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Comfy edition
His shoulders give away the XY.
Think we can all agree the talking fish was a psyop
We can all love again.
That would be incredible for gay porn
i like how 4chan has been catering the content i see
Oh are we trying to speed run the Equilibrium timeline now?
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>leftypol's ideological influences:
Sun Tzu
Genghis Khan
Florian Geyer
John Ball
von Clausewitz
Võ Nguyên Giáp
Ho Chi Minh
Deng Xiaoping
Jiang Zemin
Xi Jinping
Saddam Hussein
Kim il-Sung
Kim Jong-il
Kim Jong-un

>rorke's ideological influences:
>nick fuentes
>elon musk
>nigel farage
>"""sargon of akkad"""
>trump's fist pic
>@animelover1488 on twitter
bore off 190
Name on
Toiling down in the basement for the next month
Any podcasts or documentary recs lads? Need summat to listen to
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Once again the ancients knew more than us
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haven’t watched the paralympics but how the fuck is it fair
like say one guys missing a hand and the other just a finger. not really a fair contest is it
Mmm donuts
Something's Burning, the recent episode with the midget comedian.
Rorke intellectuals:

D.W. Griffith
The Wright brothers
Russel Brand

Leftypol intellectuals:

Hillary Clinton
Jeremy Corbyn
Katy Perry
The Russel duo(Russel Kane, Russel Howard)
Owen Jones
That Paki slag
That Twitch streamer
mmhmm she's ready for timmy now
feel like shite this morn
This has got me through many boreful hours of dishwashing
Chris martin is such a fucking tosser
Coldplay selling out 4 nights in croke park is a damning indictment of normies
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Finished S2 of Star Trek TNG lads
48 episodes down
130 to go
i hope shes joking

They have a load of different categories depending on how disabled you are. It's why the paralympics has so many more medals compared to the olympics, every event has 4-10 gold silver and bronze medalists
thoughts on u2?
If you have a problem with this you are LITERALLY a femicidal terrorist
Keep crying incel
that's literally every average young woman nowadays
yeah but imagine how inconvenient it would be to have the handless olympics and the fingerless olympics
Cant listen to any of the Joe rogan crew anymore
Might pop the wheelchair fencing on
when's the wheelchair egg and spoon race on
When does it get good

The younger generation hardly even go out now. Gen Z are a bunch of virgins
Gen Z doesn't drink or like sex scenes in movies, but they shag like its going out of fashion because porn has taught them thats how people interact in life
When does the Bible get good? It's literally called The Good Book mate, it's all good
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Um... how old is she?
what's the distance compared to regular archery?
mad how being a 5/10 girl gets you sex with literally anyone you want on the planet
boomer neighbours have a massive olive tree in the front garden
I got talking to them, turns out they've moved it with them to each new house like 5 times
I initially thought how nice that was, then it was immediately replaced by the reality of what a tremendous waste of money that would be for anyone in this day and age
the romance of life is dead
imagine being disabled and you're actually the best in the world at something but you have to compete in the paralympics
The same (70m) except for visually impaired parathletes who have a distance of 30m
Not really fair not like her arms getting tired she's dispersing all the tension with that harness
u doing all of them or just tng?
how is tng? i'm still only on OS systematically obv seen a lot of tng and others back in the day scattershot episodes
nah you're just cucked by economics ruling your life
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My mate goes out with a dj and one time they were in a club and 6 different lads said hello to her. She’d rode every one of them.
Said it was the most embarrassed he’s ever been lol
by goes out with you mean goes out dancing not dating
and what u mean rode shagged each of them in one night?
did the permavirgin post the ragebait webm
did you
perhaps all, starting with TNG though
Reckon I'll do everything up to JJ films as that's when "NuTrek" begins apparently.

ie meaning TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise
And the 6 TOS films and 4 TNG films of course, despite them largely being slated.
Really felt I should just do Picard to wrap everything up but everyone is insisting I don't so quite conflcited on that.

Is TOS absurdly dated?
Everyone always points towards that paper mache lizard fight but I still think I'll watch it. It's only 3 series.
>women think they're an asset

It's my pleasure to remind them from time to time that this isn't true
flock of feral aboriginals in my backyard trying to get into the chicken coop
Those eyes are GONE
the ideas is tos are still fresh
yeah there are a lot of obvious sets and every now and then like the infamous lizard fight (arena episode or something it's called watched it not that long ago) or other physical fights it's clearly fake/stupid but like it's still easy to suspend your disbelief in other areas cos the scripts are mostly interetsting and smart
i think it's silly to start at TNG tbqh
i heard picard s3 was ok first 2 were complete shite
i hear discovery is shit but below decks (esp later seasons) and strange new worlds are both legit
supposedly the latter is closest to classic trek in decades
they're animal rights activists
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John Bull personified.
Well the first two seasons of TNG have hooked me enough to see what Starfleet was like 100 years in the past, and then Enterprise for 200 years in the past.
TNG is slated in the first 2 seasons as a lot of sets are used compared to S3-7 where they actually shoot on location. Given it's my first Trek idgaf cause I have nothing to compare it to. Hopefully the subsequent 5 seasons don't ruin it for me.
TNG is great thus far though and the first two seasons are nowhere near as bad as reviewers whine about.

Of the 48 episodes I watched I can really only count the number I actually disliked on one hand.
Latest episode included (S2 finale, clip show, fucking horrifying).
Another day further into depression
Cmon mate, could be worse!
gf commented on how impressed she was by the number of times i could cum/how short my refractory period is; "i didn't think that was possible"
i came like 5 times in pretty quick succession, for context
pasta night de lads it lovely
>TNG is slated in the first 2 seasons
yeah i've heard the first couple seasons are shit
almost every series supposedly has a shit first season
>and the first two seasons are nowhere near as bad as reviewers whine about.
this is what i wonder about discovery as well
>Latest episode included (S2 finale, clip show, fucking horrifying).
the s2 finale is a clipshow? wtf lmao
i highly recomend going back to TOS and you gona be missing references in the tng, you'll get slight whiplash but if you just finished s2 that seems perfect time to take a break and then come back to it
she'd be disapointed with my 2 day refractory period
Don’t feel like I got the most out of sex with exberg. Think I was nervous about showing and sharing the depth of my sexuality with her. The regret is real.
got a 5.5 inch penis
Probably not impressed, just surprised
Women don't really like cum
may as well just transition lad
Back to work after 2 weeks off, grim.

At least I work from home so that's something.
ok braggard
my penis should be in the paralympics
alright big fella
i am attempting to emulate this guy's look
>this is what i wonder about discovery as well
all I know about is discovery is they were in deep space and they saw a shooting star

think that tells you all you need to know

I'm familiar-ish enough with TOS to evade missing the references I think. In that I know who all the characters on TOS bridge actually are.
Episode 2 of TNG is apparently a complete ripoff of a TOS episode so it's actually quite fortunate I started here in that regard.
Self plagiarism two episodes in, the viewers in 1987 must have been pretty pessimistic.
The average height is now 6'3
it's bang on average
> the viewers in 1987
basically a 2 decade wait for it as well lmao
kinda amazing TNG even happened i'll have to read the story behind its development one day
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Even better. Even the "bad" episodes are watchable.
Has some truly horrible episodes but also has some fun characters
Good for the first 2 seasons or so, but then the writers get desperate for ratings and make everybody retarded (time for naked massages)
Seasons 1 and 2 are unwatchable. Season 3 is good if you want the nostalgia. But if you're first watching them now, you can probably skip it since you don't have the emotional connection
Decent if you havent had a Trek fix in awhile but I'd probably skip this too. It's way better than any of the other nuTrek though
>TOS movies
Great. Watch them all. My favourite is the 4
>TNG movies
Decent if you want dumb action schlock but they don't feel like the same characters. Even the "good" movie, First Contact.
no matter what i dooo~
all i think about is youuu~~
cute :3
>the romance of life is dead
Ok don’t be dramatic or anything will you
no it's not
I'm 5'10 and feel like half of niggas are shorter than me and half are taller
I'm perplexed at 6'2 niggas on here feeling like dwarves.

Reckon it's because of how insecure you all are you hyperbolise how terrible and undesirable you are in your heads.
Because I'm a certified shagger I don't have such a problem.
>wahhh why can't I make friends or find love, women are cunts, the world is unfair, wahhh
also /brit/:
Would you like to see my penis?
I'm gay and got buggered up the arse last night.
no matter what i dooo~
all i think about is poooo~~
dont get it
star trek is mainstream
TOS has 6 films and they were a commercial success so TV companies came begging Gene Roddenberry to write them a TV show so they can cash in on the cash cow.
He was a notorious prick in the first season leading to numerous rewrites and actors being confused of their character's motivations.
S3 onwards he's told to fuck off and in S4 he died anyway.
mainstream for virgins
that the monkey fella from jungle book?
first film was still a decade after the show ended
(sure they had the weird animated one but that finished like 8 years before the film too)
rorke listening to brazilian phonk on his walk home from the sops
you know Uhura considered leaving TOS cause it was some dumb honky shit but Martin Luther King told her not to because he loved the show so much (as did his kids)

pretty interesting part of history
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Rorke going to the pub and loudly asking for Scotch, neat
*squints at the URL*
huh, it does say /int/
it's diego
Hate being the unwanted child
barted for this exact response
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you can watch TNG without having ever watched TOS. I still never have, except for the movies (watched after TNG/DS9).
Trekkies are not incels sir.
We are femoid respecters.
Ah yes a big pile of worms
would commit war crimes to have this in front of me right now
set phasers to errrr HAVE SEX mate
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this trekkie gets laid all the time
nigga just watch it to wrap up the story

there's one episode that's like the edge of forever or something and it's considered a GOAT trek ep
can i have sex plox
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8k BLACKED on the window
5'6" in height
5.5" winky
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wake me up when we have the looking glass
Bloke 32 is the key to all this
so this is rorke
why didnt she say who 21 was the roommate of?
Really love wfh life but do miss office tarts desu
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gfberg is now comfortable enough to fart around me and I dislike it very much
how do I put the fear back into her?
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what game
My mum has a cancer check today please wish her good luck else she will die!!!
Prey (2017)
Mad how there's an attractive 21yo girl in Germany who hasn't had real sex in almost two years because she prefers having internet sex with me via messaging instead. Feel a bit guilty about it, particularly cos her ex is going off the rails and wants her back, but she's choosing some guy she's never met instead
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tell her about the mangrate
these are the tiny ones right
could box these cunts chins clean off (if they had any)
Good luck anons mum thoughts and prayers - /brit/
how much do you send her to pay her rent?
BIG if true
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*gives you a look*
and you've not been to sex her up IRL once? two years mate ffs aren't plane tickets in europe cheap as chips
think theyre just quite normal kangaroos
I have such a low opinion of Europeans that are obsessed with American politics, history, and culture

this doesn't apply to brits though since there's a shared language and history there, so it makes a bit more sense to be clued into america
BIG if poo
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likkle runt
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Haven't paid her anything. We just connected online through our shared love of femdom, and took it from there

No but probably will early next year
they're either wallabies or some other smaller kangaroo species, red kangaroos are the man-sized hench ones you're probably thinking of
>American politics
what the retards across the oceans decide to do is actually pretty important to our economy
two of our energy providers had each of their stocks fall 10% in just 3 days right after trump got shot and everybody thought "oh shit this means he'll become a martyr and win the race and this is bad news for our windmill projects"
That's him grounded
good mum
bit sleepy x
here's one in the wild
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this is peak comedy for yanks
walked in on my mum cooming when i was like 15
she was doing it in the living room. still dont know why the fuck she did it and weve never talked about it
she fit?
Shit I hope I didn’t get that weed
no. fat italian lady. also a hateful, spiteful cunt
have it not played it yet
phwoarrr BLIMEY!!!!!!!!!!!
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rorkes gf
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The dream digs

weed does actually make you gay
giving those ovo cunts a meter reading
amazing sir i can't believe this is real
wonders of modern world!
wagging my tail rn :3
Being gay is good tho. Have you not kept up with the times?
pozzed a neghole at the local bathhouse last night
is rorke him?
Any man who fantasises about their gf with another man in?
kek those are my nipples
Mad how I pay £22k tax per year and haven't used a single public service in donkey's years. Someone has to pay for all the refugees I guess
fantasize about my gf with another girl (i would then have sex with both)
does that make me weird?
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need a harem of chocolate wives
mad how grim this general is these days
always ban chinese peers on a torrent me
>these days
what a cope it's always been shit
>man who fantasises (...) with another man
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got 8000 nectar points
looks like me knob
da's got 3,529
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has anyone seen my bowling ball?
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>looked at my budget
bloody hell thursdays are a shitshow
>people living in a vassal state are not allowed to care about their overlords
utterly bizarre how can you spend so little on saturday like the highest spending day of the week for normal people
what's that actually worth, a multipack of Twirls?
>normal people
did you forget where you were for a sec
Thursdays are quite grim don't blame you if you're buying booze and takeaways
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I don’t know what you’re implying but all I want to do is watch my gf get satisfied and then clean her up
not even brit posters are so abnormal tos pend more on monday than saturday by a factor of 3
Young bull elk wakes up from a nap and screams, then pops a boner so hard he shits
Feeling soft, my muscles are gone soft
I WFH so I do my shopping during the week instead of the weekend.

And I try not to shop at all on Sundays because it's the Lord's day
dont buy takeout or and dont drink at home. it's mostly groceries and regular shopping stuff. also my car payments
This is how I feel after a week off gymtoil. Going to go later and punish myself
looking at it, could also be that charges on fridays show up the same business day and charges from saturday/sunday dont show up until the next business day
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How much time do you think it's worth spending in Manchester? Seems like a cool city but not much to do
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ok kek this is me
Think the big problem is my diet. Not enough protein. Found a video of myself from a year and a half ago and I am leaner and harder. Feel like I've made no progress aside from one or two lifts.
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Her poo in my mouth.
none whatsoever, it's a standard poorthern shithole
it's like a tourist travelling thousands of miles to experience the wonders of Perth
1 day at most, all they have is a football museum
my net worth is back under $200k (£150k)
wish biden would get a move on with cancelling student loan debt
what's the best response when some schizo on 4chan starts going mental at you for no reason
can we post more cat pics/videos, my girlfriend likes when i send them to her
alternatively, can we post ones with ducks? she likes ducks.
Respond with “yeah?”
spam random number sequences
marks hour long morning streams are womfy af background noise
look up "homealoneeveryfridaynight" in the archive he spends half hsi time dealing with schizos ramblings at him
sorry to tell you this but when she texted you "I can't get enough big black ducks", it was a typo
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I've always wanted to go to the Norf though. So far Liverpool, Manchester, York and Whitby are on my list
Really can't recommend anything there that you couldn't have a better experience elsewhere
Even the science and industry tech museum is worse than it was 20 years ago
majority of the time on /brit/ its mousenonce so I just pull out the "shut up nigga"
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This but my bollocks
doing a shift with arguably the most attractive girl at toil this afternoon so I'm using the expensive body wash
Made a joke in a job interview this morning and he didn't laugh
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liverpool and manchester aren't northern
even york is a stretch
Repeat their posts back at them but worded slightly differently
he laughed at you when you left
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Alri Enkidu
Bolg on
That's not how you water your mossballs
If you're Arctic-side of Hadrian's Wall then you're nothing but a Southern poof to me
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does /brit/ do this with their girlfriends as a joke? haha x
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Kek I sent the 'f webms from 4chan too
how do u manage to shag in this circumstance
is it a question of just being there or do you have to keep subtly pushing the issue
but why
with the exception of York which managed to keep its historic charm they're all just boring urban jungles, same as any other city. They got bombed to shit by ze Germans so almost nothing is older than the 60s
The rare astonishingly good yank post
Berwick-upon-Tweed? Not northern.
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the ducks, as it were
Yahoo Serious
seasideMARK morning striptease de lads, it 4x lush
would like to visit sunderland-upon-tyne
home of my ancestors, as it were
Tensest thing i've ever seen
oh I don't have a hope in hell of actually banging her, I just want her to at least not be repulsed by me
chicken fillet roll and a wank (gen Z boss and a mini)
>forgot to go grocery shopping
>everything closing at 10
>rolled out of the house to get some food
>didnt shower or shave and looked a mess
>could feel the looks of disgust from the cute cashiers
blgo on
willyberg smells like skips
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sucking myself off
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developed a bad habit of waking up at 5 and checking my phone which leads to 2 hours of scrolling then not being able to sleep again and coming into toil wrecked
bumhole smells like poo
Started doing assimil during morning cardio, will be speaking C1 French any time soon. Somewhat motivating me to become a productivity freak.
idiot niggas
Tried watching the Borderlands movie for a laugh, but the first 10 minutes were so bad I couldn't bear it
sucking nigga cock
doubg my retarded nigga dance
yahoo serious
amazes me how subhuman aussies and kiwis are
completely captured by their natives
wanking off an abo
what type of leather jacket is this called
when i google leather jacket, all i get is those biker jackets
The Apache nation will rise again, inshallah
Don't understand how people use their back pocket. You can't see it, easily robbable and things can just fall out whenever you sit down.
I've seen people walking around with their phones half out their back pockets. Baffling behaviour. Perhaps I am just autistic though.
giving the pet abo a saucer of diesel for his birthday treat
Most emotional movie of 2024
Feel free to stop posting at any time
washing the pet bbc's bbc
Go to IWM north and the art gallery and the science and industry museum
At this hour I'm more of a breakfast roll man
lost all urge to wank
get back on your reservation and have some booze, chief wanking dog
Probably grew up in high-trust communities where you don't have to constantly worry about being robbed by urban youths
breakfast rolls are always shite from a deli tho
feel free to tongue my batty crease
Rorkes national heroes
>Alfred the Great
>Henry VIII
>Horatio Nelson
>Harold Godwinson
>Issac Newton
>Alan Turing

Leftypols national heroes
>ricky gervais
>molly mae
i grew up in one of those but dont use my back pocket because i dont want to sit on my phone
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sore tummy
all; me
love love LOVE female arses in jeans
Ignorance is bliss
went to the gay village with some colleages in the evening (attening an event in manchester). was accosted by a drag queen (how'd they know to pick me out specifically) and all my colleages laughed at me and my awkwardness
professionally trained gaydar init
i could never go with colleagues id be outed in an instant
rorke is weird
got turned away from the bottle shop because my license expired without me realising and i look like a runt
more trials and tribulations in my incel life
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Spraying milk out me nose at this
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reddit humour
youd love it then
women dont care about me
fish dont care about me
Would say thats old shitpost humour
Not that you would know
top-top for youse lot:
don't look back in anger
from the wise words of... some group ;)
i care about you ^_^
i, rorkeypops, care about you dearly
You wouldn't know what 4chan humour was if someone hit you with a candleja-
omg hiiii rorkeypops
nice memes granddad
ever heard of skibidi toilet old man??
If skibidi toilet did a fanum tax on baby Gronk, would that be W-rizz or kinda Ohio?
*does a little gay scream* hey bitch
screamed at this post
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