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Snus and a Guinness edition
i dont drink alcohol but a guiness does look lovely
what does it takes like?
Legitimately insane how 'erb is still illegal here

Even the Germans legalised it and they're the most boring bastards in the world
>Average house should cost 3x salary and not a penny more
Yeah, so raise wages
Fucking hell it's like talking to a rock
have doubled my salary in the last 5 years and gained passive income of £900/month (rental)
if you're still poor it's your own fault
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mi nem sir ganga farmer
mi tok pon de reefer
mi close dem babylon pubs and clubs
get dem battymans housed fed and clothed
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Just saw a Christmas advert from spar
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Horrific combination
The texture of the snus does not go with the thick creamy texture and bitter taste of Guinness
Experienced this many times
Old milk and soil
somehow its wrong to believe your instincts
somehow society tells you everything is wrong when your mind only wants whats right
im starting a new job on 26k
you should have bought concord
>vintage clothes
>boiler room sets
>adam curtis documentaries
this is everything to me.
Your entire goal in life is stacking promises to the bearer on demand
Bovine cunt
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adam curtis was good before he went woke
what do you work as
so hungry x
does she have anal scenes?
professional jizz mopper
Imagine how many miles of black Oxford-educated cock she’s taken on that little bed
genuinely gave me a stiffy lol
golfball suckler
Smoke weed, car keyed.

Simple as.
you are poor in runescape and in real life

software engineer
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so what's the deal with every fucking thing being over saturated now
like you cannot do fucking anything because some cunt already did it
and why don't you tell the group what society is telling you that's wrong?

that's right, just say it into the recording device here, er I mean the thread
>You're an incredibly pathetic runt
but you are bald
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>200 MILLION dollarino budget
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>toe thumbs
moss ball importer
autistic virgin alarm going mental
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Imagine being a medieval child seeing all the men and young boys go off to war and realizing years later you're only one of a few males left and guaranteed massive amounts of puss.
We’re ready for a civilization reset me laddo
Back to hunter gatherers
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Rate this girl
ruby granger bumming your arse with her toe thumb
Plus you could rape your wife whenever you wanted back then
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>I'm a software engineer
Is there a better way to announce you that you died early and are still just going through the motions?
looks very much like what I imagined the girl from JG ballard's concrete island to look like
she's peng
average. like every girl 5 or 6 / 10
this goes down as the greatest boiler room set of all time
Like water
Might engineer some software
it is up to you to find meaning in my shitposts
maybe it resonates, maybe it doesn't
you can still do that now mate
would actually be catastrophic as there is not really any big game to hunt anymore
that's the reason people in the middle east, mediterranean, east asia, india, mexico switched to farming. They had overhunted their lands and were forced to subsist on domesticated animals and grains. this gave them a population explosion which allowed them to swarm the remaining hunter gatherers in their area
A snide and, quite frankly, jejune response.
Code monkey mortally wounded
Swedish hedgemony
nepo baby 9923th in line
dislike him
mexico be kidding me
I just saw a Tony Blair interview

He claimed immigration was essentially a force of nature which is unstoppable and the role of government was to stop natives from rioting against it
millions of sudanese will be flooding to our shores as a result of the civil war
Might have full sex with a woman
um actually we have lots and lots of deer
but no one has a gun!
>Gibson's father is descended from Huntingdonshire gentry, and his mother's ancestry includes the Earls of Dundonald, the Earls of Wemyss and March, the Marquess of Crewe, the Dukes of Somerset, and other peerage and baronetage families.

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AI is taking /brit/ jobs
stop it now

Oh man I wonder why people aren't having kids anymore it's such a mystery
>guaranteed massive amounts of puss.
Around half of all medieval armies would face attrition as soon as wages were payed
sudanese nuts
No my name is Mark
Shouting asinine soliloquies into the void
I just realised Carl "Sargon of Akkad" Benjamin of Swindon is really old.
Not as funny though are they
Lacking that spark of creation
Soul, if you will
crying into my tom ford shirt that cost more than you earn in a week of stacking shelves
Because they'd rather use contraception
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alri michael
the best is the lgbt group that called him 'sir queer harmer'
Hate how self censoring and effeminate ChatGPT's tone is
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Sounds like the average yank post
Classic banter
now you know how human artists feel......
>people that come from the best families are also the best at making art which makes me le mad
People would rather do tiktoks and eat avocados!
That’s interesting as I suspected that’s exactly how government officials view it
alexa, bring up the year the birth control pill was invented crossed with fertility rates
Explain sharks then
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they can do it without being the best though that's the point
they can be utterly mediocre but due to connections given to them they can be plastered everywhere and promoted even if they are shite
dadberg munching crisps obnoxiously
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So that's why I can zoom in
eagerly awaiting the new pewdiepie video
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sonstein moaning about me eating again, wish he'd fuck off to his SCB
*mouth full of crisps*
i'm sorry if this triggers your autism son
*jumps right in*
*turns on megaphone*
You're bald lol
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It's why Protestants in America commited genocide against Catholics there because they were jealous of birth rates instead of just stopping contraception
Can't wait to do the same when they start conscripting people for the great globohomo war in Russia or China.

Going to laugh at all the Deanos who get brainwashed by patriotic propaganda while I pretend I have a heart condition.and drag my left foot around

alri Keyser Soze
cockberg is making give into the wankjew again
RIP to those people shot at that high school.
>here's two invented fictional families with one living a fancy cosmopolitan life and one being poor backwards rural fenia- I mean racists
>this is why you should let your small rich homogenous homeland be overrun by foreigners and lose its culture and identity
vile really teaching this to kids
Gets em every time
need to have it off with her


There's a Games Workshop right next door there
Hang on let me get my bradley out
I’ll be in China by then
1: Gen Z boss. 7/10. Would happily fuck her, wouldn't even take her clothes off. Bit loafers are hot on chicks, would love to have them over my shoulders when I put her in mating press.

2: Itty bitty: 3/10. Worst body type possible for an asian. Slightly chubby but with a fat face and a titlet. Sad. Many such cases. If her face slimmed down she has potential to go to a 6/10,maybe 7.

3: 5'3&attitude. 5/10. Chipmunk face, decent body, definition of mid.

4: Secret product 8/10. Great body, her hand is pressing her tits down and they're still big. Looks tall, clean skin, has the 80s teen movie thing going on where if you took her glasses off and touched her hair up she'd be hot. Would be seen in public with.

4: New Frank Green. 4/10. Lantern face, man jaw, bragging about being a whore to compensate for the fact she's not attractive. You can tell she thinks she's waaaaaay better in bed than she actually it.

5: Fake tan. 3/10. Bland, boring, sad and low energy. Notice how the other women are fucking retard but at least they're bouncing, having fun and moving around? She doesn't, she's dull, unimaginative and doesn't have anywhere near the looks needed to carry the lack of personality. The Asian titlet isn't my type but at least looks like she could be fun, this one has a better body but looks as bad if not worse due to demeanor. Titlet can glow up, frumpy is hard locked at 3.
she is buying figures
Still light up here in glorious Scotland
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can't be doing with it
Might kill myself
Nary a syllable
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wow I didn't know president of ukraine was such a good dancer
winter can't come soon enough
fuck summer
>Secret product 8/10
alri blind lad
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Ruby speedrunning The Raven. lmao Poe is turning in his grave. He'll be tapping at her door, alright, and strangling her for ruining his masterpiece with her reckless rendition. Is she on something? How, on God's good earth, did this idiot get a degree in anything? She needs to come up for air.
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american women rule the world
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5'3 is at least a 6, and with the 2nd vid she's bumped up to wifey status
I concur gen z boss is still the pengest however
Hate cunts that moan about the darkness and weather
You've lived here all your life get fucking used to it
>oh no it's winter which means it's dark and cold ahh this is a catastrophe who could have seen this coming
got the kpop on
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This post wins the weeks antisemitism reward
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Fucking bitch.
Blunt and a book sub-edition
Bet her farts reek.
I need a ruby incel gf because she won't have fucked 20 black men in the past month
Might as well be holograms
Human connections have been lost
Noone is real anymore
And if you dare try talk about something real they disengage
If you're emotionally-coded not rational-coded it severely affects your mood.
she should get some cock in her before its late
pallid little gimp
190 you are literally a child molester
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asians >>>>>>> white/black/brown whores
dont (you) me you incel freaks
would love it for her tit rub my willy with her lovely big tits until i spunk all over them, if you know what i mean
Any insipid worms in
she's so fit it's unreal
Why do 4chan incels care that it’s going darker? You’re literally just sat inside tapping away little incel messages on 4chan, not like you are going outside or anything.
hate driving in the winter because of all the rain, when I wasn't a NEET and actually spent an hour each way on the motorway to work every day I would have visions of being involved in the most brutal collision either due to my own actions or some knob when the rain is so heavy and its pitch fucking black on the M42 so you can't see a thing. I would always make it a routine to just breathe and have a little think about my life like it was my last moments every time I had to make a journey. felt like I was staring death in the face every time.
not a fan of riddles
saw a chinese girl in brum the other day who was the spit of pic rel
she had short shorts on with a big dragon tattoo on her thigh and it made me chimp out a bit
canadian women run the world
You still seething about neets?
rorke: bruhhhh
mum just randomly asked if everyone was happy smiley face on the family gc
I am not happy I don't think I have been since I was 10
"haha yeah" I responded
why did you not approach her. I would be regretting that for the rest of my life if I was you
the uk is so shit bros :(
youll have to explain in a little more detail
birthday tomorrow lads, the missus and my parents better have got me good presents or else ill be playing space marine 2 all day and sulking
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This her?
I assume you think I’m some other cunt who hurt your feelings hours ago?
do we need to add German flag to the filter list?
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too much of a virgin for that mate
because hed be in prison for attempted rape
starmers britain
No there is some spacker who cries every day and you fit the bill
yeah mad that innit
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canadian women run the world
>chinky girl
>big dragon tattoo
100% a prostitute
>message someone about an item on fb marketplace
>get a "it's sold but i have this instead" as a response
why have the listing up then you fucking dickhead

Hey Rorke, the muscles and the long hair
Telling me that women are superior to men
Most guys just don't appreciate this
You just try convincing me you're better than them
So Rorke talks for hours about his sensitive soul
And his favorite subject is sex
I don't even think he really wanted it
But, Christ this guy's too much (I want to tell him)
Not me but seems like he’s done a number on you and sent you fully schizo
you ever wonder if it was park of musks plan to crash twitter into the ground
80billion just to troll some lefties
why's this then
Elliot Rodger here
Is this depop site just full of slags
bald men lost they lustre
ugly slag
trust me. i shagged over 20 chinese prostitutes, almost all of them exchange students.
Gonna cry? oh wait you already did
ribs are so good
you do know money doesn't exist?
did you get the clap or the pox
dont need to sign your posts here hun
I'm angry
angry about elves
/brit/ is a thread for losers. if you're reading this there's a high chance you're one of them,so I'll say this:
If you take pride in the suffering of a group of people which has nothing to do with you,you're just coping with your own struggles, and you're likely to be afraid that if you voice them you'll be called a fucking pussy.
I personally couldn't give a rat's ass about trannies and I don't think I'd ever date one,and a lot of people are like me,an you can be as well. But the truth is that for a trannie this fact is something truly hurtful, just think of all the pussy you don't get and it is quite easy to empathise. You don't need to be an "lgbt ally" , you don't need to give a shit about their stupid fucking speech rules, but for your own sake,and for the sake of literally everyone, you can simply have empathy for other people that have their own problems,and maybe you'll be able to cope better with your own. And if some blue haired faggot comes up to you and stars talking shit,just ignore'em cause they're literally just crying babies and nobody cares.
But never let the opinions of dumbfucks ruin your own psycology. Be kind to everyone
NEED a gardening gf
mad that I got told "you literally are so hot" today and I just asked why instead of saying something else, still a virgin, grim
t. baldie
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>But never let the opinions of dumbfucks ruin your own psycology
Looks like you made a mistake there pal
Better luck next time
got the turkish asmr gf on
nope. not even covid and i was banging throughout 2020 and 2021.
*quietly stir-fries some prawns at the back of the thread*
if asian women are in europe then purely for the reason of wanting a white boyfriend. my girlfriend is asian and she was pretty upfront with that. even said all her friends went to europe for that reason. one of her friends is in a small town around of burningham and still single because she is shy and nobody approaches her. so next time you guys see an asian just approach them worst case they have a boyfriend. they would never be rude about it
bit concerning how many of these clothes Ruby said she found in the children's section
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Care to comment rorke?
back of the knee maybe
*sniffs the air*
fucks sake lads the house rules VERY CLEARLY state NO SEAFOOD because it SMELLS
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if its that low how come there's a huge suicide rate
yeah, bought a jumper off there and sniffed it whilst having a wank
now do suicides
Here we go, I'm hanging out in Camden
Drinking with my girlfriends on a Saturday night
This guy says, "Come and meet my girlfriend"
She's sitting in the corner looking rather uptight
So I say "Hello" and I try to be nice
But I see he's feeling itchy
Trying to play us off each other
"Girls, girls, please don't fight" (you get the picture)
Ruling class doesn't allow that.
Whenever wages rise, companies just use it as an excuse to increase prices
Aye so anyway, poo smells
such a good song
NOT a fan of the meat pies.
lil timmy do nun
hope you get brutally merked by a pack of feral fresh off the boat somalis tbqh
190 you are ill
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nordic stare
explained to the lithuanian girl at work about the battle of britpop
All im saying is if I were in the mines of Moria then Balrog or no it wouldnt have gone down that way.
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sup bros
gotta have them ribs
and pussy TOO
he wants a peng gf from new zealand
need to emigrate but then I'll just be a jobless friendless loser in a foreign country so what's the point
the ww2 myth is absolutely essential for boomers to believe in because sacrificing the empire to stop germany taking over the world and save democracy seems like a noble cause. if ww2 wasn't about that and didn't do the world any real favours then losing the empire was done for absolutely nothing and we forever lost our place in the sun for a mistake-- this is what has happened, but it is too depressing for the nation to accept, hence the need for the myth
what the hell is a gender affirming treatment?
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And are you a shagger and Oasis fan or a Blur bender or a Pulp incel?
my gf is also asian, she's also upfront about not dating other asian men. she frequently goes on schizo rants about why she doesn't like asian men and it always make me feel uncomfortable. if I started ranting about only liking asian women, people would think I were some sex pat incel nonce type.
a lot of shy girls out there, mine was single for 3 years (or so she says)
he aint do nun did he LOL
another day another fish
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programmers are all petit bourgeois fascist swine who should be ground into pulp by leather jacketed moustachioed bolsheviks
more of a vervegin myself
Oasis obviously, had to explained to her why Oasis were massive over here.
Oasis? Blur? Pulp?
For me? Bush.
It should be a crime to love life as much as I do now, they should lock my arse up and throw away the key
i dont know if this is supposed to be rage bait
They are neeks who think their station in life improved but they are still tethered to the lightbox clacking away
good seethening gentlemen
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Me I'm an Autechrechad
you are severely mentally ill
gonna have tea in a min then watch the x files
>petit bourgeois fascist swine
*throws a prawn at the back of your head*
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Aha remember this, lads?
Get the interest rates lowered
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good lad
'oo remembers the Northern Independence Party?
(run by a bloke living in Brighton)
That's due to transphobia they experience
As a programmer I agree
Giving us a good wage is a waste of money
just now having a fish if thats alright with you mate
i didnt get the cunting job
*slams fist on desk and starts crying*
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my girl also goes onto rants like that and when I tell her about the double standard if I did the same she will just say "its different. its a girls thing...". mental how a person can say that and not see a problem. oh well still better than having to deal with white women
*enters thread with 1HP*
got the barrington levy on
yes bla x
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*heals you*
Another school shooting has there been
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>That's due to transphobia they experience
what are your goals for september, lads?
*drops a saradomin brew under you*
cute winnie the pooh bear
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Nell Tiger Free
I believe in Joe Hendry.
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lose 20kg 5kg a week
Why does she look so unique?
taught myself python and golang in a year in my 30s
no uni and froma council estate
literally anyone can do it
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got a speeding ticket haha fuck sake !!
Starting to speak like Yoda I am. A new gimmick it is
Been in survival mode for as long as I can remember
There are no goals outside of not dying
leaves turn inside you
showing off her fit neck so much in this cheeky neckslut knows what shes doing doesnt she well yes its worked ruby graingers neck now lives rent free in my little head
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what am I supposed to take away from this
she's soulful
>5kg a week
gonna chop of your balls?
Source on this cheb queen?
freakish post

Jamaica lad in?
It takes a special sort of mind to be content doing it without feeling existential terror
Some people are just bred for that sort of blinkered path
Are you scared about ai taking your job?
Mr. F. Lad?
no condoms up norf
th-thanks lads, I needed that aha x
if the road is clear and it's safe then there's nothing wrong with it
It's boring, you'd be surrounded by tedious freaks and troons all day
phoneposting is absolute hell how do zoomers pull it off
if you have sex with a condom I think you're a clown
why are so many qt actors smokers
Would try pegging at least once just to see what all the fuss is about
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I have such an autistic walk, I barely move my hands
Another talentless knob twister obsessed with their self instead of the set
Boring, vapid, shite
I am a member of the new atheist movement
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my job isnt in tech, I just did it out of interest and something to do
for me it was just fun and a way to pass time
people say i walk like a puppet on a string
bet everyones laughing behind your back
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they got me doing 75 in a 60 but it was only lowered to needless traffic calming measures
smart motor way only smart at generating money
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T-rex arm gang
I hate seeing images like this because I know there's some bloke somewhere who gets to suck on those tits and bury his face in them.

Absolutely seething with jealousy
Why do you feel the need to write a nasty, unhelpful comment
speeding is faustian, aryan, based and fashpilled
hairy smelly arsehole emitting a rapturous chorus of guffs in e#
Never got a ticket but I've gotten a citation only because I was on a long trip and blazed past this cop in front of a pack that I couldn't see and then quickly slowed down kek
mine is natural now, I fixed it and worked on it ever since being told that I walked like a penguin when I was like 12. funny how you can remember every criticism or compliment you receive.
Some people are so broken by life they can only feel something by exerting power over another
Forgive them they know not what they do
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I have the bouncy walk all people with aspergers and autism have.
>funny how you can remember every criticism or compliment you receive
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do you run like naruto
You at manchester airport terminal 1?

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