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??? edition

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make friends!

Read the wiki:

Useful links:
>Free language-learning book archive:
>Books on linguistics and language courses:
>Assorted language resources and some nice visual guides:
>Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
>List of trackers for most language-learning packs:
>Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:
>Russianon’s list of comprehensible input resources:
>Massive collection of textbooks on various languages, sorted by family
>/lang/ inpoot torrents

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
>Should I learn language Y so I can learn language X?
No, that's retarded
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn?
Pick something from the Power Language Index top 10
>Can I learn X, Y and Z language at the same time?
If you're experienced, yeah

Old thread:
Previous challenge:
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>Read children’s books
>Understand everything
>Try to read real literature
>Can’t even understand half of it
Sigh, this is frustrating, I feel like I’ll only reach the required level to read literature after years of constant practice which wasn’t what I thought at all when I started learning French, I thought I’d be ready for literature by the third month or so, but I’m still not even close… I’m so fucking, and here I was making plans to learn several languages, if it takes me this much to learn French then learning something harder like German or Chinese will probably take a lifetime, it’s fucking over…
Mnemonics are a meme.
Sure hope you're not the guy who invested a whopping 50 hours into his TL.
If you want quick reading results, just vocabmaxx with Anki. Either mine words from whatever literature you're reading, or just learn by frequency.
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>decide to learn 100 new hanzis today because you're free all day
>study 2 hours
>end up remembering nothing
how dumb am i
That's why you study words in context
watch english content dubbed in tl
33h so far and counting.
Making cards take too much time.
cuz the language of the web is english. people learn english to interact with the wider web.
That feel when I started a language learning meetup in my city and now we have hundreds of followers and good attendance. Feels good nigga.
you must be in a big city like San Francisco or New york
how are you such a normie and post here
Why is it that I’m able to understand YouTube videos easily in my TL but whenever I’m watching movies or television shows I can barely understand things without subtitles most of the time?
What's your target language
YouTube is probably easier because the person is talking clearly and directly to the camera. Movies and shows tend be more creative and try to emulate how people talk in real life and they could be shouting or mumbling or whispering depending on the scene.

Try increasing your youtube playback speed until you can comfortably follow at 2x or 3x speed, should really help with following other content.
Because movies and shows unironically have shit sound quality for dialogues. I sometimes need to rewind German stuff even. By contrast, YT content is usually top tier audio quality. It's the same when I'm speaking to someone on the phone (terrible bitrate) vs. talking to my sisters on Discord or even IRL.
i do, that's not the problem
there are two example sentences for each hanzi in my anki deck
post the @ my guy
I can't understand my NL at 1.5x speed tf are you talking about
le roi de fer worth reading?
Not with ChatGPT it doesn't. I literally did it yesterday, and on a computer that is admin-locked. So with your own PC you should have no problem locking in and making your own deck with AI assistance. If I have ADHD and can chip away at Spanish, YOU can do it in whatever TL you want, too.

I understand my Nagive language at 3x speed. What's wrong with your language
Weird, I can easily listen to English at X2 but usually do at x1.5 because it sounds more natural.
Yeah, I have the same feeling. The content I'm most interested in is in english and I have to go out of my way to watch/listen in TLs. I also can't find good music in my TLs, music in English is just the best.
*the language of the web (You) see. There's so much stuff in Russian, Spanish, Persian and Japanese.
My native is Russian which is already very fast in speech. At 1.5x speed it's unintelligible at least for me
Hey, fellow Spanish bro. You're much farther ahead than I am, if that's any consolation. Keep going. You gon' make it.

Wahni mahni mahni.
In contrast English at 2x speed is actually pretty understandable
No I’m actually not, that’s why we have a good following and I was able to start it.
In NYC there’s already 20 language groups. My city is kinda small. 1mil in the metro area.
How is ChatGPT going to create cards for me? I can't even properly order a simple list.
Buy graded readers
Probably learning Portuguese or Spanish and community on social media is the most profitable way to earn money from languages. It works even without languages like these Brits react at German X, American watch Polish tv series etc.
Ha, you guys also cut production costs on sound quality! I thought it was only Poland. Yeah, it's probably this
If sentences are constructed with a fixed number of syllables, does Russian have lower information density compared to other languages?
Christ, you aren't bright. You can literally ASK IT TO DO THAT FOR YOU. But if you have to know . . .

>"chatgpt, make an anki deck of the top 100 most common words in Spanish in alphabetical order."
>it does that
>"thanks. now take that list and make it into an anki deck"
>it should be a .csv file
>go to ankiweb
>make profile
>import the .csv file
>create deck
>name deck
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>thanking the AI
It's amazing how, out of all of that, the only thing you took from it was "hE ThAnKeD dA Ai oMg BrO!"

You should kill yourself NOW. Unironically. Have a (You).
least ass blasted burger on this site
Damn, I'm sorry bro I just thought it was funny.
Beruhig dich
but i am not learning spanish
Not talking to you, dumbfuck.
>Ha, you guys also cut production costs on sound quality! I thought it was only Poland. Yeah, it's probably this
Even Hollywood does. It also depends on your setup of course. If you're watching movies etc. on your TV and have weak speakers there, it'll be even worse. Good center audio is important for understanding speech, usually.
I honestly haven’t posted here in months because I found IRL people who share my interest in languages.
I also think some of the posters here have an autistic obsession with Krashen input hypothesis and would benefit from using actual learning materials. I get tired of them constantly ruining discussions related to language learning.
How to learn 10k words in a month or less?
It starts to fall apart if you want lists of less common words.
That title is incredibly arrogant and presumptuous so no view from me
Can a native English speaker naturally pick up dutch faster than Spanish?

No one cares
How do you say "People shouldn't ride bikes on the highway" in Polish?
but why do we have a furry in /lang/ ?????
No on talks like this in Poland.
그 귀여운 여우를 켜고 싶습니다
Is polish your target language?
Shit, I thought you replied to >>201878947
>"no one cares"
>post immediately gets 10 (You)s
This is a no-tranny zone, turn back immediately
I only see 3
We fuck real wolves, you masturbate to the thought of fucking two dimensional wolves. We are not the same.
>newfag can't see the ghostposts
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I can't pronounce 'TH'.
It just becomes a T, a D or a F depending on the word.

I wasn't even registering it as a different sound until someone pointed it out a year ago and I truly started paying attention.
In my regional native Anglophone dialect, they don't say "th", or rather my dad's generation didn't say "th". Unironically, regional accents and especially alternative pronunciations of "th" are dying out because it's seen as redneck trash.
> or a F
This is very common with Brits too. I didn't even realize I was doing it until 25, but of course since then I fixed it
I dodge it the same way.
Simple as that.
I used to do th fronting until someone pointed it out to me
I still do it when I'm stressed or in a rush because of phonetic fossilisation
God I love being a GermanicCHAD
Ok, but then I read an old book like Heart of Darkness and the Africans are speaking like dis and dat and suddenly I'm self aware of have be half ass me English all life fr fr *grabs crotch and pulls a handgun*
>implying Germans, Dutch, or Scandis can pronounce þ or ð
I am German THOUGH.
Based. Anglos should be ashamed of having that abomination of a sound in their language
>reading pdf edition of Old Norse text
>can't search words up in the glossary which contain þ or ð because the authors fucked up the encoding
Goddamn it
Also ý doesn't work either
This is normal the same thing happens to me and english is my first language

which one(s) are you struggling with? never encountered any issues myself
>szszszszsszszwwwwwwszszs kurwa
I love when the Polish try to say "-ng" so "among" sounds like "amunk" and "hanging" sounds like "hung-ging"
You are just a low IQ retard. Simple as.
my fav is Slavic voicing asimilation
well, EFLs do that too, but still
FACT: English has more digraphs than Polish.
FACT: "szcz" in Polish is a less complicated consonant cluster than "str" (straight, strength, string) in English.
i can do it
wow, that is fucking terrible indeed
I'd tell you to go read an online version instead, but I can only find Guðni Jónsson's edition *vomits*
I use Guðni Jónsson's edition on a word document and the glossary of this edition
I'm up to chapter 16 and it's been fine so far but it's a pain having to switch between p's and f's and ö, æ, ø, ǫ and œ
You can find other editions on archive.org but none that are digitalised
Btw how common are editions like these in Swedish?
Having a glossary and not being required to rely on Cleasby and Vigfusson and their walls of definitions is great but there are so few of these editions available
I'm learning C++ to make an NES emulator
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>I use Guðni Jónsson's edition
wew lad
Guðni Jónsson's editions are not ideal, because he approached them with modern Icelandic in mind. which led to orthographical hypercorrections. It's as if I were to edit Old Swedish texts with modern Swedish. Every editor arguably does questionable things, but some are better than others; Finnur Jónsson's editions are excellent, because he was a really brilliant, but also stubborn, philologist, and I always opt for his editions whenever possible, be the texts poetic or prosaic.

>Btw how common are editions like these in Swedish?
OWN stuff? Not at all. I can't think of a single one that isn't just a translation. OEN, however, there are only really Swedish and Danish editions to choose from (original text with varying levels of editorial diplomacy and footnotes).
underclass runt
you are skipping the young adult novel / short story step
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I think YA may still be too hard for him.
I'd look for books for middle school aged children, then teen books.

I personally recommend the Moomins books if you can find a translation in your language. It almost seems intentionally designed to teach language with how it is never too overwhelming and it repeats "keywords".
I'm learning C++ to make cheats in cs2
Well I'm not a fan of his orthography but at least it's close to the Cleasby and Vigfusson and you can type it with an icelandic keyboard
I just want to learn by reading texts that have been made to look as if they were all written at the same time and place, somewhere in Iceland, sometime in the 13-14th century, rounded á's
Once my vocabulary is about 4000 or so words and I can instinctively recognise most inflections I'll try reading less generic editions
I might read a Finnur Jónsson edition if I ever try reading the Heimskringla
Does it make sense to learn the Old and Middle versions of your TL in addition to Modern TL?
I don't see why you would unless you're really into the history of the language or want to do comparative analysis
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>Once my vocabulary is about 4000 or so words and I can instinctively recognise most inflections I'll try reading less generic editions
Odd method (what's special about 4k?), but if it works for you, then all good.
I really love this stuff, so I just memorized word stem paradigms, so I can "reverse engineer" a word to its lemma in a text and look it up, if that's also your goal.

>rounded á's

>I might read a Finnur Jónsson edition if I ever try reading the Heimskringla
If you ever approach poetry (which is of course worlds apart from prose), then Finnur's editions are basically THE editions.
If you care about philology, why not? Granted those stages even exist, of course (not every language follows a Proto-Old-Middle-X formula).
I'm not so sure we know enough about Proto-Polish ("Lechitic") as it wasn't written, but Polish has well-defined Old and Middle stages.
Well I read that there about 12000 word stems in Old Norse prose and so I figure by the time I get to 4000 I could deal with manuscript oddities
The textbook I used made you memorise word stems for all vocabulary but honestly I'm just too lazy and prefer to just get a 'feeling' for it through mass input
>If you ever approach poetry (which is of course worlds apart from prose)
Well he seems to have sonatorrek and höfuðlausn so when I get there I'll see how his edition compares
>12000 word stems
What on earth have you been reading?
You have a-stems, an-stems, i-stems, u-stems, ō-stems, ōn-stems, īn-stems, r-stems, n-stems, z-stems and a few consonant stems.

>so when I get there I'll see how his edition compares
couldn't imagine not reading his takes on poems 2bh
>day ut ia pobrusa a ti poziwai
I don't mean stems in that sense, I mean the uninflected core of each word
>couldn't imagine not reading his takes on poems 2bh
Which language did he write in?
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>I don't mean stems in that sense, I mean the uninflected core of each word
So you have a word like maðr
You have maðr, mann, manns, menn, mǫnnum, etc
There is only 1 word stem here, mann, despite multiple inflected forms of the word
There could be a language barrier here, what would you call this?
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In your TL, how would you say
>Averi is a very cute fox and I want to give her a chicken sandwich
Aweri jest bardzo słodką lisicą. Chciałbym dać jej kanapkę z kurczakiem
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In /polska/, there is an anon obsessed with foxes, but he uses the anime foxgirl instead. Well, he did, then janny ban'd him for "avatarfagging". Now /polska/nons are just posting pics of real life foxes.
Let’s try this again. Is my waifu (the adult of course) making a small dick joke here?


I understood the literal words: мoжнa нeжнa нaзвaть eё кoлбacoй

Where she’s saying that the speaker can refer to it as a sausage (diminutive), but is there a culturally significant equivalent for that in Russian the way we do in English?
those were perfected 25 years ago
애베리는 진짜 귀여운 여우고 그녀에게 치킨 샌드위치 주고 싶어요
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>There is only 1 word stem here, mann, despite multiple inflected forms of the word
...the word is a consonant-stem (< *mannaR < *mann(z)). I think you've mixed up roots with stems, and this is a field barrier and not a language barrier.
'maðr' is the uninflected form (lemma), and it's a consonant stem (< *mann(z)); its root is 'mann-', as evident by its paradigm, but also, this particular word is problematic philologically. I think we should look at something simpler, like 'hundr' ("dog", "hound"); it's an a-stem (< *hundaz), so its paradigm goes (NADG) hundr, hund, hundi, hunds, with its root being 'hund'.
it's a learning exercise
My textbook defined a stem as the root + thematic vowel
The stem of hundr is hund-a- and the stem of maðr is mann- since it has no thematic vowel
Admittedly I haven't seen this stem approach being widely used so it was my mistake to assume it was the norm
Averi é una volpe molto carina e voglio darla un panino al pollo
>Inflectional roots are often called stems. A root, or a root morpheme, in the stricter sense, may be thought of as a monomorphemic stem.
you'll find, in any good ON material (of which, admittedly, there isn't much in English or aimed at English speakers since the field itself largely assumes you're familiar with at least on Scandinavian language and/or German), that when we speak of stems, we mean Proto-Germanic stems and how they turned out in ON
that "thematic vowel" is the definition for the stem in a-stems, which is why hundr is an a-stem (< *hundAz)
thematic vowel is otherwise usually a PIE concept, where it's *e or *o
Only had to check sandwich and swapping wo with ni because I mixed them up
Woops forgot the チッキのサンドイッチ
how do I learn koine greek (the language spoken at the height of the ptolemaic empire in alexandria, egypt, before christianity even existed) without being forced to fucking listen to and translate the entire fucking bible?

genuine question
just learn regular Attic greek.
99% of Koine is written in a style that imitates it, and is usually identical unless you know what to look for.
that'd be great and all if there was nearly half as many atiic greek resources as koine greek resources, though I could definitely get away with using attic greek in my project
>if there was nearly half as many atiic greek resources as koine greek resources
huh? Most resources for learning ancient greek focus on Attic.
>search for ancient greek
>9/10 results are koine greek
>find the 1/10 that are attic greek
>they're shit

yeah, yeah, I know, if you search "learn attic greek" all of the results are for attic greek, that is, in fact, how search engines work, but I wasn't looking for attic greek before, I was looking for any koine greek resources that aren't all about the bible.
most results for koine are about biblical greek because it's one of the few areas where it's actually markedly different from Attic.
for the dental fricatives, you have to take the end of the tongue and touch it to the top row of the teeth and tighten the flow of the air as to create a tube using the end of the tongue and the top row of the teeth
Today is another day to learn MANDARIN CHINESE and RUSSIAN
Nearly all "ancient greek" books are Attic Greek. Most material is written in Attic Greek. If you want Koine Greek then it's called 'biblical greek'
Attic = literary, Koine = general spoken tongue.
Why is it that Dominicans love to message me so much on Hellotalk compared to other nationalities? Mexicans come second
darle (=dare a lei), not darla (=dare lei)
Averi é uma fofa raposa e quero dar um sanduíche de frango a ela
Don’t feed the furfag
Averi ni mbweha mzuri sana na nataka kumpa chicken sandiwch
Maisha hayana maana na kitu chote kitakuwa kizuri
are there larpers in iraq trying to revive akkadian like there are with other classical languages?
I don't think so, it's extremely ancient and isn't used for liturgy. Try again with Aramaic.

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