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Alberta edition

Previous: >>201688198
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What new thing have YOU learned recently?
this is the thread
>canuck provinces
so fucking lame, mapcuck. Mexico's states are way cooler than icy square #1937391
there are literally zero mexicans in this thread
says desert square #3135
eating too many onions will make my ball sweat smell like onions even after 2 weeks
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I've been taking very long deep breaths all day every day since I quit smoking. It's pretty great
Mapchud refuses to let go
Mapchad threads are sovlfvl
did you not see the wasteland state the canadians left the last thread in?
recycle for later
good job buddy
did you stop cold turkey or are you using nicotine in pouches or vaping now ?
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jewess pilled again
it looks normal to me
cold turkey of course
I've never smoked
because you're fucked in the head
new beaner place opened up near me and they won't shut the fuck up
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why are they like this
>barbed wires
you live in the hood
now they brought out mexican elmo
i could tell by the mexicans
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Thunderstorm won't let up. I have ordered chinese pick up but now I can't go
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Yeah, I love PS2.
>The PS2 in question
Yeah, I like kissing you
>Kamala is leading though
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you're still seething from my post hours ago?
Politicstard loves his politics
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one of my army buddies turned out to be one of these joker wannabe freaks, disgusting. with the gay laugh and all
Trying to learn spanish but I just can't imagine myself ever speaking with that gay accent. Should be going for DEVTSCH instead
I know more about science politics and economy sociology thannany of you but I don't feel like talking about it today
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anyone had experience with ssris? yeah i'm getting nervous about it. ssris have been the backline of my comedy routine and now i'm supposed to hock em down every morning
learn the caraqueño accent, it's incomprehensible to euroid spanish and makes other latrinos seethe
I want government cheese
Yeah. It's really hard to cum with them and they make you gain a bit of weight but I think they work
They can help. Tell your psychiatrist if you feel like the side effects are too bad to continue.
she didn't she's a fucking fraud dumbass
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Maybe just use em temporarily until your life is together
Unless you need em to stop hearing voices or some shit
ssri’s helped my emotional episodes be less frequent and generally less intense
kind of brought me to a more stable base line .
I never felt more empty in my life than when I was on ssris, dont trust your shrink either, they get commission for writing prescriptions
she never worked there!
she also lied about listening to tupac in college (she was in college in the 80s) and fakes an ebonic accent when around blacks
Should I have a rotisserie chicken for dinner or a 6 piece of fried chicken?
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From where
>gas fillup 50 bucks
>food fillup 15 bucks
>walmart hoodie 12 bucks
i love hemorrhaging money
replying to a bunch of people in the same post is a very feminine trait
she fucking said it in a video interview that you can look up, holy shit the media is so corrupt
>Charlemagne ruined the interview with his dumb nigger bullshit
Dumb nigger
Thank you for supporting the American economy
rotisserie chicken sounds really good but that’s just me personally
people would get mad at me when i mass replied so now i limit it to replying to only two posts
mass replying is based, especially in webm or rate threads
I think you should stick with the McDonalds attack angle that one seems to be working a lot better. classic case of stolen mcvalour
semper fry brother
wanna fuck some latinx bitches
kek i didn't even notice that
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>It's really hard to cum with them
but you still get horny? or are you just kinda done with that too. honestly i won't mind if it's the latter
>and they make you gain a bit of weight
thats ok, i'm trying to do that anyways
>Unless you need em to stop hearing voices or some shit
i sometimes hear bits of sounds and whatnot that aren't there but it's nowhere near being a problem. still very worrying, especially when the bit of sound is believable enough to start making me question whether i actually heard it or i misheard something and basically sounds like ssris are a step in the right direction regarding all that nonsense
>I never felt more empty in my life than when I was on ssris
on one hand this is my biggest worry, on the other hand the more i think about my mental space i can't really think of it getting much worse. half of it is anxiety, the other half is distraction and escapism
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Mexicans have the best taste in anime
dragon ball is not good
anime is not good
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so saint jiub was soul trapped before the oblivion crisis 200 years ago before the events of skyrim
and teldry sero says he met him
that means teldryn sero is over 200 years old
some nigga named dex was in the projects layin threats, i jumped out the lincoln, left him stinkin, put his brains in the street now you can see what he was just thinkin
Manga is better but you're pleb with no childhood
Most of anything is bad, you always have to look for the good stuff
Big pun > big l
Are you going to riot over xitter?
america is a country full of maniacs, and it's awesome
put me on big fella, i've only listened to a few of his songs and they were cringe
if you have nothing to lose and you feel like your headspace can't possibly get any worse, there's no harm in trying at least . they helped me a lot
trudeau is pretty hot ngl
i never really used twitter except like once or twice to look up some porn artist
Not his song but he has the first verse and it's legendary
Also his song with black thought
Young Joseph Stalin is too. I guess dictators are sexy
i wouldn't tell my worst enemy to get on SSRI's
why is there one leaf who defends kamala like he wants her to fuck him
i don't like the beat and his rhymes are pretty one dimensional, he needs a better voice for those lyrics like biggie or thrust
Bro thinks he's American LOL
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I like Russia a lot I wish we could be bros
Jesus christ I need iron so badly I'm so fucking dizzy all the time. It's so hard to motivate myself to cook anything and meats so expensive. I just want a giant foot long steak right now
What would you do to them
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puccia ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>Big pun is one dimensional but punchline rapper big l is fine
have some cereal, it's quick and cheap
>washer my car yesterday
>See the spots I missed today
i take an iron supplement for this reason
i was always anemic and dizzy all the time
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so grim
big l has better instrumentals and a better voice, simple as
I have a foot long steak. Well, 7.5 inches but still
Fun fact: Derbent is where they had that Islamic State attack a few weeks ago killing 22 Russians. Looks like blessing the Holy and Sacred Quran didn't help at all.
i do like me some snownigga rap doe
Wow just like me except it left water spots
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America cries out for commieblocks
Who is your guys favorite wu tang member? For me it's inspektah deck
people realize kamala is literally just an empty puppet right
My swole knob your main girl cold slobbed and gave a blow job to my whole mob with no prob
is this innuendo for your peanits
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Kamala never ever worked at McDonalds
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she needs to be careful
She’s got my vote as a fellow McDonald’s Alumni
whichever one was in gravediggaz, can't be assed to remember anyone but ol dirty
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The projects already exist
Fuck I meant alumnus
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I only have a box of 2 year old stale original cheerios man...
i hate the working class
i love the antichrist
time for a shopping run anon, i like the special K with yogurt chunks
Everyone in this thread is a homosexual (except me of course)
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I like the "trump scat inflation" one the most
>the wu is too slamming for these cold-killer labels who ain't had hits since I seen aunt mabel. Be doing artists in like Cain did Abel now their money's getting stuck to the gum under the table
all men are at least a 1 on the kinsey scale
>fjallraven backpack
>technicolor workout clothing
>mustache + stubble combo
>ray bans
yep, it's gentrifying time
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They really hit him with the Mussolini huh
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Rza, the de facto leader of the group. He's my favorite producer in hip hop
He's ok, I liked his album with DJ Muggs
Brian shut the fuck up you absolute retard
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futanari inflation
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>if it's not mutt politics it's some gay mutt
must be tough getting mindfucked by american stuff all day
Brian lives in Wrigleyville
I should get a double quarter pounder with cheese
>american calling himself a mutt
did you forget to turn off your proxy?
Double quarter pounder? I hardly know ‘er!
scooters are based and don't deserve persecution, everything else makes sense
>type 5 letters or type 9 letters to describe mutts
the choice is simple
lack of empathy is a mental disease.
you really should. and some sort of soda, come on. the last time i had a quarter pounder, i was essentially starved from a prison. i know that sounds like iron man, but really! have one, heat it slightly if the cheese has gotten anywhere near solid, and let the divinity wash over you.
What was God cooking when he made stupid people the most talkative and assertive
one wheeler riders need to be run over by a car
Empathy must suck. Imagine consistently having your mind invaded by the thoughts and feelings of other people. No sir no thank you I'm doing fine
If you look at that map of Alberta. The National Park of Wood Buffalo offered me a job straight out of college. I am actually from Ontatio btw. I said no because it looked like the middle of nowhere with nothing to do other than kill animals and have bonfires.
I just don't like them
im voting for the felon
well think of it this way, people with empathy are glad you're doing so well with your emotional independence! we're all rooting for you.
show me someone deserving of empathy and I'll be more emphatic
Type shi
Total Ontarian death
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I will get a gf. You'll see. One of these days I wont' be alone anymore.
Having an older iphone is cringe because why does it take a whole month for a phone case. Amajew usually ships shit in like 5 days
empathy is a weakness, it's a women thing, it's different from logic and fairness
You missed out on the good life. Sad! Just imagine all the half-native children you’d have by now.
Same. This picture speaks volumes btw unironically. Grew up with a couple really dumb kids that always grinded and they're all homeowners now. I was in GATE mkultra and I'm a total loser
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*ruins your picnic*
Been hopelessly addicted to this kind of content for months
commieblocks are more sovl than suburban sprawl and i'm tired of pretending they're not
can you stop doing that
i hate having to check my drink for yellowjackets when i set it down for more than a few minutes
you literally said last night that you feel empathy why are you walking that back
That's because you're a soulless communist dog who should kill himself.
I could go for a banquet burger right about now
gonna have to buy a gun to protect myself from all these shitbulls
ants and flies, more like. i don't think i've ever had bees or wasps do it. but even ants are slow, and i'll give any prospective al-fresc-er's a tip: bring a little vinegar in a spray bottle. just spritz it in the grass around you, and your tiny friends will get the picture fast:
"oh, those are the giants' sandwiches"
I can't stop sleeping
that’s a good idea thanks ill do that next time
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What is this contraption
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Bad news bros I'm out of weed and the legal weed shop is closed today
the yuppie mobile
Imagine sharing the barracks with a guy who wants your butt
Is that a micropenis
is this a furry app
imagine? if things get any more intense in the world, i won't have to! they'll drag my heart-murmur'y ass into battle, and the guy from my barracks will be telling me how that last album was "mid as hell"
That's a nipple
at 28 it doesn't really feel correct to engage in anything except hunting and fishing
no but the woof shit is cringe
we had a barracks fag, he ended up getting fucked with a lot when the jokes got boring. i think he went to fort bliss if he didnt quit by now
Do you like 2% milk or whole milk?
>using capitalization
kinda cringe brian ngl
only 2%
If only there was some opportunity to prove how amazing I am and how effortlessly superior I am to other people
i prefer 1 percent
poster below is gay
yea actually not even 2%, i only drink skim which 0.01%
All these men are ugly. Brian confirmed ugly and probably a obesoid
Extremely rare good post
i hate milk
Milk hates you
Might suicide out of shame
zach is bf material
This happened to me
do not google dolphin pussy
>thin beard
>bf material
you're mental
I turned car off while driving
Felt weird when the power steering cut off and back again
I'm more attractive than the men Br*an finds attractive
>/pol/fags are insufferable
>redditors are insufferable
guess it's over
Based same here
>beta guy
>confident girl
japan is so fucking done
i'm normally not into med phenotypes but there's something to him
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>>beta guy
>>confident girl
>japan is so fucking done
lactose intolerant?
nope, taste just sucks
Making steak tonight
Currently eating salami and cheese with a nice beer
The local uni has a brewery so I can get tax free beer. It's $12 for 2L (large growler)
If you walk towards blacks on the street and dont move to the side how often will they chimp out and attack you?
I kept the key in so the steering wheel didnt lock
It was fine, i was in 6th gear @50mph and kept control of the car
Just wanted to see what would happen
Viva PhilistinaZZ

I want more Phoenicians and Carthaginian immigrants immediately

Pagan immigrants only!
oh. well, you can substitute it with a lot of things. everyone thinks special k is bland, but have a tiny bowl with some half-and-half, and man alive! a fine dessert.
no I can use it in recipes etc I just can't drink it directly
Kosher is poisonous.

(U) isn’t associated with (R).
We need some medium density apartments with old fashioned facades
Sui side
Just found out it's taxed but damn it's cheap
Woah man
Love this biological white woman cant wait to raise a white family with her
please stop spamming
brian's like a jeet when he gets horny, very single minded and stubborn
only a matter of time until he start spamming gay porn when no one gives him the attention he wants
> wake up at 3pm
> mapcel thread
vgh...i'm home...
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We now return to our previously scheduled /cum/
Woe man
wait a minute. we've finished all states right?
I THINK IT WAS SOMEWHERE IN THE BALKANS or some other mountainous place
US states yes, but not Canada, or Mexico, or Brazil, or Australia, or Mozambique.
Map threads forever.
he's doing canadian states now
men of wö...
canada has provinces not states, IDIOT
What happened to Kevin Nash
The Poop That Took A Pee

im gonna take a showip and maybe do some other stuff ill see you guys later
Shallow Hal wants a gal
I'm going to slap your shit you bitch
labor day sales be lookin zesty nahmean
I'm in the ocean gettin shark pussy
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>go to pizza place in hongcouver
>People put ketchup on their slices
i wanna work in a morgue. dead bodies are based, they don't yap in your fuckig ear constantly
>the ladyboy thread got deleted before the white cock or brown cock thread
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lord have mercy
I hate this guy so much. HURR UNCLE ROJAH CAN'T NO FIND NO RAW EGG ON RAMEN DURR fuck off
They usually prefer to hire women
(The men tend to fuck the dead bodies)
why the fuck was my /v/ thread deleted. it was about video games and it didn't break any rules.
and jannies wonder why their pay gets withheld.
who's to say the women dont
You can't make a dead cock erect
Ladies and gentlemen Brazil's biggest brain
that doesnt mean you can't molest it
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Maury taught me that there's basically a subgenre or black women who have unprotected sex with one or more men every single god damned night of the year
Black people taught me that my father could have been even worse
>tfw it will never happen to me
>"Archaeologists located the site of the Battle of Lützen in 2006 after a metal-detector survey turned up about 3,000 projectiles, ammunitions and other objects from the fight. A trench excavated in 2011 then revealed a mass grave."

>"By looking at the unhealed wounds, the researchers could see what the men suffered on the battlefield. Though some men had cut marks and slash wounds on their bones, bladed weapons seemed to play a minor role in the deaths of these soldiers. Instead, more than half of the men had been hit by gunfire. Twenty-one suffered gunshot wounds to the head, and 11 of them had bullets still lodged in their skulls."

Why didn't anyone ever tell me they were using guns during the 30 years war?
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Another person I know went back to their old country to get engaged…

What is going on in America, why are these guys going back home to get a girl when we have a crisis here?
gun shot wound to the head means point blank execution that took place probably after the battle was over
You would know, given your extensive research into the matter
Fun fact: people still die every now and then from unexploded World War I ordinance, and this is expected to continue for many years to come. It's likely that the final victim of WWI hasn't been born yet.
>eggless hag cope
I want my woman fertile, simple as. And I'm importing a foid because American women are vapid whores

just by going off what i've seen in movies I've hardly seen european soldiers use firearms unless the setting is closer to the middle of the 1700s
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>American women are vapid whores
That's the unfortunate reality on the ground.
Unlike that country that has women who aren't vapid whores
>American women are vapid whores
>I still can't get laid
it's not over, because it never began and never will
The problem isn't the women, it's you.
I've procrastinated doing 30 minutes of work for 10 hours
ate a raw onion and now my head hurts
Is $930 for a MacBook Pro M1 8-CPU / 8-GPU / 16GB Ram / 512 GB SSD a fair price. They claim 12-17 hour battery life
>eating raw onion
ummmm why would you do that?
go to bars around an hour before close, find a woman who's without a man out of the friend group, chat her up, buy a drink, hump in your car. wake up next morning, see your raped bank statements and ask yourself if it was worth it (it wasn't)
i have no problem with women, my problem is finding one worth my time
Why not just get a normal laptop?
Apple products are nasty
/fit/ told me to
Raw onion juice boosted testosterone in rats. I'm onionmaxxxing mom
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>/fit/ told me to
The battery is gonna be a coin flip unless it's a new battery
I personally think 900usd is too much for a 5 year old laptop. A t480s is a good laptop in my experience and can be had for very little.
I haven't ordered doordash in months
Do I dare?
Fuck no.
may as well just throw your money away
yeah the M1s are good laptops
those look super cheap but the m1/m2/m3 are so fast, i was just watching my colleague code on a macbook with the m2 and it was really noticeable
eat raw eggs and pork. boosts T levels and erection length
alright i found an M1 16gb refurbished for $830 fingers crossed, thanks guys.
Still my anus gently seeps
who is more oppressed: black kids mining cobalt in africa or queer she/they artists living in a red state urban area
I look at my sore and I see it needs squeezing
Okay I will resist.
Now I just to resist walking to 7/11 and getting goyslop from there (I've already had 1700 calories today)
Honest I think this song is overrated. There are dozens of Beatles songs which are better
My parking brake broke
I honestly felt the same way.
I love the Windows file system and Office, but m1 just loooks way faster than my ryzen 7
Are you the idiot who was turning your car off while driving?
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our car battery died today
I need a new alternator
Or was it yesterday?
I think it is particularly notable for having eric clapton playing
M1s are good but you won't be able to play any games on it
Oh that must be why it's so lame.
Fuck Eric Clapton and his boring blues rock
no way any of you guys are under 30 complaining about car problems and eric clapton
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I am, but my parking brake is actually working fine
It was only a ruse
which one do you think
no. it was today
the latter
whole. tastes the best, has the best nutrition.
Second to last

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