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State of Deseret
United States of America
United Mexican States

Polygamy edition

Previous: >>201813417
Any fellow canadians? ^w^
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Yum, I sure love maple syrup.
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Lunch time
bring back /cum + g/. greenland is north american too
I should get my brake lights fixed before I cause an accident
Anyone else on here love wrestling grizzly bears?
Looks like 30 bucks before tip
Not a good idea, buddy.

>If it's black, fight back.
>If it's brown, lie face down.
>If it's white, take flight.
and at the same time, it looks shitty (still would eat it tho)
$14.28 and I don't tip
that includes a drink w/free refills
But I am a canadian.
I jhust need to chug enough maple syrup and I can wrestle down any grizzly bear or moose with my bare hands.
Running from a polar bear just means you'll die tired. Fuckers can run like 40 mph
What is that? Green diarrhea on a plate? haha
Why does Greenland never post here?
we have a better saying here
>see a bear, mag dump the bitch and hide the body before forest jannies freak out
that's racist
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good morning
>He can't wrestle grizzlies with his bare hands
Typical murrican.
You guys are WEAK!
Why aren't you doing leg lifts or crunches right now? Glory awaits!
As opposed to what, dying comfortable? He's gonna eat you; might as well do the one thing that'll prevent him from eating you (excluding having a vehicle you can escape in or a weapon on you)
they used to
i saw a taxidermy of a grizzly bear at a museum and it was like 10 feet tall and it scared me
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You will never get to love, caress, and squeeze a girl. You will never come home to see her cooking you a home meal, and turn around and smile as you enter the kitchen.
You will live a life of cold isolation. The only warmth and affection you will ever receive will be from the anime girl drawn on the wall next to where you sleep. You will die alone, unwanted. Your body will decay and go undiscovered for years. You will be cremated and buried in a mass grave. No one will care or remember you even existed.
He does sometimes
Green Land? Does that sound like a real life place to you?

Grow up.
the pic i took is from the brooks website.
i trust their judgment more than "booti queen durance"
i would say 'normal' running shoes promote bad form
I tend to avoid pain when I can.
Just stand there and get eaten bro
how did you know I drew a girl on my wall
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Because Brother. I am You.
this art is repulsive
Based brother. Are you a canadian with a VPN too.
My water thermos is leaking after dropping it ONCE. Fucking cheap piece of plastic. I didn't want to get an aluminum one because they dent pretty easily, but I guess it's for the best.
Converting to Islam because I hear you get to sit around and hang out with hairy men all day and women aren't allowed to exist.
thoughts on phoenix arizona?
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should've got a stanley like everyone else
While this is true, what the alternative? Having a living and fulfilling life ? You still end up dead. And once you're dead it doesn't much matter if you have a huge funeral or a mass grave. You're dead.

As for people who remember you, who cares? They'll be dead someday too then no matter what nobody will know you ever existed. 99.9% of all human stories end the same. Unless you do something extraordinary and groundbreaking like Einstein or Julius Caesar or Alexander the Great, you're gonna fade away just like everyone else.
>the pic i took is from the brooks website.
Meh, yeah I guess. They don’t seem more cushioned in person.
>i would say 'normal' running shoes promote bad form
Many such cases. I am planning on buying “barefoot” running shoes at some point to try them out.
I have doe
I like everything about it except the weather.
also how many arabs there?
luv me guns
luv me pot
luve me sunshine
'ate homeless
'ate snowbirds
'ple as
eat lead, motherfucker
stanley girls won’t like this one
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disgusting people disgusting ‘culture’ that belongs in the stone age
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Arizona is great. Phoenix is great. My kinda town.
i lived there for 2 years, it's hot but the dry heat makes it tolerable. northwest side is sun city aka boomerville, north north is a jeet sanctuary, north east is rich whites, central and metro area are nice, full of crackheads doe, the dbacks suck but they have a good stadium, the college part of the city is full of hot ass girls because arizona has a party school reputation. the above ground train can take you all the way from the north side (cheap rent) to the airport if you like to travel. lots of motorcycles if you're into that. lots of guns if youre into that. the food has room for improvement. wages generally kinda suck. can't think of much else
>I am planning on buying “barefoot” running shoes at some point to try them out.
if you are an experienced runner, i recommend taking it very easy and very slow for month after you get them.
i strained my calves and Achilles tendon several times in the first few months when i transitioned to zero-drop, zero-cushion shoes, and i had been walking in similar kinds of shoes for years before then.
i run in inov8 f-lite
Very nice. Dry heat. No one's there between like April-August though.
Not from what I remember. Also not many Mexicans from what I saw, oddly enough; although I was mostly visiting people in upper class areas.
Not many but the Arabs there have an annual festival. You might still like it because the climate is the same as your home.
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what an angel boy he just wants brush time
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One and a half million people unironically looked at this place and thought "hmmm yes this will be the perfect place to build my home"
Hawk Tuah girl just died. Requiescat in terra pace.
it's the closest to mad max as you're gonna get in the americas. don't forget the haboobs and monsoon season
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this has been me for forty five years
>the dbacks
What about the Cardinals
I will lie down for a nap in 59 minutes
This was me for years. Now it's more intermittent.
i only went to their stadium once, it was okay i guess. i don't keep up with kangball doe, but i've mever seen them in the finals so i guess they suck too
Mormons shouldn't have cucked out, if they seceded to establish the nation of Deseret we'd see a much more interesting Utah today
If you're older than like 23 and still using 4chan, you're perfectly within your rights to do so since it's your life and yours to live as you see fit.

But it's also time to grow tf up.
t. a 22 year old thinking he's gonna leave this place next year
It's all about how much time you spend here. More than a few minutes at a time isn't good.
Temperature is irrelevant when air conditioning exists and heaters
>first week of school
>there's already a school shooting in Georgia
BASED, total burger death.
ok lil baby boy
where is the lie, though? I'm 28 years old almost 29 thinking every minute i spend here is a waste of time. it IS time to grow the fuck up, man. same goes for the rest of you people
You have to go back pablo
What if your AC breaks or gets moldy? What if you need to go outside?
Having to stay inside your home all day like a moon base sucks. I guess for a NEET with zero prospects like yourself that doesn't matter.
They made the super bowl in 2008 against all odds and came very close to winning, but the refs rigged it for Shittsburgh
Didn't schools in the States get back in session like 3 weeks ago?
all the kids here went back to school at the start of august yeah
Your burger ceos are bribing politicians to keep Pablo in.
not many arabs? strange there’s lots of them in ASU so they’re contained within the uni i assime
Everything in moderation
I spend time here because it's the only place that I can have honest conversations about basically every topic
>Lets have a white Taliban, but possessing a a large country bordering the US. Also let's give them nukes.
Depends on the state.
if you weirdos actually went outside you'd learn that it only takes a couple weeks to get accustomed to whatever weather you're in, save for extreme cold naturally
grow up and go where? should i hang out with soyllennials on x?
Why did you mention nukes?
Also, how are they even remotely like the Taliban? Are you a redditor?
God that would be so kino
Ok Mr. Wiseass
You're a fulfilled up and coming go-getter. What the FUCK are you going to be doing outside? If you have a high paying job it's gonna be inside in the AC. If you're out with a broad you'll be indoors at a restaurant. With AC. If you're working out it's gonna be in a gym. Indoor. With AC.

SO just what the FUCK does your rich and fulfilling life have you doing outside in the elements all day? Fucking moron.
it's really hot here
this why i invite people inside for a cold drink it's too hot to talk on the porch im dying come in and have some tea
This is just wrong. Extreme heat is unlivable, and Phoenix ain't no outdoor destination. Also, fuck you.
A thermonuclear warhead has just been detonated over Seattle.
Based chinks
i can't wait for you to finally blow one of these nukes up near me
Your conception of a fulfilling life is depressing and limited in scope. Kill yourself actually.
That's why you maintain your AC to make sure it's in proper working order

>What if you have to go outside?
? Ok? It's hot but you're not gonna die going to get the mail or taking the trash out
where? you're a nice person for that
i used to walk to the store over a mile away in a hoodie when i lived in phoenix, have sex and touch grass in no particular order
i like going outside, taking walks and seeing nature
in the south
it's nice to have people come in and have some tea and i get to peddle my tea and other little snacks and finger sandwiches onto them
I'm a proponent of Kenyansian Economics
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>just go outside it's easy to get accustomed to it
>the south
I visited Arkansas a few years ago in the middle of July and it was actually hellish, so fucking hot and humid, I don't know how it doesn't drive them insane
You can still do that after sundown or late in the day when it's cooler
Anons will defend their unlivable shitholes with their dying breath.
Like Stockholm syndrome
In California I'd get robbed if I let people in my house
Every person who watches anime has less value than everyone else.
Shut the HELL up I'm watching anime
e Nazis were allied with the Italians, well why not? Even if the army of Italy is bad, Italy is not any country, they contributed a lot to the world. Italy is one of the main country for humanity. They are at the top.

But Spain, why Spain?
Spain is a shithole and has always been a Shithole. The Spaniards are closer to the Maghrebians than us Western Europeans.
The only thing the Spaniards invented in history was siesta and even, the forgot the name of the guy who invented siesta
Recent Harvard studies have shown Mexicans who post on image boards are correct a disproportionately large amount of the time
godspeed, i think the south is 20x worse than the desert with all the humidity. at least in phx your sweat evaporates
They'd get most of America's 1950s nuclear testing grounds.

>In orthodox Mormonism, the term God generally refers to the biblical God the Father, whom Latter Day Saints also refer to as Elohim or Heavenly Father,[1][2][3]
>the term Godhead refers to a council of three distinct divine persons consisting of God the Father, Jesus Christ (his firstborn Son, whom Latter Day Saints refer to as Jehovah), and the Holy Ghost.[1][3]
>Latter Day Saints believe that the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are three distinct beings, and that the Father and Jesus have perfected, glorified, physical bodies, while the Holy Ghost is a spirit without a physical body.[1][4][5]
>Latter Day Saints also believe that there are other gods and goddesses outside the Godhead, such as a Heavenly Mother—who is married to God the Father—and that faithful Latter-day Saints may attain godhood in the afterlife.[6]
>The term Heavenly Parents is used to refer collectively to the divine partnership of Heavenly Father and a Heavenly Mother.[7][8]
>Joseph Smith taught that God was once a man on another planet before being exalted to Godhood.[9][10][11]
Stupid, like the Taliban and Manichaeism are stupid.

Also no booze, coffee, tea, tobacco, no extramarital sex, no extramarital French kissing, tithing, and being nice is mandatory (but in the American fashion: delusional optimism combined with being a vicious, ruthless cunt)
>Noooo you can't feel grateful for where you live!!! You need to be miserable like me!!
i don't like this bit very much
>> 201829989
you unironically live with your parents
Don't forget about the magic underwear and Masonic handshakes!
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Spain was balling in the 1500s. New World infinite money glitch. Too bad they blew it all on bling for their churches
They'd be getting nothing since they'd be seceding in the 1890s in that timeline.

Mormons are harmless wypipo and wouldn't pose much of a threat to us in any situation, even if polygamy and the crazier aspects of their religion were allowed.
Where do we go from here?
can i bite your tongue like my bad habit
You need to interact with people
Youre turning into a fucking weirdo
Only if you're the Dalai Lama.
a place of worship where they preach being a good goy and doing the right thing, built by rape, slavery and extortion
based cave people
Idiot, fascist-sympathizing uncle praised Reagan a few months back for "restoring classical economics" after decades of supposed Keynesian dysfunction. When I pointed out that his regressive tax-reforms in combination with slower-than-expected economic growth and reckless, impulsive spending on stupid nonsense for the military produced the single largest peacetime increase in the national deficit in U.S. history up to that point, he got REALLY mad and left the room lol.
Friendly reminder that not doing anything about cheap bananas and sneakers makes you a bad person and it's alright to hurt you. Friendly reminder that there is no sympathy for collaborators. Friendly reminder that everything you hold dear is a valid target in an attempt to redress iniquities.
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started going to the gym at 6am, I feel my strength is down to 80%
4chan fills an important niche for me. Parasocial/news/entertainment/discussion/art.
What was it
Religion doesn't have to make sense, that's why so many people follow it
I read a study that a person is strongest around 5:00pm. My gym is way too crowded at that time thoughever.
Same. I don't have any friends so I post here
no reason for me to leave my 4chan /cum/mies
>best relationship advice received
>can express my self
>no one knows who I am and what fetishes I have
>prevent me from ending it
yep, /cum/mmies 4ever
That makes no sense why would you be stronger at 5pm than 6am
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Covfeve time.
Help me decide cherry pie or lemon tart
Your body has had time to get hydrated and take in carbs to fuel your muscles.
Are you retarded, namefag?
maybe your at your "wakest" at 5pm?
anyway, tried benching 2 plates as usual and almost kms
Ecclesiastes, summed up:
>You're gonna die and no one's gonna remember you. Eventually, no one will know you even existed.
>Might as well spend your life working hard at something you enjoy and find meaningful.
Also sometimes the bad guys get away with it and God doesn't punish them, so some guy at a later date forged an ending that did a 180 to send the message that actually God doesn't let the wicked go unpunished and that you should ignore everything you've read before this point.
for me it's cherry pie
makes sense desu
>ejaculate and afterbirth within a pie crust
uhh ok... anyways for me it's cheesecake
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The people have spoken

Cherry pie it is. I'm even gonna putta scoopa vanilla gelato onna bastid
>so some guy at a later date forged an ending
Didn't happen
i should get a raincoat
Lads my credit card wasn’t delivered like the email said. Should I be worried
How long has it been? Do they have the correct address?
You forgot the cat with newspaper picture

I took it from your mailbox and am using it to commission perverted drawings that will bring shame to your name
ponchos and some rain proofing spray look cooler and work better doe
It does look cool but people will look at me with contempt and I'll be followed around by employees at stores if I homelessmax
Go to bed, Cal
Bought ground pork (for the first time) and made the quickest, easiest stir fry of my life. Will def add this to my meat rotation.
brother i'm not walking to my job at a grocery store in a flecktarn larperator poncho. i don't want to be seen as a potential workplace shooter
ponchos are traffic signaler tier lmao
why would you wear rain gear indoors? you should get your ceilings fixed
that just proves they're effective, thanks for agreeing with me
makin hummus
>visited New York expecting to hear cool accents
>Everyone talks like they're from California
When did this happen
venezuelans happened
which parts of new york? the brooklyn accent is very distinct and widespread.
if you only visited the yuppie parts of manhattan, that's always been where transplants end up so hearing generic american accents would be expected.
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>why would you wear rain gear indoors?
this brother is stupid
>When did this happen
About the same time smartphones became mainstream
Ate a lot of goyslop just now
>yuppie parts of manhattan
That's exactly where I was LOL. That explains it.
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cummypies, im drinking covfefe
people from brooklyn can't pronounce their r's and just say it's an accent as a coping mechanism
Its been 2 weeks and I just double checked my address. Capital one more like capital none
>he can't into non rhotic accents
zoomer detected
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I'm a book and a half away from completing this series. Its safe to assume I know more about this country then 80% of the ppl itt
read about how to get some bitches dawg
Sometimes I'll think back and laugh at the opening scene to the movie Taxi (2004) with Jimmy Fallon and Queen Latifah where Fallon dresses up as a Cuban criminal trying to buy illegal phone cards from other Cubans that whole scene fucking kills me
>he can't pwonounce his aws
ok bab
You're one of my favorite posters and always make me laugh
No Eastern Port City can pronounce their r's
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Love this city.
Especially Bostonians. To every body else. "khakis" are a type of pants. In Boston they're something you start your car with
karma for seizing my 2 grams of dude at the border
It's just some stunad with a VPN. He's been posting as American territorial islands since at least yesterday
>crossing an international border with drugs
>republicans have to be against abortion cos of evangelical schizos even though most people getting abortions are non-whites who would never vote republican

Mad stuff
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>crossing over international borders with drugs
its a flower, it's legal in the state i was coming from, and legal in the country i was entering. theoretically there's no issue
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"Forged" here means someone didn't like what the original author wrote, so they pretended to be the original author and added a new ending which was considered more acceptable to traditional Judaism. Whoever wrote Ecclesiastes claimed that sometimes God doesn't reward the righteous and doesn't condemn the wicked; a Jewish scholar at a later date didn't like the message of every deed being rewarded or punished, so they added a new ending where they pretended to be the original author and claim that God does do those things.

Similar to the Gospel of Mark. The author wrote that the Jesus' mom, Mary Magdalene, and another woman entered Jesus' tomb and found a man dressed in white claiming that Jesus had risen from the dead. In the original ending, the women flee from the tomb and tell no one what what they had seen. A Christian at a later date found this to be nonsensical (since they would've eventually told someone that Jesus had risen from the dead,) and so pretended to be the original author of the gospel in order to tell a new ending where the women announce Jesus' resurrection. This theory is supported by the earliest manuscripts ending the gospel with the women fleeing and telling no one about the resurrection, and is corroborated by writings from Jerome and Eusebius.

People were constantly pretending to be someone else in the bible, in order to give their writings and beliefs more credibility.
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Then why were you stopped
rational men should be against all kinds of feminine vanity procedures like abortions, plastic surgery, and liposuction.
If what you're saying is true, that's the CBSA. The US Border Patrol will arrest you and send you to a detention centre for a few weeks or even months, rather than just confiscate.
i beat you to it today
Ok. If you're on an island post the sea
im ugly as fuck
>a Jewish scholar at a later date didn't like the message of every deed being rewarded or punished,
*not being rewarded or unpunished
gonna shit
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because canadian beaurocrats would rather focus on running in circles than the active "student" invasion, tow truck gang wars and chinese real estate mafias
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>read about how to get some bitches dawg
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Fake ai
Beautiful and valid.
I now believe you
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made peanut butter cookies with dark chocolate chips, made them big, only 9 would fit on the pan for each batch
>dark brown spots
you fucked them up, overcooked.
my penis is so small that penetrating a woman wouldnt be possible even if I somehow convinced her to let me try.
this left me depressed for many years but now i am free knowing sex with a woman isnt happening in this life
looking yum, for me it's dipping em in milk
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Member this? https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/jogger-who-accidentally-crossed-u-s-border-from-b-c-detained-for-2-weeks-1.4717060
Stupid bint. Never cross the line, everyone knows this.
nevermind, brotherberg is taking a shower
how's the cost to the vigins ?
I wanna take my gf there. looks comfy
>with dark chocolate chips
chips dummy
yeah did that when they were warm
those look good enjoy buddy
You should get a big mixing bowl, yeah, and fill it with French vanilla ice cream and just put all the cookies in it and crush them up in it and just have a giant bowl of French vanilla ice cream and peanut butter cookies with dark chocolate chips. FUCK I'm fuckin hungry right now.
she was illegally being brown in washington, understandable
It's cheap if you go in late Summer
>She's actually black
i fucking hate that chud elon musk
Ok I'm on a diet so can someone explain to me WHY ice cream is so supposedly bad. I need specifics. Not just it's not part of a balanced meal
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What's your favourite mod /custom content for it?
amerishartistani police are fucking useless, where's this kind of eagerness on the southern border where fentanyl is coming in.
It's not bad. I recommend you eat a pint of your favorite ice cream every night.
Great nothing for another 3 hours
i thought you maoris were banned from posting here
> VIRGIN islands
what did they mean by this
It's kakala hairys fault
Anyone in here from Portland?
>voting for kamala, trad female, black queen, voice of the generation
>voting for trump, brian's favorite politician
the choice is simple really
what places should I visit, and what to avoid ? you think 6 days is enough to roam around?
Except there's archaeological evidence of marks ending not being genuine
There isn't for Ecclesiastes
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i drove through that shithole yesterday
i got family in portland, been there a few times.
Christ I didn't have my glasses, I thought that said Poland
>jello gays! Is St. Vermont Whitetown Nobrownsallowed Onlylocal Population:notyou In northern almostcanada JerseyTown Johnson weshoteveryforeigner a safe area?! Women pretty?! Yes? I asking for a fren!
In Louisiana, they call a sandwich "poboy" because it's cheap and poor people could afford it ("poor boy" -> "poboy").
What does this mean for Poland?
/cum/ will never recover from this post
just saw some cali plates with ACK as the 3 letters lmao
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If someone said yes I was gonna reply with an "LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" but I guess nobody in here is unlucky enough to be from Poortland.
my nigga you're from hungry
It's 1:25 now and I'm not off work till 4:00. What should I do?
go poop for 2 hours, getting paid to poop and shitpost is always based
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Work. My 401k depends on you being a good little wagie and getting things done.
Jack off in the “restroom” as you yanks call it
Unless you wfh in which case just jack off on your gaming chair
this is why I keep women in my cellar
why would i accept an invitation from a random stranger?
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>get fired from last job for talking shit about the policies my batshit insane "policy center" was pushing
>family invites me back home in the interim
>told self I would finish one job application today
>immediately begin drinking as soon as mom leaves

I've never gonna make it in politics am I
*gets all up in your face* wassup then hommey? Wassup then?
narcissists actually think like this
Stop the cap jit.
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im going to the pharmacy and when i get back im gonna tell everyone about the nightmare i had

here is a frog while you wait
I am very very very interested to hear about your dream.
My nigga you is from chicago.
You lie to yourself and others. You'll do fine in politics
>The message of the work abruptly shifts from skepticism about God's justice to a sudden assertion of it.
>The utility of orthodoxy and piety goes from another type of vanity that doesn't save man from the same fate as the wicked suffer (both in this life and in the grave) to being indispensable for one to have different fate than the wicked (at the very least in this life, if not after.)
>The conclusion differs from the rest of the work in literary style, breadth of vocabulary, and phrasing, and also suggests a later period of Hebrew than the rest of the work is written in.
I mean yeah, some retards still don't accept it, but they're also the types to still think the work was written in the time of Solomon (if not by Solomon,) and to think Mark was actually written by Peter's friend.
Those edibles make me way too sleepy and fatigued. Can’t work like this
I'm excited to hear about the nightmare
Stop likening it to mark, it isn't the same
For Mark we have archaeological evidence through textual variance in the manuscripts
For Ecclesiastes, this is totally your interpretation of the text and the question I'd ask is whether you're reading the text like a Jew of antiquity would have been reading it or are you projecting modern values into the text?
thanks anon, I feel better already
I had a dream i was back in central texas and almost had a panic attack when i woke up. That place is endless suburbs and flat mowing grass, disgusting. 10 hours just to escape the state
I don't want to seem like I'm shilling but the app Too Good To Go feels like cheating. I think I'll try living off of it instead of going grocery shopping. It is that cheap.
read this in hunter s thompson's voice
>my old temp agency closed down
fucking based, time to say l was doing some wicked badass shit for them on my resume
Remembering when /pol/ was saying that Trump getting shot was gonna get him elected only for everyone to stop caring about it like a week later lmao.

Getting shot is just a part of living in the freest country in the world. Eventually you just have to take the advice we give to the families of kids killed in school shootings and get over it. Move on already.

Owning guns is the only way left that rural white males can still feel like men. We just have to respect the needs of the biggest group of babies in the history of the world, come what may.
Taco Bell is actually healthy
jannyberg wont like this
I on e took a Greyhound bus from downtown L.A. to Manhattan. It took 5 days, most of which were spent going through fucking Texas. I had had no conception. That Texas was so large. Holy fuck. It just kept going and going and going. It's been like 2 days, are we out of fucking Texas yet? No. Fuck
Taco bell is biohazard
>We just
In what way?
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The perfect family dog
Code switching is a stupid made up concept. Everyone has a formal presentation voice and a relaxed, informal tone, and most people who are self-aware and intelligent know how to adjust between the two. For example, Southerners, particularly from the Deep South, naturally moderate their accent and slang when speaking to non-Southerners or in professional settings. It's a normal part of communication, and not some unique magical quality. It's not that big of a deal. However, it would be ridiculous and contrived for a non-Southerner to speak to a group of Southerners in a fake stupid Southern accent for likes. Leaders communicate through authenticity and command of their subject. They weaponize ideas through effective communication, not stupid faux accents.
when i hear the word greyhound the first thing that pops to mind is the guy who beheaded someone in a greyhound bus
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unironically my most leftoid opinion is that the founding fathers would have severely limited, or removed altogether, the 2nd amendment if they knew how advanced firearms would become in terms of killing power
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The average """voter""" has the attention span of a dog, October surprises determine at least 75% of people's choices
Never heard of that
I highly doubt that.
Life isn’t easy
i forgot he also ate him
Imagine being stuck on a greyhound with some decapitated person in a puddle of blood and a crazed chink carrying around the head
Wonder how fucked in the head those people still are today
guns are stupid anyways, it's explosives that get the point across
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fed post
Life would be so much easier if we didn’t have to shit
BIG poop
Every day his manifesto proves to become more and more true.
>A review board in Manitoba ordered his discharge - without monitoring - saying he did not pose a significant threat.
Normies don't care enough to do anything about it
>formerly known as Vince Weiguang Li

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What do you mean, shitting's good. It's a free break time at work. You should only poop at most once a day, so it works out.
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Hold up I'm making new.
no i am
we should let only the American police and military, two institutions famous for their restraint, own functional weapons.

trading freedom for safety and letting the dystopian surveillance state literally bitch slap and kill you is progress because europe does it.
minecraft film looks like dookie

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