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just hangin' out edition

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finally a good op not boring maps
transvestite op edition
the whole world is backsliding into a third world slum. fortunately i will not be alive for very much longer
I look like that
this dude is signing chicks titties btw
hey cutie
watching destiny
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the place i added is really popping off
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Good edish
>Some niggas don't think
that nigga smart?
what makes you say that
he's literally just a boy look at him
beans are making me fart
not based
>fortunately i will not be alive for very much longer
Oh yeah? How come?
I hope you get gay demonic AIDS, Brian
You can just add random areas? this has potential
i need a back massage
you won't do shit faggot
the strsightest looking men you know could be into sucking cock and you'd have no idea
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i want to throttle you like homer simpson does to bart thrashing your head back and forth leaving big blue fingerprints on your neck
I don’t like to assume but it seems like you are organizing clandestine homosexual encounters.
i can help
*points to table with head shaped hole*
lay face down here please
kys brian
I never beat ME3. Such cases
>Operation Blackcock was an operation to clear German troops from the Roer Triangle, formed by the towns of Roermond and Sittard in the Netherlands and Heinsberg in Germany during the fighting on the Western Front in the Second World War. It was conducted by the British Second Army between 13 and 26 January 1945.
AIDS is big pharma propaganda and does not exist
yes but you need to pay for the subscription
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I'm perfectly healthy and don't have an urge to kms but I feel like I'm not gonna make it to 40. Like I just know in my heart I'm gonna die young.

Is God giving me a heads up or something
how about a prostate message with a bonus cream filling
are you the anon that said you wanted to give me a 'travis the chimp style beating' i have no animosity towards you im just curious
we only live to be 70 and i'm already more than a third of the way there
you don't have to, it's trash
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also i just noticed this
They were all trash to be tbf
yeah i said that among other things. i didn't call you a transvestite though that was somebody different
ME1 was not trash
what flag is that
im gonna say the K and T words
>american can't even recognize american territory
If you’re less than 30 I wouldn’t count on escaping the apocalypse without suicide and/or billions of dollars.
okay i don't know why i remember that one specifically
i guess it was just uniquely gruesome, it really messed that lady's face up. she did an interview with oprah on tv about it
I sorta figured when you had to refuel
Land of Virgins
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The jannies don't like that here
It was
Bioware has never made a decent game
I am not very happy with life
i'm not opposed to killing myself if the terrors of life become worse than the terrors of death
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Kamala Harris loves anal Sex
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i just found a vid of this guy engaging in a homosexual orgy on twitter
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this general will be absolutely ass leading up to the election it's gonna be so bad
STFU Brian and kys
Brian, fuck off with your homosexual propaganda
as if it isn't already
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does she love gay anal sex though
lol newfren all of /int/ is gonna be talking about it by November
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>leading up to the election
It’s already getting bad. Just go back to /pol/ if you want politics, retard.
he was a goonerboy
she said edge you later boy
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Brian turned me gay
>all of /int/
why are you calling me a newfag when you're viewing outer /int/ like a retard?
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she's more of an oral type person
yeah that's sort of my vision for you except not so facecentric, i also imagine breaking your fingers and your legs and cutting your belly open and stuff too. a chimps brain could not design an assault so advanced
Naming these fucks and giving them attention is what they want
Just ignore them you fucking morons
i will take this opportunity to walk my dog and get some fresh air thread is on life support right now
>go back to schizo central
no thanks
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desu it will be every board by the time the big day nears. Prepare yourself
why yes i sleep during the toil
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here's the link btw
Opened two new bank accounts (one with a credit union and one with a higher interest for my saving account) and switched internet providers for a total of $1300 for free
guys i want to talk politics so bad but i cant i dont want to get banned!!!!!
It really doesn't neither Brian or ratpedo give a fuck
If I order food and the driver calls to ask me to verify my address I remove their tip, it's in the app and I always put notes as well to help find it, and it's not even like it's hard to find, the fucking house numbers are in order, fuck off being so dumb is probably why you're a uber driver
>sar I am at house 104 where I find 105
>gee I don't know have you tried literally right next door
>oh my lord sar I never would have thought of that thank you I will do the needful
File deleted.
how can you NOT be gay
I have high IQ.
Just talk about Canadian politics then, for some reason only US Presidential politics are forbidden. I guess the jeet jannies only know them anyways.
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DiStefano looks at this and goes yummm
Why are you ordering food? Are you fat?
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>ratpedo finally leaves
>brian picks up the slack
homosexuality is high IQ
Ok, it’s a little obnoxious now. Tone it down.
Gross tbqh
its boring though
I'd like to be
under the sea
she's gorgeous
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Why aren't you ordering food? Are you poor?
If that was true I'd be gay. I'm probably the highest IQ person itt.
I think that anon is mocking you through imitation.
She was a nobody before Putin attacked
Her fame is built on the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers
Every other general gets to talk about politics but for some reason we get jannied immediately.
I don't trust jeets to handle my food, plus I'm not a lard ass like you :)
no im not
In the octopussy's garden
I want to do something atypical of me
Mexican politics and American regional/state/local politics are also allowed
imitation is the highest form of flattery
watchin hasanabi
damn this nigga have good opinions on common sense gun laws
Yeah but don't you steal mail from children?
i really need to increase the quality of my follow list
Have sex
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destiny owns him
got 'im
I took this picture
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Let's play a game where someone starts a song and the next person tries to guess it and continue the lyrics. I'll start:

He lives in a pineapple under the sea
bad weather lately. bad weather for the forseeable future

Listen to good music.
Where be dat watymelon fellow nigga
I want to like Destiny but the guy is often a huge prick for no reason
bump my thread
is that bread?
"common sense" guns laws should just be a page with a checkbox when you buy a gun
>in the future are you willing to use this gun to purge jeets when they start a race war
if yes you get the gun
if no you do not get the gun and you are raped by jeets until your answer is yes
looks like a whole samn damwich
wrong. destiny x hasan fan erotica always has hasan as the top and destiny as the bottom
its called being based
So based I actually thought nobody would get it straight way.
Ate half of one today. Other half in my fridge. Might grab.
Its a ham sandwich
>e celeb faggotry
where did we go wrong
I'm not listening to no song by a nigga named Lucifer Luscious Violenoue
Omg is that a Japanese song desu ka
I write original futa on male stories and post them on certain websites
My depression is back without the physical symptoms. Hope it's not terminal this time
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I have a 15 word shitpost due by next friday and I'm freaking out bros
this nigga unhoused
i am not, it's just that (black) delivery drivers like to leave packages outside on the sidewalk so i have to get them delivered at a locker
Ok listen to her song when she had a different name then lil nigga.

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what went wrong
one fag was doing it for (you)s then some others copied it
based based based you don't even know how lucky you are that you now have an immersion blender b
Are there any Venezuelans in the chat
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no but they come to my store a lot
You guys should watch my reaction to the minecraft movie it's incredibly epic and it's getting me a good amunt of subscribers
chose the most uncharismatic person possible
>deleted post
Is spinters name Chantal?
Sounds like an n word name
>anon realized he doxxed his neighbourhood then deletes it
sorry I already saved it to my spreadsheet
please shut the fuck up already
I wish there was a way to register federally and pay a "federal state tax" instead of having to register as a resident in a state cuz 2bh I don't really live anywhere and I don't own real estate anywhere
Ok who will repost the deleted post because I missed it and now I’m intrigued
Based and real
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How do you respond without sounding mad?
what do DCfags and the territoriesfags do?
I uncle registered as a sex offender
aldi or pete's for buying avocado oil
Thinking about fishing
why do rightoids fantasize about cuckoldry so much?
Thinking about those beans
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T minus one hour and eleven minutes
leftoids mention it every 6 seconds, it's just an American meme thing that has unfortunately spread through the Anglosphere.
based fellow mountain time Chad
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Venezuelans... I summon you...
they unironically get taxed without representation kek
ok I'll try that one
Anyone here wanna give me $2000? I’d even be willing to take $1000 or as low as $500.
Pacific, actually. I get off at 4
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your top 5 states?
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/cum/ is supposed to be judenfrei what the heck
arizona, don't care about the rest
I have a stickerless chinese rubiks cube i can give you but you'd have to pay me $1000 for shipping
new york
Altitude speaking it's go to be Maine NY Minnesota Michigan and what idaho or some shit
is there a single city outside NYC that is woolkable
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'jak him
Virginia, Colorado, Idaho, North Carolina and Vermont
There's thousands
only chicago
Mailed my registration renewal in two months ago and they’ve finally accepted it
What the fuck is wrong with the DMV bros
Boston, San Fran, DC or Chicago but you need to be in certain areas obviously
I said altitude speaking
LA has gotten surprisingly walkable
They fucked up my zip code but I'm too lazy to fix it
>What the fuck is wrong with the DMV bros
>85.7% of all motor vehicle clerks are women, while 14.3% are men.
>10% of all motor vehicle clerks are LGBT
>Hispanic or Latino (21.2%), Black or African American (9.7%) and Unknown (4.2%)
Not looking good for weathering the competency crisis
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>Starting to hate IT
>Disabled so kind of forced to WFH
>IT is the only field left that embraces WFH
>wash hair (water)
>it becomes dry
defies all logic
some dumbfuck cop tried to shit on me during covid and I wanted to rip his fucking head off. the annoying ones will literally just pull reasons to fuck you over for no fucking reason out of their ass
if I knew where he lived I'd egg his house rn no cap
package acquired, no black peepol here (thank god)
wow i never even thought about getting jumped at that kind of place
guess im too priviliged
this looks soulless
dog is walked
>Idaho, North Carolina
why those two
>Start growing out facial hair
>GF says it doesn't fit me
>Shave it
>She says "aww ):"
make up your mind wtf
america is an ugly country
oh okay
the finger torture is a pretty bad one
imagine being this ugly
gaddafi was a doer
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I wear turtle neck sweaters, slim jeans, and chelsea boots
Mission complete. I repeat, mission complete.
other Dakota
Was walking down the street and I saw a half full venti of iced latte sitting on top of trash bin.
I am not even remotely poor, but someone throwing away an almost full giant cup of cafe made coffee was so sad to me that it made me think about taking it for a millisecond.
no one bumped my thread
Wherever you are is an ugly country
pretty suave anon
And you live in chicago and you insert penises inside of your mouth I bet.
yeah but i really hate you a lot so it's justified in my opinion
you're lame as fuck
California is a Hispanic warzone
>wheres my mooni, esse?
im sorry you feel that way i don’t think im that bad but i can’t change your mind so it is what it is
Bros rocking a bowl cut lmao
I can't take this anymore
I want out
he's actually pretty handsome
suffering in the ie
That happens regardless of temperature
Sounds like a Mexican city name.
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Clovis is actually comfy af
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The Cucamonga were the Indian tribe that lived here before they got SPAIN'D back in a day
this photo smells awful
it's not like you're in san bernardino, that's just hell
avocado oil acquired
also what the FUCK is up with $15 for a bottle of macadamia nut oil
he's got friends so he's got more than me
You ain't never lied
I lived there like ten years ago. Easily the worst place I've ever been. And I lived near MacArthur Park in downtown L.A. before
Gas City, Indiana
I've noticed the price of olive oil has gone absolutely insane. Like the smallest little bottle is ten bucks
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Would you say this man is ugly
not my type
And the settlers decided to name the city after them?
Half the shit in the US is named after Indian tribes or Indian words for shit. Especially in the east
I was going to fuck with you for the reason being is you're from the US but man, that's some dark shit. I'm right there with you in all honesty
NFL starts tonight lads. Are you going to support America's team, Taylor's team, the reigning champions of the world, Kansas City Chiefs?
Have not cared about the NFL since they Redskins were renamed
GPA is 3.77
i don’t really care about sports sorry
I go up and down pretty strongly.
I don't like to think about where mine ended up because it makes me want to drink
I would follow Tay Tay barefoot into hell. I'm for whatever team she's for even though nun me ne frega u' cazz' about fucking football
just matched with some goth bitch who listens to suicideboys
what do i say
That what SHE said!
Some european and northern american beaches are depressing af
Yeah? Well. You got some ..funny looking trees down there
she's very hot and verified
ask her if she like kuromi or my melody
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seething with jealousy I am
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Ugly nigger I am
he eepy and neepy of sleepy
i wanna move to miami and have a whole squad of baddies
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4chan needs a blue soc for normal people
4chan needs less normalfags and redditors.
Go to fucking Facebook or Twitter you retard
miami is a shithole

t. miamincel
Good business idea
i want a beauty board personally
skin hair nails etc
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cum con sex
for losers like you
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Bitch I know you have a job in an office, that automation puts you in normie-tier
Chose tea instead of alcohol at least for the next few hours
Gotta tutor soon
that board is just insecure men telling each other that it’s over for them if they’ve 5 foot 7
Yeah nigga I gotta make money to eat food and buy gille loves VHS albums from Japan. What am I supposed to do dumbass nigga?
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i'm a normie but i only identify with very specific subcultures
Oh fuck all the way off
Nigga uses autocorrect instead of spelling on his own and calls ME a normalfag oh hell naw lil jit. Not another peep from you ya hurr
Based. I need to start doing that. 9 have directions to leave it at the door but 20 percent of the time they call me anyway. If I wanted you to call me I wouldn't have added directions dipshit.
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>meanwhile, in Jose's room..
guys i went to /fa/ to look and look who i found in the wild

I wish I had a girlfriend so bad :(
Why do foreigners do shit like this
dumbass cant even link correctly
i dont know how to link to other boards but here look
Will you fucks stop posting that faggot already
I said no more peeps from you kiddo
I get occasional ringing in my right ear. Like for 10-20 seconds, every other day.

Should I be worried
you should go out more. live a little
looks like dasha
can someone else make the new im about to leave in a second
Yeah I got you twin
thanks but they usually don't like it when a foreign flag makes the new so im just warning you
and wait until 310 also
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Nah cuzzo you don't tell me what to do I act how I want to
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normies are seething cuz charli xcx is friends with her
Got starbucks with a female co-worker and it made me fart. I did a slick duck and poot
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i have this meme on my profile
no bio
along with 5 selfies
honestly idk how i got matched with a girl that hot
i look really tall in one of the photos could be that
I was talking about dasha taran, not sailor moon dasha
linkin park fell off
>suicide boys

She's not goth then dumbass
Walz was the tell. That buffoon was expendable and they get rid of her in the process. Clear the decks for 2028.
that is as goth as it gets here
>dire quality /cum/
>banned from spee
what am i supposed to do for the next 6 hours
No it doesn't because it's not goth.
make friends (with baddies)
You can very easily talk about sports in here. We can talk about baseball. My Royals and shit.
women don't like talking to me or being around me
Christ has died
Christ is risen
Christ will come again
don't care what it's called
she's a borderline looking bitch who will ruin my life
and that is a good thing
None of these women are baddies
back right has had a nose job 100%
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>feel sick
>resting heart rate 100 bpm
can i be one of your baddies uwu

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