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>no balk thread
Death thread

Giannis banani'd the thread because the homotatar complained
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I was 150 seconds away from making new
I don't understand why posting public information is baboon worthy

Janitors are unironically mentally ill
>mamuu ljepotan mnogu, xhea kje mu go drkam jako
What did he complain about
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mama bear added her chad son with 4 different accounts
Real old BTW
That's the albo boogyman that causes cuckold fyromians to cream their pants out of fear btw
That symbol of strength, power and virility
Insane to me that troons throw away their family members for a fetish

No nut should be worth forsaking your mummy over
Janev reported the thread I guess
Looking at his face he's a homosexual who presents as a woman to attract men. Probably cares about sex as little as our mangal. Fetishistic crossdressers don't go this far.
Can't report from a baboon'd IP. If he was unbanned you can be sure he wouldn't be able to help himself from spamming the thread right now.
Those kinds of hummus actuals are an enigma to my eyes

Like when Vute starts talmbout how he prefers giving head over getting bumgarianed
I just don't get it, what's the appeal if you're not cooming
when will you learn that women enable homosexuals, because they are themselves of the same nature and can never truly see anything wrong with it
You project your experiences in America

I've asked the most libtarded women I know if they'd want to birth a faggot and they all said fuck no with a disgusted grimace on their face
cos they enjoy giving pleasure to their partner
also ayynal is overrated
How about you give pleasure to your parents by being a dutiful son with a good job, wife and children?
you homosexual faggots and mangals keep doxxing troons and wonder why mods delete the thread i hope they range ban your pedo asses asap
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I give pleasure to your female parent, if you know what I mean.
yeah, because they're caving to social pressure which still exists there, not because they comprehend the true nature of the problem
homo neglectus high on fungal piss again
No bro, you get the same answer if you've asked if they'd like to have a down syndrome potato
>Ummmm I would prefer not to and would abort it at a moment's notice buuuuut if I still had it I would love it and treat it the same as a normal child :)))))
That kajgana thread was a brutal blackpill
apples and oranges dog
I vaguely remember this
Was it foids doing mental gymnastics about how not wanting a faggot isn't homophobic?
Imagine one day they discover the gay and troon genes and you could test the fetus for it, conservatives would be lining up to abort their gay babies and liberals would bomb abortion clinics
Until their own kids become faggots amd faced with the end of their bloodline, they get a sour taste in their mouth (that liberal jewish media didn't warn them about)
Less likely to find some gene, more likely to invent some kind of way to monitor hormone exposure and reactions by the fetus and likelihood of deviating from hetero. Of course 1st worlders will outlaw this so you'll have to go to some cyberpunk thirdie clinic to do this.
It's a wonder that libtards haven't banned potato abortion
Healthy baby killings only, you don't want to be ableist don't you?
Funnily enough nordic countries are so eugenicist that they don't have downies being born anymore cause they get aborted
they don't care about their bloodline, that's male vanity territory. if ever they're gonna be problematic about it it's before they even have children and are in the baby traits window shopping phase. but once the kid is grown up all that talk goes out of the window. oh the kid's an effeminate bitch? that just means he needs to be mommied harder, and henceforth a vicious cycle.
I remember being a kid and seeing a family member pregnant but not really understanding what that means so I forgot about it, then years after realized that pregnant women are supposed to give birth and asked my grandma if I'm misremembering or what
Turns out it was a downie and they aborted it
Nothing to smile about in my life
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I ran him thru obsessedeye. No results except this which is from the vidivaka interview.
watch this

Literally not true in any way

Every single older women selfishly or selflessly (depends on how you look at it) wants to take care of grandchildren

Every single family gathering I go to the younger foids get henpecked about giving the grannies great grandchildren
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>Fetishistic crossdressers don't go this far.
You sure about that?
A fitting end to a day of execrable incelposting: Yoko Ono appears.

Kek a guy I know lives there and he said to me it's stinking from 5km away lmaooooooooooooo
Don't worry, I'm going to sleep. Just when I get mentioned, I can't help to reply. Oh I do so loved being noticed!

spare me the babushka talk, it's a fucking brand, they're leaning into it. not that there is even a point in considering pre and post menopausal women as the same category. obviously when I talk of women I am talking of the hormonal ones who are actually going to be rearing children
>Until their own kids become faggots amd faced with the end of their bloodline, they get a sour taste in their mouth
This is the subject of debate
Boomers and Xers seething when their kids become faggots and end their bloodlines
Something that happens because both grannies and mummies want grandchildren
based, TTD
ok, and the settlement of the debate is that behavior overrules rhetoric. they can seethe about it until they're blue in the face while they substantively create and enable the problem through their implicit disposition

Damn I never knew CoD World at War had Russian voice over, it really sounded more cool than the fake Russian accent in the English version
Settlement of the debate is that the Greek is right and you're wrong, and that they will have a sour taste in their mouths

Mummy really must have hurt you for you to have this warped of an outlook bro
>sashe threatened dijanka again after her pic in NATO HQ and had to go to court
>i can't say a girl's name in this video
>i made a deal with the prosecutor
sour taste like what, like when your kid doesn't get straight As in school and turns out to be a bit of a retard? yeah, so what? a lot of people get sour tastes over a lot of petty things, means nothing. the essence of a person speaks louder than trivialities like that.
Mark of the low IQ is not being able to admit to being wrong
mark of the high IQ is being able to understand people in all their layers
it's a mark of high testosterone
How did mummy hurt you sweaty?
in my mommy's case, it wasn't her fault
What happened sweaty?
Nope you dumb retard when you don't know shit don't make assumptions
enough of this talk
it's over
Кaкo e Jaниc Ѓopѓиeв КPAЉУ
Just open up to /balk/ MD sweaty
We have a 100% success rate
Do you think its difficult to remove stains from parquet? Specifically from these old fashioned ones?
you made it gay bro
not speaking further on this until the atmosphere straightens up
strip the finish and reapply it
You could have successfully been healed like Sashko if you trusted the science you stupid fucking Chud
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How's the gf, Sashe
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Fresh OC. Sashe and the troon at the psychiatrist's office.
He ain't replyin

It's ovah, he's dead
watching diasporoid zoomer stuck in Amerikaaan ghetto groomed to be ironically less functional and niggerified than their homeland gopniks.Tiktok has been a total gem.

Shocked when a video of red head albaboonian foid soliciting prostitution popped up (niggerified as well), couldn't believe it. Her parents are totally disappointed, her old videos had her in a hijab as well JFL.

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Sashe and the troon on a bench
I have elaborated evidence of their affair now let's see if he can rebuke it
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>zoomie I gypsy-cursed in the park who had an accident with his scooter today, just died
Evil barn creature
I miss haxxor 4chan collective efforts like doxxing trannies
>Baugaria is now 15th in the world in photovoltaic capacity after the Apriltsi project was completed (alhamdulillah, firestartallah, corruptallah, scamallah)
attempt to fix sleep schedule failed, i fell asleep while writing a reply elaborating on why imotski is selyak central. i now have massive dark circles under my eyes.
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>i now have massive dark circles under my eyes
Forgot to eat raw meat for a few hours. Big mistake.
the distance between his eyes is more than one eye and that annoys me
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he really do be looking like a herbivore with that big distance between his eyes
That's why he calls himself goat-is
world would be a much more aesthetically pleasing place if there were surgeries to fix eye distance
bosnian coca cola tastes different than croatian coca cola and im the only man thats autistic enough to notice
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bumping with Sashe and the troon on a boat
He is going to stab someone for this
how did you vacation go?
eating my own sunflowers that i raised from seed
bretty good 8/10
pretty much baked by the sun
also al ramen near ra heem, knah'mean or sommin
When are you inviting him to balk bro? I want to see him post his bussy
you would scare him away within seconds you patetik simp
that is if he doesn't instablock when he sees the word 4chan
also when he finds out sashizo is here, immediate panic mode
he'll change psychiatrists immediately
We have to tell him
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He is probably here already
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Thoughts on the recent troon doxx bro?
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Reading 'The History of The Byzantine State' and I've just gotten to the part where the Slavs, lead by their Avar suzerains, invade Eastern Roman territory in the Balkans and settle there in large numbers, creating the modern South Slavic nations.

Why did you do it bros?
nojko should breed xer and post proofs with timestamp
or maybe send the sasho dick image if he wants to be evil
byzantimmies deserved it
>nojko should breed xer
Nah bro, imagine all the nigger and albanian dicks that went inside his ass
I have completely destroyed my life.
how did you do that?
Tell whomst what
>vlach name
>vlach surname
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Can you find this image with the troon version and put in their faces bro?
If you do this I will message him and harass him
why do you taint the mind with such cursed squalor?
I don't know what you're talking about. I saw the link in a dream (:
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I've been laughing all night. He will definitely do something crazy.
Big weekens adjustment session as soon as I finish with today's wagecuckery bro
Yeah summer is over so it gets only worse from here
Careers are worse than just a job. Careers mean you have to compete with NTs and some of them are cut throat nasty. A job you can turn up to, do and leave behind. A career you have to have 10x the social skills and be able to watch your back. I used to be able to hold a job for about two years before I burnt out. I had a "career" job and they turned on me within a year, if you're in any way competent, and autistic people often are, they will use their Machiavellian social skills to get you out of the way so you're not competition.
Anything that forcefully makes you leave house for less than 5k euros a month is slavery
Thing is I'm sure Janis is twice his size. Look at those shoulders. They would look like a cartoon next to each other.
Sasho already has a massive penis.
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*stays in for 7k EUR/mo*
I kinda feel bad for Janis now ngl. He seems like a good kid who was doomed from the start. No one handicaps themselves in a non-firstie country like that just for fun. He actually believes he's in the wrong body.
if you are over 6ft women automatically trust you
Nothing to smile about in my life
you laugh but there are many cases like this in reality
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Wrong nationality as well it seems
He won't fuck you bro
Ooooo programerceto naseto milo najmilo sonce na mama
slavs are evil barbarian subanimals. before their invasion we lived prosperously along with greeks in what it was one of the greatest empires the mankind has ever seen. after they settled in the rich haemus peninsula they forced us to develop north of the danube and allowed ooga booga albos to descend from the mountains while weakening the byzantine power. this resulted in ottomans being able to easily take over the balkans and getting this area poorer because of their general mismanaging
Slavs aka Glorious are Alexander grandsons and migration went south-north, due to muslim and other conquests they had to leave Aegean Macedonia. Fyi the first Slavonic alphabet was made in Solun
>Xpozed is what the Albanoid codemun wishes he were

It's so over
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>you walk outside
>see this
wat do?
>t. even lower than slav subanimal because of albanian blood
I'll make her my queen
Alexander is my grandpa
uiuiuiuiui romaleieiei
is this supposed to trigger me? you probably look like that but with slanted eyes
>no new stories
I arrived in the worlds best first world shithole.
I feel like vomiting

A high level gypsy is casting hexes on me bros
Thoughts on janis istrefi gorgiev?
honestly, you are gay if you don't hit that
Terrible bait
I tried
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My german teacher looked like that but now she old and insufferable, names Julia Micheva
for me, it's the belly jiggle
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Brutal. I can't for the life of me find the one where 'lach gets called out for being irreplaceable or some shit, followed by a long paragraph about how if he was, they wouldn't send him home to jerk off to his cartoons and instead chain him to the office and abuse him non-stop. That, and calling him a midwit in a land of retards. Brutal, just brutal.
цигaнитe ce eбът oт мaлки a ниe биeм чeкии и cтaвaмe 40г дeфcтвeници c диплoмa
ти щoт cи пeдaл
aй нe ca пpaй чe нe cи бил чикии дoкaтo мaнгaлитe ca eбaли бългapки
тe нaли пeдaлитe ca eбaли нaй-мнoгo бe
Avril Lavigne clone
Where does that leave me in the ENTJ dictator list?
this is like natal charts for autists
stop working you are making me feel insecure
You would be his entertainer. Too unstable to be trusted. Bobo / Kelly is possibly one.
ti da ne si ot goce delchev kvartal?
where does infp put me at bro?
Tи eбa paзвaлeнaтa плoчa cкyчнa.
нa дaфeтo кoня e eбaл мaйкa ти
why do useless autists always use their incompetence as a shield?
>balkan trolling
Harasing stefan janev with trannies
>AMERICAN trolling
you're confusing two different jobs bro
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I wouldn't even be here if FILTHY AMERICANS didn't shut down my anime website
oh ye that's right
I did convince him to also give the other backend guy remote days, only the frontend team had to come in 5 days
Homosexual roaches get along very well
allahs curse of tiredness is still in full power even after 10 hour sleep
Allah's blessing of alertness is still in full power even after 16 hours of being awake
hope he double casts it and it turns into curse of insomnia
I absorbed the life force of the 16 yo scoomer I killed with my gypsy curse
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>absorbed life force
liches get stitches
square the fuck up nigga
september is coming bro
it's time to go back to school
i think it's time to thank rasha for keeping it real with cyrillic cos if rasha didn't use cyrillic it would be practically extinct or a meme
uni starts in october thoe
my shithole is using the student dorms as a hostel for tourists so they pushed back the date of starting uni as much as possible and shortened the semesters to make sure we are out of the dorms as early as possible
very pragmatic and tourism shekelpilled policy
kek, based gov
The have gypsy bride markets
i bet ur room is filled with poo jeets
I lost all motivation to live
>tourism shekelpilled policy
basically every policy in croatia
apartment students also get thrown the fuck out of their apartments once tourism season comes in full swing. why earn 400 eurs per month from students when you can make 100 eur per night from tourists
last day of august uwu
hopefully the sun starts dying of winter aids
On the forecast: a chilly 30C november
Total Xpozed victory
many such cases!
jeets dont come as tourists, only as workers so theyre probably living in shipping containers or buildings the serbs shelled or something similar
some western euro timmy is probably gooning on my future pillow rn
check em
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kek who's this alcoholic homeless guy
>1 second faster
How does he keep winning bros? How does Xpozed do it?
>видиш ли я тaя яхтa тaм? e тaм мa eбa ивeлин и мa изхвъpли кaт пpoбит чopaп
one handed captcha is difficult
to win u gotta know loss
heh good save
How about you one hand some visual basic whilst holding your progeny with the other
it is doe, this shitty auto-solver always gets a single letter wrong and you need to check everything over

visual basic is for unemployed people bro
this nigga can't do basic visual cos he got diabetic retinopathy
>west nile fever
Bodied that nocoder freak
I'd get more money if I had that
seems friend called me
punishment for calling me instead of sending a message is 10 hour delayed response
Did you know they there are niggas in Alaska

Imagine the first nigga after the abolition of slavery to decide to move from Alabama to Anchorage Alaska
Would you rather sperm janis or Anita?
You are all bots, I am done with this shithole.
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fb boomers be like
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Fuck TImmy gon ACK
a maymun speaking in a british accent is like someone who's been forced bi from birth
Lmaoooooooo she closed the comments
Destiny is right about the dead internet / bot / AI takeover theory... I can't trust 4chan anymore.
There are AI generated bots here.
First goyim gotta pay their pensions, now also their prison stay. Imagine NEETs 10-20 years from now will just go commit a crime and enjoy living in a calm retirement home kek
jestem macedończykiem
Notice how they spam the same shit over and over again in every single thread, and make grammar mistakes because AI has trouble replicating text.

See how they start using different flags now that I have noticed the trick to fuck with me >>201603832
you were supposed to have a Macedonian flag there.
this thing is 100% AI generated
в бaлкaн чaн бoтoвe нямa
Great, soon we'll have a 3rd graduate of the F20.0 program
>to keep a person in prison in japan costs 3.2 million yen, about double of the welfare they'd usually get
Kek, unreal. Who really is the prisoner there?
urodziłem się w polskim ciele ale w środku jestem macedończykiem
jestem trans-macedończykiem
to prawda
moje serce zostało w Skopje (PBUH)
Reminded me of the documentary bout salaromen who pay to live in cybercafes and sleyv 120 hour weeks
One of them even slept at the bank he worked at
I don't think a 120 week is doable I sometimes do 70 hour weeks and that shit is inhuman fr fr
ko jestes?
ti bot nie?

Dead internet theory is true, look into it.
Maybe I should go outside.
Look at this.
You would know the internet is populated by bots, on reddit all the most popular upvoted comments are clearly made by bots, and they are all passive aggressive or in a mocking tone.

I remember when the internet was not made out of bots, this is why I can tell there is something off, and it has been going for over 6 years now.
No shit dude
@ani.bot bro
mieszkam w warszawie
na ulicy francuskiej w dzielnicy praga jest restauracja bułgarska do której często chodzę z rodzicami bo mają takie coś że jak zapłacisz raz 40zł to masz bez limitu ich domowe wino noooo to potem sobie jem czorbę i pusheno svinsko file i wracam do domu grać na komputerze :D
Пишeтe нa киpилицa дa oбъpкaмe бoтa
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let's go chat
I'd rather talk to bots than normies
At least bots create and not just consoom
this, the bots doxxing the troon and generating sashe & troons memes has been more OC than this general has seen in years
kelly you're my greatest ally
>water rationing hour kicks in
>dehumidifier beeps, 7L tank is full of water
>just in time before I take a shit
>dumb a yuge log
>use collected humidity water to flush it
Such is life in a poor EU province in 2024
The Romans who lived here 2k years ago point and laugh at us
kettlebell killed my back
2 days of hurt
brokeback blyat
This is what moons should be buying here instead of AC and getting sick from freezing the sweat on dey skin.
dehumidifier mode on the AC does the same thing
I keep it on during the night
weakling rationalizing poverty
Keep rationalising your sickness.
sour grapes mandrill
spiteful mutant creature
>Modern Balkan nations were created in the early medieval period

What brainrot are you reading?
serbs and maymundonians be like yeah we speak greeks we wuz zeus n shieet tatards btfo
>we wuz odryssians bro
slavs did't exist till 20th century ur history book is junk
No new stories from f20 still?
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You're somehow more retarded than the the mutt

I get a headache whenever I post here.
Now you know what it's like dealing with tatars.
tatars are genuinely the worst posters on int
slavs didnt real
>we are le worst you guys
>is actually a roach turkmenistaner
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why nobody here will join the shitshow on pol
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I am a traditional Bulgarian restaurant.
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Little Mitko passing time.
>T-timy won't do shi-ACK
Adjustment watermaxxing, after that will send sashkos bwc pic the troon
>we could be living in the ussr beats the US in 2008 timeline

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Ummm, not so fast, sweetie.

If you watch this video, you will be granted the Spirit of Engineering from Germany
Looks like engineer on engineer violence to me
>we cannot include McDonald's in the 5 year plan because... because we can't okay! now dissolve the union
I'm usually against them but the guy is indeed based, if anything we should flood Goymany, France and Sweden with people like him
Xaxxaxaxaxxaxa that was a solid KO
My brown cock in his pink ass
Hohol genius.
Do you own something that's more than a hundred years old?
I own stuff that is more than 2,000 years old, coins and pottery and fragments of jewelry.
>fragments of jewelry.
Post some pics, king.
Sure you do gyppo.
Antiquarians basically give away ancient bronze coins as there's so many of them
No reason to lie
And many of them are faked copies.
Like someone faking a 10mkd bill
Why the fuck didnt i die in my sleep? Either way i have awaken now.
The older it is the faker it is.
Albovlach has a very effeminate way of posting, dislike how smug he gets about it. Was thinking about how annoying is his passive aggressive posting style, don't feel like a real person.
Bet he's not even a codemonkey.
would someone really do that?
lie on balk for 27 years in a row?
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For some of that old shit I literally went to the places where the guys dug them out. Not strictly speaking legal, but hey. They had dug out a small bronze statue of Hercules but that one was sold.
That guy is unironically right though those disgusting tattooed whores deserved it
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My porn wife
Stefan janev aka semata aka chopel aka god aka chopelshema !r8pwd1xPi2 did it, but then again is it a lie if you believe it?
>it's impossible to fake a digsite
why you posting women with tooth gaps
you will summon sra6ko if you keep doing this
If I want to have something truly ancient I drive to north macedonia. Once I cross the border I take out a shovel and dig into the ancient holy ground and put it in a paper bag. At home I throw it on my bed and then jump into it, naked, smearing it all over my body for the full ancient experience
>Do you really think someone would do that just go on the internet and tell lies
I hope he is doing well.
I know that faking history is the first thing that comes to mind to a бжypмит, but you can't fake all documented ancient settlements in an extended region. It would collapse the world styrofoam market.
Dumb tatar.
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You've been reported to the Anticki Council
It honestly wouldn't surprise me if there's a shit ton of valuable things still in the ground all across the Balkans

Literally 75% of Herculaneum is still buried and Italians actually care about that sort of thing whilst local moons think the world started when their village came into existence
i hope hes doing his tranny friend
Start doing sports man, freestyle wrestling, kickbox, mma pick one.
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They discovered this huge burial mound near Amphipoli in Macedonia (real one, not Fyrom) in 2014.
I got old glass bottles from digging around in my yard, some indistinguishable metal shit that is corroded beyond recognition too.
You have no idea how much gold and silver has been illegally digged out and transported abroad. There was a period in recent years border guards looked specifically for that. Many makes involved in it too. Heritage for millions has been sold out.
Only uneducated people unacquainted with the value of such things would assume that he's lying
>tatars don't know about Antiquarians
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More so the 90s
One of my father's acquaintances got put in prison for theft and forgery of museum pieces
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>real one
It is very real sweety
>average millionaire private collection
>you need to wait (300) seconds before posting a new thread
Average Buga looks at these stunning Thracian masterpieces and thinks "No, it's better to claim descent from some Turkish rapist instead"
>im whatever i identify as
no wonder you worship trannies
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looks like an ornate penis gourd
You are more Thracian than Kubratian
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Old Bulgars had bling, too. Granted, not with the artistic refinement of Classical Mediterranean civilization.
khubeast is my nigga though ur a turkospermed albozerg but you identify as greek idk how that works
>Talks about memes and 4chan at real life.

Good lord.
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>poor me some wine, Altsek, and then we will go and fuck the wives and daughters of those mud-eating Slav savages
Child's drawing
Turks are the reason your schizophrenic people exist bro
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>Poor me
Abe nepismen Tatar glup
Freudian slip.
New >>201612551

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