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petrol drinking edition
moy name.. is flabbajabbawangaNOONGA
fucking hell get the magnets out
Alright well answer this
Why mention their race if race has nothing to do with it?
They always say men should open up about their menthol elf but have you ever tried to get a doctor to take your method elf seriously? They'll do everything in their power to avoid prescribing you anything and avoid paperwork.
jakken off my boner
Are you autistic?
it relates to his original point where he said he's not racist but we shouldn't mix, don't be a fuckwit
stand up meeting out the way time to chill and read my book all day no meetings tomorrow either so get the fuck in?
Doctors arent equipped to make you happy
9 times out of 10 its not a clinical issue but a life issues. They arent allowed to tell you their actual thoughts on how to improve your life
did you know that in america double dip is called fun dip and it's not fizzy and instead of a swizzle stick it's called lik-a-stix
is that Andrew WK
is it double dip from that seinfeld episode
*squats over and does a poo on your shoes*
Seinfeld. Funny.
>Royal Mail may end the delivery of second-class letters on Saturdays and only deliver them on alternative weekdays. under reforms being planned by Ofcom.
>it relates to his original point where he said he's not racist but we shouldn't mix
is that supposed to prove he's NOT discriminating based on race?
Sounds like you are just drug-seeking
every time I've spoken to the GP about mental health I've just done a five minute online quiz and been given antidepressants like they're sweets. Harder to get stuff like benzos and that but that's probably a good thing.
I'm not wearing shoes
go waste someone else's time holden you fat insufferable layabout
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The AI has my back
fleshy meat bags just don't know any better
Stop laughing, it's not funny (c) Seinfeld
Did it ever occur to you that the antidepressants you were prescribed "every time" did nothing, thus precipitating the need for more visits and more useless antidepressants?
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the bleediin JANNY
fuckin FIGHT ME
had 3 wanks this morning already, barely even produced spaff last time

itching for another
get a fucking job
right well there's no need for such language now is there
it's OVER for the janitor
a hand job aha
yeah so I stopped taking them and haven't gone anywhere near them for over 10 years
got up at 09:03 this morning

dunno how wageoids get up at like 5AM then they get home at like 6PM
genuinely brave and powerful
just got up me
but slept like shit
was more of a toss n turny sort of night for me
get up no later than 8 even on my days off me
Used to do shifts like this. You get used to it pretty quickly.
It's cold
It's dark 18 hours of the day
It's constantly pissing it down
And I can't enjoy a bit of 'erb in the comfort of my living room without the police breaking down the doors?

Utter state of this backwards country
Vindalooo or It's Coming Home as the GOAT football anthem?
sometimes have a sudden realisation that I'm married in my 30's and really shouldn't be wasting my time on here but then I see a funny poo post and forget all about it
The erb is pretty much legal. Everyone smokes it already and no one is arrested at all. Literally no one. You could blow spliff smoke in a coppers face and nothing would happen.
that was quick
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Can’t wait for the cold dark autumn and winter, Summer can fuck off anyway. Sick of it being grey and humid in the summer, if it was actually hot I wouldn’t mind.

Bring on the coats, the electric blankets, the stews, the flu, the icy pavements, the steam on your breath, the snow, let’s have some proper white people weather
might have my THIRD cup of coffee this morning
you know what lad everyone else in the thread will think you're a mong but I personally think you were dedicated clicking on all those post numbers and I for one appreciate you and your post
sir pensioner freezer
thanks for the (You)s!!
listeninbg to abba
feel like shit this morning
did a poo,
a real big poo,
a real big poo, and say voulez vous, to you,
ooh ooh,
a big poo poo,
a real big poo, and say voulez vous,
say ooh, say what?
c'est la vie,
say c'est la vie as i do a wee, on thee,
oui oui, a long wee wee,
a long wee wee, out my dong on thee
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this is my world today
listening to madonna to break the stereotype that only big gay bender homo lads listen to her because I assure you I am not one of those
how old are you? worry about the creature of an adult typing this out
get some paracetamol down ya
Aha this guy
What kind of druggie wants propanolol?
which song?
least deluded marijuana addict
good post
need to get my gut microbiome back on track
reckon if my building was on fire I'd leave
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good post
t. throws back 5 pints on a Tuesday
good lad. fermented foods, less gluten and processed shite
any still in bed man in?
classic marijuana addict deflecting from his own addiction
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anglo girls love my rizz, i tell them "go mash some tatoes and beans you english cunt holy fuck"
which song?
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>how old are you? worry about the creature of an adult typing this out
he'll start comparing it to caffeine next
ummmmmmmmmm... meowdy?
grow up
wish I was a backup dancer for Madonna
got loads of sleep and still wish i were dead, what a massive waste of time that is
just crashed my car
project on
hmm that's quite gay
I prefer 1980's madonna personally
glad I decided not to bother with House of the Dragon

everyone was raving about S1, then S2 was shit and now big GRRM has declared all the future seasons are going to be just as bad
people smoke it everywhere. my local's pub garden rarely doesn't have someone smoking weed but sir weird larmer will soon have that stopped
haha same, and now it's raining, loving life
this is me
managed to sleep a proper 8 hours last night, rarely get that long
still woke up tired and feeling like shit
can tell you s1 was pretty shit not got round to s2 yet
the poo rapist strikes again
>now big GRRM has declared all the future seasons are going to be just as bad
has he? i would like to seeeeeeee
he posted a big rant on his blog, spoiling numerous things from future seasons, then removed the blog post, presumably under advice from his legal team
got loads of sheep and still wish i were dead, what a massive waste of time farming is
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Ever shag them?
only the lambs ;))
the elusive vaginarnacle
might get out of bed
I should call her…
haha, hotdfags have been truly decimated
"Best Thing Ever" (performed by Scritti Politti)
shitting my bum off
I have lots of friends, who are animals
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Browsing r/transpassing
bolg on
a creamy pooey pint on this fine afternoon
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>is the beard shadow obvious?
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Went to do a shit but dw lads, loaded up /brit/: Portable on the phone
Vindaloo all day long. I love how it celebrates multiculturalism
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>I'm pretty confident I don't pass, I've been on HRT for a year and 4 months, I'm probably gonna be FFS. Could I have some advice on what else I can do to improve. I threw in a pre transition photo of myself, I hope at least it seems like I'm making improvements.
for me it’s seeing munted pussy neo vaginas and reading them seethe on transsurgeries
used to do this but then i realised i'm just trading someone elses unhappiness with my own
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much fitter in Mr Nobody
You need to make sure you're not waking up in the middle of a sleep cycle
Tomorrow use this website before you go to bed to set your alarm guarantee you'll feel better
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just saw herobrine out my bedroom window
dont look behind you
nah used those stupid apps many times in the past did fuck all
even had the gall to say i had loads of rem sleep despite waking up tired af
fizzy tangerine ginger lemonade
just want to die
worst thing for sleep is acknowledging it
Why's that then
Fucking stupid rule desu

>NooOOoOooOooOOoooOO you have to just put up with the travel companies' price gouging during school holidays!!!!1!!1!!!!!!
You can get away with pretending you're not tired up to a point but only for so long.

Once you're past 24 hours and beyond it gets bleak.
in case eternal recurrance is true, then I'll have 12 years of a good life followed by 20 years of misery, forever
I'll take that now before half time
not what i meant though is it
i meant worrying about whether you're getting enough and all that
just have to accept it
u know neitzche's point was that you should live the life that you would be happy to repeat forever
mongs will complain they can't sleep then do no exercise, eat shitty and sit on their computer until 2am
find it disturbing how normalised poo wanks have become
back in the day a finger up the arse would mean you’re bent but nowadays half the lads can’t wank without it
fantastic post
except i eat well
do exercise and am in bed by 10
free will doesn't exist so it's not up to me
be a real neitzhean dont be a pussy
will to power
all the world is in your grasp
quite enjoy sleeping poorly more time for wanks
logistically impractical
a bit cheesed off about maccas ending the delivery deals
amazing how mongs cant understand simple supply and demand
Yeah exactly, retard
only managed to wake up 2 hours earlier than usual

how to start waking up at 6 when I wake up at 9?
Why do you need maccies delivery, you live in London ffs
you think price gouging is the same as supply and demand pricing youre the retard
typical /brit/ topics: poos, wanks, beers, sleep, toil
all very shallow, there isn’t a single deep thinker here. who will discuss destiny, purpose, tradition, power, courage, and brotherhood?
I understand it perfectly, retard. If the schools are complicit in a system that forces all families to take holidays in a particular 6-week period, then they're complicit in a system which allows the travel industry to gouge prices during that time because demand is (artificially) so much higher
Price gouging occurs as a response to supply and demand you utter utter fuckwit
You should have been killed as a child
Diego's getting doubleteamed today
bulliedbumholelad doesn't understand price gouging
do i? mental that. didn't think suffolk was in london - but now, i know the truth.
got to an in-person job interview. things are finally starting to go somewhere.
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afs urt dee itr osn
to poo is my purpose, passed down by tradition of my courageous brotherhood
such is the destiny of my life
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>Bayesian superyacht sinking: Banking boss and wife 'suffocated in air bubble as oxygen ran out'
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the water tornado superglued their cabin door shut prior to the sinking

many such cases
mad how I'm never happy even when I get what I want or what I'm working towards miserable little toad of a man I am
uhh yeah /gaygen/ is over on >>>/lgbt/ mate
Good morning team. How are we wasting our lives away today?
lmao diego scurrying away after getting bodied. he really isn't a very intelligent man
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im earning money while shitposting so #winning
mental batty
might become one of those guys that goes to the library all day just to get out the house

could take the laptop with me but then I'd have to pack it away every time I got up to go to the toilet. Also I don't imagine the toilets in public libraries are particularly nice.
Anyone got that one Starmer webm?
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could probably get sucked off by a bloke in the toilets if you fancy
need to channel that zen
id do this if i lived in a city that had a nice/fancy library
problem rorke?
>over 23% of all disabled children born in the UK are born to Pakistani Cousins
how do we fix their inbreeding problem?
do a fortnite dance
it's actually 33%, and that data is old so likely even higher now
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>nice/fancy library

It doesn't solve the toilet druggie problem. Glasgow's Mitchell library has horrific toilets.
by working for some fucking company
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impossible to stop. all we can do is send them all back or kill the lot.
*does the gay porn bum inhale jiggle*
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He isn't happy with the comment you just made.
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start doing THIS
>local paedo hunter group caught a lad from work last night
It's all we're talking about just now. glad it wasn't me caught.
business idea: keir starmer horror game
got away with it did you
why would it be you?
Always found it weird how there are entire groups that spend their evenings pretending to be 14 year old boys on the internet and talking about having sex with men on the internet. Yet by meeting up, punching them in the face and recording it for their facebook it is suddenly not weird anymore.
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>glad it wasn't me caught.
mental to think Keir can lock us away for posting something rude here
*clears my cookies and turns my router off and back on*
Checkmate poo barmer.
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>glad it wasn't me caught.
Sir Woke Barmer
Get the _______ housed
No dogs, no blacks, no Irish.
What was your most shameful /brit/ moment lads? me? easy. the time I was sitting in my car at the train station, waiting on the train when I took a picture and posted it here. Someone figured out what station it was and said they could figure out which car was mine by the angle of the photo and was going to come along and damage my car. In a panic I ended up trying to move to a different space but there weren't any, lost the space I was in and ended up missing my train.
Get them justice.
The Grenfell 72.
Never forget.
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“engineers & doctors”?
Unironically, this is how Ukrainian soldiers are now dying en masse. Zoomers just can't stop taking photos and posting them everywhere
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Posted a picture of my cock thinking everyone would say "corrr nice cock lad" but nobody said I had a nice cock and just said I had a fat belly instead so I didn't eat for 4 days.
Still remember that time a lad here found out my address, started posting pictures of my house from Google earth and everyone made fun of my Dad's Nissan Almera
Everyone keeps posting the picture of my poo on Jordan's body. So embarrassing
What justice do they need exactly?
pensioners SEETHING in comment sections across the country (or should i say FREEZING)
>glad it wasn't me caught.
Justice comes in the form of a bank transfer these days
been on /sp/ for a bit
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>Several Labour candidates faced harassment from pro-Palestine activists during campaigning. Jonathan Ashworth, who lost his Leicester South seat to Independent MP Shockat Adam, reported having to hide in a vicarage from protesters.
Phew dodged a bullet there mate
I once went to upload a meme I screenshotted from Twitter but accidentally uploaded a selfie (phoneposting). Thankfully, the fake self-dox gimmick meant that nobody took it seriously and I don't think even one person responded.
chilean webms for you my ledddd
shockat display, that
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oh we noticed it lad. in fact, I even saved it. see?
Remembering the time police were knocking on people's doors enquiring about a robbery in the area, and I deleted my internet history just in case lmao
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Indian lad joined our team at work called Dikshit and it's not even pronounced in a weird way its just pronounced as "Dick Shit" lad is walking around being called "Dick Shit" all day just honestly cruel parents to call your son that
Dikshit Hardeep? I went to school with him
hello saar I am dikshit sukdeep please be doing the needful
if they werent nationalists they just just take an english name like chineese do
Indian lad at our work is named Chalky (his spelling will be different but I spelled it how it sounds) lmao. new start thought we were all being racist until he actually explained that's his name. she still to this day refuses to call him by his name.
Sir Dog Shagger
Sir Dik Shitter
rain's gettting 'eavier
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Don't you mean womfy?
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I'm not going to be the person I'm expected to be anymore.
oh good, you're finally gonna have sex?
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see those tubes of silicone you get at B&Q, do you absolutely need one of the spring loaded squeezer things to get the silicone out? can't you just buy the tube and squeeze it out like toothpaste?

There's a gap in one of my windows' silicone and I want to fix it but I'd rather not have to buy that big thing if I can avoid it.
mad how everyone expects the government to sustain their lives
in the past youd just die if you or your family didnt sustain you
survival of the fittest ini
Fuck..... I'm so hot....
you can buy manual squeezy ones
>do you absolutely need one of the spring loaded squeezer things to get the silicone out?

> can't you just buy the tube and squeeze it out like toothpaste?
yeah don't fall for big spring loaded squeezer things jewish tricks
kek can't even remember what that was advertising
Get a tube of gorilla glue
>survival of the fittest ini
that's not what that means
Chanel perfume.
must be aftershave
A caulking gun is like £4, just buy one.
If you really wanted not to I suppose you could cut the entire tube open and scoop some out to spread manually. Will probably look like shit though
yes. dip your finger in a bit of water and fairy liquid, then run that finger along the silicone for a nice smooth finish
you know what i meant
Sir Glue Sniffer
survival of the fittest more like survival of the shittest
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i don't
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Tripped over a pump truck earlier and hurt my knee and bum
only those who are fit (read: able to support themselves by any means available) survive. get it?
bolg on
had a lot of shit to do yesterday, decided to wait until today, think I'll do it all tomorrow
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Don't give it any attention
Didn't ask to be born did I?
and that's not what "survival of the fittest" means
had a sex dream about kamala
what does it mean then
i don't know
probably worth getting on to the personal injury solicitors

worth a punt
Big fan of the bradly poster (singular)
means only the fittest birds get to shag me
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The mysterious Saturday apocalypse looms
organisms best suited to an environment are the ones that thrive and breed there
it's fittest as in the best fit for their niche, not fit as in capable
It was my own fault to be fair. I was going too fast and stopped abruptly and the momentum pulled me over.
after uni i plan to become a neet then maybe kill myself
Don't eat silicone and the bbq you nelly
got the ark ready
only the fittest birds allowed on
wont rorke take me to
funky town
wish i was one of those bugs that roll up into a ball
birds obviously don't need the ark you twat
everything else does though
new job soon, will likely move for it
it's all so stressful
need to decide if i want to pay a premium to live in the city or commute in
commuting would be the obvious choice if trains were to shit and expensive
if i can work from home some days of the week that'll probably sway my decision
blog over
forget the momentum in that big walloper between your legs did you
im 38, started uni last year
survival of the fittest birds
imagine not WFH full time
The Lex Fridman podcast is major WIN for Trump
Creepy Kamala quivering in her boots!
da's got the heating on
go suck him off lol
WFH is for fat bastards who are too fat to leave the house.

Us /physicalrole/ chads are winning
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>Sir Keir Starmer is in favour of abolishing the House of Lords and replacing it with an elected Assembly of the Nations and Regions but that will not happen before the next election.

>Us /physicalrole/ chads
so you admit you're a man?
You’re an ugly tranny who work in aldis
My sister has 516 tabs open on her phone
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erm don't you mean Stacies?
I'm a woman you fat dickhead.
mental how a used car salesman can make $130k per annum in the US and it's seen as normal

meanwhile here if you earn £40k it's considered a solid middle-class wage and your taxed more heavily too
all blacked porn
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*makes some tiresome comment about 516 cocks in his sister or something*
ah yes, a woman who calls herself chad
just kissed a girl
Seems in favour of democracy wonder if he has any views of changing FPTP
whats the house of lords do and how are people elected to it?
And you're a fat mutant spamming drivel on /Brit/.

Sorry mate, I don't keep up with/r9k/ memes.
this fucker works at ALDIS and thinks they have any clout
you just described yourself as a man, as a chad?
Yeah mate every salesman in the US makes 130K
Hate to admit it but the tranny lad does have a point. I worked nights in a warehouse for a few years and got very fit and strong.
This was furniture and shit though, not tins of beans or whatever he's doing.
kek you destroyed those incels
i dont mind going in some days, especially since i see myself meeting up with the gf after work, etc.
Got more clout than mongs who call ALDI "ALDIS"
little tory toads in here trying to pretend that Starmer is doing anything wrong
time for my 8pm coffee
turns out they've mixed up the vials at the HRT clinic, sacked tranny has been getting some poor lass's TRT injections instead

lad's now walking about 6'2" Chad, ripping with muscle, bowling ball delts and a throbbing cock shifting pallets at the ALDI like no one's business thinking he's more feminine than ever
If an old person saw you at the till they would actually put themselves through the hell of using self-checkout because of how revolting you look
Creepy Keir and do-nothing Labour are asleep at the wheel!
mental how any old boring mong twat can come to /brit/ and get a morsel of attention
ffs i hate NatWest. Been booted out of my online log in and app and a hold has been put on my account. Going to have to go into town to give them a kick up the arse.

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