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Sydney sweeney is a mong edition
get them in
Going to start dressing smarter. I’m 30 now. Time to put things into perspective. I can’t wear trainers and trackie bottoms anymore. It’s time to put a little effort in. Shirts. Trousers. Nice shoes. Smarten myself up. Clean shaven. Always. If I respect myself, others will respect me. That comes through how you present yourself initially. Time to get a move on.
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insult Indians at your own peril
dunelming a poo
mad how good bacon and eggs is
no beans?
not this time
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think all i've ate in the past three days is cheese and bread
I feel the same but I'm 24
the dutch have all those same things we do don't let them fool you
thank fuck all the aussies have gone to bed
lads whats the correct way to pronounce "ibiza"
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okay mister you're getting extradited
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chilling with constantine in eboracum
I just got fucking raped here >>201608674
>correct way
no such thing
The gender gap in the marriage rate between Poles and Brits is absurd, Polish women are something like 8 times more likely to marry a British man than vice versa.
arsing a poo
omdz rorke what are those
nice gyno you fat cunt

>those trousers and creps
omd rorke
dead ting
Gym. Now.
odd post
*idles my van*
Just another day in samsara lads.
needs replacing with a statue of an obese black woman
i go to the gym everyday
>started as a meme account
>at some point got legitimately blackpilled and went from making funny jokes to just spamming racist shit all day at politicians and celebrities
Surprised he didn't get banned sooner to be fair
looking good rorke
don't listen to the haters
now on I'll be learning spanish. wasted too much time online doing fuck all
wonder what goes through the skulls of these thick cunts that can’t tell the difference between your and you’re
must be properly brain damaged
squealing a poo
Sometimes I'll just idle my car for half an hour and smoke out the window to make sure my battery doesn't go flat
get the ulez zones chartered rorke
you're the cleaner there i take it
thirdie language
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wide hips
>this is the guy who brags about shagging
lmao even
Their vending machine got a good selection? Lord knows you're not using any other machine in that building.
aprender español no vale la pena
nadie habla el idioma y ni siquiera le importa a nadie
corrrr tart im meeting for a shag tomorrow is sending me some absolute filth
Anyone else witness that epic spainnonce meltdown last night?
Get yourself a refund lad
for the longest time i thought it was a leftypol account taking the piss out of rorkes. what a bizarre turn of events
ive seen a bunch of those cameras being cut down by people calling themselves bladerunners in full blackout getups
is absolute fucking cringekino
people just make a quick mistake innit
rorke taking his speeding ticket to court
only stupid english mistakes i make are than/then because i literally say them the same way and spelling of uncommon phonetically inconsistent words that I rarely use
Like I never pronounce the N in environment but im apparently a brainlet if I forget that stupid letter. Dumb language
lads whats the correct way to pronounce "eboracum"
no I train to failure, I'm just eating exess calories to try put muscle on before cutting at the new year

I'm a 31 year old kissless virgin.
mate you're a fat ugly manlet gimp
you have no room to be criticising other's appearances do you?
shut up adam
any York men in?
drop bears are a shite gimmick desu
used to cry myself to sleep knowing i'll never get my finger all the way up my nose
it's over for the fatty
looks like you're failing to train my nigga
I see the vision of the future Brucie.... we must make our fortunes and become an aristocrat class in Latin America. There will be no ethnostate we must kikemaxx
>I'm a 31 year old kissless virgin.
fair enough at least you admit you're ugly no offence
>just bnc ure ugly that means u cant call other people ugly
bizarre bnrainlet take
I’m a yorkshireman-American
Moving out of my parents gaff for good next Friday and I legitimately couldn't be happier. Living with your autistic dad and neurotic mother as a 22 year old is hellish.
I'm not ugly, my face is above average.
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Would have loved to have visited Russia before it became a bit of a no no desu
post pics
rorke you can't idle here you're in an ulez we're going to ban you from driving now
diego projecting hard here
seems very unlikely
happy to be proven wrong with a face pic tho
rorke idling in his 2008 ford focus puffing on his vape
if you can go to the gym and lift 7 days a week you arent lifting heavy enough
you need a day off a week if youre actually trying hard enough
He kept going on about how he was bullied at school for wiping his arse with wet wipes. Then someone called him bulliedbumhole lad and he went on a 7 thread megamelty. Bradleys were flying left and right.
is it normal to shag without a condom on the first date? rooted a bird off bumble on the 2nd date even though i told her ive got no jimmies on me she didnt care and shagged me anyway, felt a bit greng
just scranned a slug lads, can feel a strange sensation on my upper lip...
not wonked for 5 days
>happy to be proven wrong with a face pic tho

Check Grindr in York x my username is Rorke69
nah, full of divs who go to the shit uni
yeah but we'll make them speak english

not going to be doing this el soy nonsense
I genuinely think it was at first. Way back when he first started he would post pictures of his friends he was in sixth form with - then I suppose he started to get surrounded by that media and slowly became a turbo-rorke. Basically saw a bloke enter a /pol/phase in real time.
dont have grindr
got an A* in a-level Spanish
used it about a dozen times in the last 10 years
good for watching the occasional Spanish language film though
any Windows 10 men in?
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see x
did this with a bird and on the second shag i spunked up her
yes lad
blog on
Get the ULEZ cameras set up
Get the Low Traffic Neighbourhoods established
Get the Cycle Superhighways laid
Japanese fella sitting cross legged on the floor like he's in primary school
sacked tranny jealous he's got a more feminine body than him
He is such a fucking freak
honestly starting to regret punching my mum in the face
is there another uni there besides York?
not really a shit uni is it
*raised paw*
yeah, my laptop doesn't support 11
Did this on the first date with my gf of five years
as the french say, poolay poo
it is a shit uni yeah, one of them that had to beg to get into the rustlers group
you in heat, ST?
the york uni (good) then york st john (bad)
all cities are like this though. you have the good uni, then the knock-off one riding on the coattails of the good one
every think about taking it up the arse?
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>my laptop doesn't support 11
get the ferry tickets booked
nothiong says "i shag" like shitposting on brit at 3pm on a sunny friday afternoon
Old Barry Stanton was a much better gimmick
it's raining
doing a sex poo
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whats your thought on wiping your arse with wet wipes?
anyone have some isopropyl alcohol and earbuds i can borrow?
have eaten the exact same meal for over a month
only variation has been bananas and oranges as snacks on the side
getting fucking bored as fuck but its the right thing to do
>running windows on a laptop
unless you need windows for work programs don't run that bloated crap
>coworker last seen 3 hours ago on teams
ooooh poor show poor show
got bumpupu in my fantasy football team
i run windows 10 education
bryan ferry?
It's bad for the environment and puts animals at risk.
sacked tranny!
>breathing air
you shouldn't breathe that. i know FAR better than you on this subject, you plebs.
i'm in folding
*sprays isopropyl on you*
toilberg wont do shit
can’t hate this chap for valuing his own time more
what meal
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*gives you a banana*
good job
need a hobby
any suggestions?
so you walk around with a dirty smelling arse all day?
da fuck toilberg gon' do?
youtube sex arse reviewer
posting the same thing on /brit/ day after day?
rock climbing
is that george floyd
If you want to speedrun getting a STI then sure
or mountain biking if you’re some kind of freak
rorke buying 99% IPA thinking it’s time to get on the cans
Business idea: snackpacks but they're served with pork instead of just beef and chicken
remember that hit up and coming pornstar who committed suicide because of bullying she received after flashing her boobies at a george floyd protest
stone skpping
get the fucking bread defrosted me lad
basmati rice + shredded chicken breast + tuna + bacon + sweetcorn + peas, chicken stock into the mix with some cheese on top then in the oven to finish
pretty balanced macros and about 450-500kcal per serving
breakfast lunch and dinner
thawing a poo
amazon delivery just got me killed
putting rorke in the ulez
How do I stop being such a timid bitch.
car broke down so will have to walk a good couple of miles to the shop for steamingtoil tonight
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its a george floyd anti homeless bench lol
sackedtranny and diego should fuck then they wouldn't shit up this thread with incel nonsense
not got a bike?
sounds rank tb h
the i need a hobby post has been made about 30 times in the last two weeks and always gets lots of replies
people love to tlak about their hobbies and suggest them to others i suppose
Americans be like
strange post
ever try drug induced mania? works for me
just got milk on my keyboard
Big fat belly next to my cock makes it look smaller than it actually is :/
yeah but I left it at toil like a muppet
this is all my own doing as well, car broke down because I didn't check the oil
reaping what I sow as it were
its not too bad but yknow its not junk food and its p boring
tried growing a pair?
yeah it's my gimmick.
man milk?
Get them hobbies
Get them housed
Get them wanked off
new cars not even ulez
fuck you sadiq i wont drive the shitty eurobox
>this is all my own doing as well, car broke down because I didn't check the oil
grim, its over
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>spam something for weeks
>yeah thats mine
>its my gimmick
miss when memes were organic
bedroom isn't smelly. my problem is it gets extremely dusty since I only clean it when it gets bad
2 litres of Pepsi Max is my limit
I've hit the wall
Got the Pepsi spasms like crazy
just woke up
what? aren't diesels from like 2010 or something fine?
Wonder if yanks know that all our roads and cars are in mph like them and not km/h like europe
yeah diesels from 2016 which cost a fortune
mines from 2011
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i'm not even that fat, I'm 83kg, bulking to about 86-87 then cutting to low bodyfat, I have bad body proportions and fat depoists all on the love handles/tits
my room is both smelly and dusty
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mate sorry there is no way you go to the gym
its just skinny wrists, nothing can be done about that
it gets dusty under my bed and it's a pain to clean
this says a lot about our society
oh right
why are you cutting when you're so weak
you should just be lean gaining with your newbie gains you are a stick
and 83kg is fucking fat for those tiny arms unless you're above 6'5
poor puppy :(
Your forearm is as thick as your bicep and you can see your tits through your shirt
Stop wearing polo shirts, they look awful.
bloke wears khakis *skull*
How will you react when an NHS bureaucrat enters your place of work and says it's time for your health MOT?
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insomnia is beyond a joke now, i haven't slept for more than 2 hours at a time in over a week
so this is rorke
your wrists are the least of your problems you dont evne look skinny fat you look chubby fat
tbf your horrible fitting clothes might make it worse but it's hard to tell if it's just because you have a really badly proportioned body (no hate) or just you buy really ill fitting clothes
like look at that shirt
it's tight as fuck around your arms and then baggy as fuck around your middle
just bizarre
post nut clarity hits diff after you've had a raw go on a girl off the apps
Carefully crafting my new persona
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Man looks like he lives on a diet of wotsits and robinsons squash and goes to the gym just to play badminton
mate you're in denial
diegoat going in 2 footed there tbf
Mental how the Labour goverment he was a part of as Transport Minister pushed diesel like mad around the late 2000s and now the very people who bought those cars in good faith believing it was the right thing to do are now being financially punished for by the very people who told them to do it
Simply staggering that more is not made of this
Politicians need to be [redacted]
have you tried counting sheep x
>bulking to about 86-87 then cutting to low bodyfat
Just cut now
amerirorke sitting on the mexican border
have you been to a doctor?
wildly unpredictable, me
i got that summertime summertime sadness suh suh summertime summertime sadness
the dream
>clean flat
>track calories
uh, what other chores do i need to do?
probably hide in the toilet
get them housed
get them wanked
>wait 3 weeks for an appointment
>have to pay a $70 co-pay
>get told there's nothing they can do
no thanks
Diego squatting naked over a mirror to check if he's still a virgin
wank your willy so you don’t send desperate whilst doing solodrinkingtoil
got to keep the libido depressed like
listening to racist music
reading racist books
watching racist movies
Shouldn't have eaten those cereal bars last night
>everyone grilling this guy when he's probably fitter than 90% of the thread
Bitter little virgin hours
diego replying to this post
cant decide whether to get steaming or poo steaming
the gaels still occupy northern britannia
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im sorry i wasnt there to house them
sydney sweeney is not famous in south korea
so i don't know why this american actress is an ambassador for samsung
she has been to south korea several times, and there were no her fans in icn to welcome her
emma myers is much famous here
she and her sis speaks korean fluently
because her grandparents and mother lived in busan for a long time
he probably does have the average brit body type yes doesn tmean it's not hideous in both fashion and build
how do i clean my flat
Get the housed
Get them chips
Get them gin
Get them wanked off
have been listening to german marching bands on every run since the riots
it motivates me
why are foreigners so convinced we want to hear about their dull country's lore
I don't know who she is either
How can I refer to female waitresses in a casual friendly way?

I often call young male waiters "boss" or "mate," but I'm not sure what equivalent terms would be appropriate for women
how do i get a flat
howling done him
walking racistly
you have to wait 3 weeks in australia too? thought we were the only shithole that had that problem
sugar tits
diego what's your favourite part of the painting?
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i just call them sugartits
time for daily sports direct mug of tea
*unzips bwc*
See anything you like?
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No more vodka. No more kebabs. No more waking up at 2pm. No more living in a pigsty. This ends NOW (next weekend).
i struggle with similar reservations, no matter what you call a woman there's always going to be some bitch out there who will be arbitrarily offended by it
Just say "excuse me, have you got a minute?"
just say babe but say it slightly gayly so they cant call you out or be known as homophobic
idk not really thought aobut it in terms of what's my favourite part
i think the geometry of the room is cool
but the main event is jesus look at him
our lord and saviour blessed be he
crawling up the stairs on all fours racistly
hes talking shit
i might have to wait a week to bulk bill but if im paying anywhere near $70 copay im getting in tomorrow and im telling them i want whitey no chang or ngubu
hiya love x
Only works if you're northern though
how do vacuum then clean with a damp cloth, or vice versa?
sick of seeing everyone get wanked off except me
illegal to be English in England nowadays
your arms and hands are so tiny, like a womans

the new desk chair as it were
only need 1-2 of the /brit/ autists to pick up on my gimmiques and I basically run the general
>illegal to be English in England nowadays
omg i was literally just saying this down the pub
You should be drinking gin instead of vodka, much better for the anglo man's constitution.
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we can do it too bros follow lord miles
"get them wanked off" is vying for gimmick of 2024 imo
Gin is vile.
can you freeze houmous?
have been on the gin a lot more this summer than usual weird that
Good way to get cardio in.
Kier Starmer is planning on opening borders between the UK and EU but claims this does not violate the previous negotiations because it will only apply to a select group

So in other words young people now have to compete with all of Europe, Asia, and Africa to work at McDonalds
cardio is antiracist
hate cleaning the cunting bathroom
when i next move, im getting a place with a walk-in shower and flat glass panels.
that select group is wogs coming to the uk from europe
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name my band /b/rit
Yes they arrived over 2000 years ago mate and used to occupy the south too
Whats wrong with lass
my grandpa used to say you can always smell a gin drinker
Got to go out for lunch with my sister on Sunday
is lifting pro-racist?
this guys freezing homos
might get the lawns mowed, y'know
get it done
If I was under 30 I'd be thanking him for getting me out of this shithole
get a steam cleaner
180 quid
fucking dogshit
lifelong “lesbian” NEET friend confessed i “make her feel some type of way”

unsure of what to do with this information
and your sister is going out for lunch with her brother on Sunday
sorry, that was mean
parkrun tomorrow
doubt ill make it
might just go for a long run instead
get her shagged you mongo
not sure what drinks to buy
considering a crate of birra morreti or asahi and possibly a cheap bourbon
will you wear a cute dress to mog her and get all the attention from the guys, she'd be seething lmao
Get her housed
Get her wanked off
Last time I went out with my sister she asked if I had autism because I kept talking to the pigeons and magpies like seasideMARK does.
tbf housing slags is exactly what brit needs to do
greggs poo bap
why not fed?
Haven’t ran since PE in high school. Worried I’ve forgotten how
there is nothing wrong with making fun of the mentally retarded if they are above a certain IQ level
for example sacked tranny thinks he's a woman and he's at least 80-90 IQ so therefore it's perfectly acceptable to make fun of him
Easy there Pierce.
theyre putting little white girls in the kebab meat theyre fine
he's learning judo and russian mate don't forget that

oh i do like that post
have to dust a bunch of shelves full of junk that I have to move out of the way fuck off

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