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Vasame Edition

diStephany edition
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Remove the 2nd amendment and take away everybody's guns
lol, bet you are, sprinkles.
You guys should let your hair grow out.
The 2nd amendment isn’t the problem
It’s the skin color
You know it, baby
Its the same as Goodman
some people say to be kind you have to be cruel
Miss Monique and DiStefano linked up need it or keep it
you have never ever lived with scots irish white trash in rural areas mr euro
the cia made me shit my pants
Gun haters deserve their deaths by muggers and cops
I hate Indians so much
You’ve gotta be cruel to be kind in the right measure
gun lovers deserve their deaths by other gun lovers
gun haters deserve their deaths by gun lovers
Yea, a good man between your cheeks, Tinkerbell.
that's what I'm sayin'
Wtf I'd that minecraft movie
I love humbling Arabs by asking if they're from India
That doesn’t offend me
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Women are like this
Where are you guys living that has arabs and indians? Maryland? Texas? New Jersey? I've barely seen either in my entire life
I never thought Jack Black was funny.
Apparently lots in michigan
Very similar to their native climate you see
Me irl
minnesota is a shariah state
ywnbaw albeit
He funny but a bit much and shouldn't be given too much control or prominence over a project except tenacious d
Interesting. The ethnic situation is fascinating down there. Entire towns of Armenians, Israelis and other groups that only have a couple million people in their own countries
obviously you've never seen nacho libre
>life goes to shit overnight
>i am now renting a room with strangers
>make mailing address a PO box for mail safety reasons
>decide to buy new gaming pc to be nice to myself
>bestbuy blocks my order for vague reasons and gives no contact or dispute options
>amazon does the same, makes me do some ID verification that is buggy as all hell
>waiting on results of the amazon one
>what is happening please let me buy a computer I am trying so hard not to fall back into severe suicidal depression here
>talk to bank, everything ok on their end
>talk to credit card, everything ok on their end
>it's the merchants thinking I am trying to rob myself or something
>I just want to play video games
>all local stores have shitty in-person selections

i just wanted to do something nice for myself
i want to die.
capitalism wants me to die.
Maryland has Indians nowadays, especially at UMD, it's awful.
Norcal and Socal should be different states. Driving down 101 into Los Angeles feels like I'm entering into a different, lower, uglier state.
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l used to like jack wack, then l turned 14
Save your money, stop playing video games and grow up.
no fuck you

give me chicken nuggets and video games
watchin hasanabi
damn this nigga is articulate
California should be nuked because it is modern day Sodom and Gomorrah
I have and got the main theme recommended to me recently but instead of taking in the song fully the brainrot of this place was in the back of my head because it had the lyrics in Spanish and the chorus is yo soy, yo soy
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Comme l'Italia
you're literally a troon though
Maryland has tons of Indians nowadays, especially at UMD, it's awful really. Man this college is such a shithole, when my grandfather went here it was 90% White.
maybe for the filty rich, all the poor degenerates already moved to austin, portland, seattle, etc
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the women you see on obscure dating apps are so radically different than ones on mainstream ones
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Why are people so virulently anti California? It's only certain parts of socal that are like that. The central part and NorCal (not San Fran) are actually quite normal
So did mom and dad kick you out for not finding a job or did a tornado kill your family and house or what? Life doesn't just collapse like that overnight. I need details.
No Latinx ever called me Chud
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Most normal Indian movie plot

>Mala is raped by Raja. She takes him to court, but the judge orders her to marry her rapist as punishment. Despite Raja and his family's cruelty, Mala perseveres with kindness, eventually winning them over through her goodness.
Tu es un chuddo
They ruined Colorado. I hate them
it's flyovers wanting to feel better about their shitholes
Flyovers feel obligated to seethe at important parts of the country
No one knows for sure why they are like this. Probably jealously
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when did chuds start making conspiracy theories over milk pasteurization?
Seed Oils
STFU Brian. Illinois is literally a flyover state
i left a long term relationship that was really fucked up and basically moved out immediately
It's 2:22. I'm off work at 4:00
Can't log into my word puzzle game somethings wrong. Guess it's back to pinball
is there anything to the anti sneed oil movement or is that just chud superstition
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? U fw her Slavic street aesthetic too
Is that the dude from the school of rock movie?
There’s a lot more depth to it than “seed oils bad” but if you don’t want to dive into omega 3:omega 6 ratios and polyunsaturated fats and all then just ask yourself whether you think fried chicken is health food.
If even love her if she was wearing a hot dog costume
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You now hear Dance Hall Days in your head ;-)
so why don't you focus on saving your money for a better living situation instead of blowing over a grand on bing bing wahoo? buy a series s if you absolutely need to consoom goyslop, although a 50 dollar kindle and infinite books downloaded online would be a lot better
Have you seen her evil twin ?
Her name is Ssim Euqinom
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i'm just going to pick up extra shifts to cover it. I have this place till may and it is a 10 minute walk to work so picking up extra shifts is easy now.

my last rig lasted me over 10 years with a part swapped out here and there for cheap but it's on its last legs. I am going to make a bad financial choice in the short term and be fucking happy about it.
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Had my current processor and mobo since 2012
Might upgrade
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Just sold the tickets to my dream concert but it was the most financially sane option
my power supply is like... over 15 years old and too weak to run new cards.
Odds I study the ged social studies subjects

Evens i study language

Odds i consume edibles till I pass out
I dropped 2.5k on my current rig 2 years ago. Less than a month after I bought it I had to replace the power unit. Beware of iBuyPower products
what did you order newfy
underage or border hopper?
Sooooo....whats it gonna be? Studies or edibles?
Why buy power when you can generate it on your own?
I miss the old Star Trek Dayjob Orchestra videos where they'd make Picard call Data Newfy all the time.

This wacky Canadians
I stopped playing video games and bought a Mac book
I'd put it together myself and reuse the case, psu, gpu, and storage. Just need a new processor mobo and ram
a decent pre-built this time around so I won't (probably) have to deal with compatibility issues out of the gate

or at least I TRIED to before amazon said "whoops you might not be you"

if the ID verification doesn't work I'll just fucking buy the parts and make it myself
I wonder what their lifespan is supposed to be. Mine has so many thousands of hours of runtime by now. Almost 24/7 for near 10 years
I'm losing my mind
No idea, but I'd keep it if I could. It just can't run modern cards. It shouldn't even technically be able to run the card that is in it. But it has been for like 5 years.
Kek both
i asked
that is very gay my german friend
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>buying a pre-built off amazon of all places
good luck. i thought you were waiting on parts
No it’s cool and smart and it just works
I've had parts die within a month when I've built shit myself so it doesn't even matter desu
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Stalker 2 came out today.
more likely to pull bitches with a macbook thank a thinkpad or alienware thoughbeit
I told customer service about the problem cuz I had a warranty and they said to send the whole fucking thing back and they'd fix it but it would take 8-9 weeks.how am I supposed to go 2 months without a computer? I took it to this African computer repair place I been going to for years (I was surprised, dude is GOOD) and he sorted me out for $100
what parts were they? was it off the second hand market?
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maybe but i don't want bitches right now I want video games
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this sucked
What'd you expect
normalize age gaps
MacBook Pro 13inch Retina (early 2015)
iPad (7. Gen)
iPhone 15 Pro Max

Meanwhile PC losers be using their Oppo Android chink phone and stay unsexed!
Something at least as good as BoB and The Pacific.
do hohol really
dont remember asking
In the current year? "Ye'd be just as like t'have angels fly outta yer arse"
I've always fixed my own machines so I'm not too worried. And there are a lot of repair places around if I don't have time to deal with it. I just need the like, basic setup and I'll deal with shit as it happens.

No, I used to shop at a place called memory express where you could get parts easily. The first Tower-Case I had didn't have good ventilation and I think some parts overheated. Had a motherboard die, my very first power supply die, and a ram issue. That was like 10 years ago though.
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>omg is that the 65467th movie about WWII how exciting
Titanic quoting nigga
aaaaaaaaaaa i hate myself so much
You're very good. Nobody's ever guessed that right off the bar
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The real thing was obviously exciting, and based, and trad, and not morally wrong.
John Wayne is an overrated hack
are you that ginger guy that went to military jail a while back?
why did boomers like carrot top
Applied to so many jobs. Only had 4 interviews. I think one place is going to hire me since they had me fill out background check stuff after the interview
gayness was a comedy routine to them growing up
background check is a good sign
not a ginger but i've been to
why do you ask
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Me in 1 hour and ten minutes
me now because I want my damn computer
Hopefully i find out next week. He said it would take a while. I'll call on tuesday if i don't hear by then.
It is the same, you're just not counting doing a 180 in language, literary style, vocabulary, and messaging as a sign there's a second author to the work. What you want is contemporaneous, extratextual evidence of a much older document since you don't count severe intratextual discrepancies as evidence, a goalpost you’ve set up (and will no doubt continue moving) because you know you won’t find it for such an ancient piece, which is why you’ve set up a false dichotomy where any severe break from borderline heterodoxy to orthodoxy is discounted, no matter how nonsensical the jump might be.

All of the following have to be discounted to adhere to a position that, without doctors of the faith doubting the validity of a single author, and without possession of the ancient autograph, we should unthinkingly leave the work uninspected:
>Fragments of Ecclesiastes from the Dead Sea Scrolls showing not only the various forms of the text from the Second Temple period, but of differences compared to Masoretic Texts. These show changes (maybe purposeful, at the very least accidental) by later scribes, but these intertextual changes will no doubt be dismissed. Someone may’ve graffitied the side of your train with gang tags, but that’s no indication that this older gang tag might not have been part of the train’s original coat of paint.
>Septuagint translations differing from the Masoretic Text, showing a dichotomy between “Jew of antiquity would have been reading it or are you projecting modern values” is just a complete fucking lie, since Ecclesiastes was understood and retranslated in different Jewish communities throughout antiquity and beyond. Presenting it as “Jew of antiquity” is disingenuous, since you know there is no one reading of the work or one type of Jew, during antiquity or otherwise, but such nuance doesn’t allow you to build your desired conclusion from the ground up.
Boozing won't expedite it's delivery. Then again it might, carry on
background checks can take a bit. if it's one the company does I think the turnaround time is usually faster then ordering one yourself

at least when I dealt with that stuff it was
Bro relax this is 4chan not some gay discussion panel
i was thinking about him the other day is all. why'd you go to military jail?
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This is the lady I had sex with back in February of this year
time might move faster if i loose concept of time

and i have work at 5am tomorrow so I may as well get fucked up mid-day today
why is she taking selfies in a public bathroom
That shapewear is putt in overtime there. Still would plap
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How was her coño and ano
It is similar to Mark, but you don’t like it, since an example like Mark’s a hole in the bow. Something anonymously published with intratextual discrepancies which pointed scholars (including those not long from the period of the autograph) in the direction of determining some of the texts were edited by another author at some later date. But had we never recovered any parts of the earlier editions of Mark (having been written but lost to time,) we’d be here today with you asserting that there was no second/third ending to Mark and that it was probably all written by the same author, and that we shouldn’t imprint our modern sensibilities on the work just because it seems to make no sense or looks like it might’ve been written by someone else to make a more coherent, more orthodox ending, any other examples of such phenomena from other scripture to be ignored.

Yeah, the last paragraph of your mother’s will says she’s giving all her money to me, a complete refutation of everything that appeared in the will up to this point. It may look like it was hastily typed up by a hand with a voice that’s almost certainly not her own, but how’re you gonna doubt it? Do you have older copies where this concluding paragraph’s absent? No? They were lost years ago? I guess you should stop comparing it to this more recent time a friend of mine swindled another old lady out of her estate, since the first copies absent those changes started circulating before they could be stopped.
then everyone clapped
You're gay.
I didn’t clasp
for me it was this thai hooker a little over a year ago. a lot tanner skin in person, very beautiful
Fingers crossed. The pay isn't very good but it seems like it'll be interesting at first
im back from the pharmacy i stopped by the grocery store because i needed some olive oil but they had a sale on chicken breasts so im gonna bake those tonight and have some mashed potatoes and corn on the cob with it
do you want to hear about my nightmare
There is this borderline chubby chick at work
Face is very meh, feet are abhorrent (at least sandal season will be over soon), her dialect is off putting but some days she wears this one particular black dress that makes her look so insanely fuckable idk what it is
did 20 days for going awol
hey you gotta start somewhere

best of luck to you anon
Hey you're preaching to the choir here. You'll get no argument from me
>do you want to hear about my nightmare
fuck yes tell me brother
based, did you still get separation pay or does that cuck you out of bennies?
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Wright in a Benis

Good night!!!!! Say it back
Had the same dream again
Baron Danglars was arguing with Sailor Jupiter at a Valero
Crisis actor bros... are we back?
mac books are still kinda gay

good night, love.
>separation pay
it's different here
but you could say i still got paid at the end yeah
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My riddle for you tonight
Find out what it means
You need to solve the riddle that will get you some bitches
ok so here's what happened
i ended up at some weird cult type religious place, sort of like scientolegists or some weird christians . and they were playing the videos on a projector of all the wacky stuff they believe in, and me and my friend were laughing at it . but when it came time for us to leave, this cult lady tried to strap me down to a chair and i freaked out so i ran out the door to my car and drove home . and when i got home some weird guy made a pass at me and tried to get grabby, and when i told him to fuck off he got really somber and went into my house, and got a gun and pointed it at me and fired, but it didn't work and just fizzled . so i just ran away from this guy and eventually i ran all the way to my parents house somehow and locked the door behind me and i woke up
that's kind of fucked up

thank you for sharing
I don’t need “some” because I already have the ONE
She’s in bed fast asleep and I’ll go cuddle up next to her right about meow (after taking a peepee)
Work starts again in 7 hours lol…
A while ago I found out they have to use lube to put those outfits on, but I wonder if the lube dries and if they squirt more in or use water to reactivate it, or maybe it's not possible and it has to take them forever to change.
I also wonder if they have bad acne, or if they remove their hair or just leave it because shaving would probably get fucked up. And then what happens if they sweat, they must get stinky
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taking off those suits must be disgusting
why would you post this to tiktok oh my god
it's so embarrassing you are so delusional if you think you had a glow up or something
Cool dream vro
l guess I'm used to horrible dreams because that doesn't sound too bad ngl
What is a glow up? I don't understand your zoomette expressions
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Use context and you can suss it out
I had 153 grams of protein in the last 4 hours. I'm gonna make it
it was really scary in the moment i hate being chased and i felt like i was gonna be killed
when someone loses a lot of weight or otherwise improves their appearance significantly .
ist das tu?
this is your 7ft tall basketball wife right ?
I saw a dark South Indian jeet holding hands with a skinny blonde white girl
So don’t say it doesn’t happen!
this is truly the worst nightmare i could have
Like telling a bitch she's fat is usually considered toxic af, and then she's gonna have all her stupid fat friends who think she's still skinny. But if you're too subtle about it she might not take it seriously. Or she's a retard who thinks she has to do some sort of diet mumbo jumbo instead of just eating less and she's gonna keep being a fatass but convincing herself she's not. Or she does meth/drugs to lose weight and becomes some nutjob loser who's still out of shape because she's not actually exercising
She has unusual eyes
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You got it, Cammy Brink
weird that me and her are the same species
she's almost 2 feet taller than me
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eatting ass>eating pussy
Shit opinion, no pun intended
I just saw this, fuck you!
eating ass puts you on the level of fags and jeets
Where's the schizopajjeetpakiincelcanadindiannotoiletcel?
Where’s rainjeet
>lsd psychosis
>gambling away his paycheck
>burning eggs
>begging for money
i ate my gf's ass in the shower immediately after she had scrubbed it

any other scenario it's gross tbqh
dey eat da poopoo
Are you as pretty as she is?
i take the train to work
because i want to live in the hustle and bustle of the big city
and that means financially supporting the infrastructure to make it heckin walkable
i can't really say, but tall people are more attractive on the whole so maybe not
fuck, I've been studying Spanish, but I know more German than Spanish
Who asked?
man adding literally 1 (one) can of black beans to any meal is a game changer
i like black beans with breakfast i take inspiration from the english breakfast plates a lot
tomatoes as well
>tfw still can't convince gf to let lick her asshole
it's a grim future ahead
es ist ok mien freund
it was a reply explaining why I mixed up tu and du, to that post, so he kind of indirectly did
is that okay with du/tu?
Did you write this message from 1980? Most women are open to that nowadays. Anal too
an entire can?
veilin dank
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i heard that a WHITE
killed 4 n word people in Georgia in a school today.
Is this really true my CUM friends ?

i like beans. i get a lot of leftovers from cooking lunch, so i just reheat it later for dinner or something.
you already said goodnight, go away now
Not Peewee Herman, but a Peewee Herman type
gf is very catholic , and according to the sacred writings, anal is sodomize-tier and deserves an eternity of agony in hell.
15 minutes and im off the wagecage
Me too! First rounds in me buddy
15 minutes and I'mma clock in the wagecage
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>First rounds in me
odds lasagna
evens burrito
zero bowl of nails without any milk
I'm ain't no ricchione, pal
Odio i froci, but if you don't want the drink, no skin off my nose
what kinda burrito
bendfag if you're in here, why the fuck are there so many bums now compared to a year ago?
if dubs, i will succumb to the devil's whispers and go get some beer.
if singles, i will make some tea instead.
wasn't expecting a 0, huh buddy
has anyone done meth here
90 is singles mexicanon
i will be having a lovely cuppa herbal tea (pear scented)
i love tea and i love pears so i would probably really enjoy that too
put brandy in your tea

i did
alcoholism won't fix your broken heart homie, but opium and its derivatives will
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grab her right in the pussy!
based opium addict
it might not fix it but it will plug the hole for a while

for some reason i thought i read "odds/evens"

my bad g
when is the mint going to make $250 or $500 bills
we don't live in the 60s any more holy shit boomers. Dollars are the new cents
loonies and toonies forever fucker
Just found out 2 days next week I get paid to stay home because of building maintenance. Sick af
started taking psyllium husk and i have pooed 7 times today
is it supposed to give you the shits?
American Christianity is weird
must be just clearing me out or something, haven't felt bad per se just had to shit a lot.
True, it's like the opposite of jesus teachings
Black people being christian is even weirder
protestants are weird, yes.
Eating a protein bar, /cum/

how is your evening
yes, psyllium husk is almost pure fiber. it wouldn't fix constipation issues (by that point things are already stuck, fiber wouldn't un-stuck anything) but as part of a daily multivitamin regimen it can ensure that you're getting enough to keep your digestion flowing smoothly.
did you know blacks christians have their own baby black jesus?
I shit you not, the first time I went to a nigress house, her family had christian figures, but all were BLACKED
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just watching youtube and sitting around until i start on dinner in about half an hour
it got cloudy outside and it's about to rain i think
dat weird nigga poster a goth rabbir wtf
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it's not uncommon in ethiopian orthodox churches as well.
me? just existing
sounds comfy af. that's a nice painting too
Pretty much every culture has done this though. There’s artwork of jeet Jesus, chink Jesus etc
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i agree
which kinograph shall i take in tonight
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>There’s artwork of jeet Jesus, chink Jesus etc
So how do you make friends
having stuff in common with someone helps a lot
well, you start with uhhhhhhhhhhh.........idk
Trump is the fakest Christian
in my area it's usually smoking weed or drinking after work. l don't smoke anymore and don't like drinking so l don't have friends now
i haven't had friends since 2013
All Christianity is weird
having hobbies that get you out and talking to people, sports, cars, literally anything that has you physically going to a place with many people, I've also met a few coworkers my age that have persisted to real life friends, other than that you just gotta luck out and keep your friend group from childhood
have a cookout at your house and invite your neighbors
do language exchange
take classes
do hobby things with people
Reddit be like
>Just take a cooking class!
i have 3 hours to send a message to a match on bumble or she'll be lost to me 5eva (that's even more than 4eva).
l thought bumble made foids message you first?
not ever since they went woke

otherwise you don't. even then it's fucking hard.
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i want my gaming pc

the brandy is not enough buds
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pov: you are a shrimp
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my life went downhill after 2017
shrimple as
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what do cum bros think about german Nazi rap ?
are you down with the AfD ?
i got some shrimps at the store earlier to have with some cocktail sauce tomorrow
interview in 45 minutes, PLEASE wish me luck. l'm kinda boned if this flops
debate in 6 days, PLEASE wish me luck. I'm kinda boned if this flops
don't need luck. all skill baby.
good luck anon just act like you've already got the job this is just one of the formalities
have confidence you got it buddy
good luck my love

you'll do great
100 word essay due in 6 months, PLEASE wish me luck. I'm kinda boned if this flops
i hope you fail
idk how to solve a rubiks cube from memory but i have great faith in the science algorithms that can
how does one fail a mcdonalds interview lmao
I interview people about once a week for various teams in my organization. I usually know within the first 5 minutes whether or not I'll reject them. Some dudes just ain't got the sauce.
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Here's your muscle gf bro
who tf interviews someone after 5pm lmao all of mine have been before 11:00am
you mean after 8pm
i took time zones into consideration okay
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>5 dollar gas
someone should make a coffee machine solve rubiks cubes that fast just for the sake of multitasking.
Or a machine that does a bunch of stupid convenient tasks and call it a woman
>laughs in $2.65 south gas prices
i just realized we're legally allowed to be sexist outside of /b/
fucking based
gas was 3 dollars when i filled up today
no one cares about flyover states
>being broke is good because I live in [tourist trap]
why is /b/ the only board with racism privileges. 90% of /pol/ could be nuked at any time if they started enforcing that rule
flyover state
imagine wagecucking in 2024
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just did the conversion and gas is very low right now (1.30/liter) and we are STILL the equivalent of $3.70 a gallon usd, I've regularly filled up at 1.80/liter before which is 5.35 usd/gallon.
>150k/year is broke
ok flyover
Your government hates you
just got scammed by some dudes asking for gas money. gave them a twenty and they kept asking for more. right afterwards, it occurred to me it was a scam and searched for and found others with the same experience. they'd give you jewelry, claim it's worth thousands. i genuinely wanted to help, but scamming isn't a common occurrence, so i fell for it

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