennies a month?
A long what?
a dock
Wouldn't happen if you were Chad. Being sub-8 is a crime in Amerikkka
there's a terrible draught coming from somewhere
need to get tongs, a potato masher, grater, peeler, and a ladle
then you'll be set
it's spelt draft, numpty
Based eugenics nation.
Wait till they get in the sick then the big bucks come in
Tim hortons Toil today
just supported the Welsh cider industry
wish the russian who posts chubby pawg peng tings was here
I do suspect sometimes things like this wouldn’t happen were I taller
I can’t see him squaring up to some lanklord like that
walking through any city centre is a truly harrowing and depressing experience. what the fuck has leftypol done to this country.
He’s Ukrainian
in my overdraft lol
Indian restaurants in the USA serve Mango Yop by the glass. They call it Mango Lassi.
they do perry the Welch?
>walking through any city centre is a truly harrowing and depressing experience
so what rorke?
um you'll need to elaborate on why you think it's so harrowing lad
kissed the feet of an immigrant today, feel blessed
lad it was just payday..
What’s with yuros and coddling immigrants
Don’t really like immigration but I can’t deny they get worked to the bone here and are a necessary component to our labor force. Do your refugees ever work construction or do agricultural work? I don’t mean polish or Romanians
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International break next week
tossers just threw away our island, now the only way back is a civil war and fat chance of that happening
Oh shut the fuck up you fat fucking retard
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What's all this about then?
They've been a thing here for a long time.
not worth the 'assle
why is a woman a policeman lol
You brown lad?
piss off wanker
You circumcised dude?
Claiming disability in this country is astoundingly easy

To take just one example guy from my school's mum was on the sick for a bad back
Well we only saw her down Shipley market loading a van didn't we

Broken Britain
there was too much needfully needing doed
Yes so that makes the two of us
Genuinely reckon if we had kept a Blairite labour government we'd probably have had lower and higher-quality immigration than what the Tories shat onto our plates.
Always enjoy posts like this
They know how bad it is
Al-Jazeera was running stories about this kinda stuff during the election and it was gigagrim
Farmers can’t grow crops because the country is burning up and then they can’t get a wife because women don’t want to live on a poor farm then they save to go to school, do poorly, and hang themselves in their shacks by the hundreds of thousands
Worse than any sci-fi dystopia I have ever seen
Rorke splashing his face with water in the bathroom mirror then looking himself in the eyes for a second and saying 'fuck' outloud
for me it's rose lassi
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girls really be going to festivals dressed like this
I've seen many international willards on omegle and everyone on earth is circumcized except long haired hippie freaks
i did this this morning
See >>201566163
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Indian news websites are just bizarre
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emma watson quite a nice bubble butt
How many kids did your dad have? Mine had 3.
Get them in Canada
Get them housed
Get them horton’d
mines tomorrow :L
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If it comforts you, sure
>Al Mountain masturbates with African Muslims on Omegle
no, it's not
circumcised penis is nasty
my midsection has gotten wide
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Genuinely don’t know what that means
Fuhrer Trudeau is putting a stop to it and kicking them all out to try and boost his popularity before being decimated in the election like Sunak was.
Absolutely cute.
no, it's all apple based
got about 3 hours of sleep before waking up in the middle of the night again, now i'm not going to be able to get back to sleep until after sunrise, typical
Based, you say?
Biggest shithole in Scotland
2nd to the Highlands
Try taking some diphenhydramine before bed
One single year of half heartedly enforcing immigration laws ought to do it and bring Canada back to a white ethnostate
yeah it is pretty based, second box I've ordered this year
any one else love stinky girls?

stinky girls are the best. best sex, cutest, also most fun to be around

especially luv stinky feet, stinky butts and farting, and stinky armpits

breath must be fresh though, dont like stinky breath haha
Only had 3 hours sleep and then got up and went for a run at 5:45am
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they danced again.
1 in 5 pensioners are millionaires in this country fuck the winter fuel payment
pretty sure that stuff isn't OTP here, they've made anything that has even the most remote possibility of abuse illegal here
if i want drugs i'll just go on the darknet and order heroin, not even going to try and get through life playing by their rules if they're going to make it so unreasonably difficult
Don't like farting
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fuck it, i'm getting on the cans
edit: OTC
Taking heroin to get a little shuteye is overkill
Just check to see if you can get it, it’s just an antihistamine
>muh middle east

dont care desu senpai
This is so sad, makes me think about how their bodies danced as the bullets thudded in
concerning post
how can i unbloodshot my eyes
don't know the backstory but i conclude that they deserved whatever happened to them for dancing like that
Rorke moving to Japan and demanding the dole
i know what it is m8, i know there are some weirdos who enjoy having creepy hallucinations with it ,and now i can't just buy it without having to ask a doctor's permission first because of them, takes like 3 weeks to get a doctors appointment and there's still a $70 co-pay AND there's a chance the doctor won't even write me a prescription, fucking SICK of it ALL
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3 > 1 > 2 > 4
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Been watching old films. Unreal how kino life was before the woke. An ugly old greasy wop used to be able to pull 10/10 jewish queens no problem
they all look like they want to bake cookies and pinch my cheeks
The missus's aunt has come round unannounced for a visit, right in the middle of my lunch.

Dumb hag cunt

too bad there are nogs even on shetland now
not nice
your man on the right is probably 25 there

not his character either, the actor
Ever shagged her up the arse?
get her shagged
Damn Australia sounds like a shithole
I can get codeine (with paracetamol) here just by asking the pharmacist
oh no! not in the middle of your lunch!
If you were in 2060 watching DiCaprio movies you'd say the same thing but girls love DiCaprio because they still have the image of him as a hot young fellah

wouldn't be answering the door, me
correct answer, your milf is in the post
No she didn’t you aren’t married you’re a grotesquely fat autistic incel etc etc
that used to be the case here too until around 2018 or so, then the government just started banning everything because idk they were bored and decided to fuck with us for fun
reckon any sports at the paralympics will be wankable?
I can wank to anything
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a lu id ti ho e
a chicken in every pot, a poo in every arse
We managed to miss that trend unlike Australia and Britain
They don’t even raid the magic mushroom dispensaries anymore
And a dogshit 190 (you) post in every thread
Sir Woke Barmer

Get the N_____ H_____ and W_______
Had a few too many cans last night but from now on I'll be sober and clean shaven, always.
shenanigans in the dark
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a clue gained
just had a chinwag with some dodgy old geezer, he let me bum a fag
Granddad was from there
>codeine with paracetamol

knowers know you're better off with codeine and ibuprofen i.e Nurofen Plus. Ibuprofen handled much better in large doses than paracetamol; you can essentially gob them from the blisterpack without consquence

>um um I do CWE
yeah you keep fannying about with that you gimp
all pakified
>Government departments have been asked by Downing Street to urgently identify and put together honours nominations to reward “unity and defiance” to this month’s riots. Guido can reveal that Starmer has instructed civil servants to find “community leaders” who “made sure targeted groups felt safe” and members of the public who showed “community spirit.” Departments are also told to consider public sector workers who went “above and beyond” in their response to the unrest. The latest in the PM’s project to fill his “societal black hole".
there is a reason he left (it is a shithole)
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i love ingurland
get them knighted
get them seated in the lords with a monthly stipend for life
I am not a giga drug mong who pops pills from the pharmacy to get huge and if i want opiates i will get hydromorphone
Besides I don’t think they sell it with ibuprofen for that reason
is it true more people and police were hurt during the notting hill carnival than the riots?
One sceptical Westminster insider says: “Typical – Starmer has created a two-tier honours system, rushing it through for political advantage, the King could end up handing a gong to a wife-beater”.
Mental how cum is essentially snot yet we all love plastering it on a woman's face
the fly has been assassinated
got a pikachu plushie for christmas in 1999, weird to think how i've never washed it and yet it doesn't smell despite 25 years of sitting around in my smeggy bedroom absorbing all the surrounding aromas
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you've never had sex mate and it shows

least you tried with the "we all" though, can't blame a lad for trying. But yeah you've never touched a vagina.
Was sneezing a fetish on that fetlife chart?
Know what? I love the cybertrucks. First iconic American car since the 2005 Mustang and 2010 Challenger Tired of all the boring bastard cars
Any bacteria or mould that attempts to take hold is immediately destroyed by the 25 years' worth of sperm you've pumped into it
They’re a bit shite though aren’t they
Missus never lets you spaff on her mush, eh? Poor lad
shut up
So were the other cars he mentioned
I thought you guys hated us because of all the drunk and stoned tourists
I’ve recently gone gay. I recommend it to all you lads.
Yeah nice try, you're just after my thick arse and creamy thighs
I couldn't deal with all the pooey arses
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may go back to school but i'm already old and washed up and everything will be replaced by AI innit
i prefer to spaff on the tuft of tidly-groomed hair above the gfberg's tuppence, and gauge how well she did by how far it makes it up her body like one of those carnival strength testers, if it pools in the belly button then that's not bad, if it makes it all the way up to her tits then it's a decent shag, if it hits her in the face then she gets a pat on the head and a biscuit
Could just deal with one (your own)
Remember pulling out and shooting massive loads all over this one girl. Meant her stomach but they shot out like a shotgun and went all over her cheeks
Was pretty hot
Westminster voting intention

LAB: 29% (-4)
REF: 24% (+5)
CON: 18% (-3)
LDEM: 7% (-1)
GRN: 4% (-2)

25 - 26 Aug
Does sound like you have a lovely arse desu
It’s surprisingly not as pooey as you would expect gay sex. I suppose the pro benders are very good at cleaning their batties out.
how good of all the sex-havers to remind us of all the sex they are having
i just dont think i could make it up to the face in time. i always leave it to the last second. plus, i'd be afraid of crushing my gf's body/arms in a mad scramble up to her face
can see my house from there
Take solace in that I haven’t fucked in a month and am basically as incel as you
goondem bbc katy sex arse
t. Has never had sex
>LAB: 29% (-4)
>REF: 24% (+5)
Chat is this real?
quick poo before toiltoil
Anyone ever use chatgpt to reword a CV to match a job posting?
get it made
labour losing his norf seats already? based. white working class vote chudform and the muslims will establish their own party.
It's fake
No results on twitter for it

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