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Snus and coffee is back edition
get the new made
starmer promised to lift the ban on posting mice
anyone got the video games on?
excuse me mr. nonce your court appointment is coming up
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sekiro charmless + demon bell
Snusfaggot loves his snus
ayo dis nigga gaymen
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Daddy long legs are getting bigger and spiders are now neon coloured. Climate change is real.
ck3. always
never tried snus and probably never will
gum disease sounds awful
atleast you look cool smoking
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what video games wont give my gf the immediate ick?
i was thinking something artsy like disco elysium.
sir poo barmer
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The Neon Spider is a cool name
mmmm daisy ridley looking peng
fifa mate
or whatever it's called these days
I'm playing yugioh
You do realise that you're a deeply embarassing and worthless piece of human filth yes? I hope you do realise that deep down.
I hope the feelings of self-loathing get worse. You utter joke of a person.
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Are you having a “what the fuck is wrong with me” sort of day, or a “what the fuck is wrong with the world” sort of day?
>Italian navy in the pacific
listening to SCREAMO
who cares about that, the point is to find the limit
if she can tolerate you spending hours teaching her how to play a map clicking military sim then she's the one
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I conquered Ausfailia
just got back from pub - two pints of ale for me
on the vinho verde wine booze now
Really want to cut my hair short at the barber tomorrow but I know I'll look like a lego man
is hoi3 worth playing?
I have 2000+ hours in hoi4
Anything that's just a barbie dress up simulator
if your gf actually gets an ick instead of enjoying the time spent playing with you, then there's something very wrong. With that said, my ex loved playing minecraft together, sometimes some runey, and I got her started on skyrim too. previously she had only played things like sims and barbie games.
skyping the American gf soon got any good memes to share?
i think ill download ck3
Im sure he would have wanted you to carry on. I was 15 at the time when my sister was killed (she was 18 months older) and I pretty much stopped going to school. I couldn't face it, with my grief but also the grief of everyone else most of whom knew her including all the teachers and staff. I had been top of my classes and there had been discussions on my Oxbridge chances when it happened. Got no GCSEs, never even turned up for tests. It's really held me back over the years. In May the guy who killed her was up for parole and a charity offered me free counselling. I should have taken them up on it but I didnt. Still not ready to really face the past I suppose. Hope it goes ok for you mate.
I'm having this moment right now. Someone posted a picture of their new baby on the work WhatsApp group and I'm trying to think of what to say without sounding like an absolute nonce. I'll be the first to admit that it is a very good looking baby but I'm already something of a lurker in the group so it would be weird if I suddenly chimed up to comment but at the same time to just view the picture and not reply seems odd too.

Not sure what to do
who is this fucking [Deleted] guy and why does he always make the most retarded posts?
Janny just put Belgianonce in a spliff
virgin detector going mental here
Business idea: Jeetwall

Basically a firewall for jeets. Using advanced AI it will create fake profiles on popular social media sites with generated profile pics of sexy white women.

The system will then scan for profiles where the location is set to India, it can also intelligently identify them by name and image. From there it will send them messages like "Hey, I saw your pic posing in front of your cousin's white BMW M3, very sexy ;)" or "I like the look of your freshly plastered bedroom wall that you share with 6 of your siblings, wish I was there with you babe"

Once they bite, the AI will continue to engage with them with promises of meeting up and sexting. Here is the key feature, it will stress that they should commit to her and not speak to any other women or else they'll feel too embarrassed to show their "bobs and vagene"

That's it. The jeets all think they've hit the jackpot and because the AI never needs to sleep, it will always be ready to engage with them and keep them from shitting up the internet.

I'm asking for just 90 million quid to buy a warehouse in Norway to fill with servers (Norway because it's cold and I don't want to buy fans). I will not provide receipts.
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reggie kray in lidl
You don't fit in
the egirl gf

That's Mark Lamarr
need a good video game to get into
been playing that deadlock, but every time i play it im reminded of how pointless mp games really are
Just send a thumbs up emoji. That's what I do. Works for all situations.
almost every girl has played a barbie pc game or early console game at some point in her life, girls have massive childhood nostalgia from barbie. there's typically a divide between barbie or bratz girls. I think barbie girls mog.
thats a bloke
can tell
Christ that's horrid man. What happened if you don't mind me asking?
I think the hardest part for me after it happened was when everyone stopped coming round to pay their condolences and moved on with their lives. Obviously you can't expect them to check on you forever but I remember that being tough, suddenly we had to go back to our normal lives just without him in it, was very odd.
The Krays were Cockney muppets trumped up by the press and braindead Londoners
I thought that when I saw the massive cock
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Anyone know where I can download ck3 from?
(not steam)
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trannards always have the least aesthetic looking cocks, looks like luncheon sausage
In gran canaria, should I go to yumbo centrum and find the gay fetish bars?
lot of black men in glasgow nowadays
oh no
would love to see the look of a girl's face when you or any anon tells her about barbie dress up games. really
They were also mutts
By barbie dress up simulator I mean anything that has extensive character customization and grinds for things it to wear
The games I play are full of women
thats ronnie
african workers
mostly from uganda and nigeria
I fucking hate obnoxious piratefags. Yes, we get it, you pirate.
hoi3 is way more military-sim and less political/industry focused than the other games in the series are
Not sure why I didn't add BLACKED and BBC to my filters. Posting experience will improve tenfold
yes but there are younger ones also
quite a few in my uni
Why do you keep saying Katy? Are you referencing Katy Perry's bbc tweets?
might download xcom 2
but then again, i cba to download mods
problem with filtering bbc is that you will also filter any post concerning the state broadcaster
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yanks be like
>oh that coffee shop downtown is nice
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a few months ago when walking from central to queen street I saw a young group of black kids with a football shout in the face of a woman and then surround another as they walked down Buchanan street.
I think I can manage
Sushi for tea. Very healthy
plap for the NHS
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Dial /brit/ homeworld
it's mental, loads of black youths with london accents acting like roadmen
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>food invented for peasants
why do you think about black penis so much?
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this cunt plays his drum all day on buchanan street
*pushes your head in and flushes*
women and children on the next boat?
When we win all cucks will be castrated
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Then who's Katy?
Engineers and doctors
Noticed that over time when I fell in love with my ex, I started seeing her almost as a daughter of mine rather than an equal mate, and even now I still feel like I care for her wellbeing but a bit like she's my daughter. I feel like this will keep happening with anyone I care about.
That bit from Spec Ops: the Line. You know the one
makes my blood boil honestly
pave over the the peak district and get them all housed ASAP
Niggers I'm off to bed, so toodle-oo
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When I tug on my willard it encourages my bum to fart. Odd.
I'm having this moment right now. Someone posted a picture of their new baby on the work WhatsApp group and I'm trying to think of what to say without sounding like an absolute nonce. I'll be the first to admit that it is a very good looking baby but I'm already something of a lurker in the group so it would be weird if I suddenly chimed up to comment but at the same time to just view the picture and not reply seems odd too. I received a text from her today saying "you seemed really cool to begin with but then you got poo drunk and kept overstepping boundaries and so i dont want to see you again"
fucking hell lads what is wrong with me
why do aussies love to be barefoot
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>gets home from school
>grabs a can of coke out of the fridge and a pepperami stick
>heads up to the bedroom
>switches massive 20 inch CRT on
>PS2 beeps and the disc tray pops out
>"what will I play today"
>yeah, I'm thinking some KINO
>Do you feel like a hero yet?
>Yes :)
was anticipating a drink tonight but have decided against it
already feel good about the decision
where can I download eu4 dlc?
G'night m'nigger oh sorry can't say that these days because of woke
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entire black familes are moving to glasgow en masse
Having a lager me
crts > flat panels
ps2 > ps5

we need to go back
imagine playing this and the game is just him tripping over and over again
also he fucked him up at the end lmao didnt even see it until after i posted this
Goodnight mater
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aff tae bed
good lad
drink on the weekend or not at all
people complain about indians here but I went to costco the other day and half the crowd was black, still that's fine with me because I like black people
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this was my poison
my mate beat the game and i got stuck on the mission where you have to protect archimedes from assassins so I took my playstation memory card over to his house so he could beat the mission for me
my wife's boyfriend has been hiv lads
*rolls up sleeves*
*cracks knuckles*

These lads aren't going to house and wank themselves.
same but halo 2 with my niggas
dunno why it's apparently so hard to build houses
Good lad. Stay hydrated.
dont understand do you want to bum this lad and the pop stars you keep posting because they dont seem exactly to your tastes
I'm not gay but I've been wanking to buff femboys basically every day for the past 6 months. I just think a natural, muscular male physique looks so hot when they also try to look feminine by being hairless and smooth. Makes me diamonds desu
The new 'eitch

I, Keir Starmer, hereby present you with this Hero of Britain badge for you to wear in all your hero-ness
do it yourself if it's so easy
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>I'm not gay but
the only safe place for white people in Scotland nowadays is old mining towns in fife and west lothian.
never going on an all inclusive again this scran is horrid
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Remember when playstation made cool games like killzone or resistance? Whatever happened to that?
davo and goliath
just takes a while and a lot of people doesn't it
he looks demented
Sometimes I feel quite proud about my virginity
not gay either but partial to some peng gay porn
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thoughts on vladi (female)
i think ill get back into video games when the switch 2 comes out
sobbing into my cat's rump
muscle looks better on men
>A woman who was allegedly drugged by her now ex-husband so that she could be raped while unconscious by other men testified Thursday that her world collapsed when police uncovered the years of alleged abuse.

>But a security agent caught her husband taking photos of women’s crotches in a supermarket, leading investigators to search Dominique Pelicot’s phone and computer. They found thousands of photographs and videos of men appearing to rape Gisele in their home while she appears to be unconscious.

How do you wake up from being drugged and not realise you've been fucked over and over by a bunch of people? Is there no sensation?
is the cat sick of you
she has a female vagina though
>do you want to bum this lad
>and the pop stars you keep posting
nh i like the music x
the biggest issue is acquiring the land. second biggest is sorting out local council issues. (school places, GPs, mail delivery, water, electricity minimal bus services being provided etc)
regulations make it very tedious and annoying
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ran out of tissues
The answer is browns and women. Only white men create good things.
she knew and loved it but not going to admit that when her husband got publicly outed is she
i didnt think gays were keen on trannies, where do you draw the line
>the biggest issue is acquiring the land
is this a cost issue, a nimby issue, or something else?
Anyone here had a mumjob before
when they start getting fake tits and surgerys thats a nah from me
I can build a shed in my garden in an afternoon and reckon I could live in there
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yep, I'm thinking based
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bet that cat hates you
cats always hate faggots
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NEED vladi to do me in NOW
I don't seed but wish more people did
adulthood is realising tony blair is based
yeah didnt think so
>3 days left
can we keep those fat cunts away from 2nd?
mostly legal issues. depending on the size of the area you are looking at finding multiple land owners to purchase the land (if you are even able to find them, if they even want to sell etc). you can force compulsory purchases but it then turns into an even bigger legal mess
what even nose jobs and that?
need a millennium falcon
I'll kill myself if we don't win the spastic olympics
me 11-80
just make artificial islands then build houses on them. revitalise seaside towns at the same time
alri bubbles
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Our Toby, who art in Glasgow,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thine dragons come,
Thine Runescape quests be done,
On Earth as it is in Disneyland.

Give us this day our microwaved piss,
And forgive us our meltdowns,
As we forgive those who slay us in PvP.
Lead us no into laggy fights,
But deliver us from scammers.

For thine is the kingdom,
The nettles, and the Peters,
Forever and ever.
2 black kids and 1 paki just asked me if I had the time lol almost shit myself
when you're in love with a beautiful woman
which i am not
well, why not, ua sk me
whellllllllllll it's down to my lack of romance
give me a chance, romance
and romance replied, god no m8y
ur an ugly little virign and thats all yel ever be
so, i've no lasy in my life
and that is that really ent it
no chance of happiness
just a fuckin uggly little short virgin with a little willy
and thats that!
fuckin joke ent it
actual joke
fucking cunt of a world
If she is a woman (female) then coorrrrr. Otherwise, hard pass
>asking to borrow ten quid from a mate multiple times
underage, or drug addict? call it
Gambling addict
Extension cord
Big blanket
Not hard really.
The studio that made Killzone went on to make that gay game Horizon with the robot dinosaurs and abandoned Killzone.

I don't know if you have played it but it's incredibly boring. It's actually quite amazing how they took something that sounds really cool on paper (humanity reverting to a hunter gatherer state after technology collapsed and robot dinosaurs hunt them) but somehow they made the gameplay so fucking boring. Such a waste but that slop seems to sell so I don't think we'll be seeing Killzone again any time soon.
should have turned around and said "aye mate remigration time!" and then ran away
a few years ago 3 black kids knocked on my door (they lived in the floor above me, all siblings) and told me they had found a watch in the bushes outside next to the car park spaces and asked me what they should do with it. I told them to speak to their parents and shut the door on them. utterly bizarre creatures
he literally killed this thread two years ago. we all are posting in its corpse, thanks to him
shes female yes
various images of her tuppence floating about
Can't call them that...
Just said no sorry but my voice cracked when I said it
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oh for fucks sake
so grim
they did a killzone in the early days off the piss5 but i think it didn't do well so they went the ubislop route
It was a scam lad
remember this being mental when it came out
>UK has the second most elite mongs in the world
yeah, some achivement that
girls love minecraft, the sims and skyrim
disco isn't really a game you play together



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Cousin posted this on her insta lads, should see how she jiggles irl
remember one time mumberg invited a literal crackhead into our house cause they were m8s in secondary years back
mumberg came upstairs to use the lavatory and DEMANDED I go downstairs to keep an eye on her
I get down there and she has her paws in our draws trying to steal shite
mumberg had only gone up 5 seconds before

In summary, junkies should be put down.
Thank you.
Miss posting with an American flag.
tfw convinced all along that im ugly af
made me self conscious in social situations
not pursue girls etc etc
what if after all thsi time i was actually decent looking or even good looking i didn't realise it?
can you imagine
reason i say this is every now and then a girl way out of my league is way friendlier to me than she should be on basis of my looks
what do you get out of posting these fucking posts
looks like an empanada to me
SpasticsGB turned TeamGB into the mongs embarrassing stuff
where can i torrent this porno?
I know aha
Think I am actually in a state of infatuation
I just shaved my pubs
should I put it in a bag and sell it to a pawn shop like Borat?
canada is a barren wasteland
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why you posting this fat bitch nigga
>Only white men create good things
Baka gaijin!
almost finally finished season 2 of prison break. been a long slog this season. totally forgot the president bird was shagging her brother before linc got framed and that was what the tape was about.
astro bot out in a few hours
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Getting bouts of rage for no reason
loooool the snoring
it's not going to get any better
Ozempic costing £300 a month is letting you know for sure what bitches are broke
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uh lads
why would toilberg do this to me
Her booty is a planet, yaaarrrrrr
San Marino are 10 minutes away from beating Lichtenstein
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You're thinking of the PS4, it was called Shadowfall and they basically rushed it out to show off the power of the new console.

At the time it looked really good (still kind of holds up today) but it wasn't as good as Killzone 2. Even Killzone 3 was better which also wasn't as good as 2.

The game that the studio uses is really good, they developed it in house and Kojima used it in Death Stranding. I'd like to see it used in more games but I imagine Sony are quite tight fisted with it. They only let Kojima use it since he had a deal with them for Death Stranding timed exclusivity and wanted to grab him as soon as he left Konami.
I can't give any specifics without risking a self-dox, sorry.
When it happened everyone turned up but I hated that because they almost all made it about themselves.
My auntie flew in from Spain and made everything about herself as she has a tendency to do.
A weirdo christian group erected a huge cross with a picture of my sisters face on it despite that we weren't a member of their church and didnt approve it.
Politicians called my parents to offer condolences and promise tough on crime rubbish.
There was a big memorial held at my school. Classmates of hers and mine stood up and talked about her and how they felt but it was so performative. Her real friends were too broken to speak publicly. I knew for a fact that my sister hated one of the girls who spoke, the leader of a clique we used to call "drama bitches" who were incessant attention seekers. There was a lad in my year who had been sent to a naughty boys camp for dealing weed. Dunno if they still exist but they were pretty popular boot camps in the mid 2000s. When it happened he was allowed home to speak at the memorial and I knew it was bullshit. I doubt my sister even knew him. The whole thing made me sick. I've experienced some awful things in my life and that memorial was certainly up there.
I remember having a myspace at the time and people left all these condolences but when id see them around in the months after they couldn't look me in the eye. Thinking back I don't blame them, it was heavy shit for teenagers, but at the time it was really fucked up. Deleted myspace and ive never used social media since.
Honestly I was relieved when people moved on with their lives. It was never the same for my family of course.

On another note the aftermath of the recent Southport tragedy reminded me of that time. The politicians who turned up for photo ops and the people doing performative candle light vigils were the real scum. Not the rioters whose anger was at least genuine.
couldn't get away with naming this now
Why does nobody live in Ontario? (I'm guessing ON is Ontario)
It's in the south, borders the US and has lots of land
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Are you trying to earn a blow job from me? Why snus right now
how on earth did you shave your local pub
you mean you cut the hedges?
Surely just cheaper to use that to buy healthy foods?
I'm telling just stop S1 is the only season worth watching
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Got some email from some cunt who apparently looked at my Indeed profile and thought I'd be a good match for a teaching role in China
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i know mate i've not downloaded season 3 cos i haven't been planning on going past season 2 on this rewatch. i remember that it's complete dogshit and has yet another prison escape and all that
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feel it closing in
feel it closing in
day in day out day in day out day in day out day in day out day in day out day in day out day
She wants to get jiggy with you
what's her name again?
the fact she unbuttoned her jeans to show off more of her tummy is so fucking hot omg
It's cheapest to eat nothing yet here we are with broke fat bitches
It's a cunt called Ian mate
watching these intervention videos while I drink

It's a map of arable land, not people.
But it's effecitvely the same thing because people don't live on non-arable land.

All Ontarians live in the green parts which is basically Toronto (at the bottom near the US border) and Ottawa (in the east)
Lad who's been in his job for 8 months and still hates it here. I'm still looking for a new job.

I asked someone at my old job if my role had been filled, apparently it has.

When I left they said I'd be welcome to come back, but unless it was in a different department I doubt I'd be able to return.

Fucks sake. I'm considering asking one of the managers there but I'm probably stuck in my job I hate.
>ring the doctor 5 minutes after they open
>they say "you'll survive til tomorrow, call back then"
these cunts are STEALING a living
>he shave his pub
Won't even get any help when you do go
see >>201875012
but yeah i thought i'd give season 2 a chance and it was good for like 5 episodes and soon took a massive nosedive that has continued on throughout
blog on you insufferable redditor
thanks lad
popped it on

Injury time away from their first ever competitive win.
History in the making.

Think they're literally the only member of FIFA who's never won a game (competitive).
playing the demo of my homemade worm-based action game ala Devil May Cry to make sure it's ready to be released.
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>We hope that The Yearly Planner keeps you motivated, grateful, productive and organised going into the New Year.

>**This planner is designed for people who don't necessarily use a planner every day. It is undated and there are 6 months worth of daily pages.**
For me its r/bigtiddygothgf
Got a blackmail email saying they’ve got my pictures of me wanking thought it was bollocks but they’ve got my actual phone number too so I might be fucked
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hahaha 'sturgill'
why is that funny
You're not wrong lad. Past 3 times I've went to the doctor they've booked me a blood test and when it came back clear, they just shrugged and said they hoped I felt better soon.
Like norway but flipped
yeah because nobody who knows you would ever suspect your a wanker haha
you incels are lucky you never fell in love
it has a serious sting in its tail
Can’t stop thinking about arse
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>You're thinking of the PS4
oh god, you're right...
didn't know about the engine, thought death stranding had the MGSV engine
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finished Paris Texas. Good film big sad
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Now now lad I thought we've had this talk about wanking

we agreed to no wanking remember?
Fucking bitch.
You're a daft bastard man
this is indecent exposure let's be honest
jaybaesun has a better bum and legs
I'm gonna wank!
Investing in Dividend Aristocrats is based
More like decent exposure
I have actually
felt like PURE shit not being reciprocated
why are blacks in the UK generally more well behaved than blacks in the US?
alri sturgill
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rorke on a mad one
So they have my email and my phone number too? That’s not just some random person who found my email online
they aren't really
if UK blacks had legal access to guns a la America it would be brutal
Her body is amazing
Strong yet still feminine and somewhat soft
I really wanna start working out every day

I just want a routine to do every day with fat results

I will not be changing anything to do with diet
dunno what you mean
shut the fuck up
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feeling soft
feeling tender
John Le Cargay
Based dividend investor
>b b but le growth!
The point of a company is to reward its shareholders. Simple as.
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bed time
blair entering his chud arc
Adam shut fuck up if youre here

if they want bitcoin payment or something it is
are you on the sauce cause youve got a name like sturgill
hole for the belly hole
got promoted to L5 at toil
mo money mo problems
Sinister post this.
bizarre post
poo, thoughts?
prefer giant she-hulks who can fight back me
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i am back from the pub
Me? Or are you talking about spainnonce again?
not kidding, how does she take a shit and wipe herself adequately
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Good movie that
so what everybody wanks what are they gonna do with it
Poos have been really solid recently, like I get a semi from them cause they rub off my prostate kinda solid
Who you think
no I just said I like watching these videos
what would my name have anything to do with it lol
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L5 what?
congratualtions lad, who did you blow for that?
You'll be in some database breaches from dogshit companies who can't protect your information or intentionally sell it maliciously
This happens all the fucking time
Dna testing companies get hacked for fuck sake
proper losing it
Bit late now isn’t it Tony?
Poomiliation ritual
L5 engineer
been trying to blow myself but not flexible enough
just make me smile one more time
is that good? how many levels are there? neetchads start at max level
Why do midwits fear ageing? Hate listening to people at work drone on about how they look younger than their age or how they always use suncream lmao.
Can Tony Blair be elected again? I think it would be kino if he came back as leader of the Conservatives and became a chud
and that's a good thing
He's a high ranking member of the WEF mate
He's already in control
lets just say 200k lad might be becoming 250k lad
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>you but worse why do people not like that
hmm sounds lke you're the low iqwer not able to figure this out
Hope you die
Ageing isn't being worse, it's a natural part of life.

People today have Peter Pan syndrome.
Threadmiester dead is he
he's not dead, he's just retired
>mind and body deteriorating
>"this is ok!! this is fine!!"
lmao what
look worse
body functions worse
(bro it's not worse)
state of you
utter brainlet
who's peter pan?
new should be school girl legs edish
Everything has to be a fucking syndrome with you zoomers
People have been trying to find the secret to immortality since we crawled out of the fucking ooze
id make a new but I know if I do someone else will post theirs first and janman will give me a warning shot from his big iron
grab a woman lift her leg up see how far it goes

it's a fun game to play icebreaker

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