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Calm Edition

I like this one better
This is the one
Wow, rude much?
Take the Godpill.
It never rains in southern California
But when it does, it pours
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I only have to work 5 hours today
fire is god
toilberg is giving us all free bbq later this week.
based toilberg
I went into the office to get new uniforms on Friday and met my boss's boss. We chopped it up and turns out he's a chill head
the pizza party would have been too expensive.
i need a job still, i decided not to show up to my new one because they're cringe
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>what people who don't play video games think gaming is like
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Unreal Tournament games are all like this.
But that is what it's like sometimes. I sit in my chair like that sometimes too. The room being so bright is the most inaccurate part
we leafs are in here
looks like me playing operation locker back when battlefield didn't suck balls
Shut up retard, I lost.
Chuds lost
>hackers in movies
dog has been walked
i sit like that in my chair when im using my computer
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we leafs are in here
> accountants in movies: oh no i forgot to carry the one and now my audit is all ruined!!!
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is it this one? i don't mind either, i just don't want to sit and get comfy if we're gonna have to put our hats back on.
it's funny when there's a huge breakfast with all the fixins pancakes bacon eggs french toast and everything, and the main character or the movie takes one bite of a piece of toast and a sip of coffee and is out the door
suicide is based
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I'm watching all these niggas running out of money
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anime website
i think so this one has all the posters in it
i hate it when i abdicate my responsibility and the thread splits
he is adorable
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Roman medicine was nrootal
It is. This is how I play Princess Peach Showtime on Switch
Just a few telltale signs to let me know I don't have to take you seriously.
me and who
Is that game even good
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Tru senpai.
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I am grateful to live in a period of time where I don't have to be awake or feel unbelievable pain when I'm receiving medical attention in hospitals.
I like it but it's obviously for children
if you kill yourself you are cool
What about niggas
Nintendo games are shit. people only like them because of nostalgia
i just wanna boop that little pink nose so bad
Suicide is a mortal sin. It's not cool or based.
We are all indebted to Sir Thomas J. Anesthesia III
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well... terrific! that's terrific. what do you have?? pardon me for asking
I have nothing against it.
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fun fact: if an image has a unique filename, you can search the archive and find other posts made by the same poster.
you are a brown favela monkey, you are incapable of being based or cool or suicidal
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>mortal sin
No such thing. There is no god, the Bible is all made up bullshit. I wish it wasn't, but it is.
Nothing. Just having my daily dose of reality on how people used to be treated medically.
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Look me up buttercup
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what meds are you guys taking
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do me next
just found out about the atomic bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki... shit ain't right man
best tmnt movie evar
that is so sweet
how did they become friends do you think
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searching by image hash is also possible.
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serious answers only
ohh i see, like anesthetic? agreed. good Lord, i don't know how people managed in the old days. i guess it just becomes like cast away? where the pain is worse than the solution's. still don't quite get trepanning, though...
They both use the same bookie
My ass is getting bigger since going to the gym. I used to be able to squeak by the door with it half open but now I can't
daily multivitamins
ok, bend over
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wouldn't you like to know weather boy
i am documenting this general
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Fool me once
I change my filenames everytime I post and replace out my reaction images every other week
Prozac (fluloxetine) and I was on klonopin but they were like "UMM THERE'S A BENZO CRISIS SWEATY" so I had to stop taking them
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Try this image
skibbidi rizzler chungus in ohio fanum tax
i have a hard time remembering almost a year of my life because i was taking klonopin for anxiety
they work, but it isn't a long term solution . i still really want one when i'm having a really bad episode though . nothing works quite as well as benzos to calm me down
cotton eye joe is the new meme old man
that's because you're a sniveling drug addict
hi mom! i love you!
when i was in the hospital a few months ago, they gave me dillies, which was extreme overkill, and honestly didn't even help much. i told them to just give me ibuprofen after that.
Almond Roca candy reminds me of my grandma's house when I was a kid.
>i still really want one when i'm having a really bad episode though
Yeah that's what I worry about
they gave you pickles?
are you a razercuck or an electric razerGOD in your state
I’m not on any meds but I do take vitamin D and fish oil
thread is filled with a buncha jays rn
you're a stupid nigger just so you know
I should buy a Cuisinart.
I don’t own a razor or a hairbrush
It’s spelled razor
Cuisinart makes like 200 kitchen utilities
i use the electric for basically everything except my armpits. for those, i take some of the missus' bodywash and use the regular. i'm kind of a small guy, so my armpits are very narrow. i have to be careful to not cut myself.
My dad is foreignese and can't pronounce cuisinart
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im a logitech gamer
shut the hell up. blame that stupid gaming accessory company
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>I’m kind of a small guy
I'm from the old school when they only made food processors. We called them "Cuisinarts" cuz that was all they made
she must love licking your armpits
I blame your parents
how would you describe your hair and beard
cute but, im assuming you use the e-razor for your legs and stuff so doesn't that take a long time?
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bro shaves his armpits
dadbergs mad again because i didnt clean my room
alright thats it. i'm not replying to canadians for the remainder of this thread
how old were you when you busted your first nut
kys freak
idk because I remember being really young and orgasming but actual semen never came out until like 7th or 8th grade
i could really go for an orange right now
10 or 11 years old on /b/
ha! well, she's never done that.
oh i don't shave my legs at all. it kind of tapers, based on my own preference. nose hair and mustache? gone. got to be. bothers me too much. under-arm hair also, it makes my deodorant fail. but south of that? naw. pretty bushy. dick, butt, legs, all caveman.
made the mistake years ago of trimming my belly and lower back hairs, big mistake, they came back fuller and thicker
thats a myth
11 to an image called “naked twister”
13. i remember it clearly
10 years old in the shower
i am a stinky dumb dumb poopoo brain
Stop acting like an effeminate faggot.

I. Corinthians 6:9
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
i am evil
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Im a failure
i am skeletor
at least nobody cares
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>Enjoying Labor Day off and drinking a tallboy while watching high school sports highlights on local news

It really doesn't get much better than this. Here's to the working man
It said homosexuals. Quit being disingenuous
i like pissing into bottles because i can track my hydration throughout the day
KJV says effeminate
/cum/ is the closest thing I have to a friend, and no I am not kidding.
fact is, god made a shitty world full of shitty people
King James had sex with his mother, and you're gonna listen to his rendition of the Bible?
If I say both “I am Odysseus” and “I am Aeneas” the cognitive dissonance would be so intense I’d kms
I can't respect people who are ignorant of the classics
I’m not a Christian, I’m just saying.
Also, it’s not like James I&VI wrote the thing himself
I think their name is “Vault-Tec”
im not a reddit atheist type but I really don't understand how someone can actually believe in religion
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same homie, but I'd never meet up with anyone here
hey! me too! well, the tallboy at least. got one more as well. have a great day, anon.
You have to have been brought up in it and have it so thoroughly ingrained I to you that you can't conceive of anything else
No, it doesn't.

Just inventing slander to defend your NIV which was translated by literal sodomites or your ESV or your other false bibles.

Faggots like you are all reprobates, there's nothing you can do to be saved.
that is heartbreaking
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> California giving 100k to illegal immigrants but refusing to give black Americans reparations
i don't think women should be feminine either
>Just inventing slander to defend your NIV which was translated by literal sodomites or your ESV or your other false bibles

Zero self awareness
I was made to go to baptist church weekly, I never really cared about it and stopped believing when I was 15
saw a genuine 10/10 blonde sell some dog bowl thing to a fatty
now i'm watching some dork buy a car from a hick (his parents are inspecting it while he stands around)
i am NOT achilles, achilles was a homo
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Meanwhile, you're brought up with atheist sci-fi religion in the schools and you're too much of a dimwit to realize your blind faith beliefs indoctrinated into you all K-12 and by the media.

>You have to have been brought up in it and have it so thoroughly ingrained I to you that you can't conceive of anything else
Just more faggot atheist pedophile lies and slander and projection. Do the world a favor and kill yourself, reprobate.
I was brought up in it and believed completely till I was 13 and started to see the world how it really is
oh great it's the evangelical schizo
>no argument
>complete non sequitur of a post
>passive aggressive effeminate plebbitor-tier reply
Kill yourself.

You were brainwashed by public schools and the jewish media to think nothing created everying, life came from a rock, and faggotry is normal.
Then how do you square posting the ignorant fuck who wants you to embody both Odysseus and Aeneas?
You need to like, have a popsicle or something man. It'll make you feel better
sunday was yesterday buddy
>passive aggressive effeminate plebbitor-tier reply
Every time with you faggot reprobates.

Sodomites are all rapists and pedophiles. Even secular sources prove this.
Same, same. It just doesn’t seem likely. Every religion is based on an appeal to authority.
Not very Christian to tell people to kill themselves. I’ll pray for you.
Sugar is a trap made by the devil to make you fat and cause you to lose your teeth.
that's a myth though
I guarantee I can bench more than you
>nothing created everying, life came from a rock, and faggotry is normal

I wasnt actually. I'm old enough that when I was born in school faggotry was still taboo. As for Creation, I don't doubt that there's a Prime Mover of some sort, but a Hebrew desert God who wants baby foreskins and sends you to eternal torment for jacking off? Come on. Not very fucking likely.
>you're not getting redeemed saar
hold on, are you god? why are you determining who can and can't be saved?
More passive aggressive effeminate replies, can't even link a post. Do the world a favor and kill yourself. You faggots are abnormal and abominable and you will never be normal.

Faggot socialists like you would say Christ wasn't Christ-like. You losers have no idea what sort of preaching is even in the Bible. Jesus said it would be better for people like you and the effeminate sodomites ITT to die than to keep living.

And I could beat you up.

You're clearly a faggot since your mind is so perverse.
Romans 1
Hebrews 6

People don't become a faggot normally, they become faggots after God gives them up and gives them up and gives them over to the vile affections and lusts of their own hearts.

John 12:39-40
>39 Therefore they could not believe, because that Esaias said again,
>40 He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.
What denomination of church do you go to?
jesus would have hated you
inpooting and gooning my anki deck
i need to get baptised. i keep thinking about it.
They can still be saved, oh ye of little faith
>You're clearly a faggot since your mind is so perverse
And you clearly don't know your own Bible if you think I thought of that. It's in the Bible, God ordered circumcision as a mark of his covenant . You have no idea what you're even talking about lol you're a clown
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>>>201755224 #
>More passive aggressive effeminate replies, can't even link a post. Do the world a favor and kill yourself. You faggots are abnormal and abominable and you will never be normal.

>>>201755236 #
>Faggot socialists like you would say Christ wasn't Christ-like. You losers have no idea what sort of preaching is even in the Bible. Jesus said it would be better for people like you and the effeminate sodomites ITT to die than to keep living.

>>>201755276 (You) #
>And I could beat you up.

>>>201755291 #
>You're clearly a faggot since your mind is so perverse.
Independent fundamental baptist.

I will never be separated from the love of God because I'm saved. I could literally kill all you faggots and shoot a MG42 into your faggot sodomite "pride parades" and I'd still go to heaven.

Jesus literally said they cannot believe. God literally said he hardened their heart that they cannot believe.

Circumcision isn't part of new testament Christianity, you retard. You're talking about more than just that though, you dishonest porno freak.

That didn't take long to mindbreak the faggot sodomites ITT.
Even a homosexual may one day be redeemed through Christ. Such hope is almost impossible for a suicide. Our Lord died because he so loved the world that even our sinfulness may be forgiven.
I’d like to see where in the Bible it says suicide is preferable to other forms of sinfulness. Since you’re such a scholar, I’m sure it’s no issue to produce such a verse.
>God literally said he hardened their heart that they cannot believe.
At least they can blame God and know it's not their fault
holy shit shut the fuck up faggot, and no just because people disagree with you doesn't mean you're some enlightened person
>you don't believe in skycuck so you must be a homosexual
this is why the church is seen as toxic and young people are leaving it in droves
you're different? fuck you and die .
jesus hung out with lepers and prostitutes, somewhere along the way american christianity lost sight of this
>Circumcision isn't part of new testament Christianity, you retard

Again your ignorance is on display. Thee New Testament doesn't void the old testament. In fact Jesus said he came to actually enforce the old testament, the Law and the Prophets

Matthew 5:17: Think not that I am come to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil
You guys make me laugh everytime except when you're trying to be funny
>God literally said
how does god speak? is it like a voiceover, tts, push to talk, what?
>it's actually the voices in some dead jew's head
how embarrassing, devoting your life to arab schizophrenics placed on a pedestal
So you’re just going ignore St. Paul, huh? The Judaizers lost definitively
see, this is why we shouldn't talk about touchy subjects. the last time i said this, it was about work and a guy said i was trying to police speech. i'm not! but see? are you telling me the thread's better now? this sucks. i don't know why you guys can't get along.
if i moved to europe i wouldn't be able to chat in /cum/ and that would break my heart
fuggin checked, you're always welcome
God is lucky he can set the parameters of reality and make it so everything he does is good, because by any normal standard he would be an evil bastard
playing vidya but i can't say which game because it's story based and you guys would spoil it.
i would love for everyone to get along too but as much as i wish for that, people are raised differently and have really different ideas about the world . i wish it was as simple as everyone holding hands and singing kumbaya
you are one of my very favorite posters btw
you would always be welcome sweetheart i don't discriminate by countries but some people might be upset if you make the op
does it have a lot of gameplay, or is it a more walk-y-talk-y? either way, hope the story's exciting!
> I will never be separated from the love of God because I'm saved. I could literally kill all you faggots and shoot a MG42 into your faggot sodomite "pride parades" and I'd still go to heaven.
If you have absolute assurance of salvation, then why do you need Christ anymore? Why do you need the Church? If any degree of sinfulness is permissible because you’re certain of being saved, then you could become a sodomite yourself without any consequence to your soul, correct?
He fulfilled the law when he died
this guy who just takes the middle ground on everything is kind of annoying
>mary cheats on joseph
>he finds out and confronts her
>"umm it was actually le god"
and thus spawned the most insufferable religion on earth
I see valid points from both sides of the argument
doesn't stop the fkmeister
I see what you mean, but I also see what he means.
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There is no hope for reprobates. All homos are reprobates. Romans 1 teaches this, Hebrews 6 teaches that it's impossible for them to come to repentance. As for the verse that they're better off dead, Jesus said it would be better if they tied a millstone about their neck and they be cast into the sea.

Doesn't matter, their end is to be burned and God's law which is perfect says to put faggots to death, the state should and used to put these vile wicked brute beasts to death.

Jesus never hanged out with sodomites or reprobates. Jesus rained fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah and that's your example of your future.

Lepers can be saved. Prostitutes can be saved. But not faggots. not reprobates. You're not greater than God, if God rejected someone and if God gave someone up and gave them up and gave them over, you're not going to get them saved.

Jeremiah 6:30 Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the LORD hath rejected them.
Romans 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
Romans 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

All you fag-loving idiots know is false Christianity as you see in the pro-faggot media and apostate churches and the catlick cult that conforms to the world and seasons, but God never changes.

Retard doesn't know what fulfilling the law means nor has read the Bible. You're probably just a jew trying to promote circumcision.

Hating God is one of the attributes of a reprobate, Romans 1.

I wasn't raised in the faith, I was raised believing the same lies you think are fact, fool.
both sides are... BAD!
guy, are you serious
Why do you talk about hating god? You should talk about loving him
>If you have absolute assurance of salvation, then why do you need Christ anymore?
You're stupid.
>If any degree of sinfulness is permissible because you’re certain of being saved, then you could become a sodomite yourself without any consequence to your soul, correct?
Sodomy isn't a temptation that is common to man, that's worse than a dog going back to its own vomit.
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>it's another episode of rational materialist dogmatists battle with Abrahamic dogmatists
notice how the only one talking about fags is the godcuck trying (and failing) to repress his homosexuality
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>There is no hope for reprobates. All homos are reprobates. Romans 1 teaches this, Hebrews 6 teaches that it's impossible for them to come to repentance. As for the verse that they're better off dead, Jesus said it would be better if they tied a millstone about their neck and they be cast into the sea.
>Doesn't matter, their end is to be burned and God's law which is perfect says to put faggots to death, the state should and used to put these vile wicked brute beasts to death.
>>>201755459 (You)
>Jesus never hanged out with sodomites or reprobates. Jesus rained fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah and that's your example of your future.
>Lepers can be saved. Prostitutes can be saved. But not faggots. not reprobates. You're not greater than God, if God rejected someone and if God gave someone up and gave them up and gave them over, you're not going to get them saved.
>Jeremiah 6:30 Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the LORD hath rejected them.
>Romans 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
>Romans 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
>Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
>All you fag-loving idiots know is false Christianity as you see in the pro-faggot media and apostate churches and the catlick cult that conforms to the world and seasons, but God never changes.
>Retard doesn't know what fulfilling the law means nor has read the Bible. You're probably just a jew trying to promote circumcision.
>I wasn't raised in the faith, I was raised believing the same lies you think are fact, fool.
and it's not even dusk. God, maybe thr canadian's thread was the one, where's my book?!
*unbuckles seatbelt*
You're illiterate.

You're either with Christ or you're against him. And your dishonest new fedora term of "Abrahamic" just shows you've never studied any religion in depth.
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I don’t mind religion normally, however at times like these I am reminded why secularism has caught on in the developed world.
Actually you're wrong there, Saint Paul said in 1rst cornintians that some of the followers were gay before joining the church
/cum/ is like the one general on this board that doesn't post ecchi every 10 posts
got a valuable post to make but i think i'll save it for a better time
Typical sodomite projection, always trying to force their faggotry on others, just as the sodomites are all child rapists and pedophiles and rapists as the Bible shows in Genesis 19 and Judges 19 and as secular sources and research shows.

Romans 1 shows these faggot reprobates are implacable and unmerciful, it's why faggot pedophiles rape over 150 boys on average but non-fag pedophiles rape less than 20 girls.

And over 1 in 4 faggots have had over 1000 sexual partners, most of whom they don't even know. And only 4% of faggots even claim to be faithful to their partners. The whole fraud of "fag marriage" is to deceive people to think these freaks are normal, they're all pedophiles and rapists, and they all molest and rape their adopted kids.
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What FTP game should I pick up?
And I suppose it's up to you to determine if I'm with Christ or against him, isn't it? That is the problem with dogmatism. You are jihadi tier.
i'm imagining cumming so i don't have to actually do it and make a mess
It doesn't say that. It only says that in faggot false bibles like the NIV which had open sodomites working on them and other false bibles.
just ignore our little missionary man and he'll go away
the people most obsessed with gay people are closeted
just ignore and he'll go away. but don't let him know about our plan to ignore him, or he'll wise on and keep posting because he'll know we're just ignoring him, and that we can actually see his posts
Jihadis would just kill you for not believing in the false prophet and illiterate pedophile Mohammed, retard. You're only ever proving yet more that you know nothing about the religions you lump together with that retarded new fedora term.

>And I suppose it's up to you to determine if I'm with Christ or against him, isn't it?
When you're a fence sitting faggot speaking lies and dishonesty, it's obvious which side you're on.
didn't read a single word of this blabber
The pinball game I got on my phone
I actually believe this. Same for online pedophile haters.
No wonder you guys can't get your dick wet
You’ve said you’d gleefully kill those disagreeing with you itt. Like a jihadi, no?
>why yes, I worship the cross
Or do you not know that the unrighteous[a] will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,[b] 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Sorry but KJV onlyism is stupid, and as been thoroughly refuted
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Just kill yourself faggot. You faggot reprobates are all pedophiles and murderers.

Atheism requires deliberate and willing ignorance. Also censorship and tax-funded indoctrination in the schools. Incidentally, you faggot reprobates also push your "LGBT" sodomite filth on kids in schools too since you're all pedophiles.
The KJV is God's preserved words in English and you hate it because it exposes your worldly lies and false doctrine. You like that faggot false bible because it conforms to the world and appeases reprobate faggots. I bet you'd go to a church full of trannies and faggots and fornicators, when the Bible says they should be cut off from the congregation.
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thanks for confirming you're both gay AND a pedo.
"fence-sitting faggot", that's another good one for me. although i would like to trade "dweeb" for "shmuck".

you guys planning on any movies for halloween? i know this thinking's a bit early, but i'm always caught with my trousers down.
Ok, can I borrow your phone rq?
I can see what you mean, in a Petersonian sense.
the election will not be close
Typical faggot sodomite perverted mind having to project and force their faggot filth on others, all you're doing is proving yourself as one.

By your logic, people who hate spiders want to fuck spiders or people who hate murderers are murderers or people who hate weeds are weeds. You're an idiot and a fool and faggot reprobates like you should kill yourself.
Trading one annoying topic for another I see
Halloween is a demonic holiday that celebrates evil, witchcraft, monsters, gargoyles, spooks, vampires, harlots, and ugly people
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How many more buzzwords do you want to sling at me?
What does the Bible say about racism
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Sorry that's not an argument, Saint Paul used the word referring to homosexuals, saying that some of them were gay then became Christians.
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>ctrl f "faggot"
>45 results
>not obsessed btw
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Making a 'za
I usually pick a series
Friday the 13th
Nightmare on elm Street

That sort of thing
I think this year I'll do the paranormal activities and insidious
i like halloween (1978)
its never too early i love fall and i love the season the whole world turns this lovely amber color and its nice and cool outside
Racism is a sometimes food.
being bad is bad so dont be bad yall
Halloween is my favourite holiday. Yes, I am evil and nefarious.
one side is clearly favoRed
do people forget that obama literally said he didn't think kamala would win and that behind the scenes he wanted another nominee but he got overruled by pelosi?
just want to say i'm sorry for calling you a brown favela monkey and i'd rather have you be the thread christian instead of this guy
some people are embarrassingly bad at drawing. obviously not everyone is an artist but not being able to draw every day objects is ridiculous
Lmao I wonder why he immediately shut the fuck up after this
like 95% of people can't draw what are you talking about
i don't know you guys do pretty good in that scribble game
Gonna donate some food to the food bank today
thanks I will use it as a student worker visa and get free food
Donate that dick to my ass
some pajeet will nab that shit
Thank you sir
fucking sink pipe is clogged AGAIN! gonna have to get a maintence guy here again... for God's sake! i barely do anything with it! you're telling me, that the drain from pasta water clogs it? fuck off, it's the pipes. i'm so anti-social, i don't want to see this guy again! God...
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To be nice
>Calm Edition
>It's all unhinged schizoposting
Why do you want to be nice to drug addicts, pajeets, and.... well, poor people in general?
I have niva met an Arrstralian in real loife
35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
try a drain snake maybe you can get it yourself i have used them for my shower before
they're only a few bucks
check the u joint, mine had a big ol brick of lard in it when my sink wasnt draining properly. just put a bowl or something down to catch any spillage
You're doing it so Jesus will reward you by letting you into heaven when you die? Carry on, then
That's the part of the Bible they conveniently forgot to mention. They'd rather piss and moan about reprobates.
My wife is a pain in the ass
No because whatever I do for the poor, I do for christ, and what I do for christ gives me joy, and that spirit of love makes me a more loving person.
for me, mirth is king
i'm a pain in your wifes ass
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gonna go eat burgers and hot dogs cause it's labor day ill see you fellas later

here is a bear doing the thinker
i can't, because of the garbage disposal. it doesn't afford any clearance. i'm really sorry, by the way, for my language and sentiment. i'm just extremely frustrated how often this happens.
I feel a bit of sinful pride that I helped bait this lovely post out of you
Too early but I’d be happy if you recycled my thread when the time comes
why do i create emotional bonds with people i barely know?
A suivre, mec
this is STILL the one.
by god this thread shall live longer than the other one.
bumpeando esta madre
lmao that dumbass made the thread on the wrong board. this is the thread once again.
Four /cum/ threads in the catalog at the moment
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies
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Pork chow mein
Egg foo young
Thread's dead, Jed

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