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The Southwest Edition

Rich Homie Quan has passed away
Early and stupid, but whatever
I'm in this image
No Walter White?
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good morning
Yes it's 310, ya scooch
Clean your fucking apartment obi-wan I don't care if you're an unemployed need claiming to be a monastic clean that shit up
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So I was walking through this park today and was looking at my phone while walking behind two rocket scientists sitting on a bench. I’m a few steps past them when one starts yelling at me “EEY EEY BROTHER EEY WHY PICTURE BROTHER” so I turn around and see them secretly trying to lay down some kokainum on their phone screen.
Paranoid mudshit lol. Why would I be taking pictures of them from behind.
Anyway, this city is a fucking shithole.
Fuck Frankfurt.
Drug addicts, homeless, low life scum from every shithole corner of this planet is all you see. Went to a nice Ramen shop (run by actual Japs and not Vietnamese niggas), had to cross through the Somalian ghetto with only Somali signage and police vans all around because it coincidentally used to be the drug dealer hot spot to get there. On the way back to the train station (a shithole of a massive scale on its own) some drug crazed aggressive Somali was knocking over flower pots and screaming.
Blacks getting ready to hype this guy up as we type
Might change my firat name to Kwang
Funny captcha like rape
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For me it's California.
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Fucking lmao. Insects btfo
not in the mood for you today go back to instagram bitch
You guys are my only friends while I play mermaids on vacation
I thought FK didn't like Star Trek
I'm depressed because I'm retarded
>Fort Dick
my home :)
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cummies, im drinking covfefe
didn't you hear ignorance is bliss
I was born in raised in Pasadena, I'm on the map
Wait lmao this is in spite of making affirmative action illegal in college admissions, yeah?
i'm not intellectually retarded, my IQ is 136. But I'm retarded in pretty much every other way
was going to start a brew soon too, bought some cheap stuff that comes in brick but it's from italy so it's fancy still
*wink wink* yes
you're just like me
what happens in eureka
Hey, IM from Italy! I mean, not me but my you know, great grandparents
meth and fentanyl and no jobs
im gonna have some and a little coffee cake in a little bit
Lmaoo and MIT had record low black acceptance rates
Gold and weed
What language is this
Why even do fent? Seems like a big risk for no reward.
enjoy anon
When I went to the hospital for nausea they put me on fentanyl drip lmao
they just like me
It releases such high levels of dopamine that they are not achievable naturally. Supreme pleasure, but at what cost?
I reckon fent users have given up already.
Star Trek is basado
what US state is the most like england? Virginia?
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What happens here
> they put me on fentanyl drip lmao
wtf, why? Did you know the IV was for fucking fentanyl?!
Moms trying out new tank tops again
>i was just banned
So you are ban evading right now?
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How did you know? Wtf
definitely not Virginia
I didn't know you were capable of good posts
State? Probably Maine. City? Seattle or boston

I'm a cunning linguist
Stacy’s mom
how do you cope brother
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How much money you honkeys make a year?
why do boomer men hate their wives so much
ban evasion is fine, our janny only bans for mentioning politics or making fun of jeets
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Just like the English countryside
It’s almost like this is the first post of mine you’ve read lol!!
I deliver constant quality.
Northern Virginia is where 80% of the worlds internet traffic goes
has got it going on.
also 2!
sometimes i wish i were a bedouin
>janny only bans for mentioning politics
around 50k before taxes
Piu di te, Alejandro
naïveté of youth
about 1k
not based because they're a butthurt jeet
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Oh yeah, I should mention janny only bans for American presidential politics, even state politics is fine.
How do you survive on that in the US of A
net income

hopefully i'm dead by the end of this year
And Mexican presidential shit and Canadian presidential shit are ok too
My uncle is a fent user and makes it everyone's problem
I look forward to him dying
I live in a MCOL area and am smart with my money
I make less than that and live alone and just boust a $3k gaming computer
I hate european flags
con artistry
I have enough in savings to NEET for the next 5 years. I'm so tempted bros.
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hate being retarded. everything is arduous
yeah they think they're all that but they're really old hat
2 factorial does not equal 4 you fucking retard
So lemme get this straight. I paid for the food I ordered. Plus a "delivery fee". And now you want me to GIVE this idiot bringing my shit MORE money because....he's doing the job he chose to do?

Mama didn't raise no fool. Get fucked.
retarded enough to struggle with basic tasks, smart enough to know you're retarded. my struggle too
Grandparents society was religious, had positive values, and believed that beauty had real worth
Secular society is driven to remove beauty and tell you that it's good
The claim was that with the reversal of affirmative action, a lot of unqualified and unworthy black students would get thrown out so that highly meritocratic asian students would get in.

The reality was that the very point of overturning affirmative action was to reduce the number of all non-white groups getting into elite colleges, so that connected white students, whether they were qualified or not, would have places at elite universities reserved for them. White rightwingers were using faux-concern about asian college students as a prop to restructure college admissions in a way that'd be more favorable to white students. They don't want a competitive meritocracy, they want to launder advantages and privilege from one soft generation to the next.

So far asian students (especially those desiring to see affirmative action overturned) look like the biggest losers of what's happened, despite hoping that black students would get hurt the most. Either way, the right's goal of eliminating meritocracy from college admissions so that the best schools can be reserved for wealthy white kids is being met. The game's supposed to be rigged in favor of white students; race-based affirmative action was wrong since it was trying to level the playing field; now that it's been removed we're seeing fairness restored (meritocracy and level playing fields out, white kids in.)
It's called non retardation
momberg should've aborted me desu desu.
You WILL own NOTHING and you WILL be HAPPY!
Sorry nigga but I am not reading all that shit
>Japanese flag on Los Angeles
Idiot. There Japanese immigrants only exist in Hawaii. 90% of "Japanese" Americans in California are actually Chinese/Korean. Not even joking, I even met Asian American from California who believed he is Japanese but he doesn't know Japanese and couldn't answer which prefecture his parents are from.
my son is also named bort
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hello my fellow /t/fag
Ok Pvt Gomez
I wasn’t talking about/to you I was talking about me
My bones are so brittle. But I always drink plenty of...malk?
>*poo poo pee pees on your post*
>Wasn't talking to me
>@'s me

What did he mean by this
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Apparently, I’m a statistical rarity in the US
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>2 with an exclamation mark means 2
>5 with an exclamation mark means 120
I'm looking for Amanda Huggenkiss
Uh y'know Homer...that beer ain't free
It was an accident. Sorry
No problem. As you were, private
No pizza, only khlav kalash!
what did he mean by this?
bro just learned about factorial growth
Urkel earns nearly 6 figures? Damn
No bowl. Stick. Stick.
been seeing skibidi simpsons videos made in the simpsons movie maker lately, they are so spastic it's almost avant-garde
It’s why I avoid fat women. Especially fat white women. I’m simply superior to them.
Me to Victoria justice
drink vodka/whiskey. beer is retarded
If I was into collecting things, I think it'd be cool to start a laser disc collection
you should kill yourself, suicides get better reincarnation stats it's a fact
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Would you guys date a black women?

You can take this potato. It's pretty big.
I mean yeah, for a groid to earn so much more than the average you at least deserve an asian gf
I feel like you can't be considered American if you don't own a pair of Wranglers. Do you own a pair of Wranglers, /cum/?
Only if she was in shape. This applies to women of all races tho

I wear Levi's, sweaty
I own one pair of non work pants, black lee jeans. And one flannel shirt
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there's a billion guys like you
You guys love watching dumbass basic normies being asked racial and political questions on their way to see a marvel ilumination minecraft movie don't you? Why tho?
I have an attractive face but am a skele, have a receding hairline, and can't grow facial hair. God made me as a joke.
I know. We are legion.
No, I don't enjoy that actually.
young homer is gonna make me rich
So you're gay and from chicago. Got it.
great place for a nuke.
The frogurt is also cursed.
why didn't you mention height?
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Hey Mr Jannyman
He shoulda banned you. Sick of Europeans in here
I forgot. I'm also 5'9, it's over.
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yeah the janny is pretty gay around here, he will sometimes even try to get you to post politics so he can ban you
Moe, Moe, Moe
How do you like me, How do you like me
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No lol. The vid is asking what race would you not date. Black women love Mexican men that's why I was asking if you guys would ever date a black women.

My kid could grow up to give me the thriller album.

T. Mexican
Only SE asian, Kazakh or Mongolian gfs sure. East asians tend to have boyish bodies desu
So, you don't like the old-time bikes, huh?
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Hey now
A daring synthesis
Mexican women (at least in CDMX) love black men unironically.
take your meds
Language of a gay homosexual faggot
You couldn't fool your mother on the foolingest day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine.
Are you from cdmx?
LMAO Forgot about this one
never seen a black woman with the latinx in my life now that I think about it. they're attracted to white men because all women want to be enslaved but since it actually happened to them it adds an immersion factor.
My cat does the same thing.
Nope, but I worked remotely from there for a couple of months
porn or alcohol? maybe alcohol
for me it's caffeine
I can't think of any lit posts to make right meow.
lucky you. at least your life isn't miserable
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As /cum/'s only resident OC maker I feel the need to push boundaries and challenge artistic norms or something
Marge, is Lisa at Camp Granada?
stupid people don’t use words like ‘arduous’ anon
So you made it
Very good edit
Where does the jannyface character come from
Glen Martin DDS was garbage
did you have to salt the earth so nothing would ever grow again
him deserves some brush time as a treat
soon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2rwxs1gH9w
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this is you from like 9 years ago
that apu is literally me the second labor day weekend ends
What is ya family don't like bread? They like...cigarettes
I thought it was ok, doomed itself by being on Nickelodeon, shoulda been on Adult Swim from the start
Have you picked out a costume
help me
What can I do for you xir
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for me? it's christmas
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hire me already for fuck's sake. sorry i'm not a lying nigger that'll bounce after a week or a tranny that needs to dilate every 30 min, i just want to work and make something of my life, why is that too much to ask
>we pay incentives just for showing up
nigger what? maybe if you hired people like me you wouldn't have to incentivize people to show up to the job they were hired for, what the fuck.
Would a picture of my asshole help?
can't even help myself
She really had amazing soles
Two days ago I installed LINE messenger again to book a hotel in Taiwan and today she (the GF from back then) messaged me but a minute later unsent the message
Piss off beyotch
(I still miss her)
get your cdl?
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i would truly delight in smashing your frontal bone into a million tiny fragments with a rubber mallet
where did he go?
Cool, I broke his mind
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Christmas is kind of boring when you stop believing in Santa and stop getting gifts to be honest
You do not look like that
i need money to make money first, if i could snap my fingers and have the funds for cdl school i would've done that by now trust me
That elephant ate my entire platoon
>AI slop
damn, just when I thought I'd wank tonight
oh, take a hike sister
Did I say "corpse hatch"?
I meant "innocence tube".
Some places pay for it if you sign a contract to work for them
Fedex will pay for your cdl too even if you only work as a warehouse drone
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are you saying boo or boo-urns?
Shallow subhuman life style bent on consumerism
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don't care, not expanding image
Hey now
i didn't really plan on doing a costume this year
im not going trick or treating but if i go to a get together where its costumes im leaning towards caroline with the yellow raincoat and boots, i already have those anyway
My halloween costume will be here tomorrow
what's the costume
is it miku
yo mamma so fat everytime she wears high heels she strikes oil
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Only real ones will get this :100:
Your mother is so fat that she will almost certainly face negative health outcomes in the future if she does not act quickly.
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I'm dressing up as a bear
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This Facebook group that was recommended to me today is so pathetic
Fuck shitalian Americans and their LARPing
lmfao nice
you should carry a honey thing around too
so as i was saying
name 30 black inventions
I love you Pepsi.
I want real food made by real people with real ingredients
Old school Kanye West type swag
I want ronald mcdonald to rim my ass
yeah probably from fucking monkeys or something
men only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting
Eat shit and die fuckin frocio
>only the yolk is used

This is literally not fucking true.
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based oldfag
fuck off to your own country's general faggot fucking ratpedo freak
Is Tennessee a nice state to live in?
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he's currently ban evading by his own admission. Yet the jannies allow him to post, curious...
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>less than 10 weeks to lose 40lbs
it's joever.

Guess my custome will have be pic related
We gotta get all these fuckin Europoors out of our general, shit is getting out of hand
I'm not driving, I am traveling.
lookup swift cdl school. they'll train you and once you're on the road, they will take a certain percentage of your rate to payoff the free education which you had received.
Hey now
Communism was bad. It failed. That doesn’t mean that Karl Marx was wrong.
i want to combine my PISS my the methanol column of moonshine and then see what happens. i unironically bet that something based would happen - and thats a good thing
Why do niggers never wipe down gym equipment when they're done using it?
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>>Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew – not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew. Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew. What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money - Karl Marx
I mean he was right about some things
metanol is based
but i dont like fluoride
Why do chuds bitch and complain so much
Whitey finna do it for em
unironically feel less empathy
Wasn't he a Jew himself?
Me the cholo chud
Do they feel any?
He was. And he had such a dark complexion that his nickname was "moor", yet he called Lassalle a "jewish nigger"
His parents converted to Christianity before he was born and he was baptized, but he was an ethnic Jew. Although I don't think he ever considered himself one thoughbeit
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dad keeps talking about how half his face feels numb and how he feels weak all the time but still refuses to see a doctor
Ask Urkel, he's in here somewhere.
He was vaxxed
what are you gonna do with your inheritance
i mean if you can't convince him to see a doctor then it's on him
Gigacovid then
Now he just needs another stroke affecting the opposite side and he's all good again
if all the diabetics or something (i want to see them all) would give me their piss then id do something i think to make something nice, like an opioid, or use opium, sugar, or biazpines if trying and giving them alcohol didnt work
its weird if its only my piss. even though my piss is almost perfect, its just a bit weird to sell people my piss. so i think some people with diabetes, even though thats what i dont have. i think it would be able to do the same in the body. my life is unironically great. i am literally the person from limitless and it can be tied to sugar. the same could be achieved for diabetes and i want to do more piss experiments
I don't like black people
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Janny doesn’t mind this but mentioning Tim Walz somehow crosses the line
me when some latinx retard starts saying "how come we're just standing here?! we started a war over a small tea tax!"
So brave...
they didnt start caring about opioids until the black people deaths caught up to white people deaths with opioids (not really opioids but fentanyll which is the majority of opioid deaths, NOT heroin or opiates which were fine before fucking fentanyl came along)
I don't like yo ass neither
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it's because you said the K name. VP names seem fine.
>the K name
I don’t know what’s scarier: that nothing ever changes or that I won’t notice the change until it’s too late.
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The dinner
like, fucking oxygen
and im not a doctor but i would even say that either opioids or methamphetamine would help whatever illness they have
fair enough
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eating some cheesecake right now
Smirnov huh? Is that the vanilla flavored shit? Vile stuff I hate flavored vodka
looks good but please don't tell me that vodka there is your drink
what kind of cheesecake
You didn’t even smirk irl
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Always wanted the context of this webm
you need some teriyaki or chili crisp or something for fuck's sake
I actually had a full smile with my mouth open and chuckled
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McSpecial Forces training
RIP in peace anon
It does have chili crisps
But ‘tis, it’s not flavored I hate flavored shit
this looks divine
hope you enjoy anon
they caught the anon above that said he wanted ronald mcdonald to eat their heine
tell him those are heart attack symptoms and he could actually die any minute now if he doesn't go to a doctor
Going to the temple of iron in a bit. I'll do a set for the /cum/bros
Business idea: make life terrible for all mankind, ???, profit.
The j-word will do this but let ratpedo spam all day
I don't like mexicans
I'm kind of sleepy ill tell him later
>Notification from LinkedIn
>3 people viewed your profile anonymously
What's the fucking point
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies…
That was me and my associates. We are inviting you to Anonymous
Do I get a free Guy Fawkes mask and fedora?
Really sucks ordering food and you can tell it's the guys first day and he's fucking up bad and on one hand you're like "I don't want to be a dick, I've had rough days at work too" but on the other hand it's like "my order is simple, stop fucking up"
fackin' hell
springtime for hitler and germany
Really makes you think
all men should try cock at least once in their lives
whats the punishment for treason
this happened to me before.
someone was like "it's your first day, right?" but i had been working there for 9 months
go back >>201875622
>Some niggas don't think
Free mask and we offer up to 200$ reimbursement at one of our affiliated hatters
don't be a dummy be smarty come and join the nazi party
I know a guy who think if you don’t try gay sex then you can’t be sure you don’t like it. So, it follows that men who have gay sex and go back to women are more straight than men who are exclusively hetero. Funny stuff.
Lmao I made reddit really mad. Like really mad. Someone reported me being based irl and. There are 800 votes and like 200 comments all angry at me and threads locked. Lol
maybe thats gone on for too long to be a heart attack. it could be gradual
maybe its something else. you should get him to the hospital, but if he doesnt want to he is your dad. and one day he will DIE anyway. men are stubborn and its just how we are, i am too. but if hes sick with problems then he probably knows, and asking 4chan isnt the best option
what did you post about? sounds pretty based so far
I didn't post anything I just and someone else posted it for me without me asking :)
what did you do then?
I painted a Canada flag on a ukranian rapefugee's car
damn I didn't know plebbitors still cared about Ukraine
They're seething lol. I wish I could tell them I'm Indian and they'd die from their blood boiling
sex sex Canada
*chases all the Canadas around*
I wish I was from Texas

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