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swede edition
Little warwick 'ere 'as a message for ya:
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Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me.
BELLOWING at mum to make another brew, dying of thirst here in my bedroom, not on is it
Bet are Warwick has an absolute whopper between his little legs
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>>201650424 #
Have you ever had a friend in your entire life?
You’re almost 30 years old and you pretend to be learning Russian so you have something boring to blog about here with a tripcode.
How do you see yourself making it to 40 years old without killing yourself?
whats a good game i can play?
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sacked tranny tits
watched dogma (1999) the other night
i remember it being less stupid when i saw it as a kid
Screaming in my smelly bedroom at this post. Whoever made it should have saved it for this thread.
His mental illness is spiraling downward quickly
He hasn’t even posted “poo smells lmao” in ages
I think he’s starting to clue in about how grim his fucked up lonely incel 600 lbs life is
there's nothing wrong with being almost 30 years old
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Mate Spaino hasn't posted here in 6 weeks now.
Von Trier is a hack
>i of course played all of the tiny mutant creatures in them
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I wish my bedroom was smelly but mumberg has just finished passive aggressively hoovering it and spraying Fabreeze the fucking BITCH

She was hitting the legs of my gaming chair as well with the hoover while she was doing it
hate furries with a burning passion
vile vile creatures so they are
My IQ is at least 175
It takes less than a moment for me to recognize your posts
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are you coming for a walk anon?

Have you ever had a friend in your entire life?
You’re almost 30 years old and you pretend to be learning Russian so you have something boring to blog about here with a tripcode.
How do you see yourself making it to 40 years old without killing yourself?
fiddle with nice smelling girl hair
nazi furries are the funniest thing i've ever heard of
Did she drop the "I'm going to open this window to let some fresh air in" nuke at the end?
spoiler that hog
haha imagine if these beautiful cat ladies were real and they went into a ‘heat’ every few months that required them to have sex with young men, and you were one of those young men whom they had sex with. i would find that quite pleasurable : - D
Get her arse shagged
YES!!!!!! Fucking bitch
reminds me of that one youtube channel that was of a furry explaining some rorke social position and throughout the video the furry's feet got more and more smelly, can't remember for the life of me what the video of channel was called but it was so well done and so bizarre it made me think the entire thing was actually a well scripted wind up
if anyone remembers what it's called please post it because it's funny as fuck
need to stop taking long drags of my vape that make my head spin out and almost suffocate to death
Fucking mental how im already an oldfag now im like 22 and been on this site for 3 years
How did it come to this?
a nice full tit in and around my mouth
Get them rounded up
Get their boats sunk
Get them on the plane to Rwanda
yes my lovely
Sir Keir Starmer? More like Chairman LMAO
i know right i'm 19 and i've wasted my entire life
You are just an economic unit, all humans are just economic units. The United Kingdom exists just to facilitate economic activity. Close your eyes and think of the GDP.
do you wash your crotch area?
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Day 14 without the demon drink
Wondering what that lad whose mum was going to Greggs decided to order in the end
Sir Queer Sharter
I would take your five dirty mugs downstairs into the kitchen for some bargaining power later on.
off the muck this weekend lads. fresh start and all that.
>3 years
ya govuryyoooooo russski yasik (in ruby grangers voice)
Might go into carework to molest all the mentally il
Everyone makes fun of pajeets and everyone hates pakis but nobody mentions Bangladeshis.

Do they have any kind of reputation in the UK?
thought I was the youngest here at 22 kek, we will be having ipad kids on /brit/ sooner or later
80% of Indian restaurants and takeaways are owned by Bangladeshis
ipads have been around for 15 years mate
there is no appreciable difference
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sir eggy farter
just another variety of paki
shamima begum was bangladeshi iirc
Incredible news. The woman upstairs has actually complained to the council about my farting. I eat well and sometimes get really bad flatlance, which as anyone in my position knows, is a very enjoyable experience. I love the satisfaction of letting rip. Anyway, it turns out that in the dead of night it's more than loud enough to disturb her sleep, and she even claims to be able to smell it. I really don't see how they can enforce this, I'm just going to claim it's a medical condition and act all offended.
Got the slowdive on
Really worth 2 years in jail for your "funny meme" is it?
stroke soft girl arm and hold little hand
I sometimes have a look at the ScottishFootball subreddit to see what's happening and the patter is so shite it really is.
>inb4 blog on, jog on, fog on
Redditors are subhuman
kahteem sterling
pooing last night's Thai chicken wings
blog on jog on and fog on mate
going to tell my therapist im in love with her tomorrow
How's arsenal getting on? Any updates?
the patter is dire but occasionally can be good
there are much worse pits in the abyss that is scottish reddit
Mental how I'm going to be racist for the rest of my life and I'm predicting I'll be even more racist in the future. Miss the honeymoon period of 0-12 when I wasn't racist.
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honestly ive gotten less racist over time. finding out im 1/16 aboriginal sealed the deal
Im twenty twink too, wanna have some fun x
Went to the dental hygienist today lads, fucking hell its so satisfying when they scrape all the shit out of your teeth with the metal poker

highly recommend
would go but i got no nhs dentist
may have to go private
Wasn't racist until I started browsing 4chan at 19
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>brighton MANAGER is the same age as me

Why are there two Biggleswades?
18 year olds living away from mum and dad for the first time getting blackedraw during freshers week soon
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It's full of pish like this or recycled Simpsons memes. Sick of it
Haven't been at an NHS dentist since I was about 10. This cost me £65
why are there two manchesters?
hilary duff is not quite old enough so,
i ain't never seen a butt like that
maybe next year i'll say "ass" and she'll make my peepee go
just woke up feeling really gay this morning
aye it’s grim man
would you suck a willy to completion (guaranteed to be aids and monkeypox free and no one would find out) in return for a payment of £1000?
having a grilled cheese and tomato sarnie
No, I'd pay £50 to do it
make it £10,000 and i'd consider it
would do it for free
any of you lads get oasis tickets then?
this is a chatbot
no but all my mates did ;(
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sorted r kid mad fer it
singing along to some happy songs x
The chairman of Biggleswade United is Guillem Balague. Fucking hell
just a bunch of angry Glaswegians pretending not to hate each other. "I may be a rangers fan but that is a tidy signing for Celtic" fuck off. you're clearly raging and are just trying to make it sound like you're not.
mod haircut wankers love their fucking mod haircuts
don't really like him
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Didn't get an email from them so now I fucking HATE ToeAIDSsis!
Sweden mentioned.
Would you suck my bellend in return for £200 oasis tickets?
i'd suck it but I don't want to go see oasis
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a £200 oasis ticket is the shitest seat in Murrayfield
mad how many Scottish cunts are on /brit/ I reckon we outnumber the English and Welsh combined.
All the studentmongs will be sucking her clit off with that tweet.
>Arsenal time wasting at home against Brighton to get a draw
might go to the paki shop and steal
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I'm 22 and I'm currently texting a 37 year old woman from work who is peng as.
Shitting it, but it's going successful so far lads.
Love Lebanese knockers
turning 30 soon and still have no clue what i’m doing haha
ask to see her tits then post them on here
clapmeat for the cronem
didn't buy any in the end
wondering if maybe i should have got 4 and resold them fore like a grand each
cos not sure how they could possibly figure out if a standing ticket was resold
but idk. never personally gonna spend 358 quid on a ticket to see a band i don't even like that much
yeah got 6
post the webm please
love chebanese knockers
Crabmeat for the con man
I don't really feel any shame about being a virgie anymore. Being around shaggers half my age doesn't really embarass me.
Why did British documentaries have such cool intros
might start cooking
not sure
very much undecided
coin for the ferryman
Loved it, used to watch it every Saturday afternoon when it was on
get that fookin cooker on
Soon may the weatherman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
>The killing of badgers to curb the spread of bovine tuberculosis will be ended in 2029
just had a 4 egg omelette
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could you make like sweet porridge?
like as a dessert?
bit like rice pudding with oats not rice?
they really hate farmers don't they
FUCKS sakes this porn acting. need a kick up the arse the lot of them, pull their finger out and get a clue
watch (and pay for) some DIY JOI stuff
proper acting
remember the weeping angels from doctor who lads?
as scary as they were, getting sent back to the 1920s to live out a decent life with foreknowledge of the future that you could exploit to get rich doesn't seem so bad
Might go to the chinky massage for a £40 wank
"I may be a Rangers/Celtic fan but I think those chants are shocking blah blah blah" then you go onto their profile and they're calling the other side huns/taigs in the club reddits
stick this on
what is that what happened if they got you? dont think i was able to follow stories very well as a child i assumed you just disappeared and died
The best feature of British English, right dislocation is.
dadberg currenty out mowing the small patch of grass next to our driveway because he does a better job than the council
yeah their thing was they killed you by sending you back to the past and you die of old age before you get back to your time
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>make fun of pajeets on here non stop
>exclusively fuck Indian birds
>make fun of pajeets on here non stop
>Indian birds exclusively make me mango lassi and samosas every time I visit
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theyre gonna take you back to the past x
got willy wanked
got shit shat
got the lunch scranned
got the ibuprofen swallowed
got the bevvies in to do it all again
might go to 'esco to get some 'hite 'ine to get 'teaming on
what it's like to browse /brit/
gonna have to dig it all up now and re-lay it
health and safety init
mad how I read this easily without any hesitation
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No you dont, be quiet
went on a blind date with a girl who turned out to be indian once, wanted to leave as soon as i saw her (and heard her voice with that horrid pajeet accent) but didn't want to be rude
I mean what if you used your knowledge of the past to change the future, does the mean your future self won't be sent back which invalidates the whole thing?
got steamingtoil with stayingathomebymyselfberg today
ok there was quite a funny bit in this porn she was like this to her toilberg "stop telling me what to do im on my way to being a hotshot lawyer like you" and toilberg was like "lawyer? im a graphic designer!" and then she was like "graphic design 'er? i hardly know her!" and then they scissored
just imagine her on her knees with a gaggle of hard black men over her all wanking their massive olied bbcs aimed at her tits until they spray jungle juice over her
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depop wank might be on the cards later
Feels like when Top Gear and David Tennant Doctor Who was on was the last time Britain was cool internationally.

For Australia it was Steve Irwin.
no you can't for wibbly wobbly timey wimey reasons
had a little giggle imagining this
Birra Moretti is so shite.
My gf actually is Indian, not joking.
bought used bras from the ol' pop for some very naughty wankeroos
You're trying to show off here but no one is impressed. It would be impressive if she was Chinese but she isn't.
preferred matt smith 2bh
ever squirt your raita up her chana masala pipe?
cunt shouting into his phone ouside
last gf was polish
never dating a foreigner again, suffice to say I learned my lesson
except maybe a spanish bird they look peng
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Need a Lebanese Mexican
my gf is paki
reckon if britain had never colonised india then pajeets would have nothing to be butthurt about and would simply crumble into dust
polish girls look like they'd try to slip a finger in your arse
not sure what i'm basing this on other than john's antics shagging eastern european sloots on faketaxi
respect other people’s cultures lad

for many cultures in modern multicultural Britain, talking very loudly into a mobile phone held in front of one’s face rather than pressed to the ear is culturally important
Miss that satisfying feeling of biting into hard foods when you've got a wobbly baby tooth and seeing if it will fall out.
Right does her family approve?
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wish mexicans were this fit in real life
her sisters, sure. im sure she keeps it on the dl with her parents
he's probably a paki and his gf is just his cousin
They better or he'll just batter her dad to mushy pulp with his BWC.
it's a deano looking bloke
getting the stellar blade downloaded
sex tummy and breast erotic
love a jelly me
fucking get the oil just stopped and get every front garden ripped up and tarmac’d over so you can park your mercedes
How did the tradition come about?
Any lonely man in
such a lonely day
should be banned
>be me, a tradesman
>take on a job to replace a few light bulbs and fit a socket
>client is a lovely white male/indian female couple, not married yet
>boyfriend is an office worker
>girlfriend immediately shows interest, making me mango lassi and samosas
>constantly coming over to chat and flirt
>says boyfriend is away tomorrow visiting family but I should come back to "make sure everything is OK with the job"
>understand the brief
>return the next day
>she answers the door in tight leggings and a crop top
>says the house has CCTV so we have to be careful
>go to her car
>do the needful
>boyfriend comes home mid-coitus
>catches us violently rutting in her car
>starts screaming at her, says he only just bought her the car and this is how she chooses to repay him, etc
>turns to me and thanks me again for a great job on the electrics, says he'll have my money Monday from 9am and that I can collect anytime
>wipe my knob on the seat
>put clothes back on
>know that on Monday I will redeem £360 for that job
I'm so alone
Just been for an incelride, saw a few incelwalkers, could've been you.
Me but I've started a new hobby and this Chinese lass at it keeps talking to me every week I go to it
Been screaming for half an hour from my bedroom to get mum to make me breakfast but just learned she went out to the shops
i sense a lot of misogyny around the thatcher debacle
Is she cute?
You ever just tired and don’t know why?
I too have a hobby place I go to every week, I love my hobby so much
Yeah but I'm not putting too much thought into it because I'm a massive autist
>Body moisturiser
>Roll on deodorant
>Anti perspirant deodorant
>Body spray
>Clean clothes
>Spray of perfume on neck
>Hand cream for hands
>Teeth brushed, flossed and rinsed with mouth wash
Yep, I'm ready to leave for work.
Just put on contact lenses for the first time in a decade. Whole new world really. Now if I could fix my skin, hair, teeth, eye bags and mind I might be a shagger
breakfast? at 3pm?
Wondering what these hobbies are
spainfreak desperate for his tradesmen gimmick to catch on
what a pathetic wanker
get your arse out
hobbycels going to posting all their favourite hobbies in a minute
he's set them off now
I have two hobby places
One of them is bouldering but I'm not saying the other one (it's a sport)
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going to my.. "hobby" tonight
Moving from A to B is not a hobby.
I knew it was boulderingwanker, such a narcissist
>Left wing PM who grew up under Thatcher says her portrait gives him the heebiejeebies
>Gets it moved to a different room
Honestly that was reasonable and his prerogative
Can imagine a Tory doing it with James Callaghan and don't see why that would be big deal either
I'm another bouldering wanker
Is rape a hobby?
sucking a covfefe
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coffee wank then shower then im off out
only for migrants, for everyone else it's a crime
what hobby do you participate in rapelad? model railways?
Trying to minimise covfefe input it stains my nashers
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hate this moany jewish cunt
a LOT of very fit adult women in the town today it must be said
the lovely, lovely missus
the name's Eoghan O'Driscoll and I'm a proud Englishman
for those of us (me) who enjoy a cheeky passout after ordering food when drunk (also me) the airfryer is a godsend
can whack all sorts of slop in there for good results when steaming and never once have to give a paki your money
Oh yes he likes to lay track does our rapelad
you can't fry air
get pearl drops
mental how im going to have piles for the rest of my life because ill never let my arse get seen to.
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I can hardly read /brit/ with my contact lenses on. These are helping me to become more of a shagger already and I haven't even left the house yet. Goodbye virgin freaks
The Griff Rhys-Jones as it were
had a big meltdown a couple weeks ago, still not recovered
>I can hardly read /brit/ with my contact lenses on.
are you 80?
the name's Caelan Doyle and I'm a proud Englishman
let mine bleed for a couple of weeks and had to make improvised nappies to soak up blood because i wasn't showing my ringpiece to a doctor or have him finger it

cleared itself up on its own thankfully
time for some shopping lads x
get any pics?
quite glad ive got to an age where i no longer have to go out to clubs and that
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female perfection
its over for rorke
youve been replaced
lucky. i have considered popping it myself
grim thing to talk about but i dont know where else to talk about it.
Spoiler that hog and buy an ad
she has a lovely puffy inny tuppence, don't see any of the nasty flaps inside
'sheer' is a good search there if you want to continue looking for shopping items
Could heem a Chinese for dindins
tuppence means arse
mad how depop is full of runts selling complete dogshit at ridiculous prices
was thinking this too but been giving the chinky chinaman too much money recently
I'm a Roman Catholic of Irish descent and I pray every day for England to become Catholic again.
You wouldn't!
whys her nipple so high up
why are "jerk off instructions" a thing
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why are they like this?
Just go to the fucking doctor rorke, ffs. Dr. Ranjit has seen it all
Mental how the whole trad cath movement is spawned on virgins not getting their hole.
*Burns you in effigy every year*
wagecattle need to be told what to do at every waking moment, if they aren't being told what to do, they feel useless and restless
Got the gay porn on
Yooooo what's up guys, Rorke here back with another video
*repressed gaybos not getting their hole
You never read Brideshead?
i’m a mega coomer and the appeal of it is lost on me
i think it’s a boomer fetish
There has never been a more pampered and celebrated people (entirely in disproportion to their merits) than bantus in the West. He/She (genuinely can't tell) knows he/she can get away with it.
filtering to size 14, 16, and 18 will get you all of the chebzillas too or so I've heard
what on earth ever gave you the idea they wouldn't be like this
>who gon check me
i laughed
>He/She (genuinely can't tell)
he's got a 'tashe
God bless brother
I'm not a 'trad cath', I'm just Catholic.
I don't condone violence, Guy Fawkes invited his death upon himself unfortunately.
The female sheboons do too
fuck off am i paying £30 for that its in tatters
Bet old mate even thinka Vatican II was a good idea
clever of this upstanding gentleman to film himself in the act
ahh, just noticed the little chinny beard
noticed recently that some blacks have awful facial hair growth
I like Bishop Williamson
Polish girls are classless skanks, they make Irish women look dignified
does sacked tranny have to get the bus to aldi?
When you say autistic shit like “I pray every day for England to become Catholic again.” you’re defo a trad cath
saw him on edward dutton a few years ago
>POC are violently hacked to death in Nottingham Hill
>the far right does nothing
The racism is clear for all to see now
knob's coming out
rorke seething over lidl losing 40p of profit
giant arse rip in the pyjamas
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This world has gone to hell I tell ya
Was he speaking Latin
Most of the critics of Vatican II haven't even read the documents. Most of these trad caths are genuine larpers who prefer something be le 'based' than Christian.
more worried about dirty black hands contaminating my pain au chocolats
get your fucking willy out for the ira
Is thinking about tiny little tiny hairless pussies a crime?
Nope, it's called being Catholic.

shopping for an indian gf x
Feeling explosive
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so is your dad
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'y 'rn
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I look like that and say that
whoa he's just like me
You like that don't you you nonce bastard

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