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Our 2nd chamber (equal to your senate)
2nd biggest legislative chamber on Earth after the Chinese Parliament (800+ peers)
Average age of like 72 and they're appointed by the Monarch on the advice of the Prime Minister
Very often people are thrown in who are blatantly the PM's friends which makes it a very controversial body

Canada's got a senate that operates the same way.
Meanwhile your Senate is elected and NZ got rid of their 2nd chamber back in the 50s.
to me to you tier kier
keep finding dented tins in my local Aldi from the hulking adonises that are manhandling them
hi do you like the chuckle brothers
pooing from home
mentaI how any old boring mong twat can come to /brit/ and get a morsel of attention
didn't ask
either go down the corporate / office route or the tradesman route

don't under any circumstances stay in retail like Tesco or Aldi for any period longer than a year. A £8k / year apprenticeship to be a cabinet maker is better than that shit. Retail doesn't give you any transferable skills, and it's an inherently female job.
The unironic, as it were
Yeah my life is sick also I’m a tranny who nametrips on 4chan for attention
nobody is giving me any attention
Unpacking my shopping from Aldi only to find the tranny lad on the checkout has squeezed and dented every single thing I've bought.
Weekly shop looks like it's been ran over with a steamroller. Fuming.
seems very archaic
£8 for a battered sausage are you taking the piss
saw these lads live on their doctor what tour and got their autograph
Fucking bullshit thread
>Jumbo Sausage
your mother's order I presume
just showered
Very lush but pretty dear
just showered in poo
aisles strewn with potatoes as an impromptu strongman competition has broken out, sacks being slung over the shelves from impressive distances
i've been done!

yeah i don't know how these jewish bastards can charge 4.50 for a battered sausage. would never have ordered from there without the 40% off promo
there's a tranny who works in b&m and i avoid his till each time i have to go in there
Moved up north and I can't help but realise that my southern accent sounds really really gay

Are southern accents bent or is it just me?
It's 788 years old so.......yh
Everyone agrees it's shit and embarrassing but nobody can agree how to reform it so the shit and embarrassing largely remains unchanged.

Starmer's now attempting to do the first changes to it seen in 25 years (getting rid of hereditary peers which Tony Blair half-did in 1999).
could've saved you money and stood outside in the rain
a wise move
you know how those retail workers can get, one errant toss of a 4-pack of Monster could see you flying into a concrete pillar like dragonball z
i got a tranny deliveroo driver and called him mate several times and obviously deliberately
dangerous, and downright STUPID!
absolutely fucking insane what a fuck up american leaving afghanistan was
like really mental
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please tell me you have tartare in your house for the fish
Mad how Paul goes around nightclubs and takes photos with all the zoomers who remember him
Fair play
>curry sauce
southern dog
Hate to say it but yeah, you all do sound bent to us, hence "southern poofs"
tartar sauce is just tarq mayonnaise
just say scottish you presbyterian wanker
just kill them all if you ask me
i have a cockney essex (but not properly mongy essex) accent and i feel like northerners still don't like it but accept it more than my posher sounding friends' accents
you mean people holding on to planes and falling off mid air and plummeting to the ground? yeah was a bit strange
poo fumes
never had curry sauce with a chipper and never will. For me its the humble salt and vinegar with tartar or ketchup
*checks the deliveroo app in disbelief*
your driver is 3 miles away but my delivery is due in 5 seconds? that can't be right...
*a shrill whistle marks the coming of several full bags of shopping as finish their lofty descent in scattering piles over my driveway*
*a faint "lightweight baby!" calls from afar*
not wanked in four days
ketchup is a pauper's sriracha
The phone screenshot of food items added to the bag in Deliveroo / JustEat gimmick is the same lad who does the images of takeaway pizzas taken from google / twitter / tripadvisor, just so you're aware.

None of these orders are placed. The items are placed in the bag, screenshot taken, app closed.
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might order a cheeky chips, cheese and curry sauce later
just a right vile delicious dish
>tartare sauce
no sorry i'm not some poncey poof

do you not eat curry sauce up norf? i know gravy is a very northern thing but i don't like it with fish
ah, mr. holmes, big fan
oh sorry for trying to make your meal better
by all means have it with your wasteman curry sauce evne though the curry sauce only really works with chips and fish cries out for tartare
yes we eat curry sauce up north with fish and chips don't know what that mong is on
Yeah I have gravy with mine as I've got a cock and a set of regular-sized balls
putting my bollocksi n the bf fdsajdfas
>t. never ordered an uber eats in his life
this >>201852911 is the receipt page you mong
rorke getting outed as a russian asset
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tartar sauce shills are in again
>Everyone agrees it's shit and embarrassing
nah only pakis like you
salt and vinegar for me
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>the yank is so disassociated from our culture that hes mixing up >telling people to use tartar sauce, with >wasteman
holy cringe
>>>201853143 #
>blog on you boring bastard
retarded mongoloid monkey
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the liquid lunch
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Do you have ten or more possessions in Britain land?
curry sauce is leng, gravy is also fine but curry is a bit more flavour
warm and savoury. other sauces are too cold or sweet/sour
Car crash of a shopping basket
Why would anyone buy food that several unknown parties have handled?
Used to live above a chinese and the woman would regularly give me left over stuff and fried rice for free because I would help her with the bins around the back and unloading her barrels of oil she got delivered.
I am forever indebted to the cantonese.
>not diet lemonade
made that mistake several times when i was still an active alcy. good luck lad, you're gonna need it
lemon and freshly made tartar sauce with capers and parsley is preferable on fried fish
treat em mean keep em keen
>service fee
>delivery fee
mad that
This feels like a fun mousey cosplay post
have heard rumours that the english prefer their gravy really watery
I assume these are just horrible lies as everyone knows that gravy is supposed to be thick and not watery
in my case it's my inability to cook a fish and chip upper with battered sosijis at home
mental illness
what if it backfires
I want my gravy thicker than jade goody on mastermind
I'm mean to everyone and nobody likes me though
Wasn't aware tartare sauce was a thing outside of pub restaurants. Never see it in tesco and my local chippy doesn't have it.
Is it a southern thing?
maybe pensioners who grew up with rationing but 99% of people will want it thick
"there's no wrong way to eat fried fish"
- guy who did not shove a bunch of fried fish up his ass
the thought of sir kid stabber dealing with trump when he wins is absolutely hilarious
and the fact he'd be one step away from some council estate scum like rayner fucking HELL
stop lads you're making me hungry
i've had it once or twice with fish and i don't even like it, not sure what the fuss is all about in this thread. curry sauce mogs imo
live in the arse end of nowhere in northern Scotland and see it all the time most chippys will have it even if it's just sachets
Watery gravy is good for chips because it coats them all better. Some people will say I'm wrong but deep down they know I'm right.
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>curry sauce mogs imo
makes them soggy thoughbeit much better to dip a chip than coat it
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your home number is visible in the lost message mate
its just a more vinegrary version of mayo
close call there lad almost got the fish restaurant doxxed!
Oh fuck me! Please don't rekt me lads
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it lush
ah yes the classic ''''''''''''''''''accidental'''''''''''''' self dox
If this were the UK he'd be given 18 months and banned from using social media
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feeling devilish
>exactly 1 min apart
Yeah nice try pal
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new creps
so was the all caps panicpost thoughever
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anyone tried ringing it then
rent is too fucking expensive in this country, good lord
50% of my post-tax wage is going on rent alone, never mind bills, council tax, etc.
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no I'm shy
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in london rent is the one thing that is cheap
brb living in milloin pound flat for only 20k a year
Mr Wonderful is the heart and soul of shark tank, it could not exist without him
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fart monster
life is so much better with Christ lads
miss scraniel
now there was a foodblogger
fatastic psto
Just witnessed a brown man deliver a parcel to a neighbour by throwing it onto his doorstep from about 6 feet away and then took a picture
lol th atw as me (the parcel)
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that's his glass dildo broken
fashioning a tweed coat made of poo
athiests are the most happy people on earth
this is a FACT
most scientifically credible atheist
>tartar sauce is considered haute cuisine in the UK
bit of a contradiction there actually mate as it cant be tweed if its made of poo

the choon
it's not don't know what the mongs on here are going on about
need those soles licked asap
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>September 2024
can i drink this ethanol i got for fires? it says methanol and hydrocarbon free
got 60k saved
should i just buy a flat/house at this point?
how do you get over an abusive childhood
nah, give it to me
it really isn't
it's just that /brit/ is SO underclass that everthing seems fancy to them living in the gutter

I was called a posho here once for using the word 'emblematic'
it's not even a big word
despise feet nonces
Tory voting pensioners are shirkers who should be made to pick fruit by leather jacketed Bolsheviks until they drop
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read that as athletes simple as
buy 60,000 lottery tickets
we can't actually buy anything for that though
broken britain
abuse your own children
*surreptitiously googles 'emblematic'*
Nah save for another 4 years. Get a Lifetime ISA and get 4k off the government.
lottery tickets cost £2 and have for ages get with the times
taking my poo to the psychiatrist
most well read brit poster
luv luv luv surreptitiously googles posts
free jazz coming out my bumhole
I don't want to do that
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Buy a house in poland
How can I make pooing profitable?
vagina is a vaccuum
quatum fluctuations is a sperm
big bang is pregnancy
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Today is the 106th anniversary of the Red Terror beginning in Soviet Russia.
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Today's the first day I've been unemployed for 3 years. What do you lot do all day? Day one and I'm already going out of my mind with boredom.
prefer not to say
Get on the ganja
I do some exercises in the morning then I shave, shower, head out in the afternoon ususally just to the shops to get some dinner in, and the rest of the time is spent browsing the internet.
watch videos
listen to music
Watching Suits. Honestly I'd abandon my family to have Meghan Markle suck me off too.
Browse /brit/, watch some youtube, have lunch, maybe have a nap, make some plans do get my life together that I will never actually do, have my tea, continue doing nothing, bed time.
>make some plans do get my life together that I will never actually do
my hobby
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The scrandemic
>make some plans do get my life together that I will never actually do
>make some plans do get my life together that I will never actually do
ktim aha!
so fucking hungryyyyy
when are they gonna cook it?
ah yes, the deep fried fatberg
blud paid £23 for some shit in a cardboard box :skull:
Kek, its from Max Payne 2!
measly batter
don't you feel like you're capable of more?
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The lunch 'bab
grim brainrot
wanking to sfm of characters from video games I've never played
random toiling is the more you speak of?
Yeah. Problem is there is no reward or opportunity for doing so, which is very demotivating.
The real answer is don't know
because time goes so fast and you're not aware
wake up
bed time
repeat for years
"Get rid of those silly costumes too. Business attire only. Lose all that stupid quasi-religious theatre. Punish anyone who falls asleep mid-session and mandate a minimum attendance or you're out. Get rid of the 'lords spiritual'; I don't recognise 'god' as a means to choose politicians.

It's meant to be governing a modern nation."

"Because it’s not relevant to know what they think their particular sky pixie would say about the issue of the day? Personally I’d like to make sure we have a contingent of peers able to identify and remove any Sith Lords amongst the cabinet but I don’t see Jedis getting an automatic seat anytime soon."

the greatest minds posting on /r/uk
very good post
but redditspacing definitely isn't a thing
chippy and 'babs are dinner food not lunch food you fat cunts
Chippy and Babs sound like an old couple who'd have a pineapple on their welcome mat
You lads reckon you'll ever own a home at any point if your life?
Sometimes I'll order an extra tray of kebab meat and keep it in the fridge to have for breakfast the next day.
Cold, straight out the fridge. Bloody lovely.
a point like since 9 years ago?
looks lush to be fair
room shares until I'm dead
No and the boomers have already triple reversed mortgaged to spend it on funko pops or whatever
Depends on if I win the euromillions tomorrow
already do x
(bought by my parents mind)
Don't eat takeaways me
Not after Charlene
i could get a mortage for a flat or maybe a house with the savings i have atm, but itd be in some sleepy town or village. it's really hard to start and maintain a romantic relationship when you're so far away from the 'fun', i've found
sorry mate, that's mine
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>like since
Give us £150k for a house?
But don't you find your life unfufilling?

Fair enough
you got it mate
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righto lads what's the newest goings on in our beloved /brit/ then?
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>But don't you find your life unfufilling?
Why would toiling for 8 hours give me fullfilment?
yer fuckin da's got one leggggg
any hedonistic meltdown man in
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adore this webm lads xx
did she just say chip
what's a hedonistic meltdown
queer thing to adore
*grabs you by the shoulders and says chip into the camera*
Because of the social interaction, because of the pay, because of the career progression, because (depending on your work) you can see tangible impacts in the world from your work, because studies have shown that underworking can be as devastating for your mental health as overworking.
that's what yanks call breakfast
Wanking in the bath smoking crack and eating cheese
walking up the stairs with my arse out
barrelling up the stairs head first not looking where I'm going
laughed at that, i've lost the plot
guess this only makes sense if you're not in a dead end job and have decent work to do or decent people around you
great post, enjoyed that
nevermind an Edwardian staircase they call this the Huw Edwardian
when the cheeseburger or donate to children in need question comes up on the maccies kiosks, I wonder how many people actually choose the latter
That's a...pretty big cock.
slapping yer arse for every step you go up
horrific betrayal at Grenfell Tower
slapping my arse like a fucking bongo drum and running up the stairs lit a spastic
shut the fuck up mousenonce
how long you reckon that is?
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not at all xx
least weird brit poster
fuck off mousenonce you evil ghoul
6 inches
am i weird yeah?
you'll be meeting the weirdness when i start slabbering on your fucking scalp you midget fuck
feel like this thread has been going on forever
Unironically yes, woke up this morning to messages from the 3 girls I've snogged on first dates over the last few weeks and my mum's friends who's 50 giving me her number on messenger. I've come out of decade long relationship and I always thought if I left I'd be an incel and whilst I haven't shagged any of them yet it is going rather better than I ever imagined possible
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This is what millions of little zoomies are consuming when their parents stick them in front of a screen
For me, it's the nonbinary babas
>shagging your mum's 50 year old pal

bit rum, that. Get her pumped though
all out shagging
how do you misspell grim as rum
At least you don't have to go to Church anymore
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maybe "champ" topic finished second in the european championships. unfortunately she got injured. but levechnkoi's compatriot mahu won gold so maybe not lol
least weird brit poster
get her blacked
Always thought the Bazman would outlive his chunkier brother, he had a certain wilyness about him
fuck off mousenonce you evil ghoul
Fuck off I'm not fucking 190, my ex was a turkish bio woman not a spanish transexual
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adore this photo too x
Feel free to delete your post any time little lad.
Do you send voicenotes
saw a paralympic fella doing the high jump with one fucking leg

what have you cunts done?
Had two wanks so far today
no, I sound like a cunt
fuck off mousenonce you evil ghoul
wait is that blue's clues lol
changed a bit since I was a wee lad
bought a hoover
big boobies
toby tantrum x
baited for that exact response
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if knocking back pints with the lads was an olympic sport I'd be a gold medallist
normally fine with eating healthy but on occasion a fierce craving for greasy runt slop takes hold of me
the shit good posted in this thread is triggering this sensation
toby tantrum x
Yeah gold medallist at dying of an exploded liver hahahaha!
That's right tobes, you tell em
angela rayner sex arse
I'm 19. Why would a 30 year old use this website?
Love this toby tantrum fella, he says what we're all thinking
not getting a (You) for that
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I’d not qualify because I don’t have lads to get them in regularly with
go about once or twice a month with old uni mates or work colleagues
would love a regular set of lads to get them in every week though
shut it spaedo
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saved webms of high jumpers on /sp/ since last olympics
good lad, would happily shout you a pint were it not for the tyranny of distance
spoons has table service via the app + accepts paypal

you won't though since you're all talk
Mum making me try on the underpants in the shop and walk up and down the store to make sure they fit right. Sick of it. I'm 30 years old.
pintman is such a based poster
bro tryna manipulate his way into a 3 quid spoons pint :skull:
leftypol bragging to his mum how he swindled some poor bloke in australia to buy him a computer pint on the spoons app

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